Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 14 – Floor 10 and Reflect

Cleaving through two Needle Rabbits, both of which had attacked at the same time.

Unfortunately for them, their linear attacks are easily exploitable if you know how to dodge properly. 

Picking up their magic stones, I notice a small tear on my backpack, perhaps I should look to upgrade some of my gear? 

Primarily my armour and bag, since my stats have increased I can now wear heavier armour without it impeding my movements, and I'd like to get a bag that is more resilient and stays flush with my back.

Pocketing that information for later, I make my way towards the stairs to the 10th floor. 

From my studies about this floor, it should be the same structure as the eighth and ninth floors but with a slight mist that gets much thicker on the 12th floor. 

It should also be noted that the size of each floor increases as you go deeper, it makes you wonder, just how large is the final floor?

Anyway, the monsters on the 10th floor are Needle Rabbits, which I am already seasoned against. 

Orcs, a strength-based monster that could likely kill me with one good hit, Imps, a small demon monster that uses wit and group tactics.

And finally Bad Bats, a flying bat monster with sharp fangs and shoot sonic magic, mainly to disorient its enemies. 

I'm hoping to encounter a Bad Bat in order to test the reflection ability of Infinite Eclipse, but the main priority for today is to gauge the difficulty of the floor and get some initial experience against its monsters, discovering any weaknesses that I would need to train before hunting here properly.

Entering the 10th floor, I see a vast plain, though it is shrouded in a haze, like a morning mist. 

While I could see how some might lose their direction in this fog, it is thin enough to not affect combat, so that's good to know. 

It doesn't take too long to find the first group of monsters, an Orc standing near a boulder, and from what I can see, a couple of Imps hiding around the rock, probably looking to ambush anyone who fights the Orc.

Cunning fuckers. 

With their element of surprise gone, it shouldn't be that bad of a fight, though I'll have to be vigilant of any other ambushers. 

Well, time to see what the monsters on this floor are all about.

Walking towards the Orc, I notice that the Imps have retreated behind the boulder. 

I guess their senses are pretty good, perception and intelligence build I suppose? 

The Orc eventually notices me, turning its pig head toward me, and lets out a loud roar, the guild said nothing of it being able to call allies, so I guess it's an intimidation tactic. 

I coat my body in stellar magic, feeling the familiar thrum of power imbue my body, before rocketing forward. 

It throws out a punch with surprising speed, though rather than agile, the speed is a consequence of its strength, so it lacks control. 

Dodging the fist, I attempt to cut off its arm as I pass by, but surprisingly, I can only reach halfway, hopefully, it's enough to take it off commission. 

I guess Orcs also have ample durability. 

Eying my opponent, I try to think of a strategy, keeping in mind the Imps that are likely to attack at any moment of weakness. 

The Orc's body is large, brimming with muscles and fat, even if I was able to enchant my sword with stellar magic I'm not sure I would be able to deal a killing blow, and being caught so close would be a death sentence. 

Thus, the optimal path is for me to go for the head, dealing a vital blow before facing the Imps, though I'll need to get it closer to the ground to easily strike it.

I once again leap to its side with the mangled arm, though I'm caught by surprise when it still attacks me. 

Barely avoiding the surprise blow, I take the chance to completely remove the arm with a downward slash while passing by, landing with a spin to slash at its legs, aiming for the tendons behind the knee, making it kneel while screaming in pain, holding its severed arm. 

Not giving it any time to collect itself, I thrust right into its neck, killing it instantly.

At least, that was supposed to happen. 

I think I underestimated its endurance, even after piercing through its throat and spine, it's still alive. 

Seeing its remaining arm move towards me, I quickly jump back, needing to leave Infinite Eclipse due to it being stuck solid into its neck. 

I really need to learn how to enchant my blade with stellar magic. 

Pulling out more mind to enhance myself, I take out my dagger that has seen minimal use in the dungeon. 

At least I still train my hand-to-hand combat occasionally.

It's at this moment that the Imps decide to attack, turning on a point, I behead the closest one while continuing my spin to block the claws of another, causing the last two to retreat. 

It appears there was a third Imp behind the boulder, well, there are two now. 

Now surrounded by the three monsters, I recall my training and experience in group and encircled fights, the key in these situations, is speed. 

Jumping towards the closest Imp, I plunge the dagger into its neck, bending my body sideways to avoid its own attack. 

Recovered from its state, the Orc raises its body, blood flowing down its large frame, seriously, how is it still alive?

I spin to avoid an attack from an Imp, completing a complete turn before embedding my dagger in the back of its head. 

Well, that's the ambush dealt with, now to just finish off the big guy. 

Seeing its limping state, I conclude that taking out its legs is the optimal strategy for taking it out, other than ranged attacks, which I do not have. 

Once I get it to its knees again, instead of trying to kill it through the neck, I'll pierce its brain directly, since there's no hope for this dagger to deal a blow to its heart.

Diving towards me with its arm outstretched, I hastily dodge out of the way before turning around while condensing the stellar magic to my legs and rushing towards it with an enhanced leap.

Landing right behind the Orc, I quickly deal two strikes to its remaining leg, one to the Achilles heel and one behind its knee, bringing the large beast down once again. 

Making use of my position, I then jump onto its back before bringing my dagger down onto its head with all my strength. 

The moment I feel the skull shatter, the resistance on my blade gives and the Orc bursts into ash, leaving behind a magic stone, a roll of Orc hide, and most importantly, my treasured sword.

Packing the magic stones and the drop item, I look over Infinite Eclipse, thankfully seeing no damage, though the whole thing is caked in blood and fat. 

Wiping off the blade, I then continue my journey through the floor.

It takes a little while before I finally encounter what I wanted, a Bad Bat, specifically, three of them circling a tree. 

How they fight is by sending their sound magic that disorients adventurers before swooping down and finishing the kill with their fangs. 

Not the worst to fight against, but they quickly become dangerous if there is another monster attacking, imagine fighting an Orc while constantly being distracted by both the magic and the aerial threat, yikes. 

Their magic being weak will be good to practice my reflection ability against as it's not that dangerous to get hit by as long as there isn't a large group, so I'll deal with two of them before practicing.

They eventually spot me and fly toward me, circling me from above before I hear shrill noise originating from them, like the highest note on a flute. 

Narrowing my eyes to see the magic in effect, I see a slight distortion coming toward me, once it reaches me, I only feel a slight pressure against my ears, but nothing notable. 

That's weird, even for level 2's the disorientation should be immense, only getting used to it after being exposed multiple times, so for a level 1 getting hit by it for the first time, I should be in a slight daze right now.

Wait, could it be Heroic Will

It does make me 'immune to mental attacks'. 

I guess it would make sense for a disorienting magic to count as a mental attack. 

These guys are really the best training partners, aren't they? 

Although the pressure against my ears doesn't affect my combat capabilities, at least I can feel it enough to know if I have properly reflected the magic.

Seeing that their attack didn't have an effect, the Bad Bats continue firing off their magic, while I begin trying to reflect the magic.

After around 15 minutes of trying, I eventually reflect their magic successfully, sending two of them plummeting out of the sky. 

Wanting to return to the surface, I fake being stunned, tricking the last monster to dive down, before it can touch me, I send out my sword, bisecting it in one slash.

Pocketing the three magic stones, I think about the fight, well, if that can even count as a fight. 

Kaguya was absolutely correct to say that it will be hard to reflect magic properly. 

If I had to explain it, it felt like there is a 'core' to the magic, and by hitting it the right way, like getting a perfect bullseye in darts. 

If this is the case for all magics, I can only hope that this 'core' doesn't need to be struck differently for each individual magic, or this ability would quickly become too complex. 

But that is a worry for later, for now, it's time to get back home and maybe install a hammock like I had thought of last night.

Cashing out my loot at the guild, I head towards the shopping district, finding a sheet that would be a good size as well as two poles from the carpenter before going home. 

Once back, I clean and store my equipment before taking a bath. 

After having a small lunch, I ask Asta about my hammock idea, she likes crafts, and as a Dwarf, is quite talented at them too, so she would be the best to help me with this new invention. 

She gets a sudden gleam in her eyes as I keep talking before taking the poles and sheet and running to her room, saying that she would handle everything. 

I guess my idea ignited her creative spirit.

Making my way toward the training ground to practice my sword, I spot Alise doing her own set of drills. 

I decided to ask her about my issue regarding equipment.

"Hey, Alise."

"Oh, hey Sirius, how was the dungeon?"

"It was good, step foot into the 10th floor today, it seems that the Bad Bats attack counts as a mental one so I'm immune."

"Wow, that's lucky, you're skill is quite something, even compared to my own amazing one."

"Yes yes, you're skill is awesome. Anyways, I was wondering if you could help me with something?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"I think it's about time for an equipment upgrade, I like the style I have but I'd want a tougher leather or cloth around the joints. As for my bag, I need a new one that's more durable and can stick to my back better, I don't like it flailing around in combat."

"Sure thing! I got to go to the guild early tomorrow, how about we go check out some shops afterward?"

"Sounds good, it's a date."

"Oho? Shouldn't you be saying those words to Ryuu?"

"S-shut up. Get back to training already."


And so, with my plans for tomorrow morning set, I lost myself in training.

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