Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


The effects of Ahri’s potion had worn off, and Caitlyn's stomach was doing backflips. Throwing up wasn’t an option; there was only so much humiliation a girl could handle. She lay on the couch, head on the armrest, a wet handtowel on her forehead. Janna loomed over her, even while sat on the floor - she’d dressed again with the snap of her fingers.


  “I did warn you, you know.”


  “Worth… it.”


Janna chuckled, shaking her head. “Mortals.”


  “How long will this last for?”


  “It should be over before you need to face Evelynn.”


  “Should be.”


  “Yes, should be. You’re small - even for a mortal - so it hit you particularly hard, but it will also go away quicker.”


  “So it’s like alcohol?”


  “If that comparison helps you understand, then yes, it’s like alcohol.”


  “And this is a hangover. Great.”


  “Yes and no. It won’t last nearly as long as a hangover, but eating and drinking will help. Especially greasy… foods… gods, it really is like a hangover isn’t it?”


Caitlyn giggled. It was strange to hear a god curse themselves.


  “Did we really fuck for an hour?” Caitlyn asked. “It felt like no time at all.”


  “It often does with you lot, but yes. We fucked for what you would consider an hour.”


What I consider to be an hour? Caitlyn would have pressed Janna on that, but her stomach flipped, and suddenly the question didn’t seem so important anymore. 


Janna patted her head. “Poor, sweet thing. You stay right here while I whip up some-”


Three knocks wrapped against the door.

  “Blasted fox.” Janna got to her feet. “Take it easy and make the most out of every minute. Your bodies tend to thank you for that.”


  “Thank you, Janna.”


Janna smirked. “What? No ‘Goddess’ this time?” Three knocks wrapped against the door. “Gods, yes I heard you the first time!” 


Janna snapped on her heel and marched out of sight. 


A moment later, Ahri sauntered in to replace her, tails swishing, hips swaying. She plucked the empty flask from the couch. “You drank all of it?”


  “I wasn’t meant to?”


  “You’re meant to sip it.”


  “Oh. Would have been nice if Janna mentioned that.”


  “She’s an immortal, with a body incapable of flaws. She could drink a thousand of these and come away without so much as a throbbing temple. Forgive her if she can’t remember all the ways our bodies fail us.”


  “Did she forget anything else? Am I going to get worse, like really sick?”


  “You’ll be fine, dear.”


  “Define fine.”


  “The nausea will go away before you face Evelynn, Janna was right about that.”




  “But you will feel sluggish for a few hours.”


  “Could be worse.”


  “And thinking might be a bit hard.”


  “Nothing new there.”


Ahri giggled. “So I’ve been told. It’s impressive really. Most of the girls here simply power through everything. But you, when you reach your breaking point, you kind of devolve into this half-conscious state.”

  “Most people don’t do that?”


  “Most people pass out after three or so rounds.”




  “Huh, indeed dear. I’ve only ever known a few other mortal people to do that.”


  “Who? We should meet up. Sounds like a fun time.”


  “Maybe one day dear, when you’re ready. Those men are quite intense… and smelly- no, you have quite a ways to go yet before meeting the likes of Darius. Even I struggle to stay conscious after an evening with him.” Ahri clapped her hands. “Now, first of all, congratulations. You’ve conquered the girls of Zaun. Next, you will serve the pleasure of the girls who don’t belong to any region, girls of Runeterra if you will. There are four, and they are oh so eager to meet you.”


  “I bet. How long of a break do I get?”


  “I was getting to that. Fifteen minutes, and that’s not the only reward you get. You’ve gained access to my basement, dear.”


Caitlyn sat up, holding the hand towel in place. “What’s in the basement? Is it like a sex dungeon?”


  “I already have a sex mansion. A dungeon would just be redundant, no there isn’t much in the basement itself. Only a portal. It can take you anywhere you’ve been before, or anywhere anybody else present has been before.” 


Caitlyn dropped the hand towel. “Anywhere?”


  “Anywhere. And yes, I know what you’re thinking. Please try not to get caught when fucking in public. I’d hate to have to bail you out of prison or bribe an executioner.”


  “Sex… in public.”


  “Yes. Sex in public. Like we did. Remember?”


  “Th- That wasn’t-”


  “It was.”


  “But we were-”


  “In a public changing room?”

I’m a criminal… I broke the law.


Ahri patted her head as if she were a cat. Bold, coming from someone with fox ears and nine tails. “Rest up, dear. But not too much. Try and find some time to clean up. You look like you applied your make-up with a gun.”


Ahri left her. She just smiled and walked away as if she hadn’t shattered Caitlyn’s whole world. The law was clear. Sex in any public space, no matter how hidden, is a misdemeanour that can land you up to one year in prison. On my first day. I broke the law on my first fucking day.


Caitlyn felt numb, inside and out. Not the good numb, either, the numb she was accustomed to. It was a hollow feeling - again not the good kind - that made everything seem fake. Like a dream, but obviously, indisputably real.


At least it wasn’t a big crime… right? It wasn’t robbery. She wasn’t a common thug. It wasn’t chem-tech peddling. She wasn’t Renata. It wasn’t terrorism. She wasn’t Jinx. Vi had committed crimes, when she was younger, when she didn’t know better. You should though.


Caitlyn held her head in her hands. If she didn’t, she’d lose it. She would.


She wasn’t a bad person. Not even this version of herself, the whore; she just liked sex more than others. Maybe… that was who committed the crime. Yes, that was it, she’d been a whore then, not an officer of the law. Officer Caitlyn didn’t break the law. They’re both you, stupid.


Caitlyn headed outside. Fresh air. She needed fresh air.


Sun-warmed concrete met the soles of her feet. Crisp wind washed over her bruised and welted skin, tempering the heat of her wounds. The garden’s smells swirled around her; the must of fallen leaves, the sweet smells of flowers, pollen, and grass. She breathed them in, filling her lungs, clearing her… why wasn’t it clearing her mind?


She sought out a deck chair by the pool. Not the one where she’d been fucked; it was crusted with cum, and she needed something clean. She lounged back in another one, letting it do all the work in supporting her weight.


Why is it illegal to do what I did? The thought snuck up on her. It should have been a repulsive thought, no it was. But… she was out of ideas. She couldn’t be a bad person. Tentatively, she allowed the train of thought to continue.


It was illegal to fuck in public because people who might see you, or use the space after you, have not consented to what you’ve done. That’s why she’d thoroughly cleaned the inspection room after she’d come back to her senses. It was like it never happened. Yet, that did nothing for Caitlyn’s conscious. But, why? No harm was done. I shouldn’t feel this way.


  “Fucking hell, you look disgusting.”


Caitlyn sat up with a start. A naked woman with light blue skin was looming over her. A sizeable cock hung between her plump thighs, like the pendulum of a grandfather clock; and of course, she had a perfect body, lean, curvy, big breasts, tiny waist, heart-shaped face. Caitlyn might have thought she was a god if she hadn’t experienced almost two dozen perfect mortal bodies recently.


What am I doing? I’m meant to be feeling guilty, not ogling her. And what happened to my fifteen minutes?


You had sixteen, actually. I had trouble finding you. There’ll be a penance for that.


Caitlyn’s jaw dropped. The woman who must have been Evelynn grinned.


  “D- Did you-”




  “But H-”


  “Magic. Now, get up and clean yourself off. Now!


Caitlyn was on her feet before she even had time to protest. And then the world flipped on its side. Water slapped her back, then consumed her. Cold as ice, it wrapped around her, filled her nose, got into her eyes, and soothed her aches. Her feet found solid ground, and she stood, bursting through the surface. She gasped for air. Evelynn was scowling.


  “Hurry up! I’ve waited two days for this!”


  “You pushed me.”


  “And I’ll do a lot worse if you don’t hurry up!


Caitlyn scrambled to wash her face. The orders consumed her mind. No questions. No thoughts. Just directions to follow. Never mind how cold the water was, or how it stung her eyes and burned her nose.


  “Clean your ass and pussy too. I want you fresh.”


Cum fogged the water, spreading out around her as a white fog. The more she rubbed her holes, the further it spread. Evelynn ordered her out of the pool. When Caitlyn set foot on the concrete, Evelynn shoved a flask into her hands. A green liquid glowed faintly.


  “Drink,” Evelynn said.


  “What is it?”


  “It’ll heal you. Drink!


Caitlyn drank, only a sip this time. A chill shot down her spine. Her skin crawled. Every welt and bruise shrank until they were nothing.


  “You enjoy pain, yes?” Evelynn asked in the same way as a rude child being forced to apologise would.


  “Yes. Why did you-”


  “Then you consent to me torturing you?”


Torture? Caitlyn’s heart fluttered. “Yes.”


A sly smile crept across Evelynn’s face. “You will call me, Mommy.”


  “Yes, Mommy.”


  “There are more rules, but they can wait until we arrive. Follow me. On hands and knees, of course.”


  “Of course, Mommy.” 


Caitlyn crawled after Evelynn as she led the way into the house. Her ass swayed a hypnotic rhythm. Her cock swung a perfect counter rhythm. Like a carrot on a stick to a pig, they led her over sunbaked concrete, springy carpet, and down a set of polished stairs. This was what she needed, to be a mindless slave. Free of thoughts. Free of shame.


Shame? Did she have something to be ashamed about? No, not that she could recall.


Evelynn’s cock looked so wonderful. Thick enough to bulge her throat. Long enough to mangle her guts. A bubbling sensation tingled beneath her skin, making her feel lighter than air. By the time they arrived in the basement, Caitlyn could hardly contain herself. She needed to get her hands on that cock.


The basement was a modestly sized room of smooth granite. The stone was hard against her knees, and warmer than the sunbaked concrete. A ring of pipes sat in the centre of the room, with evenly spaced holes the size of pennies all around the circumference; they faced the ceiling. A glowing orb lit the room. The size of a person’s head, the orb wandered aimlessly.


Evelynn stepped inside the ring, and the holes bled blue light. Caitlyn hesitated.


  “Hurry up, you dumb bitch!” Evelynn snapped.


Caitlyn scrambled to crawl inside the ring, grinning at the insult. It was true, she was a dumb bitch. A dumb bitch who deserved to be tortured, and then fucked like a sex slave. Sex slaves couldn’t be ashamed. They could just be.


Evelynn snatched the orb out of the air and pressed it against her forehead. It pulsed blue.


  “At once, Mistress Evelynn,” the orb said in a monotone voice. It sounded like a man with a barrel chest.


Liquid light flowed from the holes around the pipe. It formed a bubble around them. Then the world popped. Everything outside the bubble vanished, replaced by streaking colours, like paints mixed in a bucket. Only the floor remained. It trembled beneath Caitlyn’s hands and knees, rattling her to the bones.


The streaks settled. The form of an old-timey living room melted into form. It was the sort her grandmother had. However, her grandmother would have never let it get so dirty. Dust caked the windows. Mould infested the corners of the roof. The air smelt of must, and was thick on her tongue. Her grandmother would have also never displayed an arsenal of sex toys on the walls.


Whips, canes, paddles, ball gags, ropes, studded belts, and anything else one could imagine and then some hung from pegs on the peeling walls.


  “You will do as you’re told,” Evelynn said. “You will thank me for every ounce of agony. You will cum when I say. Not before. Not after. Exactly when I say. There is no safe word. I’ll only stop when I feel like it, or if you pass out. Am I clear?”


  “Yes, Mommy. Very clear.”


Evelynn cocked her head. “You agree to these terms?”


  “Of course, Mommy. They sound wonderful.”


  “You’re a special kind of stupid, aren’t you?”


  “I am, Mommy.”


That made Evelynn scowl, which made Caitlyn giddy. The way it darkened her pretty, voluptuous face contrasted perfectly against her pink eyes and hair. “Onto the horse, now!” Evelynn pointed to a wooden structure in the middle of the room.


It was a wooden triangular prism on four legs. On the legs were cuffs for wrists and ankles. Caitlyn wanted to sprint over to it but crawled like a good slave. She didn’t have the right to walk like a person. It pained her to get onto her feet when she arrived beside the horse, so she made a quick show of straddling it.


Gravity dug the peak of the horse deep into her pussy. Sharp pressure made her pussy feel like it would split in two. Caitlyn bit her lip, suppressing a moan. Evelynn sauntered over and slapped her. That did it. The crisp sting released the moan from its confines, only to be stifled as Evelynn crushed her windpipe in an iron grip.


  “Did I say you could moan?” Evelynn squeezed tighter. 


Caitlyn’s body panicked at the loss of air, but her mind kept her calm, excited even. She kept the smile from her face and shook her head.


  “And where was my thank you? This horse is mine, you know.”


Caitlyn’s head felt heavy, the way it did after a late night of studying. “Thank you, Mommy,” she wheezed.


Evelynn let go, and Caitlyn gasped, earning her another slap. “Thank you, Mommy!” Her cheek burned. Her pussy screamed for mercy.


Evelynn grunted and left her there, browsing her arsenal of wonders. Two shadowy ribbons sprouted between her shoulder blades. Their ends were like arrowheads, glowing hot pink. She traced her toys with the tips, lingering on the especially nasty ones.


Caitlyn’s body demanded she squirm. The peak of the horse ate deep into her pussy, and any small adjustment would bring brief, bliss relief. The body was so short-sighted. It could never understand what awaited around the corner, where pain and pleasure meet, the point of true euphoria.


Eventually, Evelynn settled on a thin, black stick. Taking slow, deliberate steps, she flexed the stick. It bent over double. The tip touched the hilt. Evelynn let go and it snapped back into place with a swish. It was a baby compared to Renata’s whip, but fucking hell would it hurt. Caitlyn grinned.


  “Grin while you still can, whore.” Evelynn drew a vertical line on Caitlyn’s chest with the tip of her tail. It burned red hot, and Caitlyn screamed. However, it left no burn, only a faint pink line. Evelynn retraced the line with the black stick. “I’m going to break you, piece by piece.”


  “Yes, Mommy. You’ll try.”


  “Try?” Evelynn backhanded her, striking her cheekbone. “Explain yourself.”


  “Thank you, Mommy. I doubt your stick will be enough to break me. I took Renata’s whip easy enough.”


Evelynn huffed. “Renata is like a lamb who thinks that just because she can walk, she has mastered her legs. I could run circles around that stupid bitch. I’ve been torturing little whores like you before the invention of words and the discovery of culture. Now–” Evelynn held the stick against Caitlyn’s bruised cheekbone. “–beg for my cock.”


Caitlyn’s grin pulled her cheeks taught. “Please give me your cock, Mommy.”


  “Pathetic.” Evelynn cracked the stick against her cheek.


A line of pain ate into her flesh like a blade’s edge. It drew no blood from Caitlyn, only a sudden, shrill yelp. She clenched her jaw and fists as she rode the fading, wave of pain. “P- … Please let me suck your cock, Mommy.”


  “So uninspired.” Evenlynn stuck the same spot, down to the millimetre.


Caitlyn made a beasty loud. It was a half grunt, half cry that petered off into a whimper. Tears brimmed. “I want it, Mommy! Please let me have your giant, juicy cock!”


  “Are you even trying?” Evelynn raised the stick.


Caitlyn’s body turned her cheek from the blow. No blow came. She looked back up, and the stick struck. That time, Caitlyn wailed. And laughed. Pain met pleasure for a crescendo. Warmth spread across the left side of her face, then down her neck. She was bleeding. A thin trickle wandered down her neck to her collarbone.


  “You’re being awful on purpose, aren’t you?” Evelynn raised an eyebrow and left a pause for a response.


  “No, Mommy! I’m-”


Evelynn cracked the stick flat against her nipple.


Caitlyn buckled like she’d been punched in the gut, but didn’t allow herself to fall. It hurt worse than anything, like a thousand teeth skinning her alive. Tears flowed freely, and Caitlyn sobbed happy sobs. “It’s the best cock in the world, Mommy! Let my filthy hands touch it, so that I may experience true greatness for the first time in my miserable, worthless life!”


Evelynn cracked a smile. “That’s got to be one of the most ridiculous things I’ve ever heard, and I’m older than language.”


Caitlyn felt no shame. Whores don’t feel shame. “Does that mean I can touch it, Mommy?”


  “No.” Evelynn struck the other nipple.


As Caitlyn screamed, Evelynn struck it again, then her bloody cheek, then her hip, her stomach, her thigh, forearm, knuckles, both soles, and her bloody cheek once more. Caitlyn came out of it in a haze. She burned from head to toe, simmering in bliss.


Evelynn struck pussy, nailing the clit. “Did I say stop?”


  “P- Plee… lemme… I wan, your cock, Mommy.”


Evelynn pressed her tail flat against Caitlyn’s cheek. Caitlyn screamed her throat raw. She felt the heat in her bones, all of her bones, from head to toe. Her body thrashed in a desperate attempt to escape. Thankfully, Evelynn caught her head and pressed her cheek further against the tail.


Only when Caitlyn was a blubbering mess did Evelynn relent. “You may suck my cock.”


Caitlyn made a clumsy grab for the cock, and Evelynn stepped out of her reach. Her body had been through too much. She collapsed in a heap beside the horse and didn’t even feel the floor smack the side of her head. As if in a dream, Caitlyn crawled towards Evelynn. 


Her cock stood erect, hard as a rock. It hadn’t grown longer, but it had grown thicker. Fat veins throbbed along the shaft. A light blue tip peeked out through the foreskin like a blue eye. Drops of precum dribbled from it.


Giggling, Evelynn backed up. “What’s wrong? You were so insistent before.”


Caitlyn grunted. She got within a meter of Evelynn when Evelynn strolled away towards a doorway. Her tails swished with the sway of her hips. Caitlyn made a desperate dash after her, tangling her arms and falling in a heap. That was no excuse to falter. In a heartbeat, she got back on her hands and knees, and hurried after that perfect cock.


Evelynn led her down a corridor of mouldy carpet, up some wobbly stairs, and into a bedroom caked in dust. Coughing and wheezing, Caitlyn followed Evelynn to a wall of dust-coated glass. Evelynn grabbed a handle, and slid it open. Gorgeous, golden sunlight spilled into the room. The browns and greys of the decrepit room almost seemed vibrant in its radiance.


Evelynn sauntered out onto a balcony and leaned backwards on the railing, eyeing Caitlyn like a cat about to pounce. 


A balcony… A balcony that overlooked a muddy road. A muddy road that led to a town. A town close enough that Caitlyn could read the shop signs through the gaps in the balcony railing. People wandered along the road, on foot, on horses, on wagons. None paid the naked goddess on the balcony above them any mind.


Caitlyn found herself frozen in the doorway. It was right there. A perfect cock made for stroking and sucking, just a few meters away with nowhere else to run. And she couldn’t have it. 


You can, whores feel no shame, Evelynn said in her mind.


That’s right, they don’t. They don’t.


Caitlyn tried to move, but her body refused.


What’s wrong? Evelynn said. Who cares if some dimwitted farmers see? They’ll thank you for it. Probably the most exciting thing they’ll see in their miserable little lives. Would you like that, whore? Would you like a whole town of farmers to thank you by taking turns with you?


A whole town all for her. A dream come true. Caitlyn shook her head. No, that was insane. But even still, she could go out there. None of them saw Evelynn. There was probably some spell making them invisible. Yes, a spell, that’s right.


Caitlyn crawled across the balcony and knelt at Evelynn’s feet, sunlight radiating her bare back. The cock hung level with her mouth as if inviting her to suck on it. It took a considered effort to not the cock down her throat. Caitlyn massaged the uncut tip with gummed lips, stroked the shaft, and squeezed the balls.


Evelynn watched her with a blank expression. Her twin tails hovered inches from Caitlyn. They wandered up and down her body, inspecting her.


Caitlyn slid Evelynn’s cock down her throat. No reaction. She bobbed her head back and forth, fucking Evelynn with her throat. No reaction. She made herself gag so that her throat squeezed Evelynn’s cock. No reaction.


  “I could kill you, you know,” Evelynn said.


Caitlyn nodded. Most of the girls she’d fucked so far could probably kill her. The twin tails hovered in Caitlyn’s peripherals, inching closer. Caitlyn continued sucking on her cock.


One of the tails became a streak. It appeared between Caitlyn’s breasts, so close that the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. “It’d be so easy. Like squashing an ant.”


The tail was right above her heart, separated by mere flesh and bone. She may as well have been made out of paper. Caitlyn gagged, spluttering.


Evelynn cupped Caitlyn’s cheek, and the smile of a proud mother graced her face. “I want to. Oh, how I want to. One day maybe, if we meet where the fox can’t interfere.”


She fucking means it. This isn’t play. Gods, she actually would kill me. Caitlyn’s heart thrummed as her body screamed for her to run. It begged and cried, but her mind held firm. Fear channelled into raw, unadulterated excitement. Caitlyn sucked Evelynn’s cock like she’d never sucked before.


Evelynn laughed. Her tails fell to her side. She pressed her palm against her forehead. Tears brimmed in the corners of her eyes. “Y- You’re insane! You’re an insane, stupid, slutty, bitch! Fuck me, you’d probably let me kill you, wouldn’t you?”


Caitlyn pulled back, chin slick with spit, a grin on her lips. “No, but I’d let you get close. Mommy.”


  “Oh? And what led you to believe you hold any power over me?”


  “The fact that you waited all this time to fuck me, Mommy. You can’t fuck me if I’m dead, can you?”


  “I can. It’s quite easy, actually.”


The confidence drained from Caitlyn. A pit formed in her stomach. This wasn’t a goddess. It was… It was… Gods, she should have listened to her body. She needed to–




The shout stole Caitlyn’s fear, as if she’d been slapped. It hadn’t come from Evelynn — her lips hadn’t moved, and the shout hadn’t been in her head. It had come from… where had it come from?


Caitlyn looked around. They were alone on the balcony.




No… It couldn’t have come from there. They were hidden by some kind of magic. Demonic magic maybe, or–




Evelynn rolled her eyes. “Yes, they can see you. We’re on a balcony if you haven’t noticed.”


Caitlyn trembled as she peeked over the edge. Eyes. Dozens and dozens and dozens of pairs of eyes stared up at her. A few farming folks had gathered around the mansion’s gated fence, waving ploughs and shovels. Most kept walking, staring at the muddy road, pretending not to see her.


Caitlyn shrank back and clutched her hands to her chest. “W- We can’t be out here.”


  “We are.”


  “We shouldn’t!


  “Why? It’s nothing they haven’t seen before. You should see their minds. Most of the ones shouting are simply jealous that it’s me up here instead of them.”


  “Th- That’s not true. You’re lying.”


  “Me? Lie?”


  “You’re a demon!”


  “And you’re a whore! So act the part, come here, and suck my cock in front of all these people.”


The door was only a few meters away. A few seconds, that’s all it would take. A few seconds and she’d be out of sight. She could escape like she should have before. When Ahri tried to fuck her, she should have–


Evelynn’s cock glistened in the sunlight, slick with spit. Thick as a bread roll. Long as a bottle. It would tear her in half. It would rearrange her insides. It was made for her. She crawled back into position. And why shouldn’t she? She was a whore. Whores don’t feel shame.


As she slid Evelynn’s cock down her throat, jeers washed over her. They rolled off her back, like water. No one forced them to watch. They could walk away, eyes downcast, like the others. If they insist on watching anyway, may as well give them a show


  “You’re quite the performer,” Evelynn said.


Caitlyn grunted, gagging.


  “Almost perfect, I dare say. Almost. Now, forgive me if I’m misinterpreting you’re oh so complex culture. But aren’t performers meant to face their audience?”


Caitlyn heard the implication. Evelynn probably expected her to freeze up and beg for mercy again. She was wrong. Caitlyn slid Evelynn’s cock free and crawled over to the railing facing the jeering crowd, and stood. 


Their uproar raged upon seeing her. A tidal wave of boos, curses, and mindless shouts crashed into her. Caitlyn didn’t flinch. Why should she? No one in the crowd had a face. Their voices all sounded the same. They wore the same clothes. Neither male nor female. A formless mass of discontent.


Evelynn slunk up behind her. Her belly and breasts pressed against her back. She took a handful of Caitlyn’s breast, slid her fingers inside her pussy, and bit her neck. Teeth broke through skin, but Caitlyn hardly felt it.


  “Thank you for the pain, Mommy.”


  “Give them a smile, slut,” Evelynn said.


  “Yes, Mommy.”


Caitlyn obeyed. Obedience didn’t require thoughts. Whores shouldn’t have those. Someone hurled an apple, but it sailed clear over her head.


Evelynn giggled. “You know, I was gonna fuck you here. Maybe torture you a little too. But they love you. Wouldn’t it be a shame if they couldn’t get a closer look at you?”


  “It would, Mommy.”


  “You have permission to walk.” Evelynn released her. “Follow.”


  “Yes, Mommy. Thank you.”


Caitlyn followed Evelynn downstairs, waited as she collected a studded paddle from her arsenal, and proceeded to walk outside after her. A dozen formless beings crowded around the mansion’s fence gate, screaming obscenities at her. Evelynn took a deep breath and sighed happily, a spring in her step. The crowd’s rage grew and grew the closer Evelynn and Caitlyn got, but when the gates opened, they fell silent.


The crowd parted for Evelynn. Some backed off. Some stood their ground. That wasn’t right, the crowd was a formless mass. They should act as one. Caitlyn must have been mistaken, after all, whores knew nothing.


They see me as a man, Evelynn said. How funny is that?


Evelynn led Caitlyn down the muddy path. The mud squelched between her toes, sticky, slimy, and cold. It contrasted the warm grace of the sun, and matched perfectly the hostile regard of the formless crowd. Caitlyn walked with her held high, arms at her side.


By the time they reached the town square, the crowd had doubled thrice over. They’d picked up more faceless forms. Like flies to a honey trap, they swarmed her. The larger the crowd got, the more bold it grew. By the time they reached the town square, Caitlyn was covered head to toe in rotten fruit and vegetables, mud, and all sorts of filth.


In the centre of the town square was a well. It was caved with ornate depictions of winged women battling a horde of demons, monsters, and malformed gods. Beautiful, like something out of a song. Evelynn bent her over the edge and shoved her cock up her ass.


In full view of the formless crowd, Evelynn pounded Caitlyn’s ass like she was trying to split her in two. If she had been a few inches bigger, she might have succeeded. Evelynn’s cock mangled her guts, bulging her belly, gaping her ass. It hurt like hell. It was heaven.


In all her genius and majesty, Evelynn improved upon heaven. At random, she flogged the sides of Caitlyn’s ass with the studded paddle. Which of course she thanked her for, even as she screamed and moaned.


The bottom of the well loomed beneath Caitlyn, inviting her to fall. At first, it posited non-commital suggestions. When Caitlyn’s arm began to ache from holding herself up, its suggestions became direct. Then insistent as Caitlyn's arms screamed. And when her belly joined in – baring the full brunt of the well’s lip – they became crazed.


In all fairness, it did look like a pleasant place to fall. The water glistened where spots of sunlight found it through holes in the well’s roof; a deep, rich blue like sapphires. No sapphires in the world could compare to good and proper fucking, and Evelynn gave that to her, plus more.


The well vanished, replaced by the sky. Mud slapped her back. Evelynn’s cock whipped free.


  “Look at me, hogging all the fun!” Evelynn shouted with a crazed look in her eyes. “How rude of me! Please, everyone, feel free!”


The faceless forms crowded around her, but hesitated. Odd. Why should they? This was what whores were for. Caitlyn spread her legs and opened her mouth. 


They pounced. After a few moments of jostling, a formless figure leapt on top of her and thrust a pathetic cock inside her pussy; another filled her mouth, and Caitlyn reached blindly, finding two more to stroke. 


Cocks came and went. It took a while, but Caitlyn grew accustomed to their differences and learned to identify each of them. Twenty-eight cocks used her, one of which was Evelynn herself. Some chose to make quick use of her. Some indulged before gifting her a hot, delicious load. Some fucked her for a while, left, then returned. Most showed up again in a different hole. Except one. Evelynn always returned in her ass, and when she fucked her ass, no one dared try to double penetrate her. 

Bodies covered her vision most of the time, but in the grief glimpses afforded to her, Caitlyn spotted the chaos around her. The town square had divulged into a massive orgy. Pairs and groups of formless figures fucked all around her. Their moans made sweet music. Caitlyn added her voice to them when she could.


Caitlyn came dozens of times, then dozens more, and then dozens more. By the time the number of cocks using her began to dwindle, her mind had turned to mush. That was okay. She didn’t need it anyway.


Someone blew a heaping load onto her forehead before leaving Caitlyn with only one cock to please. The biggest of them all. She couldn’t see her with her eyes glued shut, but she heard her. Moans like gold leaf, delicate enough to break at a touch.


Caitlyn opened her mouth to encourage her but choked on a mouthful of cum.


  “Perfect. Little. Slut…” Evelynn sighed and pumped Caitlyn’s ass full of cum.


Only, it was already full. Her ass overflowed. She grew bloated, like after a massive meal. Her belly bulged. The walls of her ass stretched to accommodate the load. 


Then it stopped.


  “N- No,” Caitlyn whimpered. “More.”


A crisp slap stung her face. “Shut up. G- Get up. We’re done here.”

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Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Kindred, The Eternal Hunters

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