Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

King Stag Pt. 1 (Game of Thrones)

A/N: King Stag was a commission originally written in 8 parts from November of 2017 to May of 2018. Posting it all up as two parts back to back for ease of reading here!

Themes: Loving Sex, Seduction, Breeding

Summary: This story will basically fix-it fic Game of Thrones through sex and making Robert Baratheon a slightly better man... but still a man. Mostly just enjoy the sex~


To say Elia Martell is terrified would be an understatement. Is there any true way to describe a mother's fear for her children though? And it is her children she fears for, even if her own life is also on the line. Of course she fears death, any sane woman would in these circumstances, but she cares far more for the lives of her daughter and son then for her own at this point. She will gladly die so they may live, but given who she is and who they are, she fears that it will be impossible for her to lay her life down for them.

As a Martell, Elia knows she will probably be ransomed to Dorne by the Usurper and his Rebel allies, in order to properly quell any Dornish unrest. On the other hand, as two of the last Targaryens in existence, her children are a threat to the Usurper's claim to the Iron Throne. Elia can't see a world in which Robert Baratheon allows her Rhaenys and Aegon to live and that makes the beautiful woman's heart heavy with sorrow.

She walks with that heavy heart towards the throne room even now, surrounded on all sides by rebel soldiers. Perhaps if she had her children with her, she could draw strength from their presence, she could more properly plead for their lives. But no one expected the rebels to take and conquer King's Landing so swiftly. Elia was torn from her children by northern soldiers and taken to a gilded cage of a room in one of the Red Keep's towers.

She had not seen Rhaenys or Aegon in days. Were they already dead? Was she being taken to their execution in the throne room, where the Usurper would kill them in front of everyone as some sort of sick, twisted version of poetic justice? Aerys had enjoyed using the throne room as an execution chamber in these final years of his life. Would Robert do the same to the grandchildren of the dragon?

A sob escaped Elia's throat, but thankfully none of the men around her took note. She could cry in peace even as they kept their pace even with her own slow-moving steps. Finally though, her feet brought her to the throne room doors, no matter how long it took her to put one in front of the other. She stepped into the great hall and as she did so, Elia forcibly stopped her tears, wiped her face clean and held her head high as she walked inside.

Only to immediately lose any bit of composure she might have kept as she stared wide eyed, mouth agape at the Iron Throne. Robert Baratheon sat upon it of course, but that wasn't what shocked her. Elia's face was closely mirrored by much of the people in the great hall as everyone stared. Robert didn't seem to care, the Baratheon Lord focused solely on her children and pointedly ignoring everyone else.

In one arm, Robert Baratheon cradled her baby boy like he'd been carrying children all his life. The child was giggling up at him and constantly reaching for his beard as he chuckled and smiled back. Meanwhile, on his opposite leg sat her daughter. Rhaenys looked a lot more uncomfortable than Aegon, but all the same she had a tentative smile on her face as she and the Usurper conversed.

"So then, you like the flowers in the northern garden most of all? Perhaps you would like a room with a window facing it then, once you're old enough."

Rhaenys bobs her head up and down carefully, her tone quiet and reserved as she responds in a halting voice.

"I-I would like that very much… your Grace."

Elia doesn't know when she started moving again, but even as Robert chuckles, she realizes her steps are taking her further into the hall and more and more of the people watching from the wings are taking notice of her.

"Not quite yet my dear. For now, I'm still just a Lord. Jon and Ned are talking about putting a crown on my head though, so we'll see, won't we?"

Rhaenys just nods again, but Robert has already caught sight of Elia out of the corner of his eye. His face turns a bit more somber and he nudges Rhaenys even as he holds out her brother to her.

"Your mother is here sweetheart. Why don't you take your brother down to her for me."

Her daughter's head whips around and her eyes widen as she sees Elia. Her tentative smile blossoms into a brilliant, joyful thing and Elia can't help but smile back, even as Rhaenys does as the Usurper has told her, carefully holding Aegon in the way that Elia had taught her young daughter only weeks before. Moving slowly but also swiftly, Rhaenys makes her way to her mom. Her beautiful girl is barely more than a baby herself and yet she's so strong and responsible as she arrives at Elia's side and offers Aegon up.

Elia lets out a low sigh as she takes her son into her arms. Rhaenys quickly grabs onto her dress and curls into her side, but Elia's attention is focused on Robert Baratheon. The Usurper is staring back at her and Elia isn't sure whether she should stare back defiantly or bow her head in subservience. Which does he want to see? What will keep her children alive. She lowers her gaze, ultimately, but his voice sounds out a moment later and brings her eyes back up to meet his.

"Elia Martell. I hope you have been treated well."

A simple way to open the conversation, but one that gives her hope nonetheless. This whole situation is giving her hope that Elia fears will be dashed any second.

"I have been, Lord Baratheon."

There's some murmurs at that, as if she had committed some crime by calling the Usurper by his right and proper title. Normally, Elia would have said 'Your Grace' in order to appease the man sitting on the Iron Throne, but she heard what he said to Rhaenys and the Dornish beauty is not dim. As she expects, Robert smiles at her form of address. Then he's serious once more.

"Good. Down to business them. Children cannot speak for themselves. But their mother can. Aerys was dead before we arrived in the throne room, slain by Jaime Lannister and so he could not surrender the throne. It falls to you milady. On behalf of your children, will you surrender?"

Elia's legs are a little unsteady. Why would he need their surrender if he was just going to kill them? He means to keep them alive. Elia can scarcely believe it to be true, but it seems her hopes are not to be dashed after all.

"I… y-yes. We surrender. They surrender. My children relinquish all claim to the Iron Throne, now and forever more."

Robert is smiling again even as the hall erupts into murmurs. And yet, the moment the large, broad shouldered, muscular Lord stands, everyone falls silent. Robert is no longer looking at her as he gazes around the great hall, but Elia is certainly staring up at him.

"Until such time as you fuckers decide what you want to do with this bloody uncomfortable thing behind me, I name myself Regent of the Seven Kingdoms. You all decide you want someone else as your King later on, I'm fine with that. Lady Martell, bring your children and come sit at my side."

There is the usual chair for a Queen beside the Iron Throne, but Elia is frozen in shock for a moment at the offer. It takes Rhaenys tugging at her dress for her to come out of it and begin to move. Soon, she's settled into the small, far more comfortable chair. Rhaenys sits in her lap and she cradles Aegon in one arm as they watch the proceedings. Robert makes they're settled and then turns back to the hall.

"Tywin Lannister! Step forward!"

Elia stares as the Lord Paramount moves out of the crowd and stands in the center of the great hall. Why is he free and not in chains? The Lannisters served the Targaryens… and yet, Jaime Lannister had killed Aerys had he not? Elia's eyes widen in sudden confusion, but Robert's next words clear things up for her in a horrifying way.

"Lord Paramount. You claim that the army you have outside the city walls was meant for our cause. That you planned to betray the Mad King's trust, gain access to the city through your perceived false loyalties, and conquer the place in my name."

Tywin inclines his head.

"Indeed, Lord Regent. We marched the moment we heard about your victory at the Battle of the Trident. My son-."

"Your son is a Kingslayer."

Robert ruthlessly cuts the Lannister Lord off and Elia stiffens at his side as Tywin mirrors her action down below. After a moment though, Robert continued.

"He is also a hero to every living soul in this city. I have spoken with Jaime Lannister myself and I have seen the proof of Aerys' final act with my own eyes. Your son killed the King because in my haste to finish this war and take King's Landing, I sparked the final fuse of Aerys' madness. The Mad King had the Pyromancer's Guild making wildfire for the last several years, long before all of Rhaegar's nonsense began. There are thousands of jars of the stuff, all over the city. Aerys' last words were 'Burn them all' and they were directed towards the Head Pyromancer, moments before your son ran the King and his Hand through with his sword."

The great hall is dead silent as everyone digests their new Regent's words. Tywin is the first to recover, but the man's surprise seems genuine enough for Jaime's words to be true. And if Robert has seen the wildfire himself… Elia is more than a little horrified at how close they all came to a death of burning green.

"In that case… if my son is a hero as you claim, I would ask a boon of you."


Tywin's eyes widen in outrage.

"You don't even kno-!"

"You wish for me to release your son from his oaths so that he may take his place as your heir. I am not a stupid man Lord Lannister. The Lannisters fought for the dragon in this war and the dragon lost. I would be within my rights to destroy your House, but I am tired of death and bloodshed so I will not. But you must prove your loyalty. You will go to Storm's End and rein in the Tyrells. End the siege and see my brothers brought safely to King's Landing… then we will talk of your son's future."

Gritting his teeth, Tywin can do nothing but bow and depart from the hall. Everyone watches him go and then turns back to the man sitting upon the Iron Throne. Many are regarding him with new eyes. Elia knows that she is.

"Ned, where are you?"

Robert's bellow fills the hall and soon enough, Eddard Stark is standing before them. Robert doesn't waste any time with niceties though.

"How many men Ned? How many men do you need to get to Lyanna quickly, but also to take down those damn bastards guarding her. The fucking Sword of the Morning isn't a joke."

The young Northern Lord pauses for a second and thinks on it, nodding in agreement with Robert.

"… A hundred."

"A hundred it is! A hundred of our best! Find your sister Ned and bring her home."

There's a moment where Eddard Stark swallows thickly. Elia can see him getting choked up, but in the end, he just nods his head and departs even faster than Tywin did. Letting out a sigh, Robert Baratheon leans back in the Iron Throne and then tenses up and curses quietly as he pricks himself on a sharp edge. Standing up, the suddenly gruff Regent waves a hand at the hall.

"I'm done, get out of here!"

And then the Usurper walks away and all Elia can think is 'that man is going to end up being King'. There's no doubt in her mind… and even with her children safe, the Dornish beauty isn't sure what the future will hold. What better protection for her and her babies then the new King?


Robert steps into his bedroom, tired after such a long day. He closes the door and locks it, then turns around, already in the process of beginning to remove his clothes when he finally looked up and saw her. The Baratheon Lord's eyes go wide as he stares at Elia Martell, standing beside his bed, completely naked. The beautiful dark-skinned woman smiles at him tentatively and takes a step forward.

"Do you like what you see, Lord Regent?"

His mouth is dry as she gets closer and closer. Robert's cock is swiftly rising, straining in his pants… but Lyanna… Lyanna might come back to him. He might marry her and if they make him King as they keep suggesting, he'll make her his Queen. Still… he's not married yet, right? And Robert is nothing if not a weak man when it comes to beautiful women. His biggest weakness. Yet he has at least somewhat of a chivalrous heart. Just enough of one to ask the question a single time.

"I do… but are you sure about this Lady Martell?"

When he asks that, he means it and from the way she stops moving and tenses up, he knows she knows it. For a brief second Elia looks conflicted and Robert prepares himself for her backpedaling. He's even okay with it, despite her behavior. But in the end, she seems to steel herself and continue moving forward. Her lady-like fingers touch him and she begins to pull his garments off one by one. Their eyes meet and he stays silent even as she leans up on her tip toes to try to kiss him. Even then, he has to lean forward in the end to offer his lips to her.

They kiss for several long seconds, Elia's frail naked body pressed up against his hairy chest, her soft breasts brushing along his front and her hands working now at his breeches. When she finally puts her fingers around his cock, she freezes up again and Robert pulls back, smirking slightly. Elia's eyes are wide as she glances between his face and then down his pants.

"I'll ask once more. Are you sure about this Lady Martell? You can ride a dragon. But you cannot ride a stag."

Swallowing thickly and licking her lips, Elia pulls his hardened member out of his pants and stares down at it in its full, hard glory. The words fall from her lips in a whisper, but Robert hears them nonetheless.

"I'm sure…"

With a grunt, the Baratheon Lord grabs up the naked Dornish woman, prompting a yelp from her as he carries her over to the bed and lays her down surprisingly gently. Then he's on top of her, spreading her legs, running his fingers up and down her slit. To her shame, she's already wet and eager and Robert takes advantage of this, pushing into her with his shaft in short order. He's bigger than anything Elia has already taken and soon enough, the dusky beauty is crying out as he begins to fuck her with long, powerful thrusts.

His massive hammer is absolutely wrecking her composure. Her first orgasm makes things easier though, slickening her loosened passage even more. Her second is just icing on the cake though and by the third orgasm, Elia's eyes are wide and she's afraid she's going to fall in love with this man as he treats her in the same instance as both a delicate princess and a wanton whore.

He is powerful and domineering and strong and all she can do is lay back and take it, holding on for dear life along the way as the constant orgasms he forces from her inexperienced body threaten to undue her very sanity. Robert himself is reveling in the Dornish beauty's tightness. She is the first of her people he's ever had, despite being rather infamous as a whoremonger.

Robert worries that he won't be able to stop now that he's started. He loves Lyanna with all his heart and if Ned returns with her in a condition to be wed, he intends to marry her. But this Elia Martell… beyond fucking the wife of the man who stole his betrothed, which to be fair is pure catharsis in and of itself, Robert finds himself enjoying Elia for who she is, rather than WHAT she is. The woman is deliciously fuckable and Robert loses himself in her all-night long.

So lost in their pleasure, neither of them even notice or comment on the fact that Robert deposits more than one load of seed inside of Elia's womb before their night together is over.


The throne room is silent as those in attendance shift from foot to foot, staring and waiting for the new King to speak. In the time that had passed since they'd taken King's Landing, the Baratheon Lord had indeed become King. And so, Robert of the House Baratheon, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm sat upon the Iron Throne, presumably in judgment of those that stood, or knelt before him.

Robert couldn't help but frown. Did they think he would react poorly? Had he not spared Elia and Rhaegar's children? Perhaps it was different in their eyes, because now it was Lyanna. A grimace spreads across the bearded, broad-shouldered King's face. Lyanna had a look of defiance in her eyes that he was not unfamiliar with, as she held her beautiful baby boy in her arms.

Aemon Targaryen, the last of Rhaegar's seed, looks nothing like a Targaryen, even if their blood does run through his veins. Instead, he is Northerner through and through, with a few strands of black hair atop his head and the darkest grey in his eyes that Robert has ever seen. Aemon is beautiful and if he didn't think it would be taken poorly by all sides involved, Robert would have accepted the boy as his own.

Off to the side, Ned stands alongside Ashara Dayne. The beautiful young woman is also holding a babe in her arms, a daughter that had been introduced as Lyarra. Ned's daughter… Robert doesn't envy his friend for the shitstorm that will no doubt follow when he returns to Winterfell with the woman and child at his side… but at least it won't be Robert's problem.

No, Robert's problem is the kneeling Kingsguard chained and bound at the feet of Ned's men. Not a single of the hundred that Robert had sent along with the Stark man had died. With such overwhelming numbers and no hope of victory, the Kingsguard had surrendered. Even now though, Robert could tell that none of them were happy about it.

They were waiting for a response from him though. He'd already let the silence stretch on for far too long. Slowly, with the strength of his body only more pronounced by him taking his time with his movements, Robert stands up, the weight of his crown heavy on his head. They think him a monster… he will simply have to continue showing everyone that they're wrong.

"None in this court have reason to be guilty on this day. No, the shame lies with another, a man dead and broken, the rubies on his breastplate scattered across the bed of the Trident."

There is some murmuring and some stiffening and some eye-widening as people begin to realize who Robert is talking about, but the newly crowned King soldiers on.

"Rhaegar Targaryen was a kidnapper and a rapist! Neither Lyanna Stark nor her child will shoulder HIS crimes, or the crimes of his father, who was a murderer and a mad man! The Targaryen Dynasty is over, but House Targaryen need not die out. Ned!"

The young Lord of Winterfell steps forward, perhaps the only one who hadn't looked at him as if he was about to do something monstrous. Robert's lifelong friend has a smile on his face as he bows his head.

"Your Grace."

"Piss on that Ned, I'm still bloody Robert to you, I don't care where the hell we are! Ned, I would have you give your nephew a Lordship in the North when he is of age, if you think it best. And I would marry him to my daughter, Mya Baratheon, when that time comes."

The latter part is met with some shock. Robert has just legitimized his bastard daughter before the court in a rather casual manner, but given he is King and it is in his purview to legitimize bastards, there's nothing technically wrong with what he's doing. Ned seems to consider for a moment, glancing to his sister before smiling even wider.

"I would be glad to take Aemon as one of my bannermen when the time comes. And I agree to the match because him and your daughter."

Lyanna looks just a tad shell-shocked as Robert slowly descends from the dais upon which the Iron Throne is sat. He strides across the throne room to where she stands with purpose, pulling up right in front of them. Leaning down, he reaches out tenderly and give the curious babe a jolly smile. Aemon's dark grey eyes look back at him, wide and unblinking, but when Robert offers his finger, the baby boy reaches for it and curls his small hand around it, squeezing.

It's a moment of gentle kindness that the new King would prefer to happen in privacy, but given his status, Robert doesn't expect to ever have privacy again. Still, he does his best to block out the people all around them as he smiles at Lyanna.

"He's got a strong grip my Lady."

For the first time since she's arrived, the defiance and anger is gone, replaced by a slightly bewildered smile as the she-wolf responds in an uncharacteristically soft manner.

"… Thank you, your grace."

It feels like the right time. Robert extracts his finger from baby Aemon's hand and drops down on one knee, right then and there on the floor of the throne room. On bended knee, he takes a dumbstruck Lyanna's hand in his own and tenderly kisses her knuckles with his lips. Due to his height, Robert is almost eye level with the baby in Lyanna's arms anyways, but he focuses his gaze on his beloved as he speaks.

"Lyanna Stark, I would have it form your lips and no other's. Will you consent to marry me?"

Her light grey eyes fill with tears, but the smile stays on her face as she bites her lower lip and nods.

"I-I will."

And like that, the atmosphere becomes one of celebration and levity as Robert whoops and stands, pulling both his beloved and her babe into his arms and lifting them clear off the ground as he spins them around. There is much cheering and much rejoicing to be had, but in the end it comes to a close far too soon, as there is one more bit of business that must be handled here and now.

Lyanna and Aemon end up off to the side of the Iron Throne as Robert once again sits down. The three Kingsguard are pushed forward, front and center. Looking upon them, Robert feels regret more than anything else regarding these three knights.

"Lord Commander Hightower. Ser Dayne. Ser Whent. Your King is dead, as is your Prince. I will not ask you to bend the knee. Instead, I beseech you to accept the Black. Go to the Wall and live out your remaining days as brothers of the Night's Watch. What say you?"

There is a moment of silence as the knights glare at him. For a second, Robert thinks he's about to get three refusals. However, Arthur Dayne's eyes dart to his sister at the last moment and then he bows his head.

"… I accept."

The Lord Commander and Oswell Whent glance to him in shock. After a moment, Ser Whent follows suit.

"As do I."

"I shall not."

The White Bull's voice is solid and unmoving and where his fellow knights have lowered their heads in supplication, his remains held high, his eyes attempting to pierce into Robert's mind from the looks of things. The newly crowned King only feels sadness as he regards the honorable knight. He lets out a short sigh and nods his head, waving a hand in dismissal.

"Tomorrow then, at first light."

It's all he needs to say. Tomorrow at first light, Robert Baratheon, First of His Name will execute Lord Commander Gerold Hightower. At the same time, Ser Dayne and Ser Whent will begin their long journey North, to the Wall. In the end, it is the best Robert can do for the three men. Part of him still blames them for the part they played in Rhaegar's defilement of his Lyanna, but ultimately he knows they were merely doing their duty as members of the Kingsguard. Their oaths bound them to a mad king and a rapist. Hopefully their lives as brothers of the Night's Watch will allow them to regain their lost honor.

And with that, court is dismissed. Everyone is off to do their own thing and Robert, as King, has plenty of work to do before he can rest. This day will be the same as the last, long and hard… and now that Lyanna is here, he dares not ease his stress on Elia Martell, as he's been doing for the last two months…


"My Princess, it is so good to see you."

Elia smiles as she and her former lady-in-waiting hug.

"It is good to see you too Ashara, but please, call me Elia. We are that close, are we not?"

Ashara Dayne smiles brilliantly, the beautiful young woman inclining her head.

"It is as you say Elia."

The duskier Dornish woman lets out an explosive sigh and sits down heavily on the bed beside them. Blinking, Ashara does the same after a moment.

"What is the matter?"

Pressing her lips tightly together, Elia looks down into her lap and the palms of her hands.

"I fear I've made a grave mistake, and endangered the fragile new peace of the realm. After such a damaging war… I was not in my right mind Ashara, you must understand."

Ashara furrows her brow in confusion.

"Please Elia, we are friends, yes? Speak plainly."

The Princess swallows convulsively and nods. Then the words flow out of her.

"I seduced Robert Baratheon my friend. I snuck into his bed naked and I convinced him to lay with me. I thought… I thought that I would take revenge for myself against Rhaegar's memories. I-I thought I was keeping my children safe by staying in his good graces. But now we have been having sex every night for the last two months and I find myself with child once more, as unbelievable as it seems."

Ashara's violet eyes are wide, her mouth agape. Elia has just dropped the biggest bombshell she could on her, and for a moment, the Lady Dayne does not know how to respond. In the end, she does not have to.

"You WHAT?!"

Both highborn women look up with startled eyes at the open doorway to the room where Lyanna Stark stands with anger in her grey gaze. The she-wolf stalks into the room and after spending two months traveling with the Stark woman, Ashara wants to be anywhere BUT here. And perhaps it is a little cowardly… but she takes the opportunity as Elia freezes up to slip out.

"… I'll leave the two of you to talk."

And then she's gone, even as Elia rises to meet an advancing Lyanna, lips pressed tightly together.

"You frigid bitch! You couldn't keep one husband and now you're aiming to steal another!"

Elia's wide eyes grow wider still, but this time it is in anger as her initial shame and guilt are washed away by the insult. Despite being known as frail and soft-spoken, having Robert treat her like a real woman these past two months has emboldened the beautiful Dornish Princess. Her hackles rise as she goes from on the defensive to aggressive in a split second.

"Funny, coming from the silly, stupid little girl who couldn't keep her hands off a married man! You ended up burned and now you're desperate to make it back into the arms of the man you abandoned in the first place!"

Lyanna's grey eyes go just as wide as her nostrils flare in furry, then there's a loud smacking sound as she slaps Elia, and the Dornish woman gasps at the sudden stinging sensation on her face. They look at each other for a moment Elia with indignation in her eyes and Lyanna with a look of smug satisfaction on her face.

And then the smacking sound is repeated as Elia in turn slaps Lyanna across the face, and their expressions are reversed. Lyanna's gasp swiftly turns into a snarl and a moment later the she-wolf launches herself at Elia. In reply, the Dornish woman lifts her arms, ready to fight like savages, if that's what Lyanna wants. Neither woman is in their right mind, but as it turns out, Ashara happened across the one man who could have gotten through to either at this point.

"Lyanna! Elia! What are you two doing?!"

Now it's Robert Baratheon standing in the doorway, as both women whirl to face him in surprise. They look to each other and Lyanna finds herself not at all liking the wicked glint that she sees appear on Elia's eye. She's not about to lose to the other woman… not in this.


Robert is left more than a little blindsided by what happens next. He's just come into the room as Elia and Lyanna hit each other, and he's barreling forward to put himself between both women, even as he calls out to them.

But before he can get halfway across the room, Elia has completely disengaged from the Stark woman in order to intercept him, and Robert's eyes go wide in surprise as the beautiful, more mature Dornish woman lays her lips upon his, moving up onto her tip toes to kiss him deeply and passionately. Given what they've been doing, Robert doesn't resist, though to his credit, he also doesn't take her in his arms and reciprocate, not in front of his soon to be wife.

When Elia eventually pulls back, there's a triumphant look in her eye and Robert stares at her, stunned. Then, Lyanna is there, pushing the older woman aside and grabbing him by his shirt to drag him down to her level. She kisses him just as hard as Elia, with a level of ferociousness that the Dornish woman just couldn't match. However, there's an inexperience to Lyanna's attempt at kissing that speaks to just how young the Stark girl is in comparison to her 'rival'.

Robert finds himself reaching out to the love of his life, his beautiful she-wolf. His hands slide along her waist and cup her firm ass as he kisses her back, taking charge and pushing his tongue down her throat. Lyanna moans and melts into his grasp for a time, allowing him to teach her how to properly kiss a King. The two makeout for what feels like forever, until suddenly Robert's pants are being pulled down and he disengages from the Stark woman to find Elia has decided to take matters into her own hands, quite literally.

As her lips suction down around his length and she strokes the bottom half of his cock, Robert's eyes go crossed from the sheer pleasure of having Princess Elia Martell of Dorne giving him a blowjob. The more experienced woman is no slouch when it comes to cock-sucking, and when Lyanna sees what her rival is doing, she growls and reaches up to tear her clothes off, revealing her pale, curvaceous body. Specifically, her breasts.

Doing her best to one-up the kneeling Dornish woman, Lyanna grabs hold of one of Robert's wrists and drags that hand up to her chest. Then, she goes back for another long kiss, which Robert is more than happy to return. In this moment, the Baratheon King has a Dornish Princess on her knees, sucking him off, and a Stark Lady pressed against his side, one hand on her tit and the other on her ass as he sticks his tongue down her throat.

… Robert may not really understand what's going on, but he's not about to look a gift horse in the mouth. In this moment, both of these women want him… and he would be a liar if he tried to say he didn't want both of them. The newly crowned King continues to molest Lyanna's beautiful body, kissing her deeply all while Elia buries her nose in his pubes and presses her lips to the base of his cock.

The Dornish woman is swallows his length down her throat like a champ, her neck flexing and spasming and clenching along his shaft. His eyelids are fluttering from the experience, the pleasure almost causing even his tree-trunk legs to nearly buckle. In the end, he's unable to hold back for very long. His release comes fast and hard, and his seed sprays down Elia's throat. To her credit, the dark-skinned beauty drinks every last drop of it down without spilling even a bit from her lips.

When she pulls back, Robert pulls away from Lyanna as well. He takes a step to the side from both women, and they look at him with hunger in their eyes as he looks back, his own eyes glancing between the pair. He's going to fuck them… he's going to fuck them both. The only question is, who does he start with? In the end, the answer is rather simple, isn't it? Elia had just had the privilege of sucking him off… and Lyanna was flushed red with arousal, panting heavily, her full lips parted in a way that only entices him.

Elia looks on with a slight smirk and a bit of disappointment as Lyanna squeals when he grabs her up and lifts her over his shoulder. A moment later, the half-naked Stark girl is on the bed face down, her hips sliding up into the air as her knees push up underneath her almost instinctively. Robert grunts in appreciation and flips up the back of Lyanna's dress, exposing her shapely ass and form-fitting smallclothes. Those are pulled off of her in a second, and with her moist cunt exposed to him, Robert simply can't hold back anymore.

Kneeling behind her, the Baratheon King buries his face in Lyanna's dripping mound, his tongue driving deep into her as he grabs hold of her ass with both hands and grips and kneads it to his heart's content. The pale she-wolf gasps in surprise and delight, and Elia giggles as Lyanna experiences the exact same mind-blowing pleasure that she too had come to desire with all her heart from the surprisingly giving King.

As Robert eats out his bride-to-be, Elia stands and strips down to nothing, before crawling onto the bed as well. Her feminine fingers and smooth palms close around Robert's shaft, and she strokes his half-soft member back to full length and full stiffness, even as Robert drives Lyanna towards an explosive first orgasm. By the time the pale Stark girl is cumming all over Robert's face, her pussy juices squirting out of her and onto his cheeks and his lips, Elia has the King once more hard, his shaft throbbing and pulsating with need.

His face covered in Lyanna's release, Robert is all smiles as he finally pulls up and properly kneels behind his bride to be. Lyanna looks back over her shoulder, her face a mask of chagrin at the fact that he'd stopped, but then she sees his massive cock being brought to bear on her from behind. He slaps his meat log down on her firm ass for a moment, rubbing his shaft between her butt cheeks… then, he pulls back and fits the thick head of his cock into the entrance of Lyanna's cunt.

The she-wolf's mouth opens up, but what she might say is lost forever, as Robert thrusts forward and any comprehensible words are replaced by a cry of sheer pleasure. Another orgasm hits Lyanna right on the spot, and Elia watches on with a gleeful grin on her face as the younger woman is shown the pleasures of Robert's woman-breaking phallus.

His cock was an instrument of mind-numbing ferocity, and though Lyanna is no more a virgin that Elia was when the Baratheon King first took HER, both of them now know the same simple truth… one did not truly get FUCKED, until they were penetrated by Robert Baratheon's shaft. The difference between him and Rhaegar was… considerable.

As Lyanna's mouth stays open and her eyes flutter from the sheer pleasure of Robert plowing her from behind, Elia crawls across the bed, coming to a stop before the Stark girl. Despite their earlier spat, the Dornish Princess knows one thing to be a fact. If she wants to stay in King's Landing, if she wants to stay in the Royal Court, and more importantly if she wants to stay in Robert's Bed, she has to stay on Lyanna's good side.

Or, more accurately, she has to GET there in the first place, given she's currently on the she-wolf's shit-list. So, pushing down the urge to force Robert's future Queen to eat her out, Elia instead goes for a… softer approach. While she probably could dominate Lyanna into licking her cunt in this moment if she decided to, it was unlikely to ingratiate her to the younger woman moving forward. This was not a girl who was inherently submissive, and after all was said and done, Lyanna would resent, more than love Elia trying to control and dominate her.

So instead, the Dornish MILF grabs Lyanna by the face, lifts her head up off the bed, and sticks her tongue right down the Stark girl's throat. She watches as Lyanna's grey eyes go wide in shock, but she doesn't stop. And sure enough, the other woman is soon kissing her back, even as Robert continues to fuck the ever living shit out of her cunt. Lyanna's entire body is jarred forward into Elia with each thrust, but the Dornish woman simply holds her steady, and continues to kiss the she-wolf for all she's worth.

This continues for a while, Lyanna moaning her repeated orgasms out into Elia's mouth, and Elia in turn helping those orgasms along with her hands sliding down the pale girl's body and her lips and tongue teasing Lyanna's mouth. In the end though, the Stark woman is tight and wet, and Elia knows from experience that Robert doesn't last overly long inside a cunt as good as Lyanna's is bound to be. With a growl and a shout, the Baratheon King finally cums, filling his bride to be up with a large load of his seed. His release takes a full minute, and Lyanna climaxes right alongside him as he paints her womb white.

Finally, it comes to an end and Robert pulls out, a pleased smile on his face as he gropes and kneads both of Lyanna's ass cheeks for a long moment, simply seeming to enjoy the shapely behind in front of him. Elia pulls back and smiles as she observes Lyanna's slack jaw and glazed over eyes. She pulls the girl away from Robert after a moment, and lays the she-wolf out at the head of the bed, bringing her to rest on a pillow. In mere moments, Lyanna is asleep and Robert is frowning, but with an understanding look in his eyes. Elia just grins, even as she looks to the King, her own naked body fully on display.

Rather than crawl to him, Elia slips onto her back and reaches down to grab her ankles as they come up. The Dornish woman displays the full range of her flexibility as she leans back and pulls her legs up behind her head, exposing her sopping wet cunt… and more importantly, her cleaned, lightly scented asshole. The King stares for a long moment at her puckered sphincter as her shapely, dusky behind spreads open in this new position… then, Robert is moving forward, his member growing hard again right there on the spot.

She's all nice and slick thanks to her preparations, so when Robert pushes his cockhead against her back door, it slips right in, sucked and held in place by her clenching sphincter. Elia gasps happily, even as Lyanna sleeps peacefully beside the two of them. Leaning in, Robert grabs a fist full of the Dornish MILF's dark hair, pulling her head up and kissing her deeply. Elia kisses him back, their tongues wrestling together as inch after inch of his thick prick disappears inside of her anus.

The going gets rough about halfway in though, and Elia groans into Robert's lips as he reaches the part of her that has not yet been explored by anything before his cock. The King is not one to be denied though, and with a grunt and a growl, Robert pulls out partially, only to slam home into her all the harsher. Elia cries out this time, the sound lost as their tongues wrestle together, and Robert pulls back to do it again.

He's fucking her now, fucking her ass. But that's fine by her, in fact, now that she knows she's pregnant with his child, Elia would prefer that Robert use her back door or her mouth. Rhaegar had never understood the concept of sex for fun, and he'd turned her away when she'd tried to show him Dornish delights. Their intimacy had been solely about making children, and in the end Elia felt that THAT was what had made her so weak and frail. There was no joy, no LOVE in their 'lovemaking'. There was in this though.

At this point, Elia loved the Baratheon King more than she thought she ever would. Robert was twice, nay, ten times the man Rhaegar had been, in every possible way. She would never have guessed that a Stag could so easily surpass a Dragon, but when the Stag was a virile, strong, caring man like Robert Baratheon, and the Dragon was a weak, mentally ill, callous man like Rhaegar Targaryen… well, Elia supposed she had her answer.

Moaning now into Robert's mouth, the Dornish woman climaxes around his cock as he continues to plunder her bowels, the man's thrusts becoming more and more fluid as he gains the measure of her back door and begins to truly give her a deep, thorough, butt-pounding. It's been too long since Elia took it up the ass. She's glad to be doing so again, especially from Robert himself.

Orgasm after orgasm ripples through her body as he continues to plow her, and in the end, Elia turns out the same as her darling, pale counterpart. Robert seeds her finally, and when he pulls away she flops down beside Lyanna, cum flowing out of her the same as the pale she-wolf, just from a different hole. Looking up through glazed over eyes at the King, she can't help but grin tiredly as she sees Robert's own satisfied smirk. The Stag is so very proud of himself… but in the end, he has every reason to be, at least in her opinion.

She falls asleep moments later, and when she wakes up she finds herself on Lyanna's arms, with Robert nowhere to be found. The she-wolf is just waking up as well, sun creeping in through the open window of the room. A wicked grin spreads across Elia's face, and she leans in to kiss the pale Stark girl right on the lips. Much to her satisfaction, Lyanna responds by kissing her back, sleepily mind you, but she still does it.

And by the time the Stark girl realizes just who she's in bed with and just who she's kissing, Elia has two fingers pistoning in and out of her cunt expertly, an orgasm swiftly approaching for the Queen to be. Oh yes, the Dornish Princess has no intention of alienating the one woman who might ruin her time in King's Landing.

They might have gotten off on the right foot… but now they're going to be the best of friends, if Elia has anything to say about it.


Everything was going so well… until they arrived at Winterfell. Ashara Dayne had had no illusions about just what she was walking into, mostly thanks to Ned giving her ample forewarning. Ned Stark… the new Lord of Winterfell was an honorable man, to be sure. So was his friend, their new King. There were so many ways things could have ended poorly with Robert's Rebellion, but instead the world seemed to almost right itself, putting all the right men in charge so that most could have their happy endings.

With her brother going to the Wall and her having given birth to Ned's child, it made sense to go to Winterfell. There was nowhere else for her and the baby, and luckily, Winterfell's new Lord thought so too. Ned Stark was too honorable to abandon his child. More than that… he loved her, or so Ashara hoped, because in truth, she loved him too. The young man was everything she'd ever wanted in a husband… but given he was already married to Catelyn Tully, Ashara still wasn't entirely sure that she could expect a marriage at this point.

Still, the beautiful young Dayne had a plan. Even as Winterfell came into view and the greeting party was slowly revealed, Ashara cradled her daughter in her arms, and waited for what was to come. It didn't take long of course. Catelyn Stark came into view and while she had a smile on her face at first upon laying eyes on Ned, it died when her gaze moved onto Ashara, mounted on her own horse beside him as she was.

Both women were carrying bundles in their arms, even as their eyes met. Ashara tried not to seem confrontational or aggressive. She didn't glare at the other woman, nor did she stare her down. No, instead the girl went for a hesitant smile, even as she shifted her daughter in her arms to make sure she still had a good hold on the baby.

In response, Catelyn Stark's gaze turns frosty. Her smile disappears and her expression shutters as she goes utterly still. Things proceed, and Ned dismounts first as he steps towards his Lady Wife… the woman he'd never actually wanted. In return, Catelyn steps up to present his son to him, his firstborn that he'd only ever heard about in letters and second-hand hearsay.

Ashara tries to feel happiness for the love of her life, even as he lights up with happiness over the baby boy that Catelyn Stark hands him. She reminds herself that it's better she only had a daughter, as there's no concerns over inheritance when it's a simple boy and girl situation. Any children she gives birth to from this point on… IF she gives birth to any from this point on, will be too young to challenge Catelyn's baby.

Of course, the Lady Stark proves herself to be quite… frosty, even after a lifetime in the Riverlands and only a few months up in the North. As soon as Ned has a good hold on his newborn son, Catelyn turns and walks away, striding back into the castle behind her without so much as a look back. The bright, wide smile on Ned's face immediately turns into a hurt frown, and Ashara's heart aches, even as she dismounts as well, standing off to the side with her own baby still in her arms.

There is unrest in Winterfell, and as she looks around and sees several people staring at her in undisguised dislike, Ashara knows that SHE is the cause of it. And there's only one way to fix what she's caused, only one person she has to convince that she belongs. Not for her own sake, but for the sake of her daughter. She will not have her beautiful Lyarra treated like a servant by her siblings as the girl grows up.

Ashara knows what she has to do. And as a Dornish… she doesn't expect it to be very difficult.


Catelyn stiffens when her visitor is announced to her. Part of her wants to say no right then and there. To say the young woman is hurt by her new husband's choice would be an understatement. She is almost beside herself with anger, furious that he would dare to bring not only his bastard daughter back from the war, but also the woman that he beget her from.

Still, it would be the height of impropriety to deny Ashara Dayne an audience. Regardless of what the whore had done, she was still technically a noblewoman. They were of similar rank, or had been before she became Lady of Winterfell. In the end… there was only one choice left to her, forced upon her by her own code of conduct.

"See her in."

The beautiful, violet-eyed girl is ushered in a moment later, and Catelyn can't help but stiffen in her presence. It would be easier of Ashara were ugly. It would be easier if Catelyn could truly believe Eddard when the man said that he'd brought Ashara back with him out of a sense of duty, instead of a sense of lust as all men with a cock between their legs experienced. And Catelyn could certainly vouch for the member between Ned's legs. Her darling Robb was proof of that.

Still, as she sits there on her bed, staring at her one true foe for her own husband's affections, Catelyn can't help the frosty tone.

"What do you want?"

Ashara winces and Catelyn feels a stab of satisfaction deep down inside, though she keeps the smirk from her face.

"I wish… I wish to reach an understanding with you, Lady Stark."

It is good to hear her title from the other woman's mouth, but Catelyn isn't fooled for a second.

"I have a good enough understanding of you already, Ashara Dayne. I understand that you seek to steal my husband from me. I understand that you seek to steal my entire life from me!"

By the time she's finished, Catelyn is a bit flustered, and slightly out of breath. She's come up off the bed, and she feels almost ready to lunge at the other woman. Suddenly though, Ashara is there, taking her hand and sitting down with her, back on the bed. Catelyn is too shocked to do anything, even as the beautiful girl speaks in a sympathetic tone.

"Lady Stark… Ned and I… he was the second son who made love to me beneath the heart tree, all those moons ago. You… you were the beautiful young noblewoman promised to Brandon Stark, heir to Winterfell. It is only bad luck that has pitted us against one another… but I did not come to Winterfell to steal your life from you. And I did not come to your room to talk about the new Lord Stark. I came to talk about us."

And then, before Catelyn can even begin to formulate a response, Ashara's lips are on hers. The red-haired Tully's eyes go wide at the sudden intimacy, even as Ashara begins to kiss her like she's never been kissed before. There's more than a bit of tongue involved, as Catelyn sits there, mostly frozen. She'd like to say she was completely frozen… but it wouldn't be true, as about partway through she found herself participating in the surprise kiss.

Eventually, Ashara pulls back and gives her a wide, open smile. There's honesty in those gorgeous violet eyes, even as the girl squeezes Catelyn's hand, which she's still holding even now.

"I liked that… I liked that a lot. And I think you did too."

"I… buh… wha…"

Speechless, Catelyn just stares at the other woman, completely derailed from her anger and her distrust and her budding hatred. All she can do is watch Ashara as the beautiful girl finally let's go of her hand and stands, giving her one last smile before heading for the door.

Unthinking, Catelyn abruptly stands as well, and reaches out with that same hand.


The Dornish woman does so, stopping and turning back to look at her. Unsure of exactly what she's doing, Catelyn still can't fight the feeling budding in her chest. She knows one thing that she very much wants, and in the end that's what the confused red head vocalized.

"Don't… don't go."

A bright smile spreads across Ashara's face and she moves back into the room, even as a warm feeling fills Catelyn's breast. She's never been more confused, more conflicted… but it feels right, when Ashara sits back down with her, and the two women hold hands once again. It feels right, even as it feels so, so wrong…


Ned waits a few days to confront his lady wife. At first, he just wants to give Catelyn time to cool off. But when she doesn't go to his bed as the days go by, Ned can't help but be a little insulted. He IS still Lord of Winterfell after all, and though she might be Lady, she needed to learn that her allegiance and her obedience belonged to HIM. If he wanted Ashara and Lyarra to live in Winterfell, damn it, that was his right! And on top of that, it was the honorable thing to do!

Of course, he hadn't seen much of Ashara these past few days either. That was more understandable, all things considered. The beautiful Dornish woman was fairly conscious of the upset she'd caused by her and their daughter's mere presence in Winterfell. Still, Ned had come to the same conclusion Ashara had, albeit a bit belatedly. If he could get Catelyn to accept the other woman's place in their household, then he could get his bannermen to do the same, and the unrest budding in Winterfell would come to a stop.

That was why he was finally approaching his wife's bedchambers. That was why he was entering them without knocking, in order to prove a point about every inch of this castle being HIS. Of course, whatever Ned might have said dies on his tongue as he takes in the sight before him. Catelyn and Ashara are on the former's bed, kissing quite passionately when he barges in, and Ned gets a full view of this, before they break apart at the sudden sound of his entrance.

Catelyn looks mortified, while Ashara's shock quickly morphs into a wicked little smile that always told Ned she was up to no good. His cock immediately begins to stiffen in his pants as he sees that smile, and judging by Ashara's glance down at his crotch, she knows it too.

"M-my Lord! This… this isn't what it looks like!"

"Oh hush Cat, it's exactly what it looks like. Don't be a prude now, not after all the work we've done. My Lord… like what you see?"

Catelyn looks read to protest, but Ned preempts her as he steps forward and begins to undo the ties on his shirt and his breeches.

"I do. I like it very much. My wife and my lover… getting along so well."

Ashara's grin grows wider still, and Catelyn's eyes bulge out of her skull as she blushes deeply. The Lady of Winterfell doesn't speak another word though, even as Ned strips down and Ashara begins to do the same… starting with Cat. Whimpering slightly, Lady Stark allows the other noblewoman to pull at her garments, exposing her shapely, curvy Tully body to Ned's eyes. His own arousal is made evident when he finally pulls his smallclothes off, in turn exposing his large cock to both women.

Neither is exactly surprised to see it of course, as both have already had him by this point. Still, Catelyn gulps at his size while Ashara coos happily and spreads her bedmate's legs wide. Ned can see the slit between his lady wife's legs, and with such an open and obvious invitation, the Lord of Winterfell crawls onto the bed and takes up position between Cat's thighs.

He leans down and kisses his wife deeply, even as his cock slowly pierces the woman's cunt, sliding deeper and deeper into her core. A low, lust-filled moan presses against his lips as he captures her mouth, and Catelyn's legs slide around his waist, pulling him ever closer. Ashara watches on from the side, and even as Ned begins to thrust slowly into Lady Stark, he breaks away from her for a moment to give the violet eyed Dayne a quick kiss as well.

From there, the threesome proceeds quickly. It starts out rather loving… until Catelyn surprised both Ashara and Ned by asking for him to go harder. Then, it becomes a fuck, a rut, and together, with Ashara playing with Cat's tits and Ned fucking her cunt, they bring the Lady Stark to climax after climax. And when Ned subsequently blows his load and pulls out, Catelyn is quick to reach down and stroke his softening pecker back to full hardness.

Not for herself, oh no… instead, she presses Ashara down onto the bed and guides her husband's erect member into his lover's slit, effectively helping them fuck, right in front of her. In that moment, the prudish noble girl that had arrived at Winterfell almost a year ago, effectively dies. She's replaced by a young woman who's had her mind opened to possibilities she'd never thought of before.

And ultimately, as Catelyn Stark allows herself to be led into deeper and deeper debauchery by her two lovers, she decides that she likes this better than the old way of thinking. Ashara Dayne does not have to be her enemy. Lyarra Snow will never be a threat to her son. In the end, they're going to be one, big, happy family.

The next morning, when Ashara sits at Catelyn's side in the castle's Hall, eating right alongside the Lady of Winterfell, everyone sees and takes note. The two women are as thick as thieves from that moment on, and Ned seems equal parts pleased and afraid by the way the beautiful girls are getting along. After all, now that they've settled their differences, they can provide a united front against him, when he does something that displeases either of them.

It takes a while for Ned to figure this out, but when he does, he ultimately comes to the conclusion that it's better than the alternative, by far.


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