Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession

Sejuani & Ashe & Lissandra – Part 2

Caitlyn clapped her hands. All three pairs of eyes snapped onto her. She let the silence linger for a few moments.


  “Right. You’ve made quite a mess of the bed. Let’s move somewhere else.”


Lissandra lost her grin. “We’ll fuck you where we please, whore.”


  “We’ll fuck where we all please or we won’t fuck at all.”


Lissandra huffed and folded her arms.


Sejuani arched an eyebrow. “Where do you have in mind?”

  “Somewhere soft, Warmother. And elevated. I imagine you’ll want to fuck me all at once, yes?”




Ashe shakily met Caitlyn’s eye. “Have… Have you got access to the basement yet?”


  “There’s a basement?”


Ashe nodded, then collapsed onto her puddle of cum.


  “It’s quite fun,” Lissandra said.


  “We’ll fuck on the couch,” Sejuani said. She nodded at the couch Elise had fucked Caitlyn on. “That one.”


  “Yes, Warmother,” Caitlyn and Lissandra said at the same time.


Ashe groaned and gave a ghost of a nod.


A grin split Lissandra’s face. “Come on, you. Up at it.” She grabbed Ashe by the ankle and dragged her off the bed.


Ashe hit the carpet with a heavy thud. Her head bounced, but if she’d felt it, it hadn’t hurt enough for a yelp, not even a grunt. She left a streak of cum behind her, like a creampied snail.


Caitlyn remembered Ahri’s scowl. “Will Mistress Ahri mind the mess we’re making?”


  “Nope.” Lissandra tossed Ashe onto the couch.




  “Graves and Twisted Fate will clean it up.” Sejuani slid off the bed and loomed higher than life.




Sejuani gave her a gentle smile. “Mercenaries. Ahri hires them as maids.”


Lissandra cackled. “Made them dress up once! Suited Fate better than it did Graves~”


  “Graves liked it,” Ashe murmured. “He just couldn’t admit it is all.”


  “No, he didn’t, stupid. He just liked the right old fucking we gave him.”


  “He gave us.”


  “Whatever. Same thing.”


Before Caitlyn could so much as process any of that, Sejuani threw her over her shoulder and melted her mind. You’d think it’d be like carrying a sack of flour over her shoulder. Caitlyn was light and all but, not that light. And yet, Sejuani walked as if she weren’t carrying her at all.


Caitlyn giggled stupidly. She couldn’t help it. Something about a woman strong enough to break her in two reduced to a stupid, giggling girl. It earned her a firm slap on the ass.


  “Lissandra, lay down,” Sejuani commanded. “Ashe, stand behind the armrest. Caitlyn, brace yourself.”


  “W- Why, Warmother?”


Lissandra giggled. “I’m quite cold, if you recall.”


Sejuani set her down on Lissandra’s belly. It’s muscle pressed cold against her pussy. The cold shot through her, up her spine into her belly. It wasn’t like Kalista. It wasn’t a stab, an assault. It was a mirror held to warmth; utterly the opposite, but also the same. The cold settled inside her, clutching her in a firm, icy embrace.


A ribbon of steam rose from her pussy. Lissandra grinned behind it. “Do you feel that, whore?” She traced cold lines across the curve of Caitlyn’s hip. “That’s true pleasure.”


  “It… It feels wonderful~” Caitlyn ground her pussy against the cold. Icy flames flared, creeping deep inside her. Her pussy quivered. A moan escaped her lips.


Sejuani knelt behind her, radiating warmth like a campfire on a winter’s night. She pressed her tip against Caitlyn’s asshole. Where she was day, Lissandra was night. Warmth and cold mingled inside her and created a world of wonders.


  “Warmother~” Caitlyn ground with more insistence. “Please fuck me~”


Sejuani wound Caitlyn’s hair around her hand. “Ashe, fill her mouth.”


  “If you can manage it,” Lissandra said.


  “I can,” Ashe snapped. She grasped Caitlyn’s head and rammed her cock into her mouth.


It didn’t come close to the back of her throat. It was sweet, soft, and adorable, but it didn’t come close.


Lissandra traced a shiver up the valley of Caitlyn’s back. “Careful now, don’t move too much or she’ll cum.”

  “I- I won’t,” Ashe said. Her voice was strained. Her face was tight. Her cock heaved and throbbed.


Sejuani lifted Caitlyn’s ass. Her pussy left Lissandra’s belly, but the cold remained. Then it exploded, up her spine, to her neck, fingers and toes. Sejuani set her down on Lissandra's cock and it filled her. Before Caitlyn could so much as think about moaning, Sejuani filled her ass. She glided in easy as that as if Caitlyn had been made to take her.


Plugged and stuffed, Caitlyn floated on a special kind of euphoria. The cocks, they completed her, they put her to use. Giddy glee spun her head.


Ashe giggled. “You should see her face.”


  “You should see her heart.” Lissandra nipped her neck. Her mouth was a splash of ice water against her skin.


Giggles set in. They shook her body and brought tears to her eyes. The cocks jostled about inside her, rubbing hot against cold. Lissandra melted. Sejuani froze; she drew her cock back and that put a stop to any giggles.


Caitlyn moaned. Unimpeded, it came out loud.


Ashe gasped and took a step back. Her cock threatened to spill, heaving and bulging.


Lissandra shuddered. “May we start, Warmother?” She stole handfuls of Caitlyn’s ass, spreading goosebumps over them.


Sejuani pulled Caitlyn’s hair tight. A smile flavoured her voice. “I’m not sure. Would our whore like that?”


  “Y- Yes, Warmother!”


Sejuani pulled tighter. “Yes, what?”


  “Fuck me, Warmother! Fuck me all of you! Oh god, please, I need it I need it I need it!”


And just like that, they were off. Ashe slammed her cock back inside her mouth. Lissandra flailed her hips. Sejuani filled her. They barraged her with competing tempos, meters and rhythms.


Sejunai fucked her with precision. Each stroke was that of a master painter. Slow. Deliberate. Graceful in an unconscious, inherent sort of way. The sort of grace that makes skill appear easy. She accented each stroke with a tug of Caitlyn’s hair, a full-palmed slap of her ass and a husky, breathless gasp.


Lissandra fucked her like an animal. Her pace went this way and that, frenzied one moment, plodding another. She raked her nails across Caitlyn’s back like a bear trying to split a hive. She sucked on Caitlyn’s neck like a dog sucking the juice off a bone. She was cold. Not like a blizzard. Not like Kalista. No, she was in a cold pool on a summer’s day. Where Sejuani heated her to a boil, Lissandra swooped in to relieve her.


Ashe fucked her with fear. A good fear. The smart, sensitive, cautious kind. Her small, subtle strokes patted Caitlyn’s lips; a great contrast to the war going on behind. To her credit, she lasted twice as long as she should have. After a dozen strokes or so, she’d take a step back and let her cock heave. She walked a razor’s edge. Countless times, she should have cum, but never did. Her precum tasted of fruit.


Their moans weaved a tapestry of sound. Husky, breathless groans. Sharp, choked cries. Soft, trembling whimpers. It sang with an angel’s voice above Caitlyn’s silence. Caitlyn could hardly keep her eyes open, let alone moan. Sejuani’s grip on her hair was all that separated her from a fall.


Caitlyn surrendered herself to them. What point was there in doing anything else? Even if the pleasure hadn’t turned her muscles to jelly and her mind to mush, how could she hope to compete against the three of them at once? So, Caitlyn let herself be used. She let Ashe fill her mouth. She let Lissandra pound her pussy and make a ruin of her back. She let Sejuani pull her hair, bruise her cheeks and destroy her ass.


Every moment was heaven on earth.


Lissandra dug her nails in. Her sharp, choked cries turned into whimpers. She froze. Her mouth moved as if teetering on the edge of a sneeze. “oh,” she said. So small. So delicate. 


Her orgasm was anything but. It erupted inside Caitlyn. A dozen long bursts of cum drew a dozen wailing moans. The moans were all throat; all primal and fury.


A mocking grin spread across Ashe’s lips. She pulled out of Caitlyn’s mouth and laughed.


If Sejuani had noticed Lissandra’s orgasm, she showed no sign of it.


As Lissandra blew her final load, she gritted her teeth. “You- You bitch. H- How dare you make me cum.” Her voice was thin and strained.


Thoughts were a fickle thing, but instinct was always ready. Caitlyn opened her mouth to apologise. Instead, she whimpered a moan. Don’t hold it against her. You try talking with a cock rearranging your guts.


  “Your time is over,” Sejuani said impassively without breaking her stride. “Leave.”

  “Like hell.” 


Lissandra pulled out. A flow of cum glazed her belly. She squirmed out from beneath Caitlyn, shot to her feet and snatched a handful of Ashe’s hair. 


Ashe’s laughter vanished. “Get off me. Your time’s over.”


Lissandra cracked the back of her hand against Ashe’s face. Ashe’s head snapped to the side. Her hair hung over her face. 


  “My time with her is over. With you, it’s just begun. On your knees. Now.”


Ashe dropped to her knees. She didn’t lower herself. No, she dropped with a thump. Her pale, blue eyes locked with Lissandra’s blindfold as she deepthroated her cock.


Sejuani slapped Caitlyn’s ass so hard she screamed. Then Caitlyn burst out laughing, only to devolve into moans. Usually, Sejuani’s hand would wind up for another. This time it stayed and claimed a handful of her ass. 


  “You see that?” Sejuani said. “That is proper servitude.”


  “Yes… Yes, Wamother~”


Sejuani yanked Caitlyn upright by her hair. “Are you a good servant?”


  “Yes, Wamother!” Caitlyn screamed.


  “Are you?”


Her hair threatened to tear away. “Yes! I am! I am!” Caitlyn frantically played with herself.


  “I will ruin you. You will let me. Yes?”


  “Yes! Please ruin me, Warmother! P… P… Oh god…” Caitlyn came. The pleasure tore through her and set her to trembling. Every muscle moved of its own accord.


Sejuani held her through it all. She released her hair, stopped slapping her ass and slowed her pace to a crawl. “There there,” she whispered. “Isn’t that good?”


  “Uh huh,” Caitlyn managed. Each time Sejuani filled her ass, she made another uh. “Uh… Uh… Uh…”


Caitlyn’s eyelids weighed as much as two stones. She against them to watch Lissandra blow her load in Ashe’s mouth. Ashe’s eyes bulged as cum gushed from the corners of her mouth, down her chin and even from her nose. A phantom pain burned the back of Caitlyn’s nose. She’s so lucky…


Lissandra knocked Ashe off her knees and - as Ashe spluttered up cum all over the carpet - turned a scowl their way. “Quit going easy on her. She’s finished cumming.”


  “Warmother,” Sejuani said.


  “Fuck off. My time’s done.”


Sejuani ground to a halt. “Must I remind you of your place, sister?”


  “Do your worst, you meat-headed bitch. I’ll-”


  “No, she’s right, Wammother!” Caitlyn shouted. “I’m ready for more~” She ground her hips.


Sejuani shuddered and picked up her pace again but, it was sloppy; all lopsided and rhythmless.


Lissandra burst out laughing. “Fuck me, we should be calling you Warmother. No one’s ever done that to her before.”


As Lissandra laughed and Caitlyn devolved back into moans, Ashe snuck away. She crawled over to the strapon and buckled it up. As silent as a spectre, she snuck up behind Lissandra and whispered in her ear.


  “Fuck you? Well, if you insist~” 




Ashe kicked out the back of Lissandra's knees and pinned the side of her face against the cum-stained carpet. They looked like a pair of wrestlers, and Ashe was winning. Steam rose Ashe's toned belly pressed against Lissandra’s bony back.


  “Unhand me! What do you think you're doing?” Lissandra could have wriggled free, but she didn’t. Caitlyn swore she detected the slightest hint of laughter in her sharp, icy voice.


  “Fulfilling the command of my betters, sister.” Ashe pressed the dildo’s tip against Lissandra’s asshole.


  “Don’t. You. Dare.”


Ashe plunged inside. Her groin slammed against Lissandra’s ass. Ripples spread through her hips and ass, jiggling the pale flesh. None spread through Lissandra's stick-thin body. Lissandra made a sound like she’d had the wind knocked out of her. A grin spread across her lips. It melted as Ashe got to fucking her.


Sejuani roared with laughter. “Brace yourself, Caitlyn.”


Giddy with glee, Caitlyn braced for a hard fucking. Instead, the couch vanished beneath her as Sejuani got to her feet. She planted Caitlyn beside Lissandra, ass up, face down, and fucked her side by side with Ashe.


They laughed. Lissandra and Caitlyn moaned. They slapped their asses. Lissandra and Caitlyn took handfuls of the carpet. They used. Lissandra and Caitlyn served.


Raw energy flowed through Caitlyn like lightning in her veins. She could do anything. Run a marathon. Climb a mountain. Fight a bear. Anything! It was the special kind of madness you can experience during a good, hard fuck. Perhaps that’s why she kissed Lissandra, or perhaps she just wanted to. Who knows? Either way, it happened, and it didn’t stop.


Caitlyn and Lissandra made out as if they were madly in love. Her mouth felt like the inside of a fridge. Her lips were as smooth as ice and her tongue as cold. No, colder. It was the coldest part of her. So cold it should have hurt but, it didn’t. Quite the opposite. Caitlyn had to suck on it. She had to. If she didn’t… well, she wasn’t sure wha would happen; nothing good. That must have been the madness talking.


  “Oh fuck…” Lissandra whispered. Her breath brushed Caitlyn's lips. It chilled her to the bone. Lissandra gasped, “OH!” Her cock erupted. “FUUUuuuck…” A lazy smile spread across her blue lips as she heaved load after load onto the carpet.


Ashe frantically pulled out, flung off the strapon and buried her tiny cock inside Lissandra’s gaped ass. She fucked her like a rabbit. Four swift thrusts and she came too. A dumb grin slackened her face.


Caitlyn would have laughed if she hadn’t been moaning so loud.


Without Lissandra’s mouth to occupy her madness, it turned on Sejuani. An insatiable desire for pleasure took hold of Caitlyn. She bucked against Sejuani’s thrusts, rubbed her clit and pinched her nipples. Harder, faster, it made no matter. It was never enough. Never. Until it was too much.


Caitlyn came, and she came hard, harder than ever before, harder than should be possible. It knocked the wind from her sails. After an explosion of pleasure that made her sing, she was left with nothing. No pleasure. No quivering walls. No aching belly. No fuzzy mind. No beating heart. Everything was normal in an uncanny sort of way.


Sure, Sejuani was still fucking her ass but, Caitlyn was only vaguely aware of it. As if it were happening to someone else instead of her.

Caitlyn tried to move her head. Nothing. Her head didn’t weigh anything, but it didn’t move either. None of her would.


Sejuani spoke. It wasn’t a whisper but still, Caitlyn could hardly hear her. “She is ruined. Let’s take a break.”


Ashe giggled. She too was quiet, like she talking from behind a door. “Yes, Wamother.”


Lissandra groaned.


For a while, Caitlyn floated. Far away, voices spoke. They whispered conversations without words and laughed at jokes. Three sets of phantom hands caressed her. The first set stroked her hair. Its palms covered her head and its fingers hooked over the sides, stroking her ears and jaw. The second set groped her ass. A numb, distant chill spread across her flesh like cracks spreading across sheet ice. The third massaged her legs. They were so small, so dainty, so soft. They struggled to take proper hold of her thighs. They more nuzzled than massaged.


Words took form.


  “Is she-”


  “No, just-”


  “-so cute~”


Sentences followed.


  “If Ahri disagrees we’re screwed.”


  “If Ahri disagreed, she’d be here.”


  “Yeah, remember Neeko? Ahri took her away not even five seconds after Sejuani broke her.”


  “I didn’t break her.”


  “You did.”


  “No, I didn’t. I knocked her out. Two dozen orgasms will do that to you.”


  “She’s right, you did.”


  “She didn’t seem very broken last night, did she?”


  “You can fix something that’s broken. Ahri fixed her. You broke her.”

Someone sighed. As it hung on the air - the muggy, salty, fishy air - the world honed back into focus, heralded by the beat of a heart against Caitlyn’s cheek.


They were still on the floor. Sejuani’s rock-hard body served as a bed, her giant tits as pillows. She ran her hands through Caitlyn’s hair. Lissandra groped her ass. Ashe massaged her legs. They were all smiles.


  “Aren’t you meant to hate each other?” Caitlyn asked. Her voice felt thick.


The smiles vanished.


  “Hate is a strong word,” Ashe said.


Lissandra’s scowl reappeared. She made to open her mouth but stopped at the raising of Sejuani’s hand.


  “We don’t speak of outside.”


  “Yes, Warmother,” Ashe and Lissandra said together in a resigned manner.


  “Sorry, Warmother,” Caitlyn said.


  “Don’t be.” Sejuani kissed her head.


Every inch of Caitlyn throbbed. She let out a groan. “Did I pass out?”


  “Just about,” Lissandra said.


  “No. You came close, but no,” Sejuani said.


Ashe giggled. “You’re adorable when you’re ruined.”


Caitlyn managed a smile. “Aren’t I always?”


Ashe and Lissandra giggled.


Sejuani didn’t. “Can you continue?” It was more a command than a question.


Caitlyn forced herself onto her knees. She stretched her arms out to the side and puffed her chest. Lovely tension coursed through her. The throbs dulled. Heat remained. “Lissandra, hug me.”


Lissandra huffed. “Why should I?”


  “Do what you’re told.”


Lissandra bit her lip. A smile tugged the corners of her mouth. She wrapped her arms around Caitlyn and pulled her against her chest. Steam swirled around them. Cold chilled to the bone. Not the violent chill of an ice bath. No, the tender chill of stepping inside an airconditioned house in the peak of summer.


Caitlyn sighed, kissed Lissandra’s cheek and sighed again. “I’m ready, Warmother. Right as rain.”


Sejuani nodded. “On the bed. In the filth.”


Lissandra’s laugh shook her chest. “Where you belong.”


  “And me, Warmother?” Ashe asked, grinning.


  “On her face.”


The grin vanished. “But I’ll cum.”


  “You won’t.”




  “You won’t, or I’ll show you what it means to be properly broken. Both of you.”


  “What?” Lissandra asked. “What did I do?”


  “Nothing.” Sejuani smiled. “I’m just a meat-headed bitch, aren’t I?”


Caitlyn slipped out of Lissandra's grasp. On her feet, she gave Sejuani a smirk. “You say that like you’re not about to empty your balls inside me. Warmother.”


Ashe looked shocked. Lissandra smirked. Sejuani lost her smile.


  “In the filth. Now,” Sejuani said.


Caitlyn giggled. “Of course, Warmother.”


She hurried over to the bed. Walking felt different. There was a hollow space in her groin and gut that hadn’t been there before. Walking made it throb. Walking felt amazing.


Caitlyn lay in Ashe’s pool of cum. Some of it had dried. Most of it hadn’t. It clung to her back, gluing the sheet to her skin. Warm and sticky, it felt like lying on a massive tongue. Caitlyn ran her fingers through it and popped a glob in her mouth. If she could of, Caitlyn would have lived off the stuff. It was heaven, sunshine and sex all rolled into one.


Sejuani approached, stroking her cock with deliberate, agonizingly slow strokes. She walked much the same. Each step was an eternity. Caitlyn plunged her fingers inside her desperate pussy. It didn’t help. If anything, it made her steps seem even slower.


Ashe scampered past her, leapt onto the bed and knelt behind Caitlyn’s head.


  “Warmother~” Caitlyn whimpered, flailing her fingers.


  “What’s wrong?” Step. “Use your words.” Step.


  “I need you!~”


  “To do?” Step.


  “To fuck me!”


  “Come now.” Step. “I was told you’re a polite girl.” Step. “Where are your manners?” Step.


  “Please fuck my pussy, Warmother! Please, I need it I need it I need it!”


Sejuani burst out laughing, closed the distance in three strides and spread Caitlyn’s legs. Caitlyn moved her hand away and Sejuani eased inside. Her pussy yawned around her cock. Once, it would have hurt. That seemed like a lifetime ago now. 


As Sejuani’s tip vanished, a bulge travelled along Caitlyn’s belly. Inch by inch, it crawled to her belly button, and then past it. When Sejuani filled her, it was just below her ribcage.


Sejuani swallowed and braced herself on Caitlyn’s thighs. “I… I think I’m in your womb.”


  “It’s wh- where you belong, Warmother.”


  “Yes. Yes, it fucking is. Ashe, on her face, now. And Caitlyn, don’t you dare go easy on her. You eat her ass like it’s the first thing you’ve eaten in months. And Lissandra, get a fleshlight from downstairs. Jerk off in the corner, without moaning and without cumming.”


  “Yes, Warmother!” All three of them said at once.


Lissandra scurried off down the stairs, while Ashe lowered her ass onto Caitlyn’s face. Ashe moved far too slowly. Caitlyn grabbed her hips, squeezed heaping handfuls and pulled her ass down. Her world was plunged into darkness and her tongue plunged inside Ashe.


Ashe made the most terrific, squealing moan as her ass tightened.


  “Look at me, sister. Don’t you dare cum. I mean it.”


  “But… but… but… it feels so gooooood!” Ashe wailed. Caitlyn started eating her out; all lips and a prodding tongue. Ashe’s wails somehow became even more pathetic, but to her credit, she didn’t cum.


As if to put her in her place, Sejauni began fucking Caitlyn. She abandoned her slow, plodding pace for a determined, jogging fuck. It rocked the bed, Caitlyn’s insides and her mind, and made her make sounds she wasn’t aware she could.


Sejuani slapped her tits. “Eat her out! Your mouth is for pleasure, not moaning!” She slapped her tits again for good measure. They burned, but Caitlyn swallowed her moans.


Caitlyn got wild, animalistic. She got sloppy and slobbery. It Ashe cry. The good sort of cry. The kind you can only make during sex.


Sejuani’s pace ramped up. The harder she fucked, the harder she breathed. It came out like a hiss, as if passing through clenched teeth; like the chugging of a steam train. It drove Caitlyn crazy, which made Ashe moan all the louder. 


Off in the distance, faint as a whisper, Lissandra whimpered.


Sejuani shouted deep from her chest. “Shut up! One more sound out of you and I will break your little whore mind!” And that’s when Sejuani lost it.


Pace became a distant memory. She fucked Caitlyn with speed and fury. Her balls slammed against Caitlyn’s asshole. Her cock mashed her insides. Caitlyn came almost immediately.


Despite what she’d been told, Caitlyn moaned. Not only that, but she lost control of her mouth. Try as she might, she couldn’t command her tongue or lips. Pleasure ruled her body, contracting her muscles, fuzzing her vision and opening and closing her mouth like a goldfish. The way her pussy clamped around Sejuani’s cock made it feel twice as big. It made her cum all over again.


Sejuani whimpered. “fuck.” She whipped her cock out. “Fuck! On your knees, here, all of you, now! Quickly!”


Something in Caitlyn took over. Midway through her orgasm, she found herself scrambling off the bed. Her knees hit the carpet and her mouth opened, wide and eager. Ashe dropped down beside her, and Lissandra scampered to her other side. They too opened their mouths. The three of them waited, Sejuani’s cock throbbing and heaving above them; a row of three obedient sluts hungry for their Warmother’s cum.


It didn’t take long to get their wish.


Sejuani’s bulged and blew Caitlyn a mouthful. It splattered against her tongue and bulged her cheeks. The next load blew Ashe’s way, although it clipped her upper lips, splattering her nose and getting in her hair. Lissandra’s load wasn’t even close. It hit her square in the forehead, soaking her blindfold and running little streams down her cheeks.


Sejuani gave the rest to Caitlyn, and she had a lot to give. It splattered against her lips, cheeks, forehead and… well everywhere on her face. By the end, she wore a mask of gooey, hot cum, her left eye was glazed shut and her belly was full.


Stroking her flaccid cock, Sejuani fought for breath. “L- Lissandra, your turn.”


Lissandra flung away her fleshlight. “Fucking finally!” She shot to her feet and emptied her balls onto Caitlyn’s face, glazing shut her other eye.


Her cum felt like a splash of cold water. It made Caitlyn squeal and laugh.


Refreshed, Caitlyn sighed and got on all fours. “Go on, Ashe. I think you’ve earned it.”


  “C- Can I, Warmother?”


  “Yes,” Sejauni said breathlessly. “You can even cum!”


  “Thank you, Warmother!”


Ashe pounced on Caitlyn. She must have slammed her cock inside her because Caitlyn felt her groin against her ass. That’s all she felt. At least Ashe felt something. As she fucked Caitlyn like a rabbit, her moans grew higher and higher. “oh. Oh. Oh! OH! OH!” Until she collapsed and a thimble of cum dribbled down the inside of Caitlyn’s thigh.


Three knocks banged on the doors.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, decimated after her time with the Freljord girls, Caitlyn is faced with the last person she wants to see, Jinx, The Loose Cannon.

Oh, and here's that chart I promised ages ago :D (Bel'Veth is N/A because her tentacles are like 5 feet long and would ruin the graph)Chart

Also, I thought I'd mention I set up a Ko-Fi for the hell of it. As of now, there's no rewards but anything, even a single dollar would be appreciated. Of course, there's absolutely no pressure to tip. And please don't if you can't afford it.

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