Capture Target

Chapter 20 — A Restful Plan

Do I really have to?

…Ugh.  Fine.

Here it is, one of my most embarrassing outfits, in all its glory.

Hey.  Hey!  I see that look, I’m -- look, I’m not lying -- no it’s not because it covers too much skin!  Who would be embarrassed by an outfit that covers you?!  At least embarrassed in a hot way, instead of embarrassed in a ‘kill me now’ way -- wait, you’re distracting me!

Look at this!  It’s a hobble skirt!

I know it’s a fashion from the early nineteen hundreds, that’s not -- argh!  Look.  Do you have any idea how hard it is to walk in these things?  Add in some ballet heels that you’re locked into, and despite being theoretically able to walk, all you really do is teeter around!  Even with all my practice, there’s a feeling of -- incapability with wearing it.  And then you can on other fun bondage add-onds, like hoops for ropes or chains, and -- 

-- argh look, it’s embarrassing, okay?!  And it can be hot, too!  It’s tight on the body, following its shape perfectly!  And with my shape, there’s plenty to show off with it.

I see that look in your eyes.  Do you want to wear it instead to see that I’m not joking?

I thought not.

Hmph.  Doubting my word… honestly, what’s the fun in intentionally losing a bet if you cheat on the forfeit?

…erk.  Um.  I said that out loud, didn’t I?

… … …

So, back to my history!

To understand a bit about the exhaustion I mentioned last time, I’m going to talk a bit about how people recover -- at least, in my experience.

See, if the body isn’t overly strained, then it tends to recover fairly quickly.  So if you drain half of your energy supply, after a good night's rest, you’ll be back up to full.

But if you drain significantly more, then it’s as if your ability to recover is strained, as well.  So if instead of half of your energy supply, you drain yourself to a mere ten percent… then it might take a week to recover.  Not the two or three days you would expect.

This was compounded by the time slot system.

I want to make something very, very clear here:  The time slot system that the chief god put in place is a lazy hack with countless issues that he doesn’t care about so long as he never has to get interrupted during his porn time.  I worked for over twenty hours straight on the huge push I did, which is a big problem, because the chief god didn’t change human biology to account for how weird the time slots work.

He just flips the ‘needs to sleep’ button in the human body on or off depending on how many time slots you’ve been up for.

Sleep is important because it lets your body and mind recover; who knows the full benefits of it, but they are countless.  You can’t just turn that off and expect nothing bad to happen.

Actually in Alchemical Corruption 9, there was a short plot about somebody trying to extend a time slot as much as he could.  The result was, uh.  Death.  Obviously.  This was used just to show how stupid the entire setup of this world is, and how lazy the chief god is when it comes to housekeeping.

I suspect that’s why the later half of that day is foggy in my mind.  I had already pushed as far as I should be able to during the first ten or so hours, and the second half was fueled more by momentum and raw spite than anything resembling ‘normal neuropsychological status’.  So when I got back, I was exhausted on all fronts.  The only thing I really knew was that I needed to get dicked something fierce.

I had started substituting ‘sex’ for ‘normal mental recovery’.  The high of an orgasm is a great way to reset the head!  Unfortunately, I was too out of it to really push for it, but I remember pawing in the vague direction of Shimizu’s cock while in my bed.  She got the message and fucked me hard enough that I could just pass out and fall asleep.

When I got up the next morning, I was still out of it.  It wasn’t that I couldn’t focus and push, it was more that I really, really didn’t want to.  Buuut I still needed to.  I remember asking Shimizu to leave cow-tits Sumiko alone and come with me for some required shopping.  With how she jumped to it, some of my utter exhaustion must have bled through my voice.

She helped Sumiko hook herself up to her new milking apparatus.  I was too tired to even properly tease her about it as I waited, and before long we were off to the main shopping area.

See, after wearing the ‘blessed platform heels of rapid movement’, my tendons had been shortened.  I would never again be comfortable wearing anything with less than two inches of heels.  And that included things like sneakers and winter boots.  So I had to go and get some heeled sneakers and heeled footwear for various occasions.

I was not going to try to hike through the wilderness in stilettos.

There’s sacrificing common sense for fashion, and then there’s suicidal stupidity.

Fortunately, this was an eroge world, so they have shoes for every occasion!  They even have a set of something like heels if you had hooves for feet, for some reason.  That didn’t mean it was easy or cheap to find what I needed, but it was certainly possible.

…Though I did have a bit of culture whiplash when I went to the sporting and hiking goods store and saw heeled cleats for soccer players.

That wasn’t something I expected.

They looked cute, too!

Regardless, as I was gathering shoes, Shimizu asked what was wrong, which confused me then, but… looking back?  That was the first time I was really exhausted.  Too exhausted to put up polite airs for my friends.  I just wanted to get fucked a bit and sleep the entire day.

So I told her… let’s see… my words were, “I’m just too exhausted to do anything today.  I can’t be bothered to figure out what to do, or to make the decisions required.  We managed to get the land we needed, but I, frankly, can’t be bothered to think beyond that.”

She asked me in turn, “Well, if you could think, what would you like to do?”

I made some kind of frustrated noise as I rubbed my head.  I didn’t want to bother even figuring that out!  So I just spat out the first idea in my head.  “I don’t know, some kind of fun and sexy day out?  I feel like I’m going through sex withdrawal.  Don’t ask me what to do precisely, just the thought of coming to a decision practically gives me hives.”

…I didn’t know it at the time, but that is literally part of what I was going through.

Yes.  In this world, women can get addicted to sex.

It was something I had completely blanked on, and it had already happened to me, and it was making my exhaustion much worse.

Moving on, Shimizu made one of those ‘I heard you’ noises.  A ‘hm’ or an ‘ah’, or possibly even a ‘huh’, and went quiet after that.  She wandered off for a bit while I was shopping and gathering everything that I needed to update my wardrobe -- and a few emergency supplies with five inch heels, just in case I needed to use the ‘blessed’ platforms again.

Thankfully we had a lot of money given how many random items we had to make during the rush the day before.  Even when accounting for how much it cost to purchase the land, we made out like bandits.  So I could easily afford some new shoes.

I didn’t even think about what Shimizu was doing until I finished paying for my new footwear.  It was a, ah… a fairly massive bag when all was said and done.  I actually needed a second moment to look at it, and to fight down the realization that I just went shopping just for shoes.  I spent nearly two hours trying on various shoes and heels to find the best pairs, and looked for colors and patterns that would match the rest of my outfits.  And I ended up getting so many that I would have had trouble carrying them all out if I didn’t have Shimizu with me.

Sadly, I was too exhausted to panic more than a tired, ‘Fuck, I’m turning into a girl’ that ran through my head.

When we got out of the store, Shimizu slapped her hand right onto my ass and grabbed it.  I jumped, as much as I could, startled and shocked out of my haze of mental and physical fatigue by the sound and the sensation.

I could already feel myself getting wet, the response having been trained into me by all the sex I’d been having.

Shimizu looked down at me with a sly grin and said, “I think I’ll treat you today, Princess.  Don’t worry about your purchases.”  She gestured and I realized that Sumiko was -- well, I’d say ‘jogging’, but I mean more ‘panting as she walked faster than average’ towards us.  Her four tits and fat ass were slowing her down, though it did make the view quite lovely to watch.  I realized later that Shimizu sent her a message to come and join us.

And of course all I could say was, “There’s no way that she’ll be able to carry all of my shoes back to my room.”

I couldn’t say anything indicating I was embarrassed, or that I was wet, or that I wanted her to slam me against a wall and fuck me right then and there -- no!  I had to mention the practical concerns.  Ugh.  Being exhausted is the worst.

Shimizu just waved off my concern and whispered something to Sumiko.  I didn’t hear much, though I did hear the word ‘reward’ in there, which seemed to pump her up.  She handed over a box that she brought with her to Shimizu and then, with trepidation, slowly picked up my various bags of shoe boxes.

Shimizu and I both admired the sway of her rear, her tail accentuating it in a lovely manner, as she walked back towards the dorm rooms.

She then turned to me with a sly grin.  “And now, princess, for our date… I want you to put this on.”  She handed me a few boxes -- one of which was the one that Sumiko brought with her when she came to meet us.

I looked down at the boxes, then up to Sumiko, feeling confused.  My lethargic brain couldn’t figure out what was going on; all it knew was that I was wet and the herm with the addictive cock was giving me an order.

Therefore, I should obey, before asking questions.

Shimizu giggled a bit as she realized I was looking for a place to get changed in, and, using her hand still on my rear, guided me towards a store with some changing rooms.  She had a fond smile on her face as she said, “In there, princess.”

So in I went, and started putting on the clothing she got me.

…I didn’t realize until I was all dressed up and opening the last box just what she wanted me to put on. Or, well, in.

I was halfway through putting on the skirt when I realized the outfit came with underwear, too.  I almost decided to skip them, but in the end, despite my mental fatigue, it was clear Shimizu had put a fair amount of thought into this; I didn’t want to undermine her efforts.  Even if I felt like nothing much would come of it at the time.

So I stripped down and pulled on the panties and fidgeted with the bra.  They were an innocent shade of pink, with some soft white frills on the edges, highlighting them.  The bra was a bit tight, just a touch, so it took a bit to wriggle it on.

Then came the thigh highs.  They were the classic black, and I’d grown used to wearing something similar with my uniform, but I still shivered a bit as I put it on.  There was something different about wearing clothing for somebody else, and it was slowly waking me up.

Then came the skirt.  This was an eroge, so, obviously, it was pleated.  That seems to be mandatory.  It also had a white pattern near the bottom edge that really showed off how it ruffled, along with a few black vertical lines.  I put it on, and realized that the skirt was… short.  Very short.

I stared at the mirror and turned slightly.  Then I turned quickly.  So long as I was careful, it wouldn’t rise up enough to show off my panties, but it was still something I needed to be aware of… especially with my sexy butt taking up space.

The top was some kind of corset/blouse combination.  There was a rigidity to it that one would expect from a corset, but with soft sleeves as well.  And, of course, laces that criss-crossed below my breasts that probably didn’t do anything.  It was also pink, matching the skirt, with white and black used sparingly, and for emphasis.  And naturally, like every other top designed for women in this world, it was a boob sock.  The corset only served to emphasize my breasts, and for a moment I thought that I’d look bigger than Sumiko if I was next to her… though I shook off that delusion after a few moments of thought.  Her new size was truly impressive, and that was before she got the second pair.

The shoes were black Mary Jane schoolgirl shoes… except with a thick heel of five inches.  With three inches of platform, as well.

I took a look at myself in the mirror, and noticed, primarily, how the color scheme really changed my apparent age.

My face and body were unchanged, but I was wearing brighter colors, now, and predominantly pink.  While it went well with my blond hair, it made me look… a lot younger.  Or… more innocent, perhaps?  Less mature?  I was still clearly of ‘old enough to be legal’ age, my tits made sure of that, but the outfit was one that made me think of youth, innocence, and a certain lack of maturity despite its obviously sensual nature.

I was ready to head back out when I accidentally kicked the box with my heels, and heard something rattle at the bottom.  I picked it up and took a second look and found the last item.

A bullet vibrator.

I stared at it for a long moment.  I didn’t even know where Shimizu had found it.  There were some velcro straps with it, along with a slightly milk-stained diagram showing where to attach it.

…Fuck.  In retrospect, the milk stains make it obvious she had Sumiko make it.  How did I -- argh, moving on!

I, with some hesitation, attached it as instructed.  I could feel it nestling just next to my clit, and the thought of what I was doing already made me want to squirm.  Try to see if I could get any form of friction from it.

It took me a few deep breaths to calm myself down.  I was still mentally exhausted, still feeling a fog from the need for rest, after all.  I doubted that a tiny vibrator would really help shake that, and the malaise from working so hard, off.

I took a few standing steps in the changing room to get used to the heels, before packing my clothing away in the box that my new outfit came from and heading out to show off to Shimizu.

The long whistling noise she made when I came out made me blush harder than I thought I would.  I was already feeling frazzled, and when she slapped my butt when I got closer as a ‘compliment’, I nearly fell over.

I’m not sure what I said in protest, because all I remember is Shimizu saying, “And now to see if you’re a good girl or a bad girl…”, followed by the subtle click of a button being pressed.

And then the bullet vibrator turned on.

At that point, I did fall down.  …Or at least, fall into Shimizu.  I grasped at her body in order to stop myself from falling further, panting a bit, eyes wide as my legs trembled.

I realized I hadn’t thought this through at all.

I was still dealing with the consequences of Yuu whoring me out -- occasional ‘offers’ that were more like ‘demands’ from strangers on the street.  And with this?  Now?  I knew that if I let loose with a loud moan in public it would get even worse.

I tried to explain this to Shimizu, but she just grinned with a small giggle.  She said, “Princess, don’t worry about it.  I’ll protect you.”

…Despite myself, at the time, this made my stomach do a few interesting acrobatics.

Even as my clit was being assaulted by a bullet vibrator.

…Emotions are weird.

Still, it quickly became obvious that I wasn’t able to think straight right now.  The vibrator and the outfit and everything else was driving me to distraction.  Shimizu made a show of considering this for what felt like hours.  I was just there, hanging off of her arm, panting and trying to avoid squirming from the sensation of the vibrator.  She eventually, after far too long, seemed to come to a decision and led me to a small, out of the way tiny park, or garden.  It was through an alleyway and surrounded by buildings, so it was highly unlikely for anybody to see us -- and even if they did, public sex laws were a lot more lax there than you’re probably used to.

I was almost grinding myself on her leg by the time we got there.  Somehow, the thought of masturbating didn’t even enter my mind -- but instead of fucking me, she just gave me a coy grin and unzipped her pants while pushing me to my knees.

I realized as her massive dong came out that she was expecting a blowjob.  It was already mostly hard, and a bit of that addictive pre was already beading at the tip.  But I wanted to get fucked.  I tried to stand again, but she easily pushed me back down.  I tried a second time, and she just rolled her eyes and put her cock over my head, letting it almost rest on me.

Something in me froze.  I couldn’t move as I stared upwards at it, with wide eyes.  It was like I couldn’t comprehend what was happening.  The vibrator was still pleasuring me, and I was so wet I was pretty sure I’d already stained my new panties, but I couldn’t bring myself to move.

At least, not for a few solid moments.  Long enough to make it seem like I wouldn’t have ever moved until Shimizu interrupted my odd mental state.  She informed me, with an amused, but firm tone, “No.  A blowjob or nothing.”

I stared up at her.  I didn’t quite comprehend… uh, this entire situation, really.  In my state of mental exhaustion, it was slightly too much for me.  And because of that, I stared, silently, without moving, for a few moments too long… so she rolled her eyes and started to bring her cock back, clearly preparing to put it away.

And at that point I panicked.  I quickly yelped out, “N-no, don’t!”  I didn’t even think about speaking, the words just launched out of my mouth like a rocket.  Shimizu only gave me a look that was both amused and pointed.

She pushed her cock forward again.

With only a minor amount of hesitance, I put it in my mouth.  I felt my entire body slump as I tasted the pre that was beading on it, tasted her cock again.  It was oddly comfortable.  Like putting on a weighted blanket, except much more sensual.  …Unless, you know, you have a weighted blanket kink, in which case you do you.

I can’t describe the sensation of sucking off a cock that you’re addicted to.  It’s like nothing else I’ve ever experienced, and even now it makes me squirm in anticipation.  I felt my arousal freely rise as I worked Shimizu’s cock, using my hands now to gently massage what I wasn’t reaching and to feel her balls that seemed to radiate heat with their rapid cum production.

Neither of us were in the mood for anything drawn out, so it wasn’t long before she came, the cum flooding down my mouth.

And that triggered my own orgasm.

Well.  I didn’t know at the time that it was more planned than that.  Shimizu triggered a second function of the bullet vibrator that pushed it just so -- the difference in friction and speed enough to get me over the ‘peak’, causing pleasure to crash down on me as my orgasm wracked my body.

I stared dumbly up at Shimizu as I slowly removed my head from her cock with a small ‘popping’ sound, licking my lips to make sure I didn’t miss any of her cum.  I was well used to taking her loads by now, but this was something new.

Shimizu just smiled at me and zipped herself back up, not saying a word.

I giggled a bit, sounding a bit off to my ears, and accepted her helping hand to stand up.

I was starting to realize that this was only the beginning of a truly wonderful day~

Have you ever been so mentally exhausted that even thinking about it would be too much?  I have, and it suuuuucks~  A bimbos day out is clearly what you need then, to recharge the mental batteries.

Good thing the main character has a thoughtful dom to help her out!

On other news, I'm working on my subscribestar page!

It is, I should note, not finished yet.  Primarily because you can, apparently, only do ten posts a day.  It should be done in a day or two, but if you want an early peak or want to see what I've already gotten up by subscribing early, then feel free.

It is not... I repeat, it is not done.  When it is done, I'll release an extra chapter that, in it, will explain some of my further thoughts on the matter, as well as future plans.  There are probably some minor mistakes I've made with regards to individual chapters, and some things I haven't fleshed out yet, but it should be done soon.  If you want to take a peek in advance, then here you go!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.