Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Leona’s armour weighed far less than it should. It was solid steel and thick steel at that. Not cheap steel, mind you. Proper steel. The sort the household guards of Piltover’s nobility wore. Caitlyn had lifted one of their chestplates before when… well when she was doing something she shouldn’t have with one of her household’s guards.

Holding his chest plate had felt like holding a stack of bricks. Holding Leona’s felt like holding a pillow.

Caitlyn fastened Leona’s straps, taking extra care to take as long as was convincing. “What’s this made of?”

“That knowledge is beyond me.”
“Surely you must have some idea.”

“Only guesses.”

“Guess then.” The buckle fastened. Caitlyn pulled it tight and a little more of Leona’s gorgeous, muscled body disappeared.

“Sunlight, Sol’s essence, fire, whatever souls are made of; different words that all lead back to the same place.”

Caitlyn fastened another buckle. “And that place would be?”

“The unknowable knowledge of gods.”

Caitlyn peered out from behind Leona’s back and pouted. “That’s not fun.”

“Well,” Leona chuckled. “Let’s say it’s made of sunfire, shall we? Is that fun enough?”

Caitlyn giggled. “Plenty. Armour made of sunfire will sound a lot better in songs than the unknowable knowledge of gods.”

“I’ve made the lives of singers easier, and I’ve made a pretty girl laugh. Quite the achievement, I’d dare say.”

“Oh please, that’s nothing. Even now, I can still feel you inside me. After what Illoai put me through, that’s an achievement.”

Leona burst out laughing as Caitlyn fastened the final buckle.

“Well… that’s it. You’re all sorted.”

Leona turned around and cupped Caitlyn’s cheek. The callouses were smooth like skipping stones, and her plam was the size of an antipasto plate. The kiss she planted on her forehead burned with all the tender warmth of a hearth on a winter’s night. “Thank you.” Her breath brushed Caitlyn’s skin.

Caitlyn stood on her toes and kissed her as hard as she could. She tasted of summer grass, wildflowers and adventure. “I wish you could stay… I wish you could all stay.”

“We’re not far.” Leona caressed her cheek. “Besides, you’re in luck. We’ve still got a minute before Ahri knocks on those doors again.”

“A minute. A second. There’s little difference.”

Leona smirked. “I plan to get the most out of my minute. So, stop you’re pouting.”

Before Caitlyn could say a word, Leona shoved her onto the couch. Out of pure reflex, Caitlyn spread her legs. Leona dropped to her knees, slipped two fingers inside her pussy and fucked her with a flurry of thrusts. It made a terrific, wet and frantic sound. Like someone plungering a bowl full of jelly.

“Fuck!” Caitlyn moaned. “Is- Is this even allowed?”

“Oh, not at all.”

“But… fuck!~ … But you’ll be- be…”

“Punished? Yes, I imagine I’ll get a stern talking-to. First offences rarely come with any sort of real consequences.”

Caitlyn giggled, and that giggle quickly melted into more moans. She could feel something warm dribbling from her pussy. Squirt and cum, she imagined. Diana’s cum. Leona licked whatever it was off of her and then stuck her tongue in her ass.

It was too much. After mere moments, an orgasm punched her in the gut. Her pussy squeezed Leona’s fingers. Her ass squeezed her tongue. As pleasure swirled her mind into soup, Leona never let up her perfect, frantic pace.

The pleasure died, Caitlyn sighed and two knocks hammered the door. “Leona!” Ahri shouted like a livid headmaster.

Leona laughed, kissed Caitlyn long and hard, and left with a casual grace. Caitlyn snuck a look over the back of the couch to watch Leona’s ass sway. The door swung shut, stealing the lovely view. Not even a second passed before Caitlyn had her fingers in her pussy. She watched the door, playing with herself, desperate for her new cock.

She only had to wait a few moments, but that was too long. Both doors swung open. Her next partner crouched through the doorway. Caitlyn’s fingers froze.

She was blue. For a brief bewildered moment, Caitlyn thought it was body paint, but it wasn’t. Her skin was blue. A horn as long as Caitlyn’s forearm stuck out of her forehead. Fur covered her legs from knee to… hoof. She stood. Her head hit the ceiling.

The blue woman giggled and touched her head. “Oops.” For someone so large, her voice was rather feminine. Soft as a lover’s kiss and delicate as a baby bird’s feather.

A golden leotard, tight as a second skin, left her long, blue arms bare. Her breasts were as big as Caitlyn’s head, but on her, they looked ordinary. Two flaps of golden cloth hung over her crotch and ass, stopping at her knees. They left her broad thighs exposed, inviting Caitlyn to admire the patterns tattooed on them in a dark shade of purple. The patterns were abstract representations of the sun, the moon and the stars. Her hair was white and long, tied in three places along her back.

A topaz pendant hung around her neck, matching the solid colour of her eyes. A matching topaz the size of a melon adorned the pin that kept her crotch flaps in place. They glowed as she eyed Caitlyn with a disbelieving look.

“I dare say you’re hardly tired at all. A full day of sex and then some, and you’re still raring to go.” Her voice was one to sleep in. One to bundle yourself in, and hide from all things scary.

Caitlyn found herself lost for words.

The woman smiled. “Still, you must be a little tired, yes? Can I get you anything, dear? A drink or a snack?”

Practiced manners took over. “N- No thank you. That’s quite alright.”

“Are you sure? It’s no bother, really.” The woman rounded the couch and loomed as high - well, as high as the ceiling. It was like being caught in the shadow of a mountain.

“Really, it’s okay. I have a break after you. I’ll eat then.”

“Nonsense. I won’t have you waiting on my account. Sit tight, dear. I’ll fetch you something small.”

Caitlyn opened her mouth, but the woman’s long legs had her across the lounge and into the kitchen before Caitlyn could get more than half a word out. Only once left to her own devices, did the shock hit her properly. A blue, giant, horned, hoofed giant was doting over her.

Would all of her be that big?

That question burned itself into the front of her mind, banished any shock, and sent her fingers swiftly back inside her pussy. Along with others. How strong would her giant muscle be? She was twice as big as any woman, would she be twice as strong? Would her slaps be twice as hard? Would her thrusts be twice as powerful? To her, am I as easy to break as a toothpick?

Caitlyn would have cum there and then if the woman hadn’t returned with a platter of bite-sized sandwiches full of juicy ham and gooey cheese. If she’d noticed what Caitlyn had been doing she made no acknowledgement of it. She set the platter on the couch and sat between it and Caitlyn. Her thigh pressed against Caitlyn’s. It was as warm as her body felt.

“Thank you,” Caitlyn managed. “It looks delicious.”

“It was nothing special, I assure you.” The woman gasped. “How terribly rude of me! I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Soraka. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She bowed her head.

“It’s okay, Soraka. No harm done. My name is Caitlyn. I’d give you my family name, but if I’m not mistaken we’re not allowed to.”

“We’re not, no. Mistress Ahri is quite adamant about her rules. Best we stick to them.” Soraka plucked a sandwich from the platter. “Let’s get some food in you, dear. Open up, now.”

Caitlyn blinked. “Sorry?”

“With where your hands have undoubtedly been, I can’t possibly allow you to feed yourself.” Soraka held the sandwich up to Caitlyn’s lips. “I’m afraid I must insist.”

A sense of easy calm settled over Caitlyn. “Yes, Soraka. You’re right.” She opened her mouth.

One by one, Soraka fed the bite-sized sandwiches to her. On their own, they tasted like food prepared for the gods, but with Soraka’s tender smile added into the mix, they tasted unbelievable. They rid her of her aches and throbs; of her morning sluggishness; of everything bad.

“Better?” Soraka asked.

“So much better.” Caitlyn touched Soraka’s thigh. “I could take on the world.”

Soraka giggled. “I’m afraid you’ll have to settle for just me.”

“Perfect.” Caitlyn went to kiss her, but even while sitting she had no chance of reading.

Soraka’s topaz pendant flashed. She cupped the small of Caitlyn’s back, bent down and pecked her lips. When Caitlyn answered with a rougher, deeper kiss, Soraka pulled back, giggling.

“You’re quite fascinating.”

Caitlyn traced her tattoos. “How so?”

“I don’t believe I’ve ever met a mortal who follows the string of destiny as closely as you do.”

“Destiny is real?”

“In a sense.” Soraka stroked her back. “It is not fixed and set, as some may tell you. Destiny is a suggestion from the gods. Few rarely follow it.”

“The gods want me to fuck you?” The inside of Soraka’s thigh was even smoother than the top.

Soraka's fingers ran through her hair. “Apparently, the gods want you to fuck all of us.”

“Why should they care?”

“The gods have little else to do but care.” Soraka held up a strand of Caitlyn’s hair. “Your fate.” She held up another strand. “And the fate of this house, and Mistress Ahri’s are linked.” She made the strands touch. “Some fates merely touch.” She wound the strands around each other. “While some are so interwoven that they become one.”

Caitlyn went searching for Soraka’s cock. “You say that like you can see them.”

“My blood is that of stars. It grants me the sight of- oh!”

Something thick and hot throbbed in Caitlyn’s grasp. She parted Soraka’s crotch flap and found something quite surprising. An ordinary-sized cock.

Its size was all that was ordinary about it. It was blue and tattooed with a stripe from tip to base, but was an ordinary size all the same. On her, it looked tiny. On her, it looked adorable. Caitlyn stroked it slowly and worked the uncut tip with her thumb.

It shivered. Soraka moaned.

“Oh, good girl~” Soraka massaged Caitlyn’s hip, taking handfuls.

“Should I call you any-” … No silly, we’re here to serve each other … “May I call you Mommy, Soraka?”

“Of course, dear.” Soraka bent down and kissed the top of her head. “My sweet girl~” She ground her hips. “My gorgeous girl~”

Caitlyn added a twist to her strokes. “Would you like me to suck you off, Mommy?”

“Oh, yes.” Soraka settled back into the cushions. “Nice and slow, dear.”

“Yes, Mommy.”

Caitlyn slid off the couch and knelt between Soraka’s legs. Her cock fit in her mouth as they were made for one another. It was smooth against her tongue and tasted of fruit. A slight upward curve pressed her tip against the back of Caitlyn’s throat no matter the angle. A day ago that would have been enough to have her spluttering and slobbering. Now, she hardly felt it at all.

Massaging Soraka’s balls and bobbing her head, Caitlyn gazed into her eyes. Another golden set. Not just the irises, but the whites too. You could be forgiven for calling them solid gold. However, if you cared to look closely, you could make out faint pupils of a slightly darker golden shade. They were wide as pennies as they watched Caitlyn’s bobbing head.

Soraka ran her fingers through Caitlyn’s hair. “Oh my, dear~ The gods have outdone themselves this time.” She bit her lip.

Caitlyn smiled with her eyes.

A desperate moan left Soraka's jaw hanging. “D- Do be a dear, Cai- Caitlyn and slip a couple fingers inside me.”

Soraka’s cock left enough room for Caitlyn to smile. She nodded as much as she was able. Soraka spread her legs and hooked her elbows behind her knees. Even her asshole was blue. Lighter but still blue.

Caitlyn pressed the tips of her middle and index finger against it. It swallowed them without complaint.

“Ah~” Soaraka sighed, shuddering. “There’s a good girl.”

Caitlyn’s heart fluttered. God, I’m such a sucker for praise. The grin made it hard to suck Soraka’s cock, but not impossible.

Soraka’s ass matched Caitlyn’s mouth. As she sucked on her cock, her ass sucked on Caitlyn’s fingers. It drew them inside each time Soraka moaned, and Soraka moaned each time her cock touched the back of Caitlyn’s throat. Which resulted in Caitlyn’s mouth and fingers mirroring each other. When one was pushing, the other was pulling.

It made her feel like a machine. Soraka’s machine. Soraka’s good, little fuck machine.

After a while - a long while, but not nearly long enough - Soraka’s ass clamped around Caitlyn’s fingers. Her cock heaved. She made a startled gasp.

“Stop, dear! I’m going to cum!”

Caitlyn froze. She needed to act quickly but, cautiously. She opened her mouth and lifted her head, taking care to minimise contact with Soraka’s twitching cock. Her hand, she left where it was. By now she knew enough about cocks to know that any movement against the prostate, no matter how slow would set Soraka’s off.

“Deep breaths, mommy. I’m not done with you yet.”

A grin spread across Soraka’s melted expression. “E- Easier said than done, dear.”

The deep breaths did no good. Soraka’s cock heaved and heaved. It bulged, like a hose being turned on, but nothing came out. Again, it heaved and bulged, and heaved and bulged until it settled and Soraka breathed a sigh of relief.

Caitlyn’s stomach sank. “You had one of those orgasms-without-cum orgasms, didn’t you?”

“Looks that way, doesn’t it.”

“I really wanted to fuck you…”

Soraka cocked her head. “You still can, dear.”

“But Ahri’s rules-”

“Are quite clear.” Soraka cleared her throat. “The participant’s turn with the server ends as soon as the participant ejaculates. Ejaculates, dear. Do you see any cum?”

Caitlyn pepped up. “No.”

“Well then, I do believe we’re free to continue as we please.”

Caitlyn strained her ears. One heartbeat passed. The another. No knocks wrapped against the door. Caitlyn let out an excited squeal. “Can I please ride you, Mommy?”

Soraka giggled. “With manners like that, you can do whatever you like.”

“Thank you!” Caitlyn sprang to her feet. “In that case, I want you out of your clothes so I can bury my face between those huge tits. And…” Caitlyn thought for a moment. “I want to fuck you gently so our time together lasts as long as possible.”

“Long sessions tend to annoy the others. Especially those next in line.” Soraka grinned. “Go right ahead, dear.”

Soraka snapped her fingers. The golden leotard dissolved with a shimmer and the cloth flaps burst into silver flames. Only her topaz pendant remained, resting above the narrow valley between Soraka’s massive breasts. The leotard hadn’t done them justice. They were beyond huge. Impossibly huge. The sort of thing you’d only see in porn, and not the live-action kind.

Her nipples were a dark shade of purple, as big as Caitlyn’s hands and flat.

Caitlyn couldn’t get on top of her fast enough. Straddling her, cock nestled between her cheeks, Caitlyn sat at eye level with Soraka’s tits.
Soraka ran her hands along Caitlyn’s sides. “You’re awfully small, aren’t you, dear?”

Caitlyn gawked at her tits. “Yes, mommy.”

“I’ll have to be especially gentle then, won’t I?”

“You don’t have to do anything.” Caitlyn placed her hands on the sides of her tits and found her hands couldn’t cup around them in either direction. “Let me take care of you, mommy.” Caitlyn pressed them together. They felt like warm putty.

“Nonsense. You’ve done quite enough work, dear.”


“No, I won’t hear it. I’m going to fuck you, and that’s that.” Soraka gave her a stern look.

Caitlyn pursed her lips. “Fine.”

“That’s right, fine. Now, be a good girl and pop one of my nipples in your mouth.”

“Oh, I don’t think so.”


Caitlyn buried her face between Soraka’s breasts. They enveloped her head utterly and completely. The world vanished in place of a warm, squishy paradise.

Soraka’s laugh sounded faint and far away. She said something. The words may have been lost but the oozing lust wasn’t. Two massive, strong hands seized Caitlyn’s ass. It lifted. When it fell, Soraka’s hot, throbbing cock filled her pussy.

Caitlyn pulled up for air. A gasp and laugh melded into one, only to give way to a moan as Soraka used her like a fleshlight.

“That’s it, enjoy yourself.” Soraka kissed the top of her head. “Good girl.”

Caitlyn buried the urge to help. Allowing her hips to be bobbed up and down, she suckled on one of Soraka’s nipples. It grew erect against her tongue.

Soraka sighed. “Good girl. Precious girl.”

Something warm and wet touched Caitlyn’s tongue. She lurched back. Milk dribbled from Soraka’s fat, purple nipples. The sudden shock was replaced by curious lust.

“Can I…”

“Drink it? Of course, dear. Have your fill.”

“Yes, mommy.” Caitlyn eased the nipple back into her mouth and gave it a gentle suck.

A dribble became an open faucet. Milk that tasted as sweet as honey filled her mouth. She gulped down the mouthful in two, sizable swallows. Afterwards, it was like drinking from a bottle.

It was an odd experience, to say the least; humiliating; infantilising. She felt like a baby. And that, paired with Soraka’s gentle fucking, made for quite the contradictions of sensations. She was about to stop when Soraka stroked her back and whispered sweet nothings.

All of a sudden, Caitlyn felt safe. She was back in her childhood bed, snuggled up under the covers and surrounded by all the teddies of days gone by. Nothing could hurt her. Not while Soraka held her. Not while she stroked her back. Not while her sweet voice soothed her. Not while she fucked her.

Pleasure bubbled in her chest, making her feel lighter than air. It tingled her fingers and toes and made her pussy quiver.

Caitlyn lifted her head and milk trickled down her chin. “Mommy… I love it so much~” she moaned.

Soraka tilted her chin and kissed her forehead. “I love you, dear. You’re spectacular.” She closed her eyes and her face dropped. “Oh, so spectacular~”

Caitlyn’s belly felt as if someone had shoved a balloon inside it. “I… oh~… I think I’m full, mommy.”

“Excellent, dear. You’ll… you’ll…” Grining, Soraka sighed. She started moving Caitlyn’s hips a little harder. “You’ll need your strength in the rounds to come.”

“All I need is you, Mommy.”

The gold of Soraka’s eyes blazed. Her free hand snapped back to Caitlyn’s hips, slapping her. “That’s right.” Her teeth gritted. “You’re my precious girl.” Her pace picked up. “My good girl.” Her hips joined in. “My perfect, baby girl.”

Caitlyn’s bubbling pleasure turned to froth and foam. “Oh, mommy! Fuck me, mommy! Kiss me, mommy! Don’t stop! Don’t-”

Soraka’s mouth crashed into hers. Her tongue filled her mouth. Caitlyn sucked on it and threw her arms around Soraka’s neck. As the kiss turned sloppy, so did the fucking.

What was once careful and tender turned feverish and hungry. The wet slapping of pussy against groin filled the air. Muffled moans filled each other's mouths. And quivers spread throughout all of Caitlyn’s body.

Caitlyn broke their kiss. “M- Mommy, I’m gonna cum!”

“N- No, dear. If you cu- cum, so will I. This can’t end. Not yet. Not so soon.”

Caitlyn clenched her abs, tightened her jaw and closed her hands into fists. She felt as tight as a compressed spring. It did no good. Her pleasure was built and built. “I can’t… oh~” Caitlyn squirmed.

“Please, dear. T- Try.” Soraka kissed her. “Try for Mommy.”

“I’ll try… I’ll… I’ll…” Caitlyn's voice faded. Her vision blurred. The world spun.

She felt herself squirt, and then the pleasure hit her like a truck. Soraka’s breasts braced her fall. Cum filled her pussy.

Lazily, Caitlyn searched for a nipple. She wanted comfort. She wanted cuddles and blankets and a warm home. Soraka guided her head to where it needed to be and held it as she gulped down more milk. As full as she was, Caitlyn somehow found more room.

“Good girl,” Soraka whispered, stroking her back. “My good girl.”

The doors flew open with a crash and Ahri appeared in the corner of Caitlyn’s eye, scowling.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Sejuani, Ashe and Lissandra; The Winter's Wrath, The Frost Archer and The Ice Witch 


Hi, it's me, the author. Just wanted to give you all a fair warning that as of the next chapter, this series will be up to date with the versions on Ao3, FFN and Wattpad. This means, that after tomorrow, updates will slow to once a week rather than once a day—same time (11am AEST) on Fridays.

Oh, also next chapter will be a multi-parter. I've discovered I have quite a lot I'd like to do with the Freljord girls. So much that it breaks my soft word limit of 5k words per chapter. Part one drops tomorrow. Part two, next week. If there's a part three, the week after.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.