Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Diana’s hands were never able to settle in one place for too long. They took a pinch here, a handful there as if they had the attention span of a goldfish. Her mouth was much the same. One moment it would be kissing her neck only to suddenly decide her shoulder would be better, or her cheek, or her mouth. Only her cock stayed still, buried deep inside her.


  “What do you know of the moon?” Diana whispered and nipped her earlobe.


Caitlyn giggled. “It orbits the planet.”


  “Is that all? I thought you were smarter than that.”


  “I’m plenty smart.”


  “Then surely you must know more than what the moon does.”


  “It’s a symbol of fertility.” Caitlyn ground her hips.


Diana’s breath caught in her throat. “Y- Yes. That is true~”


Maintaining the push and pull of her hips, Caitlyn racked her brain. “It… It controls the tide. So, it’s often paired with the ocean in a lot of cultures. If the moon’s aspect is a god, maybe it has some connection to Nagakaborous?”


As Diana’s limp cock began to sputter back to life, she grabbed Caitlyn’s hips and forced them to a standstill. “Nagakaorous? The Sea Queen?”


  “Yeah. Illaoi’s god.”


  “Illaoi’s god… It is true that the moon and the sea share a connection…” Diana’s ocean-blue eyes swirled with intrigue.


  “That’s a revelation for you?”


Diana gave her an easy smile. “Oftentimes we forget the things we know until we are reminded of them.”


  “Are you searching for something? Can I help?”


  “You already have.” She kissed Caitlyn deeply and took heaping handfuls of her hips.


Caitlyn would have fucked her there and then if two knocks from inside hadn’t reminded her of where she was. “I think our time is up.”


Diana sighed. “Yes… It is.” She slipped her cock free, releasing a flow of cum onto the grass. She got to her feet and gathered up her belongings. Her pale skin glowed orange beneath the majesty of dawn’s hearth.


Cum trickled along the inside of Caitlyn’s thigh as she followed her inside. “What will you do now? Do you guys just go home after you’re finished with me or…”


  “Home?” Diana laughed. “You may be the main event but you’re not the whole attraction. No, I plan on resting for a bit. What we discussed, about the moon and the sea, I must stew on it.”


  “And after? Once you stewed?”


  “I think I’ll see if I can’t get a good fuck in with Gwen. After her round with you last night, she’s been insatiable. Miss Fortune, Samira and Kayle all took her at the same time and even then, it wasn’t enough. All night she’s been at it. Probably still is.”


Caitlyn bit her lip. “God, you’re making me want to barge past these doors. Is it just one big orgy out there?”


  “More like a handful of smaller ones. There was a big one at the beginning. And there’s usually one at the end too.”


  “Can I be a part of it?”


  “If you’re still conscious, yeah.” Diana slapped and squeezed her ass. “You better be. I’m not done exploring what your body has to offer.” She slipped a finger inside her ass.


As Caitlyn let out a startled moan, the doors flew open to reveal Ahri. Hands on hips, she scowled at Diana. “Out. Before you earn yourself a warning.”


Diana shrugged, slipped her finger free and ducked through the towering doorway. Caitlyn strained her ears. Far away, she heard a chorus of muffled laughter, shouts and moans.


  “Couldn’t I just fuck them all at once? It’d save time.”


Ahri gave her a strict look and opened her mouth to answer only for a deeper, bullhorn of a voice to speak instead. “That is not the way of things,” it snapped. A towering woman clad in golden armour strolled towards the doors. Her stern look left no room for argument.


  “As Leona says, dear. You must take them one at a time,” Ahri said.


  “But Taliyah and Sivir-”


  “Were expectations,” Leona finished. She ducked through the doorway and strolled past Caitlyn, never missing a stride.


  “The most I’ll allow is three at a time,” Ahri said. “And even then, it must be a choice made by your partners, not by you.”


Caitlyn clutched the back of her head. “Right. Sorry. I figured it was worth asking.”


Ahri gave her a motherly smile. “You’ll be free to join in once you’re done here, dear. These events last for two weeks. You won’t be left out, I promise.” 


Two weeks? Before Caitlyn could even open her mouth, Ahri shut the doors. Their heavy slam ran up her spine like a shiver.


  “Turn around,” Leona said. “Let me get a look at you.”


She’s not a time waster, this one . Caitlyn bit her lip and did as she was told.


Leona was as tall as Diana but, that’s where their similarities ended. Where Diana was the moon - pale and silver - Leona was the sun; warm and golden. Her skin was pink and creamy. Her eyes were gold. A different sort of gold to Ahri’s. Ahri’s glistened prettily like two coins. Leona’s burned like two suns. Her armour was ornate and form-fitting. It cupped her impressive bust. It clung to her ample hips and sturdy thighs. A flap of gilded cloth covered where a bulge ought to be. Auburn hair spilled past her waist, warmed by dawn’s fiery radiance.


Leona’s eyes simmered as they looked Caitlyn up and down. “How often do you train your body?”


  “Six days a week. I rest on Sundays.” Caitlyn ran her hands over her toned body. “Does my body please you?”


  “I have been presented with a beautiful young woman who understands the importance of her body. I couldn’t be happier.”


Caitlyn flushed. The compliment was strange but, the rigorous sincerity of it tickled a part of her soul that she hadn’t known existed. Leona smiled and beckoned her closer. Caitlyn didn’t waste a second.


Caitlyn lay her hands on Leona’s broad shoulders. “I consent.”


  “Patience,” Leona said at once. “First, you must understand what is in store for you. And what is expected of you.”


… No silly, we’re here to serve each other… 


  “I expect things of you too, you know.”


For the first time, Leona smiled. “Of course.”


  “You’re…” Caitlyn swallowed. “My pleasure is just as important as yours.”




  “I’m not just a fuck doll for you.”


  “Of course not.” 


  “We’re here to serve each other . This is a partnership; a dance if you will.”


  “Always.” Leona traced a careful line across Caitlyn’s cheek. “Of all the things I’ve heard about you, none prepared me for you to shine so bright.”


Caitlyn giggled. She was trying to be all serious and stern, and she fucking giggled like a schoolgirl. Her cheeks felt like the surface of the sun.


  “Now, for my expectations,” Leona said.


Caitlyn nodded as she was lost for words.


  “This is not a game. I’ll accept no fooling around. There’s a proper way to pleasure each other and a wrong way. I trust you to know right from wrong.”


  “Right and wrong can mean different things to different people. What’s your right and wrong?”


  “Rhythm, meter and tempo. These are the building blocks of pleasure. They should be steady, calm and solid. Not chaos, disorder and stagnation. We are not animals. We are children of Sol. Everything we do must be approached with diligence and discipline; sex is no exception.”


  “You’ll find I’m quite disciplined.”


  “I expect nothing less.”


  “And what can I expect from you?”




One word. With one word she’d left Caitlyn sopping wet.


  “Do you still accept?” Leona asked.




  “Good.” Leona showed her her back. “Now, help me out of my armour.”


A series of steel buckles and leather straps kept Leona’s armour in place. Caitlyn scrambled to undo them all. She needed to get fucked and she needed it now.


  “What should I call you?” Caitlyn asked breathlessly.


  “Leona. I’ll suffer no false names.”


  “Yes, Leona.”


Underneath her armour, Leona was all muscle; bulky muscle. She had shoulders like a bull and arms like tree branches. Like Diana, she wore no layers under her armour. No chainmail. No leather tunic or pants. Only a strip of cloth to bind her breasts and a pair of tights. Her ass stretched the tights to the point where the pink and cream of her skin showed clear as day through the black fabric. A sun the size of a plate was tattoed between her shoulder blades in simple, black lines.


After Caitlyn untied her chest-wrap with trembling hands, Leona slipped off her tights and gathered her belongings into an orderly pile. Caitlyn couldn’t take her eyes off Leona’s cock. It was long, perhaps as long as Diana’s but, far thicker. Her pussy quivered as she imagined how it would stretch her.


The moment Leona was done, Caitlyn dropped to her knees and made to grasp her cock. Leona swatted away her hands.


  “Not here. Upstairs. The bedroom is the proper place.”


It took every ounce of self-control for Caitlyn to get back onto her feet. “Yes, Leona.” She hurried upstairs and threw herself onto the bed.


No sooner had her back hit the silky sheets than her hand plunged between her legs. It worked her pussy furiously and Caitlyn melted, her mind spinning with fantasies of Leona’s fat cock. An age passed before Leona appeared at the top of the stairs. Her enormous breasts heaved with each step conquered by her long, muscular legs.


  “You’re quite eager, aren’t you?” Leona asked.


  “More than you know. Come here.”


  “You couldn’t keep me away.”


Leona knelt and seized Caitlyn's thighs. Her grip was firm but not rough. She spread Caitlyn’s legs and made to embrace her pussy with her mouth but, froze instead.

  “Diana had your pussy, then.” It was more an observation than a question.


  “Is that a problem?”


  “Only if you’re averse to anal.” Leona touched Caitlyn’s asshole. “May I?”




Leona gave a stout nod, sucked on two fingers and then slipped them inside Caitlyn’s ass. Long and thick, they stretched her as well as any cock.


  “So big~” Caitlyn sighed.


Leona responded by kissing the back of her thigh. Then again and again. Her mouth didn’t wander or explore. Instead, she kissed the same spot over and over. Her free hand followed suit, massaging only one spot of her thigh. It squeezed and released in time with the push and pull of her fingers.


Caitlyn flipped her fingers inside her pussy. Remnants of Diana’s load slicked her to the knuckles. Her fingers met Leona’s, pressing against one another. They synched. Caitlyn moaned. She grabbed and handful of silky sheets and kicked her feet.


  “So sensitive.” Leona’s breath brushed her thigh. “And we’ve only gotten started. Keep up now.”


The tempo of Leona’s fingers built to a gallop. Sets of three, even thrusts; two hard and one soft. She set Caitlyn to squirming but, even as her moans lost control, her pace didn’t. Her fingers matched Leona’s, never missing a beat.


  “Fuck! That feels so fucking good, Leona!”


  “As it should.”


  “Please don’t stop! Never stop~”




Caitlyn could hardly breathe as the delicate embrace of Leona’s pleasure spread crescendo after crescendo of euphoric warmth throughout her body. Each and every moan was followed by a desperate, contricted gasp for air. And as her orgasm began to sprout, air became harder and harder to come by.


  “I’m!” Moan. Gasp. “Gonna!” Moan. Gasp. “Cum!”


  “So soon? Where’s that legendary stamina I’ve heard so much of?”


Caitlyn opened her mouth to defend herself but, found she could not talk. Neither could she moan. Nor gasp. Her breath caught in her throat, her body locked and her pussy erupted all over Leona’s massive tits. All the tension flooded out of her and released her breath with a desperate, wailing moan. It petered out as her pussy’s eruption became a dribble.


Leona said nothing of the mess she made. Rather, she climbed onto the bed with her and kissed her trembling lips.


  “I’m sorry I came so soon,” Caitlyn whispered.


Leona traced neat lines across her stomach. “Don’t be. After all the sex you’ve had it’s a wonder you can stand let alone couple with me.”


  “But, you sounded so disappointed.”


  “Disappointed? No, I was only spurring you on.”


  “Spurring me on? What, like a spotter in the gym?”


  “Exactly. What sort of partner would I be if I didn’t push you to do your best?”


Caitlyn finally relaxed. “A poor one.”


  “Quite a poor one.”


Caitlyn and Leona shared a kiss as they fell into each other’s embrace. More than anything, Caitlyn wanted Leona to pin her down and fuck her brains out. The way her cock rested against her thigh didn’t help. She couldn’t though. Not yet. Once Leona came, that was it, their time was done. This time round, Caitlyn wouldn’t settle for anything less than compete satisfaction when her partner left. So, she made out with Leona for… well, how long is something only the gods could know. Sol, perhaps. The sun watched over them as her tongue explored Leona’s mouth and her hands explored Leona’s body; her bulky muscles, pillowy tits and ample ass. It warmed her already flushed skin, tingling the tips of her fingers.


However, Leona eventually put a stop to it. She caught Caitlyn’s wrist and broke their eternal kiss. “It’s time you served. “Her tone left no room for argument.”


  “What would you have me do?”


  “Your mouth is capable of more than just kissing. And your throat, more than just breathing and speaking.”


  “Yes, it can swallow. It can suck.” Caitlyn ran her finger up Leona’s shaft. Even amidst all the warmth, her cock’s heat stood out as especially radiant.


Leona graced her with one of her rare smiles. “Talk is one thing. Action is another.”


  “I believe I’m capable of both.”


Caitlyn slid off the bed and waited on her knees. Beneath dawn’s glare, sprawled out as she was, Leona looked like an orange, chiselled statue. As she rose and made her way around the bed, Caitlyn’s fingers slipped back inside her pussy.


  “Insatiable, aren’t you?” Leona tilted Caitlyn’s head back. Her fat cock hung above her. It’s soft, warm tip rested on her forehead.


  “You’d be the same if you could see what I’m seeing.” Caitlyn grasped Leona’s cock and passed it between her gummed lips.


With both hands, Leona guided Caitlyn’s lips to meet her groin. As her fat, throbbing shaft passed over Caitlyn’s tongue, she let out a gentle sigh. The sort of sigh one makes upon cozying up to a fire on an especially unforgiving winter night. Her cock tasted of salt and sweet, and all things good. It flattened her tongue and bulged her throat but, try as it might, couldn’t bring Caitlyn to gag. Her lips touched Leona’s hairless, smooth groin.


The sunfire in Leona’s eyes flared. “Well now, aren’t we well trained?”


Caitlyn responded by massaging her huge, smooth balls.


Leona let out another gentle sigh and ran her fingers through Caitlyn’s hair. That’s enough words for now . Caitlyn began to take care of her. She bobbed her head back and forth in slow, careful strokes, guiding her mouth from base to tip. Stretched lips. A bulged throat. Heaven.


A matter of seconds; that’s all it took to melt the sternness from Leona’s face.


  “Caitlyn…” she moaned, breathlessly.


Caitlyn smiled with her eyes and Leona’s cock heaved. Two powerful hands seized her head. In their iron grip, Caitlyn had no chance of moving. The thrill of such strength made Caitlyn giddy. 


Gawking, Leona shuddered. “Sol have mercy… You almost had me there…”


With her mouth full, all Caitlyn could do was give an apologetic shrug. She stroked Leona’s corded thigh and arched an eyebrow. A question without words.


  “No. Don’t you dare stop. Not so soon. Just… allow me a moment to compose myself.”

Caitlyn balanced the nod she gave Leona. Too small and Leona may not have seen it. Too much and she may push Leona over the edge. Not to say that a belly full of cum wasn’t a tempting prospect. But that was a selfish fantasy, not to mention a short-sighted one. A belly full of cum now would mean missing out on an ass full of cum and raw from a good, hard fucking. And with all that muscle, a hard fucking from Leona would be hard to beat.


After catching her breath and spending a few moments combing Caitlyn’s hair with her fingers, Leona graced her with a stern look. “As you were. Nice and slow; the proper way. Until I say otherwise, don’t you dare stop.


Caitlyn touched Leona’s hip to let her know she’d been heard and got back to work. The spit that had pooled in the back of her throat, spluttered all over Leona’s cock as Caitlyn drew her lips to the tip. Slick and slimy; perfect for stroking. She used both hands and moved her whole body as she worked Leona’s monster cock. It was like deep-throating a water bottle. A small part of the back of her mind could hardly believe her body was capable of the feat. The rest of her mind was preoccupied with the dizzying glee of watching Leona’s strict expression melt into abject euphoria. Her fiery, golden eyes - so often sharp and focused - glazed and drooped. Her mouth - so often thin and straight - curled into a broad grin. And her voice - so often deep and booming - sang a bright tune as whimpered little moans.


Leona took a handful of her pillow-sized breast. The creamy, pink flesh bulged with the squeeze and release of her gentle grip. Her hips rocked in time with Caitlyn’s mouth and hands. At first, the movements were small and short. But, as whimpered moans turned into groans, and a gentle grip became iron, the thrusts of hips increased in length and ferocity. Leona snatched a handful of Caitlyn’s hair and pounded her throat.


Caught between trying to keep her balance and a fight for breath, Caitlyn’s concentration lapsed. She choked at the worst possible moment, as Leona’s groin slammed against her lips. The gag rocked her like a punch to the gut. Spit rushed to splutter but found itself plugged in by Leona’s cock. A small amount worked its way through what small gaps there were as dribble and bubbles. The rest rushed back on itself and escaped through the only other means; her nose. The sharp sting brought tears to her eyes and - if they weren’t stretched to their limits - a grin to her lips.


Like a flip of a lamp, the ferocity on Leona’s face snapped away in place of worry. She whipped her cock free. The force of it staggered her and gagged Caitlyn again as she spluttered all over herself. A fit of coughs took her over, ushering in more splutters.


Leona crouched. “Are you okay?”


Caitlyn felt as if she’d just gotten out of a pool. Her throat was raw. Her nose burned. And she couldn’t stop coughing. “More than okay,” she wheezed, smiling ear to ear.


  “My apologies, I… I let myself get carried away. It was not proper. Not proper at all.”

Caitlyn swallowed and took a deep, shuddering breath. “It was amazing.”


  “Can I get you anything? A drink? A towel?”


  “You can throw me on that bed and fuck my brains out.”


  “That is not the proper way. We are not wild beasts. Sol demands better of her children.”


  “Fuck me Sol’s way then. Either way, I want you inside me now .”


Leona chuckled and scooped Caitlyn into her arms. “That I can oblige you.”


Caitlyn couldn’t help but giggle as she was carried like a princess from a storybook. After all she’d done the past day, the last thing she could be called was a princess. She slung her arms around Leona’s, thick neck and kissed her sharp jaw. “Will you make me cum?” she whispered.


  “Of course.” Leona lay her on the bed as if she were afraid Caitlyn would break.


The silk sheets were smooth on her bare back. The fluffy pillows were like clouds beneath her head.


Caitlyn spread her legs. “How many times?”


Leona stole a pillow from the middle of the bed. “As many times as I’m able.” She slipped the pillow beneath Caitlyn’s ass. “Your body has proven quite a challenge for my resolve.”


  “Come now, my body is pretty plain compared to what’s available here.”


Leona retrieved a bottle of lube from the nightstand. “You say that for you have experienced only what the outside of their bodies has to offer.” The lube glimmered orange as it drizzled over Leona’s cock. She rubbed it in like sunscreen, stroking herself. Where Caitlyn’s fingers had failed, her fingers were able to reach each other around her girth quite comfortably.


  “I’ve stuck my tongue inside… well, I forget how many… but, quite a few assholes. And I pegged Gwen. You’ll find I’m quite familiar with the insides of a few bodies. And they were unreal.”


Leona placed the lube neatly back in its drawer and climbed onto the bed. “Can you know a pool by dipping your toe in its water? Can you know a book by reading its first word?” She knelt before Caitlyn’s spread legs. The tip of her cock was warm and wet in all the right ways against her asshole. Like a sloppy kiss.


Caitlyn giggled and cupped her breast. “Yeah, yeah. Point taken. I suppose I’ll have to get a cock of my own then, won’t I?” She rubbed slow circles into her clit and lowered herself into the embrace of sweet, tender pleasure.


Leona chuckled and responded by penetrating her. Her ass opened with hardly a complaint. Compared to Illaoi, taking Leona’s cock may as well have been as easy as breathing. Still, it stretched her and bulged her and took her breath away. Breathing always became a chore during the first plunge of a cock. At first, it had been a horror that tightened her chest. Now, it was a thrill that got her blood pumping.


As Caitlyn felt Leona’s balls touch her cheeks, her breath escaped. “You’re so big,” she sighed.


Leona braced on the back of Caitlyn’s thighs and took a deep breath.


  “Too tight for you?” Caitlyn ground her hips. Leona let out a husky moan and her iron grip returned. Caitlyn’s thighs bulged around her hands. A shiver ran up her spine. “So strong~”


  “No, not too tight,” Leona managed. “Perfect. Absolutely perfect.”


  “Perhaps Sol made me just for you.”


  “You… fuck~… You joke, but there is some truth to that.”


Caitlyn slipped her fingers inside her pussy and her knuckles touched the bulge of Leona’s cock. That set them both to moaning. Leona settled into a steady, gentle rhythm.


She was like a machine, driving her cock deep and drawing it back to the tip with perfect precision. The other girls, with some notable exceptions, had would could be described as perfect rhythm. An exaggeration. The product of ignorance. Before, a few staggered strokes or a missed beat here and there may as well have been perfect. Leona was true perfection. She never slowed or sped. She hit every beat, every time. And each of her strokes was smooth, never pausing or hesitating for even a moment.


Caitlyn should have been soaring. She should have been moaning and melting. She should have been writhing and kicking her feet. She should have cum.


Instead, she found that her mind began to wander. Gwen’s pillowy ass, Illaoi’s cock ring, Seraphine’s shy smile, Vi’s… everything; they all filled her mind, working her up further and further. Something akin to hunger and thirst pooled in her belly. It made her head light and her pussy heavy. Lust. Yes, that was it; lust. But that made no sense. She was getting fucked, by a beautiful woman, by a giant cock. Her lust should have been spilling out of her like she’d sprung a leak.


Caitlyn sharpened her mind by pinching her nipple. The little stab of pain brought her back into the moment. She was distracted, that’s all. If she could focus, she’d be soaring in no time.


She focused on Leona’s cock, on how it stretched her ass and how it bulged her belly. Nothing. She focused on Leona’s breasts, on how they heaved and how their weight made them jiggle without end. Nothing. She focused on Leona, on her passive eyes and the thin line her full lips made. Nothing. Leona was perfect. Leona was boring. She fucked her more like she was obligated to do so rather than because she had any interest in her or her body. A flawless, lifeless fuck.


  “Are you close?” Leona grunted. Her grip on Caitlyn’s thighs tightened.


Caitlyn considered lying. Partly to protect Leona’s ego. Mostly so she could move on to someone a bit more fun … No silly, we’re here to serve each other…  


  “No,” Caitlyn said as gently as she could.


Leona froze. Beads of sweat rolled down her forehead. She fought for her breath. “That’s… That’s impossible. My pace, it’s perfect. The rhythm, the meter, the tempo; all perfect. And the angle-”




Leona nodded. “Any other way and I wouldn’t be as deep as I am right now.”


Caitlyn looked at her bulged belly and sighed. “Yes, I’m sure you put quite a bit of thought into all of it. And I appreciate that but, as perfect as it is, it’s not all that fun.”


Leona furrowed her brow. “It’s a proven method. This is the proper way.”


  “Lie on your back. Let me ride you.” Caitlyn grinned. “I’ll show you my way.”


  “That is not proper. The one penetrating should be in control. It’s more efficient.”


  “This isn’t a debate. Either finish yourself off and leave, or get on your back.”


Leona’s stern expression wavered. “By finish yourself off, you mean…”


  “Cum. Yes. Cum and go, so we can stop wasting each other’s time.”


Leona avoided Caitlyn’s eyes. “Finish? Before you? … Sol give me strength, fine.” She began pulling out. “We can try your way.” Leona’s cock popped out of her ass hard as a board and slick with lube.


Caitlyn got up onto her knees and kissed Leona. Her mouth was as hot as her cock. “You’ll like it, I swear.”


  “We shall see.”


  “We will.”


Leona gave her an incredulous look and lay on her back. Her breasts flattened as if two invisible hands were pressing down on them. Her auburn hair pooled around her head, shimmering in the same manner as the silk sheets. A goddess. She looked like a goddess. A goddess who looked as if she spent half her time in the gym but, a goddess nonetheless. I suppose she actually is, kind of, Caitlyn thought as she swung her leg over Leona’s stomach.


It was only then, straddling her, pussy pressed against her abs, did it properly sink in what Caitlyn was doing. She was bossing around the aspect of the sun. A lowly mortal girl was telling the representative of a being older than every human life combined what to do.


Quite a formidable amount of effort was required to keep herself from ruining the stern, confident look she was going for.


Caitlyn leaned back. Leona’s cock pressed against her back. The tip touched the small of her back. Without standing, she stood no chance of getting it inside her. She leaned forward, bracing herself on Leona’s breasts. 


  “That hurts,” Leona said matter-of-factly.


  “Bare with me for a moment.” Caitlyn reached behind her and steadied Leona’s cock. “It’ll be worth it.”


  “We shall see.”


  “We will.”


When Caitlyn felt Leona’s tip against her asshole, she slowly lifted herself back upright. Her ass didn’t resist. Not even a little. Thoroughly gaped, it swallowed Leona’s cock without complaint. Caitlyn grunted as she returned to her upright position.


Taking a giant cock in the ass was a far different experience than in the pussy. In the pussy, it made you feel loose as if every fibre of your being had turned to pudding. In the ass, it made you stiff as stone. But only for a little while. Like a brand new leather shoe, in order to rid yourself of the stiffness you needed to wear it in.


Caitlyn braced herself on Leona’s corded thighs and got to wearing. She made slow circles with her hips. Her insides mangled but, she could hardly enjoy it. Breathing was always hardest before you were properly worn in. Getting enough air to keep her mind clear became her main priority as she waited for her ass to grow accustomed to the new position. The wait wasn’t without entertainment. The battle on Leona’s face between stubborn pride and startled euphoria was a better show than any movie.


  “Y- You… this… oh~” Leona gazed absently at the ceiling.


  “Come now,” Caitlyn grunted. “We’ve barely even started.” She drew a long, deep breath. A smile spread across her lips. Breathing was easy again. The stiffness was gone.


Caitlyn leaned forward and took hold of Leona’s sides, bracing herself on her palms. She arched her back, stuck out her ass and grinned.


  “Oh, please.” Leona crossed her arms. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. That was merely basic pleasure. It could have never made me cum.”


  “Does stretching make your muscles stronger? Does washing your hands cook your food?”


Leona scowled. “No.” 


  “Then have a little patience.” Caitlyn stroked her cheek. “Have a little faith.”


  “I have plenty of faith.”


  “We’ll see.”


  “We will.”


Caitlyn steadied herself, took a deep breath and began bouncing her ass on Leona’s cock. Not her whole body, her ass. It felt close to the same motion as pegging as if she were fucking Leona into the bed. No, fucking was not the right word. It wasn’t even close to right. No, Caitlyn was jackhammering Leona, pumping her ass up and down her cock at a lightning pace. It wasn’t perfect. She missed a beat here and there. Her strokes couldn’t hope to reach tip to base. And the tempo varied wildly. Yet, it had them moaning like a pair of wild beasts.


They gasped and moaned and cried each other’s names. They whimpered and groaned and fought to catch their breath. They laughed. Oh, how they laughed. Side-splitters. Gails of hysteria. Delicate giggles. They soared across a spectrum of ecstasy as Caitlyn fucked the living shit out of them.


Leona lurched and sized Caitlyn’s waist. An iron grip squeezed the air out of her. A hot mouth smothered her gasp. The world flipped. Silky sheets crashed against her back and the weight of the world bore down on her ruined asshole. Bearing a crazed grin, Leona fucked Caitlyn wildly. Her hips flailed. The angle was all over the place. Some thrusts were deep, some were shallow. The pace would get going only to stumble and start over. A few times, she even slipped out entirely and had to fumble her way back inside.


Caitlyn came three times before it was over.


The first was another squirter that rocked her to her core. It slicked Leona’s rock-hard abs and left Caitlyn a sputtering mess. Her ass locked around Leona’s cock as much as something so utterly destroyed could manage. The loose grip did nothing to stop her. If anything, it spurred her on. Leona slapped her ass hard enough to shatter steel and sucked on her neck like her life depended on it.


The second was far more subtle. It snuck up on her as Leona was making a meal out of her nipples. A shiver ran up her spine, her toes and fingers tingled, and a little bit of squirt dribbled out. The euphoria lasted a mere moment before fading. Despite the lack of bravado, the little orgasm was enough for Leona to flip Caitlyn over again, pin her head against the sheets and fuck her like she was trying to break her.


She almost succeeded.


The third orgasm was not as forgiving as the second. In fact, it was so all-encompassing that it turned the other two orgasms into distant memories. She didn’t squirt. But she did cum. And cum. And cum. And cum. It hit her in waves. They erupted from her pussy and washed over, drawing out a lingering, defeated moan. As one faded, another began. Without end. For an eternity, she lived in a world of shivering spines, quivering pussies and mangled insides.


However, we all know that there is no such thing as a true eternity; Caitlyn included.


When she came back to her senses, she was upside down. Back against the bed’s backboard, chin tucked to her chest, she balanced on her neck. A pillow guarded her from any real discomfort. And what minor there was, was overshadowed by the glorious sight of Leona’s cock pumping up and down, in and out of her ass. Each gentle stroke was punctuated by a happy sigh.


Leona grinned and squeezed her waist. “Welcome back.”


Caitlyn responded by devolving into a series of whimpers and moans.


Leona laughed. “This isn’t too slow, is it? I didn’t want to cum until you came back.”


Caitlyn shook her head and slipped her fingers inside her pussy. The awkward angle made her pace jagged and mismatched with Leona’s. It tugged a smile onto Caitlyn’s lips.


  “Good… Fuck, I’m not sure how much longer I could have lasted, you know.”


  “W- Why don’t we see?”


Leona groaned. “You’re cruel. You know that?”




  “Oh… Sol, give me strength, you’re impossible to say no to.”


Leona shut her eyes, scrunched up her face and fell into a wonderful pattern. She fucked her for a while - slow and sloppy - and then paused to compose herself. Each time, the pattern got shorter. And shorter. And shorter. It almost gifted Caitlyn a fourth orgasm. Almost.


  “Cai-!” Leona blew her load. “Caitlyn!~”


Hot cum filled her ass deep inside.




Load after load filled Caitlyn’s ass. Cum overflowed, and Leona still kept cumming. It spilled down Caitlyn’s front like a waterfall, and Leona still kept cumming. It pooled on the pillow and trickled into Caitlyn’s eager mouth, and Leona still kept cumming. Only when the pillow was soaked and Caitlyn was slick from pussy to tits, with a belly full of cum; Leona finished. She shuddered, pulled out and eased Caitlyn onto her side.


Weak as a baby bird, and just as stupid thanks to her boggled mind, Caitlyn blindly stumbled into Leona’s embrace and searched for her lips. She needed to find them. She needed to kiss her, and hold her and touch her. Every second counted.


As their lips locked, two knocks wrapped on the doors.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Soraka, The Star Child

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