Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 15 – 3 Months in Orario and Assistant

A month has passed since my journey to the 10th floor.

While it took some getting used to, I was eventually able to easily hunt on the 10th floor, the fact that I'm immune to Bad Bats being a large factor in how easily I was able to adjust to the new floor.

During this time, my sword training progress has slowed down to a more gradual pace, slowly discovering new techniques and honing past ones. 

Luckily, with this new pace, I can divert my time to other abilities, such as my reflection ability. 

Now being able to reflect the Bad Bats' magic around half of the time, my issue now is striking the 'core' correctly as I know where it is most of the time.

After begging Alise to allow me to practice using her magic, I discovered that the 'core' of magic is not always the center of the magic, but rather it can be anywhere in the magic. 

While I eventually was able to find the 'core' in Alise's magic, it takes too long to find it to be anywhere usable in combat against new enemies. 

The 'core' of the magic isn't the only unique part of each magic as the way I need to hit Alise's magic differs from the Bad Bats, if, for example, the Bad Bats' magic needs a slice to reflect, then Alise's magic needs a bat to reflect.

Adjusting to the 10th floor and training in reflecting magic weren't the only things that happened the past month, as my stats have gone up to contend with the upper echelon of level 1's.


Name: Sirius
Level: 1

 Strength: C670
Endurance: D583
Dexterity: C676
Agility: C679
Magic: B784


Heroic Will 


 Celestial Ascent


With my stats having an average of C, it's recommended by the guild to only explore up to the ninth floor, but due to my combat skills, magic, and first-class sword, I'm much stronger than what my stats suggest. 

Though I said I had acclimated to the 10th floor, I've gone beyond to the 12th floor. 

The 11th floor introduces new monsters such as Hard Armoreds, an armadillo monster specializing in defence, Silverbacks, a large ape monster specializing in strength, and finally, the so-called 'boss of the upper floors', an Infant Dragon. 

Though I have yet to encounter it, Infant Dragons are level 2 monsters, the first of its kind and the only level 2 on the upper floors. 

As its name states, it is a dragon-type monster, a small one, and able to breathe fire or attack with its claws. 

Being a rare monster, it's extremely hard to encounter, though in exchange it always drops a drop item.

I think I could beat it, mainly due to Heroic Will boosting my stats against stronger opponents, but I would want one of the girls to watch over the battle so I don't die.

While the 12th floor contains the same monsters as the 11th, the mist on the 12th floor becomes much thicker, enough to affect combat ability. 

The fog makes the 12th floor extremely dangerous, not for the combat itself, but for how easily one can get ambushed without knowing or get hit by a surprise attack. 

It's for this reason, and the fear of getting lost, that I've spent most of my recent time on the 11th floor instead.

Thinking back on my progress throughout the month, maybe I should get a diary of some sort. 

I do have my status progression, getting an update weekly, but that doesn't tell anything about my experiences or just things that happen in daily life. 

Though most of the time it would be boring. Dear diary, today I killed more monsters on the 11th floor, again, I then went home, trained, ate with the Familia, then played the Lyre to lull myself to sleep, the end. 

Maybe something to write down any unique events would be nice.

Speaking of unique events, Asta created the hammock about a week after giving the idea to her. 

Having it set up in the garden, it was just as great as I had envisioned, laying down with the soft breeze and warming sun keeping you at a perfect temperature, hearing the muffled sounds of the city, smelling the faint scent of flowers littered around the garden. 

It was serene. 

The girls of the Familia agreed, so there were another five of them installed. 

Mother Astraea took a particular liking to the hammock, quickly claiming the one under the shade to spend her day reading in.

I also witnessed my first death. 

It was equally as gruesome as it was quick. 

A couple of adventurers, both males looking around their 30's. 

It was on the 10th floor, both were facing an Orc, one of them dodged the wrong way and was launched into a tree head-first, either killing him instantly or close to it while his partner was decapitated by a punch while in his state of shock. 

It happened in an instant, and with me being so far away, there was nothing I could do except take their weapons and notify the guild.

It was shocking how easily I accepted the deaths, not freaking out during or after the incident. 

Could it be killing goblins and other humanoid monsters that helped? 

Me logically accepting the fact the dangers that are associated with being an adventurer, especially a level 1? 

Either way, I am glad for my mental fortitude. 

Being part of Orario's police force Familia, if there is another group like Evilus that makes its appearance, I will have to kill humans. 

Not even Evilus, just evil adventurers I’ll eventually have to put down.

What did change within me was once again realizing how feeble and fragile life is. 

As I got stronger, I unconsciously believed in my power and the durability that comes with it, but I had forgotten that the monsters are also getting stronger as I go deeper, and even goblins can kill you if you get conceited or just unlucky. 

This change spurred another motivation to get stronger, not only to catch up to my Familia but to survive and save others from cruel fates.

Anyways, today the girls are preparing for their expedition which is happening in a couple of days, now how this affects me, is that I've essentially become Lyra's assistant. 

Some time a couple of weeks ago, Lyra found out about my organizational skills, and after getting me to help her with some stuff, she discovered that my mathematic skills are superior to even hers.

Going to modern schooling will do that to you. 

So periodically, she has been getting me to help out either in her bomb creation or more often with Familia matters, mostly economics. 

Over this period of time, I've come to realize how important Lyra is to the Familia. 

Mother Astraea is the head, giving us power with a falna, dealing with other deities, and gracing us with her wisdom and motherly aura. 

Alise is the captain, leading the others from the front, having an upbeat attitude, always being able to raise morale, dealing with other Familias, and being strong. 

Lyra, while not having an official title, would be the manager, dealing with the economics, creating plans and strategies, assigning patrols, and dealing with merchants and the guild. 

Those three women are the foundation of the Astraea Familia.

As this is the first expedition since becoming her assistant, she has taken this as a training opportunity, teaching me all she knows. 

Purchasing provisions and potions in bulk while ensuring quality at a great price, setting up the plan for the expedition while looking over each floor, their maps, monsters, environment, special characteristics, and other various tasks.

The mission for this expedition is to gather various materials on the 25th floor, although getting the materials will be no issue for the Familia, who have gone all the way to the 42nd floor, the problem is the number of materials needed. 

The number is impossible to gather in one day, so they must either stay on the floor with monsters for multiple days or leave for the 28th floor, a safety point, to sleep. 

Either strategy they choose, they also have to kill the monster rex of the 27th floor, the Amphisbaena, though they will be assisted by the Loki Familia while they go on their own expedition. 

The reason they have to fight it is that they must kill it to reach the 28th floor and with the Amphisbaena's unique trait to move between floors 25 to 27, they can't risk being ambushed while collecting materials.

Either way, today's schedule consists of purchasing Undine Cloths, a blue cloth that enables the user to swim better while reducing water resistance and pressure, an essential item for exploring floors 25 to 27, and later meeting the Loki Familia to finalize their plans in the joint journey to the 28th floor and taking out the Amphisbaena.

We had just finished buying the Undine Cloths, buying more than needed for a better deal as it doesn't deteriorate and we'll eventually need new ones, before reaching home. 

As soon as we entered we began the routine that has been happening for the past two days, Lyra went into the office to write down the purchases while I placed the items in the storage room.

A room slightly larger than my bedroom with no windows, filled with shelves stocked with spare weapons, potions, armour, non-perishable foods for the dungeon, and various other items.

Leaving the room, I head toward the office, lightly tapping on the door before opening it.

"Hey Lyra, I put all the needed Undine Cloths in the section meant for the expedition, leaving two spares while putting the rest into the armour section."

Finishing her note, she looks up and gives me a wry smile.

"Thanks, you know, if you want I can give you Ryuu's old Undine Cloth to wear under your armour now that we have new ones, we shouldn't waste resources after all."

Yes, for some inexplicable reason, for the past month, the girls have been teasing me about Ryuu. 

I don't really understand why, after all, we didn't share an embarrassing moment together since the pub incident.

So why now? 

Ah, thinking about it, it could have been when Ryuu decided to take up my offer of a duet. 

It took a minute to get used to each other, but eventually, we were able to play together, creating an extremely pleasant tune. 

Since then we've been playing together at least once a week, usually at night, outside under the moonlight, it's quite a magical experience that captivates me every time. 

From our serenading sessions, I learned quite a few Elven songs from Ryuu's homeland, they are all extremely beautiful when played on the lyre, and that beauty is amplified when Ryuu's soothing flute is added to it. 

While I myself have shown Ryuu a few songs of my own, she particularly liked 'Stairway to Heaven'. 

Shaking myself out of my spiralling thoughts, I return my attention to Lyra.

"Yeah yeah, you just love to tease me, don't you? Anyways, am I able to train right now?"

"Yeah, but we'll be meeting the Loki Familia here in a few hours, you won't need to do anything but I want you there to learn how inter-Familia meetings like these go."

"All right, see you then."

I then spent the next hours until the meeting deep in training, honing my sword style while also adding different, irregular sword slashes, trying to simulate using my magic reflect in combat, though it's hard to visualize without a target. 

Finishing my imaginary fight and deactivating Celestial Ascent, I'm broken out of my concentration by the sound of clapping. 

Turning to the source, I spot Riveria and Ais of the Loki Familia, Riveria giving me an impressed smile while Ais is looking at me with an excited look, as excited as a straight face can be.

"That was impressive, you don't look like someone who has only started adventuring 3 months ago."

"Nice to see you, Riveria, Ais. Shit, am I late for the meeting?"

"Language, and no, we were just training in the dungeon and decided to meet Finn and Gareth here. I have to ask, what was that magic you used? It seemed extremely adaptable."

"Thank god. And it's just simple enhancement magic, though I can manipulate the enhancement a little."

I then demonstrate by wrapping my arm in stellar magic before moving it to my hand, then dissipating it. 

Looking back to the guests, I see Riveria wearing a look of shock while Ais has her eyes widened, looking intently at me.

"No chant? Or was it a delayed cast?"

"Oh, I forgot to mention that. It is indeed chantless, it's pretty useful in combat, though I haven't scratched the surface of its capabilities."

"Quite a remarkable magic you have, and at level 1 as well. Anyways, assuming you're part of the meeting, it seems that Finn and Gareth have arrived, so it will be starting soon."

"Thanks, I should go get ready, I suppose I'll see you soon."

I then run to my room, change out of my training clothes, and wash my face before heading to the office, where the meeting would take place. 

Upon entering, I see Lyra, Alise, and Kaguya sitting on one of the couches, I decide to stand behind them to get any maps or books that they need. 

The door opens soon after revealing Riveria, Finn, and Gareth, the three executives of the Loki Familia. 

Not seeing Ais, I guess she decided to do something else to pass the time other than sitting in on a boring meeting.

"Good evening Alise, Lyra, and Kaguya, and you must be their newest member, Sirius. Let's not waste any time and begin the meeting, after all a certain sword princess seems pretty motivated to get back to training for some reason."

Finn then smiles knowingly at me, I guess Ais enjoyed the show? 

But she's a level 4 with sword techniques even better than mine, was my magic that special? 

Whatever, right now I have to be the perfect assistant, no time for trivial thoughts.

The meeting finishes an hour later, now with a strategy for the Amphisbaena and a set schedule for each Familia's expeditions. 

I made myself useful a few times, grabbing maps and books for them to look through and reference, and scrutinizing how the meeting went as Lyra asked. 

Seeing the Loki Familia off, I then headed up to my room to prepare for sleep, realizing that I'm going to miss a week of not playing with Ryuu. 

Shit, their teasing must be getting to me. 

My mind becoming foggy, I rest my head on the pillow before drifting off to sleep.

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