Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Craving Exposure (RWBY)

A/N: This piece was originally written in six parts over March of 2019 to October of 2020

Themes: Exhibitionism, Rough Sex, Public Nudity

Summary: It turns out Ruby is a bit of a pervert. And by a bit, that means walking down a street in Vale completely naked at prime time kind of perverted. It just feels so good, being so very, very exposed... Luckily for her, her team soon joins her in the debauchery.


The alley is rather grungy and dimly lit, but it's current singular occupant, an adventurous rat rummaging through garbage, doesn't seem to mind all that much. It's a trashy, idyllic moment… that is suddenly and abruptly interrupted by the appearance of a girl in a red cloak, seemingly from nowhere, though those with more experienced eyes would have noticed that she didn't teleport, but instead moved so fast as to appear in the alley with none the wiser.

There were no experienced eyes in the alley though, only the poor rat, who hurriedly buried itself in the trash it'd been perusing through in order to avoid being discovered. Luckily for it, the young woman in the red cloak was not interested in vermin. No, Ruby Rose's eyes were focused solely on the mouth of the alley, even as she held her cloak around her quite tightly, her face somewhat red, aflame with embarrassment.

But though it's a busy Saturday and the street outside of the alley is bustling with shoppers, no one looks in on her. No one in Vale has any time at all for something as inane as glancing down into a dimly lit alley when they have more important things to be doing. After a long moment, Ruby lets out a low, relieved sigh, her shoulders slumping slightly. Then she straightens up, putting on a determined face as she works up the courage to do what she's been planning to do for a while now.

Ruby… had a secret. Though it wasn't the kind of secret she wanted to stay secret. She knew it NEEDED to stay secret, but… god, she was going to drive herself crazy if she kept trying to be circumspect, even in her own damn head! Put bluntly, Ruby was a pervert. She wanted people to see her. Not just see her but see her body. It'd all started a couple months back when she'd first joined Beacon.

She hadn't even known that you could get aroused from something that didn't have some sort of physical contact involved until the day when she thought she'd been alone in the dorm, and had walked out of the shower completely naked, only to find all three of her teammates having returned from their own things.

Now, most people might say that changing in front of other girls wasn't even that weird. And sure, Yang and Blake certainly hadn't had any problems with it. Weiss though, had only ever changed her underwear in the bathroom, and seeing that, Ruby had done the same, feeling rather embarrassed at being the most underdeveloped girl in the room.

Except, when she'd stepped out of the shower and accidentally flashed every last bit of her nubile young body at her sister and teammates… she'd been mortified, sure… but also it had turned her on a little bit? Ruby hadn't been sure what had happened at first. But she'd figured it out as time went on. She liked it, being exposed in front of others like that. After 'accidentally' flashing Jaune, Ruby knew for a fact that she liked it a LOT.

From there, things had escalated. It'd started with her no longer wearing panties, like ever. Feeling the wind across her pussy lips as her skirt did little protect her exposed slit felt amazing, as did the knowledge that anyone who got down and looked between her legs would just be able to see her, just like that. But no one ever did. Everyone at Beacon was too busy learning how to be hunters and huntresses.

So, Ruby had escalated. She'd started taking trips to Vale on the weekends, wearing nothing but a sundress with thin straps. Literally nothing. It was as adventurous as she'd ever gotten, and she got so many appreciative glances that she had to eventually stop for fear of climaxing in front of everyone. Instead, she'd hidden down a back alley like this one and masturbated furiously to all those looks she'd gotten until she squirted all over the place.

Now though… this was definitely the furthest Ruby had ever gone. Vale was a big place, and it was made up of multiple districts. In her sundress, Ruby had never gone anywhere but the most popular and most built-up part of the city. Now though… now she was in the middling area. Not quite the slums, so it wasn't disgusting, but also not the sparkly clean, shiny part of the city either.

This road wasn't Vale's main road, but it was still a busy road for those people just trying to get through their days, lined with shops just trying to survive in the less-fortunate part of Vale. She couldn't go to her normal places, because she was afraid that she'd get arrested too quickly. Not that she wanted to be arrested at all. Not that she INTENDED to get arrested. With her semblance, escaping should be a cakewalk, after all.

Still, she'd chosen this part of Vale because she figured people would stop and stare, but they wouldn't call the police on her. And on, she KNEW they would stop and stare. Biting her lower lip, Ruby finally lets go of the death grip she has on her red cloak. Slowly, the garment falls open… revealing the fact that the young woman isn't wearing ANYTHING beneath it. Not a sundress, not her huntress garb, not her school uniform… absolutely nothing.

A bit of midday wind brushes across Ruby's front, and she has to bite her lip to keep the moan from spilling forth, even as her nipples immediately begin to harden. Panting slightly, Ruby removes her cloak altogether before she can find a reason to chicken out, folding it up and tucking it under a corner of a trash pile for later recovery.

When she straightens up from her crouch, she's completely nude. It takes a lot of willpower not to instinctively cover herself up… though it helps that being naked like this in such a public place is kind of hot. No, it's more than 'kind of'… it's SUPER hot. Ruby blushes, even as she looks down at her feet. She was really, actually going to do this.

Lifting her head high, the silver-eyed young woman puts one step in front of the other and walks right out of the alley and onto the road. Then, she just starts walking. Everything around her grinds to a halt as she does so. The more people that see her, the more people that just stop and stare. Ruby blushes, and that blush doesn't stop at her face given her state of undress, but she's still maintaining her confident façade as she walks along.

Then, the flashes on people's scrolls start going off as some take pictures of her naked form with the cameras on the devices. Ruby's eyes widen for a moment, and she nearly misses a step… but she manages to recover admirably enough, as well as refrain from instinctively covering herself up. If they want to take pictures, t-then they c-can. She doesn't mind one bit. In fact, the idea of having nude photos of herself all over the place, shared among people… it turns Ruby on immensely.

However, she doesn't get much further before she finds herself cut off by a man stepping in front of her, his arms crossed over his chest and a twinkle in his eye.

"Well now, what's this then? Looks like we got a fine little slut, walking out and about with no clothes on."

Ruby blushes profusely, and his words send a shiver down her spine. But he's right, there's no denying it, is there? She's a pervert, a slut, a girl who likes exposing herself to others. Ruby licks her lips and tries to smile, but it's a hesitant little thing, just like she is, even as she stands there, not sure what to do now. Her original plan was to just walk, but already there's a crowd forming around her, a circle of people staring at her, taking pictures, gawking at her.

She can't just leave now, can she? Not and disappoint all her… admirers. The thought almost makes Ruby let out a perverse little giggle, and she does squirm slightly, looking this way and that, seeing how people are taking her in. There are the men, some of which are frowning at her with disapproval (still hot as fuck, she doesn't mind one bit) some of whom are staring at her with lust and avarice in their eyes as they grab at their crotches. THAT turns Ruby on immensely, knowing she's having that sort of effect on them.

Then there are the women. There's a lot more disproval in the fairer gender's camp, from the older women who are disappointed in her lewd behavior, to the younger girls her age that are pointing and laughing at her derisively, taking pictures with their scrolls and mocking her for being such a skank, a whore, a thousand other things.

Ruby's not sure what to do, but then the man who stopped her forward movement in the first place helps her out.

"Why don't you do a pose for us, huh? Show us what you've got."

Ruby bites her lower lip at that. It's not a bad idea, as far as she's concerned. The whole reason she's out here is to show off what she's got. But… what sort of pose should she make? She wants something that puts as much of her lewd naked body on display as possible, right? Acting mostly on instinct, Ruby strikes a pose. She ends up with her hands clasped behind her head, her fingers interlaced through her short hair, while her legs are bowed at the knee.

This has the intended effect of jutting out her small, not quite substantial chest, as well as showing off her dripping slit to everyone around her. There are immediately wolf-whistles, and a helluva a lot more camera flashes as people take even more pictures of her on their scrolls. The guy in front of her certainly seems to enjoy snapping picture after picture, but then, he DOES have the best view, doesn't he?

Ruby is feeling amazing, at this point. She's on cloud nine, high as a damn kite. She'll probably have to leave soon, sure, but this, right now, in this moment… this is amazing. Things only get scary when the man suddenly pulls out a pen and starts stalking forward.

"You don't mind, do you?"

He doesn't actually wait for her to respond, simply uncaps the pen, grabs one of her small tits, and begins writing on her chest. Ruby whimpers but doesn't stop him. She's locked in place, maintaining her pose as he does what he likes with her. When he finally finishes, she looks down to see WHORE in jagged, capital letters, written over her left boob.

Her pussy flexes and clenches around nothing as Ruby nearly climaxes right then and there. But no, she has to maintain her pose. She can't stop now. Yet, even as Ruby stands there, naked in front of everyone, legs slightly bowed, the man passes the pen around, and more people walk up and do what they want, writing whatever they like on her body. It's incredibly humiliating and utterly embarrassing, and Ruby can't deny that she's a little scared at how things are escalating… but at the same time, she's immensely turned on, and on the verge of orgasm to boot.

After a little while of this, of people of all ages writing things all over her pale body, the man from before steps forward again, a wicked smile on his face.

"Drop that booty for us, slut. Show us what you can do."

He's so commanding, and Ruby just finds herself obeying without a second thought. Her ass drops down, while her hands remain where they are. She falls into a crouch, blushing up a storm as she does so, her legs bending entirely at the knee, and her gushing wet pussy lips only a foot off the ground now. But before she can do anything else, before she can fully adjust to this change, a rather large cock slaps down on her face.

Silver eyes cross just trying to look at it as Ruby stares at the large length now sliding down along the bridge of her nose. The bulbous leaking cockhead of the man who'd stopped her in the first place comes down to rub against her lips, and his hand grabs her by the hair as he stares at her darkly.

"Open up."

Ruby does so. She's a huntress in training, so it's not like she has anything to actually fear from this man or anyone else. And yet… and yet, it wasn't her intention to get roped into sucking a dude's cock when she came out here today. But that's exactly what the young woman is doing now, forced to bob up and down on his member as he uses his grip on her hair to guide her back and forth, groaning all the while.

There are more flashes from scroll cameras at that, and Ruby mewls around the cock in her mouth, even as she keeps her hands laced behind her head. She doesn't really know what else to do at this point. This whole venture has gone from a simple walk down the street to so much more… and yet, she's still loving it. She's still horny as fuck.

Funnily enough though, it's the words from the man that tip her over the edge, in the end.

"You stupid little slut. Just look at you. You're getting off on all this aren't you? You're a literal fucking attention whore."

It probably shouldn't have been enough, but it was exactly what Ruby needed to hear. The young woman cries out around the cock in between her lips and climaxes on the spot, squirting explosively for all to see. The man lets out a surprised grunt, and his grip on her hair tightens for a second as her cries reverberate down his length.

"Fuck! Here it comes!"

And then he pulls out and Ruby gets her first ever facial, her features positively drenched in seed. From her forehead to her chin, he doesn't miss a spot, leaving her covered in white, hot, sticky cum that Ruby can already feel dripping down her face. When he finally lets go of her hair, he pushes her away, stumbling back a step. Of course, Ruby is barely moved by that, and slowly rises to her feet, even as he looks at her with a wicked grin.

"Better not clean that off for the rest of the day. You hear me slut?"

Ruby, completely humiliated and utterly embarrassed, nods slowly. The man is just about to say something else when his eyes alight on something over her shoulder. His gaze goes wide, and he quickly puts his cock back in his pants, before turning and pushing his way out of the crowd.

"Vale PD! Break it up! We've got reports of a nude girl streaking around here!"

Ruby's eyes go wide as well, but by the time the two police officers, a man and a woman, finally push through the crowd that had gathered around to watch the incredibly lewd show… their suspect is nowhere to be seen. And unlike the man, most of the crowd couldn't even say they'd actually noticed the naked young woman leaving.

Back in the alley, Ruby reappears with a silver flash of her semblance, cum still dripping off her face, though moving that fast has made some of it already begin to dry. Grabbing her cloak, Ruby wraps it around herself and keeps her head down as she heads back to Beacon. But even under all that cum… there's still a smile on the young woman's face for the rest of the day.


She was in central vale shopping when her previous visit to the city finally came back to bite her in her pert, pale posterior. She wasn't naked or anything like that, no, today was an all-clothing adventure… or at least, that's how it APPEARED. Ruby wasn't wearing panties, and she certainly wasn't wearing a bra as she stood there looking at clothes, resisting the urge to squirm and rub her slick wet naked thighs together beneath her combat skirt.

It started with whispers and giggles. Looking up, Ruby realizes that there are three girls who look to be around her age watching her. They're staring pretty blatantly, and all have smiles on their faces that only grow wider when Ruby's silver eyes meet their own. For a split second, Ruby starts to smile back, thinking that they're admiring Crescent Rose or something.

But then it hits her… she left Crescent Rose back in the dorm room back at Beacon. People tended to get a little antsy around huntresses who wore their weapons EVERYWHERE, so when there was absolutely no chance of combat happening, the students of Beacon were encouraged to leave their weapons behind and avoid upsetting any civilians, which these three girls very clearly were.

Then why were they… Ruby's eyes go wide, and her face goes bright red as she realizes they're all holding scrolls and looking between them and her. Suddenly knowing exactly where they recognized her from, the silver-eyed young woman ducks her head and tries to pretend like she never saw them at all, ignoring them and trying to focus her attention back on the clothing rack before her.

The giggles and murmurs quiet down, Ruby straining her ears for them, even as she pretends to ignore them. For a solid minute, there's nothing but the sound of her own beating heart, going rapid-fire in her chest. Slowly though, she calms her heartbeat down and lets out a low sigh of relief. But to be perfectly honest, there's also a tinge of disappointment along with it. They'd recognized her and laughed at her, and that… that turned her on to no end, if she was being honest. Having them know such a public secret about her… i-it was pretty hot, wasn't it?

Ah, but it seemed they weren't going to do anything else. It seemed she'd escaped relatively unscathed, this tim- Ruby goes stock still as her thought processes grind to a halt from the sound of a throat being cleared behind her. Slowly, the young woman turns around, and looks at the three girls who have snuck up on her. They all have vicious, wicked smiles on their faces, and it reminds her of some of the bullies at Signal Academy. Of course, they'd never gone after her, back then. She'd only been able to watch from afar with a look of longing on her face as she watched them bully others instead.

The girl in the middle of the trio of civilians who have, somehow, snuck up on her holds up her scroll and shows Ruby a nude picture of herself, obviously taken that day given the background that she could see from it.

"This is you."

Ruby blushes even deeper than she already was, and her silver eyes dart to the left and right of the scroll, only for the other two girls to hold up their own scrolls, practically boxing her in with the proof of her deviancy, of her perverted nature.


The girl on the left sneers, leaning in and looking at her like she's a bug.

"You're some kind of exhibitionist slut, aren't you?"

The girl on the right just laughs.

"Oh, there's no doubt about it. A needy little bitch like this? You can tell she wants it. Probably can't go a day without sucking some dude's cock."

Ruby startles at that and pouts a little. After all, she didn't actually go around sucking too many dicks. It wasn't… it wasn't really her favorite thing in the world. Hell, she was s-still a virgin. She just… she liked to be seen. But this wasn't true, so she should say as much.

"T-That's not true, I-!"

But before she can finish, the girl in the middle scoffs loudly, overriding her.

"Of course, it's true, we all saw you do it, slut. But really, it's probably not her fault, girls. Needy little cunts like this usually have issues. Maybe her daddy and mommy didn't love her enough, or something."

For a moment, Ruby sees red. It's one thing to insult her, and it's an immense turn on that has her sopping wet, to finally be bullied by girls her age, but to bring up her mother?!


Something of the anger must show on her face, because the girls on the left and right actually take a step back. The girl in the middle though? She gets in REAL close.

"Yeah, me. The girl who can ruin you in an instant, if I choose to. You want these images sent to that fancy smancy school of yours? Oh yeah, we know what you are, huntress. And guess what? I'm not scared of you. You're just a horny little whore, and you deserve to be treated like one."

Just like that, all the wind is gone from Ruby's sails. Because the ringleader is right. What would happen to her, if the Headmaster or god-forbid, Goodwitch found out about her… extracurricular activities? Whimpering and squirming now, Ruby bows her head.

"W-What do you want?"

Smirking evilly, the middle girl leans back and tucks her scroll away.

"Come outside, bitch. We'll continue this there."

Ruby has no choice but to follow the three bullies outside. God she really is a horny little whore, isn't she? She's sopping wet right now, squirming as they lead her out into the extremely busy street that runs through central vale. Eyes flicking left and right, Ruby bites her lower lip as she hops foot to foot, watching all of the people walking by, mostly ignoring her, though she finds herself making momentary eye contact with a few.

"Here is as good a place as any. Strip."

It takes Ruby a second to fully process what's been said. She freezes once she does though, staring at the grinning girl and her two tagalongs as they stand there, watching her. The ringleader's eyebrows raise, and she gestures at her as if to get on with it.

"Did I stutter? Strip naked, bitch. We all know you love it."

She does love it. Oh GOD how she loves it. This is such a bad idea though, a monstrously bad idea… and yet, Ruby reaches up and begins to comply, following the civilian bully's orders as she unhooks her cloak, and then begins to work off her corset and her battle skirt and… a-and everything. Of course, people start paying attention to what's going on by the time Ruby is half-naked. More and more citizens of Vale stop in their tracks, eyes going wide as they feast hungrily upon Ruby's nubile, pale flesh.

Sensing they've gotten a crowd, the head bully calls out, speaking loudly over the din of murmuring coming from the onlookers.

"This needy little slut is always up for a good time, boys! Just look at her! She LOVES being watched, loves to have her body on display!"

Ruby whimpers, but doesn't bother covering up, just standing there with her arms hanging loosely at her sides, and her legs slightly parted, exposing her gushing wet cunt. For a moment, there's silence as the crowd processes what the civilian girl is saying, seeing the truth of her words with their very own eyes.

"The bitch wasn't even wearing panties!"

That doesn't come from any of the three girls who initially called her out. It comes out of the crowd, and like the floodgates opening up, it gives everyone else leave to do the same, even as the ringleader of the bullies glances towards the pile of Ruby's clothing, before letting out a bark of surprised laughter.

"Hah! I hadn't even noticed!"




It goes on like that, constant insulting epithets tossed Ruby's way without pause, without mercy. It's all immensely arousing, and without even really thinking about it, Ruby finds her hands going to the important parts of her body, one groping a breast and rolling a nipple between thumb and index finger, and the other sliding down between her thighs, two of her digits sinking DEEP into her drooling quim.

"She's getting off on this shit! Strike a pose for us, bitch!"

There's a camera flash, even before Ruby strikes a pose, spreading her legs wide and bowing them, moaning wantonly. And then there's more flashes, and when Ruby eventually opens her eyes again, it's to find many people outright recording, just like last time. But the crowd is a lot bigger than last time, most of the street is spread out around her now, watching her in a half-circle, given her back is still to the store she just came out of.

"Say it! Tell us how much you love this, slut!"

Ruby shudders, knowing she shouldn't, but the next moment her mouth is open, and the words are flying out.

"I-I do! I love it! I love all of y-your eyes on me!"

"You're a slut! Say you're a slut!"

"I-I'm a slut!"

"Say you're a whore!"

"I'm a whore!"

The commands come from all around her, as more and more of the crowd gets involved, mob mentality taking over for both men and women alike, everything eager to debase and humiliate her, and to make Ruby in turn debase and humiliate herself. But as it turns out, that's not enough for them either. Before she knows it, some of the crowd is pushing forward, those who are no longer content to simply stand back and take photos or video.

Ruby moans as they roughly grope and slap at her tits and ass, gripping hard enough that if she weren't a huntress, she would likely bruise in some places. The crowd gets more and more riled up, both this small crowd and the larger crowd, until finally, one particularly rough man finally goes the extra mile.

"Slutty little bitches like you deserve to be taught a lesson…"

He forces her up against the glass window of the store she'd just come from, and his cock is inside of her a moment later. No foreplay, (unless one counted the last dozen minutes or so, which to be fair, Ruby did) no hesitation. Just a big fat cock, buried in her virgin cunt. The mere realization that THIS is how she loses her virginity, in front of all of these people… it's enough to make Ruby cum on the spot, crying out as she creams herself, orgasming explosively and spasming against the glass window, which she's quickly smearing and fogging up with her body and breath.

"Haha, look at the stupid cunt! She just came, just like that!"

Ruby recognizes the voice of original ringleader from the trio of civilian girls, but to be perfectly honest, she's a little distracted at this point. She hasn't… she didn't know what it was like. She didn't know that being fucked felt SO GOOD. Her silver eyes roll back in her head as her tongue lolls out of her mouth, and before Ruby knows it, she's cumming time and time again as the thick meaty member stretching out her tight virgin pussy pistons in and out of her.

"Gonna fucking fill you up, bitch."

And then he cums, just like that. Ruby doesn't have time to even think about the consequences, before he's delivering a thick load of his seed directly into her cunt. Nor does she get much time to think about it after he pulls out of her either, because as it turns out, while he's been busy plowing her silly, a line has formed, made up of men eager to 'punish' the tart-slut for being such an exhibitionist whore.

Ruby's world becomes nothing but sex. She's not sure how long it goes on, but she quickly decides it doesn't matter. If they want to fuck her, then they can fuck her. They're right, she DOES deserve this. She deserves all of this, for flaunting her nubile body, for letting everyone see just how horny she was. She'd exposed herself in front of not one, but two crowds of people now. Of course, they were going to fuck her, what could she really expect.

And that… that was okay. Because sluts like her were meant to be used. They were MADE to be used. Ruby was okay with that. She was more than okay with it, she wanted MORE of it. Moaning wantonly, the silver-eyed young woman lets her eyes drift shut, even as she reaches back and spreads her thighs apart, jutting her ass out and doing her absolute best to make it easier for the men who are currently running a train on her to fuck her nice and hard.

"Yesssss~ Fuck me! Fuck me more! Please, give it to me!"

Needless to say, when the next cock leaves her creampied quim, Ruby is expecting for it to be replaced with another, lickity-split. But that's not what happens, oh no. Instead, before the huntress-in-training can react, her wrists are taken hold of, and a pair of handcuffs are forced onto them, restraining her arms behind her back.

Ruby's eyes open wide, and she looks at the reflection in the shop window to see that no, this isn't more kink play, but in fact the police, who have arrived and are in the process of dispersing the crowd and taking statements.

"Jesus, kid. What the hell are you thinking?"

Blushing deeply as she's turned around, Ruby lowers her head. She's not a kid, she's a woman, and today proved that more than anything else. But she can't help but feel small in the face of authority, especially not when the police officer sounds more disappointed than actually angry.

"Did someone put you up to this? Did someone force you to do this?"

Ruby's eyes find her original blackmailers amidst the crowd. The trio of civilian girls who'd bullied her out of the store and made her strip out of her clothing. They're still… they're still recording, even now. They're still using their scrolls to make videos of her humiliation, and now her arrest. In the end, Ruby knows what she has to say. Looking up into the police man's eyes, Ruby stares at him, trying to convey the earnest truth of her words to him.

"N-No… I did this because I'm a horny little whore who loves being punished."

He rears back as if he's been slapped, and soon enough, Ruby is being carted away to jail, her belongings gathered up and brought with them.


Yang blinks at a sudden call on her scroll… from Vale PD? Furrowing her brow, before blanching at the memory of what she'd done to that loser's club a while back, the blonde bombshell considers not answering for a moment… but no, it'd only be worse for her in the end, if she ignored this shit. With a sigh, Yang takes the call.

She's not expecting to see Ruby's red, flustered face on the other end, that's for sure.

"Yang… um, I need your help."


"Slutty little bitches like you deserve to be taught a lesson…"

"Haha, look at the stupid cunt! She just came, just like that!"

Yang's face is red hot as she bites down on her shirt, which is currently pulled up off of her chest and held between her teeth. With her breasts fully exposed and her shorts unbuttoned and unzipped, Yang has one hand on a tit and the other jammed down the front of her panties as she watches the scene play out on her scroll, hidden away in a forgotten corner of Beacon where hopefully, nobody would find her.

Ever since… ever since the incident with Ruby, Yang had been curious. She'd been curious about a lot of things. For instance, while Yang had picked Ruby up from the Police Station, Ruby had somehow managed to avoid jail or a mark on her record all by herself, and she wasn't willing to tell Yang how. Instead, her baby sister had explained about her fetish, reasoning that with how many people saw her and took pictures and recorded her, that Yang would find out soon enough anyways.

And yeah, Yang had had to knock around a few boys at Beacon since the incident who wanted to make crass and crude comments about her sister. She'd beat them up, until Ruby had told her not to, confiding further in her that… that she actually LIKED it when they were cruel to her verbally. Given that Ruby's semblance meant she had the ability to speed away from any situation she didn't actually want to be in, Yang was in the end forced to concede the point and leave it alone.

Except she couldn't leave it alone. She'd been too curious about Ruby's exposure fetish, about what her younger sister was getting up to… so she'd started doing research. Which included watching Ruby's exposure videos, taken by numerous people all over the internet. That was when Yang discovered something about herself. She was immensely turned on by Ruby's exhibitionism. Not by Ruby herself, or at least that's what Yang told herself. No, she just… she liked the exposure. She wanted to experience herself, she was pretty sure.

But so far, she hadn't worked up the courage. So far, all she could do was find spots to hideout in like this little alcove, and finger herself to her own sister's sexy, slutty exhibition videos. She knew it was wrong, she knew it was unhealthy, but-

"Here you are!"

And just like that, Ruby is standing in front of her. If the silver-eyed girl seems bothered by Yang's state of dress, she doesn't say anything, as she looks to the scroll showing her acting like a slut and actually smiles over it. Looking back to Yang, Ruby puts her hands on her hips.

"You and I are going to the city tomorrow and having some fun. Got it?"

Yang flushes indignantly at Ruby's commanding tone, but she also flushes in arousal. Having her own little sister ordering her around… it just wasn't on. But at the same time, what choice did Yang have, when Ruby had found her in such a compromising position, and now knew what Yang had secretly been up to? Also, deep down inside… Yang wanted it. She really did.

Still holding her top in between her teeth, Yang just nods in agreement, causing Ruby's grin to widen further as she turns and walks away like nothing happened. Yang, meanwhile, finds herself turning back to watch the video of her little sister getting fucked, degraded, and abused in public. She's sure that she's not turned on by Ruby herself, because even as she watches the recording, her mind is interposing HERSELF in Ruby's position…


The next day, Yang and Ruby head into the city. Ruby leads the way, taking her buxom blonde sister into a nearby alley almost immediately. There, she begins to strip. For a moment, Yang stands still, unsure whether she should do the same, until Ruby looks at her and snickers.


That's really all that Yang needs to hear, in the end. Blushing up a storm, the voluptuous blonde bombshell goes ahead and removes her clothing, until both she and Ruby are standing there in absolutely nothing. Ruby packs their clothes away in a bag, and then pulls out two pairs of high heels as well, one a black set, and the other yellow.

Yang's blush intensifies when the high heels fit her perfectly, and though it's a little awkward, she's able to find her stride quickly enough, especially when Ruby starts walking out of the alley without her, forcing Yang to catch up. There are eyes on them immediately of course, and whispers and murmurings start up as those few people with children immediately cover their eyes and flee the street.

Yang watches them go with no small amount of worry in her eyes, knowing that those people are the most likely to call the cops on her and Ruby, and not sure how they'd get out of that sort of bind. But Ruby isn't about to let her worry in her own fear, reaching over and pinching the blonde's bottom in a way that has Yang squealing and drawing even more eyes to the two of them as they make their way down the street.

People are crowding around them now, cat-calling them and insulting them. Ruby seems to bask in it, enjoying both the positive and negative reactions. But Yang… Yang is a lot more nervous than her confident little sister. Still, even as nervous as she is, even as indignant as some of the insults make her, despite them all being accurate given her current actions, Yang loves the fact that her naked body is getting so much attention.

There are guys and gals of all ages following them now, insulting them, or even complimenting them. There are girls that have to be close to Ruby and Yang's age taking pictures and laughing at them, talking about what sluts they must be, and how they're both disgraces to the feminine gender. It's all very embarrassing, but it's also incredibly arousing as Ruby leads Yang into a convenience store where they end up posing for pictures until they're finally forced out by a manager.

Yang makes sure to bend over a lot in the pictures, as that shows off her best features in her opinion, her bountiful breasts hanging low and her backside jutting out into the air. Ruby meanwhile, enjoys dropping into a truly slutty crouch, spreading her legs wide even as she bends her knees, grabbing and groping her own breasts and letting her tongue loll out like she's offering her mouth to be used.

Very aware of what happened the last time Ruby walked down a street like this, from all the viewings she'd previously made, Yang is half-expecting the crowd to start getting more and more handsy. And they do, even as Ruby and Yang continue to make their way down the street. There's groping and slapping, and Yang cries out as her big titties and fat ass are both reddened by palms spanking her, the stinging almost as good as it feels to have so many eyes on her body.

All along the way, Ruby has been telling anyone who asks that Yang is her sister, which adds another level of shame to the whole experience, because Yang is clearly the older one, and Ruby is… Ruby is doing all of this, supposedly with Yang's blessing. All Yang can do is blush and duck her head in humiliation as men and women alike, especially those girls that are her age, insult and berate and decry her for allowing her little sister to act like such a wanton slut.

She's waiting for it to come, for a man to get greedy and try to shove his dick in one of them, and she's not sure how she's going to react. In the end though, Yang doesn't get to find out, because at the end of the street, she and her sister come upon a pair of cops, who have them both in handcuffs in moments, arresting them on the spot and then packing them into their police car.

It's in the car, away from the prying eyes of the crowd, that Yang begins to grow frantic. Everything was all well and good, but now here she was, naked and cuffed in a cop car. Would they call her and Ruby's dad? Would she have to call Weiss or Blake? The very idea has Yang blushing profusely, even as Ruby nudges her and gives her a knowing grin.

"It's alright Yang. I made a deal, last time they arrested me. Just play along and it'll all be okay, alright silly?"

Yang flushes as her younger sister once again takes the role of wiser and more experienced. Yes, obviously Ruby has more experience with this kind of thing, but that doesn't mean it should be her who's comforting and telling Yang what to do, d-damn it…

Still, it's not like the blonde has a choice. Soon enough, the police car arrives in an abandoned lot, and the two cops drag the two naked sisters out of the back of the car. Yang immediately realizes what's about to happen, as both of the uniformed men have their dicks out already, and are stroking them, even as they guide Yang and Ruby around to the back of the car and bend them both over it.

Yang tenses up as she feels the cop's cock press against her pussy lips from behind. This wasn't what she's signed up for… was it? But with her hands cuffed behind her back and without a single stitch of clothing on her, it wasn't like she could say no to a police officer. Plus… plus, Ruby was already taking the other cop's dick deep inside of her, moaning wantonly and shaking the car right next to Yang.

In the end, she doesn't put up any resistance as the second cop thrusts into her as well, taking her virginity. Yang cries out as he fucks her, but she's already more than wet enough. At first, she's still not into it, a dozen insecurities running through her head. But then he spanks her ass and grunts, and she hears the magic words.

"Damn, tight little cunt for such a bombshell… didn't expect it."

It's like music to her ears. Embarrassing, humiliating, and shameful yes… but also a sincere compliment, given to her while she's being bent over a police car and fucked while handcuffed, completely helpless. Yang's eyes roll back in her head and she orgasms HARD around the cop's cock, even as he groans at the tightness and keeps right on fucking her.

He fucks her hard, and his partner does the same to Ruby, with both of them moaning wantonly like two slutty exhibitionist whores, like the needy, horny fuck sluts they've become. Eventually, after both Yang and Ruby have cum a handful of times each, the police officers reach climax, both of them filling the two exhibitionists with their spunk.

Yang flushes at the thought of being creampied, but Ruby seems to love it so much, and honestly, it feels good, having the warmth seeping into her deepest depths. The cops pull out and take the handcuffs off once they're done, and then they both pull out their scrolls and begin taking pictures. Yang is in no state to pose at first, but Ruby happily strikes a few poses, one of them having her nearly upside down as she spreads her ass cheeks from behind and tries to catch their dripping seed in her mouth. Another is the same crouching position from before, but this time with obvious white, hot cum coming out of her.

When Yang recovers, she makes sure to strike some poses as well, doing anything that comes to mind. Even after all of this, she and Ruby are both still in their high heels. It takes a lot of balancing, but Yang is able to raise one of her legs up off the ground and bring it parallel with her body, standing on just one high heel as she shows off her freshly fucked cunt, AND her flexibility.

Both cops wolf whistle at that, and take plenty of pictures, before finally getting in their car and driving away. Yang watches them go with Ruby by her side, biting her lower lip in… she doesn't know. Anticipation? Trepidation? The cops posting their pictures all over the internet is the least of her worries, truth be told. After all, there were dozens of videos taken of both her and Ruby before they were even fake arrested.

… Weiss and Blake are going to know what Yang's done before tomorrow morning at this rate. Letting out a low sigh as she fully accepts the consequences of her actions, Yang can't help but admit to herself that she'd gladly do it all again, consequences be damned. Not only was it fun, it was fulfilling and satisfying in a way nothing before it had ever been. She wanted… she wanted more.

Ruby nudges into her and gives Yang a wink when the older girl looks over at her little sister.

"Had fun, didn't you?"

Yang blushes and averts her gaze, but ultimately nods in agreement. Ruby just laughs, and for a moment Yang smiles and even giggles along with her sister. Then, she freezes as she comes to a rather horrifying realization.

"Ruby… where are we?"

"No clue!"

Chipper as ever, but that just increases Yang's horror as she realizes that the two of them are standing in an abandoned lot SOMEWHERE in Vale, still completely naked save for the high heels they're wearing. This… this was going to take some serious finesse. In the end, Yang could really only think of one thing to do. Bow to her sister's expertise.

"… Lead the way."

Ruby just giggles and proceeds to do exactly that as Yang follows along, feeling strangely free in her own skin and not much else.


Blake could hardly believe her eyes. Obviously, she was aware that Ruby and Yang had started taking off every weekend. She'd been aware when it was just Ruby doing it, after all. Maybe if it hadn't escalated, Blake wouldn't have been so curious and intrigued. Maybe if it hadn't started with just Ruby and then become a Ruby and Yang thing, she would have actually believed the blonde bombshell when Yang said it was just a sisterly bonding thing.

Instead, she'd found herself intrigued, and in the end, the cat faunus had followed the two sisters on their next excursion, sneaking after them and spying on them. Which was how she found herself as part of the crowd right now, watching a naked Ruby and a naked Yang walk down the street, enjoying being degraded, insulted, and videotaped. Both men and women were insulting them and touching them, and it was… it was humiliating. Blake was humiliated on behalf of her teammates, who seemed to have no shame. She was also incredulous that they would so willingly demean themselves in this manner.

But as she watches on, she can't help but… but get a little aroused. And slowly but surely, despite berating herself inwardly, despite trying to deny it, Blake finds herself imagining that she's in their place. A blush spreads across the cat faunus' face, but that doesn't stop her from taking pictures of Ruby and Yang for proof. It's not like she's going to get in trouble for it, everyone else is doing the exact same thing.

Once she has the pictures, Blake leaves, unable to bear watching what's happening any longer. As such, she misses it when Ruby and Yang get picked up by the cops at the end of the street again. If she hadn't, she might have been a bit more worried, and a lot more turned off by the idea of putting herself in the hands of the Vale Police Force in such a vulnerable state.

As it is, Blake doesn't see that part of Ruby and Yang's sisterly bonding. As it is, Blake finds herself spending the next week imagining herself in the same situations she watched Ruby and Yang in, fantasizing about it at what feels like all times of the day. The more she thinks about it, the more she studies the self-satisfied grins on Ruby and Yang's blushing faces in the photos she'd taken of them… the more turned on by the idea Blake gets.

She has to do something about it. And so, she does, waiting for Weiss not to be around, and then pulling Ruby and Yang aside. They both go wide-eyed and still when Blake shows them her scroll, but she's quick to make sure they understand she's not trying to make them stop or thinking about turning them into the Headmaster. Blushing profusely, but setting her jaw in determination, Blake looks Yang and then Ruby in the eye.

"… I want in."

The sisters exchange a single look, and then turn back to her with the biggest, lewdest smiles on their faces.


The next day is a Saturday, so after a bit of last-minute prep, Ruby and Yang take Blake down into Vale. Soon enough, they're all in an alley that opens up right into a nice, busy park. Blake blushes as she watches Ruby and Yang start to get undressed, but ultimately, she knows she has to do the same… so she does.

When they're done, none of them are quite as naked as Yang and Ruby were the previous weekend. No, instead they're all wearing a set of cat-themed lingerie, a bra with a cat face boob window, a pair of side-tie panties with cat ears coming up off them, and cat-themed thigh high stockings. No shoes though. On top of that slutty catty ensemble, they all have accessories as well. Each has a fake tail attached to the back of their panties, and each is wearing a collar with a bell on it. Blake's cat ears are completely uncovered, her usual black bow nowhere in sight.

"Well, Blake. This is your show. We'll follow your lead, alright?"

Blake startles at that, staring at Ruby with wide eyes. But before she can deny the younger girl, Yang is there, backing her sister up.

"That's right. It'll be up to you to lead the way. And it'll be up to you to escalate as well. If you don't move forward, we won't move forward. Got it?"

Blushing profusely, her cat ears pressing down onto her skull, Blake nonetheless nods. This was what she'd decided she wanted, after all. Sure, it was incredibly slutty, sure she'd never thought in a million years that she'd do something like this… but god it'd been so fucking hot to watch Yang and Ruby expose themselves. She didn't just want to watch though… she wanted to BE them, to be in their position.

Now here she was… she couldn't very well back out now. With Ruby and Yang waiting expectantly, the scantily clad, collared cat faunus turns and begins making her way out of the alley. The sisters walk behind her, flanking her on either side, and like that, the trio are out on the street and walking across it to get into the park.

It's obvious that both Ruby and Yang are used to this, but equally obvious that they're excited about adding a new step to it in the form of these fetish outfits. Blake is embarrassed, but she knows that if she stops now, Ruby and Yang will let her, they'll let her take them away from here… and she can't take that from them, can't destroy their happiness just because she's scared.

The moment they step out of the alley, there are eyes on them, of course. With Blake in the lead, some people don't quite get it at first… then, Ruby and Yang show their faces, and easily half a dozen men light up immediately and begin to whisper to those nearby. Within minutes, the trio of huntresses in training have gathered a crowd as they move further into the park.

As they walk, Blake hears the whispers. Her sensitive cat ears are good for this much, at least. She hears the insults; she hears the demeaning comments people are making about them… about her. She even notices a few people already taking pictures of the three of them. It's so hot… so fucking hot.

Without even really thinking about it, Blake escalates. Reaching down, she grabs one of the little ties on the side of her panties and pulls it almost casually, undoing the side-tie panties and dropping them behind her. She continues further into the park completely bottomless, and from the gasps of shock and insulting comments she picks up on, she knows that Ruby and Yang also remove their bottoms right after her.

This serves to excite the crowd following them, even as Blake hears some fighting going on. Their panties have become priceless relics the moment they came off their bodies and hit the ground. Men are already fighting over them, deciding who will get what as a trophy. Blake can't help but look back, and as she does so, she notices a guy her age has snapped hers up. The guy looks at her with an intense glare and calls out to her, his words ringing over the rumbling crowd surprisingly clearly.

"Faunus slut!"

Blake shudders, trying not to cum on the spot. It was degrading, being talked to like that by a racist… but for some reason, it was also the hottest thing that had ever happened to her. Just what was getting into her? Had being away from the White Fang really awakened something this… shameful inside of her? Even still, Blake keeps moving. Until, they come up on a public bathroom building.

Finally having enough, Blake removes her cat-themed bra. She tosses it into the crowd and then plants her hands on the nearby bathroom wall, arching her back just like a cat and jutting out her ass in a way that just screams 'TAKE ME!' to everyone watching. Ruby and Yang follow her on the bra front, but when it comes time to present themselves, they don't do it. Instead, the two sisters move up on either side of Blake, running their hands across her body, causing her to shiver and whimper and mewl from the featherlight touches.

"Anyone want to put our friend here in her place?"

"She's a slut that needs a big fat cock to teach her just how much of a whore she's always been, deep down inside!"

Blake blushes as Ruby and Yang say exactly what she's thinking. Fuck, how do they know her so well? Of course, the first man to approach is the racist guy from earlier. Eagerly stepping forward, Blake barely gets a look at him over her shoulder before his cock is out and he's thrusting into her with absolutely no warning, no foreplay, no mercy. His cock is hard and long and thick, but luckily Blake is already sopping wet and her cunt, while tight, still takes him relatively easily.

Even as her pussy walls grip down hard around his dick, the racist sneers at her, his hands digging into her sides, into her hips, holding her steady so he can fuck her all the harder.

"God, you're such a fucking little slut, aren't you? A Faunus like you… all you really want is to be someone's pet, isn't that right? Why else would you be here with this collar on, huh?"

He fingers the collar for a moment. The bell on it is already going wild just from the way he's thrusting into her, jarring her body with every deep penetration. Blake's moans are even louder than the bell's tinkling noise, even as she hates how much she likes being talked down to, even as she loves being humiliated and embarrassed and treated like… like a piece of scum in front of all these people.

Of course, Ruby and Yang aren't left unmolested for long. Both girls offer up token protests when the crowd moves in on them, getting closer and closer, until some enterprising young girls who have nothing but insults for the three huntresses decide to make the men who want to fuck them form lines, and even start charging a toll.

Soon enough, Ruby and Yang are forced up against the wall by the first of these horny men and fucked for being such naughty little teases. Not that the two sisters mind much. They stop all protesting pretty fast once they have a couple of dicks in them apiece, moaning wantonly like bitches in heat instead, and cumming around the cocks of strangers being buried in their needy quims.

Meanwhile, the racist fucking her from behind abruptly cums inside of her. Blake gasps at this, her eyes crossed and her tongue sticking straight out. She's not even thinking about the ramifications, as she feels him writing something on the small of her back in big bold letters. Not that she can see it, but by the time he's done, Blake has a tramp stamp that reads 'FAUNUS FUCKHOLE' across the small of her back, right above her shapely behind.

Laughing, the guy gives her a harsh spanking even as he begins to pull away.

"What a horny little Faunus cunt. Guess you just needed some human cock to make you cum, didn't you, you tart?"

Then he's gone, and a new member of the crowd takes his place. This continues for quite some time, though the way in which the three young huntresses in training are used DOES change as time goes on. In the beginning, there's a group of civilian girls that are Yang, Ruby, and Blake's age making sure that everything stays as smooth as an impromptu flash gangbang can stay.

They don't do this for the sake of the trio though of course, and in fact, they are some of the most vitriolic in the crowd, constantly demeaning Ruby, Yang, and Blake to their heart's content. In the end, they do it because it allows them to charge lien, and their uniforms, that of a prestigious academy that only the rich and elite like the children of Vale's Council Members go to, tells the horny men in the crowd not to try to include them in the gangbang as well.

Instead, the cruel, mean girls make bank off of Yang, Ruby, and Blake's bodies, selling their holes to the crowd of horny men for as long as they can. Eventually though, it does begin to get late. The sun starts to set, so the girls walk off, splitting their proceeds between them. The men though, are far from done, and none of the three huntresses is in a position to refuse.

After that, it's a full-blown fuck fest as half a dozen men each find a way to get in on banging the huntresses one by one. The trio are no longer dealing with one cock apiece at a time anymore, but five or more each. It's alright though, they're still having the time of their lives. And at the very end, there's only three guys left, fucking them one final time. Blake's original man from the very beginning had come back around and is using her throat as his own personal onahole, even as he degenerates her for her used up, graffiti'd body.

Meanwhile, Yang is getting fucked on her hands and knees by a man who has even more muscles than her, his fingers digging hard into the blonde bombshell's ass. And finally, there's Ruby, currently getting taken on her back in a mating press by a fat guy, who crows about getting to fuck the petite girl, even as he creampies her, cumming inside of her.

The three men finish up and leave, and then it's just Ruby, Yang, and Blake, all of them splayed across the ground in the middle of the park, next to the public restroom. Slowly but surely, the huntresses manage to get to their feet, their legs all equally unsteady. They're all entirely naked by this point, their stockings ripped off, and even their collars taken from them as trophies at some point during the gangbang.

Blake is incredibly satisfied; she has to admit… but also entirely embarrassed that things got so out of hand.

"A-Ah… sorry girls, for um… getting you involved in all that."

After all, as far as she was aware, Ruby and Yang had never let things go that far before. She has to revise that opinion however when she looks up to see the two sisters exchanging an amused look.

"… You'll get used to it, Blake."

Meaning that they both already ARE used to it. Surprised, but more surprised at how she's not really that surprised, Blake follows the two girls out of the part, all of them naked and still dripping cum, hoping that their clothes are where they left them, back in the alley.

Unbeknownst to the three, their fourth team member wasn't quite as oblivious as they all thought. Off in the distance, one Weiss Schnee watches her teammates make the walk of shame back towards the alley that she'd watched them initially walk out of. Unlike Blake, she hadn't even followed them into town. She'd just been doing her own shopping, when she'd first watched the trio step out in their incredibly slutty wear.

Now though… now she'd seen everything. Now she knew everything. Red as a tomato, Weiss squirms in her hiding place. What was she going to do now?


"I want in… but on my terms."

As Weiss clenches her hands in the hem of her dress and stares intensely at the three of them, Ruby, Yang, and Blake all share a look. The entirety of the team is currently in their dorm room, and Weiss has just confronted the three of them about their… extracurricular activities. Needless to say, the trio had been worried that their hard ass heiress teammate was going to report them or something (though the likelihood of the faculty NOT knowing about Team RWBY's activities at this point seemed dreadfully low).

Instead, they were getting this. As flushed with embarrassment as she was, Weiss' face was also one of pure, honest determination. After exchanging a silent conversation between the three of them, the rest of Team RWBY looks over at the white-haired heiress and gives her three simple nods all at once. Seeing this, having their agreement, Weiss opens her mouth and begins to outline her plan to them all.

Needless to say, by the time she's done, they're quite happy to give Weiss exactly what she needs.


The next weekend rolls around, and Ruby and Yang arrive at the beach outside of Vale wearing a pair of risqué, slutty swimsuits. Ruby is in a red sling bikini, while Yang is wearing an outfit that could be generously described as three triangles, only held to her gorgeous form by her curves and the little bowties on the sides of her chest and hips.

Their goal, is of course to attract a crowd and lead them over to the bathroom. It doesn't take much, a few winks here and there, some blowed kisses, some wiggling of their delicious, delectable, barely covered assets. As it is, they don't even have to SAY anything… Ruby and Yang have become such a known factor in the city by this point that a lot of the men, and even some of the women on the beach know exactly who the two are. Their amateur videos are all over the internet at this point, after all.

Still, every once in a while, Yang and Ruby flash a bit more skin, showing off their cunts and their nipples to the growing crowd in order to get them to continue following them along. Riling the crowd up is all too easy, and eventually they arrive around the back of the beach's public bathrooms to find something covered by a sheet. By the time they arrive, there's a good forty to fifty people trailing after them, each and every one of them eager to take part in whatever the sisters' next bout of debauchery will entail.

Standing on either side of the sheet, Ruby and Yang reach up and grab hold of it at the exact same time, pulling it down to the ground with a flourish, crouching and causing their tits and asses to jiggle in their loose confines at the same time. What they expose… is Weiss' butt and legs, clad in nothing but a pair of bikini bottoms as she bends over, stuck through a hole in the wall.

Of course, all the onlookers see is a girl's bikini clad ass. They don't know that it's Weiss Schnee they're getting such a good look at, even as some begin taking out their scrolls and getting pictures and even video of Ruby, Yang, and the cute little behind in between them. That's the point though… Weiss can't exactly let anyone know about her true identity.

She WANTS nothing more than to get fucked of course, just like she watched her teammates get fucked. She's fantasized for quite a long time about being roughly gangbanged and ridiculed by the public, a public who would hopefully be uncaring of her status. Unfortunately, she had to keep her identity a secret. This was the best of all the worlds, a compromise that gave her most of what she wanted. Especially since it also allowed her to lose her virginity on HER terms.

On the wall above Weiss' perky posterior is the word VIRGIN in big black letters, painted on and hidden behind the sheet until now. Grinning wickedly as they let the sheet stay on the ground and straighten back up to standing, Ruby and Yang gesture at the behind between them.

"Our friend here is eager to have her first time!"

"Is anyone man enough, anyone brave enough to give this tasty little treat what she needs?"

There's barely a moment's pause before someone is pushing through the crowd. He's an older gentleman, not quite graying yet, but definitely not their age. Oh, and he's not a gentleman at all. He's not entirely disgusting, but he's certainly slightly overweight… and yet, he visibly makes up for it when he pulls out his cock and shows an erection that's big and thick enough to make Ruby and Yang's eyes light up and their own mouths water in delight.

"Fine… I'll give whoever this bitch is what she deserves."

The overweight and big-dicked man steps forward, and the crowd watches on along with Ruby and Yang as he grabs hold of Weiss' bikini bottoms and yanks them down to her thighs. Through the wall, Weiss' squeak can be heard, given that the hole they've carved is in no way airtight. In point of order, if the man wanted to, he could yank Weiss clean through the hole right now… but that's why Ruby and Yang are there, ready to step in and put their speed as huntresses to good use if any of the civilians try anything funny.

Or at least, that's why Weiss thinks they're there. Obviously, the poor girl is fooling herself rather badly… after all, she'd already watched Ruby, Yang, and Blake give in completely to a bunch of civilians just last weekend in the park. If she thought that her slutty teammates wouldn't crumble at the first sign of domineering dicks, then she had another thing coming to her.

For now, though, the first man doesn't bother doing anything more than grabbing onto Weiss' hips and slamming his cock into her virgin cunt.

"Petite little bitch… tight enough though."

He grunts out this disparaging comment, even as he fucks Weiss from behind harder and harder. The crowd is watching intently at this point, and video of the encounter is being recorded… while some are still taking pictures of Ruby and Yang, who are openly watching Weiss get deflowered as they touch themselves brazenly.

As the big dicked man fucks Weiss, Weiss in turn seems to be enjoying herself very much. Her squealing gets louder and louder, until she orgasms around his cock. He grunts, and a moment later jams his dick deep into her cunt. Weiss' startled exclamation can be heard through the wall, but the exact words are lost to even Ruby and Yang… though the man just laughs.

"A bitch should always be creampied on her first time."

Cumming deep inside of Weiss Schnee without ever knowing who exactly he just fucked, the stranger pulls out and walks away, uncaring of the mad rush that begins almost immediately once he's done. Ruby and Yang try to form an orderly line of course… but are soon forced to their knees and made to act as cock gobblers and preppers, getting the guys who are fucking Weiss' quivering quim back to back nice and hard and wet before their turn comes around.

Meanwhile, inside of the locked bathroom closet, Blake is honestly bored out of her gourd. She has to be in here of course, to guard Weiss and keep watch… but there's no denying that she's a little annoyed at being forced to be back here, especially when Weiss is making such delicious faces, and she can HEAR Ruby and Yang both gagging on dicks through the back wall of the public restroom.

Finding it all but impossible to focus on her appointed task with Weiss in obvious sexual pleasure in front of her, the kitty cat bites her lower lip and begins to masturbate, running her hands up and down her own bikini clad body, and touching herself just like Ruby and Yang had. Only, she's not watching Weiss get fucked, she's watching Weiss REACT to getting fucked, and that's even hotter, truth be told.

Suddenly, there's a loud clanging on the locked door of the closet.

"Hey! She must be in here; this is the only place we haven't checked!"

Weiss' head snaps up, and even Blake looks to the door, but it's too late for either of them to stop a group of men from forcing their way through and into the closet. Reluctant as all hell, Blake pulls her hands away from her own body and clenches them into fists as she steps between the men and Weiss, trying to be confident.

"Ah-ah-ah, boys. This end is NOT open for business. You need to go back out and-mmph!"

"Good, shut that stupid cat up!"

In the middle of her spiel, a guy had straight walked up to her, grabbed her by her hair and cat ears, and yanked him down onto his dick. Now with a mouthful of human cock, all Blake can do is gag and choke… and dutifully suck at the member, as she's dragged out of the closet and subsequently bent over one of the toilets, soon plugged from both ends as a line of men forms to fuck her as well.

Weiss, meanwhile, is left all but defenseless, still getting plowed on the other side of the wall, even as she finds herself face to face with a horny group of big-dicked men on this side.

"Holy shit… that's Weiss Schnee."

"What? The Schnee Heiress? No way, she'd never be caught dead in a place like this."

"Dude, I've got a picture of her on my scroll right here, look it's the same girl."

"Well I'll be damned… a Schnee and a cum dump. It's our lucky day, fellas!"

Weiss tries to be brave, of course she does. But even as she opens her mouth to tell them all off, a long wanton moan is forced from her lips by the man who's cock is currently bashing against the entrance of her womb from the other side of the wall. Before she can collect herself to try again, the men on this side yank away her bikini top, stripping her of her last piece of coverage and stuffing a cock right into her mouth.

Before she can even fully process what's going on, Weiss is not only eagerly sucking on the dick in her mouth, she's jerking off two more guys who sidle up to stick their cocks in her hands. She knows she shouldn't, she knows she should be fighting this with every fiber of her aura-enhanced being, every bit of her admittedly limited huntress training… but she just can't. Even though they're completely exposing her identity to those outside even at that moment, Weiss can do nothing but give in.

After all, in the end, this was all she really wanted, deep down inside. In the end… maybe she hoped for this, hoped that her identity would get revealed. Needless to say, the men forcing Weiss to suck their dicks take plenty of pictures and video, and word swiftly spreads outside. More and more people along the beach find out what's happening at the bathrooms, and what started as a group of forty to fifty quickly balloons into hundreds of people, though not all at once.

They pass in and out of the area, waiting their turn in line to have some fun with the beach's newest attraction. Once they've had their fill, they move on and pass along what's going on to the next group of people they see. Because of where the beach is located, it doesn't have the same decency laws as the city proper… in fact, the police are so busy dealing with dust thieves these days that there are large parts of Vale which go unpoliced. The beach is one of them.

As such, Team RWBY ends up spending the entire day at the public bathrooms, acting as cum toilets for the beach goers, who greatly appreciate their bodies, over and over again, quite enthusiastically. By the time all is said and done, not a single member of Team RWBY is all that coherent or even cognizant of their surroundings anymore. They're all too cum drunk and fuck happy.

Weiss, for her part, is limp in her hole, hanging there barely conscious. Outside, on the wall above her ass, the word VIRGIN has been crossed out, and a picture of her face has been taped right above it. Her naked, exposed cunt is positively overflowing with cum at this point, and so is her ass, split open and taken a hundred times easily once her quim got too sticky and messy for some of the men who were waiting their turn for her.

Meanwhile, inside of the bathroom, Blake is tied up atop a toilet, completely exposed and ahegaoing as she happily takes dick after dick, either in her mouth or her cunt. Her legs are bent and bound at the shins and thighs, and her hands are in permanent peace signs, even as her wrists are tied to corners of the top of the stall she's stuck in, lifting her arms up.

Outside, Ruby and Yang are in no better shape, tied to the benches that are just across from where Weiss' ass are, with expressions of bliss on their faces as well, and cum coating their bodies. Not just that, they're also covered in tally marks and insulting graffiti, just like Blake and Weiss are. But Ruby and Yang definitely got the MOST of the insulting graffiti, as a familiar group of young civilian girls had walked by and written disparaging things all over them but hadn't gone into the bathroom or near Weiss' over-used messy backside.

A few people stick around even as the sun begins to set, helping themselves to all the girls have left to offer… which truthfully isn't much. But at the end of the day, a hole is a hole. Eventually though, even those last stragglers depart, leaving Team RWBY tied up and rather helpless, vulnerable to any predators that might walk by.

Luckily for them then, that it's not a predator that walks by… but instead their Professor, Glynda Goodwitch. As the beautiful, stern blonde walks up to the public bathroom dressed in a somewhat tasteful two-piece bikini set that would probably be MORE tasteful if her considerable assets weren't too big for it, she sighs in disappointment at the sight before her, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

"Team RWBY, defeated by cocks yet again."

There's still one or two men having their way with Ruby and Yang out on the benches, and when they see Glynda, their eyes light up at the possibility of fresh meat and they pull out of the sisters hastily in order to move towards her. Scoffing, Glynda snaps out a hand, using her semblance even without her riding crop to smack them away and chase them off.

Then, she uses her impressive telekinetic powers to recover Team RWBY, collecting them each from their respective points and untying those who need to be untied. Shaking her head, Glynda adopts something of an… affectionate smile.

"You four have no staying power. Not to worry. Professor Goodwitch is here now, and she's going to give you a masterclass in how this is really done soon enough."

Turning on her heel, the gorgeous bikini-clad Professor begins sashaying her way back to Beacon with the four fucked silly members of Team RWBY in tow.


Another day, another private lesson with Glynda Goodwitch after dinner. As Team TWBY makes their way towards the Combat Professor's office, they're all a little excited. It's been a month since the Beach Incident, as they've taken to calling it. Where they'd helped Weiss lose her virginity in what was supposed to be a private manner, only for all four of them to fall to depravity and debauchery yet again, ultimately resulting in just… a humiliating and altogether pleasurable experience for each and every one of them.

Since then, Professor Goodwitch had taken them all under her wing for specialized 'training'. More specifically, she'd been fucking them and having them fuck each other, using all sorts of sex toys in order to facilitate their 'lessons'. From massive double-sided dildos to strap-ons and whips and bondage, Glynda had been obsessed with training their slutty behavior out of them.

As she'd told them, she'd been something of a wild girl herself back when she was a student at Beacon. According to her, they just needed to learn some self-control, and despite being irredeemable perverted sluts, they could lead productive lives just like she had. To that end, they'd been forbidden from going to Vale since the Beach Incident, forbidden to go out on their… public excursions until Glynda decided they were ready for more.

Not that any of Team RWBY had been managed to actually follow that simple rule. Over the past month, each and every one of them had managed to sneak out of Beacon and down to the more sordid parts of Vale for more fun. They tried to fool themselves and claim it was just extra training, that they were just seeing how well they were progressing under Glynda's tough and harsh tutelage, but ultimately, none of them could last more than five minutes without turning into some homeless man's slut, or getting accosted by a crowd of thugs and left covered in copious amounts of cum.

Still, as far as they were concerned, Professor Goodwitch knew nothing about any of that… which is why they're all caught flat-footed when they step into Glynda's office to find a startling sight staring them all right in the face.

"Oh! Oh! OH! Yes, Headmaster! Fuck me harder! I'm a bad girl! I'm a slut! I'm a failure of an instructor! Please, punish me with your big fat COCK!"

Glynda had mentioned that she had someone who took her in hand and tamed her, back during her school days. It's only in this moment however, as the four members of Team RWBY all watch the harsh blonde disciplinarian get rutted like a squealing pig over her own desk, that they put two and two together and realize that it could only be Headmaster Ozpin that she was referring to.

Said Headmaster looks up at their entrance, not ceasing in his rough, jarring pounding of Glynda as he makes eye contact with each and every one of them. He smiles a sad, disappointed smile, and each of them feels a part of themselves shrivel up and die a little at the look on his face.

"When dear Glynda begged me for a chance to rehabilitate all of you, as I once rehabilitated her, I deigned to give it to her. After all, she's certainly come a long way from Beacon's Whore, as she was once known during her First Year. Alas, it seems I should have taken you all into my own hands if I really wanted it done right… as it is, not only have you disgraced this institution, you've spent the last month going behind your Professor's back in order to continue dishonoring yourselves. I'm very disappointed in all of you."

Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang all stand there frozen in place, wide-eyed and blushing. None of them can seem to find the words to say in their defense… because truth be told, there is no defense. He's right, of course. They've all been naughty little harlots, even after Glynda did her best to train them up and refocus their attention on their studies. At the end of the day, Headmaster Ozpin is right to be disappointed in all of them.

Letting out a sigh when they don't respond, Ozpin thrusts into Glynda particularly hard as he shakes his head.

"I believe one final… exam is in order. One final test. One final… chance. You will all go through a Trial by Fire. One last opportunity to prove you aren't all the irredeemable sluts you've proven yourselves to be. If you fail… then you fail."

He doesn't ask if they understand, and none of them try to raise a protest. They just bow their heads, accepting his decree in silence… even as internally, all four girls are already eagerly wondering exactly what he has in store for them.


"… And so, the punishment must fit the crime."

With that, Ozpin snaps his fingers and the curtain behind him raises, revealing to the assembled Beacon students the four girls of Team RWBY, stripped naked and trapped in pillories. Each of them are red faced as they look out at the wide-eyed crowd. Some of their fellow students are already grinning though… especially Cardin Winchester and his team.

The Headmaster has just finished explaining the extent of Team RWBY's activities, as well as providing pictures and video of their exhibitionist antics. Needless to say, the vast majority of Beacon's population is shocked into silence at the full breadth laid out before them. Some had known for a while now what a few members of Team RWBY were up to out in Vale, they had Scrolls after all, but not many knew the full extent of their lewd behavior.

"As such, each member of Team RWBY is to be public property until I declare otherwise. Use them to relieve stress whenever your studies are getting the better of you, or whenever you just need a new perspective on a lesson. Take out your frustration at a loss in the arena by fucking them as you like. These four want nothing more than to act like sluts… and so we will treat them as sluts until that changes."

There's the briefest of pauses… and then Team CRDL rushes the stage, the four misogynistic, racist men eagerly lining up behind the pilloried, bent over bodies of Team RWBY, not having a care in the world about being watched by everyone while doing it. Cardin, of course, takes up position behind Blake, being the sort of racist to fetishize faunus without a care for how hypocritical such behavior is.

With Russel behind Ruby, Sky behind Weiss, and Dove behind Yang, all four members of Team CRDL have their cocks lined up with the already wet holes in front of them in short order. Giving each other a simple nod, they all grin and proceed to thrust in.

At the same time, the members of Team RWBY have craned their heads as best they can in order to look down the line of pillories at each other. Meeting one another's gazes, they all know that this is the start of their last chance. If they can prove to Ozpin that they're more than just slutty little whores by enduring Team CRDL's tender mercies and then whatever comes after that, then maybe he'd keep their punishment to just a week, or maybe even the day. If they can't, however, they fully recognize that he'll likely extend their new roles as Beacon's stress relieving free use sluts indefinitely.

This is the moment that they all have to take a stand, not against Team CRDL or any other outside influence, but against themselves, against their own inner demons. If they don't finally hold back their own slutty impulses here, then they're goners.

At least, that's what silently passes between the members of Team RWBY, right before Team CRDL all thrust into them in unison. After that, all of that sentiment goes right out the window as Team RWBY ahegaos in unison, moaning wantonly and squealing like the slutty stuck pigs they are as their eyes roll back in their head and their tongues loll out of their mouth.

So much for proving they could be more than sluts.

"Fuck, the Schnee's cunt is so fucking tight!"

"Hah, so is this blonde bitch! Hey, you didn't like it when people touched your hair, right?"

Reaching forward, he grabs Yang by her blonde locks over the back of the pillory and pulls as he fucks into her from behind.

"So much for that, cunt!"

"Holy shit, Schnee might be tight, but I betcha anything that Rose is tighter! This little cunt is clenching down on me like a fucking vice grip!"

And of course, amidst all of that is Cardin Winchester, fucking Blake Belladonna hard as he reaches out and runs his hand over her cat ears.

"Shoulda known from the eyes that you were a stupid faunus bitch. You certainly glared at me with those cat eyes enough, you little kitty whore."

"Y-Yes! Yes, I'm a w-whore! I'm a faunus whore who deserves to be filled with superior h-human cock!"

"Damn straight! Know your place, bitch!"

Down below, the watching audience are quickly turning on Team RWBY. There was a whole lot of shock at first, but also some pity in the beginning, especially from the female students. There was even some minor outrage that Ozpin would dare be so sexist as to treat their fellow women like this. That was before Team CRDL got their dicks into Team RWBY and unveiled the true scope of just how slutty the four public use sluts were to the rest of Beacon's population.

What little pity there was for the girls of RWBY dries up faster than a desert spring as the women of Beacon realize just how slutty Team RWBY truly is. Amidst the crowd, a certain fashionista Second Year scoffs.

"Jeez, what a bunch of unrepentant sluts. Headmaster was right, their only true use is this one, they were never meant to be huntresses."

Beside Coco Adel, a certain bunny faunus twitches and taps the ends of her pointer fingers together as she bites her lower lip, unable to take her eyes off of the sight of Cardin fucking Blake. Her face is bright red, as she imagines herself in the cat faunus' place. But then, she's been fantasizing about getting fucked by Cardin since the start of the year when he'd singled her out and nearly made her wet her panties the first time he'd toyed with her oh so sensitive rabbit ears.

"B-But what if… w-what if the Headmaster decides that n-none of us are worthy of being huntresses? What i-if he makes us ALL into stress relievers for the male populace…"

Focused on the events happening on the stage, Coco doesn't notice the breathless, wistful, and altogether hopeful tone her friend has as she outlines what Coco would consider a Worst Case Scenario with a note of longing in her voice. Snorting, the short-haired huntress shakes her head.

"Nah, that'll never happen. Look at them. Those bitches deserve this. The rest of us… we're actual huntresses. Those cunts are just whores who managed to trick us all into thinking they might make good huntresses for a time. But the Headmaster sussed them out fast enough, it seems."

Velvet just twitches and doesn't say another word, rubbing her thighs together instead as she watches her bully fuck another faunus as that faunus begs for him to take her worthless cunt all the harder.

Meanwhile, Jaune is… hesitant, at first. He looks to Pyrrha for help on how to react, but the red head… the red head is just staring, watching Team RWBY's punishment with an expressionless look on her face. If he didn't know any better, he'd say Pyrrha has checked out. Nora and Ren, on the other hand, are nowhere to be found. When they left or where they went, Jaune really couldn't say.

The thing is, he remembers Ruby flashing him, all that time ago. And to his amazement, that's one of the earliest pieces of evidence Headmaster Ozpin provides for Ruby and her team's descent into debauchery. According to the Headmaster, that 'accidental' flashing wasn't an accident at all. And given the way Team RWBY was acting up on the stage, all of them begging for more and moaning like… like wanton whores, it certainly seemed like they were really into it.

In the end, with Pyrrha silent and unmoving and Ren and Nora off to parts unknown, Jaune ends up on the stage with all of the other guys, and even some of the girls. He ends up fucking each and every member of Team RWBY at least once, especially enjoying Weiss Schnee after she snubbed him at every turn. She wasn't snubbing him anymore, that's for sure… she even commented that he had a big fat cock, and she loved every second of it.

He even ended up bonding with Cardin a little over spit-roasting Ruby between them. The two hunters have their first civil conversation with each other while Ruby orgasms around Jaune's prick and chokes on Cardin's cock.

It's an amazing day, to be sure… to the extent that Jaune half thinks it was all a dream when he wakes up the next morning. But it wasn't. Team RWBY are Beacon's permanent public use sluts for the foreseeable future… and Jaune Arc certainly isn't going to pass up a chance to make use of them whenever he can. At least, not until Pyrrha finally gets around to revealing her feelings for him and begging him to only use her for his needs instead. But that's a story for another time.


Team RWBY never stood a chance, and privately, they all knew Ozpin knew that too. They all knew they were going to fail his final test, going to prove unworthy in that Trial by Fire. And that was perfectly okay. Each and every one of them was happily settled into their new role as the school's stress relief at this point, eagerly bending over the nearest wall to get fucked, or crouching down to suck a cock anywhere and everywhere that people liked.

The four girls were all too happy with their new arrangement and were happily settling in to their future lives of being cocksleeves for the real hunters and huntresses of Beacon, the sort who actually wanted to learn how to protect the Kingdoms, rather than just being used and fucked by them.

As Ruby sucks on her latest cock, the fifteenth that day and breakfast wasn't even over yet, she recognizes that this is all her fault. Her habits, her perversions… in the end, she really had been the team leader, but not the leader they probably needed. She'd led her team into damnation, into debauchery, depravity, and sin. She'd led them straight into this situation, and now none of them were ever going to be huntresses.

… But that was just fine. With an internal shrug of the shoulders and a big cheery smile, Ruby goes right back to sucking the cock in front of her, slobbering and slurping all over it as she crouched there in the middle of the cafeteria, touching herself all the while.

She was right where she belonged. They all were.


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