Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Caitlyn couldn’t take her hands off Zeri.


Holding, stroking, groping, kissing - it was what she was made for. Her arms were made for holding, to wrap around a warm, soft body and hold it against her. The palms of her hands were made for stroking, for gliding across silky smooth skin, for exploring curves and valleys and dimples. Her fingers were made for groping, for moulding the liquid flesh of breasts, for testing the tenderness of thighs and ass cheeks, for squeezing, for pinching. Her mouth was made for kissing, for mixing spit, for licking teeth, for sucking on tongues. 


How had I never seen the truth before? Our bodies are designed perfectly for pleasure. If this is what it means to be a whore, fuck it, I’ll be the biggest whore I can be… in here anyway.


Giggling, Zeri pulled away from Caitlyn’s kiss. What a nuisance. Caitlyn pulled her back in and kissed her neck instead. Their breasts squished together. As they should. It’s what they were made for, after all.


Annoyingly, Zeri pulled away and swatted at her. “I need to get changed. I need to leave soon.”


Caitlyn’s lips popped as they left Zeri’s neck, leaving a red mark. “Leave naked.” She squeezed Zeri’s thigh. The muscle resisted her fingers. “No one will mind. In fact, they’ll probably thank you for saving them time.” Caitlyn pinched where she’d squeezed.


That got another wonderful, tinkling giggle from Zeri. She swatted her again. “I can’t leave without my jacket.”


  “I didn’t realise Ahri had a dress code. She has quite the inverse, actually.”


Caitlyn slid her palms along Zeri’s silky smooth thighs, seized her ass, and claimed two heaping handfuls. God, what she wouldn’t do to push her back, spread those cheeks, and eat her out. The ass was made to be eaten out, and fucked, and filled with cum. Ahri’s rules were so unfair, unnatural even. 


  “It’s too special to be trusted to anyone else,” Zeri said. Her voice snapped Caitlyn back to reality, but not her hands.


Caitlyn’s hands kneaded Zeri’s ass. “Special? It’s quite fabulous and definitely practical. But special? What’s so special about it?”


  “It just is.” Zeri’s voice shrank.


Blast, I’m an idiot. Caitlyn tore her hands away and sat up straight. “I think I may have a solution that will please both of us?”


  “Yeah?” Zeri sounded tentative.


Caitlyn reached around Zeri and tugged her jacket out from beneath her. The shirt - more of a rag now - had gotten itself tangled inside. Caitlyn fished the rag out of the sleeves and undid the knot it’d tied in itself. When she placed the jacket on Zeri’s shoulder, the grin she received set her heart to singing.


Zeri shrugged into the jacket. A shame and a pleasure. While it covered her arms and hid her hips, it accented the curve of her bust. Zeri’s breasts were giants by any stretch of the imagination but, half exposed by the open front of the jacket, they looked like something right off the cover of a swimsuit magazine.


Caitlyn grasped Zeri by the shoulders and threw all her weight against her, pinning her to the couch. The jacket parted just enough to expose half a nipple. Her insides churned. 


Zeri broke down into a fit of laughter. “We- We can’t fuck again, you know!”


  “I don’t care. We’ll make out until Ahri’s knocks.”


  “Yes, Ma’am~”


Caitlyn’s lips crashed into where they belonged, clasped around another pair. The rest of her followed suit. Her hands slipped beneath Zeri’s jacket and found her hips. Her fingers squeezed flesh and muscle. Her palms glided across curves and silky skin. Her tongue found Zeri’s.


Caitlyn took her first squeeze. Three knocks wrapped on the door. She groaned and rolled off of Zeri.


Zeri got to her feet, laughing. The jacket draped over the curve of her ass, as if to mock Caitlyn by showing a hint of what it hid, of what was being taken from her.


 “You’re acting like we’ll never see each other again. We will. In like, a day probably.”


  “A lifetime.”


Zeri rolled her eyes. “Drama queen.” She pecked Caitlyn's forehead and hurried away out of sight.


Caitlyn forced herself to sit up. She really did need to stop getting so attached. It would be a lot easier if everyone wasn’t so gorgeous.


The doors flew open with a gust of wind. They slammed against the walls. The wind howled, blasting Caitlyn with icy breath. Her hair flailed, snapping like whips, getting in her eyes and mouth. The curtains danced. Discarded clothes tumbled across the carpet.


A white bird rode the wind. It swooped through the doors swift as an arrow, looped, and landed on a light fixture. 


Caitlyn brushed her hair out of her face. “Well, I’m certainly not fucking you.”


The bird cocked its head. “Why not?”


  “For a start, all those theatrics have really killed the-” Did that bird just talk? 


Ahri stood in the open doorway, scowling. “Janna, do not slam my doors like that.”


The bird shrugged. It shrugged. “Sorry.”


  “If they are damaged, there will be consequences.”


  “Right. Can we have some privacy? I believe I am owed that, aren’t I?”


Ahri narrowed her eyes. She snapped her fingers and the doors started closing of their own accord. “Take human form, you’re terrifying the poor girl.” 


The doors closed, leaving Caitlyn alone with the bird. It chuckled and hopped off the fixture. White light consumed it, freezing it in midair. As if made of putty it morphed into a human form: long legs, slender arms, curves, a mop of hair, pointed ears. The light vanished with a puff of white sparks. The tallest woman - no, the tallest person - Caitlyn had ever seen stood before her.


Janna’s head of silver hair was separated from the roof by inches. She had shoulders broader than any bodybuilder, but they looked slim in relation to the rest of her giant body. The rest of her body was the same. Her hips, breasts, ass, and thighs would all be ridiculously large on a normal person, yet on Janna they were petite. 


A white, silk bikini did a poor job of covering her. It matched her hair, which hung past her ass. Gloves covered her arms to the elbow, white and silk. Her legs were left bare. Perfect legs sculpted from marble. Smooth, without a hint of muscle, without scars, freckles, moles, birthmarks; nothing. They were inhuman legs. Her body was inhuman. She was inhuman.


  “You’re big.” A stupid thing to say, but it was the only thing to say.


  “Is that a problem? I can be small.”


Janna flashed white and vanished. A moment later, she rounded the couch two inches tall. She placed her hands on her hips and puffed her chest.


  “N- No, it’s all right. I like you big.”


  “I’m glad.” Janna’s voice squeaked high as a mouse. “I doubt you’d be able to feel a thing this way.” Janna flashed white again and reappeared as a giant. Her head hit the ceiling. Grumbling, she flashed white and shrunk a few inches. “After all these years you’d think I’d be better at that.”


Caitlyn craned her neck to meet her eyes. Gawking. She was gawking, and she couldn’t stop. She’d seen strange things so far, but Janna… Janna was something else.


  “What are you?” Caitlyn asked.


  “What a dangerous question.” Janna grinned. “You’re skirting a line there, you realise.”


  “Dianna spoke about what she was.”


  “Should she have?”


Thinking was hard. Those breasts. You could drown in them. “Um…”


Janna giggled. “Others have called me a god. You may too, even if it isn’t entirely accurate.”


  “What is accurate?”


  “A spirit. A deity.” Janna waved her gloved hand as she talked. “Your words are your words, mortal. I am what I am.”


A thought fought its way into Caitlyn’s mind. A bad thought. It brought with it a bad decision. “What if I called you a whore?”


  “I don’t suppose my followers would be overly pleased with you. Ah, but I say too much. That might have been an incredibly stupid thing to say, you know. I am a god after all.”


  “If you are what you are, and you’re here, you have to be a whore. Unless you spend all your time getting mere mortals like me to gawk at you.”


  “Well, that is part of why I come. But yes, you’re right. I am what you would call a whore. Why shouldn’t I? You use my wind for your boats and kites and mills. It’s only fair I should use your bodies in return.”


  “And what would you use me for?” Caitlyn scooted to the edge of the couch. Janna had to look over her breasts to meet her eyes, and it made her seem as tall as a mountain. Caitlyn’s hands found their way to her pussy.


  “What wouldn’t I do? Your bodies have such fascinating uses. Take your throats for instance. They fit so perfectly around a cock. Oh, and the sounds they make! Whatever designed you must have a terrific, twisted imagination.”


  “I think you’ll find my throat rather accommodating… Goddess.”


  “Careful now. Continue like that and I might just end up fucking you.”


  “The horror.” Caitlyn ran her fingers along the front of Janna’s panties, discovering a bulge. A giant bulge. Not a cock of normal size respective to the owner. A cock that was giant even for a giant.


Janna brushed her fingertips across Caitlyn’s head. “I can shrink it, if it’s too much.”


Caitlyn slipped the panties over Janna’s hips. They fell to her ankles. The cock sprung free, swept over Caitlyn’s head, and rested on top. Warmth radiated through her hair, pulsing through her scalp as the cock throbbed.


  “I can take it,” she said.


  “I’ll have to fuck your ass, you realise. And even then I may not fit it all without damaging you.”


  “I’ll take all of you, Goddess. Every inch.”


Janna tittered. “Mortals. You’re all the same, aren’t you? All hubris and pride. What will happen to all that pride when I have you squirting on my cock? And yes, we all know about that by now.”


Caitlyn blushed and every clever quip seeped away. So instead, she grasped Janna’s cock. Or tried to. Her hands couldn’t grasp all of it. Caitlyn grinned. Normal-sized cocks were fine and all, but it’d been too long since she’d had a proper monster. 


She stroked Janna with both hands from tip to base. The foreskin slid back and a fat, pink tip hung over Caitlyn’s head. She had to sit on the couch for her mouth to reach. As was proper, Caitlyn gummed her teeth. It made no difference, Janna’s tip pressed against Caitlyn’s teeth, stretching her lips to the limits. She winced and gave Janna an apologetic look, mouth full of cock.


Janna shrugged. “I’m used to it. You can make up for it by not neglecting my balls.”


Caitlyn nodded and slipped a hand off Janna’s cock. Normally, both balls would fill her palm; one of Janna’s filled her palm. She gave it a gentle squeeze - you had to be careful with balls - and Janna sighed.


  “That’s it~” Janna’s hand cupped the entirety of Caitlyn’s head. She guided Caitlyn’s mouth to meet her crotch.


Caitlyn stole a sharp breath through her nose before Janna’s cock clogged her throat. Its violent throbbing travelled past her tonsils, down her gullet and into her chest. Spit bubbled in the taught corners of her mouth and leaked from her nose. Tears brimmed; the good kind. Caitlyn suddenly became aware of the fact she was wearing mascara. God, I probably look like a bloody mess.


Janna didn’t seem to mind. “Fuck yes… Not even a splutter? Such a well-trained girl.”


Caitlyn smiled with her teary eyes, then pressed her lips against Janna’s groin. That earned her a gasp. Janna squeezed her head. Caitlyn set both her hands to massage Janna’s balls. They were warm, like towels left out in the sun. 


Janna moaned and pulled on Caitlyn’s hair, gathering it all in a giant fistful. The dull pain contrasted against the burning of desperate lungs. Caitlyn rode a fine line, indulging in the torture right up until her vision began to blur. She pulled back, calm and orderly. The tip passed her tonsils. A sharp breath through the nose showed her lungs mercy, but with the air came spit.


Saliva had built up in the little gaps afforded to her mouth and throat. The sharp breath drew it all into her lungs. They screamed like never before. Caitlyn spluttered all over herself. It came in waves. Through the corners of her mouth and her nose, spit glazed her chin, upper lip, and chest.


As Caitlyn spluttered, Janna moaned. Eyes closed. Mouth open. Pointed ears dropped. Her hold on Caitlyn’s hair tightened, and she squeezed her giant breast. The moans arrived much like the splutters, in waves, long and extended and wavered. Janna’s size gave her moans a husky quality. They made Caitlyn’s pussy quiver.


Spurred on by the moans, Caitlyn settled into a rhythm. Deepthroat. Hold. Pull back. Choke. Repeat. It made a mess of them both, slicking Caitlyn from chin to belly, and reducing the once formidable giant goddess into a whimpering whore.


All of Janna’s quips and sharp remarks had been replaced by two lone words. “Good girl,” Janna whimpered each and every time Caitlyn spluttered.


How long they kept at it, Caitlyn didn’t know. All she knew was that it ended too soon. Janna pulled out with a sigh that spoke of a job well done. Spluttering, Caitlyn smiled. She’d made her goddess happy. She’d been a good whore.

  “Such a tight, little throat. I could do that all day,” Janna said, stroking her cock with one hand.


  “Then go ahead, goddess.” Caitlyn opened her mouth, smiling with her eyes.


Janna let out a husky chuckle. “With the state you’re in?”


  “What state?”


  “Well, for starters you turned blue. Not to mention all of… this.” Janna gestured to all of her.


Caitlyn looked down at herself. Welts and bruises decorated every part of her body. They were marks of honour, but Caitlyn could see how they might seem alarming to someone who didn’t understand.


  “I’m fine, Goddess,” Caitlyn said. “I wear these with pride.”


  “Let me guess. You think they’re marks of a job well done?”


  “Of course.”


Janna tsked. “Mortals… Why must you insist on mixing opposites? No, don’t answer. I’ve heard them all.”


Caitlyn cringed. “I apologise if I’ve upset you, Goddess.”


  “Upset me?” Janna laughed. “Nonsense. Now, get up on the couch, face me, and spread your legs. I want to make sure of something.”


Caitlyn hurried to do as she’d been told. The knowledge that she’d pleased her Goddess infused her with newfound energy, like adrenaline but not as intense. It was like the burst of energy at the end of a long shift the day before the weekend.


On her back, legs spread, pussy and ass exposed, Caitlyn awaited her goddess with a smile. Janna opened the couch’s drawer and retrieved a gigantic dildo; it was modest compared to her cock, but a giant nonetheless.


  “Could you take this?” Janna asked.


  “I took Camille. I can take that, Goddess.”


Janna gave her an amused look as she lathered the dildo with lube. Caitlyn took a deep breath, relaxing herself. Her insides felt hollow as her ass gaped. Janna slipped the dildo inside. It burrowed deep, stretching her walls, bulging her belly, pressing against her pussy. Of it’s own accord, Caitlyn’s hand rubbed frantic rhythms into her pussy. Thankfully, Janna said nothing to dissuade her.


When the dildo’s silicone balls pressed against Caitlyn, Janna nodded. “As I thought, you’re too small for me.”


Caitlyn’s heart sank. “I’ll take you all, Goddess. Even if it hurts.”


  “It’ll do more than hurt. Feel that?” Janna pushed against the dildo.


Pressure bled gorgeous pleasure deep inside Caitlyn’s belly. She bit her lip and nodded.


  “That’s as far as your ass can take anything of this size without tearing.” Janna let off the pressure. “Do you still want to take my cock at this size?”


As wonderful as pain was, Caitlyn wanted to avoid internal bleeding where at all possible. “Not if it means tearing my ass, Goddess. I’m kinky, not insane.”


Janna chuckled and stood, leaving the dildo inside. “Stay here and play with this for a bit. I’ll be right back.”


Caitlyn didn’t have to be told twice. She took hold of the suction cup on the base of the dildo and used it as a handle to plunge the giant in and out of her ass, fingering her pussy in turn. It felt great. Only great. It made her tremble and squirm and moan, but it didn’t dull her mind. It didn’t make her feel like a true whore. Deep down she knew it would never make her cum. Oh god, will masturbating never satisfy me again? Oddly, the idea brought her solace. She didn’t question it, and sunk into the pleasure the monster dildo afforded her.


If she’d been getting fucked, she’d have been vaguely aware of her surroundings at best. However, as she wasn’t being fucked - not really - Caitlyn heard Janna knock on the doors. They opened. Hushed whispers were exchanged, followed by a giggle. A moment later, the doors closed.


Janna returned with a flask, the same one Jinx had drank from, only instead of blue liquid, Janna’s was full of red. Idly, she rolled it in her palm as she watched Caitlyn play with the dildo. Caitlyn made sure to give her a show, moaning louder, squirming more, kicking her feet. It was almost enough to make herself cum. Almost.


Janna’s eyes never left her ass. “After all these years, you still amaze me,” she whispered.


Unsure if she was meant to hear that, Caitlyn made a show of slumping and rolling her eyes back into her head, ploughing her ass as hard as she could. It made a delightful, wet-clapping sound. Asses were meant to make such sounds.


  “Alright, that’s enough. Good work.” Janna flashed white and shrank to a size that allowed her to sit on the couch comfortably. Bizarrely - and wonderfully - her cock stayed the same size, laying on the inside of her thigh. She popped open the flask. Red mist escaped with a hissing sound and lingered in dancing swirls.


Caitlyn slipped the dildo from her ass, discarded it, and then leaned in for a closer look at the flask. The liquid bubbled slightly. Not like boiling water;  the bubbles were small, forming a red foam of a lighter shade. Its sweet smell stung the back of her nose. “What is it, Goddess?”


  “One of Ahri’s potions. How she’s able to get these is beyond me, but they’re useful. This one will allow your body to stretch and compress without breaking. Inside and out.”






  “Yes, but how?”


  “Even if I had time to explain it, sweet one, your mind wouldn’t be able to comprehend the words I’d need to use. Too many words at that.”


Caitlyn suddenly felt small and insignificant, like an ant beneath a boot. I’m fucking a god… a fucking god. “This will let me take all of you?”




  “I’ll take it then.”


Janna giggled. “Hold on. There are side effects, you know.”


  “I’m sure they’re not that bad.”


  “Oh, and you’re a magic expert now? Mortals… It’ll last for an hour. It’ll dull your pain, which isn’t always as useful as it sounds. And, it might make you nauseous after it wears off.”


  “Oh. How dull are we talking?”


  “Unless the stretching is extreme, it’ll feel numb. And even then it’ll be mild.”


Caitlyn glanced at Janna’s cock. It was longer than her forearm, almost as thick as her neck, smooth, veinless, bulged with muscle, so heavy it couldn’t support its own weight even while erect. Caitlyn didn’t have to think. She snatched the flask from Janna and down it one gulp. A tingle washed through her, making her skin scrawl.


Janna took hold of her nose between thumb and forefinger and gave it a squeeze. Numb. The same feeling when your arm falls asleep, only without the pins and needles.


  “How does it dull pain, but not pleasure?”


  “Too many words. Too many words.” 


Janna pulled on her nose and it stretched like wet chewing gum. Two inches, three, four. Janna let go and it snapped back into place. The whole time, her body acted like nothing was amiss. No pain, no discomfort, just a numb… something; it wasn’t a sensation, not really, but at the same time it was. It made absolutely no sense whatsoever.


I could be skewered end to end and come out of it completely fine.


And of course that was the first thing she thought of, how it would impact sex. She really was becoming a whore.


Caitlyn traced a line down Janna’s shaft. It radiated warmth that reminded Caitlyn of how very mortal she was. “Where would you like me, Goddess?”


  “Hmm, the cushions. Yes, there will do. Although, if I had my way I’d fuck you amongst the clouds, but alas Ahri insists that ‘people might see’.” Smirking, Janna rolled her eyes. She scooped Caitlyn up, flung her over her shoulder, and sauntered over to the cushions.


Caitlyn was used to being lifted as if she weighed nothing by then, but that didn’t mean it was any less thrilling. She giggled all the way to the cushions, squealed upon being thrown onto them, and continued giggling as she spread her legs


Janna lay next to her. She lay on her side, showing off the rise and fall of her hip. The body of a goddess indeed. Hypnotised by the inhuman curve, Caitlyn didn’t realise she was being lifted again until the curve vanished as Janna rolled onto her back. Caitlyn’s ass met Janna’s stomach. A limp, but erect cock hung below her spread legs. 


Two hands larger than baseball mitts seized her. A sturdy hand secured her hip, while a greedy hand kneaded her breasts one at a time. Janna sat forward. Her breasts enveloped the sides of Caitlyn’s head, and her chin rested on top. Both hands stole heaping handfuls of her. Her body resisted, the way rubber would, springing back into shape faster than it should.


  “Well now,” Janna said, voice muffled - her breasts covered Caitlyn’s ears. “I dare say you’re perfectly small.”


  “Please fill me up, Goddess~”


  “Small and needy. Careful, you might end up becoming one of my favourites.” The greedy hand abandoned its breast, traced switchbacks along Caitlyn’s abs, and settled on her clit where it made slow circles. “Now, seeing as you’re at no risk of breaking, would you like your ass filled and then some, or your pussy?”


  “My ass, Goddess, please.”


  “So polite. And you’re sure? Your pussy is capable of taking me now, you know.”


  “Yes, Goddess. My ass, she’s gotten a taste for cock after the dildo. I need to satisfy her.”


Janna chuckled. It rumbled against Caitlyn’s back. “Mortals. So bizarre.” She leaned back, sadly freeing Caitlyn’s head, but made up for it by lifting Caitlyn by the hips and filling her ass. Her ass parted for Janna’s cock like stage curtains, easy, smooth, swift. Too easy. But there was no time to think about that. It felt way too good for thoughts.


Caitlyn melted into Janna’s embrace and let her do all the work. First, her stomach bulged. How wonderful that it was becoming a familiar sight. Next, the bulge grew. It grew to her belly button, turning it into an outie, and then beyond. Up and up, squeezing and squishing her insides until it concluded at the valley between her breasts. 


Her pussy erupted. Like a slap across the back of the head, Caitlyn only realised what had happened after it was over. The sight alone had made her cum. Sure, it felt great. But, the sight! Even looking at it caused another orgasm to swell, teetering on the edge of an explosion.


  “Goddess…” Caitlyn whispered, breathlessly.


Janna slapped her thigh. “This is nothing. Wait until it gets moving.” Her greedy hand found her clit again.


  “N- No. That’s not fair~”


  “I know. Aren’t I such a despicable cheater?”


Caitlyn bit her lip. A moan wanted to escape. It made her lips tremble, worming them out of the grasp of her teeth. Her mouth flew open and the moan escaped, low and guttural. Caitlyn didn’t squirt that time, but she did cum. The orgasm rattled her to the bones. She was a puppet without string, totally at the mercy of Janna’s sturdy embrace.


Janna showed her no mercy. As she spasmed, muscles contracting, Janna used her like a fleshlight. One hand, that’s all it took to lift and maneuver her. Never before had Caitlyn felt like such a toy, like such an insignificant plaything. It made her cum again, almost immediately after the second orgasm faded.


A normal girl may have passed out then. Even a seasoned slut might have felt a little light-headed. Caitlyn was neither of these things. She was a daughter of Nagakabouros, and remained perfectly lucid through her fourth, fifth, and sixth orgasms. Number seven is when she began to feel lightheaded; a commendable number to make Illaoi proud.


Janna, however, was none of those things either. She wasn’t even mortal. Janna laughed as she fucked Caitlyn, as her cock was massaged by more than half of Caitlyn’s body. She didn’t whimper or shudder or stammer; she didn’t devolve.


  “Illaoi was right. You are stubborn.”


Caitlyn mustered all her strength, drawing from deep inside her, so that she could string a few sentences together. The words needed to assemble in her mind before being spoken. Each was a feat in its own right, but Caitlyn did not back down. She held her concentration through waves of pleasure, through exploding orgasms, and the delicate lulls between.


  “D- Determined, Goddess. Not stubborn, determined. Strength.”


  “Hubris. Don’t be ashamed, it is the fault of all mortals. Please know when to give in though, I’d hate to end your run here. When you feel as if you can no longer continue, tap the back of my hand and I’ll cum for you.”


I lasted hours with Illaoi, I’m not giving up.


Caitlyn fought to move her hips, but her muscles were pudding. Every time she fought, she tensed her muscles, squeezing Janna’s cock; which made her cum. The orgasms sapped the fight out of her. She didn’t give up, she couldn’t. Not after promising Ahri. Not after making Vi so proud. 


But, after each orgasm, she tensed less and lingered as a limp mess longer, until she couldn’t tense anymore. It was like an invisible, unbreakable, skin-tight barrier clung to every inch of her skin; no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t move so much as a fraction of an inch. I’m totally beholden to her.


Janna’s greedy hand stroked her cheek. For something so large - so powerful - it was surprisingly tender. Gentle, like a mother’s touch. “I think that’s enough for today, little one. You’ve done well, better than most. How about we go about seeing your wish granted?”


Caitlyn tried to answer. Nothing. Not even a gurgle or a grunt. She couldn’t even lift her head to look Janna in the eyes. This is what I was made to be. Without will or power. A mindless sex toy for anyone and everyone.


Janna lowered Caitlyn all the way down her cock, kissed the top of her head, and shuddered. A steady stream of cum warmed Caitlyn inside out: starting in her chest and working its way down until cum gushed from her pussy all over Janna’s balls.


Caitlyn smiled. It took no effort and no thought and remained of its own accord.


Three knocks wrapped against the doors.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn moves on to the girls without a region to call home, starting with Evelynn, Agony's Embrace.

Size chart time!

Would you fuck Janna, or would you take a pass on her?

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