Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Caitlyn had to be carried downstairs.


The instant Ashe came inside her, her adrenaline vanished, and with it went her strength. Sejuani faced no such issues. She carried Caitlyn over her shoulder, all casual; the way one would carry a discarded coat on a hot day. Her hand - the size of a baseball mitt - cupped the back of her thigh with an iron grip. Sturdy. Reliable. Strong.


That grip, and the way Sejuani’s shoulder dug into her belly, were all Caitlyn possessed of the world. Cum glued her eyes shut. It coated her tongue, making everything taste of salt and meat. The same with her nose. She even had some in her ears that muffled Sejuani’s heavy footsteps and the chatter of the other two. Lissandra led the conversation with her voice that cracked like a whip. The rumble against Caitlyn’s belly suggested Sejuani gave most of the responses. Ashe’s light, smooth voice cut between them every once in a while. Muffled, it sounded like felt. Caitlyn understood one in every ten words. If that. The sisters repeated a name too many times to be a coincidence.


Kayle. Whoever that was.


Perhaps, Caitlyn ought to have been frustrated by her exclusion, and in any other circumstance, she would have. But, with her muscles turned to pudding and her mind to fog, Caitlyn a solace in not thinking. It was sort of like meditation, only meditation had never made her so giddy. It had something to do with being covered in cum and perched atop a muscular shoulder, but to connect those dots required thoughts. Caitlyn had none of those at the moment.


Sejuani shoulder left her belly. Two large hands took her under the arms. The all too familiar velvet of the rec room couch embraced her back and ass; soft against her tender body. Something small, warm and wet pressed flat against her cheek and painted a streak from jaw to temple. Ashe gave a giggle that floated like a feather.


Caitlyn wiped her eyes just in time to see her lick her other cheek. Of their own accord, Caitlyn’s hands moved to her hips and squeezed.


Sejuani watched, arm folded over her breasts. “All of it.”


  “Yes, Warmother,” Ashe said.


  “Hurry up, slut,” Lissandra snapped. “We don’t have long. You know how she likes them.”


Ashe lapped the cum from Caitlyn’s face. In her haste, she squished her breasts against Caitlyn’s. If it weren’t for the rules, Caitlyn would have pinned her down and fucked her until one of them passed out. To resist such an urge was like eating the academy cafeteria slop; she gritted her teeth, swallowed and tried to think of something else.


Sejuani and Lissandra returned to their conversation.


  “Surely they’ll be done by now. The little whores can’t fuck forever,” Lissandra said.


  “They have immortal flesh.”




  “They can live forever. They can fuck forever.”


Lissandra sighed. “God, you’re dense…”


  “What is one day for beings who have lived through the ages?” 


Ashe lifted her head. Cum glazed her grin. “They didn’t shut the door properly, you know. I snuck a peek before. You don’t want to miss it. A demon and an angel… so fucking hot.”


  “Kayle isn’t an-”


  “Let’s do it,” Lissandra said. She knelt beside Ashe, grinning. 


  “They’ll know,” Sejuani said.


Lissandra prodded Ashe’s asshole with her middle and ring fingers. “Let them catch us. Maybe they’ll let us join in.” She slipped her fingers inside. Ashe’s face melted. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? Dumb slut.”


  “Uh huh~”


Lissandra blasted Ashe’s ass. Four rapid strokes and Ashe blew a load. It arced level with Caitlyn’s eyes and splattered on her thigh. Lissandra shoved Ashe’s face into it. Ashe ate without command.


Caitlyn took a fistful of her hair and gave Lissandra a smirk. “Once I’m done with my initiation, treat me like that, won’t you?”


  “Oh, I’ll treat you so much worse. Breaking empty little minds like yours is one of my favourite pastimes.” Lissandra cupped her cheek, nipping her with a chill she felt in her jaw. “Although, there isn’t much mind to break. Is there?” 


  “No, Ma’am.”

  “Ma’am? Where was that all this time?”


  “Sorry, Ma’am.”


Lissandra grinned. “You’re forgiven.” She locked her thin blue lips with hers and breathed a chill through. It raced down her throat and spread from her lungs to the ends of her fingers and toes. Steam rose from her skin. Her muscles gave a collective sigh.


Caitlyn kissed her back, and one kiss became another and another. Funny how soon one can go from returning a kiss to making out. All of Lissandra was so cold. What would it take to make her melt?


Three knocks on the door reminded Caitlyn she’d have to wait to find out. Ashe and Sejuani said their goodbyes and left, but Lissandra lingered. Her lips pursed and Caitlyn felt her blind gaze. It felt like being watched from afar, like eyes burrowing into the back of your head.


  “Mistress Ahri will be cross if you don’t leave.”


  “She’s busy.”


  “What do you-”


  “You have a strong soul. Too strong. Explain yourself.”


  “I’m afraid I don’t know what you’re talking about.”


  “No… You wouldn’t, would you.” Lissandra stood and left.


She made no noise as she left, as if she were a spectre. Caitlyn looked over the back of the couch to check if she’d gone at all. Lissandra stood at the doors, hand poised to push them open. Her head didn’t move, but Caitlyn felt as if she were being watched again.


Lissandra muttered something - she sounded cross at herself - and then said, “Don’t refuse her. Don’t give her what she wants.” Her voice was rigid with curt obligation.


  “Don’t refuse who?”


Lissandra pushed open the right door and exited. As the door swung back and forth, Caitlyn caught a glimpse of Ahri. She was leaning against the hallway wall, head lolled back, eyes closed. Her cat-like ears flattened against her hair and her nine tails puffed. The door cut off her moan as it closed. Whoever had been sucking her off had been blocked by the left door. Ashe probably if Caitlyn had to guess. She imagined Sejuani ordering Lissandra to join her, and the thought drew Caitlyn’s hand between her legs. With a sigh, Caitlyn melted into the couch and let the pleasure carry her away.


As she rubbed circles into her clit, her strength returned. A good thing too, for when the doors flew open she felt right as rain. The doors made a crash she felt in her bones. A nasally voice shouted. It was sandpaper to her ears.


  “Ohhhhh, Cupcake! Momma’s home!”


Cupcake? Cupcake?! Caitlyn shot to her feet and found-


  “No fucking way! Never! Fucking never! Not you!”


Jinx cackled her awful, pitchy shriek of a laugh and doubled over. Her twin braids - blue and longer than she was tall - writhed like snakes as she laughed.


Caitlyn covered her chest. “Get out!”


Jinx straightened up and wiped tears from her eyes, smearing cum. It covered her face; not in a glaze, but a light splatter. It was nearly invisible on her pale skin. “You-” She took a deep breath and giggled. “You should see your face. You’re all red. Forget cupcake, you’re a beet!”


  “Don’t. Say. That. Name!”


  “Don’t say that name!” Jinx mimicked her like a petulant child.


Frustration bubbled deep in Caitlyn’s belly. She let it out in a great big groan, and would have felt better if it hadn’t made Jinx snicker.


Caitlyn centered herself. “I refuse to do anything with you. Leave.”


  “Come on, Beet. Can’t you give a girl a chance?”


  “That includes talking.”


  “We’ve been talking for ages now.”


  “Where’s Mistress Ahri?”


Jinx collected cum on her finger and sucked it clean. A stupid grin split her stupid face. “Catching her breath. Wait… did you just call her Mistress? God, you really are boring.”


  “If I’m so boring then I mustn’t be worth fucking then, am I?”


  “Probably, yeah. But how could I pass up a chance to fuck Vi’s little…” Jinx cleared her throat. “Friend.”


Caitlyn ignored that. “You’re going to have to.”


  “If Vi gets to, I should too. Only fair, ain’t it?”


  “No. It isn’t. You’re horrible and cruel and evil and… and a criminal. Vi is wonderful and kind and-” Caitlyn caught herself and blushed at what she was going to say.


Jinx gagged. “Alright alright, enough of the lovey-dovey stuff, jeez…”


Caitlyn felt like she was being watched again, and Lissandra’s voice spoke in the back of her mind. Don’t refuse her. Don’t give her what she wants. Jinx… wanted her to refuse? Yes, of course! If there was anything Jinx loved more than anything it was tearing down the hard work of others. She wants to break my streak.


Caitlyn looked Jinx up and down. For a criminal, she wasn’t bad to look at. Her tiny shorts and mismatched bra left nearly all of her lean body uncovered. A valley split her flat belly in two above her naval. Her thighs were corded with muscle, opposing the rest of her slim legs. Her breasts were tiny, practically flat. Tattoos covered her left hip and arm, swirls of blue smoke that reminded Caitlyn of crashing waves. If you ignored the way she didn’t blink enough and how her lips quivered when she grinned, she’d be attractive.


Jinx gave her a wary look. “What? What are you looking at?”


Caitlyn uncovered her chest. “You. I think I’ll fuck you after all.”


  “M- Me?”


  “Y- Yes. You.” Caitlyn gave the couch a broad gesture. “Sit down. Let me take care of you.”


The sight of Jinx gawking would stay with Caitlyn forever.


Caitlyn giggled. “Or should I let you take care of me?” When Jinx didn’t stop gawking, Caitlyn sat, putting her back to her.


Jinx appeared in front of her in a flash, scowling. “Get up.”


  “No, I don’t think I will, thank you very much.”


  “Get. Up. No way I’m eating you out, cupcake.”

 “Cupcake?” Caitlyn pretended to think. “No, I don’t think that’s the right name for us. Call me… Mommy.”


  “As if! As if you think you can top me!” Jinx hadn’t blinked in a while, longer than usual.


Caitlyn gave a lazy shrug. “If you don’t like it, you’re free to leave. I’d hate to make you uncomfortable.”


  “You make me uncomfortable? In your dreams!” Jinx dropped to her knees.


  “Uh uh. Did I say kneel?”




  “No, what?”


Jinx’s nose wrinkled. “No, Mommy.”


  “Better. A smile would go a long way. Now, on your feet and out of those clothes. Let’s see what we’re working with here. I couldn’t help but notice there isn’t much of a bulge in those shorts of yours.”


Jinx huffed, got to her feet and started undoing her shorts. “You’ll notice it when it’s inside your gut, Mommy.”


  “Less talking. More undressing. Quickly now. And don’t forget to smile.”


Jinx gave her a smile of clenched teeth. “Yes, Mommy.”


Jinx’s shorts dropped to her ankles. She wasn’t wearing underwear. Exposed, her cock grew from a pathetic, shrivelled thing to longer than her forearm. A day ago, Caitlyn would have been impressed. However, it wasn’t a day ago and Caitlyn had to stifle laughter upon seeing her girth. It was as if someone had taken Ashe’s cock and doubled its size; uncanny, really.


Jinx’s bra came off next. Well, not a bra so to speak. More like a bikini top. Either way, beneath it were a pair of flat, perky breasts with bright pink nipples. That left Jinx with her single, purple thigh sock and her fingerless, brown leather gloves; she wasn’t wearing shoes. For how skinny she was, she had a remarkable set of hips. Jinx made to remove what remained.


  “That’s enough. Leave the rest.” Caitlyn pointed at Jinx’s feet. “Hands and knees.”


  “You want me to crawl?” Jinx asked indignantly.


  “No questions. You say ‘Yes, Mommy,’ and then do as you’re told. Understand?”

Jinx scowled. “Yes-”




Jinx gave her another toothy grin. “Yes, Mommy.” She got on her hands and knees. Her hips stuck out either side of her slim waist, turning her ass into a heart shape. The tattoos of blue smoke wrapped around her waist as far as the valley of her back.


  “I’ll admit, you were right.” Caitlyn spread her legs. “Crawl.”


  “Yes. Mommy.” 


Jinx cringed as she crawled, and Caitlyn barely contained herself. It was less than scum like Jinx deserved. Seeing her rot behind bars, now that would be a sight worth seeing; but, the sight of her ass swaying would serve. She did have a nice ass, for a criminal.


When Jinx’s face was a few inches from Caitlyn’s pussy, she stopped and looked up into Caitlyn’s eyes. Jinx’s eyes were like a set of diamonds, blue and sparkly. Eyes so beautiful didn’t belong to someone like her.


  “Good job, little slut. I think I’ll let you eat my pussy now.”


  “Thank you, Mommy.” The corners of Jinx’s mouth twitched as she smiled.


  “Oh my, look at you! I didn’t even have to tell you to say that.” Caitlyn patted her head. “Good job.”


By the way, Jinx looked at her, Caitlyn wouldn’t have been surprised if she took ‘eat my pussy’ literally. She didn’t; in fact, she did a whole deal better than not biting Caitlyn’s pussy. Her tongue moved in ways Caitlyn hadn’t known were possible, and her lips matched it stroke for stroke. A thick pleasure settled in Caitlyn’s lower back. It spread its tendrils up her spine and through her groin.


Caitlyn moaned. No. She melted into the couch. She’s horrible. She bit her lip. A criminal- no, a terrorist even! She squeezed her breast. She shouldn’t feel good! She forbade a moan to leave her throat. She can’t! The moan escaped, high, pitched and pathetic. Jinx smirked against her pussy.


Blue, sparkling eyes gazed up at her, full of defiance. The tip of a slim finger wandered around the rim of her asshole. She felt a twang in her groin but ignored it.


Caitlyn straight up. “Y- You could put your whole arm up here, and I still wouldn’t cum. Never. Not with trash like you.”


Jinx raised an eyebrow at her and her eyes flared. The finger disappeared from her asshole. Caitlyn felt the couch draw move beneath her through the cushions. Jinx revealed a bottle of lube. She drizzled it over her hand, pinched her fingers and thumb together, and pressed them against Caitlyn’s asshole.


They were slimy and warm. As were most things nowadays, it seemed.


Caitlyn’s ass opened as if Jinx had flipped a switch. The ease with which Jinx’s hand entered her made her skin crawl. It also made her groin twang. A more intense twang, a hungry twang. Caitlyn tried to ignore it, but she may as well have tried to ignore the sun shining in her eyes for all the good it did her. As Jinx’s arm disappeared up her ass, Caitlyn wailed with pleasure.


  “What’s wrong, Mommy? Bite off more than you can chew?” Jinx laughed that horrible, shrieking laugh.


Caitlyn’s belly bulged. Her ass stretched right to the limits, pressing against the inside of her pussy. Nothing could compare to such a feeling. It made her feel like water.


Grinning, Jinx produced a vibrating wand and dangled it in front of Caitlyn’s face. A dial ran along its handle with five power settings.


  “N- No… Please…”


  “Afraid you’ll cum?”


Caitlyn nodded frantically. She couldn’t cum. Not with her. Anyone but her!


Jinx touched the wand to her chin and gave the ceiling an inquisitive look. “Hmmmm… Too bad!” She thumbed the dial to five. It made a sound like the wings of a bee. It’s head became a blur. Jinx jammed it into Caitlyn’s clit.


Caitlyn wailed like she’d never wailed before. The pleasure jolted through her like a constant electric shock. It made her kick her legs and arch her back and pound her fists. She fought it tooth and nail. She clenched. She repeated three mantras in her head. I will not cum. I won’t give her what she wants. Not her! Yet, for all her clenching and all her mantras, she came all the same.


As she squirted all over Jinx’s face and chest, she devolved into a spluttering mess. Normally, she wouldn’t have been aware of such a thing. Her mind should have turned to fog and pudding, but it didn’t, and Caitlyn experienced Jinx’s victory with a crystal clear mind. 


At least it felt amazing. That had nothing to do with Jinx, obviously. Orgasms always felt amazing. Jinx couldn’t be given credit for that. At that point, you may as well give her credit for the sun feeling warm and for ice feeling cold.

Jinx loomed over her with a smirk throughout the whole ordeal. Her smirk made her otherwise pleasant-looking face look quite slappable. Caitlyn would have, if she could move her arms.


When the orgasm faded and her strength returned, Caitlyn did just that; or rather, tried. Her arms were jelly. Jinx swatted away her hand as if it were an annoying fly. She’d used her right hand, the hand that should have been inside Caitlyn’s ass. When had she removed it?


  “No one told me you’re a squirter! Maybe you aren’t so boring after all!”


  “Fuck… off…”


Jinx turned her head and cupped her ear. “What’s that? Fuck you? Well! Don’t mind if I-” Caitlyn spat in her face. Jinx burst out laughing. Again, with the, nasally shrieking laugh. “Now you’ve done it!” Jinx doubled over as a giggle fit seized her. It vanished without warning and she was upright in the blink of an eye, grinning ear to ear. “You’re getting fucked good! I was gonna take it easy on you - let you off with one orgasm! But now?! You’re! Getting! Fucked!”


Caitlyn huffed. “At least have the decency to do it in such a way so as I don’t have to look at you while you do it.”


  “Hmm… nope! I like the way your face scrunches up when you cum. Can’t miss that! Nope, never!”


Jinx got up on her knees properly. The couch was low enough that Jinx could get her cock level with Caitlyn’s pussy, so long as she leaned forward. She planted a hand beside Caitlyn’s head on the back of the couch and loomed over her. Her two, twin brades dangled either side of her face like a pair of blue ropes.


  “Ready for the best fuck of your life, Mommy?”


  “Is someone else joining us? You should have mentioned so earlier.”


  “Don’t get smart, it doesn’t suit you.”


  “It suits me quite well, actually.”


  “Does not!”


  “Does too!”


  “Ugh! You’re so damn annoying!” Jinx rammed her cock inside Caitlyn’s pussy, and melted. “W- What? Oh~” She let out a breathless moan and pressed her forehead against Caitlyn’s. It was slick with sweat and Ahri’s cum. Her hips began an insistent pace. 


Jinx penetrated deep. Not especially deep, mind you, but deep enough that it would rock a normal person’s world. It felt great, but not in any sort of special way. The fact she hardly stretched Caitlyn didn’t help matters. It was perfect. Jinx could never make her cum like this.


  “What’s wrong? Bit of more than you can chew?”


  “Sh- Fuck… Shut up! Y- You’re nothing special!”


  “Oh, please. This is some of the best pussy you’ve ever had. Admit it.”


  “It isn’t!”


  “No?” Caitlyn ground her hips with Jinx’s thrusts.


Jinx wailed. She actually wailed! Caitlyn burst out laughing.


  “Sh- Shut up! So what if you feel good? You’re nothing! I-” Jinx whimpered. Her voice shrank. “I lasted five hours with Kayle. You’re nothing. You’re…” She moaned. “Nothing…” Another moan, longer than the last.


  “Seems everyone loves this Kayle person. Hurry up and cum so I can meet her sooner.”


Jinx grit her teeth and slowed to a crawl.


  “Come on,” Caitlyn groaned. “You’re just being petty at this point.”


Caitlyn waited for a retort. But none came. Jinx closed her eyes and set her jaw. Something… odd happened to her face. Madness lived on her face as if it were a second skin. It vanished, slowly, like a draining basin. In place of madness, nothing replaced it. Her face became blank.


When Jinx opened her eyes, she realised that her assessment had been made from a place of ignorance. For when Jinx opened her eyes, she showed Caitlyn a flavour of dedication that escaped imagination and preconception. It was the sort of thing you only realised existed after seeing it for the first time. Jinx looked as if she wanted to conquer the world and intended to dedicate every waking hour to achieve it.


Pleasure crept up her spine. Slow. Unbearably so. Caitlyn’s lips trembled. “N- No…” A moan forced its way past her lips. Her hand crept towards her clit. She fought it like her life depended on it, but her hand would not be deterred. It found her clit and rubbed circles into it.


  “You’re going to cum.” Jinx’s voice was flat. “And you’re going to love it. Understand?”


Caitlyn knew she’d lost her words, so she fought to shake her head. It nodded instead.




Caitlyn squirmed. Not just because of Jinx’s cock, but because of her glare. It bore down on her with the weight of the world. It saw every inch of her. It knew her.


It felt so good.


It shouldn’t, but it did. Caitlyn obeyed and loved every moment of it. Every moment with her. A criminal. A terrorist. The sworn enemy of everything she believed and held dear; and Caitlyn was in love with her cock. She should have wanted it to end, but she didn’t. She wanted it to last forever. She wanted to fuck her in every room. She wanted Jinx!


Caitlyn got her wish. Time slipped away as they went from room to room. Jinx blew her back out on the cold granite of the kitchen counter. She ploughed her on the deck chairs beneath the sun. Caitlyn bounced on her cock in the shade of the garden’s grand oak tree. Ashe’s pool of cum on the bed; Lissandra’s on the bedroom couch; the bubbling waters of the spa’s jacuzzi; over the balcony railing. They fucked everywhere. Whether Jinx carried her, or Caitlyn walked, she hadn’t a clue. Regardless, they fucked in a dozen different places, and Caitlyn came a dozen different.


Jinx fucked Caitlyn into the pool table, taking handfuls of her hips, moaning inches from her face. Their breath intermingled as they moaned, spreading a thick warm blanket over Caitlyn’s face. Jinx’s breath smelt of pussy.


  “Caitlyn!” Jinx cried.


She’d cried her name a hundred times by now, but this time, it felt different; insistent. No, desperate. Her eyes darted about as if searching for something on Caitlyn’s face. The handfuls she took of Caitlyn’s hips grew needy. Her breath hastened. Her moans became whimpers.


  “Cum Jinx! Please cum, please! I need it inside me, deep inside me! Where it belongs!”


  “I’m gonna! Oh fuck, I’m gonna!~”


Caitlyn kissed. She could have believed that her body had moved of its own accord, but that’d be a lie. She kissed Jinx. She grasped her face. She pulled her lips to hers. And she sucked on her mouth as if she were trying to suck out her tongue. Jinx tasted like Ahri, and like Caitlyn. Mostly Caitlyn.


Making out furiously with Caitlyn, Jinx blew her load balls deep. Her cock heaved and bulged as it pumped Caitlyn full. She managed five heavy loads before collapsing.


Three knocks wrapped on the door.

Thanks for reading! What did you think of Jinx? Did you love her? Did you hate her? Would you fuck her? Let me know!

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks yet another criminal scumbag, Renata, The Chem-Baroness!

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