Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Ahri struck the handcuffs with a glowing finger. The chain shattered and she snatched them up. “Again, awfully sorry, dear. She’s usually better than this. I told her, ‘Renata if you don’t take a break, you’ll pass out. But, of course, she’d hear nothing of it. She just had to have one more round with Kayle.”


The help - who Caitlyn had come to learn were called Graves and Twisted Fate - carried Renata out by her arms and legs. Her cock hung limp between her legs, and one of her breasts had popped out of her leather dress, but Graves and Twisted Fate didn’t stare. They carried her as if they were dockhands carrying a crate as if it were all perfectly ordinary - boring even.


Caitlyn sat up, rubbing her wrists. “It’s fine, really.” Her whole body hurt. The places where she’d been whipped hurt extra. Pain on top of pain. Yet, the discomfort was nothing compared to the unsettling thoughts that plagued her. Am I wrong to like this? Am I changing for the worse? Should I stop before I lose myself? Is there even anything to lose? Is there anything to keep?


  “I shouldn’t have invited her at the same time as the others,” Ahri said, absentmindedly. Her tails swished about her, exploring the air as Ahri appeared to get lost in thought.


  “Who?” Caitlyn asked, half out of curiosity, half for a distraction.


  “Kayle, dear.”


  “She’s something special then? Seems everyone’s dying to fuck her.”


Ahri's tails stopped swishing. She smiled. “It’s nothing to concern yourself with, dear. Come, rest up before your next partner.” She offered Caitlyn her hand.


  “I’m allowed to stop, aren’t I?”


Ahri’s tails drooped. “You’ve hit your limit?”


  “No… I’m just asking.”


One tail began to move again, wagging. “Well then, yes. Just say the word.”


  “And that word is?”

  “I’d like to stop?”


  “That’s four words.”


Ahri giggled. Her nine tails wagged. “Very clever. You know what I mean.”


Caitlyn gummed her lips. “Before you leave again, you’ll answer one last question.”


  “How very unlike you to be so demanding. Go on then, you’ve piqued my curiosity.”


  “Why do you surround yourself with sex?”


Ahri cocked her head and her left ear bent. “Why do we breathe? Why do we drink? Why do we eat? I just do, dear. For if I didn’t, I would see no point in it all.”


  “In what?”


  “Ah, but that is a second question, dear.”


  “You’ll answer it.”


Ahri shrugged. “In life dear. Sex is what I love. One must live what they love, for to live a loveless life is to die.”


  “And you always loved it? Sex, I mean.”


  “I’m beginning to think you can’t count, dear. Are you dyslexic?”


Caitlyn folded her arms.


Ahri did the same, and then scowled, scrunching her nose. It seemed cartoonish, until Caitlyn realised she’d been doing the same, and - in that new light - Ahri’s expression went from cartoonish to mockery. Still, Caitlyn did not concede and, eventually, Ahri sighed. She dodged Caitlyn’s eye.


  “I have loved it since the day I discovered what it meant to love. I found it in his arms. In his smile. In his soul. And I lost it.”


Caitlyn unfolded her arms. “Who is he?”


Ahri gained a forced smile, too tight, too twitchy. They’d taught Caitlyn to spot a liar at the academy. “I think things such as these serve better in threes, dear. Or fives. A fourth question would spoil things.” And with that, Ahri snapped on her heels and disappeared through the doors in a heartbeat.

Caitlyn stretched, raising one arm, grasping her wrist and bending to the side. The stretch wrung her like a towel, banishing pain, tension, and of muddled thoughts. She needed to think clearly. What did she want? Who did she want to be? Why was she here? She needed answers.


Yet, before she got a chance to so much as start picking the question apart, the doors flew open. A woman her age rushed in, grinning. She was short, lean, and had creamy skin. Her hair was golden, tied into two puffs atop her head. A thick jacket flowed to her ankles. Her grin dropped when she noticed Caitlyn kneeling on the floor.


  “Oh my god!” The woman exclaimed. 


She appeared in front of Caitlyn. Not in a manner of speaking either; she literally appeared in front of her. One moment she was at the door. One moment she was in front of her. Golden bolts popped in her hair. The oddity stunned Caitlyn.


The woman looked her up and down. Her eyes lingered on the welts. “You let her do this to you?” She asked incredulously.


Caitlyn had only ever seen a few Zaunites in person. None looked like the woman, not even in the pictures. She noticed a bandage on the woman’s cheek; two bandaids in a cross. Probably from a street brawl or something.


Caitlyn turned from her, putting her shoulder in between them. “So, what kind of criminal are you?” She probably steals things using her speed.


The woman stepped back, scowling. “Criminal? I’m not a fucking criminal! What kind of question is that? Who introduces themselves like that?” Golden bolts popped erratically in her hair, spitting golden sparks.


Caitlyn blushed. God… what would Vi say if she saw me acting like this again? I’m acting like my mother. “Sorry… I’m just-”




  “Sore. Can we start over?”


  “Why not? We barely began.” The woman offered her her hand. “Name’s Zeri.”


Caitlyn took it. “Caitlyn.”


When Zeri pulled her to her feet, Caitlyn found that she stood a head over her. How short is she, like 4’11? Caitlyn had never had to look down at someone like that before.


Zeri flashed a grin. “Short, right?”

  “It’s not a problem.”


  “Who said it was? It’s quite the opposite, actually. Makes me easy to pick up and throw around. Oh, and I’m oh so weak.” She touched her forehead with the back of her hand, like a maiden from a fairytale. Then, burst into laughter. She snorted when she laughed.


Caitlyn smiled. I suppose one more round couldn’t hurt.


Zeri eyed her feet. Caitlyn’s dress was pooled around them, torn in two. “Did you want to change?”


  “What’s the point? I’m not like to stay in them for long.”


  “True.” Zeri shrugged. “I don’t know, I always change between rounds. I never got used to meeting strangers without clothes.”


An idea struck Caitlyn. “Zeri, how many times have you done this? In my position, I mean.”


  “Three times. Why?”


  “I’m just… God, how do you put it? I-”


  “Well, hold on. If it’s a long question, can we sit down?” Zeri rolled her shoulder. “I’ve been fucking all morning. If I stand any longer I’ll die.”


Caitlyn giggled. “All morning? Poor you.”


  “Yes, poor me. I’ve been topping. It’s way harder than bottoming. You can cum cum cum, and go again with all smiles and giggles while we can hardly breathe.”


  “So bottom then.”


  “Ah, but you see I’m a small little shit, and the bitches out there are big if you hadn’t noticed. Ahri feels like she’s splitting me in half, let alone Camille or Illaoi or Kayle.” Zeri waved her hand and shook her head. “Anyway, sit. I’m sitting. Sitting while someone else stands is always so weird.”


Caitlyn followed her to the couch. “Because everything else about this is so normal.”


Zeri became a streak of golden lighting bolts and appeared on the couch, feet up, arms behind head. Golden bolts popped in her hair and scuttled across her skin. Her eyes widened as she looked up at Caitlyn. “Wow…”


Caitlyn froze. “What?”

  “You’re even prettier from below.”


Caitlyn giggled. “But you always see me from down below.”


  “Yeah, but from here I’m even further down!” Zeri leaned forward, gawking at Caitlyn’s breasts. “You’re like a statue, all carved from stone and shit.”


  “I hope I’m not made of shit. Sounds gross.”


Zeri pursed her lips. “You know what I mean.”


  “Do I?” Caitlyn sat beside her, resting on her side. “Now, my question.”


  “Can I touch you while you ask? I think I’ll lose my mind if I have to wait.”


  “So long as you pay attention.”


  “I will I will. Promise.”


Caitlyn gestured to herself, to the rise and fall of her hip and waist. “Go ahead.”


Zeri bit her lip and reached for her. Her hand hovered over Caitlyn’s hip. She giggled, then took a handful. A zap of electricity shocked her like the tip of a hot poker. Caitlyn screamed reflexively.


Zeri tore her hand away. “Ah! Sorry sorry!” She palmed her forehead. “Idiot! Let me ground myself, hold on.” Zeri became a streak of golden bolts and appeared outside.


Caitlyn inspected her hip and found a small patch of blistered skin. She prodded it. It hurt wonderfully, causing her swollen pussy to throb. Fuck me, I really am a freak, aren’t I? Despite craving another, Caitlyn got a wet towel from the kitchen and applied it to the wound.


After a few moments of standing on the concrete outside, Zeri walked back inside. She groaned as she made her way through the sliding glass door. “How do you put up with this?”


  “What, walking?” Caitlyn asked as she reentered the main room.


  “Yes! It’s so slow!”


  “Well, funnily enough, I’ve never been able to teleport, so I’m quite used to it.” She sat down again, lounging on her side, holding the towel to her blistered hip.


Zeri plopped herself down beside her and giggled. “Teleporting? Is that what you think it is?”


  “Well… yeah.”


  “I’m not teleporting. I’m running,” Zeri said as if it were obvious. She grinned and leaned forward. “You’re adorable when you’re baffled.” When Zeri’s hand found her hip that time, it didn’t zap her.


  “I’m- I’m not baffled.” Caitlyn’s cheeks burned.


  “Could have fooled me.” Zeri widened her eyes and dropped her jaw.


Caitlyn suddenly became aware that she was making the same face. When she stopped, Zeri laughed all the louder. Her fingers explored the curve of Caitlyn’s waist and wrapped around the valley of her back. When they found the welts, Caitlyn winced and Zeri frowned.


  “She didn’t take it easy on you, huh?” Zeri’s touch became gentler.


  “She did as much as I wanted. Anyways, before you distract me again, my question.”


Zeri cupped Caitlyn’s breast with her other hand. “Uh huh, go ahead.”


  “Do you think this place has changed you?”




  “Really? … How much.”


  “Oh, a whole lot. When I’m here, I’m like nearly a different person. I mean, getting gangbanged for days on end, who does that without being in a place like this?”


  “And you’re okay with that? Losing yourself to this place?”


Zeri’s hands froze. “Sorry? Losing myself? You make it sound like we’ve all gone crazy or something.”


  “Haven’t you? This is all pretty crazy.”


  “Plenty of things are crazy. If doing something crazy made you a crazy person, half of everyone would be crazy. I reckon it’s closer to a solid eighth of everyone, maybe a tenth if you’re being generous. A quarter if you’re from Piltover?”


  “I’m from Piltover…”


  “Oh.” Zeri clutched the back of her head. “Well, come on. You gotta admit you guys are weird. Have you seen the way people out there dress? I once saw a highlady with a hat so tall she had to duck through doorways.” 


Caitlyn waved her hand. “We’re getting off-topic. How can you claim this place has changed you, but that you haven’t lost yourself?”


Zeri went back to kneading Caitlyn’s breast. Her small hands couldn’t grasp all of it at once, but they allowed her to precisely work away at one small piece of it at a time. It made Caitlyn’s insides swirl. 


  “Because I’m still me when I’m not here. And I’m still me when I’m here. They’re just different me’s, I guess. Does that make sense? It doesn’t sound like it makes sense.”


  “Two versions of yourself?”


  “Yeah. In here, I’m Zeri the whore. Out there, I’m Zeri the hero.”


Caitlyn smiled. “You think of yourself as a hero?”


Zeri winced and glanced towards the doors. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. But…” she glanced at them again. “Yeah. It’s not, like, ego. It’s just a fact.”


  “So… you don’t mind being a whore?”


Zeri arched an eyebrow. “Do you?”


  “No.” The answer surprised Caitlyn - which must have shown on her face, for Zeri laughed - but she found herself agreeing with it. “In fact, I think I like it quite a lot.” She cupped Zeri’s smooth and squishy cheek.


Zeri scooted closer. “Found your answer then?”


  “Oh, yes. Now, come here.” Caitlyn guided Zeri’s lips to her and buried them into a kiss, shoving Zeri against the back of the couch. She tasted of grit, metallic and musky; the mouth of an undergrounder. Vi had the same mouth. Caitlyn seized Zeri’s hips through her thick jacket and pinned her to the couch.


Zeri broke the kiss, gasped and giggled. “You’re acting like you’re the one with the cock. What exactly do you plan to do in this position?”


  “Be quite the little whore, I imagine.”


Caitlyn traced a line down Zeri's front. Her jacket was open. Through her shirt, Caitlyn felt the firm bumps of her abs on her stomach. Something primal gripped her. Like hunger, it clawed at her insides. Like rage, it fueled her. Caitlyn grasped the top of Zeri’s t-shirt and ripped it. 


It took three rips to tear it in two. The first exposed the chest wrap she wore in place of a bra. The second exposed her abs; they looked like they were chiselled from marble, creamy, glistening marble. The third broke the hem, opening the shirt in the same vein as her jacket.


Zeri gasped and began to say something, but Caitlyn pounced. She pressed her tongue flat against the abs and licked her from groin to ribcage. The bumps rose and fell beneath her tongue, tasting salty, and feeling as firm as unbaked clay. Caitlyn ran her hands up Zeri’s sides as she liked. Her hips and waist had a subtle curve.


Zeri let out a little moan. Her olive green eyes oozed lust. A bulge shifted the crotch of her trousers. Caitlyn arched an eyebrow and Zeri nodded, biting her lip. Keeping her tongue pressed against Zeri’s abs, Caitlyn manoeuvred the buckle and fly of the thick, padded trousers. Inside, she found a rather normal cock. It was snug in her palm and accommodated her fingers quite well. To stroke it was to stroke a little piece of heaven; smooth and soft, delicate and precious. 


Zeri’s face scrunched. A guttural moan burst from her. She snatched a handful of Caitlyn’s hair and twisted it. “Suck me off,” she commanded.


  “Yes, Ma’am~” Caitlyn nestled between Zeri’s legs and started sucking away. It was an easy job. Her uncut tip barely pushed more than a few inches down her throat. It was a relaxing suck. It was exactly what she needed after all of Renata’s punishment.


Sucking cock felt good in a familiar sort of way. It reminded Caitlyn of training camp, of exercising, sparring, and studying in the service of justice, in service of Piltover and Zaun. That must be the Caitlyn of outside. In here, I fill my mouth with cock in service of pleasure, in service of myself. It was a selfish existence, and despite herself, Caitlyn found herself loving it.


She loved how Zeri’s cock tasted; how it tasted of cum despite not having orgasmed yet. Zeri must have blown dozens of loads while she waited for her turn with Caitlyn. She was as big, if not a bigger slut than Caitlyn. It made Caitlyn want to pin her down and ravage her like a wild beast. She wanted to lose control. She wanted to act savage, like an animal, to forget about duty and justice. She wanted to indulge.


Suddenly, Zeri's stomach squashed Caitlyn’s nose as her back arched. “Oh fuck, stop! I’m gonna cum!”


The animal in her wanted to let Zeri cum and taste her load proper. Caitlyn caged the urge - for now - and quickly lifted her head. Zeri’s pale, veinless cock twitched and heaved. The tip bulged. Zeri watched it with knit brows and drooped eyes. Her face spoke of a battle of desires. The desire to continue and the desire to cum. Zeri sighed, her cock limping. “That was close,” she whispered, breathless.


  “I’ll say.” Caitlyn squeezed between Zeri and the back of the couch, pressing her bare belly against Zeri’s torn shirt. “I’d have been quite upset if I’d lost out on fucking you.”


  “Then don’t be so good at giving head.”


  “No, I think I’ll continue being brilliant, thank you very much.” Caitlyn pecked her on the lips.


Zeri giggled and returned the kiss, lingering. Amidst the grit of her mouth, Caitlyn noticed the taste of cock. It was a distinctive taste. Musty; the way a man smells. Yet also, sweet. Of the few cocks Caitlyn had tasted outside Ahri’s manor, none had tasted sweet.


It was then, for the first time, Caitlyn truly grasped the fact that she was fucking women with cocks. In all the confusion and excitement of it all, that detail seemed glaringly obvious.


As a hundred different questions spun around her head and dazed Caitlyn, Zeri wriggled out of her jacket and torn shirt. She slipped her cloth chest wrap over her head and tossed it aside. A pair of sizeable, perky breasts jiggled as they were freed - as if they were filled with water. The way breasts moved was perhaps one of the most alluring parts about them. It was almost enough to distract Caitlyn from her revelation. Almost.


Caitlyn grasped one of Zeri’s breasts and gave it a gentle squeeze. The pale flesh moved between her fingers like liquid. “Do you mind if I ask you something… personal?”


  “Depends.” Zeri ran her hand up and down the curve of Caitlyn’s hip. “There are rules, remember?”


  “Well, tell me if I’m asking you to break one then, and I’ll stop. Or if it’s inappropriate. I… I don’t want to invalidate you.”


Zeri’s hand froze and she raised an eyebrow.


  “It’s about your, uh, your cock.” Caitlyn fidgeted with Zeri’s breasts, groping absentmindedly. 


  “What about it?”


  “Were… God, I’m so sorry if this is a horrible thing to ask. Whatever the answer is, it doesn’t change anything. I just want to know if you were born with it…”


Zeri burst out laughing. Caitlyn blushed furiously. Zeri noticed and tried to stop, failing horribly.


  “I- I’m sorry,” Zeri stuttered as she collected herself. “Here I was thinking it was actually serious. But no, I can’t answer that. Ahri will explain everything once you’ve had your fill, or if you finish the final round. It’s a secret of the house.”


  “Right. I see.” Caitlyn took a deep breath and the flush left her face. “So, I didn’t ask anything offensive then?”


Zeri rolled her eyes. “No, of course not. Come here, you idiot.” She cupped Caitlyn’s face and drew her in for a kiss.


As they made out, Caitlyn slipped her groping hand under Zeri’s side, grasped the small of her back, and pulled her body against hers. Zeri’s grin made kissing difficult, but they struggled through it as Zeri managed to manoeuvre Caitlyn onto her back. Looming above her, Zeri ran her index finger through the valley of Caitlyn’s toned belly.


  “So fucking hot~” Zeri whispered. “Flex it.”


Caitlyn crunched her stomach. Six abs took shape beneath her skin. Zeri shuddered.


  “A fan of muscles, are you?” Caitlyn asked.


  “Only on women.” Zeri shrugged. “I like my men skinny.”


  “Not me. Square shoulders and thick arms are where it’s at.”


  “You’re missing out.”


  “I could say the same to you.”


  “Trust me. When you’re back out there, find yourself an eager little twink and peg him. It’s like being born again.”


Quick as a flash, Caitlyn grasped Zeri’s nipple with her thumb and finger, threatening a pinch. “Maybe I’ll just peg you. I’ve got some experience now, you know. Sejuani is a great teacher.”


Zeri regarded Caitlyn’s threat with casual indifference. “She is, true. But I’ve got something better in mind. I imagine you’ve been mating pressed by now, right?”


Caitlyn released the nipple. “I’m not sure. I’ve never heard of it.”


  “You know, you’re on the bottom, they’re on top - thighs pressed against your belly, them leaning on all you, putting all their weight behind their thrusts.”


Caitlyn thought for a moment. “Honestly, I’ve fucked some many of you by now, I forget all the positions I’ve tried. But it sounds familiar.”


  “Jinx, probably did it. It’s her favourite.”


The name made Caitlyn’s eye twitch, but strangely, she found she couldn’t muster any burning hatred.


Zeri waved her hand dismissively. “Anyway, there’s a version that is way more fun. Reverse mating press.”


Jinx vanished from Caitlyn’s mind. She smiled slyly. “I’m on top, and you’re on the bottom?”


Zeri matched her look. “Yeah~”


  “Sounds complicated.” Caitlyn’s fingers wandered up and Zeri’s belly valley. Even while relaxed, she had abs.


  “At first, but once you find that sweet spot - oh! Heaven~”


  “Well, I do like heaven. I’ve visited it quite a few times over my time here.”


  “Only visited it? I’ve been living it out there.”


Caitlyn groaned. “Don’t say that. You have no idea how badly I want to join in. An orgy has always had a… certain secret appeal to me.”


Zeri’s hand wandered between Caitlyn’s legs. “I suppose we’ll have to take your mind off it then, huh?” She found Caitlyn’s swollen clit and froze, clicking her tongue. “Fucking Renata… she’s got no self-control.”


Caitlyn kissed Zeri’s cheek. “You’re so pretty when you’re annoyed you look all-” Caitlyn knitted her brows and puffed her cheeks.


Zeri cracked a small smile. “She shouldn’t have hurt you.”


  “Yes, she should have. It was wonderful.”


Zeri shook her head. “Kinky bitch…”


  “That’s right, ‘kinky bitch’. You better be thankful I am, because this kinky bitch is about to fuck your brains out.” Caitlyn shoved Zeri back down onto the couch.


Zeri giggled a tinkling giggle. It sounded like a little, crystal bell. Her body shook with it, jiggling her breasts and two puffs of golden hair. Caitlyn’s insides churned and she scrambled to get Zeri’s pants off.


Her pants were worn things, faded around the hips and knees. Sturdy too, made of thick cloth. They were the sort of pants a chem-fuel miner would wear, not an adorable, beautiful girl. As they slipped over the curve of Zeri’s hips, they revealed legs of spotless, smooth skin - pump thighs and slender calves. Their elegant beauty contrasted strangely against her pants; in fact, the practical design and wear and tear of her pants made her legs all the more beautiful, it highlighted their perfection.


  “Take my legs and press my knees into the couch here and here.” Zeri pointed to either side of her. She lifted her legs so that her boots dangled before the back of her thighs. Peeking through the gap between her legs, Zeri gave her a grin. “Or just stare, that works too.”


Caitlyn shook her as if trying to reset her senses the way you hit a machine that refused to work. “Sorry, say that again.”


  “Knees, here and here.” Zeri pointed to the couch again.


Caitlyn nodded, knocked Zeri’s boots aside and took hold of the back of her thighs. As smooth as porcelain. As squishy as marshmallows. When Caitlyn gave them a squeeze a shiver ran up her spine, her skin crawled and her breath caught in her throat. “Fuck, I wish I had a cock. You were made to be ruined.”


Zeri laughed as if Caitlyn had told some grand joke. It tinkled again, her laugh. It tinkled and soared and made her face scrunch up. When her face scrunched up, it squished her rounded cheeks and highlighted her cheekbones. She had a face made for grabbing, made for devouring with kisses. Caitlyn wanted to see what it would be like when Zeri came. She imagined it had been made for such an expression too.


  “Walk me through this,” Caitlyn said. “I need you inside me.”


Zeri suddenly grew very serious. Then, briefly timid. Her cheeks flushed, and she flinched back, tucking her chin as if trying to hide it. “Y- You need to mount me so that your knees are beside mine.” Zeri bit her lip. “Or so that your feet are beside my knees. It depends on how rough you want to be.”


Caitlyn ran her hand up Zeri’s slender calf, pulled it to her, and kissed it. “How rough do you want me to be?” She eased the legs into position, pressing Zeri’s knees into the couch.


  “A- As much as you want.”


  “I’m asking you, silly.”

Zeri turned bright red. “You also need to be really flexible to do it rough. So-”


  “I’m really flexible. I can cross my ankles behind my head.”




  “Yeah, must be double-jointed or something.”


Zeri gave her a little smile. “Well… okay then, I want it rough.”


Caitlyn spread her legs over Zeri. It was like getting onto a horse from behind; her pussy pressed against Zeri’s abs. “How rough?”


  “Really rough~”


Caitlyn inched backwards, rubbing her pussy over the bumps of Zeri’s abs. “I don’t know… you might not be able to handle really rough. I might break you.” The slick warmth of Zeri’s cock touched the small of Caitlyn’s back. “You’re quite small and delicate after all.”


Defiance appeared on Zeri’s face like a flash of lightning in a storm cloud. “I can too handle it. I can handle anything you can throw at me.”


  “Is that so?” Caitlyn leaned forward, bracing herself on the back of Zeri’s thighs.


  “It is!”


As convoluted as the position seemed, the next steps came to Caitlyn naturally. She transitioned one knee to her foot so that the nook of her foot and the flat of her calf locked Zeri’s thigh in place. This pushed her forward. Her belly pressed flat against Zeri’s chest. Her chest smothered Zeri’s face. On its own, her other leg moved into place to mirror the other. It all happened in a few moments and left Caitlyn in a bizarre position. She felt like a frog poised to leap and imagined she must look like it too.


  “Can you breathe down there?” Caitlyn asked.


  “Mmm mmm!” Zeri muffled. Her hair puffs - which was all Caitlyn could see on her head - nodded with the limited movement of her head.


Caitlyn grinned. The power such a position would give her became apparent. She put all her weight onto her hands placed above Zeri’s head, pushed on the balls of her feet, and lifted her hips. The position gave her complete leverage over them. If she so wished, she could put all her strength into slamming them down.


However, she could not reach Zeri’s cock to position it. So, she spent about a minute shifting her hips, trying to find the right angle. It was one of the most tedious things she’d ever done. It made Zeri laugh hysterically against her breasts. 


The cock slipped in. 


Caitlyn slammed her hips. The couch rocked. Zeri’s laughter vanished. Her hands flashed onto Caitlyn’s back and dug their nails in as Zeri let out a muffled cry.


Despite all her bold words and bravado, Caitlyn started slow. Slow, but hard. Gravity refused to let her be gentle. Partly, because Zeri didn’t have much cock to work with and she didn’t want to risk it slipping out. Partly, because the motion threatened to topple her over the couch’s arm, head over heels. Mostly, because she couldn’t see Zeri’s face. It was important to watch your partner’s face. The way it reacted told you what to do; when to slow down, when to speed up, when to be gentle, when to fuck their brains out, when to let them cum.


It was like she was working blind. So, Caitlyn shut her eyes. She searched for other reactions, other ways of seeing. Zeri rocked with the rise and fall of Caitlyn’s hips as if trying to move her own. Her breath blasted Caitlyn’s breasts, warm and moist. It came in a consistent pattern; one big blast every time her ass slammed the back of Zeri’s thighs, then three smaller, rapid ones as her hips raised.


She’s frantic. Not in a wild, ‘I’m trying to fuck you so hard the bed breaks,’ kind of way. But a, ‘Oh fuck, please fuck me harder,’ kind of way.


To be sure, Caitlyn hesitated as her pussy reached Zeri’s tip. Sure enough, Zeri’s breathing increased and her hips rocked wildly.


  “Shh, it’s okay. I’ll go faster. You just relax and enjoy yourself.”


Zeri muffled something and went still.


  “Good girl.” Caitlyn steadied herself, took a deep breath, and began slowly increasing her pace. She needed to ease into it. Go too fast too quickly and she’d end slipping forward or slipping off; her thigh sock’s silk and the couch’s velvet made for a made combination grip-wise.


As the pace of Caitlyn’s hips increased, slapping wetly, so did the pace of Zeri’s breathing. Every wet slap was accompanied by a sharp, moist blast of air against her breasts. Her chest felt as if it were in a sauna. As did the rest of her, slowly. It was hard work. Sweaty work. Beads of it rolled down her forehead and down the crack of her ass - which made the way they clapped together and slapped against Zeri’s thighs sound all the wetter. It was gross in the titillating way only sex could be.


When Caitlyn settled into a rapid, yet comfortable pace, that’s when the pleasure kicked in. It had been there since the start, lingering in the background like a shadow of the night or a whisper of the wind. But, as Caitlyn’s pace settled into consistency, it flourished and forced frantic, breathless moans.


The moans mixed with her desperate attempts to breathe. They sounded like she was being fucked while on the last stretch of a marathon. They sounded like someone else; like an animal in the next room. Humans shouldn’t be able to make such sounds, yet they did, and oh god did it turn her on so badly.


Zeri’s hands flew from Caitlyn’s back in desperate search of something to grasp. One found the lip of the couch. The other settled for Caitlyn’s ankle; it gripped her as if it let go, it would fall from a cliff. Zeri’s back arched, pressing her chest into Caitlyn’s belly.


She gasped as if emerging from the depths of the ocean. Then moaned. “Caitlyn!~”


Caitlyn tried to think of something sexy to say, something Camille or Illaoi would have said. It all came out as whimpers and babbles. She couldn’t even get her tongue around Zeri’s name. Pleasure stole her words and jumbled her thoughts.


Then her mind went blank. No words. No thoughts. Not even sensation. Zeri was gone. Everything was gone. Except pleasure. It erupted deep inside her, streaked up her spine, and spread its tendrils through her. The world snapped back into focus, crisp and sharp, and the first thing she heard was the sound of her crying out Zeri’s name. The first thing she saw was a melted expression on Zeri’s face, drooped eyes, an open-mouthed grin, and a bright flush on her cheeks. The first thing she felt was the hot waves of cum filling her pussy. The first thing she smelled was the sweet and meaty combination of sweat and pussy. She tasted it too; it drove her hips to move again, slowly fucking Zeri as wave after wave of cum erupted from her cock.


Caitlyn could hardly breathe. She could hardly think, or move, or do anything other than fuck Zeri. Yet, one thought slipped into her hazy mind and brought a smile to her exhausted face.


  I love this so fucking much.


Three knocks wrapped on the door.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Janna, The Storm's Fury

Also, I have decided to start up a little game every chapter. We're going to play smash or pass with a poll at the end of every chapter. Except on the final chapters of arcs so that I can include a poll of which girl was the favourite (this data is important for the end). For those chapters smash or pass will have to be played in the comments.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.