Capture Target

Chapter 14 — Working out relationship kinks

So, um.  …Do you.  Remember.  When you fucked me?

And how we forgot to use a condom?

Well, um.  I just checked.  A thing.  And…


… … …


No I’m not pregna -- OW!  Hey, if you’re going to -- STOP THAT!  If you’re going to spank me, set the mood first -- EEK!

…Thank you sir… eighteen… thank you sir… nineteen… thank you sir… twenty… thank you sir…

…ooooow… That was hot, but ow.  Okay.  Okay, listen, you don’t have to worry about me getting pregnant.

In the words of the ‘great god’ that set up the world of the Alchemical Corruption series, ‘Being raped pregnant by monsters is hot.  But trying to avoid fucking due to not wanting kids is not.’

I… really wish I was joking.  But I’m not.  That’s verbatim.

So he set up things so that pregnancy was a bit different.  Namely, the ovaries.  One works… more or less like normal, except instead of ‘storing’ eggs, it produces them whenever the female in question either wants children or is in an induced estrus.  So no periods!  Unless you’re trying to get pregnant or have entered the ‘legal to fuck’ age state.

The other ovary is similar… ish.  It also produces eggs, but they’re of a different sort.  They are… okay, the official term is ‘alchemically fossilized until it interacts with a counter-agent’, but what it means in practice is that they’re basically tiny little orbs that do nothing and need nothing until your womb is filled with magical, monstrous, or super virile cum.  Then you get pregnant, and another one slips out to replace the old one.

As a fun note, if either ovary is used a sufficient number of times, they get more efficient!  It’s possible to even ‘lock’ your fertility onto ‘on’ if you try.  …Or are unlucky enough.

As another fun note, this also means that if you meet a pair of fraternal twins, that means that their mother was either in induced estrus or was a massive broodmare slut!  Otherwise you only get one egg at a time!

I know all of this very well because I looked it up one time after realizing that I was Shimizu was constantly fucking me bareback, and I panicked.  Honestly, it was one of a great many concerns I had during the start of our relationship.

For the most part it was great, don’t get me wrong.  She fucked me when I needed it, and she fucked me when she needed it, and she fucked me when one of us wanted it… what more could you want?  I didn’t have to worry about withdrawal from her addictive cum, and I was feeling nice and sated, without worrying about a lack of orgasms.

…I admitted to myself sometime in that first month that I was addicted to sex.

Just to myself, though.

I told others later.

…anyway, um, right.  Backing up.  For the most part the relationship was great, but everything has its bumps.  I was worried about getting pumped full of babies, for example, which was an unique existential crisis that I never expected to worry about.  What would it feel like to have a baby in me?  Did I want one?  Did I want more than one?  Did I want to rip out my entire ovary system to avoid ever having to think about it again?

Good, yes, yes, fuck no, in that order, though it would take some time for me to realize that.

Another problem was how we started our days.  See, Shimizu, consistently, started with a rather massive case of morning wood.  And I do mean ‘massive’ quite literally, considering the size of her cock.  So, until Sumiko managed to find a solution for her, it was up to me to keep her drained.  And it was a messy process if I dared to just use my hands.

We lost several time slots when I didn’t want it in me, due to the cleaning we had to do afterwards.  It shifted the sex from a ‘quick thing’ to an ‘entire event’.  I was still worried about being addicted to cum back then.  Looking back, I was being quite silly.  I really should have just embraced it and enjoyed it, and not wasted either of our time.

One day, I was fed up.  I didn’t want to have to clean everything that she sprayed on.  I didn’t want to lose a time slot due to needing to drain her cock.  And, secretly, the occasional drops of cum that landed in my mouth haunted me.  I craved it to the point where it infested my dreams.  I really wanted to see what it was like straight from the tap!

So, I decided, one day, to wake Shimizu up with a morning blowjob.

Given the size of her cock, and how messy it could get, I opted to prepare myself by getting naked first.  And then I crawled up onto bed, removed the blankets covering her, and just kind of… stared at it for a bit.

See, this is what I consider my ‘first blowjob’.

It’s not literally my first one, obviously.  I’d sucked off a great many guys by then, not to mention all of the tentacles that mistook my upper lips for my lower pair.  But this would be the first time I was doing it of my own free will, without expectation of a reward afterwards.

And the cock was big.  It felt like it had a presence all of its own, its own gravity that was almost sucking me in.  Before I realized it I was kneeling in front of it.  My mouth was watering, and I felt an odd sensation of thirst.  I didn’t even notice when I started panting as I carefully put my mouth on Shimizu’s massive cock.

Normally, cock does not taste that good.  Really, why would it?  It’s human flesh.  Why would human flesh taste good?  Don’t answer that!  Moving on!

Magical herm-cocks are very different.  Most magic cocks in Alchemical Corruption are, actually, and yes there’s enough magical cocks for them to be an entire sub-category of cocks in general.  Magical cocks tend to have a taste related to their cum, which can have all kinds of interesting effects.

Even then, it’s more like ‘licking it clean’ has the taste, and not the cock itself.  Cocksuckers instinctively know this, to avoid… uh… you know… ‘accidents’.

Moving.  On.

There I was, licking the herm-cock, and I could already get fragments of the taste that I craved.  That wonderful flavor that seemed to make my body shiver with delight with its mere existence.

My pupils dilated in that moment, as my heart started pumping faster.  Before I knew it, I was trying to force my mouth down further, trying to get more of that lovely taste on my tongue.  Lewd, wet noises started coming from where my mouth met her cock as I pumped my head up and down its length.  I was almost grinding my body into it, only taking short breaks to pant for air before continuing.

I’m not sure how long that lasted -- I was in a bit of a haze at the time -- before Shimizu woke up.  She made a noise like some kind of cute, hungry bear waking up from hibernation, and I froze.  My mind was too rattled to figure out what to do.

…Beyond continuing to lick the cock like a lollipop, of course.

Shimizu glanced down at me, and picked up the situation after a few moments of thinking.  We already knew by then that her cum was addictive, and we had both talked about how I would, most likely, eventually cave.  So long as we got a cure later, we figured it was mostly fine.

So when she woke up, a bit blearily, and saw me pushed up against her cock like that, she said the first thing that came to her mind:

“If you don’t use your tits too, I won’t give you my cum.”

…She had never threatened to withhold her own orgasm before.  The thought was almost ludicrous if one looked at it from a rational point of view.  But I… I very much was not rational at the moment.  The thought of not getting her cum, that lovely taste I was seeking… in my frazzled mind I panicked.

Shimizu later told me that her grunt of pleasure was actually a noise of surprise as I immediately brought my tits around her cock and pressed them against it.

And then resumed bobbing my head up and down, trying to get just a bit further every time.

I could feel the cock against my skin.  A rod of raw sexual heat between my tits.  Just thinking about it gave me shivers, and the faint traces of her cum that was on the outside of her cock made my breasts tingle with pleasure.

I got more invested in my ‘duty’.  I got more desperate.  I pushed into Shimizu’s cock, using my tits and mouth like some kind of fleshlight, desperately trying to make her reach orgasm.

I hadn’t even noticed my own ever-rising arousal.  Not really, anyway.  It was abstract.  Unimportant, when compared to what was in front of my face.

Something about my slavish devotion triggered something in Shimizu, and she grunted as she gripped my head and slammed me down.  I sent a brief moment of gratitude for my [Bodies Fortitude] blessing that kept me from feeling like I was choking as she slammed her cock into my mouth and came.  Explosively.

It felt amazing.

My body sang with pleasure and satisfaction as it absorbed her herm-cum from the inside out!  It coated the walls of my throat and stomach, and it felt like it was helping my body align itself towards better, longer-lasting health!  Like it was rejuvenating me, and my body was crying out in happiness.

I expected then, and know now, that that was merely an illusion.  There is cum that works as a quasi-'fountain of youth’, but Shimizu’s cum wasn’t that.  That was merely a sensation designed to hook my body and mind on it, to crave it, in a way that won’t result in any potential cock-sluts acting like a burnt out drug addict.

Because that would be Not Hot.

Ugh… the chief god of that world is the worst… even the decisions I agree with have the worst reasoning behind them.

Moving on, I just basked in the sensation.  I barely even noticed the orgasm that washed through me in time with Shimizu’s own, given how wonderful Shimizu’s cum was.  It felt like everything was right in the world so long as I could get more.  It was like my priorities were being rewritten live, a list in my mind being edited, and I couldn’t stop it.  I couldn’t even bring myself to care enough to try.  I just… indulged.

Until Shimizu, laughing, pushed me off of her cock.  She said, “You look like you’ve met a god!”

That started me out of my trance, and I blushed heavily. I made fumbling excuses, and backpedaled my rationale, but Shimizu just gave me a knowing smirk throughout it all.  Until she asked if we were actually going to do anything that day, or if I just wanted to fuck her.

…It took me a few seconds to get myself to say that we had things to do, and we should get going.  Despite how much I really just wanted to fuck her.

Relationships are fun.

Things started getting a bit more extreme after that, now that Shimizu knew how much I craved her cum.  Before long she even outright ordered me to wake her up every morning with a blowjob!  And we didn’t even stay in the same room every night!  I had to sneak into her room, wake her up with a blowjob, and then rush back to my room to get ready.

…I couldn’t bring myself to say no, because of how much I wanted more.

I always wanted more back then.

We had even gone on a few dates!  Well, I say ‘dates’, but what I mean is more ‘time slots where we don’t work and don’t fuck and just hang out’, which was close enough.  We didn’t really have a lot in common with each other, but we enjoyed each others company.  And I started to notice that Shimizu was getting more… comfortable, with her new, herm-ified self.   Comfortable and confident, in her sexuality and her preferences.

And that’s when I started to get jealous.

I knew that we weren’t exclusive; we had agreed on that.  But there was something about my emotions that wasn't listening.  …It probably had something to do with her cum, frankly, but at the time I was just shy of tearing my hair out due to frustration with myself.

We could have renegotiated our relationship, but Shimizu hadn’t actually done anything besides look.  And not in a blatant, leering way, but in ‘oh fuck she’s hot’ kinda way.  A quick second glance, to make sure that what she saw was actually real, and attempt to burn the sight into her memory in the moments she has before the ‘glance’ becomes a ‘leer’.

And, frankly, I was constantly looking at hot guys as we walked around, so I couldn’t really throw stones.

It was just -- the thought of other girls getting Shimizu’s eyes -- it was driving me crazy!

So I started paying attention to what kind of girls drew her sight.  Fortunately, I already fit most of the boxes.  I was busty, and I had a nice ass.  I had curves and was shorter than her.  But there were a few things that I didn’t match that I noticed.

The one that got stuck in my head was nipple piercings.  Primarily because Sumiko had gotten a pair -- a simple set of bars -- which caused her catsuit to push out in a delightfully sexy manner.

Shimizu spent that entire meeting with her just staring at where her nipples would be, observing the protrusions in the shape of bar piercings.

So, one day… maybe a month into our relationship, roughly four and a half months into the school year… I got a pair of simple, plain, silver, bar nipple piercings.

I wasn’t sure at the time what I was thinking.  It felt like a big step, and piercings aren’t  something cheap in that world.  Bodies have magic in them, and getting them to accept a strange metal thing that’s attached to it so it isn’t pushed out the moment it's healed requires a fine hand with a lot of finesse.

That said, I was more than satisfied with the results when I showed Shimizu what I had obtained.  There, on my tits, two simple horizontal silver bars, one piecing each nipple.

She took a gasp as she stared.  Her eyes widened, and I smelt her cock as it twitched.

I was getting rather sensitive to the moods of Shimizu’s cock by that point.

She asked, in a kind of -- faint, disbelieving, and oh so aroused tone of voice, “Did… you get those for me?”

I wasn’t sure where this was going, but I certainly didn’t want to argue with it.

So I nodded.

Shimizu had an odd kind of full-body shiver, like she was a snake.  Her entire body almost undulated to my eyes.  And then, while licking her lips, she said, “...I see.”  She paused.  And then continued.  “I am going to fuck you now.”

She said it so calmly that I didn’t have time to grok what she said before she tossed me onto the bed.  She practically tore my panties aside before she rammed into me; I had to brace myself using my hands to avoid sliding backwards, away from the cock, as her hands weren’t on my hips.  They were on my tits.

Tugging and teasing and playing with my new piercings.

The sensations were foreign, and new, and soooo good!  I was screaming and writhing before I even realized it, and the two of us fucked two full time slots away, that day.

I didn’t know it at the time, but I had accidentally stumbled upon an unknown kink of Shimizu’s.

Shimizu had spent most of her life trying to ‘appease’ her family.  The only thing she didn’t forsake at their demand was kendo, which she kept at until they accepted it.

And then she was teleported here, and then she tried to change herself to appease this new society she was in.  To try to find a place in it for her.

She had spent most of her conscious life trying to adjust herself to the wants of others.

So seeing me adjust myself, for her wants?  For no reason other than because she wanted it?

That woke up something inside of her, and she was going to indulge in it unless somebody stopped her.

…Here’s a spoiler for you.

Nobody did~

I am more proud than I should be of the pun-y chapter title.

This is the start of the Capture Target's willing corruption~  By now she's already accepted she's a sexual creature, but that plus hot-magic-cum-addiction and actual affection with who she's fucking (I know!  It's a shock!) can do strange things to a girls head~

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