Capture Target

Chapter 61 — Y3: Eggs and Beefcake

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Bol, regret, Nemesis01, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Hrmph… no… maybe -- no, purple is a royal color, that comes with too much dignity…

But is there really anything other than pastel pink?  Hrmph.  Maybe light blue…?  Yeah, that could work, if I keep it really light and frilly… and -- fuck, pink goes with baby blue.

Oh, see, I love pink, but that really seems like the only choice here, and I’d like to do something different for once.

– Ah!  You’re early!  I didn’t realize you were -- huh?  

Oh, this is nothing, just something for a little project I’m doing for you~

…Not like that!  

No!  These clothes aren’t for you!  That would ruin the point!

Ugh, whatever.  Let’s just get started, here.

I believe I’ve already mentioned how bodies in MISSY are more adaptable than in other worlds.  I’m not sure if I’ve said it explicitly, but even if not, it’s clear when you look at everything together.

Muscles are easier to gain and faster to lose, flexibility can come even to the elderly and the body can recover more easily from even dangerous injuries.  And I mention this because this trait was absolutely critical when it came time to lay those massive eggs.

Normally, giving birth is a long, painful process.  It can take hours to get the new tiny person out of their mothers womb, and every moment is accompanied by pain or some really good painkillers.

That is not the case in MISSY.

Oh sure, sometimes pain can happen, but that’s when things go wrong.  Normally, it feels good.  Maybe painful, but in a healthy, exercised muscle way.  The kind that gives a sense of contentment when you stretch it out, knowing that you’re going to recover into a healthier state of being.

That’s normally.  When a normal, non-slut, human woman gives birth to a normal human baby with a normal, non-stud, human father.

I was a very-much-a-slut mostly-human woman, giving birth to eggs, with a monster father.  Or possibly fathers plural, with some of the weirder niche mechanisms that MISSY pregnancy has.

And as if that wasn’t enough, my body was getting dangerously accustomed to all of the hormones that I was constantly putting into my body.  It was becoming something similar to normal for me.

So I knew that I was about to give birth not due to my water breaking -- though that did happen -- but due to the sudden surge of pleasure that seemed to emanate from my very womb.  

My eyes jolted open from the middle of my milking session, and I started to make panicked noises.  I wasn’t really aware of what I was saying, but I managed to get the gist of it to a bull that came to check on me, and he brought me a lovely little comfy nest to lay them in.  It was made of fabric and -- uh --

It was basically a giant dog bed.

You know the kind, circular, soft, with a small bump all around the edge to keep things in the bed?  Yeah.  Like that, except bigger, and for laying eggs.

I was rapidly losing hold on my identity as a ‘human’.

Anyway~  With the bed-nest brought to me, I lay down on it, spread my legs, and -- well, I didn’t realize it at the time, but I sent a mental signal of sorts to my womb.  Letting it know that I was in a safe place, and that the eggs would be protected here.

Well.  ‘Protected’, as in, ‘there are no predators’ or 'I feel personally safe and relaxed', not as in ‘we totally won’t use these eggs to make delicious meals’.

I had a total of eleven eggs in my womb, and the first one started to push out of my slit.

I screamed.  I realized that somewhat distantly, as I arched my back across the floor, spreading my legs as far as I could manage.  I felt a massive bulge slowly push out from my womb into the top of my slit.  It slowly dropped down, and even though it was coated in a protective goop, it still pushed out my inner walls as it went.  It was like the biggest cock I’d ever fucked, except… in reverse?  Ish?

I really don’t know how to describe it to somebody who hasn’t experienced it, but it was like a ball of heat and pleasure.  It started from my womb and slowly worked its way down, and every moment I could feel it stretching me out from the inside was a moment it was sending sparks of pleasure through my body.

It was more than I could handle.

It was simply too much for me; I say that without shame.  I can handle more now, but at the time, it was like it was injecting raw, searing pleasure into my body, constantly, without pause or end.

With the parasite melded to my brain, with how slutty my body was, with all my brainwashing to enjoy serving others, it was simply… too much.

If it wasn’t for [Mental Fortitude] and [Bodies Fortitude], I would have been broken then.  Addicted to the sensation.  Forever seeking that and nothing more.

As it was, I just cummed my brains out super hard~

But I really do need to emphasize, my body couldn’t keep up with the pleasures I was going through.  

I came, don’t get me wrong, I came a lot, but my body couldn’t orgasm fast enough for the pleasure I was feeling.  I never felt sore, like I should have after cumming that much, and instead only wanted more.  The orgasms had to start slowing down, to give my body more time to rest.

Oh sure, I had plenty of things that helped reduce or remove the refractory period, but that’s assuming you’re having normal sex.  Sex with a person.  Or a monster.  Or multiple monsters!

…Uh, either way, it assumes there’s a limit to how much raw sexual pleasure can be pushed into your body at any one point in time.  A rather high limit, especially when one considers my parasites adding two erogenous zones, but a limit nonetheless.

Giving birth to the eggs ignored that limit.

I’m honestly not sure how it did -- I knew rather quickly that this was too much, that it was too strong, but it just kept on going and going and going!  I felt like I was melting, like I was in a forge of pleasure, being hammered by heat and lust and want and need until I was turned into a simple ingot.  A simple object with no desires of its own, other than to be further hammered into a useful tool.

And then, finally… it was over.

I gasped for air, panting, my eyes unfocused as I jolted at the sudden strange sensation of not going through a never-ending gauntlet of mind-numbing pleasure.

I moved my tits apart with my hands so I could look down between my legs.

My heart fluttered when I could only see my still-hugely-pregnant belly, and I clumsily squeezed my thighs together to feel for my eggs instead.

And then kept fumbling around searching for the rest for a few groggy seconds, before I realized.

…I had only laid one egg.

I had ten more to go.

I know that [Mental Fortitude] is supposed to ensure that I never break from the pleasure…

…but it never said anything about breaking from the anticipation of it~

I felt myself break that day.

As I felt the next egg slowly start to press against my cervix, slowly start to push down and push me into another never-ending wonderland of torturous pleasure…

…I felt something in my mind break, and I knew I would never be the same.

Oh I healed rather quickly after it was all done, don’t get me wrong.

But recovering never returns something to its former state.  It left a fault-line on my sense of self that would never go away~

Because I realized that I, as I always do, wanted more!

By the time I got all eleven eggs out, my exhaustion was practically soul-deep.  

I was slumped on the floor of the stall, barely aware of anything, my tits slowly running dry as they were milked.  The last thing I remember is hearing the door to the stall open, and a deep, masculine voice chuckling, before I passed out.

I woke up, later, in an insanely comfy bed.  I was feeling warm and well rested, albeit rather sore, and my mind rapidly woke up when I realized I wasn’t in my room.  Or Shimizu’s room.  Or Yuki’s room.  Or Sumiko’s room.

…How often did I sleep in my own bed, back then…?  

Eh, not important.  Moving on, the room was made with some absolutely gorgeous wooden panels, and exuded a kind of -- simple, plain luxury.  The kind of thing you’d expect a billionaire to make if they wanted the ‘simple life’.  Everything was finely crafted, there were no creaky floor boards, and it was all clearly taken care of very well.

I had a bit of trouble getting up out of the bed -- both due to how comfy it was, and due to the blankets on me -- but I managed, and rapidly realized that I was naked.  It took only a glance to find my clothing, which I rapidly put on.

Though I did have some trouble with the panties, and the skirt.

The panties -- as always -- were stretched a bit more than one would expect.  But in this case it was actually feeling tight on me.  I made a mental note to replace them when I put on the skirt, which is when I looked in the mirror and realized the problem.

My hips were wider.

After giving birth to that many eggs, my hips had been pushed wider by a solid half-inch on each side -- a full extra inch of space existed between my legs.  This had the effect of making my skirt rest even higher than before!  My new hips combined with my jiggly butt ended up turning the miniskirt into what was almost a microskirt.

The effect was very hot, but I knew I’d need to replace most of my clothing to adjust for my hips.

…Or rather, Shimizu would replace most of my wardrobe, and I was looking forward to that more than a little.

I took a few standing steps in the mirror, and walked forward and backwards a bit, to see and get used to how my stance had been adjusted.  It took a bit to find my old balance… I worked hard on it, since I had to wear heels for all my shoes… and when I did the added sway these hips added to my walk was absolutely lovely.

I previously had a nice sway, don’t get me wrong, but now it looked like a large cat that was slowly pacing towards you.  I was very pleased with this, and spent more time than I probably should have just admiring the many subtle changes that my body had gone through.  

I think my tits had even increased a bit in size, for some reason… but that might have just been in my head.

Either way, when I was done, I headed out the bedroom door and into a hallway -- and from there, down some stairs, calling out to see if anybody was there.

And there was!

It was Big Bull.  Who had, apparently, been the one to discover me in my stall during one of his regular walkabouts.

This, naturally, was not what I expected, and I would have devolved into a babbling mess if I hadn’t just cum my brains out for what felt like hours on end.  My mind was sharp, but my body was still sore and tired, and that helped me deal with my infatuation with him.

…Helped a bit.

He’s so hot I can’t even -- a-ah, um, right.  Moving forward.

He said he wanted to check up on me and make sure I was doing alright, but I later realized what was actually going on.  He was pleasantly surprised by me, and he wanted to learn more about my thoughts and personality.

See, Big Bull is, ultimately, a fairly simple person.  He can have deep, complicated thoughts, sure, but that’s not what’s important to him.  What’s important is ‘hard work’ and ‘results’.  So long as you’re not slacking off, and so long as you get some good results, he’s happy with you.  The more results, the happier he is.  It doesn’t matter if that’s due to talent, brains, luck, or working harder than everybody else -- so long as the results are yours, he’s happy.

I had been getting a lot of results; my slutty tits are very easy to get nice and milky, after all.  Most of the cowgirls tend to keep some of the milk they make to themselves, for their husbands and children, which drives down how much the farm gets by a surprisingly large percentage.  I was just giving it all to the farm, which upped my relative production rate.

It was in the ‘hard work’ area that I was lacking.  Which was fine, since I was technically a ‘temporary worker’ on the farm, but it meant that he wasn’t really impressed with me.  I was bouncing across all three domains at the time, to keep all three rulers happy with me, which meant I only spent about one in every three days on the farm.

That wasn't not enough for Big Bull, and he thought that I was -- if not slacking, then perhaps unfocused.

Which was… uh… fair, actually.  I do tend to bounce around a bit.  

But he asked what I was doing, and I explained -- uh -- some of it.  More than I probably should have, frankly.  It was far too easy for me to share too much with Big Bull, as I wanted to impress him and make him happy and want to fuck me and hold me and hug me and kiss me and --

-- r-right.  Right!  Focusing.  Focusing.

I.  Am.  Focused.


To my surprise, he was actually very understanding of why I was keeping all three groups happy.  He didn’t even seem upset with me in the slightest when I told him I was meeting with all three of them; He just said that it was natural to do so if I could, to keep myself safe no matter what region of the land I was exploring.

That was, uh… where… the problem started.

Because I had already known he was hot as fuck, with a voice like liquid sexy, deep, manly… stud… stuff, but on top of that?

He had a lovely personality!

Yeah, I was screwed.

I started asking him more about the farm and his opinions and thoughts, and it was all very -- very grounded, and rational.  Well thought out, a bit crazy at times, but very focused on the results.  Which I could respect quite a bit.  He also regularly fucked random women on the farm when they offered themselves to him, which was very attractive to me, and --

-- what’s with that look?


He’s hot, and having other women know he’s hot and having him be sexually attractive is also hot!

Ugh, I don’t get what you’re talking about.  Do you mind if we just move on…?

Okay, good.  Thanks.

Anyway, he also found a woman that knew what she wanted to be very attractive, as well as one that worked hard to get what she wanted.

Which was me!

Uh, is me!

I like sex!  And I work hard to get more sex and better sex!

Which was and is a trait that he likes!

He also talked about the balance of the island, and why it was stuck split into three pieces.  Some of the detail was in the game, but hearing Big Bull say it really helped me understand.

Tha -- no!  No, it wasn’t just because a hot man was telling me!  His explanations were high quality, I’m not so, so vapid as to only listen to somebody that makes me knees weak!


Ugh!  I’m just going to move on!

Hrmph.  Anyway, , it was less ‘three equal kingdoms’, and more ‘one big bully and two smaller rivals’.  The Empirical Empress was, hands down, the strongest of the three.  By a decent margin, at that.  Her production capabilities were beyond what either Kaiser or Big Bull could manage, and all three of them knew it.

However, with Kaiser being -- well, uh, himself, thus making it a nightmare to fight in his turf -- and with Big Bull’s organizational skills and strategy, working together they could keep her out of their areas.

…Unless she used artillery.

Which I was not expecting to hear.

In the game, you hear of her having artillery cannons.  Cannons as in, howitzer cannons with shells and explosives and barrages, like they used back in the Great War, but you never actually see them in Alchemical Corruption Twelve.  So to hear that Big Bull knew about them because she used them once was more surprising than it should have been.

Apparently, immediately after she showed them off and launched a few attacks, Kaiser and Big Bull both immediately began a focused assault to grab them for themselves.

The Empress promptly panicked, and threw all her forces into protecting her artillery until it had retreated to safety.  She hadn’t used it since, and with just her normal robots, she can’t break through Big Bull or Kaiser’s forces -- not so long as the two are focused on her, instead of each other.

…Wait, why am I talking about military strategy?!  What brought me to this topic?!

The important thing is that Big Bull is hot, and his personality was making me want to fuck him even more!  I was crushing hard on him, and it was super hot and confusing and fun!

That’s what’s important here!

Oh, right, that, and how I immediately went and got fucked full of more eggs after I was done talking with Big Bull.

That also happened~

I admit, this is one of my favorite chapter titles to date.

...Ignoring that, sorry for this being late -- there were editing issues with the latest chapter, and I want to keep this and Subscribestar updating at around the same time, each.

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