Can One Displaced Hero Save a Galaxy?

Chapter 2: Desensitivity Training

Summary: Izuku and Aayla plan their next move. Which just so happens to call for Izuku trying to pass as Aayla's slave owner. There are just a few problems with that...

Warning! Lemon ahead! It will be marked with -Lemon Starts Here- and -Lemon Ends Here- for those that want to skip it.

Chapter 2: Desensitivity Training

The following several hours had been mind blowing for Izuku. Also anxiety inducing. And possibly panic inducing as well. Honestly, he might need therapy for this, if he ever makes it home. Though, on the plus side, at least he'd gotten Aayla a shirt. It was big on her and kept slipping down to reveal her cleavage, and part of his mind was protesting that its existence was not, in fact, a plus side. But, still, she looked a bit more comfortable. Also, she apparently remembered enough to be able to tell that they had another three days in 'hyperspace,' aboard a ship which she idly commented was either slow, or wasn't traveling at max speed. That was good, since Izuku certainly had no idea how to fly a ship, and Aayla's memories were a scrambled mess.

Thankfully, she wasn't a blank slate. A lot of her 'general' knowledge was intact, to some degree or another. It was sort of Swiss cheese, but he got the idea she'd been very well educated if even the remnants were as complete as they were. He now knew, for example, that he was in something called the Galactic Republic. Which apparently had hundreds of thousands of populated worlds, and still more that at least had some sort of past population, mining operation, or other use. Slavery was not, in fact, broadly legal. But owning a slave wasn't illegal. Only buying or selling them was. To his embarrassment, they'd had to transfer ownership of her to him via the ship's computers, using the dead man's biometrics. Apparently, if she got too far from her current owner, her collar would…explode. And some fiddling with the man's personal console had translated his journal entries into galactic basic, which Aayla could read, even if Izuku could not. Sadly, the codes for her collar and chastity belt had apparently died with him. Which meant they'd needed to transfer ownership to Izuku so that she didn't explode when they eventually kicked the corpse out the airlock. Which is where it was now, already depressurized to prevent it from rotting and smelling up the place.

So. He was in space. With no idea where home even was, let alone how to get there. In 'possession' of an amnesiac Twi'lek, aboard a ship she only sort of remembered how to fly and he didn't have a clue about. Heading somewhere they probably didn't want to go, given the slaver had been heading there and might have friends waiting for them. And they only had three days to figure something out. Well…the first thing he was doing was taking a fucking nap. He still hurt all over, even if the 'stim' that Aalya had handed him had gotten rid of the worst of it. His mind ached. And Aalya looked exhausted. At least the small shuttle had multiple bunks…

... ...

Izuku had frozen the moment he awoke to the feeling of something soft pressing into his arm. Two somethings. His new senses were telling him exactly what they were. But that was not helpful, since he was quite certain he and his companion had gone to bed in separate bunks. Yet, now she was clinging to him. And, from the feel of it, she'd ditched the shirt. Which meant only the light blanket was covering her half-naked body. Also, since he'd taken off the top half of his hero costume…those wonderful orbs of awesome softness were pressed into his naked flesh. It was glorious. But also slightly terrifying, since he didn't want to come off as a pervert. Thankfully, a sleepy voice reassured him about that a few moments later.

"'lax 'zuku, cold, nightmares. Came to cuddle. You didn't do anything."

Well, that was reassuring. As was the amusement coming through the unknown link between them, along with…interest in his hard muscles? Oh. He felt his dick twitch, then his face burn in embarrassment as she giggled in response. Fuck, she must be feeling his emotions, too. Something only reinforced a moment later when he felt her amusement turn wicked and she slowly sat up, pushing off the blanket and very deliberately giving him an eyeful of her naked breasts. He stared, he couldn't help it. And the fact that he knew she enjoyed him looking only made it harder to look away.

"Mmmmmm, as nice as the attention is, and the nap was, I think we need to figure out what we are going to do."

Still blushing, but doing his best to force his hormones down and get his logical mind focused on something other than boobs, Izuku nodded and sat up, resolutely not reacting to her appreciative gaze on his well-toned body. Well, not reacting beyond another blush, at least.

"Have you remembered anything else?"

His companion's face fell, and she leaned into him. Instinctively, feeling her sudden pain, he hugged her.

"Some. I think whatever they dosed me with is wearing off. But not everything has come back. I remember though, that me and a former 'master' were on some sort of mission. They ambushed us, killed him, and drugged me."

Something about how she said 'master' was different this time.

"Another master?"

She nodded into his chest, taking a deep breath before speaking again.

"I called him that, but it wasn't the same. I don't know how, exactly. But it seemed like he was more of a…teacher? Something like that. I was armed, and fighting alongside him sometimes. And no collar. But I still called him master?"

Izuku hummed. That could mean she was simply indoctrinated. Or…

"Could it have been a title? Like a sword master? You said there were glowing swords, right?"

Her head tilted up to look him in the eyes, then cocked to one side. It was adorable.

"I…I think so? Maybe? Or something like that? I called him by name, too, sometimes, but I can't recall the name. I was…sad…when he died."

Not sad. She'd felt like her guts had been ripped out, all while her mind was in agony from the shattering of whatever that bond was. Izuku could almost see it through the link, the emotion was so intense. Instinctively, he hugged her, and poured compassion and wordless reassurance back down the link. Slowly, very slowly, she calmed, her desperate clinging turning more into a cuddle for warmth. He could feel through the link that she was slightly cold, even though he was comfortable. A difference in their species biology?

"Okay. Well, it's a good sign that you're remembering, at least. Hopefully that means none of your memories are fully gone. I don't suppose you remember more about how to fly a ship, do you?"

He said it jokingly…but surprisingly, he got a nod from her.

"Yes, actually. We apparently flew a lot. I think, if I see the controls, I'll be able to make sense of them?"

There was a bit too much question in her voice for his nerves. But it was a heck of a lot better than nothing.

"Well, then, let's go take a look, shall we?"

She nodded, then stood. Suspiciously, he felt mischief coming from her as she completely ignored the shirt she'd had yesterday, despite still feeling cold…

... ...

Half a day had passed before they came up with something resembling a plan. Aayla had needed to reference a few manuals, but she'd been able to sort out the ship's controls. She'd also identified where they'd been headed, the planet of Iridonia. Aayla had no memory of the world, but the data in the shuttle's navigation banks claimed it as the Zabrak homeworld. Which made them both balk at the idea of continuing on their course. Not only would the dead Zabrak in the airlock cause them a world of trouble there…it was also too law abiding. Ironically, despite her being a slave, it was Izuku rather then Aayla that was a problem for any law abiding systems. He, after all, didn't have any sort of ID. They'd only been able to transfer Aayla too him based on a retinal scan. They'd need to actually tie that scan to a identification to make it stick. As well as to keep Izuku from just being arrested as suspicious. Theoretically, any world could do that. Practically, they needed somewhere with enough corruption that they could bribe someone to do it quietly.

Thus, they had immediately decided a course change was required. Thankfully, despite her memory still having holes you could fly a freighter through, Aayla seemed to have visited a suspiciously large number of suspect worlds. Which cast some additional doubt on this former 'master' of hers. Particularly since, as best she could remember, Aayla was only eighteen. Likely mere months older than him. Why, exactly, had this 'master' of hers taken her to so many criminal worlds that, even forgetting a big chunk of the trips, she still remembered enough to give them options? According to her, it seemed like she was significantly younger in some of those memories, for goodness sake!

For some reason, the dead slaver had chosen to avoid the major trade routes. Perhaps trying to avoid going straight through the Core with his new slave, even if he had legal documentation for her. This was the reason why it would have taken so long to reach Iridonia, despite the fact that the ship was actually decently fast on Aayla's second look at the systems. As it happened, their course would be taking them not too far from Gargon, where Aayla knew there was a shadowport. The place was dangerous as hell, but no questions would be asked, and officially it was part of the Republic. With a gangster-backed government that acted as a façade between the Republic and the relatively lawless world. So long as they could stay alive, no one would blink at a slave being there…and it would be easy to use the considerable number of credits they'd discovered in the ship's safe to get Izuku an ID.

Of course. After they'd made a nervous course change to shift their destination, they now had only half a day to make Izuku able to walk and talk the part of a criminal slave owner. Which just so happened to also mean he needed to stop blushing every time he saw something like Aayla's tits…

... ...

-Lemon Starts Here-

Aayla had settled on a hands-on approach. Literally. Ushering Izuku into the shower with her, idly commenting that the luxury shuttle was unusual in having a large enough water reservoir for a water shower, Aayla had practically demanded that he wash her entire body…including her still-naked breasts. He'd gulped, calling on every iota of the limited desensitization training he'd been put through at UA. More than ever before he was regretting deeply that, like many non-combat parts of the course, that training had been cut to the bare bones because of the events ongoing while he attended. The fact that he could feel how much Aayla was enjoying the breast massage as he'd washed her, the fact that he was naked along with her and painfully hard the whole time, and the fact that she seemed to be getting flustered and frustrated herself…all of it made him less than 100% sure this was the best plan.

That thought had fled his mind when, shortly after getting dry, the still-topless Twi'lek had practically pounced on him, kissing him clumsily but fiercely. He could feel how desperately she wanted to grind on him. Thankfully, she somehow kept enough control to attempt doing so only on his thigh, given that her groin was still wrapped in the chastity belt her previous owners had locked on her before the auction. The discomfort of the metal grinding on his skin wasn't anywhere near enough to distract him from the make out session, or leave him anything less than dazed when they came up for air. Aayla made a piteous whining noise as she gripped him tightly…and her eyes drifted to lock on something nearby. She bit her lip, then turned big eyes up at him, clearly ready to beg however she had to.

"The remote! Please, please make me cum. These toys inside me are making me so fucking horny. And that shower didn't exactly help…"

Toys…inside her? Izuku's eyes bugged out at what she was implying…and at what she was asking. Yet, clearly she was desperate. He could feel it through the link, and it was feeding into him as well, making him ache for relief of his own, fuzzing his mind. Was, was that feeding back into her, too? Like some sort of self-reinforcing feedback loop? The beauty in his lap whispered another plea and their combined desire broke the back of his embarrassment. He reached for the remote with a shaky hand. He remembered which buttons had made her squirm. Of course he did. He pressed one, seeing her whole body nearly lock up even as he could, this close, hear a faint buzzing noise. Pressing the button a second time, which had seemed to intensify things yesterday, he could suddenly hear the sound much more clearly…and he felt her release. Her whole body convulsed, shuddering as she reached completion, the whole of her arousal pulsing through him so strongly via the link that, for a good fifteen seconds, he couldn't think clearly enough to turn whatever toy he'd activated off.

Somehow, the fact that the pleasure was overwhelming him but not making him cum made him desperate enough to blindly hit the buttons. He hit the wrong one at first, and she jerked with a gasp, her first orgasm being chased by a second. Blind fumbling button presses made her twitch a third time, a another peak causing her to howl…and then he finally managed to turn it off. She collapsed back onto the bed, only barely touching him, panting like she'd just run a marathon, eyes glazed. He groaned, trying not to think of his aching balls and throbbing manhood as he stared at her heaving breasts. But then, she stirred…and her eyes locked onto his cock. Her voice was hoarse and low, even as she shakily shifted her weight, half-falling off the bed to kneel before him.

"T-thank you, master. N-now, let me take care of you."

Some part of him thought he should stop her. But that part was not in control, utterly buried under the strongest arousal of his life. Shaky blue hands steadied a bit as they neared his erection, hesitating only a second before a finger darted in to touch his tip. He groaned…and saw a smile light up her face. She played with his tip for a few seconds, gathering quite a bit of the precum that he'd been oozing since her own first orgasm. Coating her hand in it, she gently wrapped it around his width, fingers not quite able to touch around the thickness. Seemingly hyper-focused, she began to gently stroke him, her second hand tentatively reaching down to lightly fondle his balls.

He didn't last long. It was a little bit embarrassing. But after the overwhelming dump of pleasure and arousal through the link, he only made it a dozen strokes of her hand before jerking forward, unable to even warn her as he came harder than ever before in his life. The first pulse of cum made it all the way to her face, despite her not having really leaned in. The second hit her in the neck. The third and fourth landed on her ample chest, with the fifth and final jet of cum losing strength and simply coating her hands, even as his cock continued to twitch.

For a long, long moment, both of them were shocked silent, but then Aayla broke down into giggles. Her giggles were infectious, causing his own lips to twitch, the absurdity of what had just happened at war with his mortification. Her hand gave another teasing stroke, drawing a weak flow of additional cum, before she released him and pulled back. She was the one to speak first.

"That was amazing! And I don't think I've ever done it before! It's kind of nice to not feel like my head is splitting when I do something! Maybe we'll have to do some other things I've never done before…" She blinked, then suddenly blushed as she realized how that could be taken. "U-um. I also need to get clean again! I'll be back! And please don't freak out! I'm not upset…this was…actually pretty fun?"

Before he could say anything in reply, Aayla scrambled to her feet and darted back into the refresher. He stared after her, brain still trying to come to terms with what had just happened…

-Lemon Ends Here-

... ...

The hour or so after Aayla had come back out of the refresher had been a bit awkward. Not least because she'd still refused to put a shirt on, blushingly pointing out that the whole point had been his need to get used to…certain things. So they didn't throw him off when they landed and there were brothels on every other corner, complete with advertisements and the occasional call girl drumming up business. Thankfully, the need to start working on other parts of his disguise had eventually distracted them enough for the awkwardness to fade, at least mostly.

They'd raided the decently-sized wardrobe of the previous owner of the ship, thankfully finding the clothes there to all be freshly laundered. They'd actually found a highly suggestive dancer's outfit among the rest, which was obviously intended for Aayla. Which meant that Izuku had finally convinced her to put clothes on. The fact that the clothes were very revealing and suggestive might have actually made things worse for him, however, since he'd at least gotten somewhat used to her previous state. The way the cloth, which was semi-transparent everywhere but her groin and around the nipples, swirled around her as she moved, was erotic in an entirely new way. The fact that she radiated the sensation of being pleased at his renewed admiration of her body down their link, wasn't something he missed. Which only made him blush harder. The fact that she moved and flowed like a dancer with every step didn't help either. It was something she'd done from the start, but he'd only consciously become aware of it once she'd put the outfit on. Many of his female fellow pros had moved the same way, after all.

Thankfully, he had a ready-made distraction in the form of her helping him pick out a 'Rogue-Spacer' outfit. Black pants were joined by a dark green shirt, covered over with a jacket Aayla claimed was made of 'Spacer's Leather.' A material that was known to be so tough that it could actually survive vacuum reasonably well, even if the wearer didn't. A dust-mask in dark grey covered his lower face, helping to mask his youth. The look was completed by a thick belt, which allowed a worn but well-maintained blaster to be holstered low on one thigh.

All in all, the look was, according to Aayla, pretty typical for a rough and tumble spacer. Which just left body language to take care of. Here, they were aided by the fact that Izuku had been trained by Miruko. While he wasn't an aggressive person by nature, hundreds of hours of working with her combat style had had an effect on how he held himself, always slightly at the ready. He could also easily duplicate a bit of her and Katsuki's casually arrogant movements, though those were something he needed to actively focus on. As was his imitation of Endeavor's all-to-familiar glare. They spent virtually all of the remaining hours in hyperspace drilling the combination, using Aayla's Swiss cheese memories of crowds of rough spacers as a guide to how he was doing. At the end of the day, as they dropped out of hyperspace, she claimed he'd pass. So long as they didn't draw too much attention to themselves, at least…

... ... ... ...

Author's Note: A quick note here. Aayla' not permeant and is resolved within currently existing public release content. It will last a while, though, as I used it as a means to slow down certain aspects of their relationship in circumstances that otherwise might have pushed them more quickly. 

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