Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 10 – Floor 5 and Growth

Waking up the next morning, I head downstairs to make a simple breakfast for the departing members alongside Astraea. 

Bacon, eggs, and toast along with a fruit not seen on Earth, but it tastes like a mix between an apple and a pineapple while having the appearance of a pear. 

Over breakfast, the girls are discussing what floors they will be stopping and sleeping at, which are all safety points located on floors 18, 28, and 38. 

Interestingly, on floor 18 there is a city built by adventurers called Rivira, but due to it being extremely pricy to stay in the city, the girls just excitedly talk about using the natural springs to bathe in.

Soon enough everything is prepared for their departure and with myself preparing my equipment for my own dungeon dive, our group heads toward the dungeon. 

Although we would be entering the group at the same time, we'll be quickly separated, one reason being their speed as level 4 and 3 adventurers that completely overwhelms mine, and the other being that I'm there for training and gaining experience while they will be blasting through the lower floors.

Before we enter the first floor, Alise gives a small speech relaying their plan to rush to the 18th floor before taking a break, while Astraea wishes for their safety and success. 

Curiously, Alise calls out to me.

"We'll be going now, Sirius. Take care of Mother and the Garden, when we get back, we're all excited to see how far you've progressed. But be careful! You don't have me and Kaguya there for you now!"

Seeing the rest of the Familia give their nods of agreement while smiling at me, a warmth blossoms within my heart. 

I could never thank my past self more than right now for choosing to save them as my gift.

"I won't let you guys down! I promise. By the time you go on your next expedition, I'll be strong enough to at least be a supporter!"

The group chuckles at my mock salute before heading down the dungeon at an impressive speed, even though it is nowhere close to their top speed. 

Them not taking any lower levelled members as supporters grant them a higher speed than other Familias in expeditions, though once you get to the larger Familias' sizes, you end up having to have supporters.

For today's dungeon dive, my goal is to, most importantly, survive, as well as use the moves I practiced at home. 

I also want to visit the fifth floor today and get experience with Frog Shooters and War Shadows, though I'll have to be very careful. 

For the fifth to the seventh floor, the recommended stat average is G, while I have H, but with my combat skills that are better than most adventurers in my stat range as well as Celestial Ascent boosting my power in battles, I should be ok.

I go through a few monsters on the first two floors as a warm-up, and I'm happy to see that my training has succeeded. 

While before I was relying more on my power from both stats and magic, this time it's my technique and tactics that are decimating the monsters, I didn't even use magic yet at this point.

----- 5 Hours Later -----

Pocketing the last drop, which is a lizard tail, I look forward at the massive staircase. 

Different from the past stairs, rather than being light blue, the walls coating the staircase are light green, and the walls take on a more jagged shape. 

Taking out my map, I do a quick overview of the fifth floor around the entrance while remembering the facts about the two new monsters I'll be encountering. 

Frog Shooters are not really a problem, it shoots out their tongue as a quick fast attack, but not extremely deadly. 

The problem will be War Shadows, humanoid monsters that have extremely sharp claws, using speed and blending into the darkness to quickly take down unsuspecting adventurers.

Along with the Killer Ant which appears on the seventh floor, it is known as the "newbie killer". 

Sharpening my senses, I descend to the fifth floor.

Looking at the fifth floor after exiting the staircase, I notice some differences between this 'zone' compared to the past ones. 

First is that the area is much narrower, more like a hallway rather than an open field. 

The air is also more humid, and in some places on the jagged rock walls, you can see a glistening sheen of moisture. 

Turning a corner, I spot a large green frog, about the size of a chair. 

A Frog Shooter. 

It spots me at the same time while I enhance myself with stellar magic. 

Stepping out of the way of its tongue attack, I race towards it while cutting off the tongue on the way.

Quickly reaching the main body while it prepares to dodge, I slash downwards in an arc, catching its throat as it leaps sideways, killing it as the body bursts into ash, leaving behind a red magic stone about the size of a fingernail.

Picking up the magic stone and wiping off Infinite Eclipse, I go over the previous fight. 

The Frog Shooter seems to need to be static to properly fire off its tongue, and even when it dodged, why did it go sideways? 

It would've been optimal to go backward, is it their physiology? 

Not wanting to leap back into unknown territory? 

Well, at least I learned a few things about how to properly fight a Frog Shooter. 

It's static when it attacks, the tongue is easily exploitable once dodged, and it jumps sideways to avoid attacks, not resorting to melee in close range.

Finishing off a couple more Frog Shooters, I confirm the strategy for fighting these monsters, while also gaining my first drop item on the fifth floor, a frog tongue, used in production for its elasticity and toughness. 

Thinking it's about time to go back, I start towards the stairs going to the fourth floor, before feeling a sudden tingle around my neck. 

I trust my instincts and quickly dodge to the side, a sharp pain originating from my left arm overrides my senses. 

Landing, I unsheath my sword while noticing two deep gashes on my left arm, near my bicep, struggling to raise it, I thank god that the attack hit my non-dominant arm.

Raising my sword to face my attacker, I confront a humanoid monster, coated in black with a knight armour appearance, save for the giant claws that it has for hands. 

A war shadow, the famed "newbie killer". 

It rockets towards me with its claw extended, I parry its attack to the side, and in one fluid motion, cut off its extended arm, causing the monster to shriek in pain or surprise and leap backward.

With the lull in combat, I think of a strategy to quickly and safely kill the enemy before I get ambushed, which would be the worst thing that could happen. 

Thinking over how it decided to attack, using its speed to slash with its claw, lacking elegance and technique, making it exploitable and defenceless at that moment, the problem is, at that moment I am too busy defending its attack. 

The solution? 

Seeing its defensive posture, a feint. 

Feint weakness, and as soon as it leaps forward, enhance my legs with stellar magic to quickly move out of the way, while its defenceless attack its head, keeping its claw in view so as to not be surprised.

I execute the tactic, lowering my sword and taking a small step forward, prompting it to attack. 

Flaring stellar magic to my legs to rapidly move out of the way, I flare once more, instantly appearing next to its unprotected head, taking it off with a clean slash, instantly turning the fearsome monster into a cloud of ash, and a magic stone. 

Depositing the magic stone into my pocket, I quickly run toward the stairs while taking out a healing potion and drinking half of it before dousing the rest over my wound.

Reaching the stairs, I slow my pace down and calm my rapidly beating heart. Facing that thing was scary.

Although the fight went without a hitch after the initial ambush, its attacks were fast, sharp, and strong, one wrong move, one unlucky moment, will lead to your death. 

But fear is not what occupies my mind, but rather excitement. 

This is what being an adventurer means! 

Challenging yourself, facing danger, and conquering the unknown. 

Thinking about it creates a new and unknown feeling akin to excitement and a passionate frenzy.

Taking this new feeling, I speed towards the floor above with renewed intensity, slaying every monster with ease on the way to the exit. 

After leaving the dungeon, I go to the guild and sell my magic stones before going to the Miach Familia to refill my potions. 

On the way back home, I feel slightly hungry, originally planning to buy a Jagamarukun from a stand I stop in front of a pub called 'Hostess of Fertility'. 

Knowing that it's fairly popular among the stronger Familias, and where my own Familia visits during the day and for celebrations catches my initial attention, but an unknown feeling that I get from it is what pulls me in. 

Leaving the pub, I think about my meal. 

Overall, it is a good pub obviously meant for skilled adventurers, with its high price, no bullshit rules, clean furniture, pleasant and jovial atmosphere, and most importantly the amazing food and drink. 

Even the beer, which I hated the taste of back on Earth, had a full and pleasant taste, similar to a cider from Earth. 

Another thing I learned, is that in Orario, there is no drinking age. 

It makes sense as there is no defined age to begin risking your life in the dungeon, why would there be a minimum age for drinking?

Finally reaching the Stardust Garden, I put my equipment and valis in my room before taking a shower, after that I clean off my armour and sword while also oiling my spare dagger, even though it didn't see any action, it should still be regularly oiled. 

I then head downstairs to relax under the shining sun and then train. 

Passing through the garden, I see Astraea reading a book under the gazebo, causing me to stop for a moment just to admire her beauty. 

I shake myself out of my daze before heading toward her, intending to notify her about my return.

"Hello Astraea, I returned from the dungeon, I even made a good amount of valis! More than yesterday at least."

She looks towards me with a smile while lowering her book.

"It's good to see you're back, Sirius. Did anything happen during your exploration?"

"Oh nothing much, I was very meticulous since I was there alone. The only injury I got was by a small mistake on the fifth floor when I got am-"

"You WHAT?"

----- Alise POV -----

After rushing through the first 18 floors and easily defeating the Goliath, we set up camp on the 18th floor, using our last chance to take a clean bath at least until we return here on the way back. 

The plan for the expedition is to rest for a while at each 'safe' floor on the way to the 42nd floor, where we are tasked with bringing back some Cerebrus hide. 

Although the 'safe' floors are considered as such due to no monsters spawning, you still need to take lookout shifts due to other adventurers and that monsters can come from the floor before.

Calling the girls, we split into two groups to take turns in the bath, which for us is a small pond, the water being warm and crystal clear. 

This spot is popular among the girls of the larger Familias, and when we meet, we share the pond with no issues, as if all the female adventurers of Orario have come to an untold agreement about this place.

Once in the bath, we relax and chat with each other, washing each other's backs when need be in a practiced manner due to often having group baths at home, though Ryuu and Celty are still embarrassed to be seen after plenty of group baths, which is always cute to see. 

Thinking about home, I hope that Sirius does well in the dungeon without us, I pray that he stays safe and grows while we're gone.

"What's plaguing your mind, Alise?"

I turn to Kaguya who is resting on the side of the pond with her eyes closed, if I didn't know better, I'd say she was sleeping. 

"Nothing much, just thinking about home and Sirius, I hope nothing bad happens to him while we're down here."

"Oh my, thinking of Sirius while touching your nude body, scandalous, and boldly admitting such as well."

"W-W-What are you talking about!? It's not like t-that at all, I'm just worried. You are thinking the same right? As his teacher and captain of course I'm worried about the newbie."

She opens her eyes and gives me a glance full of amusement, this girl!

"Sure sure, well, I'll just say that a certain blonde Elf has been unable to look at Sirius for the past few days. If I recall, it was after spending a night outside, alone, while training together. I'm just hoping my friend doesn't lose the march on romance."

"What romance!?"

Unseen by the two leaders, off to the side said Elf had dunked her head under the water in embarrassment after overhearing their conversation.

----- Sirius POV - 6 Days Later -----

After witnessing an angry Astraea, although it was more intense worry than anger, I didn't go to the fifth floor for the next three days. 

Cautiously and thoughtfully, I battled multiple monsters in the dungeon during the past week, honing my technique and strategy and only going back to the fifth floor two days ago, spending most of the dive on the fifth floor yesterday and today. 

From my constant battles and my training after the dungeon, going over my fights of that day, my fighting prowess grew leaps and bounds alongside my status.


Name: Sirius
Level: 1

Strength: H194
Endurance: H185
Dexterity: H195
Agility: G206
Magic: G229


Heroic Will


Celestial Ascent


According to Astraea, although my progress might not seem like much, it is an incredible rate of growth for how long I'd had my falna. 

With my combat skills and magic, she said that I can contend amongst the upper level 1's in Orario, only losing in terms of raw stats and experience, although with Heroic Will boosting my stats against stronger opponents, the difference in stats may not be that big.

Currently, I'm accompanying Astraea in buying groceries as the rest of the Familia will be returning from their expedition today. 

At first, I thought that with how loving Astraea is to her children, she would be worried when they surface, in case someone doesn't make it. 

But according to her, the falna is a connection between god and child, and she can sense how many of her children are connected to her, knowing that one has died when the number of connections goes down, as she hasn't felt anyone die during the week, she isn't worried about them. 

Also, with us having a relatively small Familia, she is able to sense the feelings and condition of a child and can distinguish between her children if she focuses, though it leaves her with a headache afterward.

Walking through the market, I spot a random trinket shop, it seems that my gaze was caught by Astraea as she strode towards the shop with a knowing smile. 

Entering, I see multiple games, toys, and decorations, it looks like an antique shop from Earth.

"You have a good eye, Sirius. I and the girls often visit this place every so often. It's where Lyra bought the chess set, that was quite the scene, seeing the frugal girl spend so much on a game."

We share a laugh as I can imagine the frown filled with apprehension that Lyra must have worn at that time.

"You've accumulated a good amount of valis from the dungeon, right? You should spend some here, I know you're high on improving your strength, but eventually, you'll need a hobby for when your excitement comes down."

I ponder over her words. I know that everyone in our Familia has a hobby or two that they do when not patrolling, training, or dungeon diving. 

Lyra with her puzzles, Ryuu with her books alongside Astraea, and Alise with her drawing, I know that soon I'll need something to pass the time.

"Yeah, but I promised to make a profit during the week they were gone."

"Yes, that is so. Well, how much valis do you have now?"

Trying to remember the rough income and expenses of the past week, I fiddle with the coin purse I keep in my pocket.

"Uhm, around 80,000?"

"Oh, that's more than enough to get a couple of things! Well come on, let's look around."

Conceding to her request, I follow her through the store, I stop at a plain wooden lyre. 

It catches my interest instantly as I had played guitar a little back on Earth, I'm also interested in how the falna boosted dexterity stat would affect my playing. 

The price for the instrument was 15,000 valis, which, according to Astraea, was a good price. 

Plucking it a few times, I find that it has a sound somewhere between a harp, a shamisen, and a guitar. 

It’s extremely beautiful. 

So, with my Goddess insisting, I buy it.

Walking through the store some more, Astraea finds a couple of books and a nicely designed pen while commenting on some things she thinks the girls would like. 

Before we make our purchases, I spot a whittling kit for only 3,000 valis, I purchase it due to the cheap price, thinking that I could make some interesting projects with my modern knowledge, though I would need a lot of practice, as art was never my strong suit. 

Becoming 18,000 valis poorer, I accompany Astraea back home, stopping to buy a piece of spare wood from a craftsman for a few valis, as it was scrap from an earlier project of his.

Finding our way back home, I put my new belongings in my room, noting down to get a bucket in order to catch the wood shavings from whittling. 

I then grab a practice sword and go down to the training ground. 

After stretching my body and doing a small run to warm up, I'm ready for training. 

First, an overhead strike, ensuring a swift and controlled swing, maintaining perfect balance, aim, and focus throughout the movement, halting the sword and leaving it in absolute stillness by the end of it. 

Going through this motion a couple of times, I then add other strikes to the routine, connecting them with fluid motion while minutely increasing the pace of my strikes while maintaining proper footwork and balance. 

Eventually, I form an imaginary target to practice my movements on, forming examples of Kaguya and the various monsters I've encountered, some with increased aspects compared to usual, I dance with each opponent, keeping myself from becoming neglectful in any of my movements.

----- Kaguya POV -----

Leaving the dungeon, I stop under the sun's warming rays that I've missed for a week. 

With most of the dungeon being either dark, damp, wet, hot, or a combination of multiple, feeling the gentle breeze and temperate climate is a very welcome return to normalcy. 

Our Familia then walks toward the guild to deposit all of our loot from the expedition, luckily Rose who was informed of our return by Neze, has already set up a fast and easy collection process around the back so we don't crowd the guild with our number and loot, this being standard practice for large Familia expeditions. 

Eventually finishing the process, we begin making our way home, receiving the odd compliment for our successful exploration and civilians happy with our return. 

Reaching home, Mother Astraea greets us with her loving smile as always. 

After saying our greetings and Mother giving a quick hug to each of us, we all go to our own rooms to deposit our equipment and wash up. 

Having nothing to do other than go to the pub as a celebration later today, everyone does their own thing in their free time. 

Most choose to rest or have a more thorough bath, while Alise and Lyra organize the valis and equipment of the Familia, ensuring everything is recorded and stored properly. 

If I remember from his notes, Sirius is quite proficient in math and organization. 

I should tell Lyra about it, she would love another helper with such logistical matters other than Alise.

I myself walk through the house, looking for Sirius. 

I know from Mother Astraea's cheerful mood that nothing bad happened, is he still in the dungeon? 

I eventually find myself at the training grounds, and there I see Sirius in the middle of his own training. 

A flurry of sword strikes, mixing both slashes and thrusts in a controlled manner against what seems to be an imaginary opponent. 

My eyes widen in surprise as I watch on, is this really the same Sirius? 

The teenager with absolutely no combat experience or technique, is this person? 

Although it is not nearly graceful enough to be considered a sword dance, at least to a Gojouno, the foundations of each strike are strong. 

Good balance, posture, footwork, control, flexibility, and power, with every single movement being filled with purpose. 

It reminds me of a very crude version of one of the elders' sword styles. 

Fundamentally sound, removing unnecessary movements, adding flair when needed, a style born from the combination of hard work and talent.

Snapping myself out of my daze, I decide to not bother his training and visit Astraea, asking about his progress.

"Hello Mother, I was just wondering how Sirius has been doing the past week."

"Ah, Kaguya, such an attentive vice-captain. He's been doing very well in the dungeon, in fact, he's now going up to the sixth floor and thinking of going to the seventh for a short while. He hasn't had any large injuries except for when he went to the fifth floor the day you guys left."

"He WHAT?"

"Hahaha, I had the same reaction when I heard. Do not worry, after my sermon he cleaned up his act, diligently clearing every floor, only moving on once he knows he can survive there."

"Well I see his swordsmanship has grown an insane amount, especially for it only being a week, how has his status been?"

"Hmm, he went to the dungeon early this morning and had it done at lunch, I believe his average is at 200 with magic being higher and endurance being lower."

It seems that his progress is going at a steady pace, no, in fact, it's accelerating.

"It's good that he is maintaining a good balance with his stats, his position will require it, though he may need more training sessions with me to keep his endurance up to par in the future."

Outside, Sirius feels a terrible chill run down his spine, breaking his concentration.

----- Sirius POV -----

After feeling an inexplicable sensation, such an intense feeling in fact that I was prepared to defend myself from an attack, though it seems that it was nothing. 

I notice that the sun has come down and dusk has begun to fall, thus I wipe the sweat off my forehead and head inside. 

Hearing a few small commotions around the house, I assume that the Familia has returned from their expedition. 

Although I am interested in how it went, I hold myself back as they will likely talk all about it during dinner which we'll be going to the 'Hostess of Fertility' for.

As I walk by the living room on the way upstairs, I see Kaguya and Astraea sitting together, noticing me, they both turn my way.

"Sirius, I see you're back from your training. We'll be leaving in around half an hour to the pub so be sure to get cleaned up."

"Sure thing, Astraea. Glad to see you're safe Kaguya, no injuries?"

"Nothing a potion or Maryuu couldn't heal. I'm happy to see you have been progressing, has anything been troubling you?"

"Good, and not too much, though I still have problems with multiple enemies, especially when they surround me or attack at once. I can dodge and reposition for now, but I want to be able to deal with them in that situation."

"Hmm, I'll see what we can do, though experience is usually the best teacher for that. Next time you go to the dungeon I'll come as well, then you can deal with them in a disadvantageous position without fearing for your life."

"Thank you, I'll go get washed up now, see you later!"

I then head upstairs, excited for the girls to recount their adventures.

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