Canon Fodder


I was in the red illuminated dark room once more. I’d had plenty of time to think about my plan and headed into the Naruto world. I was still next to the pond with Yamato. He had just shown me an attack jutsu with water. I had just finished my water chakra training. Back when I did it I was exhausted, but the current me was fresh and ready to go. 


“You okay?” He asked. 


I nodded. “Would you mind showing that skill again?” 


He frowned but nodded. He made the hand seals and a giant water serpent rose up from the water hitting the trees one more. 


Stepping next to him I did the same. Chakra poured out of me more naturally and went into the water. I felt my mind connect to the chakra serpent and raised it above the water. About a quarter the size of Yamato’s it didn’t have near the destruction his did. But it was an attack. 


“Very good!” Yamato said amazed. His amazed tone was very monotone, but I could tell by the widening of his eyes. “I thought you would have been out of chakra. And for a first attempt that was amazing. You really must be a genius.”


I had a cheat but I accepted the compliment. I thanked Yamato and told him I wanted to rest before the tournament. He offered to let me ask any questions I had and we went our separate ways. 


As we parted my body was racked with some pain. I thought I was under attack but realized I’d gotten stronger in One Piece world. So my body had to get stronger here as well.


Not near as bad as the last time I was quickly running back to my house. Chakra filling my body I jumped from rooftop to rooftop until I was in the courtyard of our home. 


“Young master,” Hina said with a smile. The blonde girl was a sight for sore eyes. “When did you-“ I attacked her. My body on her instantly my mouth was on hers as my tongue entered her mouth. 


Allowing the floodgates to open my Chikyugi was filled with chakra. She moaned in my mouth as I pushed her down the all to our room. Moaning and gasping, her body shuddered as I used Lust Element for the first time in a long time. 


Lust aura and Pleasure poured out of me as I groped her everywhere. She began cumming as I kicked open the door. Gasping as her body was rocked with pleasure I picked her up, and laid her down. 


Practically ripping off her kimono she moaned happily as my clothes disappeared. My large dick was rock hard as I entered her already sopping wet cunt. 


She came again as soon as I entered fully. Her nails digging into me I thrust while kissing her. It only took 5 thrusts for me to cum in her. Groaning in her mouth she tried to cry out as I filled her with chakra charged semen. Her body thrown into her own orgasm as I painted her insides. 


“Huh huh huh,” she breathed out when she recovered from the powerful orgasm. “You have been so tired lately. I’m glad you’re feeling better.”


“Me too,” I said. Kissing her. It was only a day since she saw me. But a couple of weeks since I saw her. “Thank you for becoming my maid,” I said. 


She blushed. “Thank you for having me.” I wanted to chuckle. But I was too horny. I started humping into her again. As I did, Reina came in. Her cheeks flushed as she watched us. 


My dick bulged inside Hina as I saw her. Large melons, long dark hair, my head maid was also apparently sexually frustrated while I trained. 


I pulled Hina up. My dick rock hard inside of her. Then laid my back on the floor. Hina on top in. cowgirl position, I looked to Reina. “On my face. Now.” 


She blushed but opened her kimono. Her chest swaying as she walked she stood over my face and sat down. Straddling my head I buried my face in her pussy. Moving Lust chakra to my lips she began moaning as her hands gripped my chest.


It wasn’t long until Hina started riding me. Rocking back and forth the girls came sporadically. Reina screamed loudly as her quivering lips gushed fluid into my mouth. If wasn’t long until I was cumming in Hina again. Another powerful orgasm moving through her body she tapped out and laid on the floor to watch as Reina took her throne. 


The heavy chested woman came as soon as I entered her as well. Leaning forward I nibbled on her nipples as her body got used to my size. 


“Missed you,” I said. Losing up to her neck. 


“You saw me this morning,” she whispered. 


“I know. Just haven’t given you 2 the attention you deserve,” I said. 


“You’re working hard,” she said. Her body starting to move again. Her nipples running along my skin felt heavenly. Her tight cunt squeezing me as she moved back and forth made me groan. “Keep working hard. And we will be here for you at the end of the day.” I nodded. Pulling her lips to mine as we kissed. 


What followed was a night filled with sex. As one of the girls tired out the other would tap in. By the time dawn came around they had both passed out. I was feeling better than I had in the last few days. Mika had said that sex would replenish me. I really felt it then. 


I showed my parents my water Jutsu and they were proud. A little too proud. Calling me a once in a lifetime genius since I had gone from knowing nothing to learning an attack move in less than a month. I felt bad but didn’t correct them. 


I got a few hours of sleep midday. And when I awoke I attacked the girls again. Cumming in them all over again they screamed my name and were eventually unable to continue. They thought we might need to get a 3rd maid. But I told them my extreme lust was only temporary. 


After the 24 hours was up I reluctantly used World Escape while Reina and Hina were passed out on my shoulders.  


Back in the room I looked around. I guessed the west wall where Naruto and One Piece were located had a theme. I was imagining the most popular mangas in history perhaps. Or weird powers used. I guessed either Hunter x Hunter or My Hero Academia or Yu Yu Hakusho was the other door. 


I really wanted to learn to use my Seastone Jitte though. Gantz was tough since it was the blind leading the blind. And I still didn’t feel confident there. I was superhumanly strong. But not rip someone’s arm off with a simple tug strong, so I didn’t want to risk that world yet. 


That left High School of the Dead. Luckily there was a character in the manga that actually knew how to use the sword. Saeko Busujima. Practitioner of kendo and the Michonne of the High School of the Dead. The manga itself was pretty old. With only 30 comics it still held a huge following. Mainly because of the busty main cast, but still, it had it’s moments. I had read it some time ago, and I remembered some, but not all of it. I needed practice with my new weapon and who better to wail on than millions of zombies. 


The only issue I was having was what I should do. I pulled up my current quest from my Status Screen. 


High School of the Dead Quest 1

Escape the school grounds with as many survivors as possible.



Improved Physique


From what I remembered the manga was pretty fast paced. Over 30 comics they only spanned the length of about a week. I would need to survive 24 hours to escape the world. I didn’t think that would be too hard, but I wasn’t sure. My main question was should I stick to the canon. Should I follow the kids and the drama? Or go my own way? 


Killing hordes of zombies. In the manga the first thing they did was escape the school. I decided on finding out what happened after I did the quest. If I kept getting them I would probably follow the plot, but if I didn’t I might go off on my own. It depended on how things went. . 


Letting out a sigh I stepped through the door with a key in front of it. The first door I had entered when coming to the room with the doors. 


Everything was black for a moment. As it came into focus I found myself back in the toilet stall as a zombie hit against the door. Pulling up my status screen I pulled the Seastong Jitte out. Kicking the door surprisingly took some effort. When I got it the zombie man was thrown into the sink. Growling I used both hands to push the tip of the Jitte into the once-man’s head. It took effort, but it sunk in and made the zombie drop…deader. 


I breathed in and out heavily. Staring at the mirror I understood why I was struggling as the pain started in my body. Dropping down on the floor I felt my body grow and expand as my World Lasting Physique took effect. Grinding my teeth to prevent myself from yelling out in pain my muscles spasmed uncontrollably. 


Then as quickly as it started, the pain was gone. I breathed in and out heavily as I recovered from the pain. When I got up I looked in the mirror again. Opening my school uniform shirt I noticed that now I was jacked. I already had memories of this version of me. I was 16 years old, a 2nd year student in high school. American mom, japanese dad, they were out of town. I was bullied and spent my time jerking off, reading manga, or playing video games. Pretty much what happened in my real life as a kid.

Buttoning my shirt back up I practiced with the Jitte in the body. The Seastone Jitte was about 5 feet long. A blue seastone structure, it was a main rod that went from grip to rounded tip. Around the hilt was a fork that was used to block and twist blades when fighting. In traditional Japan the jitte was a dagger sized weapon. Smoker happened to use a giant one. 


Speakers above my head kicked on with an announcement. “Attention all students and staff. A violent outbreak has taken place on school grounds. All students are instructed to follow staff members to safety at once. I repeat-gyah-no stay away. Don’t-bzzz, Ahhhh!” The line went dead. 


“That’s my cue,” I said. Pushing chakra into the Jitte I controlled the seawater to stay around the cylinder of the weapon. Condensing it into a blade I made it smaller this time. With any luck no one would notice that it was actual water, and not a blue sword. 


I heard screams in the hall. It was time. I had always prepped myself mentally what I would do if a zombie apocalypse happened. I was stuck in this world for 24 hours. But I was fucking Pirate Ninja. I wasn’t stuck in there with the zombies, they were stuck in the world with me…I needed to make sure to yell that line at a badass moment. 


I kicked open the door. 2 girls running down the hall a trio of zombies staggered after them. Slicing with the Jitte the water splashed across the face of the first one. It knocked him down and cursed. Compressing the water further I made it into a simple thick cylinder, more bat-like than sword-like. When hitting something I had to focus to keep the water chakra on the Jitte. 


Slashing at another one the zombie’s nose was crushed in. Barely any blood spraying I needed to remember if it was bites or zombie blood that turned you. The 3rd zombie lunged at me. Stepping back I sliced up. More strength in the hit I busted the jaw bone. Finally getting the hang of how much strength to use I bashed down, busting the skulls of the zombies one by one. 


“You-you killed them,” one of the girls that had been running said. I turned to the duo. 


“Bitch, zombies in the room, get your head in the game,” I said. Turning down the hall I knew my way around pretty well. I needed to get to the base level. At an intersection a few boys and a girl were running from a bigger group of zombies. I ran forward, speeding up as I became more confident with the weapon, bashing their heads in 1 hit, I only had to double tap 2 of them. 


“Let’s get the fuck out of here,” I said, looking toward my growing crowd of students. 


“What the hell, Weston,” one of them said. 

“No time,” I said as I heard another scream. 


I moved quickly, not waiting for them. Not channeling chakra in my body, I needed to save it all for the blade. I used a big chunk making the water, but keeping the thick coating around the blade was mentally taxing. Staying on alert at all times I killed another 3 zombies. My ever growing group of followers mumbled and stuck behind me a ways. 


A zombie attacked one of them, but I was on him in an instant. Jumping over the group I slashed down on the zombie before the kid could get bit. The dead guy crumbled and I was moving to the front again. 

Eyes always scanning I was getting into it. I had strength, resources, and pretty much anything someone like me would need. With that thought I brought up my World Store. 


High School of the Dead World Shop:





Food was as it sounded. Everything was in yen, but I was pretty sure the conversion rate between yen and USD was about 100 yen to 1 USD. So 300 yen for a pound of chicken wasn’t terrible. In weapons there were mainly melee weapons. There were guns, but not too many. In miscellaneous I found ammo, a vehicle, even portable toilets and toilet paper. Everything a growing boy would need in the apocalypse. 


“Money,” I said looking to my group of 20 kids. They had multiplied at some point. “Give me your money.”

“What?!” “Why?” “No way” “Okay” they said. 

I looked to the mousy girl that had said okay. “I like you,” I said. “Alright you want to stick with me I need fighters. Who is willing to kill some zombies?” 


“I don’t have a weapon,” a boy said. “But I’ll help.” 


“Good. Give me your money. Everyone, money, now, or leave the group.” People grumbled and began to curse, about half went for their money. I started walking through taking the yen. I pulled my own money out and pushed it into my status screen. I had 10,865.  


“Cheap bastards,” I said. Going through weapons I bought 3 aluminum bats. They appeared in my hand. Eyes went wide as I passed one to the kid that said he would help. 


“Who else?” I asked. 

“How’d you do that?” Someone asked, amazed. 


“Fucking magic. Worlds going to shit and you got time for dumb questions like that? Just be glad I can,” I said. 

“I’ll take one,” another boy said. 

“You didn’t pay, pay and you can have it,” I said. He sneered but nodded. Pulling a stack of cash out I smiled wide. Grabbing it all before he could split some off I threw it all in my screen. I had another 20,000 yen. 


“Who else wants a bat?” I asked. More hands raised. “Pay up.” More people dug into wallets and over half had a bat and I still had a mighty fine profit when I was done. 


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