Capture Target

Chapter 39 — Y2: Finally! Parasites!

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially TropicalPenguin, Teacher, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, NippVanWrinkle, Nemesis01, Ilawen,

User#6c53ee46, User#e20fc711, User#5c472977, and User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

What do you think~?

Wha -- no, this isn’t a prank!  Why would you think that?!

Yes I’m still me!

Yes I’m proud of being a slut!

You, just -- aaaargh!  Okay, look.  What’s hotter:  A naked babe, or a babe naked except for some really sexy lingerie?

Right?  Right?  Now add on some stockings, and a dress that covers up just enough to entice the imagination, maybe some heels and earrings and --

--r-right.  Back on topic.

The point is, imagination makes things better than reality.  The thought of what could be is always better than the knowledge of what is.  It’s surprisingly hard to turn away from that, but, thankfully, when it comes to hot sexy stuff?

We don’t have to!

At least, uh, usually.

You know.  Again.  Don’t cheat.

Unless your partner is okay with that.  And has stated so clearly.

…right, parasites!

So, the rational choice when somebody realizes that they’ve been infected with a slut-making parasite that makes oral sex super awesome is to run away, right?

…Wait.  No.  That sounded right in my head, but now that I say it out loud, I’m pretty sure that’s wrong…

…Really?  Well, if you say so, but I really don’t think it works.

So, the smart thing is to… apparently… run away and not risk getting more super-hot parasites attached to your body that make sex even better.  For.  Some reason.  A reason that apparently exists.

Mind at the time, I would have agreed with you, I just know better now.  At the time I knew that the ‘smart’ thing would be to head back to town and get myself looked at.  The more parasites you have infecting you, the more difficult it is to remove them, especially before you deal with the Parasite Nucleus.  They tend to… if not actively work together, then at least in concert; each one makes all the others worse.  There are some conflicts that can happen if you have a lot, like five or so, but that’s pretty rare.

For example, the slug attached to my brain could now make me daydream about the amazing head I could now give!  And in the same token, when the mouth-parasite wanted to be ‘fed’, its desires would be amplified by the brain slug.

So normally, the smart thing would be to retreat.  Especially because it was becoming increasingly clear that Shimizu was having a real problem controlling her cock, and that we really needed to find another solution for her.

…But on the other hand, we were constantly working against the clock.  

The sooner we could find the nucleus, the sooner we could deal with it.  The sooner we could deal with it, the sooner we could focus on our other advantages.  And the sooner we could do that, the better prepared we would be for the Evil God of Chastity and Purity.

Ultimately, wasting time slots wasn’t a good idea.  I was being forced to spend some of them to ‘relax’ and ‘recover’, but that was more about self-care than anything else.

…Okay yes, arguably, going back to a doctor's office counts as ‘self care’, but I knew a few things that helped ameliorate my concerns.

The primary one being that parasites wouldn’t harm the host.  Technically, they were more like symbiotes; they granted something the host wanted -- in this case, pleasure -- and in exchange, they got something they wanted.  …Which was also pleasure.  And cum.  And some nutrients.  But, mostly, pleasure.

Yeah, it’s -- weird.  I know.

For all the faults of the chief god, and there are many of them, he does not find ‘dead’ or ‘sick’ to be hot.  So things that attach themselves to people or otherwise alter their body tend to actually make them healthier in the long run.  I actually looked into the studies, and sex symbiotes increase the length of time one can stay in their ‘age range’, which directly increases their lifespan.

Because if somebody is hot, he wants them to live longer to watch them fuck more.

…Yeah, I can admit when the chief god isn’t the literal worst, but there’s still no reason to give him any slack.

Anyway, all that meant that I knew that parasites wouldn’t harm me.  They would distract and corrupt me, which, yes, could be deadly or disastrous, but they wouldn’t directly harm me.

So there was no real reason to not use the last of our exploratory slots to wrap up this area.  We already had almost everything logged, but there were a few more beasts we needed to fight one more time to get all the data we needed, and I wasn’t confident we had enough ingredients to make everything we needed.  The Land Grab requirements were steep and could not be ignored.

So after I assured Shimizu that, yes, I was fine, and yes, we were going to explore the area one last time, we left and returned.  Only for our luck to find out, and for us to encounter a rare miniboss that can be found at any time.

We met our old friend, a Tentacle Beast.

Shimizu had grown quite a bit since our first venture out into the wilds.  Sure, she still only had [Swordsmistress] at rank B, but she also had [Physical Improvement] and [Mental Improvement] at ranks D.  Their effects might have been tiny, but they were extant.  They were real and had a clear effect on her.

It also helps that she managed to rank up her [Physical Improvement] to rank C during this fight.

All said, she was strong enough to fight off the Tentacle Beast.  Not win, but she could manage to hold it off long enough to escape without too much difficulty.

…Provided, of course, she wasn’t protecting somebody.

Like me.

Oh, sure, I had my C-rank [Fire Magic], but that was only enough to distract it.  Which, I quickly learned after peppering it with several magical arrows made of fire, was a mistake to do. 

Because all that did was focus its ire on me.

Shimizu intercepted it and shouted at me to run, and I, remembering what happened the first time we encountered one of these beasts, immediately agreed with her tactical assessment and began to run like a coward.

…What?  They’re scary!  Even if them raping you is hot, I didn’t want to have to deal with another Roper Seed, let alone while Sevens was keeping an eye out for any rule breaking!

So I ran, and this is where we get into the problem I discussed earlier.  The problem of not wearing a bra.

See, breasts, as wonderful as they are, are ultimately balls of fat.  Two separate spherical shapes attached to the chest.

Now if one's breasts are small enough that they are more ‘bumps’ than ‘melons’, there’s not much to really worry about.  Sure, you don’t want to have them chafe against your top, but you don’t have to worry about -- other problems -- when it comes to exercise.

Mine were quite a bit larger than ‘bumps’.

Mine were some fine melons.

So as I ran, they bounced.

This -- this is not a comfortable sensation.  Even the chief god, in all of his perverse desires, couldn’t manage to make the sensation of large masses of your body bouncing and trying to tear off your body feel good to the average woman.  

Obviously I wasn’t actually worried they would tear off, but take your finger and try to bend it back over your hand.  

Keeeeep going.  

Bit more.  

Yeah.  There.

Sure your finger won’t snap off.  But does it feel comfortable like that?

Yeah, no, I thought not.

So as I was running, my wobbling watermelons bounced.  Up and down, making what was no doubt a very attractive sight, but they quickly started to hurt.  It was fine when we were just exploring the local area; given the changes the chief god made to women's anatomy regarding breasts, just walking didn’t really cause much pain, even with titanic titties like my own.  Sure I would have rathered a bra, but I didn’t need one, at least so long as I didn’t go more than a day without.

Even fighting wasn’t that bad, so long as I was with Shimizu.  She could defend me while I sniped in the distance; I would have to occasionally make some sharp movements to get away from danger, but that was it.  Still not optimal, but it was doable while braless.  So long as we didn’t encounter anything too strong, that is.

Running, however, is an entirely different bouncing boobies ballgame.

I quickly realized this, and tried to use my hands to stabilize them.  And this worked… but it meant my hands were left holding up my tits, while I was running through the forest.  This wasn’t great for my balance, as I couldn’t have them swing back and forth to work as counterweights.

And as a reminder, I was wearing high heels.  I was always wearing high heels, ever since that huge push during the first land grab.

All this meant that while I could run away, I couldn’t do so easily.  What would originally have been a mere expenditure of stamina became a game of balance and exhaustion while weaving through the forest.

Which meant I didn’t notice I was running deeper into the tentacled forest.  I only realized that after noticing that the sun had gone further down on the horizon after I slowed down with a pant.

See, by running and leaving the local area, I had triggered the change in time slot.  So it was suddenly afternoon.  And my tits were sore, and I was tired, and I had no idea where I was.  I couldn’t even hear Shimizu, either.  

This was… obviously not optimal, so I took a short break and sat down on a large rock near some trees to collect myself.

I heard something shuffling over the ground nearby, but opted to ignore it as I rubbed at the area around my breasts.  Not even in a sexual way, just in an ‘owie, pain go away’ kind of way.  I was out of it due to the first parasite, frustrated due to accidentally triggering the next time slot, and distracted due to the pain my jiggling jugs caused.

All in all, I wasn’t paying attention.

So I didn’t realize that the sound on the ground was not a harmless small animal, but instead, the second parasite I gained that day.

I jolted, feeling like my spine was injected with raw electricity, as one end of my lovely tail bit into me.  Right where my tailbone was.  I didn’t quite realize it as its anesthetics numbed the pain, but that ‘jolt’ was caused by it attaching to my spine.

You know.  The part of your body that is an information highway up and down the body.

How to describe it… this was different from the addition to my mouth, or the slug in my brain.  It was very different from Callisto possessing me.  It was like… I was more than I was?  Or -- different?  One moment, I didn’t have a tail; the next moment, I did, and it came with new instincts and knowledge.  I could control it, mostly, and it felt as natural as my own arms.

I was aware, even then, that how natural it felt was -- in its own way -- unnatural.  After all, humans don’t have tails.  We don’t need them; we have other ways to balance as we move, and we don’t use them to attack or anything like that.  So the fact that I went from ‘no tail’ to ‘tail’ and it felt as natural as before, if not even more so, was downright odd.

Of course, that wasn’t what I was really focusing on at that moment.

What I was focusing on was a sudden pang of hunger.

See, my tail -- it isn’t a normal tail.  Let me just… hehehe, you didn’t realize it could open up like that, did you~?  Mind, it didn’t look as natural then as it does now, with its lovely spade tip and purple covering, but still!  Back then it was more, mmm… there was some green to it, and it was more like… the purple you’d see from red cabbage.  

Ah, anyway!  See how it opens up?  

See what it looks like insiiiiide~?

Yup!  It’s a -- what’s it called again -- a cunt tail!  A tail with sexual needs, and it was hungry.  It was very, very hungry.  It was all but starving when it found me!  So suddenly, after being exhausted from running away, after having my new mouth abused by my hermaphroditic friend, I was raring to go.

The tail worked well with my brain slug, ramping up arousal across my entire body.  I felt light headed as I processed the sensations, my legs rubbing against each other as I got wet, my mouth watering at the thought of cock.

I’m -- I admit, I’m not sure what happened next.  Not entirely.  Because my imagination took over, there.

I had good control over my enhanced imagination at that point.  Not -- you know -- perfect control, but enough that I wasn’t just hallucinating being groped while working on my alchemy projects.  …At least I wasn’t after a few weeks of adapting.  But this was a new sensation, a new need, and with the alterations to my mouth and everything, I was… unable to recognize what was real.

Not perfectly, at least.

It started when I realized I was masturbating.  There, sitting on the rock, panting, my fingers were pushing my panties into my snatch, toying with it, as my new tails hunger overtook my mind, when I suddenly felt a jolt of pleasure.

I looked behind me and saw Takeo.

I know he wasn’t actually there, but I saw him.  Leaning next to a tree.  One hand on my tail, pumping it up and down his cock.

I hadn’t yet fucked Takeo, but the more I spent in his presence, the more the thought of it tempted me.  Building it, him, larger than life.  I almost screamed in pleasure as I felt my tail milk him like some kind of alien tube.  I felt my muscles tense and contract, like one would close a fist, out of some foreign instinct.

I would have screamed -- should have screamed, in fact -- because of the pleasure… were it not for my face getting a mouth full of Yuu’s cock.

Yes, the Yuu that is now female.  My eyes widened as I tried to process the sensations that I was going through, quickly looking up, and seeing his male visage smirking down at me.

It felt so good!

Having my tail and mouth, both altered by parasites, fucked by two different cocks -- I was having a hard time thinking over the pleasure.  I was trying to fight back against it, I knew what I was seeing wasn’t real, but it was so hard to do so.  I managed to, I think, start dissolving the mental construct of Yuu… I could almost see him fading… when I felt Shimizu’s gigantic dong get shoved into my pussy.

It stretched me, or felt like it did, as I screamed around Yuu’s cock.

It was too much.

Three equally sensitive, equally desperate holes, each fucked by a cock.

I didn’t care if it was an illusion, I didn’t care if it was real.  All I wanted was for it to never end~

…I woke up… some time later.  It was the same time slot, but I wasn’t sure how long, real-time, I spent like that.  I was slumped on the ground, my clothing was a mess, and I was coated head to toe in goo.  Similar to the end of my first day out.

The only difference was that I didn’t have any new additions to my body.

I think that what really struck me at that moment wasn’t what happened, per say.  Not even how good it felt… though that did have an effect.  No, what really struck me was how satisfied I felt.  Like I had managed to finally deal with a huge problem that had been bothering me for weeks.

While I’m sure of it now, even then I was pretty sure it was because of the tail.  I knew it had its own desires that it was giving me.

…But that didn’t change how I felt.  That didn’t change how good it was to feel that way.

It took me a bit, but I did manage to, eventually, stand up, and head back to the town, and from there, the school dorms.  Shimizu made it back already, having escaped the Tentacle Beast, and she helped me wash up and settle down in bed.

And despite everything, I felt like it had been a very, very fun day.

This title chapter is blatantly referencing ‘Finally!  Tentacles!’  From much earlier in the story.  Because we have another tentacle beast showing up~

Remember:  Exploring when there are very high level roaming minibosses is dangerous.  Do Not Do.  Unless, you know, you want to.  Then have fun!

Also, two things!  First, thank you Chiyopop for the review!

Second, I've been thinking about ways to increase the popularity of this story, but I'm not sure what would work.  Things like changing the blurb.  Anybody have any ideas?

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.