Canon Fodder


It was 5 days of sailing to get to Nami’s hometown of Gosa. During that time Zoro recovered, Luffy and Usopp fished, Sanji cooked and hit on Nami, and Nami and I read the Haki book. The start of the book was philosophical. Discussing the spiritual energy in people. How some had more than others and awoke the different Hakis at different paces. 


We had to take lots of breaks while reading. Very headache inducing I was able to wrap my head around it more easily since I had chakra. But it was upsetting to know that it really was different from my Naruto world power. Different but not completely. 


How it was different was something that slowly dawned on me as I read the book. Haki was the vessel. And chakra was the water. As in spiritual energy was what held chakra in your body. It’s what made up the chakra pathways and reservoir that held the bulk of chakra in your gut. 


When someone was using the Armament Haki they were actually increasing the size of the pathways to cover their skin. So the Haki was the black armored skin that appeared. But what really gave people increased strength while using Haki was that their body where the armament was being used was filled with chakra. 


The pathways were increased in size allowing the chakra to pour into it from the reservoir at their center. When this happened you used the chakra exponentially, causing you to wear out. And this was also why usually only the strongest people could use Haki. They had a lot of chakra so they could handle it. 


The book itself didn’t talk about chakra of course. Either people hadn’t figured out how to use it yet or they focused too much on the Haki. They talked about Haki being the vessel and the internal spiritual energy. Not the 2 different types of energy they actually were. 


I found this very helpful since it made it possible for me to teach others to use chakra. In the Naruto world people could access chakra when they were only 10 years old. I hoped it wouldn’t be too hard to teach my crew that was closer to 20 years old. But it was proving difficult. 


Showing them the book it was like herding cats. Zoro wasn’t interested until I told him that Mihawk basically beat him with a kitchen knife because he used Haki. And Luffy wasn’t interested until I told him it might lead him to learn how to walk on water. 


Usopp and Sanji weren’t too hard to convince since there wasn’t a lot going on on the ship. But after Luffy fell asleep while reading I gave up for now in hopes to refocus on Arlong. 


Once Nami’s home came into view she started having second thoughts. Angrier somehow, on a hair trigger for snapping at everyone, we all walked on egg shells. I moved my favorite spot a little further away from the helm for the time being. 


“I’m thinking we should make contact with my village,” Nami said. She was chewing her nail as she stared at the shore. Pacing back and forth nervously. 


“No,” Luffy said. “This is our first pirate war. I want to enjoy this.” 


“What about Buggy?” Zoro asked. “Was that not a pirate war?” 

“I forgot about him,” Luffy laughed. “Yeah I guess that was too. Either way, I don’t care. Let’s attack them head on.” 


“I vote we stay on the ship,” Usopp said. “I’ll man the cannons. We can shoot them from shore.”

“They’re fishmen. Water is their element,” I said. “We need to keep their focus on the land. Besides, if Luffy is going to be fighting Arlong we don’t want him anywhere near the water.” 


“True,” Luffy said. “Unless you can teach me that catra crap.”

“Chakra,” I said for the 20th time. “It’s chakra. And at the pace you’re going it will take another 5 years. We aren’t waiting that long. We need to do this now.”


I knew how this fight went in the manga, and it was overly complicated. Lot’s of drama between Nami and Luffy as she fought asking for help. It took them a while to really get into the fight. Then when they did start fighting Luffy spent the majority of the time underwater where he was useless. I had full faith in Luffy being able to bring the guy down. Especially with me there. 


“Who wants breakfast?” Sanji asked as he stepped out of the kitchen. He held 6 plates in his hands expertly. 


“I’m not hungry,” Nami said. Still chewing her nails.

“You should eat something,” I said digging into the parfait Sanji had made. “We might have a long day of fighting ahead of us. Alright, this is what I’m thinking.” I rolled out a piece of paper. Drawing on it I made a line for the coast, a circle for Gosa Village, and an X for Arlong Park. I didn’t bother with details since the easier to understand the better for Luffy. 


“We don’t want to get the village involved. Arlong Park is a big walled in courtyard with a tall tower and pooled access to the sea.” I had gotten the information from Nami, as if I didn’t already know all this. “We don’t want the fishmen in the water. What I think we should do is rush in and simply attack. Land there, fast and quick. Usopp, you stay on the boat and use your slingshot to do what damage you can. Everyone else on land fighting these guys.” 


“I need to get a couple of swords,” Zoro admitted. “My last 2 broke.” Mihawk had shattered his weak blades with a slash during their fight. He currently only had 1. 


“From what Nami says they will have plenty there,” I said. “We can steal you 2.” Zoro nodded.

“What about me?” Nami asked. 


“I thought you’d want your own revenge,” I said. “You land with us. We take on the big guys and you use your bow staff to knock any down that try to get up afterward.”

“There’s no way that’ll hurt them. These guys can lift houses,” she squeaked. 


“I think you’ll find yourself stronger than you think,” I said. “Only Arlong and his top guys are that strong. Everyone else is pretty normal.” 


“You sure this is a good idea?” She asked. “I mean, it’s just 6 of us.”

“Oh hell yeah, us 6 could take on anyone,” Luffy said, grabbing her parfait and stuffing it in his mouth. “We could-” He stopped as shadow blotted out the area over us. The 6 of us turned to see a large sea monster. The top half of the monster was 20 feet over the water. It was a sea cow. A literal sea cow, horns, a bull nose, white skin and black spots and everything.

“What do you want?” Luffy asked the cow. It actually mooed at us. The cow looked to the plates that were discarded. “That’s our food. You don’t get any.” Zoro pushed his remaining sword out of his sheath by an inch. All of us staring at the beast it didn’t seem to understand the trouble it was in. 


“You wanna fight?” Luffy asked. The cow’s face contorted in anger. Luffy pulled his arm back, Zoro drew his blade, Sanji jumped in the air, and I began to pull a stream of water from the ocean. The sea cow didn’t back down and was soon knocked out on the water. I vaguely remembered the sea cow belonging to Arlong. An idea came to me. 


“Guys, get some rope,” I said as I jumped out onto the water. Grabbing the knocked out cow by the horn I began dragging him to the front of the boat. 



An hour later, despite Nami’s reluctance, we headed right for Arlong Park. I tied the sea cow to the front of the ship. When it regained consciousness it didn’t take much to threaten it to take us to Arlong Park. Luffy laughing loudly from the top of the sheep’s head of the Going Merry was drive enough for the sea cow to go as fast as possible. 

Within an hour Arlong Park was within viewing distance. The cow kept charging forward. Faster and faster until it slammed into the sea front access of Arlong Park. Hitting itself hard it sunk into the deep as Sanji and I threw anchors to slow us down. We lurched to a stop and were soon heading to the front of the ship, staring at the home of the Arlong Pirates. 


“Where are they all?” Usopp asked. There was no one in sight. 


“Sleeping?” I suggested. 


“Arlong! Get your ass out here!” Luffy yelled loudly. The boat stopped about 30 feet from shore so he should have heard us. No one answered. 


“Let’s check it out,” Luffy said. Looping his legs in the railing he pulled himself backward. His legs stretching out I knew what he was doing, but the others didn’t understand. As he moved back further and further the other crew members gave him a weird look. 


“Luffy, what are you-” Nami tried to say but was cut off as Luffy extended his arms out. His rubber body pulling him he shot toward us. Grabbing the 5 of us he unlooped himself from the railing and we shot out over the water. 


I always wanted to experience this method of travel. And as Nami and Usopp slammed into me while Luffy grabbed us, I understood why they hated it. Pulled together I was hit in the side by Usopp’s elbow as we flew to the shore. Nami screaming loudly we landed and barely caught ourselves. 


“Never do that again!” Nami said hitting him over the head. 


“Sorry,” Luffy said dodging another blow. I recovered but went into the building. There was no one there. The others followed. The inside was barren as well. Sofas, chairs, and beds sat empty. 


“Think they have any treasure here?” I asked, locking eyes with Nami. 

“No,” she said. “They keep it somewhere even I couldn’t find.”


“What’s this room?” Luffy asked. 


Running off to a side room Nami yelled, “Not that room!” We soon followed. 


Inside was a table with rolled up pieces of paper all around it. A writing desk there were protractors, compasses, and bottles of ink scattered around. Luffy unrolled one of the parchments. “Nami, this looks like the maps you draw. But where’s your signature?” We had all seen her draw them as we passed by small islands. She signed all of them. 


“I-I was forced to make this for the fishmen,” she said sadly. “I didn’t want to sign them. Since I was made to do it.” 

“All these drawings are yours?” I asked, unrolling more and more maps. She nodded ashamed. “Well, guess we just gotta burn it down.” A small lantern hanging from the wall I picked it up.

“What!?” She asked as I lit the lantern. 

“This is your old life, Nami. Your old cell. You put a lot of work into it. So I’ll leave it to you to burn,” I said. I handed her the lantern. 

“I-I’m not burning it,” she said. Her eyes wide. 

“Why not,” I said. “After today Arlong won’t be here anymore. One way or another. Or do you really think we can’t win?” I locked eyes with her. I could see her mind going through it all. If she did this there would be no turning back. No way to try to spin it. No way to not incur Arlong’s wrath if we really did fail. 


“Free yourself, Nami,” I said with a reassuring smile. “You know you want to.” She looked up, some tears in her eyes. She slowly nodded. Then she threw the lantern onto the table. Oil splashed out spreading flame quickly. 


Back in canon Luffy destroyed the room and the building. I thought it was better she did it herself. We stayed there for a moment, simply watching as the flame spread. When the heat picked up and all the bookcases were alight we finally walked out. Nami was quiet, but for once I thought it was a good silence. 


When we got outside she stared at the tall building, simply waiting. It took time but smoke began to billow out. The fire spread and within 10 minutes the entire place was alight. We watched it all, waiting to make sure that it really would be gone soon enough. I noticed some tears streaming down Nami’s eyes, but I knew they were happy tears. We were brought out of our quiet reflection as we heard a shout. 


“Oy, Nami! What are you doing?” A deep voice asked. We turned to see Arlong and his pirate crew standing at the entrance into the courtyard. 

“I-I-I,” she turned staring at him wide eyed. Arlong’s eyes bulged as he looked us over. Webbed finger fist clenching. His own pirate crew all around him. They did look to be an intimidating sight. 


“Arlong! You fish-guy!” Luffy yelled. “I hear you hurt my Navigator. I don’t forgive that.” Luffy walked forward. Taking off his straw hat he set it on Nami’s head. “You stay here Nami, we will take care of this.” She was brought out of her terror as she noticed the hat on her head. Dropping to her knees she let whatever was about to unfold happen. 


Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and I stepped forward. I could almost feel the slow motion camera on us as we did. Stepping forward we faced the Arlong pirate crew as their base burned beside us. I recognized 4 faces. 

Arlong, he had dark purple skin, a saw-tooth nose, and a sun tattoo over his heart. There was the fish-man karate expert that was the match for Sanji, he resembled a shark with fins at his elbows. There was the pretty boy, he had an extended mouth like a sucker, he was who Usopp fought, his first real fight. Last was Hacchan, the octopus that Zoro fought. He actually becomes a friend of the straw hats later. 


Behind them were another 30 nameless fishmen. All different shapes and sizes, I was starting to get excited. My first Straw Hat fight. One where I got to play an actual role. 


“Who are you?” Arlong asked as we stopped in front of them. 


“I’m Luffy, I’m gonna be king of the pirates!” 


The group of fishmen burst out laughing. “Well, I hope you are prepared to die,” Arlong said. “Your ship there will prove a little useful in paying back what this place called me.” He looked behind us. “And I guess our deal is off Nami. It’s fine, after you’re dead I’ll get that trove of cash you have behind your house. I will get a much bigger place built with all the money you have.” 

“You won’t have a chance,” Sanji said. “You’re all going to pay for what you did to my Nami.” 

“You can have her,” Arlong said. “You will have plenty of time together when you’re sleeping at the bottom of the ocean.” He nodded to the karate master. The fishman pulled a woman through the crowd. She had short cut blue hair with a red ribbon in it. 


“Nojiko!” Nami yelled, noticing her sister brought forward. 


“Nami, what’s going on?”




“Nami is part of our crew,” I said. “We are helping her with these tadpoles causing her all these problems!” 

“Ha,” Arlong said. “You know, we knew you’ve been up to something. That’s why we paid a little visit to town today. Who knew your sister would come in handy?” Arlong reached behind his back pulling out his weapon. It was a pole with large scythe/teeth blades sticking from it. The blades were black. Arlong extended his arm pointing the weapon in front of Nojiko’s throat.

“Guess she gets to die first,” Arlong said with a wicked smile. 


“No!” Nami yelled. 


I poured chakra throughout my body. Plenty rested, I made it the distance with one jump. Kicking the blade away I grabbed Nojiko by the back of her shirt. My foot stamping on the face of the karate fishman I jumped the both of us back to the line of Straw hats. 


There was stunned silence as I landed by them. Dropping Nojiko down we turned to look at the fishmen. “Oh I’m learning that catra shit,” Luffy said. “But after this.” His arms extending back they stretched behind him. “After I kick this Arlong guy’s ass.” 

“Not if I get to him first,” Sanji said running forward. 

“Weston, what do I do,” Usopp yelled. “I was supposed to be on the ship.”

“Do what you do best, Usopp. Piss those guys off. Especially that one with the lips. I think you can take him,” I said as Luffy stopped extending his arms back. They shot forward instantly hitting Arlong and knocking them both through the group of fishmen like a bowling ball. 


“You think?” Usopp asked. 


“I know,” I said. He nodded pulling out his slingshot. Shooting a pepper bomb at the large group they began crying out.  


“Are you okay?” I asked Nojiko. 

“I think so,” she said. 


“Get her out of here,” Nami said. Pulling the bow staff from out of nowhere she had a stern look on her face. 


I nodded. Pouring chakra out my shadow clone appeared. “Let’s go, blue,” my clone said, princess carrying Nojiko. He was soon running the surprised girl to the wall and running off to town. I looked over the fight to find somewhere to help. Zoro was fighting the octopus with only 1 sword. 1 against the 6 that the octopus had. He was still healing, but gritted his teeth striking at the guy. 


Focusing on that first I moved into the crowd of fishmen. Luffy and Arlong were fighting one another, knocking people down. Luffy kept stretching out and slamming his feet, head, and fists into the leader. Arlong grabbed him, using his sharp teeth to actually pierce the body of Luffy’s body.

I grabbed 2 nameless fishmen and conked their heads together. Grabbing their swords I jumped over to the swordsman. “Zoro!” I said throwing the blades. He nodded. Jumping up for them he put his remaining one in his mouth while he grabbed the blades. Zoro then dropped down slashing down at the octopus. 


After that I started knocking down fishmen. Their skin was hard, but my chakra infused body hit them harder and they were knocked out. One by one their numbers were being whittled away. At first we were on the losing side as the Straw Hats attacked their opponents. Adds would randomly start trying to get at us, causing my team to falter on the main targets. But as we knocked out the useless chum we started to pull ahead. Usopp had disappeared taking on his challenger out back of the burning building, but I was sure he was fine. 


Then Luffy missed with one of his stretches. His head pushed into the crement of the wall surrounding the park. He tried to push out but couldn’t do it in time. Arlong used his intense strength to knock down the wall. It landed on Luffy’s head while he was still stuck. Knocking him out. Arlong picked up the wall section and threw it far into the sea, barely missing the Going Merry. 


“Zoro!” I yelled. He looked over to see Luffy flying off. The slash on his chest bleeding through the bandages he was hurting. “Take Arlong for a minute,” I said.

“Busy,” he said. I jumped over grabbing Haccan. Throwing him with all I had into the ocean the octopus went flying. 


“30 seconds while I get the captain,” I said. Zoro nodded and was running at Arlong. I ran to the shore and dove in. Swimming for all I was worth I found Luffy already at the bottom of the ocean. Cursing I kicked the brick concrete and it broke enough for me to get Luffy’s head out. Swimming back up the octopus noticed me and started swimming my way. 


Using my water chakra I pushed the water around him away, forcing him to swim backward with it. With the extra distance I made it to shore before he could get us. Once on land I began pounding on Luffy’s chest. He spit up water and was soon back to the fighting. I ran over as Zoro was punched in his wound. Flying back I rushed over and caught him. 


“Got him,” I said. “Good job.” Zoro grunted, gripping his sword he ran at the octopus as he resurfaced. 


It was a fun fight. I was busy at all times. Luffy ended up breaking Arlong’s weapon with a punch then hit him so hard with another blow that he was knocked out. Zoro finally out-slashed the octopus and fell over half dead. I had considered helping, but this was an important fight for him too. Pushing him to be able to handle more pain and prove his insurmountable conviction. Sanji beat his opponent and helped me wrap up the adds. Even Usopp came out of the woods victorious. 


I grabbed Zoro, throwing him over my shoulder I went to the others. The 5 of us stood battered, bloodied, but we still beat the fishmen pirates. I noticed Nami had knocked out a few of the nameless ones as well. She had tears in her eyes as she stared at the battlefield. Surprised that we were the ones that had made it. 


The euphoria of victory was ruined as we noticed the marines walking down the path toward us. 

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