Capture Target

Chapter 13 — Consensual Corruption

…You know.  Normally I’d start off this portion with some silly anecdote.

But really, I’m about five seconds away from jilling myself off to the thought of herm-cock, so I’ll just get right to it.

Shimizu was angry, and demanded answers.

See, the problem was that I had never told Shimizu the entire story of why I wanted her, specifically.  Oh she knew that I had some source of odd knowledge, but she didn’t know that I had the viewpoint of an omniscient deity playing through this world as if it was a game.  It makes my comments about ‘using her’ make a bit more sense.

I knew when the game was up, so I just spilled everything she wanted to know.

…I admit that I was a bit more… liberal, with what my confessions than I probably should have been… but, well.  I was promised to get more of that cock and cum.  And though I had only had relatively minor amounts of it, the potion that gave her that glorious side effect was at rank S and boosted by a blessing.

So my thoughts were a bit scattered as I told her the truth.

…And, uh, a bit more than the truth.

See, this is when we finally cleared up the whole ‘situation’ between Yuu and Takeo.  And then she started asking more pointed questions.

Questions like, “So, wait, you enjoyed being treated like that?”, “You never even tried to use the libido-killer potion to gain some perspective?”, and even, “...Wow, no wonder you’ve been having trouble focusing.  You really need your regular fix of cock.”

…Okay that last one wasn’t a question.

But it was hot, so there!

In the end, she was still upset, but… not as upset as I thought she’d be.  Something about how I still took the hit for her, and how I was still a good liege?  I’m not entirely certain what she said here, because her next words are what got branded into my mind for the rest of my life.

“...And yet, despite all that, my lady, you still try to deny what you enjoy.”  She took a step forward with a sly, knowing grin.  The same teasing look she had when she claimed I was a ‘princess’... but with a new flavor to it.  One that was more… confident, in a way, and more knowing.  I took a step back out of instinct… only for her to take a second step forward, and continue talking.

“You like it.  No -- no, you love it.  You spent a good five minutes justifying how you reacted to your ‘rape’ and ‘prostitution’ due to Goddess Modesty’s adjustments of rape, instead of just admitting that you enjoyed it.  You spent another ten minutes trying to blame your body for it!”

At this point, I was breathing a bit faster, my eyes wide open.  I think I was trying to come up with some kind of excuse, but I don’t really remember saying anything coherent.  I took another step backwards, and squeaked when I realized that I was up against a table.  And then she smiled, like one would at a close friend, and kept on talking.

“But that’s okay.  I’m still your friend, after all.  And your body has needs.”  Here, she slipped off the sex-shrouding spats, and her massive cock was quickly revealed.  If one looked too closely at how her member escaped from such a small space they’d get a headache due to seeing space get warped, but that wasn’t a problem for me -- my eyes were locked onto the cock.

I wasn’t sure at the time why her words affected me so much.  I didn’t know if it was because of my burgeoning addiction to her cum, the nature of my slutty body and the training it had gone through, or if she actually had a point.  All I knew was that my pussy was feeling empty and my thoughts were spinning in circles, my arousal making it hard to string two words together.

And then she grabbed me by the hips.  And she said, in that same, calm, knowing, teasing, friendly tone, “And I’ll make sure to fulfill those needs… in a way that you are certain to enjoy.”

She picked me up, spun me around, and then pushed me down so that I was bent over the table.  I squealed and tried to say -- something, but I’m frankly not sure if it was to ask her to stop or to ask for more.  Either way, Shimizu just giggled a bit and lowered my wet panties, before she started to fuck me.

I was already ready for it.  My slit was drenched with liquid arousal, and it invited her cock in like a long-lost sibling.  It felt like I was being shaped by the cock -- that it was so big, so potent, that every time it fucked me it was shaping me to it just a bit more.  Every thrust felt just a bit better, every push went just a bit deeper.  I started screaming in pleasure before I even realized what was going on.  My legs couldn’t keep me supported -- they felt weak, far too weak, and before long they buckled to the point of letting me slide off of the table.

Or I would have, if Shimizu hadn’t kept a firm grip on my hips, and kept on pounding me.

Now, you might be thinking that this was a bit… out of character for Shimizu.  And you’d be right.  But the thing to remember is that she wasn’t thinking with her brain there.  She was thinking with her second head.

She had all sorts of potent hormones, a cocktail of drugs flooding her nervous system, and it was making her a bit moody and unpredictable… unless she got regular orgasms.  They acted as a sort of ‘reset’ for her for quite some time; the blast of pleasure wiped away the growing tension from her new blood chemistry.

Porn biology is funny like that.

By the time we were done, she had pumped what felt like a flood of cum into my womb, and was panting as she rested on top of me.  I was sandwiched between her and the table I was fucked on, my tits the only thing that kept me from lying flush with it.

Shimizu giggled a bit, nervously, after she had recovered, and tried to apologize.  Actually apologize!  For one of the hottest fucks I’d had since gaining my new body!  Oh it was a bit roundabout, but it was something like… “Um… that… that happened.”  She giggled nervously again, before continuing with, “...And it was a lot of fun, but, um, sorry about… you know… just… being forceful?”

Now, at this point in time, I had never actually admitted that I enjoyed being a subby subby sub sub slut.  I was denying it with the entire fiber of my being!  …But at that moment, exhausted, and oddly content?  Feeling all sorts of pleasurable tingles throughout my entire body, being squeezed between Shimizu’s muscular form and the table?  I couldn’t even conceptualize the idea of hiding it.  I laughed a bit, my throat slightly sore, and said, “Oh, don’t… don’t worry.  Forceful is fun.”

At that point, we started a longer conversation about boundaries.  Which I will share.  Soon.  But there’s something we need to cover first.


Now, I didn’t know this at the time, but Sumiko was spying on us the entire time.  Not even by being sneaky, she literally just pushed the sliding door open just enough to watch.  I only learned this much later, and she never went into much detail about how it happened, but… I can guess~

And yes, I am forcing you to listen to my very educated and perfectly accurate guess!  Because it’s hot!  Let me see…

Sumiko was already breathing quickly after Shimizu and I left her lab.  Her hands twitched, and she just barely managed to avoid touching herself, her mind racing with ideas that she had suppressed!  But she couldn’t reign her thoughts in.  And her thoughts were very fast indeed.

Thoughts aren’t some kind of linear conversation.  They don’t necessarily work in words.  That’s why ‘talking it out’ is helpful -- it forces you to define your thoughts and actions, and thus, understand them.  Actual thoughts tend to be much… murkier, and faster; based on connections.  Or at least, that’s how it is for me, so I’m saying with complete certainty that’s how it is for Sumikoi, as well.

And Sumiko made a great many connections very quickly.

She knew that I had been raped by a tentacle beast.  That I had spent three full months as a roper.  And that I had a very firm reputation by now as an ‘easy slut’.  She realized, rather quickly, that I would cave.  And that Shimizu, who was already annoyed at me, would certainly take advantage of it.

Her thought ran wild with fantasies of me being raped and broken on Shimizu’s fat cock.

She realized she was rubbing her slit through her catsuit, and jolted her hand back, grabbing it.  She was panting by now, and squirming, and she decided that she had to watch.  For… scientific reasons!  Scientific curiosity!  And recording!  Yeah!

So she quickly snuck out.  Given how time slots worked, nobody would be coming to the ‘club rooms’ during the ‘morning time slot’ -- after all, clubs are only really active during the afternoon time slot.  So no matter how long this took, nobody would be coming to see her voyeuristic -- erm, her scientific actions.

She carefully pried open the door, just in time for Shimizu to start telling me what I like, and what I am.  And she watched as I stumbled backwards, uncertain, eyes wide and panting.

And she imagined herself in my place.

She, quite literally, couldn’t help herself.  Her blessing was working overtime to overcome her libido-blocking chemical cocktail, and the scent of Shimizu’s cock and cum were more than enough to batter down her will.  She imagined that it was her getting raped by Shimizu’s cock.  She imagined it was her that Shimizu was insulting.  She imagined that it was her losing all control over life and being unable to ever deny who she was and what she craved and what she needed and --

-- sorry.  I got a bit excited myself, there.

Sumiko was digging her catsuit into her pussy, trying desperately to get some friction out of it, when she saw Shimizu start to cum.  And she stared, wide eyed and unblinking, as it filled me and started to pour out.

…And when Shimizu collapsed on me, she quickly sped away, before either of us recovered enough to realize she was there.

She quickly adjusted her catsuit, disguising her actions, and furiously jilled herself off to thoughts of her own degradation until we came back.

And that is absolutely, one hundred percent, no doubt exactly what happened.

…What’s with that face?!  I know masochists!  And you have no proof that it didn’t happen!  And if you asked her, she’d come up with something even worse, just to get off on the thought!  Therefore, my rendition is the most historically accurate, and you should trust me more.


Regardless.  After we collected some of the cum from Shimizu’s cock into a pre-prepared vial, the two of us -- Shimizu and myself -- sat down on the floor and started to talk about boundaries.

See, even if the world is set up to encourage lewd rape, and a goddess is there that literally makes it less psychologically damaging, that is no excuse for not doing relationships properly.  And in this case, that meant figuring out what we both wanted, and finding where we met in the middle.

For example, neither one of us wanted to be exclusive.  I had to broach that topic, as I knew myself well enough by now to know that I couldn’t promise that.  Not in that world, not with everything that had already happened to me.

And Shimizu didn’t want to only date the person she was working under.  She wanted to get out there and make more friends -- the cock, and fucking me, worked as an odd sort of confidence booster for her.

Also, her cock had already taught her that sexy girls are hot, and she wanted to fuck more of them.

Which, you know, fair enough.

We also talked about how our relationship would actually work.  Shimizu had to push a bit, but I was more than fine with her being ‘pushy’ when it came to sex.  I was still too embarrassed by how much I enjoyed it to be the one pushing for it, unless I really needed it.  I also enjoyed her teasing me, and taking advantage of me -- a kind of ‘dom/sub’ dynamic.  I enjoyed it; it was a lot of fun, and gave the sex more... I think ‘heat’ is the best word.

I still enjoy it, actually, but I digress.

We spent maybe thirty or sixty minutes really just hashing out the details.  No, I didn’t want Shimizu to ruin my plans for the Land Grab for sex.  No, I didn’t want her to whore me out as a prostitute.  Yuu had ruined that for me for some time, unfortunately.

Yes, I was happy for her to use me whenever she wanted, provided, you know, it was a safe and sane time to do so.  Yes, she could make minor demands of me, or otherwise ‘force’ me into doing things that we found hot.  Dressing up a certain way, playing a certain role, fucking her in a particular manner… Things like that.

It was the first time that either of us actually had a conversation like that with somebody, but we both had the internet in our previous worlds.  And there are a lot of kinky things online.  We knew some of what we were interested in trying.  …And some of what we were very interested in trying.

And, thankfully, the awkwardness was easy to deal with when we were having a quick fuck-break every ten minutes as we got worked up, and the orgasms literally blasted our apprehensions away.

That helped a lot!

In the end, we had a rough outline of what was allowed and what wasn’t.  It was hardly perfect, but we’d improve it over time, as we ran into the ‘fuzzy edges’.

The biggest thing we agreed upon was a safe word system.

A safe word is pretty simple; When part of sex is literally pushing boundaries, so long as the safe word isn’t mentioned, then the boundaries are not passed.  If the safe word is spoken, then the boundary has been passed and continuing at that point means it is no longer sex.  It is now rape.

Which, again, in that world, wasn’t as big a deal as it is in ‘reality’, but that’s still something both of us wanted to avoid.

We agreed on a fairly common ‘green yellow red’ system.  ‘Green’ means ‘I want you to go further’, ‘yellow’ means ‘I want you to slow down’, and ‘red’ means ‘Stop.  Now.’

Why have a code phrase for ‘I want you to go further’?

Because nothing kills being a sub and indulging in being teased and mocked for being a sub like saying, “This is super hot, insult me more!”

It ruins the entire vibe!

It’s hard to be embarrassed if you say it like that!  Sure, it can work, but what if you need to say, “This really isn’t hot enough, make your insults more scathing”?  I mean, come on, sex is innately rather silly, but saying that just ruins the entire vibe.

Saying ‘green’ and then having the one teasing you act like you didn’t say anything as their insults get more cutting is much better for the scene flow.  It’s a bit awkward, but it doesn’t bring your rising arousal to a slamming halt.

Mind, I was more aware of that than Shimizu… apparently, I had a more perverted search history than her.  At the time I wished that that surprised me, but it really didn’t.

Eventually we finished up our discussion, and had even noted down our rules for our relationship.  We were, officially, dating.  Ish.  More like fucking with rules to make it more fun.

And then we returned to Sumiko’s lab with our big vial of herm-cum.  I noted at the time that she was ‘oddly flushed’ for the entirely historically accurate reasons I already mentioned.  I didn’t know why at the time; I thought she was just embarrassed by how long the two of us had spent in the spare classroom.

She gave us a short nod, and demanded regular, detailed reports of Shimizu’s sexual life.  Who she fucked, how long she fucked them, how she fucked them, how they reacted afterwards, etc.  With a particular notice towards any sex that resulted in the other party being turned into a broken mess of a slut.  …I’m paraphrasing, but that was obviously what she was after.

This was a strange request, but she insisted that this was absolutely necessary for her to help Shimizu deal with her cock.  And frankly, neither of us really wanted to get into the nitty gritty details of making something that would keep her from getting trapped in another masturbatory frenzy.  So, though we were blatantly confused, we acquiesced.

The reason why she wanted this report had absolutely nothing to do with ‘fixing’ Shimizu.

No.  It was to fuel her own fantasies.

The seal on her blessing had been broken, and there was no going back.

So, why the long talk about consent?

Because consent is important.  I mean, feel free to ignore it in your porn all you want, but make it clear that the one ignoring it is either a jerk or under some kind of influence.  I get really annoyed when the story tells us that the protagonist is a 'good' guy, but said 'good' guy also violates every single one of the various girls rights to their own bodies.

If you're going to do that, at least make the protagonist a jerk!  Then I wouldn't feel so much dissonance from it!

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