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Chapter 106 — Y5: Not The First

A special thanks to all of my subscribers!

Are you ready for your next sexual study session~?

Glad to hear it~


You’ll need this notebook, this pencil -- ohh, it’s mechanical!  I forgot how neat these are!  Also this eraser, and… hmmm… no, I think that’s it.


Take notes, because there will be a test later.

As always, everything I state refers to the average member of the population of a normal world with normal humans like this one, and there are always exceptions.

First lesson:  Why vaginal insertion is not the part that gives women the most sexual pleasure.

Wha -- Yes I’m an exception!  Every MISSY slut is an exception!  If every woman in this world was like us it would be so fucked!  There needs to be people that do things other than sex for society to function, and --

-- argh!

Notes!  Take them!  I have a twenty three page lesson plan and we’re going to follow it, dammit! 

…And that’s why lube, and the type of lube, is very important.  Sometimes even for vaginal sex… 

…Okay, are you ready?  Good.  Here’s the test.  No complaining about the length!  It’s thorough! 

Hmmm… grading this will take a while.  Feel free to fuck me while I go through it.

…Oh!  I didn’t, uh, actually expect you to -- nonono, this is fine!  Should I sit on your lap or just bend over? 

…And overall, you got a ninety-six out of one hundred!  

Well, ninety-three, but you made me cum three times while grading it, so I gave you some extra points.

Not as good as a sixty-nine, but maybe that’s just me being juvenile.

Well done!

We’ll go into the advanced lessons some other time.

Oh there’s no reason to look so horrified!  It’ll be great!  Besides, for now, you can relax, as we get to storytime~ 



It’s a thing.

It’s -- haaaa.  Okay, look, I don’t like the idea of killing anything that can do basic arithmetic in their heads.  Or that is of a species that is able to do that in general.

Goddesses above, I’d rather be talking about sex, but here we are…

Sometimes, in an imperfect world, it’s the only option.  Like, say, when you’re defending yourself; if you’re not skilled or strong enough to reliably use non-lethal methods to take down your opponent, then lethal measures are -- well -- frankly, understandable.

And sometimes, somebody is too big of a threat to let them keep on living.

Which is just… ugh.  Sorry.  Just, to back up for a bit -- I get that it’s a bit ridiculous that I feel the need to even say this.  Futaba is amoral, has shown no signs of feeling guilty for any of her actions, and by all rights would be worse than the chief god if she ever had the chance -- somebody who I was already in agreement about fighting with everything I had.

On the other hand, it’s murder.

If you want to tone this bit out, then that’s fine, but I need to get it out, yeah?

…Okay.  Yeah.  Thanks.

So, uh, back to where I was… right.  Sometimes, somebody is too big of a threat to let them keep on living.  And I feel dirty even thinking that sentence, let alone saying it.


I’m going to start with why I dislike murder, and then move on to the whole ‘Futaba’ thing.  Okay?  Okay.

…So.  There are… eh… I suppose you can say two reasons why I don’t like the idea of killing people.  The first reason, the real reason, is because killing people feels icky and I don’t like it.


It does!

People are people!  You shouldn’t have to kill them, that's barbaric!  I don’t like how the idea feels and I don’t want to do it, like, ever!

So there!

If that’s not why most people dislike the idea of ‘murder’, I’ll eat out my tail.

…I know what I said.

Now.  The second reason, the philosophical reason, the reason I use when I’m thinking too much about my actions and morality, is because needing to kill somebody means that you have failed.  And they have succeeded.

It’s -- okay.  Here’s what I believe to be a fair assumption about ‘society’ as a whole:  ‘Ideally, society can accept all individuals, and offers proper treatments or aid for those that fail to fit into the paradigm’.

For example, somebody who is cripplingly depressed doesn’t fit into society.  They can’t work, they can’t create, they can’t do much of anything but -- well, feel sad, really.  That’s not somebody that fits into a collective like ‘society’.

So we offer treatment.

Friends and family.  Medication.  Therapists.  All of those and more, and society, ideally, brings this person out of depression -- and thus, they then add to society, and interact with it in a healthy fashion.

When you are in a group, in a ‘society’, that has decided to ‘kill somebody’, then you are admitting that there is no method for them to become proper members of your group.  There is no possibility that you can envision that could be done that would not cost far, far more and with a far lesser chance of working than is appropriate.

And that means your society, your people, have failed.  They have failed to build a society that can ‘accept everyone’ and that can ‘help those it can not accept’.

And it means that whoever you’re killing, has succeeded in pushing you so far that you are willing to break the unspoken contract of your society.  They have pushed you to the point where murder -- execution, death penalty, you can call it whatever it’s all the same -- is something you fit into your society.

It means you would rather accept killing another person, than work to find a way to accept them.

And sometimes, and I hate saying this, that’s required.

…It’s time to talk about Futaba. 

Shimizu was never able to confirm that Futaba was the traitor among the first five goddesses.

But she did confirm that, even if she wasn't, there was no way that Futaba could ever fit into a post-chief-god world.  Not peacefully, not willingly.

It was a conclusion Modesty solemnly agreed with.

Modesty had known Futaba for as long as she’s been a goddess.  And for almost that entire time, she’s been avoiding her.

Futaba didn’t actually spend much time around the others, not since the failed rebellion.  Oh she sometimes showed up to fuck them, but other than that she mostly did her own thing; Modesty, who has a habit of thinking the best of people, presumed that Futaba just showed her worst side to them.  Perhaps out of a similar dislike that Argenta has towards her, it was hard to tell.

Shimizu confirmed that no.

No, she got much, much worse when alone and comfortable.

She had spent a month or two in Futaba’s presence, enough time for her to start relaxing around my friend, and the results, uh.  Weren’t.  Pretty.

Futaba is…

… … …

I could say she’s a sadist, but that’s not -- quite right.  Sure, she enjoys degrading others in a sexual fashion, but that’s more about power for her than anything.  She doesn’t get any sexual pleasure from causing pain, not innately.  Things need to be built up to that.

No, she’s just… cruel, I suppose is the best way I can put it.

Thoughtlessly so, uncaringly so, and without any desire to change.

She puts people down on whim.  The idea of ‘manners cost nothing’ is something she doesn't care about, or even seem to realize she should.  

She wants power, she wants her place above others, she wants people to worship and fear her in equal measure.  Throughout the entire time Shimizu spent with her, Futaba did not do anything for anybody other than herself even once.  

Not for free, at least.

Oh sure, she gave boons to Shimizu, but that -- it wasn’t for Shimizu.  It was done as an expression of her power, and a way to get Shimizu to better represent Futaba’s ideals for the world.

And she tried to get Shimizu onboard with those ideals.

Futaba regularly complained about how what was wrong with the world all stemmed from how her and her futanari weren't in charge to 'do it right'.  She talked like all the goddesses were equally as useless and unworthy as the chief god.  She talked about the glories of her futanari tribes' past wars of conquest and slaving, the triumphs of their victories and the injustices of their defeats. 

Shimizu had tried to find something else in her.  She did.  As much as she could without revealing what she was doing, at least.  

But she couldn’t.  And eventually she couldn't stand being around Futaba and her being increasingly open and insistent in trying to recruit her as her warlord-champion in the Kingdom any longer, so she broke off talking to Futaba and made her report.

So, with the Evil God of Chastity and Purity looming closer than ever, with Argenta and her City of Alchemists growing more ominous by the day, with the vote to overthrow the chief god being the only way to truly win…

…Modesty decided that, traitor or not, she was going to need to kill Futaba sooner or later.  And since Futaba was one possible traitor alongside Desiree, Modesty decided it'd be sooner.

…Not, uh, immediately right now sooner.

Killing a goddess would get the chief god's notice.  So the timing needed to be perfect. 

The next problem was how to kill Futaba.  

There is nothing in MISSY that can hurt or kill goddesses, besides the chief god himself.  

It's a function of his desires being part of the fabric of reality.  He views the goddesses as fundamentally belonging to him, so reality itself keeps them intact.  They can't even hurt each other, beyond sexy catfights.  

And as long as the chief god remained in power, that would be true.  Nothing that ran off MISSY physics could do anything.  

Fortunately, we weren’t solely restricted to items in MISSY.

We happened to have a few items from Radianta.

'We', including Modesty.

She, uh, she had a fucking godkilling sword.

That she'd been sitting on as a secret for centuries.

She just -- said that she had it, when I asked how it was possible to hurt Futaba.

Apparently Dignity themselves had made it for Modesty, and smuggled it to her the same way Dignity had smuggled Jessica and Mini here.  

…Complete with the chief god taking notice of the -- uh -- 

Well apparently I'm not the first isekai from Radianta that Dignity sent over to MISSY!

Dignity sent over another slut a long time ago.  Who had been identified using shard simulation as being a nascent mega-slut.  Who agreed to volunteer for being sent over.  Who then distracted the chief god with sex so he wouldn't pay enough attention to notice the godkiller sword magically hidden inside her.

…f-fuck, I even remember loving that particular optional heroine's sex scenes in Alchemical Corruption Six.  The way she was broken by losing her virginity to the chief god and how much she loved being broken was just…

Back then, I just thought it was hot as fuck.

Now?  Now I think that that it’s even hotter than fuck.

And, uh.

…And I’m kind of jealous…


I asked if it was possible to use it on somebody with more shards, like Roberta or, possibly, Argenta, but Modesty said that wasn't.  The godkilling sword was only made for killing flesh-and-blood goddesses, and Roberta was a robot, while Argenta…

Modesty was worried that Argenta was skilled enough at shardcraft that she'd be able to block the sword's Radianta-shardcraft-murder-magic.  Which Modesty refused to explain how it worked.  

…I'm not sure she understands how it works, either, to be honest.  I get dizzy when I look too closely at most of the shardcraft here in Radianta…

Either way.  Modesty and Shimizu started a little ‘murder and tea’ get together planning Futaba’s eventual demise, while I was left free to -- uh --

…Well.  Uh.  Technically?

Free to get kidnapped. 

Remember Yuki?  The one in charge of my obtaining one of the final two blessings that I needed?

Specifically, the blessing of addiction?

Yeah, uh, she -- she managed to figure something out for that.  After digging into Takeo’s mind for game details that I let slip over his various loops, she learned a few fun details about the First Tentacle Monster.

Specifically, what it can do with some of its attacks.

And then she got some help from Sumiko to improve it!

…Specifically, by making it so that she can use it on, or with, whatever.

…Yes.  Yes, I am being vague here.  Because it’s embarrassing!

Look, there I was, free from needing to worry about murder, and then out of nowhere Yuki drags me off to get me ‘properly addicted’.

Properly addicted to what, you might ask?

Well, primarily her own tentacles, but, uh.

…Other things, too.

Like cocks.

And cum.

And sex.

And, uh --

-- let’s just say she had fun with it and leave it there for today, okay?

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