Capture Target

Chapter 62 — Y3: Accidental Breeding

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Bol, regret, Nemesis01, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

This and this… yeah… set it up…

…Tch, no, a bit off.  Maybe if… yeah… okay.  Set it up…

…Perfect!  Now let me see how it looks with the stockings on…

Hehehe, even better~  Let me see, what’s next -- oh!  Hiya!

I was just working on my modeling.  I started up a website!  See?

Hehehe, everybody thinks I machine-generated the images and videos.  I just add a slight filter to make it look a bit more fake, and… 

There!  See?  Hot, isn’t it?


I like my body being appreciated!  I worked hard on it!

That’s - !

…W-well, okay, fine.  Others worked hard on my body.  B-but still!  I’m proud of it, and I like -

- Tch!

W-well, yeah, okay, it has to do with a blessing or two, but still!

Argh!  Look, either stop teasing me or fuck me!

…That wasn’t the response I was hoping for…

…Haaaaah… fine… storytime it is…

Haaaaaaah… right… okay, where was I…

…Right.  Eggs and milk and beefcake.  Yeah.

Well, it took a week or two, but I did manage to get the blessing [Human Cattle] from Catalina.  Here’s how it works:

[Blessing:  Human Cattle]
[Requirements:  Within the time span of one month, for two or more separate kinds of farm animal goods, produce a total weight exceeding your own body weight.]
[Effects:  The following effects are true for all farm goods you produce with your own body.  The quality is significantly increased.  The quantity produced is increased by one fifth.  It is easier to further increase the quantity and quality of production.  It is more pleasurable to produce.]

It’s a pretty simple one, but Catalina is a fairly simple gal.

Wha -- no, that’s not an insult.  She says it with pride!  When you can get her to talk, at least.

She’s really into ‘being a cow’.  She has an entire personal farm full of worshipers of hers that are cowgirls or bullmen, just so she can be one.  Calling her ‘simple’ is a compliment to her, because it means she’s being a ‘better cow’.

…W-well… yeah.  It is a little weird, but she enjoys it and it’s harmless, so what’s the harm?

Anyway!  Now that I had [Human Cattle], I got even more interest from Big Bull, and, uh… well, okay, see, the whole -- eggs thing --

I produced more and they felt better and I really really really liked it, so I might have -- spent a bit too long focusing on that?

As in, uh, it was around three months into the year before somebody finally noticed how addicted I was.  

To my immense frustration, it was Takeo who noticed.  'Something something of course you got addicted something something, blah blah blah’.  Anyway, he dragged me away from the Farmlands to Shimizu for ‘remedial training’.

It just took a few days for Shimizu to train me with her cock~  By the end of it, just a look from Shimizu would make my legs feel weak and my pussy wet.  And that, thankfully, let her hold me back enough to -- at least mitigate my addiction to laying eggs.

…Ooooh no, no no no, you don’t get to look at me like that.  Not unless you experience laying eggs yourself.  I can easily make you feel the exaaact same things that I do~

Hehehe~  I thought so~

So, with [Human Cattle] and with Big Bull interested in me and -- somewhat -- courting me, it was time for the next step of my plan!

…Getting pregnant!

Now, something I should note first, is that there’s a pretty significant difference between ‘getting pregnant’ and ‘laying eggs’.  That being, primarily, that the eggs wouldn’t hatch.  They weren’t fertilized, intentionally so; thus, they don’t count from the [Broodmare] blessing.

So, I had to --

-- eh?

What?  No, I had to have -- look, I must have told you because otherwise my whole ‘eight step plan’ thing doesn’t work!  The number of actual pregnancies is fixed for it, and -

Yes I’m sure!


But remember, they’re not goddess powers!

It’ll take a few minutes to fully refresh my memories, so give me a bit.

…Fuck.  I didn’t.

…Okay.  Okay.  That’s, uh.  That’s my bad.


Um, right.  So.  Certain egg-laying species don’t come with automatic fertilization.  When somebody that doesn’t lay eggs on their own gets fucked pregnant by them, the eggs need an extra step to become ‘fertilized’.

The goddess of monsters set that up after the chief god one time went absolutely crazy for monsters raping women full of eggs; she wanted to keep the monster population in check, and never had to remove that ‘patch’.

Anyway, uh.  Where were we?  Right.

I had to get pregnant, with actual living beings inside of me, three times; for the first two, I had to show it off to all three rulers of the third landmass.  For the third and last one, I had to keep it a secret.

Yeah, I know, it’s a bizarre set of requirements, but that’s what they are.

So, I had to choose what to get pregnant with, and then, uh.  You know.  Get pregnant.

The first of those was… a more difficult discussion than I anticipated.  Since this wasn’t me playing a game, and it was actually, uh, me, I had a few requirements for the children I was going to have.

First and foremost, they would need to be fine without me raising them.  That was significant in and of itself; it meant a lot of the smarter and more communal monsters were out.  The ones that were raised by their mothers, and I -- uh -- well, that is --

…Okay, it’s…

There is one large advantage to being turned into a woman.  I mean beyond the whole ‘being hot as fuck’ thing, but that isn’t really about being a woman, and more about being a sexy slut of a woman.

No, just being female in general comes with a huge advantage.

I could have a child.

It wasn’t something I really processed until after we decided what I’d get pregnant with; the fact that, one day, I could have a child of my own.

To be able to carry your child in you, feel them grow, feel them kick and go from a bundle of cells to something alive… I really want that someday.  To have an actual child.

Mmm… one day I’ll be in a good place for that…

…O-oh, sorry, it’s just… a nice thought, you know?  I’d really like that.  Get a few husbands, have kids for each of them…

…What?  Did I say something weird?

…?  How’s that weird?


…I don’t remember… wait, no, I think I do… right!  Right!  It’s that whole, uh -- ‘one person only’ thing!

…That sounds dumb.

Monogamy sounds dumb.

I mean, if it works for you, great, but it sounds really, really, really dumb, and –

Oh!  Right, the story!

Right.  Right right.  Refocusing.

So!  I needed to make sure that whatever child I’d have would be fine on its own.  That was the first requirement.  The second requirement is that it wouldn’t treat me as a mother -- or at least, not like a human would.

I, uh, kinda didn’t want to have to deal with introducing ‘my son-slash-daughter-slash-other’ to people, pointing at some kind of inhuman monster.

It would be hot as fuck to be forced to do that, but it would also, uh, destroy my reputation, which would hinder my goals.  So --

-- I did too have a decent reputation!

Yes, even after the roper!

And the tentacle goop on the first day!

And with the massive tits and ass and --

-- argh!  Storytime, not teasing time!  You already made that choice!


A child that I didn’t need to raise, and one that wouldn’t treat me as their mother.  That left me with a few options.

Lizardmen were actually one, and one that I was fairly tempted by.  They’re birthed in clutches of eggs, and, uh.

…As I'd learned, eggs are a lot of fun.

A-anyway!  That was tempting, but I did have other options.

There were a few robots in Roboland that could work.  Some of them were weird hybrid cyborgs that could get you pregnant.

Yes, robot pregnancies in animals and people were a thing.  Because the chief god was a pervert, and Roberta wanted to please him.

Those were options, albeit ones that were a touch more dangerous for me.

Then there were these massive monsters in the Wildlands -- they were essentially yetis.  Massive, huge, humanoid creatures covered in white fur.  They didn’t fit the jungle aesthetic, and yet they managed to maintain a fairly large area because they were stupidly strong.  They had a species bond instead of a familial one, and thus after giving birth, all I would need to do was make sure that they got to the other yetis.

There was a huge debate between Shimizu and Yuki about what I’d get pregnant with.

No, I didn’t misspeak.

It was between Shimizu and Yuki.  I didn’t have a vote.

…W-well, it was because it was hotter that way, okay?!

Oh shut up, like you’ve never done something stupid while horny!

Hrmph.  Anyway, they decided on, somewhat predictably given I needed to get pregnant three times and I introduced you to three options, one of each.

Of course, that didn't actually matter.

Because my first pregnancy was something completely different~

There are these wolf-like monsters that roam the Wildlands.  They’re called ‘tree-wolves’.  On all fours, an average specimen stands up to about chest-height of an adult male.  They’re smarter than a wolf, too -- not as smart as a human, but smart enough to learn and make plans, and even use simple tools.

Which they manipulate using their third pair of limbs, situated on the torso between the other two.  They’re surprisingly strong for their thin frame, have only three fingers, and can manipulate anything below or in front of them -- but not above.  They’re very good at being ambush predators.

All of that is why they’re called tree-wolves.  They can climb trees, and their ambushing tendencies means they tend to jump on you from them.

They also bond strongly with their mother, and only their mother.

I know all of this very well, because that’s what I first got pregnant with.

See, I was heading towards the lizardmen in preparation of getting raped pregnant.  Before going, I made sure that I was without any magic left and with only one item on me.  Without my magic I would be easy prey, and any items I had on me would be taken when ‘defeated’... with the only item I had being a ‘pheromone ball’.

It ensured that when defeated, you’d get raped silly~

It probably wasn’t necessary, but I didn’t want to take any chances.

Now remember when I said that those tree-wolves roam the Wildlands?

That means they’re similar to tentacle beasts, and they can show up anywhere, at any time.

Well, anywhere in the Wildlands, that is.


See, there are a lot of monsters like that in the Wildlands -- but they don’t show up in areas where the local ‘boss’ can beat them.

Of course, I was in the lizardman area.

The weakest of the speaking peoples in the Wildlands.

So even a relatively weak ‘wandering monster’ like the tree-wolf could show up.

So there I was, in the Wildlands, without any items and without any magic to defend myself with.  At first I was frustrated by how I wasn’t finding any of the lizards, and then I started to get worried when I realized that there wasn’t any.

I was just about to leave when the tree-wolf ambushed me.  Jumped on me from a nearby tree branch.

They pounced me, and without the raw strength of a melee talent, I naturally fell on all fours.  I instinctively tried to use my [Fire Magic - B] talent, but, uh.  I had intentionally drained myself of magic, so I couldn’t even summon a few sparks.  By the time I realized that I needed to physically scramble out from under the monster, its third pair of limbs had grabbed me by the waist and lifted me up to its stomach.

I could feel its fur pushing against my skin and clothes as I flailed in the air, panic and lack of leverage working against me as my mind spun in circles.

It was then that I felt the monster's cocks push against my skirt and panties.

…Oh, did I not mention they have two of them?

Yeah, they do~

The beast made a confused noise about there being something in the way between it and its pleasure, but it was smart enough to quickly come to a solution.  As it used its ‘hands’ to manipulate my body and push me into the ground, so it could rip off my clothing, I was realizing what was going on.

I remembered I had a pheromone ball.

It was going to rape me.

It wasn’t my first time being raped, but it was the first time it came as a surprise; every other time it was planned, or -- not quite like this.  The tentacle beast, the parasites, the lizardmen, even Master -- it wasn’t quite the same.

I had known, on some level, that it was bound to happen to me eventually.  I wasn’t sure how to feel about it at the time, but I could tell that my emotions about it were subtly off from what I expected.  As somebody who had memories from a world other than MISSY, I could tell that something was making this far less ‘emotionally damaging’ than it would have been otherwise.

I had felt it the previous times as well, to be clear, but this was far and away the most blatant it had ever been.  I sent a mental thanks up to Modesty later, after it was over and I'd realized why it felt off, but at the time I had other things to worry about.  

To my shock at the time, I realized I was getting wet as it ripped away my skirt with its mouth, its two front paws on my shoulders to keep me from moving.  It couldn’t do the same to my panties -- they were too close to my skin, it would injure me -- but it evidently didn’t feel the need to as it positioned me back to where I was, held underneath it.

And then it fucked me.

While my skirt was made of a thicker fabric, my panties were thin enough that it could just push through them.  I squealed in surprise at the sensation, shuddered at both my lower holes being stretched out by animal cock, and then waited for it to start rocking its hips so I could try to get away from it.

…But it didn’t.

Instead, its cocks started -- It was like a kind of… ring-like shape appeared at the base of each cock, and started slowly moving up to the tip.  After it moved maybe an inch, another would appear, and follow it.

It would slowly thicken in size until it reached the halfway point, before shrinking down near the tip.

I saw ‘ring-like shape’, but I more mean ridges and bumps that were, roughly, in a ring around the cocks.

It was a completely alien sensation.  Outside of anything I expected to feel.

And it was clearly designed by somebody who adored getting fucked by monsters, because it felt so good!

I wouldn’t have expected it!  I thought that it would feel weird, maybe even unpleasant!  This isn’t how cocks are normally supposed to behave!  But instead, I could feel my mind blanking out as raw pleasure washed through my body.

Especially when one of the rings managed to, ever so gently, bump against my clit.

That was when I came, the first time.

Which was also about the time that I gave up on escaping.

Sure, I was being raped by a monster.  A thing that I would call an ‘it’ instead of a ‘he’ or ‘she’ or even ‘they’.  A creature that was just smart enough to know how to avoid and set traps, and little else.

But fuck if the sex didn’t feel so good!

I realized, somewhere in between my moans as I let the creature carry me like a portable cocksleeve, that it was bringing me somewhere.  It was moving and going about its day while fucking me.

It was so hot!

The rings, or undulations, of the cocks slowly started to increase in speed -- which naturally sped up the frequency of my orgasms in turn.  I was alternating between screaming and moaning and panting for air as I tried to get in enough oxygen to properly enjoy this.

I’m not sure how long it took -- the beast had stamina! -- but eventually I felt that rings had stopped appearing at the base of the cocks.  The last ones to appear were also -- wider, and thicker than the ones before.

And after reaching the midpoint, they didn’t stop growing.

I could feel them both rub against each other through my skin, driving me crazy, as the tree-wolf started to pant and howl.

And then it came.

And it flooded me with its hot, virile cum.

My womb felt like it was painted in its white seed, and the beast panted as it slumped.

…And then I realized something.

The last two rings?  They weren’t shrinking.

And they were thick enough that I was pretty sure getting off of them would be actively painful.

…The beast had knotted me.

I was stuck until its cocks deflated.  Just -- hanging there.  Held by its manipulating limbs.  With the two bumpy, veiny rings on its cocks gently rubbing against my inner walls as it walked, bouncing me slightly with every step.

…And then, as I realized that I was going to be stuck attached to this creature for upwards of an hour, I felt the hot spike of pleasure of the pregnancy taking.  Of the egg in my womb being activated by the monster's seed, telling my body it was baby-making time.

I spent the rest of my time attached to the cocks in a confused, horny haze, trying to comprehend what had just happened -- and, naturally, enjoying every moment of it~

Behold!  More pregnancy!

...I don't have anything else to say here, but, uh.

Enjoy it!

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