Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Vi broke their kiss. Her face hovered above Caitlyn’s, wild and mischievous. “You ready, Cupcake?”

After a single cock left Caitlyn’s pussy tender and throbbing. What would four more do to her? Let alone fifty? Most likely leave her like the girls she’d seen in free-use videos. Barely conscious, glazed and oozing.

Caitlyn bit her lip. “I-I am.”

“Look at you, all excited. Fuck, I could take you again.”.

“I could have you again.”

Vi laughed. “Don’t tempt me, Cupcake. Ahri takes rule-breaking seriously. We’re allowed one orgasm, that’s all.”

“So? When have you ever cared about the rules?”

“These rules make sense and aren’t made by a total piece of shit.”

Caitlyn held her tongue. She knew better than to argue with Vi about such things by now. It never led anywhere. Best to change the subject.

“How do they know you came?” she asked.

“Miss Nine-tails has got freaky good hearing, and she can feel emotions or some shit. I don’t know, she just knows.” Vi rolled off of Caitlyn and hopped to her feet.

Caitlyn made to follow her.

“Don’t get up, Cupcake. Better to rest in between.” Vi brushed Caitlyn's hair out of her face and kissed her on the forehead. “I’ll be right outside. See you once you’re done?”


Their lips reunited one last time before Vi gathered her clothes and headed for the door.

“Good luck, Cupcake.”

Vi disappeared around the couch. The doors opened. A new set of footsteps approached.

Caitlyn awaited on her back, giddy and smiling ear to ear. Her mind raced to remember all the women in the lobby. All the faces and forms melded together, leaving Caitlyn only her imagination to puzzle out her next partner. The wildest creation of her mind paled in comparison to what presented itself.

A woman made of silver and bronze metal rounded the couch. Two unblinking eyes of glowing blue light bore Caitlyn. Like that of a statue, her hair was moulded in bronze to resemble a tied-up bun. Gaps in her arms, torso and thighs revealed gears, pulleys and levers made of brass. Where shoulders, elbows and knees ought to be were instead, ball joints. The handle of a key as long as her torso stuck out of her back, like a windup toy. Blue light like that of her eyes shone from every gap of her body. Not any normal light. Hextech light.

“Hello,” the metal woman said in a sweet yet, monotone voice. “Do you wish to continue this activity?”

Caitlyn sat up on the edge of the couch. Words failed her.

“You are surprised. That is a normal reaction. Would you care for an explanation?”

“You, uh, you run off Hex-tech, right?”

“That is correct.”

“Are you human? Like, a cyborg?”

“Once. Do not be concerned. I think. I feel. Just like you. Correction. Enough like you for us to share our bodies in coitus.”

Caitlyn looked for genitals but, found only a smooth mound beneath her iron tutu. “How do you have sex?”

“With this.”

Gears whirred and a panel shifted to the side on the metal mound between her legs. A sizeable silver cock emerged and clicked into place. A good quarter of its length reached beyond her fanning, iron tutu.

“I have another set of what are typically seen as female genitals. Both are equipped to stimulate pleasure. Based on your own genitals, I assume you would prefer this set over the other?”

“W-Well, I mean, I don’t mind either way. Whatever’s more comfortable for you.”

“You would prefer me to make this decision?”

“Uh, yeah. Yes please.”

“I shall oblige.” Gears whirred. The metal woman stared off into space. “I will use this set. I enjoy penetrating.”

Caitlyn giggled. “I enjoy being penetrated.”

“That is good. You would be ill-suited for this activity if you were not.”

Caitlyn giggled again.

“Have I told a joke?”

“No, you’re just funny, in a cute way.”


“Yeah, I guess.”

Caitlyn looked the metal woman over again. Without shock clouding her vision, her beauty became apparent. Hex-tech light glittered off of her white silver and dark copper. Her face captured a certain youthful grace, despite being cast and rigid.

“You failed to provide consent to this activity. Proceeding without consent is a violation of Mistress Ahri’s terms of conduct. Do you agree to this activity?”

“I do, but I’d like to know your name before we start.”

“Obligating. My name is Orianna Reveck.”

“Nice to meet you, Orianna. Mine is Caitlyn Kiramman.”

“Greetings, Caitlyn Kiramman.”

“Just Caitlyn, Orianna.”

“Correction. Greetings, Caitlyn.”

Caitlyn slid off the couch. Velvet carpet cushioned her knees. “Shall we begin, Orianna?”

Gears whirred. “I would like that.”

Caitlyn shuffled forward. Orianna’s tutu hovered above her head. Her silver cock hung level with her forehead. She had no balls, so Caitlyn took hold of her cock with both hands. Expecting cold, Caitlyn was instead greeted by warmth. She quivered. Hard as metal and warm as flesh How would such a thing feel inside her?

Caitlyn gave Orianna’s cock a two-handed stroke from base to tip. Her palms glided along the metal with little resistance. She made no moan or sigh. Instead, gears whirred. Caitlyn stroked again and the gears whirred again. She slid the tip into her mouth and the gears revved.

“Your mouth is enjoyable, Caitlyn.”

Orianna tasted like metal but felt as warm as flesh. A strange yet, exhilarating combination. Caitlyn relaxed. She couldn’t see Orianna past her fanning tutu so, she closed her eyes. Careful and slow, she tilted her head back as Orianna’s warmth filled her mouth and throat. Her girth bulged the walls of Caitlyn’s throat. A gag struck, unbidden. She spluttered but did not falter. Orianna’s gears purred in a perpetual rev.

Sleek, metal fingers combed through Cailtyn’s hair. Pointed tips, like the blunted, trimmed claws of a cat, traced her scalp. Tingles zigzagged across her head. Caitlyn smiled as much as she was able and got to work sucking Orianna’s rather daunting length. Each time Orianna’s tip entered and exited her throat, a gag ambushed her. Spit glazed her chin. A small part of her mind threatened to buck and send her choking and gasping from Orianna’s cock. A larger part steadied her hands and relaxed her throat. She allowed herself to be a tool for pleasure. Good tools are reliable.

Orianna’s gears revved with the push and pull of Cailtyn’s throat and with the twists and strokes of her hands. The revs flared and dwindled in time with Caitlyn’s rhythm. They never died completely.

“You are quite-” Orianna’s gears revved and her voice stuttered. “-s-s-s-s-s-skilled, Caitlyn. I am enjoying you more than m-m-m-m-m-ost of our participants.”

Taking care, Caitlyn drew Orianna’s cock out of her mouth. The moment her tip passed her lips, Caitlyn gasped for a proper breath.

“I’m enjoying you too.” Caitlyn stared at Orianna’s massive cock, shiny and dripping from her work. She trembled. “A lot~”

“That is positive information.” Orianna’s gears revved.

Cailtyn’s slipped her hand between her legs and began pleasuring herself. “I’m ready for you, Orianna. I need you inside me.”

“Understood. How would you like to be penetrated? Vagianlly or anally?”

“My pussy, please.” Saying the words caused her hand to flail. She let out a shuddering moan.

“Understood. Where in the room shall we commence vaginal penetration?”

Caitlyn looked around, her mind screaming for more pleasure. The first thing she saw was a pool table.

“The pool table!”


Orianna picked Caitlyn up as if she weighed no more than a doll. Cradling her in her arms, Orianna carried Caitlyn across the room. Hextech light flared with each step. By the time they reached the pool table, she was practically bursting at the seams.

“What position would you-”

“Doggystyle!” Caitlyn exclaimed with little thought.


Orianna lay Cailtyn down on her stomach and Caitlyn scrambled onto all fours. She looked back and saw Orianna place one foot on the table’s brim. Her iron tutu retracted inside her body and she positioned her cock before Cailtyn’s pussy.

“How would you like to be pleasured?”

“You decide. But do it quickly.”

“Understood.” Orianna’s gears whirred for less than a second. “Soft and fast. Does that sound pleasurable?”

“It sounds amazing~”

“Understood.” Without wasting a second, Orianna penetrated her. Her gears sang a powerful whir.

Caitlyn was stretched and filled beyond even what Ahri’s cock had managed to achieve. Her arms collapsed before Orianna had even finished entering her. The soft green of the pool table rushed to meet her cheek, cushioning the blow somewhat. Caitlyn paid it no mind and sunk her nails into the soft green. A quiet groan wavered as a grin spread across her face. The metal of Orianna’s cock forced her pussy to conform to its form, leaving no room for discussion. While its comforting warmth lulled the complaints of Caitlyn’s stretched walls.

“I am starting,” Orianna said. Warm, hard hands secured her waist in an unshakeable grip.

Caitlyn gasped as Orianna’s cock sped back and choked on her gasp as it refilled before the next breath. The metal of Orianna’s groin patted Caitlyn’s ass perfectly in time with the thundering of her racing heart. Her muscles turned to porridge. Her bones turned to noodles. Her mind turned to fog. Yet, Caitlyn consolidated her strength to look back into Orianna’s glowing, unblinking eyes. Orianna’s face, cast in silver, didn’t smile for it couldn’t but, her eyes never broke away from Caitlyn’s. Her gears whirred and wailed with each of her swift thrusts.

“Oh f-fuck~ Please don’t stop!”

“I will not. Ceasing movement would break my rhythm. Breaking my rhythm would jeopardise your pleasure as well as my own. I can increase your pleasure. Do you require clitoral or anal stimulation? Do you wish for me to introduce vibrational stimulation?”

“O-Oh my god, yes!”

“Your answer is unclear.”

“V-V-” Caitlyn choked on a moan. “Vibrations! I want vibrations!”

“Understood. Commencing with the requested action.”

Orianna’s cock began to vibrate with the intensity of a vibrator set to the highest level. Any strength Caitlyn had consolidated, vanished. Her cheek buried into the soft green. She saw only the pool table and the room beyond its brim. Only Orianna’s grip kept her ass in the air. Pleasure beyond pleasure erupted through her. For a moment, Caitlyn thought she’d came, but the intensity persisted beyond the length of an orgasm. It locked her body as well as any orgasm could. She hung from Orianna’s grip, trembling and sputtering as her immense metal cock worked away at her pussy with a feverish ethic. When she did cum, it snuck up on her for all the intensity vanished without warning. Pleasure dwindled to a numb, persistent pulsing in her groin. Scraping together what little strength had returned, Caitlyn looked back at Orianna.

“I-I came…” she managed to say.

“Understood. Shall I do the same?”

“N-No. I wanna cum again.”

“That course of action is not recommended. Forty-nine more participants are to follow our intercourse.”

“I don’t care… I need to cum on your cock again. It’s so amazing.”

“Understood.” Orianna ended her thrusting. “Shall we proceed in this position or another?”

“Another but, first can you kiss me and hold me while I recover my strength?”

“I can.”

Orianna eased her cock from Caitlyn. She plucked her off the table and turned her around in the air so that their eyes were level. Caitlyn put her arms around Orianna’s neck before her shock had even registered. Orianna held Cailtyn by the ass, cupping both cheeks. Her hands and neck felt as warm as any human’s but, her chest exceeded both. Warmth radiated from it that Cailtyn could feel against her breasts without them so much as touching the metal. It didn’t simmer and it hadn’t turned red or white so, Caitlyn doubted it would burn her.

Secure in Orianna’s steady grasp, Caitlyn went to kiss her when suddenly, Orianna spoke.

“Caitlyn, may I confess something?”

Caitlyn blinked. “Uh, sure.”

“Despite the ill-advised nature of your actions, I am pleased you chose to continue intercourse with me.”

Caitlyn smiled. “Do you like fucking me, Orianna?”

“I do. Your body brings me immense satisfaction and pleasure.” Orianna’s grip on Caitlyn’s ass tightened. Her gears whirred.

Caitlyn giggled and kissed her. Her lips did not move for they couldn’t, but they warmed as Caitlyn’s met them. Caitlyn let the kiss linger, keeping flesh and metal entwined for as long as it took for her strength to return. And then a little longer. Orianna squeezed and pulled apart her cheeks. Caitlyn stroked her silver jaw and neck.

When Caitlyn broke the kiss she giggled. “You’re strong.”

“Correct, I am stronger than most unenhanced humans.”

“Can you fuck me in this position? All gentle and slow?”

“I can. I recommend you give permission for me to orgasm once you do for the sake of your strength.”

Caitlyn kissed her. Orianna’s lips warmed. Her gears whirred.

“I agree.”

“Understood. Shall I commence?”



Orianna’s cock angled upwards. It pressed against Cailtyn’s back. Orianna’s eyes dropped out of sight. Her cock touched Caitlyn’s pussy. Her eyes levelled with Caitlyn’s. Her cock filled her.

“Orianna~” Caitlyn pressed her forehead against hers.

Orianna lifted and lowered her with a slow, plodding rhythm. Her gears whirred and wailed.

“Your tone indicates pleasure.”

“It does~”

“I am also experiencing overwhelming pleasure.”

Caitlyn giggled and moaned. “Y-You don’t sound like it.”

“Incorrect. My gears’ noise level is peaking.”

They were. In fact, they were practically screaming.

“An orgasm would be pleasing.”

“Can you wait for me?”

“I can wait forever.”

“Do you want to?”

Orianna’s gears’ screams peaked even higher. “I do not. But my role is to serve your pleasure.”

Caitlyn moaned and shook her head. “N-No, I’m here to serve yours. I want to be used, Orianna. So, use me…”


Orianna’s gears let out a piercing wail. She dropped Caitlyn all the way down her cock. Her forehead, hard and warm, pressed against the top of Caitlyn’s head as she trembled. Caitlyn felt cum fill her and heard cum splatter on the carpet below. Despite lacking an orgasm herself, Caitlyn had never experienced such bliss before. She sighed and, as Orianna came, rested her cheek against her casted breasts. Warmth like that of a freshly heated towel lulled Cailtyn to a gentle calm.

Three sharp knocks rapped on the door but, Orianna remained as she was.

After what must have been close to a minute, Orianna lifted Caitlyn off of her cock.

“I will lay you down on the couch to allow your body to rest. Is that acceptable?”

“It is.” Caitlyn stroked Orianna’s cheek. “Did you enjoy your orgasm?”

“It was more pleasurable than any I’ve felt in three years, two months, thirty-six days and eight seconds.”

Caitlyn laughed and hugged Orianna tight. Orianna’s gears whirred.

While Caitlyn giggled to herself, Orianna carried her back to the couch. She lay her down on her back, brushed her hair out of her face and ever so gently kissed Caitlyn.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Seraphine, The Starry-Eyed Songstress

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