Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 9 – Katana and Dungeon

----- Astraea POV -----

Walking down the hall, I finally arrive at my destination.

Knocking lightly at the door, it promptly opens to reveal Kaguya, with her jet-black hair still slightly damp from the bath.

"Good afternoon, Mother. What's with the night visit?" She asks.

“I had a question about Sirius.” I say.

Might as well get to the point as it was quite late in the night.

“Oho? Has the great virgin Goddess fallen to that scoundrel’s charms?” Kaguya teases.

“No, I was wondering about what weapon he chose.” I respond easily.

After dealing with Alise for years, I had become all but immune to such provocations.

“Ha, you’re no fun. As for the weapon, he found that the Katana works the best. Particularly one with similar parameters to my Higanbana.” Kaguya says.

“Is that so? You must be happy to have another student after Ryuu take after your swordsmanship.” I say.

“I suppose. But what’s this question for? Is it about that Juggernaut claw?” She asks.

Such a sharp child.

“Precisely. I was thinking of going to Ouranos to get it commissioned, but I would need the dimensions to do so.” I say.

“It’s a good idea to get it made earlier than later, as he will likely be ready to enter the dungeon in a week or so. As for the dimensions…”

Kaguya then walks back into her room, and after some rummaging, comes up to me once again with a wooden sword in hand.

“This one fits him perfectly, so you can give them this as a basis.”

She then hands me the sword.

"Thank you. For training him as well, thank you, Kaguya."

"Don't mention it. As vice-captain, I must ensure members are prepared for the dungeon. Besides… it is quite satisfying having Sirius as a student. His progress is pleasant to oversee." She says with a smile.

“Is that so? Well, I will take this to Ouranos. Sweet dreams, Kaguya.”

“Goodnight, Mother.”

Closing the door, I begin making my way to the guild to complete the order, with Alise staying at my side as a guard.

Although the guild was closed at this hour, there was always an employee in the building for important matters.

And getting my newest child their first weapon?

That definitely qualified.

----- Sirius POV - 5 Days Later -----

After my nighttime talk with Ryuu, I found a new gear in regards to motivation, and dove into my training with renewed vigour.

The power of kind words from a pretty girl was… terrifying.

Anyway, I had already been given the seal of approval from Rose to enter the dungeon, so I just needed to improve my combat skills enough so that the Familia would give me permission.

Which I received just yesterday.

With my sparring with Kaguya, paired with my late-night practice swings, I was quickly becoming competent with the sword, enough that even Kaguya praised my progress.

Hearing that my training was not in vain… it felt like a huge weight had been taken off my shoulders.

But while I wasn’t a master by any means, my swordsmanship and general combat abilities were, according to Kaguya, at a level where I wouldn’t die on the first floors unless I did something idiotic, and good enough so that I could now train them on my own.

So yeah, I was ready to adventure.

But interestingly enough, it had been increasingly difficult to see Ryuu as the week went on.

When I entered a room, I would soon find her exiting it, making sure to avoid my eyes.

I would almost guess that she was avoiding me, but there wasn’t really a reason why she would randomly start doing that.

It was probably because of the coming expedition.

Either way, other than my training, I had also spent a lot of time doing tasks related to the expedition, which they were leaving for in a couple of days.

In the time spent doing tasks, usually with Lyra, I had come to a realization.

I had vastly underestimated what went into preparing for an expedition.

Restocking potions and food, procuring spare weapons and equipment, understanding the path through the floors, knowing the state of the monster rexes…

It was a lot.

And I had found a new respect for Lyra as a result.

She was basically the manager for all this stuff, and she was damn good at it.

During my time helping her get stuff, I also prepared for my own dungeon exploration.

I got a few potions, both for health and mind, a general-purpose antidote for weak poisons, a magic torch which was essentially a glowstick, and a bomb made by Lyra, only to be used in worst-case scenarios.

So yeah, a week of progress.

Finishing my final stretch, I start heading downstairs to train my magic.

Yesterday was the final day of my magic training with Alise, as while our magics were similar, they were still unique.

So now that I knew the basics, I was on my own.

I could now easily summon Celestial Ascent without chanting, and properly maintain it in combat, but I still had some work to do in regards to control.

I could control the power, and I could concentrate the stellar magic onto a specific point on my body to further increase the power, but my control was still… sluggish.

So that is what I was going to work on today, just letting the magic flow across my body while meditating.

And maybe do some sword training while I’m at it.

As I’m about to open the door outside, I’m interrupted by Kaguya and Astraea, with the Goddess holding a sheathed katana.

“Sirius, we were just looking for you.” Astraea says.

“Good morning. What did you need?” I ask.

“I did say that we would get you a proper weapon before you headed into the dungeon, didn’t I?”

She then hands me the sword.

It feels… good.

Perfect even, as its weight was balanced and my hands wrapped comfortably around the handle.

Grasping the brown leather, I slowly pull the sword out of its sheath, revealing a sleek, polished black blade.

And it was sharp.

Just from looking at the edge, I could tell this was insanely sharp.

Honestly, it was a little scary holding such a thing in my hands.

"Its name is Infinite Eclipse, made from the claw left by the Juggernaut you killed.” Astraea says.

Oh… that’s quite the name it has there.

“The smith called it one of her best creations. It's nearly unbreakable and retains its sharpness better than the average blade. And most interestingly, it inherited the magic reflection trait of the original monster, though she doesn’t know how exactly to activate it…”

My eyes widen in surprise.

This thing can reflect magic?

Isn't that, like, super rare?

“T-Thank you, Astraea. It’s wonderful. But… are you sure that such a treasure should go to me? You’ve already bought my other equipment, and I bet this cost a lot of valis…” I say.

“You don’t need to worry about the payment. The price for the commission was the destruction of Evilus and keeping quiet about the Juggernaut. And since you are the one who killed the monster, you absolutely deserve the sword. All the girls agree with this, so the decision is final.” Astraea says.

Well… I suppose I can accept that.

However, I did promise to repay their kindness once I got a bit stronger.

"But isn't this a little too much for a level 1 like me?" I ask.

This time it's Kaguya who interjects.

"The only ones who use a katana are you, me, and Ryuu. And we both already have our own weapons. As for the unique ability, it is not so simple that you can swat away magic at will. You must properly strike the magic with intense focus and skill, even when I tested the blade out, I found it difficult to use. You will need to train yourself to properly make use of the ability, it will not be a crutch.”

It was difficult for her?

Damn, I guess I won’t be using that for a little while.

“Alright… if you’re sure, then I’ll gladly accept it. But what’s with the name? Isn’t it a little embarrassing?” I say.

"Hmm… perhaps for a novice it may seem so. But your main weapon will be with you throughout every battle as your most trusted and loyal companion. As this sword can qualify as a first-class weapon, it will grow and gain experience alongside you throughout your adventures. Such a valuable ally should at the very least receive a name, no? Simply calling it a 'sword' or 'katana' is both an insult to the blade and its creator." Kaguya says with intensity.

"I-I see." I shakily respond.

It seems Kaguya has a deep affection for swords.

But I kind of get the naming sense now, although not as… passionately as she did.

"And for such a companion, you must learn to properly care for it. Follow me. We'll be performing your first maintenance and sharpening of the blade. A vital skill unless you wish to go to a blacksmith after every dungeon exploration." She says while walking away, to which I quickly follow.

Taking me to her room, Kaguya then showed me how to properly care for a katana.

The first rule was to always ensure that the blade was dry when being put away.

Next was how to oil the blade, which was to be done with a cloth once a week, making sure that only a light coat was left afterwards.

How to clean and wax the handle of the sword to prevent tearing, how to properly polish the blade, and how to sharpen the edge with a whetstone.

And finally, how to clean the sheath, especially the inside which was often neglected by adventurers.

Surprisingly, I was told that the sword also had some regenerating abilities, being able to repair a chip on the blade the day after.

Not that many materials would be able to damage the blade, though.

Having learned how to take care of my sword, I put away the maintenance equipment I had been given before heading out to do my last sword training with Kaguya before the expedition.

She went a little harder than usual, leaving me bruised and beaten by the end of it.

I imagined it was because I would be left alone for a while, but knowing her, she may have just wanted to hit me a lot.

—-- 1 Day Later —--

Waking up to the morning rays, I quickly went to the bathroom to wash away any lingering fatigue before heading downstairs for breakfast and some morning exercise.

Today was the day.

It was dungeon time.

While I wasn’t scared of dying or getting seriously injured, since Kaguya and Alise were watching over me, I did want to be at my best.

Not only would I be ashamed to have them get involved, but I also wanted them to go on their expedition without any worries about me.

So, having finished my light morning exercise, I went upstairs to prepare.

First was the light armour and combat boots, and then was the utility belt which held my katana, my dagger, my magic torch, potions, and a map of the first few floors.

Lastly was the backpack, which was mostly empty aside from some food and water, ready to store any monster drops and magic stones I got.

Finishing a final check, I hear a knock at my door.

“Hey! Are you ready to go?” Alise says.

Instead of yelling back at her, I decided to just open the door before answering her.


“Ah good! And you already have your armour on and everything! Kaguya’s waiting downstairs, so let’s get going!”

And so we did.

Walking through the familiar cityscape with the two girls, they both gave me some advice that may not have come up with Rose’s lessons.

“Unless you’re in grave danger, we won’t be stepping in to save you, so treat this like a solo exploration. Remember, always be alert when picking up your drops, and be careful around walls as that’s where monsters spawn. Don’t fully trust other adventurers either, as the dungeon is a hotspot for crime.” Kaguya says.

“Yep! We’ll be heading down to the 4th floor, so make sure to make any mistakes now since we’re here to save you! But don’t make too many, or we might ban you from exploring until we get back.” Alise adds.

“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on making you two do a thing. I’ve been trained quite extensively, after all.” I respond.

Soon enough, we reach the entrance of the dungeon and step down to the first floor.

Just like Rose had said, the first few floors were extremely populated, as every adventurer needed to pass the early floor no matter how deep they went.

Luckily, this increase of people was only concentrated on the main path to the lower floors, so I still had a lot of space to hunt by myself.

As we keep walking, the population of adventurers thin out, and I take the time to observe the surroundings.

The walls were jagged and rocky, much like a cave, with torches lining the light blue walls, casting a dim light throughout the area.

Luckily, the floors were relatively flat, so I didn’t have to worry about any obstacles tripping me up in combat.

Though… I wonder if the blood of the monsters would make it a slipping hazard.

It doesn’t take long before I finally come into contact with a monster for the first time, not counting the Juggernaut of course.


Three of them.

Two were holding a makeshift stone club, while the last was unarmed, but still had a vicious set of claws I had to be wary of.

Goblins were considered the easiest monsters in the dungeon, but that didn’t mean they were harmless.

Especially when they were in a group, where their teamwork could shine.

Alright, let’s do this!

Taking a breath, I keep my eyes on the three enemies as I trace a path in my head, simulating how to take them out safely and efficiently.

If I take those two out first… yeah, that should work.

With my plan confirmed, I activate Celestial Ascent, as I dart toward the two armed Goblins with Infinite Eclipse held at my side.

The first one coming into the range of my sword, I slashed sideways, aiming for their necks as it was easier to cut compared to the head and torso.

Before they could even realize what had happened, two heads flew into the air.

Pivoting toward the last one, I swiftly stab through its body, aiming for its heart.

Seeing it burst into ashes as soon as I finished my movement, I knew that my aim struck true.

The three monsters that were once there, were now only piles of dust on the ground.

But their blood and viscera did not disintegrate, so I had to wipe off my sword before sheathing it.

I could understand why monsters burst into ash.

After all, they were literally birthed from walls, so they were already quite the biological anomaly.

But why did the blood remain?

No one seemed to know…

“Nice job Sirius! That was awesome!” Alise cheers.

“Ah, thanks. Though it was a little disappointing…” I respond.

"Be proud, Sirius. Taking a monster's life, especially humanoid ones, is normally the first hurdle for an adventurer alongside keeping calm in a life-or-death situation. And you passed both trials perfectly. As for why it was so effortless, that was simply you applying your training. Well done." Kaguya says.

Hearing the earnest praise from my two teachers, I realize that my efforts in the weeks since arriving in this world had not been in vain, and my lips tug across my face into a smile.

"Thank you both… for everything." I say.

I then began collecting the magic stones and the Goblin fang that had luckily dropped, depositing them into my bag while keeping an eye out on the surroundings.

Unknowingly, the smile I had shown had been quite charming, which had caused Alise to become slightly flustered in response.

Kaguya would later tease her about this during the expedition, but again, those were things I didn’t know.

With my first kills under my belt, we continued through the first floor for a while, encountering multiple groups of Goblins and Kobolds that were quickly dispatched by me.

It was easy.

Very easy.

Although these monsters were coming at me with killing intent, that didn’t really matter when their, well, everything, paled in comparison to Kaguya.

After gaining a sufficient amount of combat experience on the first floor, we moved on to the second, where the monsters were stronger and the Dungeon Lizard appeared.

The Dungeon Lizard was different from the simplistic Kobolds and Goblins, as it used ambush tactics by climbing up walls and jumping down on unsuspecting prey.

But luckily, they usually are found on their own, so no group ambushes just yet.

In structure, the second floor was identical to the first, with the only thing separating the two being a large staircase that every floor had.

But before I could encounter the new monster, I had to deal with some Kobolds and Goblins.

Though they were stronger than before, they still maintained their simple movements, so it was no problems there.

Having finished my sixth battle, I was now picking up the dropped magic stones before feeling a sense of dread.

The same sense of dread that had always come before getting smacked by Kaguya.

I jump to the side, barely avoiding an attack that slammed into the ground with enough force to create cracks in the hardened stone.

A Dungeon Lizard.

Well, I could see how inexperienced adventurers could die to it.

Its ambush abilities were impressive.

But to have such strong ambush abilities on a high floor meant it was relatively weak once the advantage of surprise was gone.

Dodging another swipe from the monster, I slashed alongside its stomach as I passed, intending to weaken the beast before finishing it off.

But to my surprise, my attack was enough to send it to the afterlife, its body bursting into a cloud of dust.


It was much weaker than I thought.

My exploration continues, with me getting more familiar with Dungeon Lizards with each encounter.

Apparently, they relied on their ambush abilities more than I initially thought, as they left themselves completely exposed when they dropped down, leading to an easy kill if you timed it right.

But eventually, all good things came to an end, as I suffered my first injury.

I blocked a strike from a Goblin, but left my side open for his buddy to take advantage of, leaving me with a relatively shallow cut.

I made short work of the two a moment later, and the wound wasn’t near vitals, but I was still upset that I didn’t get a ‘perfect run’.

And Kaguya’s berating words didn’t help…

Plus, I was a little fearful of an infection, so I used a potion to heal the cut right away, which confused my supervisors.

Apparently, infections due to cuts were rare, and all but unheard of in the dungeon.

They said this was due to the power of a falna, but adventurers could still get sick, so that didn’t explain why it had never happened in the dungeon.

If I had to guess, I would say that bacteria and viruses had a hard time surviving in the dungeon due to the abundance of mana and not being considered a monster.

Anyway, after reaching the staircase to the 5th floor, Alise and Kaguya declared the end of my first dungeon dive.

While I still wanted to keep going, I decided to leave that for tomorrow.

After all, I didn’t want to take up any more of Kaguya and Alise’s time, and I had some new things to practice at home and situations to review.

Plus… I was a little tired.

I mean, I’ve been at it for over five hours, can you blame me?

Reaching the surface, as we made our way toward the guild building, the two girls commented on my performance.

"You did really well today, Sirius. Both in your mentality and your skills. In fact, I could see your techniques grow with each battle. Truly an impressive growth rate." Kaguya says.

"Yeah! That was super! It was your first time and you only got a small scratch! As expected of a student of my beautiful self, it seems being an incredible magic teacher can be added to my credentials." Alise says while nodding to herself.

I smile at the two’s heartfelt praise.

...Though it did slowly morph into a blank stare as Alise’s egotistical ramblings continued.

Is a leading Familia’s captain meant to be this shameless?

Well… she was a good person and a good fighter, so I suppose her, umm, ‘quirks’, could be ignored.

Reaching the guild, I instantly deposit all my magic stones and monster drops, receiving 12,000 valis as a result.

Considering I was on my own and it was my first exploration, it was a respectable amount.

On the way back, I offered to give my profits to the Familia as they had given me so much, but Alise and Kaguya shut that down with some good points.

One, I still needed to buy supplies for my future dungeon explorations.

Two, 12,000 valis was a drop in the bucket compared to what they made.

Once we returned home, everyone was busy with the preparations for the expedition, which would be leaving tomorrow, so after a quick rest, I spent most of my time training outside before helping Noin with dinner.

With the girls having a large bath together, an image I was desperately fighting to keep out of my head, I was left alone in the large mansion.

Thus, I decided to check how much I progressed today.

Walking up to Astraea’s room, I lightly tap at the door, revealing the brown-haired Goddess a moment later.

"Sirius? Did you need something?" Astraea asks.

"Nothing Mo-Astraea. I just wondered if you could update my status if it’s not too much trouble." I respond.


I couldn’t help but blush at my slip-up.

It seems that I had been influenced by how all the girls called her ‘Mother’.

"Fufu, it's alright to call me Mother if you feel comfortable.”

I didn’t.

Definitely didn’t.

“But yes, let me update your status. It was your first time killing monsters, which is the most efficient way to gain excelia, so I am also quite curious as to your progress.”

I then sit down on the couch before lifting the back of my shirt.

With a drop of Astraea’s blood landing on my back, the familiar warmth spreads across my body as the room is cast in a subtle glow that recedes a moment later.

“Wow… you really are something, Sirius. Here’s your new status.”


Name: Sirius
Level: 1

Strength: I94 --> H117
Endurance: H143 --> H157
Dexterity: H107 --> H126
Agility: H119 --> H134
Magic: H123 --> H149


Heroic Will


Celestial Ascent


Damn, the dungeon really was the place to get stronger, huh?

“The girls are leaving early tomorrow, so make sure you sleep well if you wish to see them off.” Astraea says, interrupting my thoughts.

“Oh yeah. Goodnight, Astraea.” I say.

Walking up the stairs, I can’t help but imagine what the dungeon held for me in the future, with all its mysteries and dangers.

After all, while I had made some progress today… this was only the beginning.

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