Capture Target

Chapter 63 — Y3: Slut & Stud Round Up

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Bol, regret, Nemesis01, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Almost done, almost done… ah!  I need a favor.

A small one!  I promise!

I just -- well -- would you perhaps mind giving me a magical gem…?


It’s for a good cause!  I don’t even need one that’s in a wand!  Just one that’s been around a lot of magic, that’s all!


Thank you so much!

Is there anything I can do to repay you…~?

… … …

I hate you sometimes.

Uuuugh… there.

Both bathrooms are scrubbed clean.

All of the hair has been removed from the bathtub sinks.

The toilets are clean enough to drink out of.

And everything has been put away into their proper place.  You won’t be finding your sisters' tampons laying around anymore.

Done.  Can I have the gem now?

Ugh.  Thanks.  I guess.

This is for you, you know?  Come on, you have me here, and you want me to clean your bathrooms?

I know what I said!

Whatever.  Tch.  Storytime.

So because I'm upset at you, I’m not going to bother telling you what it was like to be pregnant with a tree-wolf for two weeks.  Hrmph.

It was basically like the eggs anyway, just with one creature that’s alive and can fidget inside of you.

Besides, I should probably catch you up on how everybody’s doing anyway.  Let’s see, we should probably start with -

Are you trying to make me angry?

Because it feels like you’re trying to make me angry…




He was our hunter-gatherer -- the one helping us gather random things that we needed.  Not only across the third landmass, but from the first two, as well.  He was doing fine.

…Ugh, really?  More details?



Look, Takeo was ‘the hero’, ‘the protagonist’, ‘the grand destined savior of the world’, ‘he of the harem’, ‘the amazing male surrounded by hot girls’ or whatever.  He was doing great, you know?  Without needing to worry about things he couldn’t control, he could actually use his knowledge to its fullest capability.

There are a few hundred shortcuts across all of the Alchemical Corruption 12 maps, and maybe twice as many secret rooms and hidden secrets.  Takeo had managed to learn most, if not all of those locations from me and his own explorations.

The secret gambling room in Ghost Town.

The Underground Minotaur Drug Farm in the first land mass.

The Malfunctioning Sexbot Retirement Room deep in the Empress’ palace.

He knew of them and more, and was, frankly, having a grand time.  All told, there are dozens of different minigames, each with their own unique prizes.  Mind, most of those minigames are as dumb as they can get… Especially the fishing ones… and most of the rewards were, while unique, hardly essential.  Or even the best of what they are.

But they exist.

And Takeo was collecting all of them, in between getting what we needed.

Seriously, one time I went to his room, and it was full of these glittering golden ‘unique items’.

The fishing pole, the blackjack card set, the harvesting knife, the bookends, the necktie, the panties --

-- yes.  The golden, glittering panties.

Which are given for completing the seduction minigame in first place, and then not sleeping with the hostess of the brothel that only shows up during the new moon.

Yes.  I know.

Takeo is a dork.

Shimizu, who is a much more reasonable person to be asking about, has been having an even better time!

She’s been running around the entire Wildlands, beating up everybody she can find in what was basically a massive training arc.

Lizardmen, apes, yetis, pythons… the only challenge she hadn’t beaten at least once by the time four months had passed was dueling Kaiser.

Oh, sure, she couldn’t beat everybody with ease, and she had more losses than wins against some, but overall she was having a grand old time.  She even improved her [Physical Improvement] and [Mental Improvement] talents!  They both reached [B]!

Sadly, [Swordsmistress] remained at only [A] rank, but that’ll change by the end of third year.

Things were looking up for her, and she was just being fantastic.

Omori was having a grand time!

Every time I saw her, her [Angelic Womb Tattoo] had filled up just a bit more.  The various men around the farms took just a few more liberties with her.  Her body was just a little more curvy. 

By now she had graduated from ‘stick’ to ‘hourglass’, and didn’t show any signs of slowing down.  Every day she was getting milked and fucked, and after she saw how much I loved getting pumped full of eggs?

She was getting tempted by that, too.

But at the same time, she knew that her womb tattoo was starting to get worryingly filled up.  It was over halfway full now, around three fifths, and the color was taking on a decidedly perverse hue.  

So she was trying to slow down.

She wasn’t succeeding, though~

I could see it in her eyes every time we talked.

That little spark of temptation, that she was trying to fight down, trying to hold back.

That desire for more, more, more, more!

The pleasure and desire was slowly overwhelming her reluctance to embrace hedonism -- and that wasn't not the worst of it.

This is actually something that all of us forgot until much later, but as Omori got sexier, the pleasure she felt became greater.

To be clear, this wasn’t due to the tattoo, or a blessing, or a curse, or an item, or anything like that.

This was just the natural laws of MISSY.

As her breasts got heavier and her hips got wider, her body became ‘sluttier’.

It’s a trait that’s hard to quantify without divine shard computation abilities, but it provably exists.  I think I mentioned that the Alchemical Corruption series represents it as the corruption stat..  The hotter a woman looks -- as defined by the chief god -- the easier it is for her to feel pleasure, and the harder it is for her to resist pleasure in turn.  Their body becomes a ‘sluttier body’; it becomes more likely for them to encounter random, lewd events.  It’s harder for them to avoid sexual situations, and pleasure has an easier time overwhelming them.

Hermaphrodites are, hilariously, a massive exception to this, because the chief god hates cocks on girls.

So a herm like Shimizu can become as hot as she wants, with tits the size of beachballs and hips too wide for narrow doorframes, and she wouldn’t be any more likely to succumb to the pleasure a feminine body can grant her.

Because she would still have a cock.

Not fair in the slightest, but it is what it is.

Anyway, because of that, Omori was gradually sliding more and more, despite her attempts to keep herself balanced.

Even if she stopped where was at now -- avoided having any sex, and just got herself milked to increase her breast size -- the pleasure of being milked would gradually increase.

It would ramp up, bit by bit, day by day, until she caved and begged a bull to fuck her.

We all knew that in the back of our heads, but it’s like knowing that air resistance is a thing -- sure, you’re aware of it, but you rarely actually think about it.  It’s almost never relevant to your daily life.

…Just between you and me, though?

I believe that even if we did realize how much that was impacting Omori, she would have still succumbed to the pleasure.

Hehehe~  She was having a lot of fun!

Sumiko was -- well, she was having a satisfying time, but it was mostly boring for her.

She was the one of us that was having the least amount of sex, after all.

…Excluding Takeo and Yuu, but they don't really count.

Her primary job was to see if there were any weaknesses she could discover in the Empirical Empresses’ kingdom.  Any back doors in the systems she could hack into, or any critical supply points that could be easily disrupted.

We were increasingly disturbed every week that went by without any weak points being found.

Because that just didn’t make sense.

Her robotic kingdom was a mighty force, and it continuously resupplied itself; it had to be getting those supplies from somewhere, right?

But as far as Sumiko could tell, vehicles with raw matter would just appear somewhere and drive to the various refineries and factories across the kingdom.

As for how those refineries and factories got their production to where it was needed…

…Again, Sumiko had no idea.

The two of us spent a solid day trying to figure out what the fuck was going on.  It made no sense!  In the end, after listing out all of the impossibilities Sumiko had noticed, we realized something critical.

The input and output of Roboland were literally, physically, even magically impossible.

The physics in MISSY are… well, rather messy, but they’re usually consistent.  For example, you can’t just create a complicated product out of raw magic.

You can create iron, sure.  Maybe steel if you’re strong enough.  You can even have that be a fine sword that you can create with magic, every day.

A sword with complicated enchantments?


A gun?  …Maybe, if you’re really powerful.

A robot frame?  …Technically possible.

An enchanted robot frame, with the chips needed to make it work?

No way.

You can’t even create a computer chip with magic!  It needs to be done in reality!

And yet -- the facilities to produce complicated, and crucial, components of the robots, when compared to the number of robots actually produced, didn’t add up.

Sure, if it was close, we might have just missed a few facilities.  That was entirely possible.

But it was off by a factor of twelve.

Sumiko had found one twelfth of the number of factories needed to produce the robots that were deployed every day.

And that -- that meant this wasn’t just mortal fuckery.

This was god fuckery.

Sumiko rapidly shifted from ‘find weaknesses’ to ‘identify all possible points of god fuckery’, and was finding that job much more doable and satisfying!

Yuki was doing… well enough?  She was a bit frustrated with her lack of involvement in the core of things, but every time she was tempted she could easily use her [Oracle - B] talent to check the results.

Apparently, it didn’t matter if she talked with Kaiser, Big Bull, or the Empirical Empress.

None of them would result in good things for her!

Empress would flat-out kill her for insolence within five minutes.  Big Bull would, before a week is out, have her so firmly wrapped around his little finger and recruited onto his side that she’d never get to break me, and Kaiser…

…This is hilarious.

She’s terrified of Kaiser.

It took me months to find out why, and apparently Kaiser has this ‘thing’ where, whenever he suspects somebody just knows what his response will be?

He just silently decides to kill them in two or three minutes, and watches for their reaction.

Yuki's reaction was to make excuses and flee as fast as dignity allowed, which got a good laugh out of Kaiser.  He actually explained it to Shimizu and me afterwards, just for the asking.

And let me tell you.  That kind of totally unthreatened, quietly invincible confidence is really, really hot.

But yes.  Apparently, kings and queens have responses for super-dom sadists that can see the future.

Who knew, right?

At least she was doing a good job with the alchemy we needed from her!  She figured out before a week was out that she could use the tentacles from her roper to help.  The goo was a surprisingly useful binding agent, and they could also just pick things up and hold them for her while she worked.

Mind, Sumiko and I could have done much better than her, but we were both too busy to help out too much.  Yuki was doing a fine enough job, and that was all we needed from her.

I didn’t do this while I was pregnant, but I let her fuck me into a puddle maybe once every two weeks as a reward for good behavior.

I, uh.

I didn’t want to do it any more than that, because, um.

…She is really good at breaking people, and I didn’t particularly want to push it.

Given how often she made plots with Shimizu’s and Sumiko’s help?  Letting her push it could have ended very well for me.

…Poorly!  I mean poorly!

Seriously, she got on with those two worryingly well…

Yuu… oh, Yuu.  Poor, poor, simple Yuu.  She was having some problems.

Though when I say ‘problems’, I mean ‘hilarity’.

See, now that Takeo had that mirror, he was spending regular time as a dog-girl.  Because I was still refusing to get anywhere near him unless he was female, until I found some method of protection against his seduction aura.

When Takeo was female, his seduction aura turned off.  It was a flat, binary thing.  No gradual increase in power and gradual decrease.  Just on, or off.  Period, the end.  It was a very clear change.

Everybody apologized to me when they felt the change, which was a lovely experience.  They all thought I was paranoid, but no!  No, I was not!  I was right!  Hah!  Hahaha!

…Right.  Yuu.  Sorry.

Now, see, Yuu knew of the seduction aura… but she was still feeling fairly arrogant about herself.  Despite being my maid.  And despite having fallen for maid-brainwashing.  And despite having fallen hard for Takeo.

Yuu still had it in her head that she was, somehow, ‘not female’, and thus ‘immune’ to the seduction aura.

The thought that she was ‘female’ was one that she refused to entertain.  And thus, she was convinced that her attraction to Takeo was due to his personality; he shared a similar disdain towards me that Yuu did, and he was… ugh… kind of competent.  Sometimes.  Sometimes kind of competent.  Ish.

But that attraction she had to him shut off hard when Takeo turned into a woman.  Suddenly, it was gone.

I did try to tell her it was the aura, but she clearly didn’t believe me.  She instead spent weeks spinning it around in her head, and the result was… okay, this is kinda hilarious.

The result was that she refused to accept that she was female.

But she accepted that because she had a female body, she was, therefore, attracted to men.

And that despite being attracted to men due to her female body, Takeo’s aura of seduction still didn’t affect her, because she wasn’t ‘really female’.

Her solution?

…She went a bit boy-crazy.

It was like an eruption of something that had been bottled up for a long time.  Suddenly, she was eyeing every hot guy that crossed her path, and trying to figure out how she felt about them.

Now if she had just accepted that she was whoever she was despite the gender change, she would probably have remained attracted to women.  But because she got so worked up about ‘male’ or ‘female’ -- well.

I saw her making out with a hot boy two months into the third year.

MISSY is just like that.

As for me, I did the tour that I was required to do.  I showed off my pregnant belly to Kaiser, Big Bull, and the Empirical Empress.

I’d share more, but, uh -- frankly -- it wasn’t that interesting?

Kaiser got aroused, but not enough to do anything.  Big Bull seemed oddly interested, and the Empirical Empress seemed almost dismayed.  She tried to suggest that by becoming a robot, I wouldn’t have to ‘deal with that kind of problem’ any more.

…Politely declining her generous offer took far more effort than it should have.

And before I realized it?

It was time to give birth to my second child~

With the first one, of course, being Yuki’s roper.

And oh, my little Brutus turned out to be such a good boy!


Sluts and studs!  See what they are doing in their free time, and watch in amazement!

Popcorn available for a mere ninety nine installments of nine dollars and ninety nine cents, please and thank you~

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