Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 22 – Knowledge and Preparation

"And… done. Here's your status sheet, Sirius. You're well on your way to catching up to the girls."

"Thanks, Mother Astraea."


Name: Sirius
Level: 2 

Strength: H158
Endurance: H137
Dexterity: H161
Agility: H169
Magic: H193
Magic Sense: H


Heroic Will
Strike of Hope 


Celestial Ascent


Looking over the status sheet, I see that my Magic Sense has finally levelled up over these past three weeks.

Momentarily activating Celestial Ascent, I can already see the difference in clarity. 

Unfortunately, it seems there is no gradual improvement of development abilities, once you pass the threshold for a rank, you upgrade the ability, with no numbers in between like for strength and agility.

Getting up from the chair, Mother Astraea walks over to my bedside and looks at the nightlight I made.

"Quite a pretty thing you've made, Sirius. I've heard all the girls wanting to get one from you."

Yes, a couple of weeks ago, while walking around the shopping district after the dungeon, I found a magic artifact for super cheap.

Interested in the low price, I asked the clerk what the artifact does. 

Apparently, the magic stone was a failed creation, crafted initially to be used in the dungeon to create a light source. 

I tried it out to see how it 'failed' and saw how it emitted a dim aurora-like light, reminding me of the northern lights back on Earth. 

Beautiful, but useless in the dungeon, hence the low price.

Having a flash of inspiration, I bought it along with a piece of glass and quickly returned home. 

From then on, my free time was taken up by creating a nightlight, carving a nice frame, fitting the magic stone in the center, and placing the piece of glass on top.

In the end, it was able to concentrate the dim aurora-like light and project it onto the ceiling, creating a beautiful light source that wasn't too bright to disturb my sleep. 

The best part is that it can be recharged from my stellar magic.

Proud of my achievement and advancing whittling skills, I decided to show it off to some of the girls, causing them to hound me from that day onwards to create one for them.

Promising to make them one after the expedition eventually got them off my back, but now I have that project to do soon. 

I hope I can find more 'failed' creations or my wallet is not in for a good time.

"Haaa, yeah, that's a problem for later though."

Mother Astraea then wears a slightly hesitant expression.

"Sirius, you know how we talked about the modern knowledge we gods possess?"

"Uhh, yeah? You called it 'divine knowledge' or 'gifts' from the gods, right?"

Thinking over why Mother Astraea suddenly brought this up, I suddenly realize what could be wrong.

"I-Is my nightlight considered 'divine knowledge'?"

"Fufufu, no it isn't, there are many things like this around, though few as beautiful as yours, no I was thinking that I never warned you not to use your modern knowledge."

"O-Oh, that's it, I just kind of assumed I shouldn't do anything crazy to this world's technology."

"That was smart. Grand scientific revolutions like electricity or guns would put a target on your back, not only will the Gods question how you know those things they will also view you as an enemy if it ever spread, for ruining humanity's progression. It takes time for these revolutions to occur in civilization, rushing it would do more harm than good."

"I understand, that was my thought process as well. But what about the 'divine knowledge' you Gods bestow?"

"Mmm, the Gods that bring down 'divine knowledge' must get permission from Ouranos and agreement at a Denatus, even those from outside Orario. Any Gods that break that agreement get sent to heaven, much like using arcanum."

"Oh, so I can't use anything, can I?"

"Not exactly, as long as it's not anything technologically revolutionary. For instance, games, songs, stories, things like that which are more cultural rather than technological, they are fine."

My eyes widen at those words as I begin to think of all the sports I could bring to this world. 

Soccer, rugby, ball hockey, how would having superhumans play these games change it? 

Maybe there could be a festival for them? 

After all, other than booze, sex, and gambling, the entertainment aspect of Orario is sorely lacking.

"Thank you, Mother Astraea. I have a lot to think about now."

"Of course, Sirius. Ah, that reminds me, Kaguya wanted me to ask you to take Harhuhime to the dungeon once you get back from the expedition."

I raise my brow at this.

"Really? I don't mind at all, but why me?"

"Well, she will likely need more time to adjust to the dungeon than you did, she doesn't have your magic after all, and you can still get some training done while the other girls would not gain anything on the first floors."

"Ok, that's fine, but I can't stay with her for too long, I'm on the 15th floor nearing the 16th now."

"It will only be long enough to get her used to the dungeon, and she won't be going every day as you do so you still have time to yourself."

"All right, but after that? As you said she doesn't have magic like mine, even if she could use her magic it would be useless without a team."

"Hmm, I believe that either the Familia would take turns bringing her to the dungeon, find her a group with other Familias, or maybe she will be enough on her own, she is quite talented with the sword after all."

Indeed, after two weeks of combat practice, Haru then moved on to weapons, and like me, was suited for a katana, much to Kaguya's pleasure. 

After a few training sessions, with me joining in on some, we found out that Haru is quite talented with the sword. 

This was a fortunate development as Haru's magic was useless after being cast and held no benefits for herself in combat.

"Well, then there's no problem! I have to make sure our newest member gets strong, right?"

"Indeed, I think I will go to bed now, I will see you all tomorrow before you depart."

"Goodnight, Mother Astraea."

She then takes her leave, closing the door at her exit.

Laying back onto the bed, I think about how the past few days have gone, mainly preparing for the expedition tomorrow.

While I was still an assistant to Lyra during this time, I also began to learn what duties I would do as a supporter.

Essentially, supporters are glorified baggage carriers, which is much of the reason they are looked down on by adventurers.

The duties of a supporter include picking up monster drops, carrying loot and supplies, handing out potions during and after the battle, and such things. 

The core of the role is to hold stuff and not get said stuff damaged.

With expeditions done by powerful Familias, like the one I'm a part of, average supporters are unable to survive the floors they explore. 

Hence, they use members of their Familia who aren't strong enough to explore these floors, but strong enough to survive.

By doing so, the supporters can gain experience and sometimes excelia in these deeper floors while also aiding their Familia.

In short, an absolute win.

Thankfully, it seems that the girls are excited to have me join them in the dungeon just as much as I am, especially since many of them haven't seen me fight in the dungeon.

This expedition was also set to be a special one, with it being the first exploration down to the 49th floor since the Zeus and Hera Familias. 

The expedition is a joint one between both Astraea and Loki Familias with the goal of confirming the strength of Balor, the monster rex of the 49th floor.

While the guild still holds the records to the 71st floor, it has been years since the floors past 45 have been explored.

Thus, every new expedition that challenges this 'frontier' also holds the purpose of confirming these records.

All in all, this means that we do not have to defeat Balor, only fire a few attacks, see the damage, and then see how powerful its attacks are before getting out of there. 

As Balor is suspected to be level 8 in strength, I am very thankful it's only research and not a full-on battle.

Breaking me out of my thoughts, I hear a knock on my door.


Opening said door reveals the three strongest members of my Familia Alise, Kaguya, and Ryuu.

"Uhh, good afternoon? What's up?"

"Nothing much Sirius! We just wanted to check on you, after all, tomorrow is your big day!"

What is this? 

Alise sounds like a mom excited for her child's first day of school.

"Jeez, don't make it sound like something crazy, I'm just going to be a supporter after all."

Ryuu narrows her eyes at my words, she then attempts to retort but Kaguya speaks up before her.

"Do not make light of tomorrow, Sirius. You will be fighting in the front until the 27th floor, only after that will you be acting as a supporter. Even then, the lower floors are dangerous, you must remain as vigilant as you are when you explore the dungeon on your own."

Ryuu uses the momentary silence to make her point.

"As Kaguya said, it's dangerous, even for supporters only level 3's go as deep as we are. You are joining us because we trust in you and your strength, that is something to be proud of and not undermine."

I feel my face getting hot at her sincere praise.

To cover up my embarrassment, I decide to tease the shy Elf.

Taking her hand from her side, causing the Elf to go into momentary shock, before staring deeply into her eyes to convey my words with as much power as possible.

"Thanks, Ryuu. You always find a way to make me feel better."

She then takes a moment to collect herself before slowly looking down at our connected hands. 

Gradually, her face gets covered in red, reaching all the way to her ears.

"H-H-How l-l-lewd!"

She then breaks our connection, running down the hall at a speed befitting her alias as Gale.

Quite an intense reaction, but this is the first time we've held hands after all, at least while she's sober. 

Hearing about how Ryuu could only accept Alise's touch right off the bat, and how she held my hand for a while, it all but confirms my suspicions about her liking me, now only if she could realize.

"Pff, d-did you see her run!"

Alise begins to laugh at the spectacle while Kaguya looks toward Ryuu's path of retreat with a hint of trepidation before returning her eyes toward me.

"Anyways, as Ryuu explained so passionately, you are joining us as a member of our Familia because we trust in your strength, take pride in that. Goodnight Sirius."

She then drags a still-laughing Alise down the hall while I return to my bed, feeling a warmth in my chest at the girls' support.

Giving one last look at the equipment I have laid out for tomorrow, I turn off my light and turn on the aurora lamp, before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep, excited for tomorrow and eager to not let my Familias trust in me go to waste.

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