Capture Target

Chapter 107 — Y5: Penultimate Blessing

Fortunately, this chapter is not the most essential to the story, but still!  It should have been here!

Okay.  Let’s start with a review quiz.

First question, freeform essay:  What is the ‘clitoris’ and why is it important during sex?


Mhm, mhm, good so far!  Okay, question fifty-three, short response:  Why is ‘aftercare’ important after BDSM scenes?

Excellent!  Okay, good, you remembered a satisfactory amount of material!  Now time for the practical exam~

M-mph!  Okay, okay, that’s -- haaaaa, hahaha, wow that was good.  Okay.


…O-one more time.

To be sure you got it!

F-fuuuck yes!  More more more more --

Hahaha, haha, haaaaa, haaaa… woooooow… I’m exhausted.

W-well.  W-well done.


Th-that was.


You know?


Okay, right, grade, grade, grade… um…

…A minus.

…what’s with that look?

That’s better than any grade I’ve given out!

Look, you missed a few details on the importance of lubrication, and when it came for the oral exam your tongue was clearly confused as to where to go.

Those are the biggest ones, but there are other problems as well!

I --

-- oh fine, fine.

I’ll grade it properly and you can use it to study or whatever.

I still say that you did great.

Anyway.  That's later.  Storytime.

I had a mere two blessings left.  Just two.  We weren’t even six months into the final year, and -- ah --

-- well.

To be honest?

We never got to the mid-year festival.

It’s fine!  It’s fine!  No need to panic!  We didn’t lose or anything, just -- things got -- uh -- complicated?

You can worry about that later!  For now, we need to discuss Yuki’s plan.

In case you forgot, I had a whopping twenty-five blessings out of twenty seven.  I needed just two more, and ‘addiction’ was one of them.  That was Yuki’s job to fix.

And fix it she did.

While I was debating whether murdering Futaba was a good idea, our scouting expeditions had managed to find the First Tentacle Monster.  A colossal beast that took up nearly its entire hex, a being of raw sexual potency and addiction.

Of all tentacle monsters in MISSY, this one was the strongest, and most potent, in every way imaginable.  

It was even the smartest, which, by the way, is a terrifying thought, but moving on…

Yuki didn’t quite manage to ‘communicate’ with it.  At best, using her roper symbiote, she managed to make it ‘vaguely curious as to what this tiny ant is doing with my great-great-great-great-grandkid’, but that was enough to get what she was after.

Primal tentacle goo.

This stuff was made by Raleine back when the world was young, and it shows.  These days, with the monsters she creates, the fluids and materials that they use are highly specialized.  Chiten, for example, is rough and strong against slashing and piercing attacks, but very weak against bashing ones.  An oil that a small monster might spray out would be very sticky, and very stinky, but little else.  Wash it off with soap and warm water and you’re good to go.

They perform concrete functions, which enterprising alchemists can use to make a series of finite, discrete effects for their… whatever they make.  Potions, clothing, weapons, etc.

This is generally not true of tentacle monster goo.

Tentacle goo is usually extremely versatile.  It's an aphrodisiac, it's addictive -- I've mentioned how it can replace air, too, right?  So you literally breathe tentacle goo with your lungs instead of air, so you never have to stop sucking tenta-cock!

In alchemy, tentacle goo can be used as a base for potions, it can be used to enhance them, it can stabilize them… there's hardly anything you can do that adding tentacle goo in the right amounts at the right times can't help make the potion better.  

The goo from the first tentacle monster, meanwhile, takes that versatility up to eleven.  

It’s used as the base for almost everything that beast does.  It can be turned into flexible armor for its tentacles that only hardens when struck by attacks; it can be lit on fire after a slight chemical change, turning it into something close to napalm; a slightly different chemical change makes it as cold as liquid nitrogen, which is, somehow, both more and less disturbing than biological napalm spray.

And that’s just the start.  It uses it to heal its wounds, to inflict other kinds of elemental damage, as a fire-and-forget drug for doing all kinds of brainwashing to sluts dosed with it, it can even replace or make new organs at will. .  One could say that it’s a master class of monster design, but, uh.

It isn’t.

The First Tentacle Monster’s goo is a work of art.

It was one of the first things that Raleine was truly passionate about making; a multi-purpose miracle liquid that would let her create any kind of creature she wanted, simply relying on the goo to hold up any gaps in the design.

The First Tentacle Monster was merely the first monster she created using that goo… and it, along with the permissions, recipe, and ingredients for it were all tossed into his personal divine trash can.

Raleine has mentioned that she's a weird kind of embarrassed about the First Tentacle Monster's design because of how much more refined her monster-making skills and techniques have become, how much the chief god stealing the recipe from her has limited her and forced her to innovate.  

That said, the super-tenta-goo's incredible versatility does not come without costs.  If done incorrectly, even just moving it too quickly can cause changes.

Oh, and, don’t let it dry out, or it might explode.

Sometimes.  Or maybe it'll balloon up into being twice its size as it hardens and burst out of the container you have it in while also getting three times heavier.  Or spontaneously evaporate into gas that turns men, women, and everybody else into max-corruption, tentacle addicted sluts.  Or…

…You get the idea.  

Yeah, it’s a nightmare.

So of course, Yuki managed to get several massive tubs full of it, and dragged them into a nearby hex for Shimizu to alchemically stabilize.

And by ‘stabilize’, I mean ‘cheat past the problem using her divine shard’.

Scan it, figure out what’s needed by looking at the literal instruction manual, fix it.  The end.

And from there -- well.

It was tentacle goo.

What do you think happened?

Yuki used it to have some fun.

It started innocently enough.

I had a potion to drink with breakfast.  A potion, I should note, I very much did not drink until Jessica, with such obvious reluctance, told me I should.

Her expression was one of --

-- hey.  Here’s something you should know.

Your grandparents fucked.


That’s the face.

That’s the exact face, along with a side of ‘why do I need to bring grandpa the lube’.

Aha!  Now it’s perfect.  Yes, that exactly.

That kind of ‘what even is this’ combined with ‘I need to stop existing’ with a dash of ‘you need to stop existing’ for flavor.

That’s exactly how she looked when she told me.

So, well.

I drank it.

I may not trust Yuki, but I trust my sister, after all.  And Jessica trusts Mini, so I suppose I need to trust Mini too.

And then my day progressed -- mostly fine.


I started getting a bit -- antsy, I suppose? -- after a couple of time slots.  Like something was nagging me, and I couldn’t calm down.  My legs started bouncing where I sat, and my attempts at calculating out the most resource-efficient recipe for a new alchemical formula for a kind of emergency bandage were going nowhere.

Before long I decided I couldn’t focus at all, and I needed to find something to do, to help set my head straight.  I figured I’d go visit one of my friends.

Which is when I noticed that something was wrong.

I mentally went over them, but my entire body seemed to almost -- stutter, like a scratched record, when I thought of going to visit Shimizu.

…And then, again, when I thought of visiting Takeo.

I was suddenly panting with arousal, and I felt like my legs were shaking, and I had no idea why.

I just knew that I had to see them.  One of them, and now.

…I somehow managed to control myself… I had a lot of practice at that point… until I figured out why I needed to see them.  What was it that drove me so crazy?

That was, ah.

Trying to figure it out was, I admit, with the benefit of hindsight, something of a mistake.

See, once I realized that they were my only two friends that had cocks, I realized what I was missing.  What I was needing.

Cocks.  Cum.  Whatever.  One or both, I’m still frankly not sure which it is as I have no interest in even poking the thought of ‘cold cum’.

My mouth was, somehow, both dry and wet, saliva gathering in anticipation.  My hands and arms flexed beyond my control as my priorities were immediately, and with force, rearranged without my input.  I let loose a whine that was almost a sob at how long I had withheld myself.

-- then I was out of the room, running, trying to find the nearest cock that I could.

I’m, ah, not sure whose cock it was that I found first, frankly.

I just know that the moment I did, I was on my hands and knees, mouth open, desperate as I started tugging his pants off.

All I really remember from that moment was the sheer bliss of giving that man a blowjob.  Like everything was right again.  I even felt -- somehow -- healthier than I did a moment ago, like my body had been revitalized.

The taste was the same.

The flavor, identical.

But somehow it was all so much more than that.

Yuki had addicted me to cocks -- but that was only the first step.

How does one prove their addiction is more than another's is?

In, you know, a hot sexy way, not in an 'overdose in an alley' way.

…Bleck.  Just saying those words reduced the ‘sexy’ in the room by, like, a third.

Regardless, how does one make their addiction more than addiction?


Yuki started by having me take that same potion every day.

I’m not sure if it was to -- keep the addiction going, or to help it carve its way into my system, but either way it definitely worked.  Before long I couldn’t go a day without needing some relief, and it wasn’t even a week later that I needed it twice a day.

I should note that this didn’t actually change my schedule that much.


I’m a slut!

One of the sluttiest sluts you’ll find!

Of course I was choking on dick more than once a day, who do you take me for?!

That said, there’s something -- different, about wanting to do something, and needing to do it.

Anybody that’s had a hobby ruined by making it into the job will know what I mean.

…But in my case, instead of ruining it, it made it better.

It was so hot!

I was turning into a real succubus in so many ways that just the thought made me wet!

Oh I figured out real quick that ‘tentacles’ were an acceptable replacement for ‘cock’ -- because of course they were, this was Yuki -- but the fact that I felt a deep, undeniable need to pleasure cocks?  Multiple times a day?

It was amazing.  

Is amazing, technically, but I'll get into that in a bit.

After taking the potion for a while, she added another concoction for me to take with every breakfast.  This one -- I had to almost choke down.  It wasn’t tasty, and it made me feel a bit -- ill, for maybe an hour after taking it.  I had Jessica reassure me, multiple times, that it would be fine.

She might have spent some time shouting at Yuki for making me suffer because of how I felt.

I totally didn’t want that exact result to occur and you can’t prove it even if I did.

So there~

But, yes.  I took that icky substance once a day for around another week.  …Then came the final potion.

This one I had to take in a prepared room with a doctor on call nearby, which was, obviously, very worrying.

…But I drank it anyway.

In between the sensation of something burning into me, and the warmth of getting my penultimate blessing, I’m still not quite sure how it felt.  Other than ‘weird’, and ‘bad’.

The blessing, though, that was a treat and a half.

[Rare Blessing:  Liuilda’s Gift]
[Requirements:  Become so dependent on a non-addictive substance that you physically require it in order to function at an optimal state.]
[Effects:  Intensely amplified ability to get addicted to non-addictive substances due to sexual pleasure, even to the point of physically requiring them.  Addictions to non-addictive substances, in progress or complete, are paused when satisfying them would be dangerous or too difficult.]

It was then that I realized, as I felt the blessing and potion both start mucking with my body, that I was now addicted to cock.

There I was, not even five years having passed in MISSY, and I was already such a slut that I physically required cock in order to function.

…You know, barring situations where that would be impossible, but ignoring that and moving on…

It made something -- click, inside of me.  A realization.  Or a revelation?

I knew that MISSY as a reality sucked.

The god in charge made things actively worse, the goddesses were fractured and some of them didn’t even do their job, and sex and pleasure -- things that had become very important to me -- were used for vile purposes.

I knew all that.

I accepted all that.

And yet still, I knew one more thing.

I knew that I adored being in MISSY.

And that I was so grateful that I was sent there, so that I could become… me.

That didn’t forgive any of the bad stuff, naturally.  That would have to be fixed.

Especially since I no longer had any thoughts of finding any other reality to live.  For a trip or vacation, sure, but for life?

For life, this messy, lewd, corrupted reality was my home.  And I loved it.

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