Capture Target

Chapter 46 — Y2: Plans and Practice

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Thundah, regret, Nemesis01, NippVanWrinkle, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#5c472977, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Saaaay… um… do you have some spare money?

…Would you mind giving it to me?

Or trading it!  I can work for it!  Want sex?  I can do sex!

Come on, pleaaaaase!

Look, there’s this artist I found online that makes super hot drawings and I have like three dozen characters I want her to draw in various states of debauchery and she recently opened up commissions but it’s expensive and I have literally no money that works in this reality and come on please?!

I’ll do anything!

Wha - no. No, you can't possibly be serious about -

…Hello.  Welcome to Blessed Burgers.  Our meat is magical.  May I take your order.

…I hate you so much right now.  

That didn’t even pay enough for one drawing!  ARGH!

Let’s just move on.  Hrmph.  Stupid… prostitution is ‘illegal’... moronic… idiotic… grrr….

Let’s see… Maidy Yuu… no, wait, right, Sevens.  The talk with Sevens.

After I finished talking with her, I had a frank discussion with all of my allies.  Shimizu, Sumiko, Yuki, and Takeo.  

Yuu wasn't included. By this point, it was pretty blatant she was brainwashed.

We had a frank and forthright discussion about what my plans were, how to move forward with them, and how to change how we work as a group.  And then we discussed what would come next.

I’d like to say that the Memetic Mistress, the last boss of the second year, was going to be an epic struggle!  A real fight in the mind, failing to resist maid-ish instincts as we tried to take down her collective hivemind!

…But really it was just kinda easy.

Unlike the Nucleus, which was balanced for year three or four, and Ghost Town, which was mostly optional, the Memetic Mistress was at most an early-year-three tier threat.  And we were already far beyond that level of capability.

We even knew what to do, too.  Alchemicalize up an old-school polaroid camera -- specifically a ‘Magic!  Instant-Image!’ model -- and use it on anybody that’s been ‘infected’ by the Memetic Mistress or her Maid Virus.  The camera, somehow, sucks out the ‘soul’ of the infection and leaves the person that remains mostly whole.

…With a few lingering impulses if they'd given in too much.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Yuu wearing pants since then… anyway.

With the Memetic Mistress an easy, if annoying, task to complete, what we focused on was fleshing out the land we could obtain on the second landmass, as well as planning for year three.

With all the main threats dealt with, the more land we could obtain the better, as it would let us earn more money come year three.  Especially if we could actually claim the castle, the one that had the Atlantean Rifle, but with the four of us all working under one umbrella -- and all of us willing to flagrantly cheat by using far too many bombs -- we had a good shot of it.

Year three was a more… interesting discussion.

On the surface, year three was basically like year two; defeat the three threats, find the special item, the end.  

But I wanted to do something a bit… extra, this time.

Remember the Divine Shard count?  Even in the most optimistic case, I still couldn’t gather enough to outvote the Chief God.  He’d still be ahead by a shard or two.  So I needed to find something to tip the scales.  Now, I didn’t know anything that would work for certain, but there were a few possibilities that were worth exploring.  

For example… I could attempt to mint a new goddess.  

And out of everybody I knew, I had the best shot by far.

This then actually relates to my ‘impossible’ playthrough plan, before I got dumped into Elizabeth’s life.  I think I already mentioned it, but if a woman can collect all the blessings of all the extant goddesses, and then get the permission of the Chief God, they can become a new goddess.  This came with a divine shard gifted to them, which, naturally, would make it easier to outvote him.  Now, in Alchemical Corruption Twelve, the male main character automatically obtains all the blessings just -- over time.  I even checked with Takeo, and by this point he already had nine of them.

However, while female characters could get any individual blessing, and any mixture of blessings, it was impossible for them to obtain all twenty seven in a single run.

…Except… after I did the math?  It shouldn’t have been.


The line was just very, very thin.  All of the goddesses had different requirements to obtain their blessings, and some of them were utterly stupid.  Don’t get me started on the goddess of Power-play… ugh…

One of the hardest things in my theoretical playthrough was obtaining the blessings of Romance and Conquest.  They, like Hedonism and Restraint, had to be obtained in the same time slot -- and the only method where one could do so, without blocking off other blessings, was during a very rare event towards the end of the third year.  …If one already had the blessings of the goddesses of Cattle, Technology, and Monsters.

So I had to obtain three specific blessings, before this super-hard-to-get event, and also fulfill the requirements during that event to get both Romance and Conquest in one go.

…Oh.  Right.  And to even get that special event, I needed a specific heirloom from the Royal Family.

And the only way I knew of to get an heirloom from them was an event from the game that Takeo had already used to get his shiny new shield!

The game was still my best source of information; it was a low-hanging fruit for plans.  But since it wouldn’t help this time, we needed to figure out something else.

It took a week of discussion before Takeo and Sumiko came up with a plan that might work.

The best part about it was that it required me to be a perfect little sex-maid for a month!

…Thinking on it, I’m realizing the chain of logic there is actually a bit complicated.  So I’ll simplify real quick before moving on:

One of my sub-goals was to become a goddess.

Don’t -- just -- look, it’s complicated.  

Right now, I am not a goddess.  Period.

No, I’m not going to explain right now!  It’s complicated!

So!  Minting myself as a goddess.

In order to achieve that, I needed an item that required me to be sex-maid for a month.

The end!

I mean yes it’s all a lot more complicated, but that’s basically what it came down to.

Whore me out as a maid to a member of the royal family for a month to either get enough influence to get what I wanted, or find a way to steal it without being noticed.

As for how that would happen -- ugh.  More complications.

…It wasn’t the best plan, I admit.  It relied on a bunch of finicky details and ‘maybe-ifs’, but it was what we had, so it was what we went for.  The only reason I was willing to go for it at all was because Takeo had confirmed that I’d managed to pull this very thing off three times before.

Out of, like, seven attempts, but still!  Almost a fifty percent chance!

Annoyingly, he didn’t have any details as to how I pulled it off.  In those three timelines, I never shared what happened with him; he just knew that I came back to school with a prize from the royal vault.  Instead of.  Uh.  Just vanishing to become a loyal maid, apparently.

Of course, upon realizing that I had to be a slutty sex-maid, Shimizu and Yuki immediately jumped on the need to ‘practice’ -- to the point where they flagrantly ignored anything that anybody else had to say regarding it, and insisted that I needed to practice with them.

…And, frankly, the idea was hot.

So I went along with it, ‘letting’ them ‘coerce’ me into it.

And yes we had a talk about how they weren’t really pushing me but still!

It was hotter to pretend they were, so that’s what we went with!

Sadly, I didn’t have a properly-fitted maid outfit at the time, so I had to wear one of Yuu’s.  She was off hiding in a hole somewhere due to her onset of extreme embarrassment post-brainwashing, so her spares were free to use!

Yuu was… very much not as curvy as I was, at the time, and the uniform was tight on me.  The top could barely contain my bust, and the skirt was almost criminally short after it was drawn taut around my hips and ass.  But at least the stockings fit well!

For all of my joking around, it was actually important that I learn how to keep a straight face while being a maid.  I was going to be a maid for the royal family, and getting in trouble with them was a fast-pass ticket to a Bad End.  I could rely on getting actually brainwashed, but, uh… no.  That would have been a bad idea.  I needed my wits about me.

Therefore, we decided to have this ‘practice’ in a semi-public area.  …In this case, we actually rented out an entire cafe for a time slot.

Well.  More like Takeo rented it out for us, after chatting up the owner a bit.  Now that we didn’t have any regular drains on our bank accounts, we could afford it pretty easily so long as it wasn’t during a busy period.

Takeo, of course, opted to watch, as I went on a ‘live date’ with ‘Master Shimizu’ and ‘Mistress Yuki’.

I placed two plates of sweets on a table, one for each of them, and said with a sickeningly bright smile, “Here you are, Master, Mistress~!”

I valiantly ignored Takeo’s snort of amusement from the corner as Shimizu made a pleased nose, taking a bite out of one of her cookies.  “Lovely as always, darling.”

I admit I felt a surprised flush of pleasure at the compliment, though I was quickly distracted from it by the familiar sensation of a tentacle starting to creep up my stocking-clad leg.  “Indeed~”  Yuki said, eyeing me with amusement, waiting for me to flinch as she took her own cookie.  “You are quite lovely.”

The thrust of this ‘exercise’ was twofold:  First, to ignore sexual harassment while working as a maid… or at least to avoid reacting to it in a way that would displease my ‘master’.  Second, to be sexually harassed by Shimizu and Yuki.

…Technically that second goal was more for them, but I had fun with it too~

“I’m pleased to be of service,”  I said, with as much of a curtsy as I could manage without disturbing the tentacle crawling up my leg.  “Is there anything else I can do for you, Master, Mistress?”  I was aiming for one of them to give me an order, which would let me move away from Yuki’s tentacles.  And for a moment, it seemed like it was going to work!

Shimizu was going to say something!  …But Yuki interrupted her with a swift, “No, that’s fine, maid.  Just stay there for a moment while we enjoy our snacks.”

I heard Takeo fight back a snort in the corner, shortly before he stood up to calm down one of the cafe employees.  Tentacles are the kind of thing that can cause trouble with the staff, after all..  “...As you say, Mistress!”

So I stood there.  Hands clasped in front of me, with a smile fixed on my face.  Legs trembling as I felt the tentacle reach my upper thigh, and only just barely avoiding an audible gasp as I felt another tentacle join the first.

I focused on the conversation between Shimizu and Yuki, to distract myself.  Which, uh… didn’t… help that much.

See, Shimizu asked Yuki, “...Since we have a moment, why are you so interested in Lady Ambrosia -- ah, sorry, I mean my maid -- anyway?”

…Being called Shimizu’s maid almost made me flush with embarrassment, as I felt my slit almost -- twitch.  I focused on Yuki’s response in an attempt to calm down, and thus clearly heard her say, “Weeeell, it’s quite simple, really.  She’s the one I can have the most fun with!”

Thankfully, Shimizu asked the same question I had: “...What does that mean?”

By now the tentacles were crawling under my skirt, and my hip was twitching a bit with heated need.  My slit was drenched in a well-trained reaction to tentacles and sex, but I managed to keep the upper quarter of my body stock still by a force of willpower!

“Well,”  Yuki replied, “It’s quite simple.  Apparently, every other individual that I could focus on would break within two years at the most.  At least, if I actually tried on them.  And while it would be fun to create a small harem of eager, obedient pleasure-slaves… I’d rather something more… fulfilling.”

The tentacles were slipping under my panties, now, and I had to bite back a gasp of pleasure as one slithered inside me.  Shimizu shot me an amused look as she continued the conversation.  “So, what, my maid here isn’t somebody you can break in a reasonable time frame?  You want the challenge?”

Yuki’s amused look in response was punctuated by Takeo’s stifled laughter in the corner.  “Oh, no.  For her, if I were allowed at her without interruptions, I could break her in maybe six months.  Provided I could convince her that she didn’t need to worry about the Evil God, that is.”

I managed to hold onto the fact that she could be lying, as I felt the tentacle explore my slit!  My legs were trembling, and I gripped the bottom of my maids skirt as I fought back whimpers.

…Until I heard Takeo shout from the corner, “I can confirm!  She managed it in two weeks one time!”

That, timed with a rapid thrust of two tentacles spiraling up my slit, made me gasp out in orgasm.  I slumped over and had to grab the table to keep myself from falling down, my trembling legs unable to support my weight as I whimpered.  I made small, breathy noises as I felt the tentacles slowly retract from my body as Shimizu looked down into my cleavage, getting an easy eyeful due to my pose.

“...I can buy that,”  Shimizu said, amused.  My head shot up to her with a glare, so she quickly slapped my ass with the flat of her hand.  “Bad maid~”

I let loose another gasp of pleasure, the sensation of her hand on my ass causing a minor after-shock from the orgasm to heighten in a lovely way.  “Sorry, Master!”  I managed to squeak out, barely keeping my voice from cracking as I panted.

I affixed a wobbly smile as my legs shook, and the conversation continued.

“No,”  Yuki said, easily.  “I wanted her because while two years is the longest it takes for me to break any of my peers, she can do it in half the time.  So I want her to be mine, and then she can train the rest of the school for me.”

Takeo’s lack of laughter there was more telling than anything he could have said.

Shimizu was more doubtful, however.  “...Really.  She can break anybody in the school, in under a year?  Into, what, a loyal, corrupted pleasure-addict?”

Shimizu’s doubt at my ability to dominate and corrupt others was delicious.  I could barely fight back a nervous giggle as the tentacles finally left my legs.  They cleaned up after themselves, and I was left looking pristine -- except for how my legs shook, my face was flushed, and my pupils dilated.

Yuki continued the wonderful conversation with, “Indeed!  I mean, just look at yourself!”

Takeo snorted, and I could hear him shuffling out the employees of the cafe into another room.  If I had the presence of mind to think about that, I would have been both confused and worried.

I didn’t, though, so Yuki’s delighted giggle at Shimizu’s disbelief failed to send any warning signs through my mind.

“Shimizu, darling,”  Yuki drawled out, leaning forward onto the table.  Displaying her own cleavage in an artful, practiced pose.  “How often do you need to cum every day?”

I smelt something absolutely lovely in the air as Shimizu fidgeted and adjusted her pants.  She didn’t respond, though, prompting Yuki to continue.  “How much effort did it really take Callisto to convince you to make your cock’s lusts even worse?”  The smell got stronger, and I had to bite my lip to keep my mouth closed.  “Darling, ‘your maid’ has barely even tried, and you’re already halfway to becoming a mindless beast.”

The smell spiked, and I felt myself shudder.  A small whining noise crept up from my mouth before I could stop it, but neither of the two doms seemed to notice.  Indeed, I actually spotted Yuki’s pupils dilating as the smell got stronger, and she learned forward with even greater interest.

“You can feel it, can’t you?”  She said with a soft tone.  “That urge?  That almost inhuman urge, the heat, the need to rut?  As your four heavy balls almost churn with fresh cum, heating up your entire body?  Don’t think I didn’t notice you lying about your second pair to the nurse last month.  You kept them.  Because you like it.  Don’t you?  You’re addicted to it.  To the heat they flush you with every day.  To the relief you can get when you can finally fuck like a beast.  You love feeling yourself crack almost as much as your ‘lady’ does, you’re just a slut for a different kind of -”

I’m not sure what Yuki was going to say after that as Shimizu interrupted with an animalistic growl.  The noise made both her and I stiffen.  We’d both heard that noise plenty of times before, and we knew what it meant.

Yuki almost fell to the floor as Shimizu just swiped the table to the side, almost sending it clattering to the floor.  We both stared at her pants, seeing the bulge of her cock, as she all but ripped her slacks off, lowering them and her briefs to let loose her addictive rod.  A small bit of pre flew loose from the motion and landed on Yuki’s face.

She whimpered a bit as she licked it off.

“...What I feel,”  Shimizu said as a cocky, lazy smirk sprawled across her face.  “Is a slut that wanted my dick so badly she tried to work me up into a frenzy.  You want it, don’t you?”

Yuki didn’t say anything, staring at the cock.  Just like I was.

Say.  It.

Yuki whimpered a bit and said, softly, barely audibly, “I-I want it.”

Shimizu didn’t push her to repeat herself… and I’m pretty sure it’s because if she did, Yuki would have snapped out of her submissive haze.  She wasn’t like me; with her own blessing, she was a natural dom.  So Shimizu’s work to train her into being obedient required a more… careful touch.

“Good,”  Shimizu says, sounding satisfied.  “But because you tried to manipulate me, instead of being honest…”  She snaps her finger.  “Maid!”  She barked out, making me jump.  “Suck me off.”

I made a noise that I’m pretty sure was a squeal of pleasure as I quickly rushed forward, onto my knees.  My mouth was already open as I dropped, moving faster than I could think to put my lips on Shimizu's cock so I could taste that heavenly dick.

Yuki managed to avoid making any noise, but I think I heard her clothes ruffle as she flinched.  Shimizu chuckled.  “...No tentacles on the maid.  If you can be a good slut for once, and wait patiently until I cum twice, you can have the third one all for yourself.”

I’m not sure what, if anything, Yuki or Shimizu said or did after that.  I was lost in the pleasured haze of my addiction, my throat constricting over the massive cock as I tried to face-fuck myself on it.

All I really know for sure is that I came more than Shimizu did, and that Yuki must have earned her approval -- as after Shimizu came twice, Yuki got her own turn.

…After my turn was done and I was resting on the floor, I remember hearing Takeo mutter to himself in an aggrieved tone,  “...Why does it turn out like this in every timeline?”

Haha... ha... haaaa... the opening for this chapter hit me more than it should have.

Ugh.  Retail, fast food... bleck.

Also, letting ya'll know that I might be taking a week off soon.  The latest chapters I've been getting out for subscribers have been pushing me a bit, not to mention that free EXTRA chapter I still owe you all.  I'll let everybody know if that's what happens with a post on my profile and my subscribestar page.

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