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Chapter 105 — Y5: Brainwash Roulette

A special thanks to all of my subscribers!

Okay~  Ready for our pre-storytime exercise?

Oh, I’m certain I can squeeze some energy out of you for this… 

Mhm, mhm, juuuust like that~  Now, focus on the hottest thing that you can --

-- perfect~  Let’s do it a few more times, to make sure you’ve got it.  

Okay!  Good!  You can get hard with a thought!

That’s a very advanced technique that normally requires years of training to manage, so it’s a good thing you’ve got me helping you out~


No, I don’t know how to go soft with a thought.

Why would I ever learn something as useless as that?  

Almost, almost -- a-ah fuck yes!

Haaaaa… haaaaa… Good.  Okay, okay, good.

You’re learning at an impressive pace, but pushing you any more might fry your brain.  Let’s do storytime, and I can make sure that what you’ve learned has stuck when we’re done~

…You know, if you have energy to complain about that, you have energy to go another round…



Glad to hear there are no complaints~  Let’s go!  

This entire chapter is basically a ‘mind control ferris wheel’.  It’s meant to be as lewd-funny as possible, and little else.  There shouldn’t be anything here that’s particularly problematic.

Let’s see… ah, yes, I had just talked about how Takeo and our people managed to take care of the Sexual Submission School for Sluts.  And how Takeo managed to grab all sorts of salvage from it, in the process.

What resulted was an… uh…

…Interesting… month.

A month where every three days, brainwashed me in a different way.  

No, I’m not joking!  I’m serious!  He used the first day to brainwash me, the second day to ensure the brainwashing was stable, and the third day was a rest day -- and then he repeated it all over again!

I have the entire order memorized, too.

…Ah, uh, fair warning.

I might swap back and forth between various, um, ‘brainwashed settings’ or the like while describing them, okay?

S-sure, yeah, I can show you the details of the blessing again.  

[Rare Blessing:  Piper’s Gift]
[Requirements:  Break reality’s limits due to overlapping instances of willingly embraced mind control on your own self]
[Effects:  I could make this sound super fancy but bleck.  Here’s the deets:  Having your mind fucked with is super hot, but sometimes, you want to have you mind fucked with in different ways, you know?  One day you want to be a maid, the other day a succubus, and no, a succubus maid doesn’t count.  Frustratingly, erasing past instances of brainwashing is super hard, and also not fun, so now you don’t have to!

Now you can have as many different brainwashed edicts, rules, limitations, roles, memories, what-fucking-ever you want, even if they contradict!

Especially if they contradict~

You’ll just swap between them based on context and stuff.

You’re welcome~]

… … …

J-just shut up and let me start.  

First up was a rather simple change:  Turning my infatuation toward him into submission and obedience.

It was really an easy revelation to have, to realize that I didn’t want him as my husband, but as my master, my owner, the one who dictated all for me.  Because he deserved it, and because I deserved it, and because it would have been perfection.  I only remembered to wear my proper attire on the second day, but in my defense, I hadn’t worn my maid outfit in far too long.

…Unfortunately, he was only my Master for a scant three days… but in my heart of hearts, he will always be my one true lord.

Haaa… I pray that one day he will take me once more, as is right and just… 

Second went from ‘slave’ to ‘haremette’, which was just, like… really?  It wasn’t any different to how I was before!

I was still obsessed with him, and wanted him as my husband, obviously.  And as a proper wife-to-be, it was only natural that I wanted him to be happy, right?

And if that required more girls for him to stick his dick into, then who am I to possibly gainsay that?  Oh sure he claimed he didn’t, but really.  I know men.  I just know he’ll change his mind after he gets a taste of his proper and deserved married life.

…What?!  He's my husband!  Or, uh, will be!  Would have become!  One of those!  And it was and is his right to have as many wives as he wants, and that’s just a fact! 

Third was -- embarrassing.  He, ah.  Actually managed to -- somehow -- temporarily reduce my innate sexual corruption?  Or, like, it’s --

-- f-fuck, these tits are huge, how did I work around them again…?  R-right, ah, it was like -- I was in a constant state of vague embarrassment?  It wasn’t -- w-well, it was kinda fun, but also --

-- EEK!  My tail -- n-no, no, stay away from my pussy, bad tail!  

Um, um, right, right, what was next, what was next… 

Fourth, right!  Fourth was when we learned we were related.

…What’s with that look?

…You look like you’re trying to hold back laughter, but there’s nothing funny about what I’ve said…

Hrmph.  Should I wait for you to let it out?


Are you sure?

…Okay then…

So, the fourth was when I learned he was older brother.

It was really quite obvious when he told me.  It was irrefutable.

…Hm?  What are you talking about?

It was really quite obvious when he told me.  It was irrefutable.

…Why are you insisting on learning the details?

It was really quite obvious when he told me.  It was irrefutable.

…Now you look like you need to laugh again.  Hrmph.  I’ll just carry on, I suppose.

So, after learning that he was my big brother, our relationship -- shifted, dramatically, for the next three days.  Because he refused to fuck me!

What?!  What do I care if we’re related?!  If anything, that makes it hotter!  And he was the big brother, while I was the little sister, and his little sis had needs!  It was his responsibility to take care of them, but nooooo… I had to spend three entire days without his cock, trying to seduce him as best I could, and failing even when we took baths together!


It was infuriating. 

At least the fifth change gave me some more… initiative.

The fifth was when we realized that we had the ages wrong.  I wasn’t his younger sister.  I was his older sister.

Really, it made much more sense.  After all, who between the two of us is more capable?

I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that, but only because I need you in one piece.  So think about that next time I give you a question with an obvious answer.


Takeo is not more capable than me.

…He is, however, more adorable~

My adorable little bro, getting all flustered when he sees his big sis getting changed, or when he spies her underwear~

I just had to tease him a bit for it, you know?

Just a bit!

It was amazing~ 

Sadly, the sixth was when he did something dreadful.

He made me unable to stand the idea of sex.

I just… just…

…urgh… just thinking about it is making me shiver.  I’m just going to skip this one… 

The seventh nearly failed, because he tried to make me need sex!

Which was rather funny, because, you know.

I already did?

He kept on trying to apply the brainwashing, and it kept on not working.  Not because it wasn’t taking -- it was, I was being brainwashed -- but the before and after differential tests showed no change had taken place in my personality.

The brainwashing was working… but it didn’t matter because that’s who I was anyway~

Goddesses above, I’m such a slut~

In the end, he swapped to brainwashing me to think that I was always a girl, which… duh?

I don’t get why he bothered.  Do I act like I was once a guy?  Like I could ever have been a guy?

…Yeah, right?!  

Takeo was satisfied with that one, though, so I just kinda mentally shrugged and accepted it. 

The eighth was also weird.

I mean, why brainwash me to make me think we were married, when we had already exchanged our vows?

Oh stop laughing, I know it was a silly turn of events, but I loved him and he loved me!  We knew we couldn’t be certain that we would survive the Evil God of Chastity and Purity, so… well… we took the plunge.

Well, whatever.  At the very least, I had three days off, three days of pure domestic bliss instead of being brainwashed into every-which-thing possible.  

The ninth had me as his pet.

Not, I should note, as his slave -- but as his pet.  His pet cat, to be precise.  He even got out the transforming mirror for me to use to help return to my real body, with my perfect cat ears and a lovely tail.

I wish you could've seen them.  I don't feel quite like myself without them.  

…The brainwashing isn't quite taking without them, actually.  Hrmf.  And I like being a succubus better, so…

Oh well.  Anyway!

When I asked him why it was a ‘cat’ instead of the more normal ‘dog’, his response was to laugh.  Laugh!  When I asked again, with a huff, he clarified.

According to master, dogs can be ‘obedient and well-behaved’, while cats will ‘break things to see if they can’.

One described me, and the other didn’t.

So I guess I wasn’t a dog.

I was a cat.

…At least that meant all I had to do to get those glorious pets was to crawl up to him and rub my head against his leg! 

The tenth brainwashing session, the last of the month, was… interesting.

Interesting, in that it didn’t work quite as well as the prior attempts.

The tenth was his attempt to make me fall out of love with him.  A direct attempt to counter his ‘fall for me’ aura.

It didn’t take at all during the first day; at most, the various tools he used on me gave me a headache.  His school projector seemed to be fuzzy, his chalk squealed on the blackboard, and his simple candies made me more stressed instead of more relaxed!

The second day… well.  Its verse was the same as the first.  Headache, pain, agony, frustration.

The third day, however, he had only just started battering down the very, very well-built wall that was composed of my infused adoration for him.

By the end of it… with a pen that flashed light at specific intervals, to push a command into my subconscious… I felt something in my brain almost -- crack.

It wasn’t a pleasant sensation.

It was actually quite painful, and panic inducing.

I knew that something was about to go very, very, very wrong…

…when I felt Piper’s blessing slot into place in my soul.

And suddenly the pain and panic was gone, leaving me with a small headache and slight amounts of panic when I thought back to what happened.

And best of all?

I could finally hate Takeo again!

Properly hate!

Not brainwashed-hate!

Because his ‘seduction aura’ counted as mind control, which meant I could shuffle it to the side whenever it wasn’t relevant!

We were both relieved when we realized that.  We could finally have a proper relationship~

I mean, uh.

In theory.

Not that I wanted one or anything.

…Stupid brainwashing. 

By then, almost four months had passed.  I had managed to obtain two of the four blessings that I needed to have a chance at being minted, obtained an extra shard, and two of the four problem hexes had been dealt with.

As for the other two, the First Tentacle Beast and the cauldron, we had definitely located the first, but the third was proving… tricky.

…And we were pretty sure we knew where the Evil God of Chastity and Purity would spawn, but we weren’t sure enough to bet on it.

Overall, things were going -- pretty well.

Yuki had her plan in place for a blessing of Addiction, and from there, it wouldn’t be too hard to obtain the blessing of Humiliation.  And then I’d have all I needed to get minted.

The shard math was looking pretty solid, as well.

If I managed to become a goddess and get the three shards from the Evil God of Chastity and Purity, and if every goddess except Roberta sided with Modesty against the chief god, then we were looking at… let me see… Chief God had thirty… minus one for me, plus three for Pandora… that’s… thirty two under his control.

Minus the one world shard and plus the six shards found from retired Axiomanagers, starting from sixty four, there were a total of sixty nine shards, total.

With Roberta and her three shards on his side, the chief god had thirty five of those shards -- while Modesty had a total of thirty four.  If we managed to get one from Pandora from getting her a husband, that would then swap the totals -- from thirty five versus thirty four against us, to thirty five versus thirty four for us.

A victory by one, single, shard.

Which is all we would need.

When going over the math, and upon realizing it was actually feasible, Modesty almost melted into her chair out of relief.

Of course, well, that count assumed that we managed to find, and somehow flip, the traitor amongst the first five goddesses.

See, if even one goddess sided with the chief god instead of us?  Then the count wouldn’t work out.  Modesty clearly had something up her sleeve because she was willing to push for it even if her side ended up losing by a few shards, but ideally, whatever her plan was wouldn’t be needed.

And in order to get that ideal scenario, the traitor amongst the five goddesses couldn’t be allowed to have a repeat performance.

…Unfortunately, we were never able to find out.  Have still never been able to find out.  Not for certain.

But Shimizu's gossiping with Futaba eventually told us enough about the Goddess of Futanari that we felt comfortable taking a guess.  

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