Canon Fodder


The next day we weren’t too far from Reverse Mountain, the entrance to the Grand Line. Water flowed upwards and shot you out into the current of the Grand Line. 


That morning I turned in my quest and received a new slot in my Status screen. 



Weston Watanabe


Current Quest:


World 1:

High School of the Dead


World 1 Quest:

Escape the School


World 2:



World 2 Quest:

Bring Kei to Life


World 3:



World 3 Quest:

Chunin Exam


World 4:

One Piece


World 4 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld


World Lasting Physique


Usable Abilities:

Status Screen


World Escape






World Store







Chikyugi Necklace



Weapon Choice








I guessed whatever weapon I decided to store in there would work fine. In all honesty I considered the Jitte. I wasn’t sure why not everyone used seastone weapons in One Piece. I remembered in the manga only the tip was Seastone. But this one was all blue Seastone. Playing around with it while Nami navigated I found something weird out. 


“Holy shit,” I mumbled, channeling chakra into it. Not just any chakra though, my water element. As I did, water began dripping from the round Seastone cylinder. 


“What?” Nami asked, turning to me. 


“I don’t know,” I said. Channeling more chakra, more water poured out of it. An idea hitting me I decided to pour all my chakra into it and control it. 


The water accumulated around the Jitte. Focusing, I condensed it and made the water taper off to points on either side. I soon had a sword made out of water chakra. About 5 feet long and 8 inches wide, blue chakra soaked water became sharp. 


The real chakra cost was making the water. Keeping it focused into a blade form was simply more concentration. 


“Luffy!” I yelled. 


“What!?” He yelled napping on the sheep’s head. 


“Come here!”


“Fine,” he grumbled. Walking over he came up to the upper deck. “Cool. What’s that?” He asked seeing the water soaked Jitte.


“I don’t know. But I have an idea. Touch the water for me,” I said. He frowned but walked over. His hand sinking into the water he dropped to his knees. 


Pulling his hand out he scrambled away. “What the hell is that?”


“I think it’s sea water,” I said. “Did you become weak when you touched it?” 


He nodded. “Like when I go into the sea.”


“Cool,” I said. 


“That’s not cool. That’s annoying. That Smokers' hits really hurt,” Luffy grumbled. 


“Right. But we are going to the Grand Line. There will be plenty of Devil Fruit users. It would be good to not have to run to the sea every time I need to fight one. And since we haven’t learned Haki yet, I need something.”


“Yeah yeah,” Luffy said walking away. 


“Land ho!” Usopp yelled from the crows nest atop the mast. 


We all turned straight ahead. Far in the distance was a rocky peak. We gathered at the front deck. 


“That it?” Sanji asked as we leaned forward on the front railing. 


“Looks like it,” Nami said. “In Logue town I heard we just have to ride the current and make sure to stay centered so we don’t crash into the rocky walls.”


“So exciting,” Luffy said. “Our real adventure is about to start.”


“Finally,” Nami said. A large seagull with a paperboy sac on its shoulder flew down. It pulled out a paper from its pack with it’s beak and handed it to her while she handed it some money. 


“Are we sure we want to do this?” Usopp asked. “In Logue Town I heard they called the Grand Line the pirates graveyard.”


“Hell yeah,” Luffy said. “This is so exciting.”


“Oh no,” Nami said. We turned to her. She held up 2 sheets of paper. One was Luffy’s bounty poster. And the other was mine. 


“No way!” I said laughing loudly as I grabbed it. “This is when we were running from Smoker!” I said remarking on the picture of my bounty. The Jitte on my shoulder, I had a stern look on my face. I thought it was from when I was running to the shore for seawater. 


“How much?” Zoro asked. 


“Ugh 15,000,000 berries. Lame,” I said sadly. But I still wore a smile on my face. “They’re calling me Pirate Ninja Weston. What the hell did I do to deserve a bounty? Eh who cares. This is awesome.”


“That’s not awesome,” Nami said. “We are going to have more people after us.”


“Good for you,” Luffy said. “Soon enough we will all have bounties.”


“Hell yeah,” Zoro said. After he said that we heard the firing of the cannon. Our eyes drawn back the cannon splashed in the water off port. 


“Marines!” Usopp yelled as he looked through his lenses. 


“We need speed,” Nami said, running to the helm. As she yelled orders I clicked the Pick button next to the Weapon Choice. The weapon choice was filled with the Seastone Jitte wordage. I had practiced with the Chikyugi Necklace for storing it. I simply pushed the Seastone Jitte into my screen and it disappeared. 


More cannonballs were fired as we did what we could to speed up. But once everything was done we were at the aft of the ship watching the marines get closer and closer. Going way faster than we were. 


I racked my brain for what happened. What had changed. The Straw Hats were supposed to get to the Grand Line unmolested. 


“Straw Hats!” A loud voice said over a microphone. It was deep and since we only heard it the day before it was easy to place. 


“Give up!” Smoker yelled out from the marine ship. I understood what had changed the canon. Me. Since I’d stolen the Seastone Jitte he gave chase. 


“Never!” Luffy yelled. The quest appeared. 


One Piece Quest 4

Help the other Straw Hats Escape by stalling the marines.



20,000,000 Berries


It wasn’t like I was not going to help them. And the money would help me learn Haki. I turned to see the mountain closer to us. It was only a couple miles away, but not close enough. 


“You’ll never make it, Straw Hat crew!” Smoker yelled after another cannonball was shot. This one was much closer. “The Grand Line isn’t like here. Do you have a Log Pose! We will just follow you and you’ll sail blindly until we catch you!”


“Fuck!” I said. 


“What’s a Log Pose?” Nami asked from the helm.


“Compasses for the Grand Line. Normal ones don’t work. There should be someone with one when we enter. We need that. We can’t go anywhere without it.”


“What the hell. Why didn’t we get one in Logue Town?” Nami asked. 


“I forgot!” I said as another cannonball hit closer. I could tell they were just warning shots. Smoker might just want an excuse to get to the Grand Line. “I didn’t see any Log Poses anyway. We can’t let them catch us.”


“Guess we gotta fight,” Luffy said. Cracking his knuckles as the marines drew closer. 


The others prepared for the fight as well. But I went through what would happen. There was Laboon. And whiskey peak. And getting Chopper. The island with the fighting giants. And Vivi. All kind of boring to be honest. 


“I’m going to stop them,” I said. I ran to my room grabbing the book. When I was back up on the deck the mountain and marines were both closer. 


“Alright guys, I’m gonna go sabotage their ship,” I said. 


“What?” “They’ll kill you” “lets all go” the crew said. 


“No, it had to be me,” I said. “You need to get to the Grand Line. I won’t be able to follow you. I doubt a ship will come by to let me hitch a ride.”


“We can wait,” Luffy said. 


“No. There’s something I need to take care of,” I said. “I’ll join back up with you guys at the Alabasta kingdom.”


“What? Where? Why?” Nami asked. A little more frantic than I expected from her. 


“It’s alright,” I said. “This is the way it has to be. If you wait for me you might miss something important. Get the Log Pose. I will hold these guys off and try to draw them away. Get to the Grand Line. There is a kingdom that all roads lead to. Alabasta. There’s some bad stuff going on there. I’m sure you all will get involved.”


“I still don’t understand. Why are you doing this?” Nami asked. 


“Because I can feel it. This is what needs to happen,” I said. “Trust me, alright. I’ll see you guys in a few weeks.”


“You sure you don’t need help?” Zoro asked. 


“No. I won’t be fighting them. Sabotage is one of many tricks a Pirate Ninja needs to know. Read this book while I’m gone, or I’ll be pissed, alright?” I threw the Haki guide to Luffy. 


“Weston, as your captain I don’t think you should do this. Let’s fight them. They should have a log pose we could use,” Luffy said seriously. 


“I know, captain. But there are things I know need to happen. And you all need the Log Pose you get on the other side of that mountain. Or it could all go to crap. There’s a kingdom in trouble. And I think I’ll be able to help there more than you guys. Again. I’ll be in Alabasta waiting.”


Nami had a few tears in her eyes. “What? I’m not dying, Nami. How about a bet? 10,000,000 berrie says I beat you to Alabasta.”


She wiped her tears, cracking a smile. “Fine,” she said. “But if you die, I’ll be pissed.”


I nodded. “Captain, permission to depart?” I asked with a salute. 


Another cannonball hit. This one sprayed us with water. Luffy frowned but nodded. “Usopp, try not to run away too much. Sanji, I’d love a good steak when I get back. Zoro, try not to let them all do anything stupid. Luffy, read that damn book. Nami, I’m looking forward to winning our bets.”


I turned around. Doing the hand sign I formed 4 shadow clones. All 5 of us jumped down as one. Landing on the water we Naruto ran at the Marine ship, running on the water. 


When I was a hundred feet away they began to fire guns at me. I made another shadow clone where I was standing and dropped my real body into the water. I was sure I was fast enough where they didn’t see. 


Swimming under water I watched as all 5 shadow clones were shot with guns and turned into smoke. By that time I was already to the ship. Unnoticed, I swam to the back of the ship. Breaking the wood rudder in some hard punches they began to turn as the rudder no longer kept them on course. 


Coming up for air I charged my body with chakra, climbing on the hull of the ship. There was yelling from the deck as they panicked. Directionless, they slowed themselves down. 


Climbing to the front I peeked over the rail to see Smoker yelling at people. I found the microphone he was using near the front. Grabbing it I sat on the rail and yelled out to my crew. 


“I’ll hold them off guys. Have fun. See you in a few weeks!” Waving I thought I saw a few of them do the same. Then there was a mad scramble as they began to rise up the mountain. I watched as they rose up and up. Then eventually disappeared at the peak. 


Letting out a sigh I turned to see Smoker biting down hard on his cigars. “Give me my Jitte,” he said. “I’ll go easy on you.”


“No, I like it,” I said. “Besides, you can’t even swim. Don’t think I have much to worry about. Just let the other straw hats go. I’ll let you replace your rudder if you promise to turn around.”


“Can’t do that, Weston,” Smoker said. “Can’t let pirates go.”


I let out a long sigh. “Sucks for you and me, I guess. Let me know when you’re ready to turn around.” With that I jumped into the water behind me. 


After turning in my quest I stored my money and set up shop at the base of Reverse Mountain. While the marines scrambled to replace it I played around with the Jitte.


Making a water chakra sword took effort. But when I had a size I liked I felt pretty happy with it. Especially when I found I could throw it and control my chakra. My own giant water kunai. 


I was surprised it only took the marines a few hours to replace the rudder. When they started moving forward I swam under the water and broke it again. 


They had one more spare but that didn’t last long either. Smoker was their best fighter and he couldn’t go in the water. They fired guns but bullets only had power a few inches into water. 


The next day I made the same offer to let them go. They didn’t reply and fired their cannons at me. I waited at the base of Reverse Mountain. This time it took them a whole day to carve a manageable rudder. Instead of moving forward they made a wide arc and turned around. I waved them off. Ninja powers were OP in One Piece. Especially since the strongest people couldn’t swim. After that I started running.


The fastest most ships could travel was about 8 knots. Which is about 10 miles per hour. Charging myself with chakra I could run about 20. I spent the next few days simply running. 


It was great chakra control training. And since I was always controlling water around me I was getting stronger. Preparing for the Chunin Exam. I didn’t plan on quitting One Piece just yet, but I did plan to go back to Naruto world. I needed to get laid. 


Everyday I thought of exiting the world. Going to Naruto world. Spending a day in bed with Reina and Hina. Then jumping out. But I put it off. 


If I went back I wanted to stay for a bit. Besides, I wasn’t sure if I was ready for the Chunin exam. I had the Jitte which I was training with, but I didn’t know how to wield it correctly. I was just swinging it around. 


I needed a sword trainer. I knew of tons of people that could teach me from anime’s. But no idea which door to take to get to them. If any. I could stay in One Piece and find someone but I didn’t want to miss the guys in Alabasta. 


So I ran. A ship passed by one day, going my direction. I jumped on the deck and slept. No one paid me any mind. When I felt I was far enough I headed toward the Grand Line. 


The Grand Line current was flanked on either side by areas that were called Calm Belts. They were impossible to sail through. No wind. No current. Only mountain sized sea monsters. 


But I was a lone human, running on water. There was nothing stopping me from traversing it. I ran and trained for a couple of days. And when I started to fear I got turned around and was running along the Calm Belt instead of through it I saw a ship in the distance.  


Running to it the ship was farther away than I realized. Then I noticed that the ship also had a sea beast attacking it. A giant 300 foot tall toad faced fish with hands was attacking the pirate ship. Or more specifically the 2 giant snakes driving the ship. 


The snakes were losing. Badly. People on the ship were yelling and attacking the frog fish. But they were barely making a dent. One of the snakes was bit in the neck and went limp. Then I got the quest. 


One Piece Quest 5

Save the Kuja pirates from the sea king



40,000,000 Berries


Kuja pirates were from the isle of women and run by Boa Hancock, the most beautiful woman in the world. Someone I really wanted to meet. But watching them I didn’t think I’d fare any better against the sea beast. 


I did the only thing I could think of. “World Escape,” I said. 

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