Capture Target

Chapter 45 — Y2: New Plans

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Thundah, regret, Nemesis01, NippVanWrinkle, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#5c472977, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Oh, uh, hey, one moment.

Actually, hey.  Can I get your opinion on something real quick?  

Thanks.  Which of these makes the more annoying sound?

Great!  That’s what I thought

Okay… ‘in conclusion, the Demonic Draco-Dick Vibrator, while more pleasurable to use, due to how annoying it sounds… the Pussy Pleasure-nator mark Fifteen is my recommendation for the latest set of releases…’ done!

Blargh.  Writing reviews is a pain.  Sure I can share my opinions, but writing it in a format and all that?  So stifling.

Anyway!  Sorry about that~  Let’s get to it!

Sevens was an entity that I had spent a fair amount of effort… uh… avoiding, really.  MY-77715302 was, like all other axiomanagers, an entity beyond the rules of the world.  When they translate in, they are given restrictions that are agreed upon by the world’s chief gods and the Left and Right of the axiomanager in question… but within those restrictions, they are, essentially, without limits.

So meeting with Sevens was something that I was not particularly keen on, especially since our introduction.  ‘Being frustrated due to arrest being foiled’ is not the best introduction, after all.

But it was time for me to rethink my… well, everything.  And if there was one entity that would know the answers to my questions, it was an axiomanager.

…Well, and the chief god, but, uh.



So, Sevens it was.  

I admit I was a bit intimidated as I went to her office; I felt almost like a child that knew they had done something bad talking to their parent.  

I really shouldn’t have, because it became clear in very short order that she really didn’t care.

We covered a lot of topics, but I’m going to go over them a bit out of order to help with coherency, okay?  We talked for three full time slots, covering everything from the gods powers to time loops to reincarnation, and going through it in order would just be… confusing.  As it was, it took me a few weeks to fully process everything, so I’ll just give you the highlights.

Seriously.  I still have the notebook I took to the meeting, and I don’t even understand some of the notes I took.

First up!

Why did she and Takeo reacted so… differently, to the time loops?  I think I mentioned this before, but I’m going to go into more detail now.

The basics of it is that they can’t send souls back in time.  They can only send information.  So Takeo, every time loop, gets dumped with the entire collected memory of all of his different attempts… but without the emotional growth that naturally comes from experiencing all that time.  It’s like reading the contents of a book.  Sure, you can gain some kind of new understanding, or perhaps come to a realization about yourself, and that does change you.  But it doesn’t change you nearly as much as experiencing those events personally would have.

Human souls are malleable, but not so much so that they can just be… overwritten when new knowledge is obtained.  At least, not usually, there are always exceptions.

Sevens, on the other hand, was an axiomanager.  And they… okay, to say that they ‘didn’t have souls’ is technically accurate but connotatively false.  A better way to understand it is to say that their soul was stored in a different format, a format that can be more easily altered, and thus, can travel through time.  

It’s this same format that the souls of the gods are stored in, and it requires something that mortals simply do not have:

Divine Fragments.



Ugh.  I should probably… cover… how I, personally, changed from our conversation.


I really don’t want to, though…

Because it’s embarrassing!  How would you feel about having your mistakes paraded around?



I’ll at least keep it short.

…I fucked up.  


Over one and a half years had passed, and I was still treating the whole… reincarnation thing… as if I was transported into a game.

I wasn’t, I really wasn’t, but that’s how I was acting.

I knew so much stuff about Alchemical Corruption!  I had played all the games, I had read the wikis, and for Alchemical Corruption 12, I had so much knowledge I had a plan that should have let me reach an impossible ending!  And all of that knowledge was relevant!  The probability of events, how fast corruption seeped in, locations of secrets and key items… all of that was accurate.

It would even remain accurate.  Sevens confirmed that for me.  All of my knowledge would remain accurate -- so long as I didn’t do something drastic like, say, somehow make or blow up a nuke.

But this wasn’t a game.  My friends and allies, they weren’t NPCs.  The gods weren’t silent, faceless, and without plans of their own.  Everything around me was real, and I was acting like a protagonist in a video game.

I wasn’t as bad as some had, in stories that I had read in the past.  It wasn’t a conscious thought or anything.  It was just a bias.  The same bias kids have, that they all need to grow out of -- the realization that the world doesn’t revolve around them.  When somebody is sad, it’s not always because of something they did.  When something is great, it’s not always because they were good.

Shimizu, I had told myself that I trusted her, but I used her as a beatstick.  Sumiko, once I realized she couldn’t control herself, I treated as a mindless alchemy-bot.  Takeo, I saw as a faceless threat.

…I'd been making huge mistakes from the moment I arrived.  Ugh.

I feel miserable just thinking about it.

No, I -- sex won’t help right now.  Would you mind if we just cuddled for a bit?


…Okay.  I’m feeling better.

Now sex would help.

If you’re still interested~?

Hah!  Much better.  

Okay.  So.  

I fucked up, and I accepted it.  It took an entire time slot for me to basically break down into tears and recover, but I managed it.  And then I shifted my focus.

I had been thinking too small.  On… on every level.  

Everything was bigger than I thought it was.  My options, my friends, my strengths and weaknesses, and the world.  And especially my goals.

See, that world?  

That world was fucked up.  

It’s -- ugh.  I haven’t mentioned the name that the axiomanagers call it because it’s embarrassing, but it should really help it sink in just how terrible the world is.  The name is agreed upon as ‘MISSY’, which is a portmanteau of the chief gods chosen name and the axiomanagers description of the world.  The chief god wanted to name it ‘miss me’ as a reference to how ‘the ladies’ react after he fucks them and leaves them.  And the axiomanagers call the world ‘messy’.  Because the world's physics are a mess.

So they compromised on ‘MISSY’.

Now, the chief god… could be worse.  Don’t get me wrong, he was terrible, but he could be worse.  He wasn’t actively malicious.  He was more like a toddler; blind to how his actions actually affect the world and the reality around him.  Causing trauma and pain without even thinking about how it’s his fault.

Now, did I think that literally anybody I knew would be a great god?


Absolutely not.

Being a god sounds like a great way to literally always fail and end up in a puddle of depression.

But I thought that I could do better than him.

Sevens would later tell me that this was, “The earliest I’ve seen you start making waves.”

So.  How does one depose a god?

Trick question:  You don’t.

In this case, you outvote them.  

It all comes down to the Divine Fragments.  Holy Shards.  Ichor Droplets.  Sparks of Divinity.  There’s a dozen different terms, but they all mean the same thing -- they are the source of the power of axiomanagers and the chief god, both.  Axiomanagers have three ‘major’ shards, that dictate their ‘past’, ‘present’, and ‘future’, along with a ‘minor’ shard that houses the equivalent of their soul.  And when an axiomanager decides to create a reality, in the process, they shatter their three ‘major’ shards into -- okay to skip to the end, each ‘major’ shard is split into twenty one pieces, each of which are of equal size to the single ‘minor’ shard.

This means a chief god starts with exactly sixty four minor shards.  Twenty one from each major shard along with the singular minor one.  These shards are the source of their power.

One shard is required to keep the planet stable, and one shard is required to uplift a goddess.  Furthermore, any entities that spawn from a chief god -- which, yes, basically means their children -- take up three shards in their creation.  And the Evil God of Chastity and Purity?


It’s the asshole's kid.

Technically, anyway. Practically, it's like an amalgamation of their doubts that they shoved out of their very being to avoid thinking about them.

Now, there are more complications here, of course, but the shard distribution, as Sevens and I understood it, was roughly like so:

  • Goddesses:  27
  • Evil God of Chastity and Purity:  3
  • Chief God:  33
  • Unavailable:  1

Now, with each shard being worth roughly an ‘equal’ amount, that meant that if a coalition could gain more shards than the Chief God had, they could outvote him!  And then, uh, do something to him!  There were several options that I could think of at the time, but frankly the easiest one was ‘shove him in a hole and forget about him’.  I figured I’d decide the specifics later.

Sadly the one shard in the center of the planet was out of reach.  If either side went to get it, then the world would, uh.  Collapse.  In a lot of different ways.  

But, the shards within the Evil God of Chastity and Purity?  

Those were up for grabs.

If I could defeat him.

That would leave, presuming all of the goddesses were on the same page, them only losing out on the vote by a mere three shards.  If they could claim just two of his, like from him minting two more goddesses, then they could outvote him.  If I could trick him into giving me one of his, then they’d only need one more!

Of course, uh, looking back, my math was off.

Not every goddess would side against him.

He didn’t actually have full control over all 33 of 'his' shards.

And there were more than just 64 shards in the mix.

But at least I had the start of a plan!

We talked about more stuff, of course, but would you rather a massive, endless lore dump right now, or for me to shift to sexy stuff and just tell you the information when it becomes relevant?

…Haaaah… I thought so -- wait, really?



Sexy stuff!

Lore blabbing later!

You won’t regret this!

Let’s see, let’s see… what to blab about that I can at least pretend to be relevant…

Oh, oh, I know!  The adorable maid Yuu!

I should cover how she’s been feeling lately, as that will be super relevant soon~

Time for another totally accurate reenactment of another’s perspective!

It was a few months into the second year.  Yuu was ensuring that her maid outfit was just perfect.  She had a growing need with every day she spent near Takeo to attract his eye, a growing desperation.  She couldn’t control it, and she was desperately seeking a method of denial of her growing maiden's heart!  Any reason would work!

Which was how she found herself meeting with one of the other maids that had been cropping up around campus.

They’d been showing up recently, and… frankly, she was hoping to find some like-minded companions.  Not that she was actually a maid, but people with whom she could share her complaints.  It was getting frustrating, serving her usually-perfect but currently-possessed lady.

The meeting was about joining a potential ‘maids club’ that some of the students were planning on creating.  Half the reason she met her like this was morbid curiosity about how many students liked being a maid enough to make a school club about being one.

So Yuu met a fellow maid!  And they began to talk, though there was some flashing light from a reflective button her fellow maid had that distracted her.  They talked about… things…

…Things that Yuu didn’t clearly remember afterwards.  She snapped out of a strange, drifting mental state, realizing that she had agreed to join the maid club when it formed.  Which sounded weird to her, but felt right.

The conversation was wrapping up, and Yuu realized that she had a headache.  It got worse when she tried to focus on the details of the conversation, but she found herself rather unworried about that.

She’d think more about it tomorrow, on her day off.

The next day came, and Yuu got up, finding herself… putting on her maid uniform.

…It was strange.  Normally, she would put on some casual clothes, but she just -- there was something about her maid outfit that attracted her.  She posed in the mirror, and found herself feeling a growing sense of pride and heat as she saw the cute maid in front of her.

It was -- distracting.

She spent the rest of the day like that, in her maid uniform, and she just -- couldn’t get her mind off of it.  How she was dressed like a sexy maid.  With a frilly little uniform, meant to serve and obey and clean.  It was constantly running in the back of her mind, making her distracted, but happy, and pleased.  She didn’t even realize that she was slowly getting wet when she met up with a fellow maid on the school grounds, and they started to talk.

The maid’s shoe had a reflective buckle on it that kept on reflecting flashes of sunlight into Yuu’s eyes.  

She couldn’t… focus…

…So she went through the rest of her day without bothering to.

The next day, Yuu was back on the clock, and she felt almost giddy to put on her maids outfit.  She spun around in it, grinning as she saw how it flared with her movement.

She couldn’t help it!  It was embarrassing, but she was realizing that she…

…She loved being a maid.

A cute and sexy little maid, serving her master obediently~

It was fun!

And made her wet.

Especially when she was serving Takeo.

…But that was all.  Yuu told herself that it was just a fun thing, a fun hobby.  That was it.  Nothing more.  She liked the idea of it more than the fact of it.

When her work was over, she found herself in the new Maid Club room.  There were maybe a dozen fellow maid-ly students there, and the leader smiled and set up a small lantern-like device as she began to talk.

The lantern flashed in a pattern that tickled her memories, as she found her body and mind relaxing…

A few days later, Yuu had to admit to herself that she was glad she became a girl.

After all, only girls can be maids!

Being a maid was -- it was so fun in a way that was hard to describe.  Fun that went past mere ‘enjoyment’ and into a deep-seated fulfillment.  How her mind was empty of thoughts except pleasure and obedience.  How her skirt felt as it swished while she walked.  How her pussy got increasingly wet and charged with every order she faithfully obeyed.

It was almost addicting.  No, not almost.  It was addicting.  It was like a little high she had every day, with every action.  She could feel her mind and self dripping, melting, more and more, into a maid-shaped mold… and all she wanted was to make it happen faster.

She was one of the first maids to arrive at their club room that day, and one of the last to leave.

Yuu was proud and happy at being a good maid.

Two weeks after Yuu realized what her true purpose was, she spent every moment in an aroused fog.  There were no thoughts in her mind except for pleasure, obedience, and Takeo.  She worked on her time off and her entire life revolved around her role, her place.

She was a maid, and she was so happy to be one.

It was strange, true.  Sometimes others would ask her why she was so eager to be an obedient, servile little thing instead of a person that matters.  And she would always be happy to explain!  She made sure they got into a nice, relaxed state as she explained it to them in a steady, even tone.

She found that steadily flashing lights really helped them calm down.  Helped the message sink in.

The maid club had nearly fifty members now, and it was growing every day.  She was so proud of her good, obedient work.

Her panties were drenched from the time she put her uniform on, to the time she jilled herself to exhaustion after she took it off.

Yuu was oh, so, very happy, and couldn’t imagine a better life.

Even after she returned to normal, she’d find herself missing this state of mind… until she managed to recreate it in herself naturally.

But that’s for later~


Bonus points if anybody can tell what story this hypnotism method came from~

...I'll be absolutely shocked if anybody gets the title.

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