Capture Target

Chapter 15 — Dating! Ish.

Phew!  We’ve been talking for a while, huh?  This is… what… the twentieth time we’ve sat down?

…Nooo, no, fifteen sounds far too few.  I’m pretty sure it’s been at least seventeen. maybe more like nineteen.

Either way, I think now’s a good time for a catchup!

…Eh?  No, I didn’t forget to put on clothes.  I just decided to not bother today.

Hmmm, how to do this… oh, I know!  I’ll gamify it!  Or… statify it?  Something like that…

Let me see… my original status is like that… and my ‘new’ one is like… this…

There.  What do you think?

Starting Status:

  • Name:  Elizabeth Elsie Livia Ambrosia
  • Age:  Older than whatever is legal to be in porn in your country
  • Time Since Transmigration:  0
  • Height:  4’10’’
  • Bust:  Head-sized
  • Waist:  Narrow
  • Butt:  Big
  • Sexual status:
    • Virgin
    • High slut potential
    • Mostly attracted to women
  • Mental status:
    • Holding on to prior masculinity
    • Believes she is not a slut
    • Determined to get through the plot of Alchemical Corruption 12 without becoming a slut
    • In denial about how hot her situation is
  • Talents:  [Archery - C]  [Fire Magic - C]  [Endurance - C]  [Mercantilism - C]


Current Status:

  • Name:  Elizabeth Elsie Livia Ambrosia
  • Age:  Older than whatever is legal to be in porn in your country
  • Time Since Transmigration:  4 months, 2 weeks
  • Height:  4’10’’
  • Bust:  Head-sized
  • Waist:  Narrow
  • Butt:  Big
  • Sexual status:
    • Very much not a virgin
    • Beginner Slut
    • Minor nymphomania -- 1 orgasm required per day
    • Sexuality:
      • Cock love - minor
      • Cum addiction - Shimizu only
      • Tentacle lust - more than zero
  • Mental status:
    • Adapting to being female
    • No longer believes she is not a slut, but sometimes tries to tell herself that anyway
    • Determined to get through the plot of Alchemical Corruption 12 without becoming too much of a slut, whatever that means
    • Fully aware of how hot her situation is
  • Relationships:
    • Shimizu
      • Subordinate
      • Dating but not exclusive
      • Starting to understand how much she can abuse her lady
  • Other:
    • Bar nipple piercings
  • Talents:  [Archery - C]  [Fire Magic - C]  [Endurance - C]  [Mercantilism - C]  [Seduction - C]

Big change, huh?  I mean look at that!  Not even half a year in, and already the cock love is creeping in!  Aaaaah… I remember those days fondly.  Back when the sex was mundane.  Don’t get me wrong, the sexual parasites, the mind control, the past alterations -- all of that is super hot and I wouldn’t have it any other day, but back then just the thought of being a herms cumdump was enough to make me spin my wheels in flustered denial.

You know, the ‘I say I don’t want it because it’s embarrassing, but I’m making such a big deal out of it so you know I actually really want it, please force me’ kind of denial.

Speaking of, actually… hmmm… yeah, this one is going to go on for a bit.  I should get a new outfit to demonstrate…

That’s right, we’re doing TWO fun intros!  For the twentieth 'time we’re talking' special!  Just sit tight, I’ll be right back.


…Hey!  What’s wrong with pink?!

That’s the POINT!

UGH!  Fine then!  From the top!

Kink:  Feminization~  One of my personal favorites, and if it’s not one you enjoy, or at minimum, tolerate, then why are you still here?

Now, this is just for me, but feminization is tied up fairly heavily with submission and embarrassment.  It actually lends itself well to what I consider the more extreme sister-kink, bimbofication, but that’s for later.

So, the fact that this outfit is so pink you can’t take me seriously is… as I said… the point.

I bring this up because at around the point that we’re at in my history is when the ‘feminization’ aspect starts to come up a bit more.  Not in every way, mind, but in a few specific aspects.  Namely clothing and habits related to them.

See, a lot about female fashion, at least where I was from, is really really dumb.  No pockets, they’re designed to use less cloth, they can be too tight, the sizes aren’t standardized… and some aspects of it are actively unhelpful.  Like high heels.

…Hey don’t give me that look!  I love heels!  I’m just self aware enough to know that they’re a torture device with the sole purpose of making a woman’s butt stand out more.

Yes, heels used to be worn by men.  Back then, they were used solely more to increase height.  But once women decided that they wanted to be taller to, they became more like funny torture devices that we as a society have decided are ‘acceptable’ for no apparent reason.

I mean, it’s probably sexism, but this really isn’t the hill I’m going to die on.  As far as I’m concerned, women can wear whatever shoes they want.

…Unless that woman is me.

In which case, force me to wear high heels.  They’re difficult to walk in, and thus make me less capable.  Their sole purpose is to make me look better.  And, to make it all even better, they’re an icon of femininity!

All the kinds of things that I like when it comes to my feminization kink~

Things that make me more like arm candy and less like an independent strong ‘man’ are a blast and a half.

…Blech.  I just heard how that sounded when I spoke it.  I should make it clear, again, that ‘sexism is bad’, and that I’m aware this kink has some unfortunate links to sexism… or, at minimum, firm gender roles.  At least, for me, it does.

That said, so long as you’re aware of it, and make sure to keep reality and sexy play time separate, then there’s nothing wrong with indulging in it.  And that’s exactly what Shimizu and I did in our relationship.

See, Shimizu and I had a problem.  Well, it wasn’t really a ‘problem’ per say, as it was one that we were glad to have… it was just frustrating to solve.

Shimizu, by this point, knew that I used to be male.  And she had just discovered just how much fun she can have dominating others, and making them change to her whims.  By the same token, I was discovering just how much I loved being dominated.

…Even if you ignore the addictive herm super-cock.

On top of that, I wanted to get more in touch with my feminine side.  By this point, I had been a woman for roughly eighteen weeks, and I had not even begun to explore what that meant.  Oh sure, I was having fun ogling hot guys, but I had never tried any makeup.  Never put on any heels.  Never really tried out new things.

Sure, my uniform was skimpy, and I got used to it fairly quickly, but that’s different from choosing something to wear for yourself.  The uniform I had relegated to ‘eroge game nonsense’ after just a few days of wearing it; it would be different to try on an outfit similarly erotic on my own, for my own free time.  I wouldn’t be able to ignore it then.

So, we both wanted the same thing:  Shimizu to push me to try out more feminine clothing and habits.

That’s where the problem was.  Sure, she could just push me to do that, but then it felt less… erotic, and more like a friend helping me push my boundaries.  Does that make sense?  I think it does… either way, we both wanted her to force me to change my daily attire.  Which meant that I had to have a reason to avoid being forced into it.  Or a reason beyond ‘it’s fun to resist’.

Sure we could have done it all as play-acting, but by the time we realized that we had already been brainstorming on this problem for a full day.  We were not going to surrender to mere rationality in our goal of degenerative sexytime dom/sub feminization fun!

In the end, Shimizu came up with a suggestion that horrified me.

Every few days, she’d give me a challenge that wouldn’t take more than two days to complete.  If I succeeded, then I would get to choose when and how we have sex for an entire day.

This was actually a great boon for me, because I was still rushing to do my best during the land grab.  We had the innermost caverns, yes, but there were so many pathways and… uh… I always googled which was the one I wanted when playing the game, so I had no clue which one to go for.  …Thus, we were going for all of them.

So we were scrambling, and I wanted to use Shimizu as basically a living dildo.  Have a few quickies, cum to clear my mind, explore.  If my need ever got too much, have another few quickies, cum to clear my mind, explore.  It wasn’t the most sexually satisfying, sure, but it was productive, and it let me keep my mind clear for most of the entire day.  A rare boon by that point.

…This meant, though I didn’t realize it at the -- no, no, I should be honest.  I was being willfully ignorant of how I was overworking myself.  I needed to take breaks.  I was abusing sex and orgasms to refresh my mind, which would not, could not, work forever.  Shimizu knew this, but had yet to convince me to take any time off.

So if I failed the task… not only would Shimizu be able to set a small ‘rule’ for my clothing habits, she’d also force me to take a day off.

Part of the reason I was overworking myself was to avoid falling into indulgence.  I was worried that a ‘day off’ would mean ‘spend all four waking timeslots being fucked’... but the main reason was because I was getting seriously worried.  The Evil God of Chastity and Purity was getting closer every day, and in the game, the fight was so hard you had almost no chance of defeating it unless you were on your third or fourth playthrough.  At minimum.  Seventh was the standard for a new player's first ‘victory’.  The accumulated talents, blessings, knowledge, and items were all needed to defeat it and get the ‘true ending’.

I didn’t have any ‘new game plus’ here.  I had one run through the game; five years of time to assemble enough of a force to be able to beat it back to the sea when it rose up from the depths.  And I was worried that I wasn’t going fast enough.

Despite that, I did know that I needed to take some time off.  On some level, at least.

So, reluctantly, I agreed.

And then Shimizu cheated.

She told me, “For your first challenge, for the next two days, you are not to lick, suck, or taste my cock or cum even once.”

She gave me an impossible challenge!

How was I supposed to resist that?!

…I wasn’t, of course.  I mean, at the time, I was pretty proud that I managed to last the first day… but come morning of the second, after Shimizu had fucked me, I… Well, I tried to sneak some cum out from my pussy to lick it off.

I couldn’t help it!  I was desperate!  It tasted so good and it was so close and I was certain that Shimizu wouldn’t notice a thing!  Maybe if I hadn’t been spending so much time with the cum so close, I could have managed it.

Either way, now, I know better.

When I’m about to break, I need to beg my current dom to let me have what I need.  Their firm hand can make sure I can control myself!  …Probably.

It’s hotter that way.

…But back to when I caved.  I tried to hide it, but Shimizu noticed how much less tension I had on my face when I left the bathroom.  She called me on it immediately.

And that was when I learned she had prepared for exactly this situation, and already had a pair of shoes with three inch heels, in a box underneath my bed.

That was chosen as the starting size, with later increments going up by one inch.  Primarily because we both wanted to get this ‘clothing game’ of ours started, and three inches felt like a good starting height

The agreement was simple:  Whenever I wasn’t, you know, going out hiking and dodging monsters in order to claim more land in the land grab… or doing something similarly important… I would be wearing heels.

With allotments for sanity, of course.  It was starting to get a bit chilly.  If it snowed, I would not be wearing high heels until it was dry again.

Ice plus high heels equals very very bad choices.

This would, naturally, include our ‘days off’ that Shimizu was forcing on me.  I tried to defer wearing the heels until later, but it was still our ‘morning’ time slot -- and so she insisted that we take that day off, right then and there.  So I had to put the heels on with my normal outfit.

Wearing heels was… a strange change in pace for me.  Unlike wearing a skirt, which you can ignore so long as nothing draws attention to it, heels require focus and change the way you walk.

Oh I was sure that I would get used to them eventually… and I did… but for the first time wearing heels?  I felt almost like I was on stilts.  I suspect I still wasn’t quite used to my new body; my proprioception felt off.  And every step on a hard surface went ‘click-clack’ with every step.

‘Click-clack, click-clack, click-clack’.  I felt like it was some kind of alarm alerting people that I was coming, and I was painfully aware of it.

It took me the rest of the morning time slot for me to feel confident -- well, confident enough -- that I wouldn’t fall flat on my face when walking outside.

I left my room to meet up with Shimizu, who was waiting for me.  She had left to get ready after coercing my agreement regarding having the day off.  And the moment she saw me, stepping out in those heels, I could swear that I heard her make a slight grunting noise.  An animal noise of heat.

It really is a small change, all things considered.  A small, tiny, insignificant change -- and yet, for both of us, it felt like a huge deal.  Like it was the first step on a slippery slope, leading us to fall towards… something.

That, and my focus on my heels, meant that I didn’t realize that something was up until Shimizu walked us past the elevators.  The dorms are pretty large, but not massive -- five or six floors; just large enough to justify a pair of magic elevators.  I resided on the third floor, myself, and usually took the stairs… but I certainly didn’t want to on my first day wearing heels!

When I tried to express this quite reasonable concern to Shimizu, she just smiled gallantly at me and said that she would ensure that I wouldn’t come to harm.

…I felt something weird jump around in my stomach, and felt the blood rushing to my face, and I couldn’t manage to complain about it again.

It was weird, for me.  Very weird.  It was the first time since coming to the world of the Alchemical Corruption series that I was being protected instead of protecting.  Oh, sure, Shimizu took care of a lot of monsters for me when we were exploring, but that was more a division of labor.  And I was hardly useless; I could pepper them with my fire arrows.  Besides, quite frankly, if I was willing to take the time and kill them with a thousand burns?  I could, most likely, when against any of our common opponents on my own.

But right now, there was a weird… dropping sensation.  Like when you’re in a really fast elevator and it just started going down -- you feel slightly stretched, and like the floor isn’t all there.  Except the sensation didn’t go away.  I just kept feeling that, as we approached the stairs, and it only got worse when I started going down them.

When walking in heels, I quickly figured out… or remembered, I forget which… that you need to walk ‘heel-toe’.  As in, when you walk, the heel of the shoe touches the ground first.  Then your toe.

However, I was walking down some stairs.  And when you walk downstairs, you go ‘toe-heel’; using your foot like that lets you adjust your body more finely.  Similarly when you walk upstairs, actually… Anyway, I digress.

I felt absurdly proud of myself that I managed to walk down to the second floor without needing any help, and only minorly supporting myself on the rail.  I think I even pumped a fist in celebration.

Shimizu was right next to me, and was fighting down amusement and arousal both at how pumped I was at such a minor achievement.  It emphasized how weak I was, at that moment -- the fact that such a small thing was worth celebrating.

Unfortunately, my cocky confidence didn’t last.  On the third stair down after reaching the second floor, I tripped, and the next thing I knew Shimizu was casually supporting me by holding on to one of my hands.  I was leaning forward, and had nearly tumbled down the stairs.

When you trip, things don’t ‘slow down’ unless you’re anticipating it.  In this case, I was not -- I took a wrong step, something seemed to slip, and it was only Shimizu keeping a hand on my arm just in case this very thing happened that kept me from falling.

She was holding onto me effortlessly, and with a smile that was halfway to a smirk, tugged me back onto the stairs.  I don’t remember what she said, but I remember giggling to it -- my heart was pounding, the nerves from the almost-fall and a burgeoning crush percolating through my body.

I remember saying something, but I’m not sure what.  Something about wanting her to help me more, I think, because after that I took a firm grip on her arm, latching onto it.  I didn’t even realize what I was doing until I realized I was squeezing it between my tits.

I was feeling odd; dizzy, almost.  Like things weren’t quite real.  Like everything was just a bit left of reality.  Like I was floating and falling at the same time.

It was amazing.

I remember looking up at Shimizu with what I’m sure was a dumb, silly smile on my face, just staring at her as she led me down the stairs.  I felt like she was the closest thing to ‘real’ at the moment… or at least the most important thing.

Shimizu noticed.

And she liked it.

She liked me staring at her, with that dumb, adoring look on my face.  Not even noticing where we were going, relying entirely on her.  Leaning off of her arm like I couldn’t even walk without her support.

She made a small grunt that I recognized as meaning she was getting hard.  Not so hard that she needed to relieve herself in me right then, but it would clearly be a distraction until her balls were drained.

I realized that I was getting wet just from that sound.  Like I was trained, without either of us noticing, to respond to it like a dog to a bell.

This only made me even more aware of how unsteady I was on my heels.  Which made me more aware of how I was leaning on Shimizu to support me.  Which made me more aware of how her arm felt between my tits.

Unlike my arms, hers felt hard.  Strong, and muscled.  I didn’t even realize that I was starting to softly grind against it until Shimizu glanced at me, trying to figure out the reasons behind my actions.

She did, of course, rather quickly.

All it took was her slipping a hand under my skirt and feeling my wet panties.

Neither of us really needed to speak; we had done this countless times by now already.  She just tugged me into an out of the way corner of the stairwell, tugged my panties up, unzipped her pants, and started fucking me.

Her massive cock entered with a wet squelch, with barely any resistance.  We’d fucked so many times by now, and I was already wet and ready for it.  I felt the entire thing enter into my body, far deeper than any cock should go, far thicker than any cock should be, but all I could think about was how good it felt.  I grasped, clumsily, at Shimizu’s body as she pounded my back into the wall, almost clawing at her for a grip as I tried to reach up to kiss her.

I was acting differently than usual; I still wasn’t in my normal headspace.  I was acting out of some kind of foreign instinct, one that I hadn’t experienced before.

And it only made Shimizu even more frenzied.

I gasped in pleasure at one particular moment where she rammed me, and actually lifted my heels up off the floor.  I’m not sure if it was because my body was lifted up enough that even with the heels my shoes couldn’t touch the floor, or if the transfer of momentum shook my legs to the point where things just slipped.  It doesn’t really matter.

All I knew was that suddenly I was hanging off of Shimizu, and was unable to get a solid footing.

My heels kept on slipping, my panicked attempts to get some solidity under my feet only ensuring that I never got it.  The only things keeping me from falling was how Shimizu and I gripped each other, and how her cock was constantly pumping into me.

I was gasping, and whimpering, trying to avoid letting any noise out that would let anybody in the dorms know we were there.  I felt like I was falling and was only being supported by somebody so much stronger, so much better than me.  And I felt oddly comforted by that fact.  That I wasn’t the one holding myself up.

I’m not sure when I came, or how many, but I know that I was in pure blissful pleasure for quite some time.  By the time I woke up, Shimizu had already cleaned us up with alchemical cleaning powder, and tugged my panties back up for me.

Alchemical cleaning powder is very convenient for horny deviants that need sex multiple times a day, but you really need to take a good wash before going to bed if you used it during the day.

I was feeling exhausted, and oddly… drained, after that.  Like I took a massive leap forward, somehow.  I also felt very clingy and cuddly.

I held onto Shimizu for the entire day, and even though we didn’t have much more sex, I wordlessly managed to convince her to stay in my bed with me.

And the next day, when we were going to go back to work with the land grab…

…That day I stuffed a pair of sneakers in my backpack, and wore the heels until we needed to start hiking.

I didn’t even realize what I was doing.

I like to think that Shimizu, quite literally, fucked the habit into me.

Because it certainly wouldn’t be the last time she did.

Hehehehe... and now we get to the part where the main character willingly indulges in her own corruption!  MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

Ah, but don't worry.  There's still plenty more to go for this girl.  I've got a loooong list of things to happen to her~

Please share your thoughts on the status listed near the start of the chapter!  It'll show up again later, but I'd like to know if people think it's too much detail, not enough information, things like that.

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