Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 16 – Cusp of Level 2 and Irregular Infant Dragon

"Here's your status, Sirius, no matter how much I see it, your growth is simply astounding."

I then take the paper from Mother Astraea after putting my shirt back on.


Name: Sirius
Level: 1

Strength: SS1040
Endurance: S916
Dexterity: SS1058
Agility: SS1044
Magic: SSS1228


Heroic Will


Celestial Ascent


"My endurance finally reached S, now I just have to complete a great feat to level up."

"Yes, but don't recklessly pursue such an endeavour, it's bad enough that you frequent the 14th floor alone as a level 1."

"Yeah, but I've already killed an Infant Dragon, a level 2, what more do I need to do for it to be considered a 'great feat'?"

"Hmm, well, needing to complete one singular 'great feat' to level up is a common misconception. A level-up occurs when the child has accumulated enough high-quality excelia, the quality of excelia is determined by how impressive an action is. Due to the amount needed, it is often only done by completing a singular 'great feat' by pushing one's self, but you defeating an Infant Dragon is plenty impressive, so if you defeat a few more you should be able to level up in no time."

"I see."

What monsters I could possibly defeat to push me over the edge? 

I wonder if situations could count as a 'great feat', maybe defeating a large monster party? 

Monster parties are when a bunch of monsters is suddenly spawned near an adventurer, or when there is a large natural grouping of monsters.

From the few times I've dealt with them, it has almost always led to an injury, if I was any less vigilant or skilled I would easily have been killed.

While my experiences with monster parties have been tough, it pales in comparison to my fight with the Infant Dragon last week. 

As I had previously said, I was able to kill it, but it was still the hardest fight I have yet fought. 

While I was never in danger due to Alise watching me from the back, it didn't change how difficult it was to win, though it was incredibly rewarding when the entire Familia went out to a restaurant to celebrate my achievement. 

So while I could follow Mother Astraea's advice to take out another one or two of them, Infant Dragons are rare monsters, and as their description states, they are rare. 

It could be another month until I could find another one.

"Haa, maybe some Minotaurs would do it? Anyways, what happens when you level up? More specific than getting stronger please."

"Hmm, well on a social level, the guild is notified and an announcement is made, while at the meeting of gods, the Denatus, that is held every month you get an alias, usually an adventurer gets one at level 2, then another at level 5, though sometimes adventurers stay with one their entire career, regardless of level ups, while others will get a new one every level up."

"I see, please get me a good alias, Ryuu got The Gale and Alise got Scarlet Harnel, I couldn't stand being something like Ultimate Supreme Blade of Justice or something like that."

"Fufu, only if you're a good boy, now back to level-ups, for strength, every aspect gets a boost, it's estimated to be an increase of 1000 across all stats, you can see why no matter how strong a level 1 is, they are considered fodder compared to a level 2, but the difference in levels decreases as they get higher. It's also common for one to get a skill or magic on their level up, either relating to experiences or desire."

"Ok, so if I killed a bunch of Needle Rabbits, I could get a skill like Rabbit Slayer?"

"Precisely, so if you decide to massacre a monster species, make sure it is one that will help you later on. The last thing that happens with a level-up is gaining a development ability. While gaining a skill or magic is slightly related to talent with some adventurers not gaining either on a level up, development abilities are gained no matter what. Like skills, they relate to your experiences while some need specific conditions to fulfill, with children usually getting two or three choices to choose from. For example, as you use a sword and are quite proficient at it, it is likely that you'll have the option of the ability Swordsman on your level-up."

"I see, thank you Mother Astraea."

I then start getting dressed for the dungeon, changing into my newest armour, though unnamed, it certainly is a quality set of equipment. 

Made from Orc hide as a base to ensure easy movement and flexibility while keeping the wearer protected. 

It also had plates of Hard Armored shells along the chest, thighs, and anywhere else that did not impede movement.

Leaving the house with a small smile, I fiddle with my newly crafted necklace. 

As my whittling skills have increased during these five months in Orario, I eventually created something good enough to wear, the piece in question being the Astraea Familia emblem, a sword with angel wings sprouting from the hilt. 

Mother Astraea liked it quite a bit, so I made one for her too, hers being cleaner and more refined, while I kept the first draft.

Eventually reaching the dungeon entrance, I ponder about how quiet the morning was. 

Most of the Familia were doing their regular morning patrols around the city or doing their own tasks as usual, leaving Alise, Kaguya, Lyra, Neze, Ryuu, and me at home. 

But today, there was some dispute in Rivira on the 18th floor and the guild asked the girls to resolve it, so I was left alone with Mother Astraea. 

It felt quiet without the constant teasing from Alise to Ryuu or Kaguya's crude words and antics.

It was a shock when I came down for breakfast on a particularly hot morning to see Kaguya in only her bra and underwear.

Though it was quite hilarious when Ryuu hastily covered my eyes with a speed befitting of her alias.

Shaking my head, I dismiss the thoughts as I enter the dungeon. 

No matter how weak the monsters are, I must always be vigilant, especially as a level 1.

Methodically and efficiently, I clear my way through the upper floors, reaching the 11th floor in an hour. 

Finishing off a Silverback with a spinning slash to its neck, decapitating the beast, I hear a strangled scream in the distance.

Making my way over to investigate, I see a group of three adventurers running with fear plain in their eyes. 

Running over to intercept them, I see that they have no injuries, yet there are various splashes of blood. 

If I hadn't seen the panic on their faces, I would suspect they had killed someone.

"Calm down, you're safe now. What happened?"

"A-an Infant Dragon! An irregular one! I-It appeared out of nowhere, even Paul, level 2 Paul, just got cut to pieces!"

Shit, a strengthened species, commonly called irregulars, they are monsters that have grown stronger by eating magic stones. 

Although it depends on how many magic stones they've eaten, oftentimes irregulars are around a level higher than their normal counterpart, making them calamities for adventurers, especially on the upper floors.

"Shit, was there anyone back there before you fled?"

"Y-yeah, a group of five from the Miach Familia, I've gotten potions from there a few times. Don't tell me you're going back there!? It's suicide!"

I give the guy a pat before rushing toward the direction they came from. 

Sirius is a proud member of the Astraea Familia, the Familia of justice, how could I simply leave a group of adventurers to die while staying behind? 

And this might be a chance, my 'great feat', if a regular Infant Dragon isn't enough, maybe an irregular one could push me over the edge.

Reaching the monster, I see it preparing to bring down its claws on a young dog-eared girl, younger than me. 

I concentrate all my stellar magic enchanting my body to my legs, hoping I can reach the girl in time. 

Taking off at a blistering speed, I grab onto her torso and move us both clear of the monster, narrowly avoiding the claws slamming into her previous position with strength and speed like nothing I've seen before.

Collecting myself while the girl holds onto me for dear life, I grimace at the sight before me. 

Blood covered the ground with pieces of broken and carved bodies littering the ground, seeing no other survivors, I guess that this girl's group was killed.

"Hey, it's alright I got you. Are you part of the Miach Familia?"

I receive a light nod in response. 

Poor girl, she had to witness her Familia get slaughtered right in front of her before nearly getting killed by the same monster, it must have been terrifying. 

Detaching her hands from their firm grasp on my armour, I lower her to the ground.

"Here, go find someone to help, at least a level 3. I'll keep this thing busy in the meantime, alright?"

I hate to leave such a frightened girl alone, but I doubt the enemy will wait for me to give her a complete therapy session before attacking. 

Standing between the girl and the beast, I try to think of a plan, remembering my previous Infant Dragon fight while keeping in mind this one is much stronger. 

The key to my previous fight was to take out its front legs, removing its physical attacks and bringing it to the ground, before taking off its head, as its neck is its weakest vital point. 

The issue with attacking its neck is that it can breathe fire, so you have to attack from behind so you don't get burned to a crisp. 

This one, on the other hand, seems to have covered that weakness as I can tell from this distance that its skin is much stronger, if it's too durable, I might have to attack its brain directly like with Orcs.

I coat my legs in stellar magic and launch myself toward its front legs, slicing right through its tendon as I pass by, causing it to stumble. 

Using my advantage, I rush under its body and slice at the other leg, bringing the monster crashing down. 

Or at least, that was supposed to happen. 

Before I can formulate a reason for it to still be standing, I feel an impact rock my body, launching me at great speeds before I could even register the pain. 

Tumbling a few times before coming to a stop, I begin hurling up my breakfast along with some blood, taking a moment to catch my breath. 

From how hard I got hit, I wouldn't be surprised if I had a broken rib, I'm most likely only alive due to Heroic Will increasing my stats against a stronger enemy. 

Now onto the pressing issue… how in the hell did it kick me? 

It should be immobile!

Looking over, I see the irregular begin running towards me at a surprising speed, causing me to hurriedly get my feet in preparation for the inevitable fight. 

Seeing its bloodied legs still running without a care or a wound, I curse under my breath.


A trait only known to be in some lower-floor monsters, and even then not at that speed. 

While still not enough to save itself from a powerful attack, nothing I can do right now as a level 1 qualifies as a 'powerful attack' by its standards. 

Shit, I wanted to defeat it to level up but it seems that it's just not my day. 

I'm just glad I told that girl to get out of here and get someone strong.

Leaping to the side to avoid its pounce, I try to formulate a strategy. 

This dance of death continues for a while, with me slashing at its legs or its side every so often to bide time. Its speed is faster than mine, so I can't just escape from this situation, the only reason I can dodge and deal damage is due to my superior acceleration courtesy of Celestial Ascent

But this can only go on for so long.

Sliding under its attack while slashing its leg, I suddenly feel intense heat originating from my back. 

Looking behind me, I see the monster's head looking down on me with a golden hue lighting up its mouth. 

I flare stellar magic, shooting me backward just as a blinding flame assault where I had just been. 

The heat is so intense it burns through the ground and singes my hair, causing my throat to dry up even from this distance. 

Calling that a fire breathe seems to not do it justice, getting hit by that, nothing would be left. 

Why would it only wait until now to use that? 

The good answer is that it can't use that attack irresponsibly, it must need time to charge or maybe damages itself by using it. 

The bad answer is that the monster is done playing around, and this fight just went from waiting for a stronger adventurer into a desperate fight to survive.

The irregular then jumps towards me at blinding speed, narrowly dodging its attack, I face the beast with my renewed judgment of its capabilities. 

It seems like it was the bad answer. 

But why would a monster ever play around in a fight, I was even harming it! 

Wait, if irregulars grow by eating magic stones, do they have a digestion time? 

Maybe it had just 'absorbed' the power from a previous feast and grown stronger?

This is bad.

And even if I could count on my acceleration, my mind reserves are not infinite and are in fact getting low.

Going into a mind-down while facing this beast would be a death sentence. 

I just have to hope that my power is enough to bypass its regeneration.

Jumping out of its attack, I leap onto its backside before running up to its neck, concentrating stellar magic into my arms and legs, I perform my fastest and strongest slash yet, cleaving cleanly into its neck.

Seeing that it's not enough to decapitate it, I separate my sword from the cleaved neck before jumping with a spin, using the additional rotational energy and putting everything into the strike for a second time.

Bringing my sword down onto the monster's head only to be met with a clang, and only a chip on its heartened skull to show for my effort.

"Hahaha, ahh shit."

I fall to the ground helplessly due to a mix of both resignation and fatigue.

The only thing interrupting my fall being a kick from the irregular, sending me tumbling across the ground once again.

My mind reserves are nearly depleted, chest damaged, and from the battered state of my utility belt, likely no potions to save me. 

Truly a desperate situation. 

Well, I did at least save the girls from their fate in this life.

I'm sorry, goddess of Earth, I won't be able to kill that Black Dragon, you'll have to find another soul to do it.

Raising my head to face my death head-on, oddly I'm not greeted by the irregular staring down at me, instead, it is looking off to the side. 

Matching the direction of its gaze, I'm greeted by the sight of a tearful and afraid young girl, the same young girl that I had already saved. 

What the hell is she doing here!?

Seeing the Infant Dragon make its way toward her with slow, intimidating steps, rekindles my previously helpless state of mind. 

How could I have been so pathetic? 

Didn't I want to survive? 

To catch up to the others? 

How could I have just laid down and died?

Casting Celestial Ascent with everything I have, the familiar embrace of power envelops me.

No, not quite familiar.

It's stronger, smoother, faster. 

Discarding questions on why for later, I envelop my legs with stellar magic and sprint towards the irregular at speeds I had never reached before. 

Seeing my approach, the irregular turns towards me and releases the flame breath that it had been charging up. 

I avoid the deadly attack before jumping toward its head, I can't keep this state up for long.

After all, enchanting myself like this is burning through my mind, I have to finish this now.

I already know slicing through its neck is pointless as the giant wound from not even a minute ago is already healed fully. 

I have to cleave through its head, but a normal slash won't do it, no matter how much I put into the strike. 

I have to add something more. 

Although I've never been able to successfully imbue my sword with stellar magic, I know that it’s possible.

And what better time to learn than now, right?

Condensing all my stellar magic into my hands, I force it, will it, into my sword, dredging up every ounce of determination to fuel my desire. 

Determination to protect? To survive? To grow? 

I didn't know, nor did I care, all I knew is that I was not going to lose here.

My magic responds to my eager wish and my upheld sword hums with power.

Shining like a sun had descended onto the floor, dispersing the mist in the vicinity and coating the surroundings in light.

With the monster's head now in range, I bring down my sword with as much power as possible, combining all of my rage, strength, and determination. 

The culmination of my entire being, my feelings, and my technique. 

Crying out to the heavens as my will coalesces into an ultimate attack.

"Get Fuuuuuuckked!"

My roar continues as I make contact with its skull, feeling the resistance then give as my sword cleaves the beast in two. 

Landing on the ground in an undignified heap as the ashes from the felled beast showered down around me. 

Feeling the usual pull of unconsciousness, I hope that the girl can bring me to safety and that I didn't destroy the irregular magic stone. 

After all, that thing would probably fetch me quite a bit of valis.

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