Capture Target

Chapter 38 — Y2: Parasites, Unfortunately, Found

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially TropicalPenguin, Teacher, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, NippVanWrinkle, Nemesis01, Ilawen, User#e20fc711, User#5c472977, and User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!




I’m waiting here to be ogled!

I had to move the sofa to get it at just the right angle so you could see everything you’d be interested in when coming down, and you’re not even - what are you even doing?!

…Oooh, are those pancakes?

Can I have some?

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, I can forgive you this time.  But only because they were tasty!

If you had dared to avoid ogling me due to bad pancakes, then I wouldn’t have been nearly as merciful.

…No, I will not pose myself again.  You wanted breakfast more, so you got breakfast.  The fact that your choice was understandable does not change that it was one or the other.

Why are you -- ugh, yes, I can appreciate that sometimes… on very rare occasions… there are things more important than sex.  Such as food.  Because if you don’t eat food, you can’t have more sex.  …Because you die.

What’s with that look -- oh come on, you know I’m right!

Hrmph.  Well if that’s what you really think, I guess I don’t need to describe my trip through the Tentacled Forest to you.

Yeah, I thought so.  Let’s move to a comfier position and I’ll get started.

Are you sure you don’t want me on your lap?

‘Being distracting’ is half the point!

Ugh, fine.

So.  It was around four and a half months into the second year, and we had finally wrapped up with Callisto and Ghost Town.  Shimizu and I had a good idea on where our target was -- and we realized as we got closer that things weren’t going to go as smoothly as we thought they would.

We realized this rather quickly, after seeing what appeared to be a basic tree vine unwrap itself from its tree and drip goo on a squirrel that was passing by.  Said squirrel freaked out the moment the goo touched its body and it bolted.

This was… not what I expected.  I remember mentioning last time how the game didn’t properly show the influence of the Parasite Nucleus on the surrounding areas; an image like this was only shown after the nucleus was found.  You had to venture through a parasite-infected area to get to it.  I only realized then that that was representing this.  How it altered the landscape around it in an increasing radius the longer it was left undiscovered.

Now, it’s important to note that, on top of this, I was still dealing with the changes Callisto had wrought upon my body and my mind.  All of the ‘augments’ she had purchased, my increased appearance standards… I was properly in charge of my body for the first time in a while and it was messing with me.  So let me backtrack and cover that, first.

I first noticed the problem when I was getting changed.

Oh, sure, most of my clothing fit just fine.  Stockings, shoes, skirt… those weren’t really affected.  But when it came to panties, my bra, and my top?  Things were a bit… awkward.

See, the augments that Callisto used on my body didn’t have any major effect.  Even when used together, it was like seeing how long you could make a line when you could only add a millimeter a day.  At that rate, it would take forever to get to something that was impressive.

…But it would only take a few days, maybe a week, before you would start making visible progress.

The problems started with my panties.  My ass was bigger than ever, and I had to stretch them to tug them on.  They weren’t thongs, but as I reviewed myself in the mirror, they sure looked like them; their shape was enveloped by my cushioned rear, and held up by my hips.  They were stretched tight, and I had to make a mental note to purchase entirely new underwear later.

Then came the bras.  Those could fit better… ish… but only because, though I didn’t realize it at the time, I was already getting used to bras and tops being tighter than they should be.

Now while normally toying with breasts won’t make them grow, in that perverted god's world, they absolutely will.  But at an even slower rate than the augments; it would take a solid year of regular sex to maybe notice anything.

I had been having a lot more than ‘regular sex’, so I was getting used to my bras feeling a bit tighter than they should be.  But this time, it was a noticeable jump.  I could wear a bra -- technically -- but it would make it a touch harder to breathe.  So that day, I made a mistake.

I went without.

I would like to note that normally, breasts have a weight to them that affects where they rest.  They don’t naturally jut out from your chest like they’re made of an alien soft metal; when big enough, they slump down, and rest on your chest, even when standing.  That’s why ‘perky tits’ are a way to notice if somebody has had a breast job.  If they jut out like that, chances are it’s because it’s not just flesh underneath their skin.

This is not the case in the Alchemical Corruption series.


Because it’s Hotter This Way.

…Frankly I’m pretty sure one of the reasons food was so abundant was because women needed extra nutrients in order to keep their body in ‘optimal fucking’ condition.  Women actually eat more than men in that world, but a noticeable amount, even if they aren’t actively exercising.

…I’m off topic, where was I -- right!  Right.  I went without a bra.  Which was a stupid choice, but it was one I made in ignorance.  I hadn’t even spent two years as a woman at that point, and yet I had the ingrained instinct to always wear a bra when you’re going outside.  And to always wear a sports bra when you’re going to exercise.

I’ll get into why that’s important later.  For now, suffice to say that I went without a bra, and didn’t notice the potential troubles that would cause due to how my tits jutted out like they always did.

I spent a fair amount of time making sure that I looked just perfect for the day, and then I went out with Shimizu to our targeted area.  Then we saw the squirrel get coated in goo.  And now we can move on to exploring the actual forest!

Despite the -- tentacle-y -- nature of the trees, we only paused for maybe a minute before continuing on.  Forests weren’t as thick here as they were in the first landmass; they were much more sparse.  So we could walk between the trees without getting too worried about a tentacle or something grabbing us.

That, and, well, uh.

…It kinda didn’t matter?

I mean, it mattered, obviously, it would change how we approached the forest.  But it wouldn’t change if we approached the forest.

We had spent multiple time slots figuring out how to approach the area we suspected housed the nucleus; this was the best path to take, and if this area was covered in tentacles, chances were all the others would be, too.

That, and I was the boss and feeling impatient.

So we moved on.

For a time, things went… mostly alright.  Mostly.  It was a bit weird, and we had to be careful given some of the mutations the local flora had gone through, but we managed.  We actually managed to get through the entire area without any trouble -- the first time.

We knew we still had some things we needed to gather, and that we needed some more ingredients, so we ‘left and returned’ in the same time slot, and ‘respawned’ the local wildlife.

Time slots are just…


Useful, occasionally, but ugh.  As a reminder, we could only go to three or four ‘areas’ in a time slot due to our shoes, but they could be ones we had already visited.  Thus this whole -- respawning -- thing.

I feel dumb when describing it, and not in a hot way.

Regardless, the first time we went through the forest, things were fine.

The second time was when things went a bit off track.

Remember, at this point, Shimizu had an extra pair of balls.  And she was having trouble controlling herself properly.  That’s one of the reasons we were doing what should have been a fairly basic exploration together -- the fleshlight Sumiko had made her wasn’t always enough.

That, and, well, frankly.

I hadn’t really spent a lot of time with her as myself since Callisto possessed me, so I was taking advantage of the situation.

Now all of that was fine.  Mind, bending over and bracing yourself on a nearby tree so a herm with their massive cock can fuck you full of their addictive cum isn’t what one would normally call fine, but it was so fun~!  And time slots are usually generous when the ‘event’ during it is interrupted by sex.  The problem is that having sex in the middle of a forest that had been infected by a parasitic nucleus is not a ‘smart’ choice.

It happened in the middle of my -- third, I think?  Maybe fourth -- orgasm, as I was moaning.  My mouth was open as I loudly and freely exalted in my pleasure, screaming it forth -- when a tentacle just -- slipped into my mouth.

I wasn’t focused enough to realize it was slowly sliding along the tree towards me, and Shimizu was, I learned after the fact, too entranced by watching my back writhe in pleasure to care about what was happening to my front.  I made some noises of panic as I felt the tentacle slip into me, and Shimizu did notice…

…but… she was in the middle of fucking me.  Her balls were pulsing with heat and need, and her hands were so tight on my hips I thought that they’d leave indents in my skin.  Bless her, she did try to stop herself.  She did try to remove her cock.

…But as she was trying I wriggled due to a strange sensation in my mouth, and her hips just slammed back into me before she could even process what was happening.

I would have moaned, but the tentacle was in my mouth -- until it wasn’t.  I’m not sure what noise I actually made, but it was intended to be some kind of startled squeak.  After all, tentacles don’t just stop fucking you.

However, what came out instead was a muffled noise.  Despite the lack of tentacle in my mouth, there was still something blocking my voice.

I rather quickly realized that the reason why the ‘tentacle’ left was because it had already delivered its payload.  A brand new parasite, one that was quickly merging with my mouth.

I tried to remove it, don’t get me wrong.  I could feel it attaching to me.  It was like pieces of my mouth were ‘jolting’ awake as its body started sending signals to my nerves, attaching itself to my nervous system.  My tongue felt numb as I tried to push myself away from the tree far enough to adjust my position.  With how hard Shimizu was fucking me, after all, if I just stopped bracing myself I’d have slammed into the tree!

Unfortunately, well.

Shimizu had by that point given up on the whole ‘self control’ thing.

She was slamming into me with all of her might, which was much greater than my own.  It was all I could do to keep myself braced against the tree as I felt my mouth becoming -- different.

And then I orgasmed again, and I forgot what I was worried about.

It took maybe -- half an hour or so? -- after that for us to finally finish our session of animalistic rutting.  At which point I could finally try to figure out what the fuck had happened to my mouth.  I dug out a hand mirror from my pack to take a look, and -- what?  What?!

I needed one to ensure my makeup stayed fresh!

Ugh, do you want to complain about my habits, or do you want to hear more porn?


So I took a look using my hand mirror, which was completely reasonable to bring along, and it seemed like my mouth -- hadn’t actually changed that much.  Oh sure, I could tell that the roof and floor of my mouth had become an oddly vivid purple, but other than that, things seemed the same.

I couldn’t quite tell what was going on until, later that same exploration, Shimizu wanted to go again.  I tried to push it off but it’s hard to ignore a super-hot herm who is being very insistent on getting sex right now.  I didn’t want a repeat of last time, so we got as far from the ‘obviously full of parasites’ portion of the forest that we could… without leaving the local area, that is… and I got on my knees to give her a blowjob.

That was when I realized things were different.

See, I had already gotten to the point where cumming when a cock came in my mouth was pretty easy.  It wasn’t something I had to work towards; so long as I was in the mood, it just happened.

But not, when I started enveloping Shimizu’s mega-dick in my mouth, I immediately tried to remove my head.

Because I felt pleasure.

From my mouth.

I felt like a cock had just slid into my slit!  Like my inner walls were being explored, pleasure sparking through my body!

Of course, if you’re paying attention, you’ll notice the ‘tried’ part there.

As in, I couldn’t remove my head.


Because my mouth immediately contracted around her cock.

It didn’t close.  I didn’t try to close my mouth; if anything, I opened my jaw even further when trying to get off of it.  But the walls of my mouth seemed to inflate, and squeeze down onto the cock, using a muscle I couldn’t recognize and an instinct I didn’t have.

I would learn, later, that the parasite in question was one that survived off of cum, due to… uh… god fuckery, basically… and that when a cock entered my mouth?  It would do its best to reward me.  And it wouldn’t let me stop.

It squeezed at Shimizu’s cock in a way designed to milk her, and it only took a few minutes of this, of me trying to explain that this wasn’t natural, of me trying to pull my head off of her cock, for me to cum.

It wasn’t even -- it’s hard to explain, but it was different from the orgasms I had after giving a blowjob.  Those were triggered by something specific.  Like a dog hearing a whistle, my body responded to cum being shot down my throat; it sparked familiar pathways in my brain that, for me, just happened to be linked to ‘cumming my brains out’.

But this time, it was my body that triggered it.  My mouth orgasmed, and I almost flailed around Shimizu’s cock, instinctively tightening my mouth and throat around it as I did so.

That triggered her first orgasm -- which, naturally.  Triggered another one of my own.

Because the training I had undergone was still valid.

It took -- far, far too long for the two of us to stop.  Leaving me panting on the ground, my mouth trembling a bit from the sensation, while Shimizu was finally feeling sated for the first time in a while.

Turns out, mouth-pussy parasites are good at making cocks cum.

Who knew?

Of course, that was only the first new resident my body got that day~

Gee golly gee, those parasites are getting a bit out of hand, aren't they?

I'm sure it's fine~  Nothing can possibly go wrong, right?


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