Capture Target

Chapter 56 — Y3: Finally! Sexbots!

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Bol, regret, Nemesis01, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#f2d0baad, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#5c472977, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Oh, hey!  Sorry I’m a bit late, I was busy setting things up.

Hm?  Oh, for the thing we talked about.  Stalker-B-gone.

Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of everything~  You just rest and get ready for more storytime, mm’kay?

… … …

…Let me put it another way.

Stop worrying about it or I’m going to fuck you until you can't string three words together.

Yeah, that’s what I -- why are you tempted?!  No!

Sit down!



Okay.  Robolands.

There’s two sides to it.  The first is that it gets into some of the fantastical designs that Alchemical Corruption occasionally has.  It was, in its own way, utterly gorgeous.

Instead of ‘a jungle’ or ‘a farm’, imagine some hilly, temperate plains, with an occasional mountain off in the distance.  Now imagine it’s all made of metal.

And by ‘all’, I mean everything.

The grass and leaves were made from oxidized copper, while anything that was ‘wooden’ -- and the dirt beneath the grass -- was the cleaner version.

The water was molten steel that looked like it was blued instead of glowing red, that also, somehow, didn't melt the solid copper ground around the rivers and streams.  Mountains and boulders were made of nickel and silver, the yellow center of flowers were gold, and the actual roads?

Pure platinum.

And everything -- except for the heat -- felt like the material it was copying.  The grass was soft, the bark was rough, and the plants could flex.  The rivers started and ended in lakes that were at the same height, and their ‘water level’ never shifted.  It was a sign of things to come, as the lands that appeared would only get progressively weirder.  Filtering out and expressing the chief god's poor world design and inner fears both.

It wasn’t a place I’d want to live in, but to visit?  It was gorgeous.

And that’s not getting into the movement going on!

Everywhere, you could see robots moving in perfect sync.  The mountains had what looked to be ants crawling over it, and perfectly symmetrical, shiny bodies were patrolling the land.  Birds that were looking for intruders were flying overhead and occasional defensive bots shaped like jackals prowled the coppery planes.  Everything was clearly part of some sort of… pattern; you could tell, if you looked closely.

No matter which robot you looked at, if you waited precisely thirty minutes, they would be in the exact same location as before.  The ‘random patrols’ were clearly highly organized.

It was immediately obvious, much more-so than in the game, that there was some weird magic bullshit going on here.

It’s -- okay, look.  In this world?  Mass produced computers are a miracle of human engineering.  I’m not kidding -- Axiomanagers are, canonically, and I’ve confirmed this with Sevens, utterly baffled by how societies that rise up in realities with firm physics manage to utterly break what should be the limits of their growth.

CPU’s, the heart of computers?  They’re built in factories that cost more than most see in their entire life, and they mass produce them on wafer-thin discs.  And they have no idea which ones actually work.

They have to test all of them, to determine if they work, and how well they work.

They are mass produced artisanal goods, and they are everywhere.

And computers have some firm limits.

You can cheat some of it with magic, but while organics naturally replenish themselves and recover over time, machines don’t.  So all of these machines would need to be serviced, regularly.

And to ensure that they would be easily replaced, there had to be a decent backlog -- one that was probably rotated through service occasionally, to ensure that it worked properly.

This all meant a massive number of these robots should be focusing on pure logistics.

Sumiko and I got into an entire discussion about it, our voices rising as we got more fervent in our complaining.

Where were they stored?  With what were they made?  How were errors detected?  It couldn't be that they all walked to their posts from a single location, so there had to be multiple warehouses and engineering facilities.  That required mining.  And that mining required their own warehouses, and smelteries.  And warehouses for the smelteries!

You could see this in the Farmlands.  Massive barns and warehouses were everywhere; if there was a farming field or apple grove or anything at all, you were never more than a thirty minutes' walk away from a huge, massive building meant purely to ‘hold things’.

Even in the Wildlands, you could see that.  Every area had its own little ‘king’ or ‘queen’ that ruled, and they had their home close to the center of it.  Maybe up in the trees or down below the roots, but they were always there.

Places for people to sleep, to eat, to store their food, store weapons…

But we couldn’t see any of that in the Robolands.

Sure, they could have been hiding it, but I don’t think that would have been worth the expense.

So there was something funky going on.  We just didn’t know what.

Sumiko was surprised that I was as frustrated by this lack of sense as I was.  Haaaah… I know that I come off as a ditz, but does everybody think that I’m a bimbo?

…Uh.  Don’t answer that.

I said don't answer that!  I'm trying to do storytime, stop getting me worked up!

…A-anyway, uh, this leads into the other side of the Robolands.  To.  You know.  Get back to my original point.

It was creepy.

There was nobody with a personality around; just robots that acted just close enough to something alive to really unnerve you.  Uncanny valley at its finest.

Thankfully, Sumiko and I were quickly captured and brought to the Empress’ palace, where things were much less blatant in being super creepy!

…Haaaaaah… yeah… it wasn’t the best.  At least I could usually forget about it when I was talking with the Empress herself…

Fortunately, Sumiko and I were quickly arrested.

‘Fortunately’, because not every robo-unit arrests.  Some just try to kill.  But the strongest non-dragon robots were programmed to capture intruders, and being arrested was the fastest way to meet the Empirical Empress.

Hm?  Oh, no, obviously we weren’t actually captured, come on.

We were working on defeating the Evil God of Chastity and Purity.

If the random monsters in a difficult area could defeat us we were already fucked.  We just let ourselves be captured, because that way we could more easily predict what the Empress would do.

When I played Alchemical Corruption 12, I thought the robots taking prisoners was  a way to show how much more ‘dangerous’ this area was.  ‘Oh no!  You can’t even beat the random encounters!  Now get shuffled off to meet the Empress.’

Now I know it’s just that the Empress likes having an audience.

Not company, I should specify -- an audience, which is very different.

You could tell as soon as you saw her palace.  The entire thing was made of crystals and metal, both of which light up as if the palace is her empire's beating heart.

Sumiko confirmed that they did nothing but look pretty.

Also, why crystals?!

The entire rest of the region is pure metal!  She just put in crystals because she wanted her palace to be special!

…To be fair, it does look very cool.  But, uh, anyway.

Sumiko and I were dragged through the very pretty -- and still pulsing with veins of light -- hallway to the throne room, where we met the Empirical Empress.

She was taller than Big Bull and Kaiser, by a good two heads.  Her body was clearly made of some kind of very finely plated metal, and her entire existence was a technological marvel.  Her dress would have made queens weep with envy.

And she had bigger tits than me.

Proportionally, I mean.

Wha -- no!  I --

-- okay yes.  I was jealous.  You know.  A little bit.

I’m bigger now, though, so HAH!




Right.  The story.

So, we were dragged in front of her, and she stood there in her fancy dress and her sexbot body, and then she started monologuing at us.

No!  I’m not joking!  She just started talking about how ‘clearly we now understood her power’ and how ‘we could never defeat her’ and how ‘her win was inevitable, for the glory of the Goddess Roberta'.

I would like to remind you at this point that there was nobody else in the throne room.

Just mindless robots, myself, Sumiko, and the Empress.

She was waving around a massive staff that was clearly designed to look expensive as she talked, with grand gestures.  The kind of gestures that you use when you’re in a play, and you want people waaaaay in the back to see what you’re doing.  The kind of gestures you use when you have so many people to talk to that they can’t see your face.

When, again.

It was just the three of us.

And then she pointed her staff at us and said, “And now that you understand what depths of trouble you have truly invited upon yourselves, do tell me why I, the Empirical Empress, should spare thee!”

Now I would like to note -- because this is important -- that she would have no qualms killing us.  In the game, if you respond to her with ‘laughter’ or ‘insolence’, she merely scoffs before she chucks you into an incinerator.  No hesitation; game over.  It automatically reloads to the point where she asked you for a reason to be spared, but, uh, that wasn’t an option when it was real life.

Thankfully, we already knew what to say here… and she’s much less murder-happy after you pass her test.  Still… uncomfortably free with it, but a safer situation.

Anyway, remember the rifle that Sumiko is working on?  She’s made a lot of progress, but not enough of it.  The rifle can be reliably and safely used now -- Takeo had it at that moment -- but she couldn’t replicate or improve it.  That was why I brought her here.  Because she immediately bowed and begged for the chance to ‘learn’ under the ‘Empirical Empress’s genius’.

There was, naturally, a ‘test of capability’, but I don’t really know what happened other than Sumiko passed.  Sumiko just told me it was ‘far too easy’... which, with her, could mean literally anything.  The Empressdirected Sumiko to a side room for that, where another version of the Empress would test her.

-- ah.  Yeah.  About that.  There were, like.  Fifty different copies of her in her palace.

It’s not important right now, moving on!

After she directed --

I said we’re moving on!

After she directed Sumiko to a side room, it was my turn to beg for mercy.  In case you forgot, I needed to get her to treat me like a little sister.  To want to pamper me and make me hers and all of that.

So, naturally, there was only one possible response.

Let me clear my throat here… ahem, ahem…


I said, in this tone:

‘You’re.  So.  COOOOOOOOOOOOL!!!’

Okay ow fuck, that kills my throat.  Ow ow ow… thankfully, I didn’t need to do it more than once.  I really don’t think I could have done it even two more times, not without giving my throat a chance to rest.

Not only did I only need to do it once, it worked perfectly.  She was immediately put off balance by my swerving outside her script.  Seeing my chance, I quickly shook free from my ‘robotic captors’ to babble about how totally amazing AWESOME she was.

I squealed at her.  I danced around her.  I admired her.  And I said that I wanted to be ‘just like her’.

And that was what helped her get her groove back.

“Of course you would want to be just like me!”  “I am the most magnificent entity around, thank you.”  “Why, yes, your admiration is entirely deserved.”

She claimed she ‘took a shine’ to me, and offered to show me ‘something neat’.

…I wasn’t sure what it was she was going to show me; I had seen this scene in the game, but it fades to black before whatever girl the Empress decides she ‘likes’ is shown -- whatever it is she shows to them.  You later learn that it was ‘sexbots’, and, I mean… okay?

That was my thought, at least.  I mean.  I wasn’t going to object to sexbots, but it didn’t make sense to me why that was hidden.

Until, uh.

She took me to her ‘harem chamber’.

And then I realized.

The harem chamber didn’t ‘just’ have sexbots.

The harem chamber was a paradise of pleasure.

I couldn’t count the number of sexbots, and the number of types of them.  Bimbo-bots with massive tits and puffy lips that giggled and waved.  Himbo-bots that made me drool when I saw their muscles as they flexed and posed.  Monster-bots like a massive wolf with an equally massive cock.

But that was just the start.

There were Sybians at tables to sit down on while talking.  VR headsets with a collection of sexbots nearby for your every fantasy.  Toys for every occasion -- there was an entire closet of them!

Clothes that could be locked on, shackles that could be attached to your neck, aphrodisiacs for those with flesh and pleasure-virii for those with metal.

It could be made to serve every woman that was participating in the Land Grab, but it wasn’t designed for that.


It was designed to serve one, two people at most.

All of this for the pleasure of a single individual.

I realized that my legs were trembling.  That my pussy became drenched as I processed the pleasures in front of me.  I felt my heart pounding in my head as the temptation started to whisper in my ear.  All but literally whispering -- my brain slug was very well integrated by that point, and it was gleefully feeding into my increasingly active imagination.

And then the Empress, seeing my reaction, gave an amused giggle and told me to ‘go wild’.

So, uh.

…I did.

I started slow at first, but once the Empress seemed satisfied that I wasn’t going to just ignore everything, she left the room.  With that, I could relax, and I dived into it.

I started with the himbo-bots.  I fucked one, then two, then two at a time, then four at a time.  With my tail I could easily handle four cocks at once.  My stamina had been enhanced, and I was already used to being used by so many after the party that Master threw.

I was offered a drink to keep my stamina up, which I accepted without thinking.

My slit was sore, then, so I focused on my mouth; a herm-bot with a cock almost as large as Shimizu’s was the one I chose to choke on, and it felt so good!  Before long the bot realized that ‘rough’ was the way to go, and from there it only got better!

After that, I had already lost my clothing, and when a dom-bot walked up -- he was some kind of wolf-man in robot form -- with a collar and ordered me to put it on?

My body obeyed before I could process the command.

Good ‘ol [Sub’s Fun].

I was flustered, then, but that just made him ordering me around even better.  He ‘forced’ me to drink more of that ‘stamina’ potion, ‘made’ me dress in slutty costumes and service the robots, mocked me for getting off on this so much.

And when he was done, I went to the VR station for even more.

The Empress was delighted by how much I was enjoying her harem chamber, both in pride at having built it and kinky enjoyment of my being such a slut, and offered a special addition.

…Normally, I would have said no.  I had [Mental Fortitude], after all; I couldn’t be broken by raw pleasure.  And I wasn’t exactly comfortable with her ‘augmenting’ me.

But… I needed to get [Technosymbiosis], which would require multiple tech-based additions to my body; since the alternatives were too time-consuming for my plan, I needed to swallow how I felt and do it anyway.


I mean, you’re not wrong, but still -

Aaaargh, fine!

Yes, despite the fact that I wasn’t broken from pleasure, the temptation of more pleasure was a minor-

Okay, fine, a moderate-



It was more important to me than gaining [Technosymbiosis], okay?!

But!  I want to be clear!

I wouldn’t have let her augment my piercings if I didn’t need [Technosymbiosis]!

Yes, really!  I’m not stupid!  

… … …

How about, instead of me showing you my cybernetics, we have lots and lots of sex~

…Oh.  I thought that still worked on you.  Crap.



If you think the Empress is a bit unnerving, that's intentional.

Unlike Big Bull and Kaiser, she is... uh...

...Not... what I would call... particularly... 'sane'.  So, uh, yeah.


I'm sure it'll be fine!

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