Capture Target

Chapter 21 — Bimbo’s Day Out

This is one of two chapters posted today!  There is one more chapter coming out shortly!
Thank you to my one A-rank subscriber, Theslimeofyourdream~!

I’ve mentioned how my body was a ‘slutty body’ before; several times, in fact, but I don’t think I’ve mentioned quite what that means.  In practical terms, that is.

Oh sure, there’s the obvious parts of it.  Huge fat tits, thick hips, gropable ass, you know.  The usual.  But the head god of this reality wouldn’t be satisfied with ‘merely’ a ‘hot, fuckable body’.

No, he had to make things even worse.  …Or better, depending on your perspective.

There’s three main traits to a ‘slutty body’ in the Alchemical Corruption series; they’re mentioned somewhere in every game, sometimes in main dialogue and sometimes in an easter egg.  The first trait is that physical sensitivity does not decrease with use.  You can use the strongest vibrator known to man, and your clit won’t become numb to it… or at least, not so numb that normal vibrators aren’t fun anymore.  Just numb enough to make the super-vibrator fun instead of painful.

The second is that their bodies are… squishier.  Just in general; their bodies are more malleable in a lot of ways.  It allows them to take larger inserts without pain, and makes their breasts and rump nice and jiggly~

The third trait, however, is the most important one.  This is such a core trait that how strongly it’s represented in each woman has been mechanically represented in some games of the series.  It’s on their official stat list.

The third trait is that a slutty body can be trained.

Oh, don’t get me wrong.  I’d noticed before then that my body had unusual reactions to sexual conditioning.  Just a few scant months of regularly being fucked by a roper and I already needed to cum once a day just to think clearly!  Libido enhancement or not, that is not normal.  It shouldn’t have felt ‘borderline impossible’ to reset my body so it did not require regular sex to function.  But it did, because it was.

Just from a few months of work between a tentacle parasite and a bad boyfriend, I needed to cum regularly in order to function.

And now I had a herm that I actually liked, with a super-cock and addictive cum, training me to get off on giving her a blowjob.

I didn’t stand a chance~

Now, where was I… right.  I was swallowing the tasty tasty herm-cum, feeling dazed and staring up at Shimizu, having a hard time processing what just happened.  I mean, I did know what happened.  I had actually experienced something quite similar rather frequently back when I was with Yuu.  But this wasn’t done with magical semi-intelligent roper tentacles that slipped out of my snatch.  This was done with a… mostly normal herm and a simple vibrator.

Shimizu seemed very amused with my state, and helped me up -- and then helped steady me when I nearly lost my balance shortly after.  I didn't have much, if any, experience with heels that tall, after all -- magic blessed heels of ‘walk anywhere you want’ don’t count.

She comforted me a bit, grinning at my dazed state, and then her hand went right back to my ass.  And she squeezed, her fingers digging into me.  Using that to support me, as if my butt was a handle!  I knew full well what it looked like.  Shimizu was clearly muscled, and tall without heels.  Taller than me, even, with my grand total of eight extra inches.  And yes, I do know that meant she had gained height, but neither of us noticed that yet beyond her needing to replace some clothing.

I, on the other hand, was soft, curvy, wearing mostly pink, and letting her fondle my ass like I was her possession.

It was clear that I was hers.  The terms varied -- I was her toy, her trophy, her girl, her gal, her pet, her slut, her bimbo, her baby girl, her honey, her doll -- but the intent behind them was the same.  We were not two individuals, but one with a possession hanging off of them for reasons unknown.  Maybe it was for money.  Or the sex.  Or maybe she had something on me.  Or perhaps I was just that slutty.  You couldn’t tell when looking at us from the outside; just that, in all ways that mattered, she owned me.

And I was shocked at how wet that thought made me.

I wouldn’t be recognized that easily in this pink getup, but that wasn’t a guarantee.  And somehow, the thought that I would be recognized anyway only revved my engine up even further.  To be known as Shimizu’s doll.  Her personal bimbo slut.  Her cock-sucker.

…Well, the last one I could admit to myself even then was accurate.  The others, I was still in denial about, though it was getting increasingly hard to keep those lies strong as I was soaking in my own arousal.

It was then that I got another rush of pleasure, as another blessing was obtained.

[Blessing:  Futanari’s toy]
[Requirements:  Be involved in enlightening a hermaphrodite as to their true nature as humanity’s best self.  Be trained by a hermaphrodite for two months at a minimum.  Have at least three core habits be adjusted due to said training.  Be addicted to hermaphrodite cum to the point where you would willingly debase yourself for it.]
[Effects:  All training by futanari has an increased effect on you.  All feelings induced by Futanari, whether positive, negative, or neutral, are doubled.  Futanari are instinctively aware of this blessing and the effects it has on you.]

At that point, I…

…Well.  I just kind of.

Let loose a long, squeaking, moaning, whining noise as I just processed the blessing that I was granted by the goddess of hermaphrodites, Futaba.  I knew that she had beef against men and women, I knew it, but that’s different from getting such a blatant blessing!  It could warp how I lived in this world for the rest of my life, if I was unlucky enough to catch the eye of a particularly dominant futa.

I was only snapped out of this state of mental panic when I heard Shimizu hum a bit.  “Huh.  Nice blessing,”  she said.  …Which caused my head to snap straight into staring at her.

This was a mistake, as it made me aware of her again.  Remember, the blessing doubles all sensations that are caused by a futa.  This doesn’t just mean the physical ones -- emotions are included, as well.  In this case, it was a sensation of being small.  Being carried.  Being protected.  And that sensation was doubled, because the source was Shimizu… a futanari.  One that became one due to my own potion!  That I didn’t even want her to drink!

I almost missed it when she continued with, “I mean, this just grants me D-rank traits in Physical and Mental improvement!  Not to mention the rest…”

It was then that she noticed me, and my own blessing, due to -- eh?

I haven’t?

Ugh… fine, more ‘lore’ time.

Traits, or talents, start at C and go to A… normally.  That’s what you can expect an average person to have or obtain over their lifetime.  Certain items, such as the Potential-Freeing Elixir, can let a person get above A in their traits… but D-rank is different.

See, it’s much, much harder to ‘obtain’ a trait than it is to ‘improve’ one.  Traits are typically only born with or obtained when young, when you’re growing rapidly -- and then improved more slowly, over time.  Most elders have all their traits at B or higher, unlike my set of full C’s.  C-rank traits come with an immediate and substantial boost to your capabilities, and that’s what they are obtained at.

…Except when one obtains a trait due to a blessing.

Some blessings, some of them, will grant traits.  When they do, they do so at rank ‘D’.  These traits give you barely any improvement, but that’s not the point of them -- the point of them is that you can now improve them.  On top of that, the traits they grant are typically rather rare, or valuable.

Physical improvement?  Mental improvement?  Those traits are annoyingly broken.  Most people get traits that improve ‘strength’ or ‘perception’ or ‘dexterity’... things like that.  To get Physical or Mental improvement, you normally need to inherit it due to your parents having enough of those lesser, more specific traits.  They combine into something overarching in their children.  Sometimes.  Rarely.  Very rarely.

Or, alternatively.

You could get a biased, sexist futa god to just give them to you.

I’ll get back to what was happening between Shimizu and I in a moment, but I do want to say that while I found, and still find, this situation to be very hot?

It was also utter bullshit.

I mean come on!  I got a blessing that made me an ideal toy for any and all futas out there, ready and ripe to be trained as they pleased, and Shimizu got a blessing that granted her two of the rarest and most valued traits out there?

Yes she was working for me, technically, and yes I was happy she got them, but come on!  The double standard there was just too blatant!

…Where was I?

Right.  Thanks.

I lost the thread of what I was saying due to explaining D-rank traits, so I’ll summarize a bit.  Shimizu rather quickly realized what my own blessing was -- due to it granting all futanari knowledge of it -- and we talked a bit about the two blessings we got.

Shimizu was rather sympathetic to my more… lacking… blessing.  And naturally, she was of the opinion that it was up to her to help me feel better.

By doubling down on our date today.

She explained her reasoning thusly:

“You spent a lot of time planning out your long expedition, and it mentally exhausted you.  So I was going to give you the entire day to simply -- not think.  To just enjoy the fun and sex.  But now, I think I have a better idea.”

The lewd grin she gave me sent shivers down my spine and right to my slit, before she continued.

“Instead of merely letting you enjoy a mindless day of fun… I’m going to make you indulge in it.”

I was, naturally, confused as to how she would, as she said, ‘make’ me indulge in it.  Indulgence, after all, is normally optional and entirely voluntary.  She must have seen something that questioned her on my face, because she just chuckled.

And that’s when she told me that her blessing all but removed her refractory period.


This was when I realized that I was fucked.

Shimizu then spent the better part of the time slot just fucking me in the out-of-the-way fuck corner.  It wasn’t, however, just for pleasure -- it was to fry my brain.  To overload my already exhausted state with heat and lust.  To ramp me up to the limit and make me stay there until I couldn’t keep it anymore, and then let me crash down into pleasure… and keep the aftershocks going for as long as she could manage.

I am not ashamed to say that it worked perfectly.  I was a mental mess by the time she was done.

Already exhausted by my massive expedition, already dazed by being forced to cum to giving her a blowjob, my mind and body felt like they were lit up with static electricity.  Like sparks were going off everywhere, sending tingling sensations with every motion.  Like my mind was fried and short-circuiting, occasional sparks of thoughts or sensations running in a loop until they exhausted themselves.

Every motion sent tingles through my body.  Every thought distracted me.  And I felt amazing.

I had so much cum in me at that point.  Or it felt like that, at least.  The addictive qualities of it were doubled due to my latest blessing, and Shimizu pumped me about as full as she could manage without risking making a mess of my body.

Cleaning powder is useful, but there are limits.  You can’t ‘clean away’ tears in clothing!

I couldn’t think about anything in depth and I felt glorious.  I was giggling an inane giggle as I hung off of Shimizu.  Her hand was still on my ass, and I just cooed, squirming into it, enjoying the sensation of her strong arms on my pliable flesh.

Shimizu clearly enjoyed the attention as I looked up at her, fawning, adoringly.  I have to admit, I don’t remember much of that day.  Not in any detail.  I remember being asked a few questions, but I couldn’t quite process them, and just said, “Whatever you think is best!”

Shimizu enjoyed that response more and more every time I said it.

She took time to ensure that I remained properly dazed.  Dragging me into corners to fuck me, or making me give her a blowjob whenever my brain started to clear up.  Naturally, she used the bullet vibrator to make me orgasm whenever she came, as a proper reward.

I remember talking with another girl at one point.  I wasn’t sure who at the time, but I spent the entire conversation just gushing about Shimizu and her massive addictive cock.  Shimizu was nearby, talking about -- something, with the person the girl was out with, while the two of us just nattered on and on about boys and sex.

I remember Shimizu seeming amused by how distractible I was.  The pleasure had overloaded my brain, and I was looking at every hot guy and girl that we passed by.  Instead of being jealous, she merely squeezed my ass for a moment and tugged me closer to her, refocusing my empty head on her.  It worked every time.

I remember a vague, growing sense of awareness, as I got used to this weird mental state I was in.  A sense of embarrassment at my actions, as I pranced after Shimizu like an obedient and eager puppy, not thinking of anything of worth.  I remember being shocked at how easily I was being led around by her for the entire day, not even considering letting my own opinions be known.  I remember being almost reluctant to fuck her due to how fried my brain was, how I knew that her cock was messing with me.

But most of all?

I remember how good it felt!

To have an empty head, and your entire body tingling with pleasure.

To have a person you trust take care of everything, leading you by the hand on your ass, ensuring you remain safe.

To be fascinated by the most inane things and having your brain run on auto-pilot.

During that day I was a full-on bimbo.

A ditzy, empty headed, slutty, sex obsessed, cum addicted bimbo.

And it felt amazing.

It was a shame that it would take quite a long time for me to be able to feel that sensation again… but in a way, I think that helped me on my path.

After all, because I couldn’t reach that state easily, I was left to ache for it.

And I did.  Every night.

Until I found something that could replace it, many months later.

Bimbo, ditz, empty head big tits, all those fun things~  Seems our protagonist is learning about her ‘true’ self, hmm?

Now, as you can probably tell, Subscribestar is working now!  ...But as an apology, you lot get an extra extra chapter.

I worked hard to get everything ready for it, so I hope you enjoy it!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.