Can One Displaced Hero Save a Galaxy?

Chapter 1: Confusing New Reality

Disclaimer: I am, very tragically, not in charge of Disney. All rights to Star Wars belong to Disney (so far as I'm aware). Likewise, My Hero Academia is the creation of Kōhei Horikoshi, not me.

Extended Summary:
Izuku, only just barely graduated from UA, gets flung into a Galaxy Far Far Away by an Unknown Quirk. The fact that he landed next to a half-naked girl with blue boobs just makes his day weirder. Still, Izuku isn't the sort to just give up, or to stop doing what he thinks is right just because the Galaxy is a complicated place! Watch as he deals with an amnesiac Twi'lek, a sudden connection to a power he doesn't understand, and a Galaxy where his chosen profession doesn't officially exist...

Aayla is confused, her memories a mess after being dosed by her uncle with glitteryll and sold as a slave. Then a portal opened up in midair, a green haired human crashed into her new owner, and promptly passed out. This is not how she expected her day to go, though she's tentatively hopeful that maybe it's looking up? Now, if only she wasn't shackled to a wall. Also, having a shirt would be nice. Her boobs are cold, damn it...

... ... ...

Author's Notes: A few notes to start off with!

1) This story will contain lemon content, but not every update. The plot comes first this time, with smut elements worked in only where they make sense. Given the situation Izuku lands in, lemons will appear quite early and likely be most frequent in the first dozen or so chapters, but they will NOT be the main focus of the story. There is only one short lemon scene in the first 10,000+ words, for example.

2) This story is not currently one of my primary focuses. It will get updated only when my Patrons vote for it, at least until such a time as either Mass Effect: Final Error or My Hero Automata finish.

3) Aayla is a single year older than in canon.

4) For those familiar with Legends, I didn't just pull Aayla's starting condition from nowhere. This story starts in 31 BBY, one year after The Phantom Menace. During that time, Aayla and Quinlin Vos were, in fact, attacked and drugged. They both suffered Amnesia and Vos was dumped on Nar Shadda, whereas Pol Secura kept Aayla. I've slightly altered this event. Here, Qunlin Vos was killed once they had captured him, and Aayla was dumped onto the Nar Shadda slave market as a way to throw any other Jedi off of their trail. Izuku ends up encountering her right before anything unfortunate can happen to her. Though after she is sold. The Jedi will eventually find them...but by then, Aayla might not want to go back!

5) Izuku has a Quirk. That Quirk is going to interact with The Force in odd ways. No, I won't say more, what is happening is one of the major subplots for the story ;-). No, that Quirk is not One for All, which he does not have in this story.

... ... ...

Chapter 1: Confusing New Reality

Izuku Midoriya could be said to be having a bad life. Unlike in many universes, this had nothing to do with an unlucky birth. Indeed, most of his problems stemmed from exactly the opposite. Born with the ability to tap his own life energy to accomplish feats of telekinesis and telepathy, he'd 'won the Quirk lottery,' as the saying commonly went. Unfortunately, at a young age, he hadn't had the vitality for big displays of power. His potential had been noted and he'd been encouraged on his path to be a hero by many…but the path to that dream had run very crooked. While now well-controlled, his once unstable telepathy had distanced him from his classmates. Few people wanted their darkest secrets randomly shared with a stranger. Even if it didn't entirely work that way, Izuku really only getting surface thoughts, his innocent reporting of several concerning things to adults had led to his peers disliking him. His former best friend Katsuki, in particular, never stopped blaming him for getting his mother arrested for child abuse. That the adults claimed Izuku had done the right thing mattered not at all to his reputation, sadly.

Even so, Izuku had persevered, growing up lonely had merely drive him to work hard on his goal of being a hero. He'd gotten himself into incredible shape by the age of seventeen, granting far greater strength with his powers as a result of his improve vitality. So much so that he'd taken first place in the infamous UA entrance exam, granting him a place in the Hero Academia. For a time, things had even looked up! He'd made friends, despite Katsuki's best efforts to alienate him from everyone. He'd played a critical role in preventing disaster when the USJ was attacked by villains. First by calling for help with his telepathy, and then by forcefully taking mental control of the brain-dead All-Might killer that the enemy had brought with them. Not normally something he was capable of, it had proven all too easy to do when the beast had no mind to fight back with.

Unfortunately, after a high point in his victory in the UA sports festival, a series of harsh blows had been dealt. One of his first friends, Tenya Iida, had been murdered by a serial killer he went looking for, while Izuku was off learning how to properly fight with telekinesis-enhanced movements from Miruko, who's attention he'd drawn during the UA Sports Festival. In the wake of that death, several members of his class had been forcefully withdrawn from the hero course by their parents. This included his only other close friend, Ochacko Uraraka, whose parents had insisted she leave UA. She would later convince them to allow her to reenroll in another Hero school, but for all intents and purposes Izuku lost touch with her.

Mostly alone again, Izuku had been faced with even more brutal reality as the Hero Course Summer Camp had been invaded. There had been no more deaths among the students…but All Might had been killed during the rescue of several who had been kidnapped. He had managed to take his opponent with him in Death, but the very public fall of The Symbol of Peace had ushered in a new era of chaos. The hero system had cracked and broken under the strain of attacks by the remnants of the League of Villains, Humarise, and The Meta Liberation Army. UA had been at the center of it all, with students dropping like flies. Until, just after Izuku's eighteenth birthday, Izuku had been hit with an unknown Quirk while defending innocent civilians. His entire body had felt like it was being sucked through a straw for thirty agonizing seconds. Then there had been a moment of utter euphoria as he felt something connect to his Quirk, binding to it and not letting go. Sadly, the whipsaw of emotions from pain to ecstasy had knocked him unconscious…which is why he didn't see anything as he was shot out of a portal and slammed into a very surprised man holding a slave remote, whose neck promptly snapped as he was thrown into a nearby wall.

He also didn't see the half-naked, blue-skinned alien woman that was looking as utterly confused as the man had been. Though, given that she was still shackled to the wall, he would be dealing with that once consciousness returned to him…

... ...

Izuku groaned piteously as he regained consciousness. The only thing that hurt worse than his pounding head was…everything else. His whole body felt like a massive bruise and, for several minutes, it was all he could do to not pass out again. Thankfully, the throbbing in his head, at least, began to level out after only a few seconds. While a blessing in a way, this was also not so much of one as Izuku suddenly became aware that he was aware of an awful lot for someone with his eyes closed. For several dizzying minutes, he tried to take stock of what was going on. Eventually, with dogged determination, he realized that some outside force was feeding him…stupidly huge amounts of sensory data. The initial throbbing in his head must have been overload, and his telepathic walls going up by reflex when he woke was what had reduced the overload to something vaguely manageable. Not seeing any way to completely cut the unknown information stream off, since it seemed to be coming from literally every point in space around him, he instead reinforced those mental barriers to farther dilute the sensory input.

With the information reduced to something he could handle, he finally cracked open his eyes…and found nothing but a metal ceiling. Giving that his last memory before being hit with…whatever that was…had been of fighting in an open-air market, the metal ceiling and the hum of electronics around him was not expected. It was also probably not good, given that it certainly wasn't the sterile white of a hospital. And the cold mental floor he was inelegantly sprawled on wasn't a hospital bed, either. Possibly, it was more comfortable than one, but it certainly wasn't one. He'd been in a few of them by this point and was fairly sure he knew the difference.

Putting that aside for the moment, Izuku agonizingly forced himself to his knees…and looked over toward the wall where he already knew someone was waiting, confused and a bit afraid. The sensory flow had been telling him that, practically shouting it about the glowing being near him, since the moment he awoke. Instinctively, he opened his mouth to try and reassure the likely civilian near him, only for his mental process to stumble to a halt as his eyes popped open wide and a blush flooded his cheeks. Caught flatfooted, he was unable to look away as the sight was seared into his brain.

His mental process had not stumbled because the woman was gorgeous. Exposure to Momo Yaoyorozu would get you over that pretty quickly.

His mental process had not stumbled because the woman was blue. Quirks could do all sorts of weird things to people. And despite the blue skin and odd head tails in place of hair, this woman wasn't even close to the strangest person he'd seen.

To his chagrin, it wasn't even the fact that the woman was chained to the wall that had caused his brain to freeze on sight. While his heroic instincts were strong, even they had taken a back seat at the moment.

No. What had caused to temporarily crash and initiate a reboot could be summed up in one word. Boobs. In a few more words, Large Boobs that were currently completely exposed. In still more words, large, perky, blue boobs, completely exposed, that were attached to a breathtakingly beautiful woman, who was shackled to a wall and wearing literally only two items of 'clothing.' One of those was a rather blocky metal collar which covered absolutely nothing. The other was what looked for all the world like a pair of metal underwear, which his mind idly noticed appeared to have a lock on the front.

Izuku would like to pretend that he looked away immediately, composed himself quickly, or in any way did something useful. Instead, after a fun twenty awkward seconds, it was the woman that cleared her throat, speaking very tentatively.

"U-um…master? Er…"

It was the spike of sheepish embarrassment and renewed confusion that snapped Izuku out of his daze. Quickly whipping his head to one side…he mentally stumbled again as he spotted a dead man with an obviously broken neck slumped against one wall. That, unfortunately, he'd seen before, and he managed to get over the sight quickly. It took another moment for him to realize that the woman had spoken in some language he didn't know…but that the stream of information coming from all around him had translated for him. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and hoped it worked the other way, too.

"Excuse me, Miss. But I'm no one's master. I'm a Pro Hero. Are you in trouble? And do you know where we are?"

His hopes were dashed a moment later when the woman spoke again.

"I-I'm sorry, master. I don't know what you said…"

Sighing, Izuku slowly forced his aching body to his feet, noting that he actually seem to feel a bit better as he did. He knows what he needs to do, he's simply afraid he'll scare her farther by going it. Unfortunately, this particular trick requires physical touch and direct eye contact. Trying not to look at her exposed body, Izuku approached cautiously, keeping his expression open and his hands where she could see them. Strangely, she actually looked increasingly less afraid and more confused as he got closer to her. Taking whatever luck he can get, he very gently grasps her chin and raises her eyes to his, sending out a mental probe…only to nearly be swept away in currents of chaos.

He gasped and struggled not to be dragged down by the ocean of dark, swirling confusion that was the girl's mind. He realized quickly what was going on. She'd been subjected to something mind-altering. Unfortunately, it seemed to be something chemical, which meant there was only so much he could do about it. He made his best attempt to order the chaos what little he could without risking hurting her, while also swimming desperately to the deeper memories he needs. He reached her subconscious mind with relief, quickly locating the language center of the brain. There, he's met with an additional problem as he realized the girl must know more than one language. Worse, she appeared to have native-level fluency in two of them. Picking one of them at random and hoping for the best, he downloads it into his own mind. It's not a perfect solution. He knows from experience that he'll only get literal translation and will be missing a lot of words. Worse, if he doesn't use the language a lot, right away, he'll lose it entirely. Still, it will allow him to communicate, at least.

Strangely, as he pulled back from her mind and released her, he realized that it actually worked a little too well. He quickly identifies the difference. The constant stream of information from everywhere around them apparently helped somehow. It had even formed some sort of link…which is still there between them. He didn't dare touch it, since he has no idea what it is. Particularly as it seems to be calming her down and settling her mind. It felt as if there was recently a similar, though slightly different link, that was rent asunder. He is so far out of his depth it's not even funny. But, hopefully, he can at least get some answers. He stepped back, pointedly keeping his eyes on the girl's face, even as he can't help but blush again now that he didn't have a purpose to focus on. He seriously needs to get her something to cover her boobs with. Despite the rebellious portion of his brain insisting that nope, this is fine. Concentrating on the new language, he spoke slowly and carefully.

"Can you understand me now?"

The girl blinks rapidly.

"You speak Ryl! Wait. Why do you speak that and not basic?!"

Great. He'd taken the rarer language. That figured.

"I tapped into your brain's language center, you were equally fluent in two languages. I had to pick one."

That…for a moment there was a flash of recognition in her eyes, only for it to be swept away by a flash of pain and be replaced by confusion. Right. Something had her brain all fucked sideways. Try something more basic.

"My name is Izuku. Can you tell me where I am? And why you are…in your current situation?"

The girl started, flushed as she was reminded of her semi-nudity, and answered.

"Um, I think my name is Aayla? The…previous master told me to answer to Toy, though, if you'd prefer that?"

Well…fuck. At least he didn't have to feel bad about the dead guy. Assuming that was her previous 'master.' He points to the man's body.

"Was that him? How did you come to be with him?"

Aalya seemed to struggle to think, more flashes of pain that he can…feel through the link? Instinctively, he reached out to soothe them, and Aayla's face smoothed out.

"Ah. I was sold to him at a slave auction. I…only remember flashes before that. Another Twi'lek…my uncle? A man with a glowing sword. Holding a glowing sword myself? Some sort of temple? It's…all a jumble."

Izuku sighed. It was actually probably a good sign that she was getting flashes, but it didn't make the current situation less complicated.

"Right. How do I get you down from there? And where are we?"

Aayla turned her gaze to the floor, between where the dead man is lying and where Izuku had woken up. There's some sort of remote control there. Izuku, still hurting but game to help as always, started moving toward it as she spoke.

"The remote. It controls my restraints. And…we're aboard…uh…former master's ship? I guess it's yours now? I'm not sure how this works, exactly."

Ship? Ignoring the pain, Izuku snapped upright with the remote in hand. Are they at sea? He looked for a window…and his jaw dropped as his brain stalled again. There is nothing but white lines outside, they are sort of mesmerize—"

"Don't stare at them!"

The girl's panicked voice snaps Izuku out of it, jerking him around to look at her.

"I-I'm sorry master. By you looked like you were falling into hyper-rapture. Some people are more susceptible than others. And you might not come back if you fall into it…"

Right. That's a thing. Apparently. Annnnddd he's staring at her boobs again. Stop perving Izuku! Dragging his attention away, he focused on the remote control…and realized he can't read any of it. Frowning, he tentatively pressed a button…only for the girl to make a very undignified squeak. He blinked and glanced back at her, only to see her expression twisting as if she's trying not to…he gulps, eye wide, as she moaned. Very lewdly. It's only when she does it a second time that he connects the dots and frantically pushes the button again…only for her eyes to blow wide open and her moans to intensify. Eeping, he tries the button below that one, only for her to yelp in pain…and tries a third one desperately. This time, thankfully, whatever was happening seemed to stop, the girl sagging in release, blushing rather thoroughly and not making eye-contact. After several tense seconds of silence, Izuku clears his throat.

"U-um, w-what exactly just happened?"

The blue girl's violet blush turned several shades darker. But she still answered after a moment.

"E-err…m-my c-chastity belt is…um…equipped with…toys. A-and a shock feature?"

Yep. That's it. Izuku is dead. His soul is leaving his body now. Killed by the combination of terminal blush and even-more-embarrassing boner!

Deep breaths. Deep breaths and trying not to stare at her boobs with their now rock-hard nipples. That's the way Izuku! You can do this!

"Um…sorry about that. Do you, uh, know which button is for the shackles?"

The girl shook her head in reply, because of course it's not that easy. He braced himself.

"Okay. Then I'm very very sorry if this…does things…"

She nodded quickly and he takes that as acceptance. Staying away from the previous buttons, he tries several more. The first set is unlucky, doing something to her that causes more squirming and moans. The second set causes an alarming beeping from the collar which, thankfully, goes away when he doesn't touch it for about ten seconds. Finally, on the only set remaining save what looks like a number pad he definitely doesn't know what to do with, the shackles on the wall click open. The girl, having been standing with her hands above her head this whole time, stumbled away from the wall and sunk down to her knees, rubbing her arms in relief.

Her extremely toned arms, Izuku notes. With her arms in the way, her chest is marginally less distracting, and he gets a better look at her overall body. Hard corded muscle hidden under only the thinnest layer of fat, on both her arms and legs. She had actual abs, too. If not quite a six-pack. That sort of mixture only comes from training. Serious training. And she'd said something about holding a light sword. Somehow, he was beginning to suspect this woman wasn't always a slave. Perhaps not even recently. Well, hopefully she doesn't try to attack him for the remote now that he's free. Actually…he extends it to her, only for her to shy away.

"You don't want it?"

She shook her head violently.

"I can't touch it. The collar and belt will both shock me horribly if I try. They made me touch it once just to prove the point."

Well. Fuck again. At this rate, Izuku was going to have to pull out his Katsuki-inspired series of curses.

"Can you at least read it?"

He really should have asked that before. Thankfully, she quickly shakes her head. So he doesn't have to feel too amazingly stupid.

"No. I don't know what language that is. The Zabrak's native one, I suppose?"

She motioned at the dead man at that, and he frowned. Okay, he really needed to know what the flaming flamingo feathers was going on here. He hadn't recognized either of the languages this girl knew. They certainly weren't at sea in a ship. And now there was yet another unknown language in the mix.

"Sorry to ask this again. But, do you know more specifically where we are? You said a ship, but…I was in Japan just…well, however long ago it was that I arrived, I guess."

The girl blinked at him, waves of confusion radiating down that odd link.

"I…don't know what a Japan is? We just left the Nar Shaddaa a few hours ago, a moon of some repute, I think? And you were only out maybe half an hour?"

Did she just casually mention they were on a moon? A sudden strong suspicion sent an adrenaline surge through him. Trying to keep his voice calm, he asked a very important question.

"Aayla? Are we in space?"

"Yes, of course. I told you we were on a ship, master."

Izuku was going to need stronger curse words. He didn't think Katsuki's were going to cut it. Maybe his new companion knew some good ones?

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