Capture Target

Chapter 12 — Herm Problems

So:  Cocks.

Wait wait wait!  I’m serious here!

While I freely, and proudly, admit to being a cock-addict cum-dump nymphomaniac bimbo whore, I do not operate by the ‘normal’ rules of ‘reality’.  So it’s very important that I note that if a cock gets hard, it’s the one who owns the cock that needs to deal with it.

Even with Shimizu, where she not in a world where ‘rape is not as bad’ due to divine interference, she’d need to learn how to not touch her cock, no matter how hard it was, until she could find a way to deal with it.

I state that because that’s very much not what happens here.

This way’s hotter!

…Um.  Assuming, you know.  ‘Consent’ and stuff is all… yeah…


…Are you sure you don’t want to hear my essay on cocks -- okay, okay, I’ll get on with it!

Sheesh!  No appreciation.

Where was I… right, right.  Passed out due to addictive-herm-cock fucking.  I woke up the next day to the curious sensation of a cock grinding against my vulva.  It was, around, oh… three and a half months into the year, at that point?  Something like that, anyway.  And I gradually woke up due to an increasing arousal, and the sound of panting and whining behind me from Shimizu.

See, she had woken up before me… and she woke up with morning wood.  She did try to control herself, but, well.  Her cock had other ideas, and just moving it against my body made her have some trouble focusing.  Before she realized it, she had slipped her cock between my legs while I was asleep, and started grinding it against me.  Not in me, mind.  Against me.  She was trying so hard to stop herself from fucking me in my sleep, and the end result was grinding the outside of her cock on my rapidly moistening slit.  The cock was long enough that when I glanced down after waking up, I could see it beyond my tits!  It was as if I had a cock again!

There was a brief moment of intense confusion where I was trying to process the stimuli hammering into me, before I instinctively gasped and bucked against the cock.  I was horny.  My body is already ready to fuck at the drop of a dime, and I was stuck in a room that was filled with the scent of herm-musk!  Addictive herm-musk!  The air cleaning enchantments could only work so fast!

I tried to ask Shimizu what was going on, but my question was interrupted by my first orgasm of the day.  Already worked up in my sleep, waking up to realize that my friend and vassal was… I think this classified as rape?  At minimum it counted as molestation, so, sexual assault.  Anyway, the realization and the sensations made me cum.  Hard.

Which made her cum.

If I wasn’t panting as I dealt with the orgasm aftershocks, I would have gasped in surprise at the sight.  It was almost shocking, seeing such a massive cock shoot out cum.  It stood firmly at attention and sprayed its white goop.

While it was a lot more cum than one would expect from a cock, it wasn’t something like gallons of semen.  But it was enough that it felt like it got everywhere.

Even a tiny bit in my mouth.

I made a squeaking noise as I instinctively swallowed, eyes wide, and the taste…!

If you’ve never had addictive cum before, you really, really should give it a try -- hey, what’s with the look?!  I’m serious, it’s great!  And surely you have more self control than me, riiiight?

It tasted amazing.  Not in a sense of… raw taste.  The actual taste was fairly… bland?  A bit salty, perhaps.  But the sensations it gave me… it was like my body was singing, rewarding me for swallowing exactly what it wanted at that exact moment.  Like when you’re starved for protein, and you finally manage to sate it.  It was almost sexual, and my body shuddered a bit against Shimizu’s cock as I processed what just one tiny swab of cum was doing to my tongue.  A bit more sprayed out, and I stopped myself halfway from scooping some more up and licking it off my fingers.

The fact that I managed to stop actually left me in something of a grouchy mood.  I wanted more, no matter how much of a bad idea it would have been!  “Are you done?”  I asked Shimizu, which snapped her out of her post-nut euphoria, and snapped her into her post-nut clarity.

You know, that moment when you cum and you suddenly realize that what you were jacking off to was something like literally erasing a poor girls memory with raw pleasure, and it clicks that that’s actually kinda icky?  Shimizu had that, now, too, and she immediately started apologizing.  I waved her off as I carefully started standing up.

The bed squelched a bit from all the cum and juices that it had soaked up.

I made an executive decision:  First, we make some all-purpose cleaner… a fairly simple alchemical creation that requires purified water, some broom thistles, and a tablespoon of yeast of all things… and then, then we go out and try to solve this problem of ‘Shimizu’s massive herm-cock’.

There was only one problem with this plan:  The only person I could think of that could help was Takagi Sumiko.

The girl that became an absolute masochist due to the ceremonial blessing that happened at the start of the land grab.

Sumiko was one of my favorite characters in Alchemical Corruption 12, because she was absolutely nuts.  Utterly insane.  She was one of the few ‘scientists’ in the Alchemical Corruption series, and to a one they are all absolutely bonkers.  They have laboratories full of bubbling concoctions and strange equipment that nobody fully understands.

I’m pretty sure that the makers of Alchemical Corruption swapped the definitions between ‘crazy magic alchemy’ and ‘actual science’ and are still waiting, sniggering, to see if anybody noticed.  The alchemy in the series is disturbingly consistent and well thought out, while the ‘science’ is… uh… transformable robots with laser eyes?

I’m not even joking, that was a party member in Alchemical Corruption 2.  The second game of the series.  It could even become a sex-bot if you made the right choices.  A hot one that is forever frustrated by the lack of combat potential their new body has.

Said frustration is also hot, so I ensured it happened on every playthrough.

What?  I like the game series!  Okay, okay, fine, I’ll move on.

Sumiko looked disturbingly ‘average’ for the girls in Alchemical Corruption 2.  Average height for a woman, so just a bit shorter than the protagonist.  Her body wasn’t particularly curvy, closer to flat, but she wore glasses so apparently that was okay for Japan?  She was certainly cute, though.  Short, cropped black hair, with pitch black eyes.  She tended to wear a catsuit under her uniform that covered everything but her head, to ensure that what she mucked with wouldn’t touch her skin.

And by this point in time she had managed to invade, take over, and repurpose the weight lifting club’s room into a bizarre mad science den full of smoke and strange contraptions.

Shimizu and I were very careful entering, given we occasionally heard metal pinging off of other metal and the sound of steam escaping confinement.  And bubbling.  So much bubbling.  I saw something green and living in a tube, writhing around and trying to escape!  I didn’t recognize what it was at the time, but I certainly would realize later~

No I’m not going to tell you!

It’s called a Chekhov's Gun, it’s a narrative trope, look it up!  You’ll learn what it is at the right time.

Moving.  On.

The thing that surprised me most of all about the lab, and about Sumiko herself, was how… little of it was focused on sex.  The [Extreme Masochist] ‘blessing’ that Sumiko gained reduces corruption requirements by thirty or cuts them in half, whichever makes it lower!  And as if that wasn’t enough, it doubles all corruption gains, and halves all corruption removal events!

For reference, the largest corruption requirement in the game is 500, for eagerly being bred by wild monsters.

If the game in general is a slippery slope, a girl with [Extreme Masochist] is jumping off a cliff.  Cackling all the way down about how much fun it is.

So I was expecting Sumiko to be fucking two guys at once.  Or to be wearing nothing but a pet collar.  Or to have made her tits so large that she couldn’t move.  But instead she just looked… normal?  In her uniform, over her white catsuit, with something similar to a welders helmet protecting her face from one of her experiments.

I tried to speak, and I think I got out a syllable… something like ‘Ah -..., before Sumiko held up a finger to shush me.  Without even looking over at me.  I mentally sighed and rolled my eyes, and Shimizu and I waited for a few seconds before something exploded in front of Sumiko.  She ‘tsk’d and raised her now soot-covered helmet as she turned to look at us.

Her expression was, as usual, flat and half-lidded.  “Ambrosia.  Shimizu.”  She said as she glanced at the two of us, before focusing on me.  “Were there complications in the roper delivery process?”

At that, I stared.

Sumiko had no method of hearing about that.  I had only told Shimizu, and even then, only the raw basics.  Now, in retrospect, it was pretty obvious what was going on if you knew enough details.  It wasn’t exactly public knowledge, but I hadn’t kept it a secret that on the first day of the land grab I came back after being very raped by a tentacle beast.  Then, two weeks later, I started acting odder and odder.

It didn’t take a genius to realize that I had a roper infection, but I hadn’t expected Sumiko to realize it.

“Ah.  I see not.  You don’t seem to be able to read minds, so…”  She tilted her head after saying that, considering… well, I’d learn this later, but considering what she knew about me.

See, Sumiko is smart.  And she picked up right away that something was off about me.  I rapidly picked up Shimizu, the most combat-capable student in the Land Grab, and managed to get her on my side in under a day.  Shimizu, who was famous for staying on her own until then.  That was not only out of character ‘Ambrosia’, but showed that I had knowledge that I had never shown before.  Most likely, knowledge I had no way of knowing… at least not no known way.

However, I got raped by a roper that same day.  If I had absolute knowledge of the future, then that very much would not have happened; I could have planned around it and taken out a small loan for extra Tentacle Repellents.

It was possible I was a masochist that wanted to get raped, but that wouldn’t explain my odd knowledge.  She considered and flagged the following theories:

Mind reading
Time travel
Knowledge from aliens
Blessing of knowledge from the gods
Gaining knowledge from ‘another source’

Or, at least, those were the most likely theories that she shared with me after the fact.  She dismissed most of them pretty easily, but she didn’t tell us her thought process, so when she asked, “Do you have a blessing of knowledge from the gods?”, I was, naturally, very confused.

She didn’t even wait for me to answer before she continued!

“No.  I see.  From what source did you obtain your unusually broad knowledge -- ah, that’s why you didn’t contact me because of the roper.  You knew what blessing I obtained from the ceremony, but not my reaction to it.  Curious.  You know knowledge from a fixed -- no, several potential timelines?  Limited, however, in scope.”

I was, at this point, very intimidated, and I was sloooowly backing up.  So she tried to ‘reassure’ me, by saying,  “Ah.  If you’re worried about the [Extreme Masochist] blessing, don’t be.  I fixed it.”

I had only one response to that.  “...Fixed it how?!

What followed was a ten minute long explanation of hormones, chemicals, and how they induce arousal and what she did to limit them.  I’ll skip over it, because frankly I don’t remember it that well, and get to the important bit:

She had ‘fixed’ the blessing by suppressing it.  So long as she does not indulge, so she doesn’t know what she’s ‘missing’, she has no reason to cave to it.  She’s all but completely blocked the normal signals for arousal in her body, but the blessing will circumvent that in the right situation.

I was floored.  This kind of thing never happened in the game, you see.  I remembered that in Sumiko’s character information, it is mentioned that her creations can ‘upset the plans of the gods’, but she never actually did so in-game.  At least, not outside of a few, very specific, very scripted events.

‘Blocking’ her blessing was not one of them.

At the very least, while I was stunned, Sumiko continued on like nothing had happened.  Which, from her perspective, it hadn’t.  I was left scrambling to pick up the pieces of my sanity in the wake of her seemingly rational actions, as she promptly asked me why we were here.

To which Shimizu, who was done with this nonsense said, in a flat tone, “I have a massive cock that I can’t relieve on my own.”

It’s important to note that part of the reason for her frustration had to do with some of Sumiko’s mutterings.  Specifically, about how I have some extra source of ‘knowledge’.

I was too busy reeling from having my secrets exposed so easily to realize at the time.

As for Shimizu’s delightful dong, Sumiko requested to see it.  Which is where things started going a bit… off the rails.  Not that we knew at the time.  Both of us were too busy with our own thoughts to notice how her pupils dilated at the sight of Shimizu’s semi-stiff rod, nor how she breathed in through her nose.  Not even how her legs trembled just a touch as she thought about what that cock could do to people.

See, she had kept herself under control by avoiding overtly sexual situations.

Situations like, say, for example, staring right at an addictive herm-cock exuding mind-massaging musk.

Hypothetically, of course.

In retrospect, her asking for details on how we ‘dealt’ with the problem the ‘first time’ was a pretty big warning sign.  How she asked twice if I really came the moment I put that thing into my slit was another.  I didn’t even get suspicious when she asked for a small amount of cum to run experiments on.

…Primarily because I had a different worry in my head.  We were out.  Well, not out out of cum, but we had already cleaned it up with the alchemical cleaning powder we made earlier that day.  Which means we would have to ‘collect’ more.  I tried to get out of it, but Shimizu actually helped push for it, and Sumiko insisted that it was ‘necessary’... and, frankly, being fucked by Shimizu’s massive cock was a lot of fun.

So I didn’t protest as much as I could have, or, perhaps, should have, when she dragged me into a nearby, empty classroom.

And then I realized that Shimizu was not happy with me.

She walked forward towards me, steadily, her eyes having a cold glint to them.  And she said, “...So.  What’s this about extra knowledge of the world?

Sumiko came about due to a very simple problem:

Ambrosia has years of corruption to go through to become the bimbo slut we know and love that's telling us this story.  I can't do anything too extreme with her too quickly, or she reaches the 'end state' before she's ready.  But what if I want to make somebody a herm-cock addicted mess that can't think without getting their fix, slave to their herm-doms desires?

Thus:  Sumiko!

I have fun plans for her~

Patreon plans:


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