Capture Target

EXTRA 1 — Not That Bad

Content Warning!

Normally I wouldn’t bother with that, but while the story is normally told from the perspective of Elizabeth talking to you, the viewer, this extra is written more ‘normally’ -- and focuses on the viewpoint of the chief god that’s been repeatedly mentioned.

As such, instead of focusing on the importance of consent and understanding, this chapter will almost indulge in its opposite.  The tone remains light, the content does not.

In a different story I wouldn’t bother with a warning, but this is jarring change -- so be aware.  If you don’t want to read it, or find it icky, then you’re free to skip it.  My beta reader got a temporary bout of depression from this chapter; I don't think that's going to be a common issue, but this is very different from normal.

That said, check out the author’s note at the end of the chapter for a Subscribestar announcement, even if you want to skip the chapter!

In one reality, in one time and place, there is a particularly bouncy slut that is eagerly explaining her debauched history to a poor mortal that made the foolish choice of agreeing to listen to her.

But this is a different time, in a different reality, in a different place.  Specifically, the reality where the slut found herself, during her past.  Here, we see the head god of reality MISSY finishing off his regular voyeuristic pleasures.  It’s one of his favorite things to do; spending years watching and rewatching individuals in his reality get raped, corrupted, mentaly broken by pleasure, succumb to mind control… and many, many other things.

And he does this, every single time slot.

That’s one of the reasons he set it up like that, after all.  An ‘event’ happens every time slot -- so he can just watch all of those events in sequence, during his own time slot.  Just a simple filter for what he wants, and bam!  Near-infinite porn!  He’s quite proud of the idea.  Much easier to do this than to deal with the headache of actually being omniscient.  Ugh.  That gives too much information.

He doesn’t want to watch grandpa’s fuck grannies!  Who wants to watch that?!  Who wants to even know it happens?!

No, he’d much rather watch all the barely-legal women in his world get molested, abused, used and corrupted by everything around them.

What kind of man would rather watch somebody old and wrinkled?  Or, frankly, even know they exist outside of -- maybe -- family meetups?

Oh sure, he knows that this isn’t exactly the most ‘moral’ standpoint, but that’s fine.  There’s one thing that this god knows very well; it gives him comfort, and ensures he is undisturbed by the vocal jabs of the petty and jealous.

He is not that bad.

‘Yeah… Dick Harding.  That’s a cool name.  That’ll be my name now,’ he thinks shortly before, with a minor flex of will, he ensures his harem knows what to call him.  He hasn’t changed his name for a while, and, frankly, he was getting tired of ‘Rock Rod’.  Alliteration is for kiddies.  Dick Harding is a name for adults.

He gives himself a self satisfied nod as he reforms his consciousness into a proper body.  A full seven and a half foot tall, and absolutely ripped with muscles.  A perfect six pack.  Hair that isn’t too long, or too short.  Looks all natural, without the strange bulging that can occur from abusing certain drugs or magical practices.  There’s a reason he wants his people short, and it’s so that his preferred form can tower over them.

And of course, one can’t forget the two foot long cock.

Did it need to be that long?

No, of course it didn’t.  He just did it as a gift for his girls~  He knew that they loved it.

He ensured they would himself, after all!

That’s him.

A giver.

Instead of bothering with a mirror, he summons a copy of himself.  The two Dicks smirk at each other and give twin gun motions with their hands, before the copy dissipates back into nothingness.

Self love is important, after all.

He opens the door -- well, it’s not a door, really; what it actually is is too complicated and intricate to describe to mortals, but calling it a ‘door’ is accurate enough for the ungifted -- and grins as he sees one of his favorite targets.

The rape slut~

Right, she prefers to be called ‘Modesty’.

He almost snorts to himself at the ridiculous name, but there’s no reason to not let his girls have their simple pleasures.  Even if those pleasures are ridiculous.  Honestly, ‘Modesty’?  For that girl?

Sure, she didn’t make as curvy a body as, say, Immaculata, but her clothing screamed something else entirely.  Lovely stripper heels with some very attractive stockings led up to a nice hot red minidress with a slit up the side.  Her ass was nice and juicy, and her tits were nearly bulging out of her top.

And she called herself ‘Modesty’?

Well, at least her clothing was honest, even if her name wasn’t.  After all, the goddess of rape just can’t help herself but wear clothing to invite him to take her.

Dick Harding had something else he was planning on doing, but frankly, it wasn’t important.  Or, if it was important, he forgot about it two seconds after spotting his girl.  He watched Modesty look over one of many miniatures of the planet in the ‘room’ as he stalked over to her.  He ensured she wouldn’t notice his presence with a minor flex of his power until he was right behind her.

She seemed to be working on something, but eh.  It could wait.  Another benefit of his ingenious time slot system.

“Now, now, slut,”  He says, his voice perfectly enhanced to make all his girls shiver with want.  “What’s so important that you can ignore me, hmmm?”

He puts a hand over her shoulder and digs under dress to grope at one of her tits, pawing at it like one would play with some particularly fun bread dough.  He could feel himself getting hard from the sensation, and he was barely paying attention as he heard Modesty say, “A-ah!  S-sir, Lord, not now, I --”

At ‘not now’, he had heard all he needed to.  He cackles a bit as he pushes her down onto the globe, using it as a makeshift stand, and spears his cock into her pussy.

He, naturally, wasn’t wearing anything.  Why would he?

His form was perfection and the girls deserved to see it.

And the rape slut obviously wasn’t wearing any panties.  Her appearance was just to entice him to come and take her, after all.

He groaned in pleasure as he felt his thick rod get enveloped by her needy entrance, squeezing down on him.  Perfect like always.  She was babbling something about dealing with something ‘important’ but whatever it was could wait, he was sure.

So he started to fuck her, and like always?

She soon lost track of whatever ‘important thing’ she was dealing with, instead screaming with pleasure.

Dick Harding was very pleased with himself.  Oh, sure, he basically just cheated and overloaded her with pleasure straight from his cock, but she still loved it, and that’s what counts.  Well, that, and how she couldn’t get off to anything consensual.  Really, she was a perfect girl for his harem.  If only the other girls were more like her…

…Eh, whatever.

He still remembers that day fondly.  That day that firmly cemented her as not only his ‘Goddess of Rape’, but as his rape slut.  When she wanted permission to speak to the mortals ‘in his name’ to help -- something.  There was a war or invasion or whatever that was going on, it wasn’t really important.  Mortals fight all the time; why get involved in every little spat?  But Modesty was insistent so, fed up, he offered her a deal.

In exchange for letting him use his name -- so long as it didn’t ruin anything sexy!  Or countermand anything he wanted or found hot! -- with the mortals, she wouldn’t be able to feel pleasure from anything she agreed to.

No worming out of it with clever cues, either!  She had to insist she didn’t want it, she had to actually mean it, in order for her to get pleasure from any cock.  Even his, and his could literally drive mortals insane with pleasure.  He should know, he checked.

This had some fascinating results on Modesty’s mind and habits.

Some of his later girls get upset when they learn about that little deal he made with her, but frankly, it’s not his fault.

He offered her a deal.

She’s the one who took it.

It was her choice.

Why treat him like the bad guy, when all he did was offer an option?


He wasn’t that bad.

This entire reality existed because of him!  All of those ‘injustices’ people complain about only exist because he was kind enough to let them live in the first place.  He could end this entire reality at a moment's notice and he wouldn’t be affected in the slightest; he could just reclaim his ichor and start up again.

…Frankly he’s been considering doing that lately.  What with his remnant bashing its way out of its cell.  Sure, he could deal with it, but… eh… taking care of it the first time was a massive pain, and things are stable enough now.  He even seeded sources of power for the mortals!  Or, well, more accurately, didn’t take them away, but still, that counts!  They can take care of it.  Probably.

When he’s honest with himself, he’s not sure he even wants them to deal with it.  He’s been considering starting from scratch.  Sure, this reality had its good points, but there’s been a lot of complaining from the mortals, and it’s been getting a bit old.  He even has a cool new idea, too!  Set up a world that’s just like one of the boring ones without magic, get civilization up and running and a bit prudish, and then:  Tentacles!

Sheer brilliance.  His raw capacity for amazing ideas startles him sometimes.

The only issue is that it would take so long and be so boring until then.  Ugh… starting with tribal humans is the worst, in his mind.

His musing is interrupted as he realizes another goddess has entered the ‘not-a-room’, and he grins as he sees the utterly gorgeous Immaculata step in.  As always, she one-ups every other girl in the room, and her eyes light up upon seeing him.  “Darling~!”  She squeals, rushing towards him.

He laughs as he forms a second body, the first one still raping Melody over the globe, and grabs her as she rushes at him.  He quickly makes out with her and begins fucking her under her fanciful ballroom gown, holding her in the air as he does so.

Immaculata is one of the best examples of how he’s not nearly as bad as some claim!

She used to be one of those judgy people that kept on shouting at him as a mortal for all his ‘crimes’ of, you know, ‘not holding their hands’.  Now an evil god would just smite her.  But Dick Harding isn’t evil.  He just had her reincarnate!

It was easy to set up a system to ensure her soul wouldn’t be recycled after dying.  She got to keep her memories and sense of self, automatically excluded from the endless cycle of souls, and reincarnate in his land until she learned to not insult the gods!

…Sure he might of, uh.


About her.

For a few centuries.

But when he remembered, she had become a much better individual, and it only took some minor pressure on his girls to ensure she ascended!  After all, he couldn’t let her go now that he saw how obsessed with appearances she was -- and, uh, it counted as an apology for forgetting about her, too.  Or something like that.

Still, see?

Not that bad.

One of the people that hated him was not only not smited, she even became a goddess!  All she had to do was live in his world for long enough, and they could work things out peacefully.  And honestly, goddess of Beauty was a much better fit for her than a nag.  She always had a lovely body…

Dick Harding was considering making another form to drag in another one of his girls… Leola was always easy, and he was in the mood for something a bit more extreme, so he was weighing the pros and cons of dealing with Chastity…… when his mood was suddenly killed when he felt another goddess enter the room.

Well.  ‘Killed’.  It didn’t stop him from fucking the two girls he was already with, naturally, that would have been rude, but he was no longer interested in pushing further.

If there was any goddess that proved he was not that bad, it was Futa.  Goddess of hermaphrodites and futanari, and the biggest mistake he ever made with his harem.

Well, second biggest.  His biggest mistake was pretty bad, but he apologized for it!  And every chief god goes a bit crazy with power at the start.  At that time he was, well, not the best, morally speaking.

But given time he mellowed out and apologized.  Not that he gets why she insists on remaining in the dungeon.  Ugh.  It’s not even the sex dungeon, just a stupid cell he made for punishment, and she just stays there voluntarily.

Dick’s ruminations are interrupted by Futaba chuckling as she glances around.  “Already having fun, my lord?  I don’t suppose you’d be interested in sharing one of them?”

He makes a face.  “Ugh.  No.  The only cock I want near me is my own.”

Honestly.  Futaba knew he disliked her, and he knew she disliked him in turn.  Why insist on this friendly facade?  He just wants her to go away and not be in his sight.  He even let her ruin a bunch of perfectly good girls by giving them cocks!

...Admitadly, he does enjoy seeing ‘her people’ fuck women.  Twice the number of tits, after all.  But inevitably they also want to fuck men and then, suddenly, there’s two cocks and only one vag!

And that is Not Okay.  He has no interest in that.  Ugh.

“Oh?  And why so?”  Futaba asks with a grin, knowing his answer.

And she wasn’t disappointed when he responded with, “Because that’s gay, obviously.”

Futaba raises an eyebrow and glances in the vague direction of where Leola and Daria tended to stay.  Those two girls of his were always fucking.

Dick Harding just raises an eyebrow.  “...What?”  He asks.

Futaba just smirks, and her smirk widens as her ‘lord’ fails to see her point.

“...Ugh, whatever.  Get out of here or I’ll force you out.”

“Why, my lord, you would --”  Futaba starts to respond, but the chief god just rolls his eyes and holds up a hand.  The body that’s fucking Modesty does, at least.  An invisible wave of force just slams into Futaba and pushes her out of the ‘room’.  Sure, it would hurt a bit, but it wouldn’t do anything permanent.  At worst it shattered a bone or two, nothing that she won’t recover from with time.  And she knows he doesn’t like her pushing him.

…Something about her always makes him feel dumb.  He doesn’t like it.

But he comforts himself with the reminder that you can’t please everyone.  Those that are determined to hate him, well, they’ll just keep on hating him no matter what he does.  So why bother with them?

It’s important to be comfortable and confident in yourself, after all!  And Dick Harding is nothing if not confident.

He chuckles to himself, feeling better, as he forms a few more bodies to go and grab Delilah and Wanda.  …And, on second thought, another to ask for a favor from Argenta.  Her drugs always manage to loosen Temperance up a bit, and he did love making her and Delilah fuck each other…

Dick Harding sighs in contentment as he continues to rape Modesty despite her feeble protests to stop.  Knowing she got more into it the more he ignored her.  Sure, he wasn’t the best person around, he could admit that to himself.

But really.  No matter what everybody said, he took comfort in one thing.

He wasn’t that bad.

Sooo, you might ask ‘why is this chapter here, why is it extra, why wasn’t it released on the normal schedule’?

Well I am pleased to say that this chapter is being used to announce the release of my Subsribestar account!

...Minus one chapter, due to Subscribestar's annoyingly reasonable 'ten posts per day max' rule, but chapter 40 will be out for $10 subscribers in 24 hours, along with a poll for the first subscriber-only extra chapter.  I wonder if people will want to learn about the other games of Alchemical Corruption, see more of the gods in charge of the reality, or see things from another persons perspective entirely!

Now, I decided not to sign up for Patreon at the moment, as the incest arc -- despite the many qualifiers that are stated during it, making it clear that it’s not something to do in reality -- makes me worried Patreon would suddenly cancel my page if I set one up.  If Subsribestar goes well, I’ll make one for Patreon and see how that works regardless -- but I really don't want to set up a page for Patreon that doesn't get any attention and gets canceled.  Unlikely, yes, but the thought got stuck in my mind.

So, this chapter:  It clearly wasn’t in the normal style of the story, and that was intentional.  Twice a month, every subscriber will get one vote on a poll for an ‘extra’ chapter, set up like this; those will be subscriber exclusive content, provided that things actually work going forward.

As for what the tiers of subscribers get, and my thoughts on them…


If the Subscribestar page works out well, I'll flesh it out more with goals and whatnot, but for now... well, I hope it works out!  Thanks for reading!

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