Canon Fodder


There was a lot of rubble to clean up. The large ship of Don Krieg had sunk but chunks of it were slowly floating around. Lots of damage was done to Baratie as well. Don Krieg had a bounty of 17 million berries. Nami was more than pleased to find that out. Especially since Arlong was worth 20 million. Bounties were a good show of strength. If Luffy could beat Krieg it was a good indicator he could beat Arlong too. 


A Marine boat stopped by for lunch the next day and Baratie gave them Krieg. We split the money with them since they had all the damage done to their restaurant. And of course because Luffy had offered it to Zeff without hesitation. Nami wasn’t happy about it but that was when Sanji decided to join us. 


At first he fought it of course. But Zeff fired him again and Sanji finally accepted the offer. It happened after we were having a conversation with Zeff and Sanji just happened to be listening. Zeff let it slip how good he thought Sanji’s food was and there was nothing else for him to learn. Zeff also randomly told us how the reason he saved Sanji as a kid was because his dream was to find All Blue someday as well. Trying to make sure his own dream didn’t die. 


So 2 days after the Don Krieg fight we were prepped and ready to go to our next adventure. Sanji had filled our kitchen up with food. And after Luffy ate most of our stock the new cook had locks installed on all the pantry cabinets. They were useless but they deferred Luffy a little. He didn’t want to hurt the Merry either. 


Zoro was up and walking. He struggled to do it but he wasn’t the type to lay up in bed. I had first-hand memories of his fight with Mihawk because of my clone. It was amazing to see Zoro challenge the strongest swordsman in the world. Mihawk barely had to try to lay him up. Slashing Zoro from his top left shoulder to his bottom right hip with one slice. Zoro had a nasty wound on his chest because of it, but wore the wound with pride because he didn’t hesitate to take it when he accepted defeat.


After that he did a rousing cry to Luffy, letting him know it would be the last time he ever lost. He’d get stronger to make sure his captain didn’t have to worry about him again. After that Krieg attacked and the people of Baratie gave Zoro emergency first aid while my clone, Luffy, Usopp, and Sanji fought the Kreig crew. 


“Alright,” Zoro grumbled. Wincing as he sat at the dining room table with us. “I’m all caught up on what happened while I was out. Everything except why our ship happened to disappear when Krieg showed up. 


“That’s why we are here,” I said. I looked to Nami to explain. She bit her lip as she tried not to cry. “With Sanji officially part of the crew I thought it best to catch everyone up on what happened before we headed out. Nami has her own request for help from the crew.”


“Oy who did what to you?” Sanji asked her. “A woman should never have to cry. Tell me who I need to fight and I will.”


“I-“ Nami started but scrunched up her mouth as she tried not to sob. “I have my own demons that I need help taking care of. I uh have no right to ask. But would you help me?”


“Of course,” Luffy said. “You’re part of our crew. Your enemies are our enemies.”


“I know you say that, but it’s not going to be that easy. I need help against the strongest pirate crew in East Blue. A pirate crew made up of fishmen. Men stronger than any normal person.”


“I don’t care who it is,” Luffy said. “If you want it. We will make it happen.”


“Woah there Luffy. Let’s not jump into things,” Usopp said. Showing his fearful but also pragmatic nature. “I’ve heard these fishmen are pretty strong.”


“Doesn’t matter,” Zoro said. “If our captain says we do it, then we do it.” He winced again as he shifted on the bench seat of the dinner table. 


“Well said Marimo,” he told Zoro. I remembered the name Sanji had for Zoro. I was pretty sure it was like a green kiwi. The color matched Zoro's green hair. 


“Marimo?” Zoro spat. “That’s mighty big words for a cook. Why don’t you go back to the kitchen while the real men talk.”


“I’ll show you real men,” Sanji said standing up. “You’re lucky you’re hurt or I’d kick your ass.”


“Even with this minor scratch I could kick your ass,” Sanji said. “But it sounds like we got a big fight ahead. So I’ll save doing that till afterward.”


“Deal,” Sanji spat. I didn’t remember them fighting so much so quickly. But it was typically harmless banter. “Now…what you all want for dinner?”


“Meat,” Luffy said. “But let’s set a course for this Fishman Island first. I’m ready to kick some ass.”


“Fishman Island is on the Grand Line. I told you this,” I said. “Were you not paying attention?”


“Uhhh no,” Luffy said shamelessly. “All I know is they sound delicious. What kind of fish are they?”


“They’re people!” I said. “Are you a cannibal now too?”


“What? They’re people? I thought you said they were fish.”


“They are,” I said, gritting my teeth. “They’re-fish-people.”


“You’ve got me all confused. When are we going fighting?”


“God dang, Luffy. We are going to go beat up some fish dudes. Afterward I’m sure the village we save will give you all the fish you want.”


“That’s what I wanted to hear. Sanji I’m really hungry for fish. Can we have sushi?”


“Yeah yeah,” Sanji said. “I’m on it captain.”


The others began to scatter. Luffy, Usopp, and I got the ship prepped for leaving. Soon we were on our way to Nami’s home. 


“I can’t believe you talked me into this,” Nami said while she was at the helm. There was a nice thick railing near the helm I was starting to like sitting at. Everyone had their own little spots they liked to laze around at, and I was laying claim to this one. 


“I think you wanted me to,” I said. “Isn’t it so much nicer to ask for help than have all the stress and worry on you?”


She frowned but didn’t answer. Her eyes on the horizon as the wind picked up and took us to our destination. While we sat there I brought up my notifications. 


One Piece Quest 1 Complete

Assist in bringing Sanji to the Straw Hat crew.



Access to World Shop



Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:


World 1:

High School of the Dead


World 1 Quest:

Escape the School


World 2:



World 2 Quest:

Bring Kei to Life


World 3:



World 3 Quest:

Chunin Exam


World 4:

One Piece


World 4 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


World Escape






World Store







Chikyugi Necklace



I clicked the Shop button and a new window appeared. 


World Shop Warning:

Items are locked to the world and will not leave without quests rewarding them to the challenger.


I had never seen a warning before. Some actual information for me for once I wondered what the hell a challenger was. Grinding my teeth I dismissed the screen to think about later. 


One Piece World Shop:

Devil Fruits

Log Pose



I moved through the Devil Fruits. It appeared to be fruits I’d never heard of before. So ones that people didn’t currently have. None had descriptions and had ambiguous names like Copper-Copper Fruit, Cloud-Cloud Fruit, Cool-Cool Fruit, and Cat-Cat Fruit. That was just the ones I saw in the Cs. 


They ranged in price from 10,000,000 berries to 10 billion. I focused on the expensive ones but I wasn’t too sure if I wanted to risk a fruit. If I could actually teach Luffy chakra use and he could walk on the water then I might actually risk it. 


In the Log Pose section they had one for every island. Even the last one, Raftalia, where One Piece was supposed to be. But that was 10 trillion berries. And I wasn’t too interested anyway. 


In Miscellaneous there were Sea Stones. They were specific to One Piece and were so much like the ocean that Devil Fruit users became weak when touching them. There were also Vivre cards that allowed people to find one another. I scanned through it and found some books I wanted. They were the Haki series. There was one for each: Armament, Observation, and Conquerors. Too bad each of those was way out of my price range. 


Of the series there was one I needed to get first. ‘Basics of Spiritual Energy/Haki’. The ultimate power in One Piece. Everyone had Spiritual Energy and could call upon it after intense training. Doing amazing attacks with the power. There was Observation Haki which allowed you to know everything that was going on around you, Armament Haki that allowed you to strengthen yourself, and Conqueror Haki that…made people pass out for some reason. I couldn’t exactly remember on that one. 


Basics of Spiritual Energy/Haki was only 10,000,000 berries. It wasn’t an impossible amount. I wanted it. Which apparently acted as some sort of signal as I received a new quest. 


One Piece Quest 2

Free Nami's village from the tyranny of Arlong and his crew.



10,000,000 Berries


At first I didn’t know why it didn’t simply reward me the book. But then I remembered if it had I would have been able to take it with me. Either way I wanted it. 


“Nami can I borrow 10 million berries?” I asked. 


“Sure, if you pay me 100,000,000,” she said. Watching the path as we coasted along. 


“What?! What about a crew member discount?” I asked. 


“That is the discount?” She said. 


“But-but I need it,” I said. 


“Why do you need it right now? We are in the middle of nowhere.”


“Ninja stuff,” I said. “Pretty please. Let me borrow 10. Then after we beat up Arlong I’ll pay you back.”


“How are you going to pay me back?” She asked. Finally looking at me from her side eye stare. 


“Ninjas have their ways,” I said. 


“You and your ninja stuff. That’s not an answer for everything,” she said. Not angry, simply playful. 


“But it’s the truth,” I said. “Come on. I’ll owe you a favor too.” That intrigued her. “Any favor.”


“Hmm fine. Teach me to be a ninja,” she said. A smile on her lips.


“Ugh I don’t know how,” I said. 


“Try and I might consider it,” she said. 


“I don’t know if it’s possible,” I said. “For all I know my powers are specific to my clan. I guess I can try. But it takes years of training. Or…you could lend me the money and you could try to learn a strong skill I know you can do.”


“What’s that?” She asked. 


“Ever heard of Haki?” I asked. She shook her head. “Think of it like internal energy…” that made me pause for a second. That sounded like chakra to me. Munching on my lip I thought through it more as I spoke. 


“With this internal energy you can do 2 main things. Make yourself aware of your surroundings. Feel the Haki of everyone and everything around you so you know exactly what’s going on at all times.” I couldn’t think of anyone from Naruto with a power like that. But maybe if I gained Haki I could find parallels between them. 


“You can also use this internal energy to strengthen yourself. You know how when you hit Luffy his rubber body dampens the blow?” I asked. She nodded, actually intrigued. “If you could use Haki you could bypass his rubber. I can’t remember how but it kind of nullifies the devil fruit power.”


“For someone that’s lost his memories, you sure know a lot,” she said. 


“I’m very weird,” I said. “So would you be interested in learning with me?”


“So you don’t know it?” She asked. I shook my head. “And if I lend you the money you’ll pay me back?”


“As soon as possible, yes,” I said. 


“Fine. 10,000,000 berries, you pay me back asap, you teach me this mysterious power, aaand you owe me a favor,” she said. 


“You don’t need a favor to get me to do stuff for you Nami,” I said. “But yeah. All that.”


“Fine,” she said. “Grab the helm.” I did. She ran down to her cabin and within a few seconds she was back up with the money. She handed it to me. “I was gone for a second. How are we off course already?” 


“Don’t ask me,” I said. “You’re the driver. Nice doing business with you,” I said. Taking the money I decided to pull her same trick. Running down to the cabin I clicked the buy button on the store for Basics of Spiritual Energy/Haki. 


The money disappeared from my hand in a white light as a book took its place. It was a thick bible sized tome. Leather cover, with thick paper for the pages. There was no title or indicators on what the book was. 


Running back up to the helm I showed Nami the book. “Where’d you get that?” She asked. I opened my mouth but she cut me off. “Never mind ninja stuff, I know.”


“You know me so well. Care to read with me?” I asked. She scooted over by the helm. Her holding one side of the book and me the other we read it page by page. Right next to one another we were comfortable as our shoulders touched. She adjusted the course now and then. But we mostly stayed silent as we tried to figure it out. 

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.