Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


It was a bad idea. It was a really bad idea yet, Caitlyn approached the manor anyway. A mahogany door towered over her. She checked its number made of gilded steel. 51. She squinted to recheck the street's sign. Oceanview Street. She couldn’t deny it, she’d arrived where Ahri’s note had said to.

Sun gleamed off of the manor’s towering, white brick walls. It twinkled in its many windows. Boring down directly above. Midday. She’d arrived when the note had said to. All that remained to do was to follow the final instruction.

Knock three times. Short and sharp.

Cailtyn’s hand lingered before the door, her knuckles inches from the rich, dark wood. She looked over her shoulder. The street, a path of orderly, white tiles spanned across the arch of a hillside. Houses populated only one side of the street. The other had been left open, exposing Piltover’s bayside sprawl.

Rolling hills topped with lavish, fine houses cascaded towards the ocean, meeting the beach in an orderly line. Ships floated lazily across a vast stretch of endless, sparkling blue. They moved so slow that they seemed not to move at all, as if the ocean’s beauty had distracted each and every captain from their work. Even from afar, the wind carried the ocean’s salt, fanning Caitlyn’s nose with sharp, salty air.

The place Ahri’s note had brought her was a beautiful, good place but, everywhere in Piltover was a beautiful, good place. It was the first thing they’d taught her in the academy.

Never allow yourself to feel complacent. You may feel like you’re in the good part of town but, in Piltover, everywhere is the good part of town. Criminals know this. Our nation’s beauty is their camouflage.

On the surface at least.

Caitlyn shouldn’t have come. Not on her own in the very least. She should have told someone where she was going. But she hadn’t. She knocked on the door. Three knocks, short and sharp. Knock, knock, knock.

Nothing happened. A relief. She could go home. This wasn't her, hooking up with a stranger. Yesterday had been a one-time lapse in judgment. Yes, a lapse in judgment that's all.

Ahri flung open the door.

Her golden eyes flared. Her pointed black, cat ears perked. Her nine tails swished and swooshed around her.

“You came! Ah, excellent choice! Are you ready to explore your spirit’s truest desires?”

She wasn't. "I…” She should say no. "I am, Ma'am."

Ahri giggled. “Good but, drop the Ma’am stuff for now. Unless…” She stroked Caitlyn’s cheek. “You plan on getting me out of my clothes again?”

“W-W-Well, I uh- wait… um… have I misunderstood, Ma- I mean Ahri? Isn’t that what you invited me here for?”

“Maybe, dear. If you get that far. No, I’ve prepared something beyond your wildest of fantasies today. Come, it’s better you see for yourself than hear it from my lips. It truly must be seen to be believed.” Ahri gave Caitlyn a little smirk before turning and heading inside. Her tails flicked and snapped with the sway of her hips.

Caitlyn took one last lingering look over her shoulder at the beauty of Piltover before stepping over the manor’s threshold. She followed Ahri down a tall, elegant hallway. Red velvet carpeted the floor. Golden rails lined tall walls of dark, rich mahogany. A crystal chandelier suspended from a high ceiling scattered beams of rainbow light. Several ornate doors lined the hall but Ahri opened none of them. Instead, she escorted Caitlyn to a towering set of double mahogany doors at the end of the hall. She grabbed the handles and looked over her shoulder at her.

“You don’t have any heart conditions do you, dear?”

“Wh- what?”

“Do you?”


“Good. Well, prepare yourself anyway. I don’t want you fainting on me now.”

A hundred questions popped into Caitlyn's head. Before Caitlyn could ask any of them, Ahri flung open the doors. Caitlyn entered a massive lobby just as extravagant as the hall. Art filled the walls. A statue towered in the centre of the room. Yet, Caitlyn could admire none of it for a sight beyond belief trumped it all. Two sets of stairs climbed to a balcony that overlooked the lobby. Lined up along the gilded banisters was a huge crowd of the most beautiful women Caitlyn had ever seen. The diversity of the crowd painted a rainbow, some weren’t even human. So many that Caitlyn couldn’t even begin guessing the exact number. They looked down at her, a hoard of leers that scanned every part of her all at once. They looked at her as if she were a piece of meat. All except one. Caitlyn spotted…


Vi stood among the crowd between a towering woman with blades for legs and what Caitlyn could only assume to be a robot. She gawked at Caitlyn, jaw hung open, eyes wide.

Oh god, what would Vi think of her now? Her presence on its own, in the room, before all the women, at Ahri’s side, revealed the truth without a single word being spoken. To Vi, Caitlyn was a goodie two shoes. She was Cupcake! Would Vi think she’s a whore? Would she think she’s dirty? Would she think she’s a liar, a deviant who lives a double life? What else was there to think? She’d never love her now… not that she ever had much of a chance…

“I don’t understand,” Caitlyn said barely above a whisper.

“It’s quite simple, dear. I told you I’d provide more and here more is,” Ahri said.

“They’re all like… like you?”

“Yes, dear.”

“And you expect me to fuck all of them?”

“I expect you will try, yes.”

“That’s insane. I can’t fuck that many people. No one can.”

“Oh, I assure you it’s quite possible. You aren’t the first, you know.”

Caitlyn held her head and turned from the horde of lusty leers. They bore down on her, crushing her. She needed to escape.

Ahri’s arm slid around her shoulder, light and gentle as a feather. “You’re overwhelmed, dear. Come, let’s get you someplace private where you can think it over. You’re not being forced. If you decide it’s too much you’re free to leave whenever you wish. I encourage you though to think it over. If you leave, I fear you may end up regretting it. Your spirit knows what you truly want. Try and listen once you’re away from the stares.”

Caitlyn took a deep breath and met Ahri’s gaze. Her beautiful, golden gaze. Some of the weight lifted off of her. “F-Fine. I don’t think I want to but, I’ll think it over.”

“That’s all I ask. Nothing more. Come.”

Ahri guided her between the twin staircases through yet another set of double doors. They entered a vast lounge full of couches, cushions and chairs. Daylight filtered through towering windows along the back wall. Outside, a pool glimmered, surrounded by a smooth marble floor. Caitlyn left Ahri’s guiding arm and made for a pile of huge pillows, red, gold and white. They swallowed her up, swaddling her in warmth and absorbing the weight of the world. Ahri sat cross-legged across from her on the velvet carpet.

“Better?” She asked.

“Yes. Thank you.”

“Before you think anything over may I explain exactly what you’re in store for?”

“That would be best, yes.”

“Do you know what free use is, dear?”

Caitlyn blushed. She had several free-use videos saved to her computer in a secret, hidden folder.

“I-I’ve heard of it.”

“That’s what I have planned for you, dear. For you to give yourself over to fifty-one of the lustiest women I know. However, the “free” in free use is not absolute, you see. Free sex comes with conditions. Consent is paramount under this roof. None of them will do anything to you that you don’t want. On my honour as a Vastayan, you won’t be harmed, unless you wish to be. If you chose to go through with this, you aren’t required to fuck all fifty-one. You may stop whenever you wish, before, after or during each round.”

Caitlyn’s heart fluttered. Damn her stupid, horny, gay brain. She couldn’t agree. One round with Ahri had left her an utter mess. What would she be like after fifty-one? Her insides tingled. She tried to fight them off with no success.

“Perhaps you would like to discuss it with a friend?” Ahri asked. “You and Vi know each other, yes?”

“Oh god, I can’t see her. I can’t. You see, Vi only knows the good me. The well-behaved, innocent me. Not this side of me…”

“She’s seen only your mask, then?”

“Yeah, in a sense.”

Ahri smiled. Her left ear fluttered. “I know Vi quite well, dear. She’ll love this side of you. Think. She’s here too. She agreed to come to this, just like you. Does it sound like the Vi you know to be hypocritical?”

Caitlyn smiled and sat up. “No.”

“Exactly. Shall I fetch her?”

“Yes… Yes please.”

Ahri giggled as she made her way through the double doors. “So polite,” Caitlyn heard her mutter.

A few moments later, Vi eased open the doors. She was a tall and muscular woman with a head of short, pink hair. A small tattoo sat under her left eye of the number six in roman numerals. A pair of goggles perched atop her head; golden frames and blue lenses. She wore pants, a shirt and a jacket. A once ruffian of the underground, Caitlyn’s closest friend, her biggest crush, lingered in the doorway.

“So, it’s really you, Cupcake.”

“It… it is.” Caitlyn avoided her eyes. Her cheeks burned white hot.

“Never knew this side of you existed.”

Caitlyn’s cheeks burned hotter. She heard Vi approach her. Her presence bore down on her from above until, she joined her in the pillows, frowning.

“You alright? You don’t seem all that excited.”

“Well, I don’t really know if I wanna do this.”

Vi sighed. “She didn’t explain it to you before you arrived, did she?”


Vi clicked her tongue. “Fucking typical. You want me to take you home? This isn’t really your kind of thing.”


Vi’s eyebrows raised and she sat up tall.

“I-I mean. I do wanna do this but, I also don’t. A really big part of me, in my head and my body, is screaming at me to do it. And a smaller part of me is whispering to me to not do it, that this is crazy.”

Vi chucked. “Well, it is pretty crazy but, if you feel like you want to you probably do. How about this? Why don’t you start with only the women from Piltover? If you can’t handle it, stop and I’ll get you home. If you can, keep going until you can’t. Hardly anyone makes it through all the way on their first try anyway.”

“How many women is that?”


Caitlyn smiled. “Okay! Yeah, I can do that.”

Vi threw back her head and laughed. “Fuck you’re cute!”

Caitlyn’s heart almost exploded out of her chest. Vi thought she was cute!

“You know, I’ll be one of those four,” Vi said, smirking.

“I-I know.”

The double doors flew open and Ahri reentered, looking eager.

“Have you made a decision?”

Caitlyn stood. “I have. I’ll do it but, only the women from Piltover to start. As a way to test the waters.”

“Oh, excellent! I knew you’d say yes! Your spirit was screaming for it! Vi, shall we give her the regional treatment?”

“Yeah, that’s probably for the best,” Vi said.

“What’s the regional treatment?”

“You’ll fuck our ladies region by region in ascending order of how many ladies we have from said region. So, you’ll start with Piltover, who has four ladies but, after you’ll do Shurima who has only two, and so on and so on until you reach Demacia who has eight. Does that sound agreeable, dear?”

Caitlyn nodded. “It does.”

Ahri clapped her hands. “Excellent! Now, shall I give you two some privacy? Or… shall I linger?” Ahri’s golden eyes undressed Caitlyn with a look.

“Not on your life.” Vi put an arm around Caitlyn.

Ahri looked at Caitlyn. Caitlyn gave her a sheepish grin. “Sorry.”

“Ah, no matter. My turn will come. If you manage to make it through, that is.”

With that, Ahri left and it was only Caitlyn and Vi, alone together in an empty room. Any dreams Caitlyn had ever had never conveyed the way her guts would twist and knot as she stared into Vi’s eyes. Her smoky, grey eyes.

Vi held her hip with one hand and cupped her cheek with the other. “You know, I’ve had my eye on you for a while now, Cupcake.”

“I-I have too.”

“I know.”

“You did?”

Vi turned solemn and nodded. “I did but, I had to hold back. Us together? What would people think? It would have ruined your career before it even began. Under this roof, though, the past and future vanish. Who you are. Who you will be. It doesn’t matter here. Only who you are now, in this very moment.”


“Yeah, Cupcake?”

“Shut up and fuck me.”

Vi laughed and pressed her forehead against hers. She squeezed Caitlyn’s ass, cradled her jaw and kissed her. Cracked, dry, wonderful lips locked with Caitlyn’s. Lips far more amazing than anything Caitlyn had ever dreamed. Strong, large hands kneaded her ass through her jeans. Rough and soft, spicy and sweet. Caitlyn ignored any thoughts of inadequacy or apprehension and took hold of Vi’s ass. Through her trousers, Cailtyn felt the tender muscle of Vi’s cheeks, like two great, round steaks. She squeezed them again and again and again. Vi smiled against her lips so, Caitlyn kissed and went to slap her ass but, hesitated at the last second, giving her a tiny, soft whack on the left cheek.

“You can do better than that, Cupcake.” Vi pecked her lips. “Give it your all.” She buried her face into Caitlyn’s neck and sucked on it.

Caitlyn cried out. Vi’s mouth sent tingles all down her back. She drew back her hand and brought it down with all her might. A sharp, slap cracked. Tingles burned Caitlyn’s palm.

“Fuck!” Vi grabbed Caitlyn’s face with both hands and pushed her tongue into her mouth.

Everything sped up at once, hands scrambling to undress the other, tongues glancing, kisses smacking. Before Caitlyn knew it, she stood before Vi completely naked. She hadn’t been as quick in undressing Vi as Vi had only lost a shirt and bra. Bulging abs and corded muscles hardened her from waist to neck. Two flat breasts sat atop two lean pecs. As Vi gakwed at Caitlyn’s body, Caitlyn ran her hand over Vi’s stomach, feeling each tender bump of her abs. Vi had always been strong but she never imagined anything like what she saw.

“Wow…” Caitlyn whispered.

Suddenly, Vi grabbed her waist. A tight grip ate into her flesh as the world dropped away from her and flipped. Vi flung Caitlyn over her shoulder and carried her over to a couch. Long cushions the size of mattresses made it seem like half a bed.

“Vi!” Caitlyn laughed. “Put me down.”

“I plan on it.” Vi dumped Cailtyn onto the couch.

The cushions raced to meet her back. She bounced but met the cushions again in a flash as Vi pounced on top of her. Lust oozed from her eyes. The same hungry look the other fifty had given her.

“You’re so fucking beautiful, Cupcake.” Vi ran a hand down Caitlyn’s side, gliding her palm over her waist and hip, up and down.

Caitlyn looped her arms around Vi’s neck. “So are you.”

Vi kissed her at once and they fell into each other embrace. Her hand slipped between Caitlyn’s legs. Two fingers entered her. Her thumb found Caitlyn’s clit. It rubbed slow, sensual circles while the fingers curled inside her as if trying to reach the thumb.

Caitlyn had never felt anything like it. She moaned into Vi’s mouth, her back arching.

“That good, Cupcake?”

“Uh huh~”

Vi pecked her lips before sliding down. Wet warmth enveloped Caitlyn's nipple. A firm grip encased her other breast, squeezing and pulling ever so gently in time with the rhythm of Vi’s thumb. A cloud of bliss swept in and cradled her back, lifting Caitlyn from the couch. Floating in pleasure, Caitlyn moaned and squirmed but never once took her eyes off Vi. No matter how heavy pleasure tugged on her eyelids, Caitlyn stared at the top of Vi’s head. She ran her hand through the short, pink locks. She stroked Vi’s rippling back. She swivelled her hips in time with Vi’s hand. She treasured Vi, every part of her with sight, touch and pleasure until bliss’s cloud lowered her back down.

Her orgasm erupted like a punch to the gut. She gasped and let out a low, soft, lingering moan as her orgasm soared and then glided back to earth. When at last she’d landed, Vi awaited, smiling down on her.

Caitlyn cupped her face. “Amazing~”

“Amazing? Cupcake, we haven’t even begun.” Vi sat up on her knees and slipped off her trousers.

They fell to her knees, followed by a pair of boxers. Vi’s cock hung with a downward’s arch even while erect. Unlike Ahri’s the tip had been circumcised and, unlike Ahri’s, it was of a reasonable size.

“It ain’t as big as Ahri’s but, I know how to use it. Don’t you worry.” Vi grinned confidently.

“I think it’s perfect.” Caitlyn lay back and spread her legs.

The flare of arrogant confidence melted from Vi’s face into a cushion of fondness. She looked Cailtyn up and down, chuckled and shook her head.

“You’re testing me, Cupcake.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I don’t know how I’m gonna last in you, you looking the way you do. Fuck…”

Caitlyn giggled. She pressed her thigh flat against her stomach and peeked around her shins. “You’ll manage. Don’t close your eyes, though. That’s cheating.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.”

Vi kicked out of her trousers and boxers before kneeling before Caitlyn’s exposed pussy. She grabbed each thigh, leaned all her weight onto them and, unguided, slipped inside her. Vi’s girth didn’t rock Caitlyn like Ahri had but, that was fine. A gentle calm washed over her as Vi slid her length inside. Caitlyn sighed and nestled back into the couch.



Vi gripped her thighs. Her length left her and then entered her, over and over a few times before finding a rhythm. Once the rhythm had been found, it never left again. Slow but, not delicate. Vi accepted each sensual thrust of her hips with a sharp, swift draw. The lopsided rhythm sent overlapping waves of pleasure meandering through Caitlyn, drawing out a moan with each thrust. While Vi moaned with each draw. Never a second passed without a moan dancing in the air.

With her feet up in the air, pressed together, Caitlyn couldn’t see Vi’s face. She opened them just enough so they could lock their eyes through a small window. Vi’s pace picked up as their drooping gazes met. A soft, wet smack, slapped with each timely thrust.

“Oh, Vi… I love it~”

“Cupcake~” Vi groaned and slowed her pace to a crawl. “I wanna cum so bad…”

“You can. You can, where ever you want. I want it.”

Vi’s jaw clenched. Her eyes closed. She swallowed. “N-No. I need to see you cum again. Oh fuck…”

Vi froze, buried all the way inside. She rested her head against Caitlyn’s foot, panting long, deep breaths.

“Pace yourself. Rub my clit while you rest.”

Panting, Vi nodded. She lifted her head, made deadly, determined eye contact with her and let go of her right thigh to work her clit. Caitlyn let the leg fall rather than tense to keep it up. She took a deep breath, centring herself. She had to cum. For Vi.

Gentle pleasure swelled through her as Vi rubbed circles into her clit. Caitlyn rode the swells, relaxing all over. She stared into Vi’s grey eyes, letting joy, excitement and euphoria speak through her gaze. Vi smiled, breathed deep and started fucking her again, slow and careful, never stopping her thumb. The pleasure never ended. It rose as Vi fucked her and sunk as she rested but, never once did it die. Before long, Caitlyn was squirming. Her hips swiveled of their own accord. Her back rose and fell. Her shoulders snaked. Her toes curled.


“Y-Yes, Cupcake?”

“I’m gonna cum.”

Vi sighed. “Oh, cum for me, Cupcake. Cum on my cock.”

“I’m gonna… I can feel it. It’s small but growing.” Caitlyn moaned. “Pound me! Fuck me hard!”

“A-Are you sure, what if I-”

“Just don’t. Please, I need it. I need it so bad.”

Vi stared long and hard into Caitlyn’s eyes. Then, suddenly she flailed a flurry of rapid thrusts. The weight Vi’s strength crashed into her, like a punch. Caitlyn’s moans peaked, high and sweet. The small mound of her orgasm grew exponentially with each crash of Vi’s hips. It became a mountain. It’s peak broke through the clouds.

Caitlyn came hard. Harder than before. Harder than with Ahri. Her moan caught in her throat as she locked, her flesh turning to steel. For a few blissful moments, it kept its grip on her, all the while Vi kept pounding her pussy. The steel shattered and Caitlyn’s moan escaped from her throat. Squirt erupted all over Vi's groin and abs.

Caitlyn melted into the couch. Vi shuddered, squeezed her thighs, sighed and blew a load inside her. She collapsed. Caitlyn caught her and they lay there together, kissing, laughing and touching, forgetting all about the other fifty awaiting.

That was until three sharp knocks rapped on the door.

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