Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 23 – Supporter and Departure

Feeling the morning rays trickle through my closed eyelids, I slowly regain awareness, shooting up from my bed as soon as I realize what today is.

As for what's special about today?

It's the expedition of course! Specifically, my first expedition.

Starting my morning stretches, expelling any remaining fatigue before heading to the bathroom to clean any grime from the night, also serving the purpose of completely awakening my awareness.

Feeling ready for the day, I make my way downstairs to see the girls in disarray, either devouring their hastily made breakfast or darting around for any last-minute preparations.

I slip through the mob and make myself a quick breakfast of jam spread on bread and fruit, I savour what will likely be my last good meal for a week as in the dungeon meal bars are the common food, being packed with nutrients and extremely compact, the only lacking thing being its taste, or rather, lack thereof.

Eventually, the chaos calms down and I return upstairs to get all my gear prepared. The only difference from my usual dungeon gear is that I will be taking my whetstone and cleaner so I can care for my equipment in the dungeon.

I finish donning my armour just as I hear my door opening, revealing Ryuu and Lyra.

"Hey, guys. No knock?"

Ryuu lowers her head with a light blush while Lyra just smirks and looks up to match my gaze.

"Nah, we knew that you were dressed. Though I did think it would be quite fun to see you do something embarrassing."

I deadpan at her shameless response. Without commenting further, she then begins to explain her purpose for being here.

"Anyways, just wanted to say that we got the supporter pack and potion bandolier ready. Also, we decided that while you are acting as a fighter until the 27th floor, Iska will be holding the pack, after that you're on supporter duty."

It seems that I'll have to thank Iska later.

"All right, is that all?"

"Well, we wanted you to come down and test the weight and size, it'll be hard to change the supply arrangement down there after all."

"Ok, I got everything ready so I can do that now. Did you need anything Ryuu?"

She meets my eyes for a moment before returning to staring at her feet, fidgeting slightly.

Jeez, was yesterday that embarrassing? Now I feel bad for teasing her that hard, although it still felt great at the moment.

Yep, definitely need to review my sadistic tendencies, but that's for later.

Now, what did this sheepish Elf come to my room for?

"Haha, well, Ryuu here just wanted to ask you to share a tent dur-"

I see Ryuu's eyes widen as she rushes to cover Lyra's mouth, cutting her off.

It seems that teasing Ryuu has become a common Familia activity, how nice.

"NO! A-Absolutely not!"

She then takes a few deep breaths to calm her erratic state, still covering Lyra's mouth while she struggles in vain.

"No, I was just coming to say that while you are fighting, you'll be with Alise's group."

"Ah, that's with you and Celty, right?"

"Yes, I'm guessing that won't be a problem?"

"No, in fact, I'm quite excited. All three of you are expecting to level up, right?"

"Mmm, Udaeus should be a proper challenge, we have the level 6's of Loki Familia behind us if anything goes wrong."

Good, when I first saw the plan of a small group of level 3 and 4's attacking Udaeus, estimated as a level 6, I was quite worried, but the assurance of some level 6's there brings me a sense of peace.

"All right, I think I should test out the pack now."

"Yes, we'll be leaving soon, don't be late."

Ryuu then lets Lyra go and heads downstairs.

Turning to Lyra, I then follow her to the storage room where I am welcomed by a large backpack, around the size of a reclining chair. 

"There she is, unfortunately, it's heavier than it looks, and will only get worse."

I raise my eyebrow at her words, is this some convoluted riddle? I know she likes puzzles, but I have a feeling that's now it.

"What's with that look?"

She looks at me with a smug expression.

So she's playing with me, I see.

"You know, what do you mean about it being heavier, isn't it supposed to be the opposite? To reassure me?"

"Haha, nah. This thing isn't the average pack, it's enchanted with space magic, meaning its inside size is larger than it looks on the outside."

Enchantments like that exist? I think I can now understand how my Familia can go on so many expeditions without a supporter.

"Uhh, cool. But what would happen if it got a tear?"

"Oh, probably an explosion from how compressed all the things inside of it will be. You won't have to worry about that though, this baby is extremely durable and has been with us since we've started going past the 18th floor."

I see. Well, I'll still make sure to not damage it if I can, I won't trust a backpack to have much durability after all.

"As for getting heavier as the expedition continues, I'm assuming that's for all the drops we collect?"

"Exactly! So, try it out! The bandolier too."

I then switch out my own bag for the large pack, noticing that it is indeed very heavy. 

While not enough to completely disable me, the size and weight are certainly affecting my balance and flexibility. I'll just have to hope that I don't need to use my sword style with this on, that would be a problem.

The potion bandolier holding health, mind, and stamina potions don't hamper my movements at all, though I can't do any crazy flips without ejecting some of the test-tube-shaped flasks.

And I don't want to get hit now as I highly doubt the potions would withstand much force.

"Feels good, obviously it harshly limits my fighting prowess, but I won't be doing any of that with this stuff on, will I?"

"Nah, although, do remember that if you need to defend yourself, get rid of the pack immediately. This stuff means nothing in front of your life, or the life of our companions, ok?"

Seeing her serious expression, I give her an equally serious nod in response.

"All right, now let's get you familiar with the pack. At the bottom of the pack is the camping equipment, with tents, cooking appliances, and that stuff, it's at the bottom since we won't ever be in a rush to get it out and we will be taking stock of our equipment every night. Next is-"

The next few minutes consisted of me getting acquainted with the equipment in the pack, including food, items for various scenarios, spare weapons, and other miscellaneous things that either will or might be needed during the expedition.

Another thing I learned is that looking into the pack is a very weird view, seeing the distortion between the size outside and inside the pack directly it looks like a separate dimension starting from the pack's opening. Thankfully, putting my hand in the pack does not cause any strange phenomenon.

"-and that's it. Congratulations, you are now an expert pack holder for the Astraea Familia. Though you likely won't be holding it once you start joining us as a proper member, as it's usually reserved for back-end fighters."

"Back-end fighters? Then why is Iska holding it for me?"

"Well, she is quite strong and speedy, so having the pack won't cause her to slow down much. As for her fighting capabilities, she won't need to fight until you start being a supporter, just don't think too hard about it."

I see, it seems that even with me being Lyra's assistant for a while and helping her prepare for expeditions, I still have lots to learn. The thought fills me with excitement.

I then put on the pack and bandolier before exiting the room, seeing Lyra's questioning glance, I decided to answer her unasked question.

"Even if Iska is taking it first, the least I can do is take it to the entrance."

"Ah, I see, don't tire yourself out though, we'll be sprinting to the 18th floor after all."

Like that the Familia gathered downstairs before heading to the dungeon entrance. We also said our goodbyes to Mother Astraea and Haru as they had their own things to do.

Reaching the entrance to the dungeon, we see the Loki Familia finishing their preparations, from the crowding around their Pallum captain, it seems that Finn had just finished a speech about the upcoming expedition.

Loki Familia, a Familia with a collection of many respectable adventurers, most being level 3's with some level 4's, many of these adventurers are young and filled with potential. 

Particularly Ais Wallenstein the Sword Princess being level 4 and holding the previous record for fastest level up before I broke it, the Amazon twins Toina and Tione Hiryute who became level 4's a month ago, and finally Bete Loga, a high-level 3 looking to level up in the fight against Udaeus in this expedition.

While their potential is great, the reason the Loki Familia is viewed as a top adventuring Familia is due to their top executives, Finn Deimne, Riveria Ljos Alf, and Gareth Landrock, all three experienced and skilled level 6 adventurers, with Finn being the sharpest strategist in Orario.

Walking towards the gathering, Alise, Kaguya, and Lyra step up to talk to Finn, likely confirming the time we depart for the expedition. I take this time to give the pack and bandolier to Iska, while also thanking her for taking it.

Looking over at the leaders' conversation, I see Alise point me out as Finn stares at me with interest. 

Uh oh, I have a feeling that something troublesome is going to happen.

I then look behind where Ryuu and Celty are both fidgeting with their sword and staff respectively, eager to begin the expedition.

"Hey, girls? Why is the captain of the Loki Familia looking at me like that?"

Ryuu peers over my shoulder with her eyes widening slightly before returning to her stoic expression.

"I would guess that is because you're the new record holder and he's eager to see you in action. As for the staring, I'm afraid that you're about to have bigger problems."

Curious about the supposed 'bigger problems', I look back and see the three Loki Familia executives and Ais heading my way along with Alise, Kaguya, and Lyra trailing behind.

Why? All I wanted was a nice, calm expedition with my lovely Familia, proving myself while also seeing the strength I need to reach to stand beside them. 

Accepting my fate, I send a smile to the Loki Familia members who are now standing in front of me. Looking down, meet the gaze of Finn, seeing the glimmer of curiosity and intelligence.

Scary, it's even worse than Lyra.

Is this normal for all Pallums?

"Nice to finally meet you, Sirius of the Astraea Familia. Quite an amazing achievement to level up within 5 months, I hope to see your capabilities in this expedition."

"U-Uhh, good to meet you too, Braver, I hope to learn from your experience."

"Haha, call me Finn, so I hear you're joining the front lines until the 27th floor? Quite an exciting way to see new floors. What floors have you explored so far?"

I look to Alise and Lyra for approval, both giving me a nod in return.

"Currently I'm exploring the 15th floor alone, I hope that my team fighting develops during this expedition."

The group widens their eyes at my words, I suppose it is quite surprising for an early level 2 to go that deep, especially since teams are common after the 12th floor.

Ais in particular seems staring deep into my soul. Although my memories are foggy of the young girl, I believe she really hates monsters and wants to get stronger quickly. 

I guess she's jealous? No, it seems more like she wants to know my secret.

Well, too bad, I don't think just anyone can get Heroic Will, Mother Astraea said that it's a unique skill after all, good luck little Ais.

Finn is the first to break out of his daze.

"Well, I knew you were special from your level-up speed, but it seems I still had room to be surprised. I'm excited to witness your progress firsthand during this ex-"

"The fuck? Is this the weakling whose going all the way with us?"

The previously cheerful mood shatters at the interruption.

Members of my Familia narrow their eyes, especially Ryuu, upon hearing the rude and vulgar words.

Meanwhile, the Loki Familia all wear expressions of resignation, with Riveria going as far as to facepalm.

Turning to the voice, we see a grey-haired Werewolf with a blue tattoo on his cheek, completing his irritated expression.

Bete Loga, the 18-year-old high level 3 expecting to level up during this expedition.

Although I tower over my Familia standing at 5'10, I still have to look up to receive his glare head-on.

"What the hell is this weakling doing here? At least the other level 2's know their place and are stopping after the 28th floor. But this bastard thinks he can join us just cuz he levelled up a little faster? Pathetic."

Finn takes a deep, calming breath before turning to the side to face the irate Werewolf.

"Bete, stop. There is no need to cause this discourse, especially before such an important expedition."

"Huh? Captain, look at him, he's standing next to all these girls as a level 2, don't you think it's pathetic? Just waiting to be protected, and by a bunch of girls no less. Don't ya have any shame? Huh?"

I open my mouth to refute my words before stopping and looking down at the ground.

I shouldn't cause an argument with another Familia, especially before such an important expedition. 

It's fine if we end up having bad blood, after all, we'll never be fighting together nor would it ever be important if it does happen. So I should just let this pass, going any further may cause a dispute between the Familias, which would be inexcusable.

And also, he's right.

He's right, dammit!

I know I'm fucking weak you dumb beast! Why do you think I'm trying so hard to get stronger? Huh!?

I'm trying to keep up, just give me a fucking chance.

Riveria then speaks up as the first to get over the group's momentary shock.

"Bete! Stop this instant, push it any further and you will receive punishment!"

"Huh!? Stop defending this weakling, Riveria! He'll just cause us a load of trouble on the deeper floors! He hasn't even been down there, has he? Ya know, I read his level-up report, getting a Familia at 15, not even other Familias wanted yo-"

Before he could continue Alise, Kaguya, and Ryuu step forward and draw their swords toward Bete, emitting a pressure enough to turn heads in our direction.

Kaguya then speaks up in a cold tone.

"Say another word, mutt."

Bete seems to consider his next actions while the Loki executives contemplate whether to defend their Familia member or let him reap what he sows, knowing that he's in no real danger, they choose the latter.

"Tch, whatever. Hey weakling, do you feel good needing to be protected by them, huh?"

"Bete! Leave this instant, for the next week these are your comrades, refrain from souring your relations with them further."

Bete then huffs at his captain's words before walking back towards the main Loki Familia group.

Finn then turns towards our Familia who all are wearing bitter and annoyed expressions, particularly Alise, Kaguya, and Ryuu seem particularly enraged.

"I apologize for my fellow Familia's words. He is, as you can tell, not the greatest of conversationalists, but I can assure you his temper will not inconvenience us in the dungeon."

Alise thinks for a moment before sheathing her sword and breathing a deep sigh.

"Haa, just ensure that doesn't happen again in the dungeon. Anyways, as we were saying before, we should start-"

Their conversation fades in the wind as I look up to see Ryuu staring at me with an expression of kindness and worry. 

"Sirius, don't take that idiot's words seriously. You already know how much we appreciate you being with us, you are no weakling, which is why we took you on this expedition."

I look back into her eyes as I unconsciously break out into a smile. Where did that shy Elf from earlier this morning go to, huh?

"Thanks, Ryuu, it didn't bother me that much, I just, it sucks knowing that he's partially right, I should be stronger before-"


I stumble to regain my footing as the numbness on my cheek fades away to reveal a stinging pain on my cheek.

"How many times do we have to go through this conversation, Sirius? Stop belittling yourself, believe in yourself as I do."

Taking a deep breath, I calm down my slightly rampant emotions.

"Haa, and I keep telling you that I do believe in myself, I just wish I could be faster. But you're right, I should stop this. Thank you once again, Ryuu."

I give her a light smile which she returns. Feeling a trickle of liquid fall down my nose, I wipe it to reveal a smear of blood on my hand.

"But Ryuu, did you have to hit me that hard?"

She shows a confused expression with a cute head tilt, before realizing what I meant as more blood leaves my nose.

Rushing over to me with an embarrassed expression, she casts her healing magic Noah Heal to fix my bloody nose. After the healing, she looks up at me with a guilty face, her hands still holding my face.

"I-I'm sorry, Sirius. I didn't mean to hit you that hard."

Seeing her cute and shy demeanour return, I begin to unconsciously laugh at her expense.

"Hahaha, no need to worry, I needed that wake-up call, didn't I? And I don't mind getting some training in for my endurance stat."

She returns my smile, seemingly calming down before looking to where her hands are still resting on my cheeks, her face exploding in a blush.

Before I could take advantage of the situation to tease her further, Finn announces to both Familias the start of the expedition.

Making my way to the front of the group, where I will be facing the monsters as the vanguard, a new fire of determination burns within me.

Originally, I only had the goal to learn of the deeper floors and further my experience, but after that altercation earlier, I have another goal, to surpass even my own Familias expectations and show everyone that I deserve to stand with the other girls, especially to that bastard Bete.

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