Capture Target

Chapter 55 — Y3: Big Bull and Kaiser

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Bol, regret, Nemesis01, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#f2d0baad, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#5c472977, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Oh, wow!  You’re, like, so awesome -- oh, heya!  You’re back!  I’m just, ya’know, entertaining your friend here.

Did you know that he almost became an astronaut, but they kicked him from the program because he was too competent?!  He’s sooooo awesome!

Huh?  Why are you two looking like that?

Oh, okay!  Bye!

…Is he gone…?

Pffft!  I can’t believe he bought that act!  At least now I can relax and let my tail out.  Honestly, ‘kicked from being an astronaut because you’re too good’... that would only work on somebody that is both smart enough to know how amazing astronauts are, and still dumb enough to think that they could get kicked for being too good.

Please tell me he’s not actually your friend.

Hah!  Good.

Nah, don’t worry, I kept an eye on him.  He tried to sneak around but I just lowered my top a bit and jiggled for him, and he completely lost focus.  Your secret’s safe with me~

Obviously I know your secret.

It's one of the reasons why I came to you with my offer!  It makes you ideal for the role!

…Look, you’re focusing on the wrong thing here.  Don’t worry about the creep.  I’ll take care of him, yeah?


Great!  Let’s move on then!  Now, this seems like an excellent time for a hot story~

So.  Something to note, before I start with…

Step One:  Meet all Three Rulers in a Single Time Slot

…is that by then, I had been the girl called 'Elizabeth Ambrosia' for a full two years.  I’d accepted being attracted to guys for most of that time, and I’d had my mind warped and remolded like putty repeatedly.

I know!  It is hot!

-- wait, no, I have a point here.

The point is that I was finally, in a very real way, settling into my skin properly.  

It wasn't something I thought about.  The opposite, really.  When I thought of myself, I thought of a hot girl with a tail and pornstar curves.  I'd internalized my memories of my MISSY family and past.  Any lingering discomfort at the thought of ‘being Elizabeth Ambrosia’ had faded.  I didn’t think of the guy I used to be, and hadn’t for a long while.  I had, essentially, gone native.

I say this because at around this time, my body started -- hmmm.  How to put it.  It started ‘opening up’.  It started to ‘let its will be known’.  It started to ‘integrate with me properly’.

This is a long, fancy way of saying that Big Bull was so fucking hot oh my god.  Like, how does one even get such perfect muscles?  I was living in a literal world of porn, and he took things to an entirely new level!

I wasn’t used to crushing on somebody, not really.  I mean, sure, my master -- erm, my late master -- ugh, the brainwashing asshole that made me crush on him, but that was different.  Imposed.  Yuu managed to manipulate me with pleasure, but that, too, was something else; physical sensation, not instinctual attraction.

This was my belly doing flip-flops.  Me being an anxious wreck due to anxiety and wanting him to like me.  Giggles bubbling up from my throat and trying to escape as I stared at him.

With all the changes my body and mind had gone through, it was so intense that I don’t even have a clear memory of our first meeting!  I just remember a haze of emotions and giggles and muscles and goddesses he was hot!

Big Bull is… well, how to put it.  He’s tall.  He has such amazing muscles.  He’s confident yet polite and he has these horns and -

- r-right.  Right.  Okay.  Calming down.  Ignore how wet he makes you… just… push it down…

…Okay.  I’m going to need you to help me vent some tension later, but at least for now I'm good to continue storytime.

I went to visit him with Omori -- actually, I went to visit all three with a different member of my little group.  Omori was chosen for Big Bull due to her [Nature Magic - B] talent, along with her own desires of a better body.  Nature magic is insanely useful for farming, and the Farmlands are the best place for ‘casual’ body enhancement.  …So long as she kept herself under control.

Omori assured me that Big Bull had only asked the expected questions.  ‘Have we obtained permission to visit either Wildlands or Robolands’, ‘do you swear not to cause trouble for me or mine’, ‘what can you do for me’... things like that, just.  You know.  In the language of ‘being polite’ and ‘pretending not to be a dictator’.

Omori managed to handle it on her own, thankfully, as I was too busy going ga-ga over Big Bull’s presence to participate in the boring diplomacy nonsense.  She teased me relentlessly after that, and I just huffed and shoved her off while telling her to go nature magic some apple trees bigger or something.

And I reminded her to not drink too much milk.

And to keep an eye on her tattoo.

You know.  Basic things like that.

After Big Bull, I quickly snuck off to go and meet with Kaiser.  I brought Shimizu along with me for him -- Kaiser appreciates strength, and she’s the strongest fighter we had on our side.  

Well, her and Takeo, but Takeo was busy with something else.

…Ugh.  Look, I’ll explain in a bit, okay?  For now -- Kaiser.

Kaiser was a massive tiger that was easily able to stand and move as both biped and quadruped, and he was, and is, a true beast.  Gorgeous fur and, as a biped, rippling muscles up and down his body.  Unlike Big Bull, he didn't bother wearing any clothing, so his massive cock was just hanging and free to see when we saw him sitting on his throne.

Thankfully.  It was not barbed.  No spurs.

Yeah.  Just massive and huge and bumpy and it feels so good and -- ah --


Unlike Big Bull, who had the demeanor of a friendly, if firm, farm hand, Kaiser was all lazy, confident, knowing domination.  He had no fear of anything around him, and despite his lax rules, he knew that nothing could challenge him.  Even meeting us, he was treating it as something akin to a minor amusement, instead of anything serious.

It would have been much more insulting if he couldn’t back his attitude up.

As it was, I was painfully aware that he was exactly as good as he thought he was.  So it was more threatening and hot than it was insulting or anything else.

If we just wanted to get permission to wander his lands, then that would have been easy enough.  Well.  ‘Easy’ as in ‘defeat five rhinos with a single character’ easy, but that’s not all I wanted here.

Remember the Potential-Freeing Elixir?

Three different versions can be made during the Land Grab, and a person can only drink one of each version over their entire life.  I had already made the first one.

And starting third year, I could make the second.

The Pure Lotus, which only bloomed on the nights of the full moon, could be found in Kaiser’s personal lake.  The water has some kind of medicinal properties that help heal and fortify those that regularly bathe in it.

Kaiser didn’t know about the Pure Lotus's alchemical properties, but that didn’t mean he would let just anybody wander near his personal retreat.

He would only let people near if they had impressed him with their strength, or if they were an utter weakling that he let fawn over him.

…and remember, I wanted Kaiser to dominate me.

So Shimizu and I went to visit him.  Two individuals.  Two possible paths to the Pure Lotus.  Two chances.

Shimizu had to last three rounds against Kaiser himself, with him getting slightly more serious every round, and she had to deal a certain amount of damage to him.  So she couldn’t just hunger up and dodge.

I had to…

Okay look I know that this isn’t a ‘normal’ reaction here, but I was so looking forward to getting raped by a monster I can’t even tell you!

I had to so utterly fail to defeat one of his easiest challenges that the warriors he brought out would rape me.

And look, I know it’s not a normal response -- but in the reality of MISSY?  With Modesty adjusting how rape felt?

I was wet before we even reached Kaiser’s clearing.

He did his usual ‘imperious’ thing, demanded that we show both strength and wisdom if we wanted his ‘permission’ to challenge and stake claims to 'his' jungles, and set forth a series of potential challenges for us to fight.

…Yes, I am aware that by intentionally losing a fight, I wouldn’t have permission to claim any land.  And as the one to whom my friends had surrendered their claim, that meant that none of us would be able to claim land.

Except Kaiser didn’t know or care about ‘human’ laws.  Or, to be more accurate, he utterly ignored them as inconsequential.

So by the Wildlands' understanding, the territory would be owned by Shimizu, while by Kingdom law, it would be owned by me.

…Ah, yeah.  Yes, I use the term ‘own’ very loosely here.  Takeo told me there was one time loop where some of the students tried to abuse the natives on the third landmass, which resulted in the terrifying situation of Big Bull, Takeo, and some other students working under Kaiser to counter-invade the Kingdom.

We mostly just wanted safe areas to gather ingredients.  This was one of the places where the territory ownership mechanics of Alchemical Corruption 12 broke down pretty hard.

Of course, this whole song and dance was completely optional.  Kaiser didn’t care too much about what was going on in his territory.  But by playing with the rules, claiming, and keeping, territory got a lot easier.  Otherwise, it was stepping on the toes of the Wildlands' peoples, and they liked that as little as you'd expect.

Shimizu opted to fight Kaiser’s greatest challenge -- three truly massive apes -- whereas I opted to fight against his weakest challenge:  Two young lizard men just old enough to fight and fuck.  They were lean and strong, but even their veterans were physically weaker compared to the rest of the inhabitants in the Wildlands.  They were pack hunters first and foremost, and tended to hunt in groups of twenty or more.  So fighting only two of them should be easy!

With a wave of his paw-like hand, Kaiser had both Shimizu and myself fight in opposite corners of the glade.  Shimizu, naturally, started by crippling one of the apes with a single strike -- he was quickly dragged away and given some emergency care to ensure he’d recover.

The other two apes took her much more seriously after that.

For myself -- uh --

…Okay, so, I had been training.  And I was a capable combatant at that point -- not as good as Shimizu, but my [Fire Magic - B] talent was more than enough for most threats.

I decided to give this combat a ‘good attempt’, and do my best without using my magic or my [Archery - C] talents.  So I gripped my staff I had been using to help visualize my magic, and as an emergency defensive measure, and charged.

The two lizard men braced to fight me, and when I swung my staff to hit one of them in the head, he, uh.

He caught it.  In his hand.

All three of us paused.  My two opponents looked at each other with an expression of vague disbelief, as I felt blood rush to my face in embarrassment.

The one that had caught my staff gave it an experimental tug backwards.  I had a firm grip on the staff!

…However, I did not have a firm stance.

So that tug made me stumble forward with an alarmed squeak.  I did quickly try to right myself and tug the staff away from the two lizards, but since I was stumbling towards one of them he found it rather easy to grab one of my arms before I could course-correct.

I had the brief thought that at least I lost ‘realistically’ before he yanked the staff out of my hands and tossed it to the side.  Then he spun me so that I was between him and his fellow lizard man.

A flustered squeak managed to escape my lips.  Remember, I still had to wear heels, and being suddenly spun like that wasn’t the best for my balance.  Before I realized it I was being held between the two lizard men; one was holding my hips, the other both of my arms.  They talked a bit with each other in their own language, before the one front of my looked down with a smirking grin and said, “We fuck, and we not hurt you.  Yes?”

…They could have had proper language installed in them in their creation, but the chief god apparently liked the idea of ‘savages that raped women’.

On the one hand:  The chief god is a jerk.

On the other hand:  I was kinda into it.

The agreement was simple.  In exchange for fucking me, they’d accept my surrender without beating me up until I was knocked out.  Which was, I would like to state, not an okay situation, but it was also the one I was after.  So I gave a quick nod, hoping they wouldn’t notice how eager I was.

That was, uh.

That hope.  Didn’t.  Last long, exactly.

Before I realized it, they had tugged me down until I was on my hands and knees, and one of them was pushing a smooth lizard cock into my face.  I could already smell it, and the parasite that had merged with my mouth was watering.  Taste and smell are deeply connected, and to me, it smelt delicious.

The one behind me was ignoring my writhing tail, clearly not interested in it even if it could open up, and instead ripped off my panties.  My skit was already moved out of the way, left hanging on my body, leaving my wet slit plain to see.

The lizard behind me paused, even as I was starting to envelop the cock in front of me with my mouth, before he let loose something that I’m pretty sure was a bark of laughter.  The two chattered in their own language again, and then, without giving me any kind of warning I could understand, he grabbed my hips and slammed his cock into me.

I squealed, feeling the cock in my mouth get shoved deeper into my throat, pleasure wracking my body.  My heavy tits swayed beneath me due to the momentum the ramming imparted on my body.

One of the lizards -- I’m not sure which -- let loose another laugh-like bark before saying, “You big slut!  Yes?  You want this!”

Shimizu later told me that after Kaiser heard that, he started to look at me with a glimmer of actual interest.

At the time, I was completely unaware of that, and just felt more blood rush to my cheeks.  I couldn’t even respond with the cock in my mouth, but it seemed like that was enough of a response for them.  “Big slut!  Big slut!”  The two of them crowed, laughing as they took turns thrusting into me.

Mouth, slit, mouth, slit, mouth, slit.  I was fucked on the ground between two savage lizard men after humiliating myself with a pathetic combat performance, and they were gleefully crowing out how I wanted this.

It.  Was.  So.  Fun!

Not that I would say so at the time, of course, but in retrospect?  

Mmmph!  So hot.  

I squealed as two of my fuck-holes were rammed full of lizard cock.  What little thoughts I could fully form were berating me for not fighting a larger group of lizards… at least, those thoughts were before they were blown away by pleasure and sex and cum and yeeeees.

I’m not sure really how long I was fucked by the two of them. I do know that they had the absolutely brilliant and utterly unfair ability to cum multiple times, so by the time they were done I was quite well-sated.

And also, uh, rather out of it.

Shimizu had to help get me out of there, changed, and on my way to go and meet the Empirical Empress with Sumiko.  

Which was a whole different… thing.  Eurgh.

Behold:  Big Bull and Kaiser!

Kaiser's scary.

Like no joke, he's the kinda enemy that you do not want.

Also, hey!  Lizardmen!

Up next:  Sexbots!

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