Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 32 – Talks and Union

After Ryuu accepted my proposal, cementing our relationship, her previously confident charisma crumpled, turning her into a blushing, stuttering mess.

That's the cute Ryuu I know.

Now it was time for the second hurdle of a relationship such as this after actually forming the throuple.

Breaking the news to the Familia.

At least we already have the blessing of Mother Astraea, but how will the girls react to this?

Will the dynamic of the Familia be shaken?

Will Celty be uncomfortable being in a team with us three?

Will they... hate me? Distrust me?

How will they react to me tainting their beautiful Elf and cheerful captain?

I'm broken out of my thoughts by both of my hands being grabbed, Ryuu and Alise holding one each and looking at me with a tinge of worry.

Alise gives me a small squeeze before talking.

"Sirius, it's going to be fine."

"H-Huh? I don't know what you-"

"You're worried about how the girls will react, no? If they'll loathe you?"

I avert my eyes as she had seen right through me.

Wasn't she supposed to be a happy-go-lucky airhead?

"Listen, they trust you, and not so little that they'd completely change their view of you without knowing anything. I'm sure they'll ask some questions but don't have so little faith in them. Besides, they've come to care for you just as much. So let's face them, together."

Growing a smile at her words, I open the door to the common room, finding the entire Familia situated around the room.

At our entrance, silence floods the room as everyone turns their heads toward the three of us.

Some have their eyes widen in shock and some grow knowing smiles as they all notice our interlaced hands.

While Haru tilts her head to the side in confusion, unaware of the reason for the sudden quiet.

Here goes nothing.

"Ara? I expected it to take a little longer, but it seems that you three work awfully fast."

Bringing our attention to Kaguya, we tilt our heads in curiosity, causing her to burst out laughing.

"Fufufu! Did you seriously think we didn't know your feelings toward each other?"

Looking around the room, all the girls break out into a chorus of giggles, no signs of the wariness that I was expecting.

Ryuu then speaks up.

"K-Kaguya, w-what do you mean!?"

Kaguya then gets up from her seat with a huff.

"Seriously? You three are not as secretive as you think, even without Ryuu knowing herself. Even you Alise, no matter how much you try, you didn't honestly think you could hide your feelings from your best friend?"

Now standing in front of us, she shares a caring smile, a rarity coming from her.

"Compared to the deceitful nobles that plagued my homeland, you three are as easy to see through as glass. Well, I am happy the two of you have found your love, you're already 19 after all Alise."

After that, the girls of the Familia all surrounded Alise and Ryuu, talking about... girl things, I guess, and complementing Ryuu's engagement bracelet.

I guess I chose a good one?

While they had their fun, I decided to take my leave, heading towards the kitchen where I made good on my promise to myself and poured myself a glass of alcohol.

According to the bottle, it's a honey-flavoured bourbon-like alcohol, made by the Aegir Familia a little way out of Orario.


Leaning against the island while taking a sip, I feel the comforting burn slide down my throat as I try to expel all the accumulated stress from today.

Mmm, it's good, I might have to get myself a personal bottle.


My slight smile instantly turns flat as I see Kaguya make her way toward me, her wide smile reminiscent of our first training sessions.

Well, shit.

"Y-Yes Kaguya?"

She then grabs the bottle, pours herself a glass and leans against the counter next to me, taking a sizeable drink before starting her talk.

"Fuu. Hey, Sirius. What do you know about Alise and Ryuu's past?"

"Uhh, I know that Ryuu was from an important family in a forest called Ryumilia. After seeing the Elves' behaviour towards other races, she became disgusted at her race, to the point where she left her forest because of it. Then she met Mother Astraea, became a warrior of justice, and slowly removed the racism that her homeland imprinted upon her."

"Hmm, good enough. And Alise?"

"I-I'm not sure, I don't think she's talked about her past at all."

"To be expected. Well, Alise was from a common village you would see anywhere outside Orario, when she was young, her parents died to thieves. From this, she started pondering the meaning of justice and dedicated herself to searching for it. Eventually finding herself with Mother Astraea and all of us. I won't divulge anymore, as that's for her to say, but I want to make it clear to you."

Turning her head toward me, I meet her eyes head-on.

"They are both girls who are hesitant to let people truly into their hearts, and you've become one of them, maybe even closer than me with time. So don't misuse that trust. You've been good for them, helping Ryuu discover emotions that were held back by her traditions, allowing Alise to be more selfish with her feelings and not be alone. But if you hurt them, we'll have a problem. Understood?"

Keeping my gaze firm and clear, conveying my determination the best I can.

"I promise. I love them both, and I would never wish to hurt them."

Silence follows my declaration as we continue to stare into each others' eyes before she turns away and downs her entire glass.

"Good. Well, I think Alise is jealous of Ryuu's bracelet, so I would suggest getting on that soon."

She then takes her leave, heading back to the group of girls.

Wiping the cold sweat that had formed on my brow, I refill my drink before making my way outside.

I guess it's another morning of errands tomorrow.

----- 1 Day Later -----

Walking through the streets of Orario filled with merchants and stalls, I feel a sense of deja-vu.

After all, I had already visited this place yesterday to get Ryuu's bracelet.

Now for a ring.

Thankfully, Kaguya had given me a small wooden rod to simulate her ring size, so that wouldn't be an issue, nor would money.

Just need to find the right one, though, from the fact I'd already been searching for three hours, it seems like a tough ask.

I found a few rings that would be acceptable, but all of them didn't fit.

Entering another shop, it is on the smaller side, I notice that it specializes in jewelry.

Perfect, now please, please have a good ring that fits.

Looking over the various wears, I see two identical rings.

A plain gold band and a single radiant red teardrop-shaped gem encased in a decorative setting.



Pulling out the sizing rod, I find the first ring doesn't fit much to my disappointment.

Trying the second one, it slides down the rod with the slightest resistance.

A perfect fit.

Excited that my long search has finally come to an end, I quickly purchase the ring, becoming 35,000 valis poorer.

Returning home, I spot Ryuu reading in the common room, Alise close to her side.

Huh, I wonder if their communal baths and their sharing a tent will become weird now.

Oh well, not my problem.

Or maybe it is?

Hmm... I think we need to talk a little more anyway.

Now standing in front of Alise, she's looking at me with a questioning gaze, wondering where I have been since last night and why I'm in front of her like this.

Well, no time like the present.

Kneeling down, I take her hand while adorning her finger with the newly purchased ring.

"You should already know the lengthy speech I gave last night was directed to both of you, so I'll keep it short. Alise, I love you, will you spend the rest of your life with me?"

Pulling her hand back to examine the ring, I see her face has been dyed crimson, and a giddy smile formed.

"Of course I do, silly! Oh, it's beautiful! And the perfect size too!"

Widening her arms, I comply with her unspoken request and give her a deep hug, Ryuu being pulled in as well.

Holding the two, I notice some things I haven't before.

Like how Alise smells slightly like a smokey fireplace, with a slight chestnut note as well.

While Ryuu has a sweet, floral aroma, with a hint of apple.

I... should probably stop before I get labelled as something perverted.

But wow, my girlfriends- no, fiances I guess. 

Anyways, they smell really good.


A forced cough breaks up our collective daze, causing us to separate from our warm embrace.

Not allowing the embarrassment to set it, I call out to the two.

"Hey, Ryuu, Alise, can we head out to the garden to talk?"

Receiving two nods, I make my way outside, walking the familiar stone path.

Sitting on a hammock, the two girls then find their own seats, Alise laying on another hammock while Ryuu sits on the fence of the gazebo.

"Well... I guess we have a lot to talk about and to learn about each other. Of course, we'll learn more about each other naturally as we continue our relationship, but we should start. Anything you'd like to ask me?"

Taking a moment of contemplation, Ryuu then speaks up.

"Well... what's your favourite colour?"


Alise and I descend into a fit of giggles with the innocence of her question, causing Ryuu to puff out her cheeks in a pout.

"What!? Can I not know the favourite colour of my h-husband!?"

Alice responds.

"It's not that Ryuu, it was just too cute and innocent."

Nodding my head in agreement, I ponder my answer to the question.

"Hmm, favourite colour? I would have to say it's a tie between red-"

I glance over to Alise, causing her to raise her eyebrow.

"-and blue."

I then stare pointedly into Ryuu's eyes.

It takes a moment for the two to recognize my flattery, causing their faces to flare up in a blush.

Alise quickly calms her embarrassment, facing me with a slight frown.

"Very funny, Sirius, but answer the question."

I never noticed before just how pretty her emerald-green eyes are. 

I'm glad this all worked out like it has, especially now that I can appreciate her beauty without feeling unfaithful.

"Umm, I'd say turquoise is my favourite, followed by sky blue and then red. But I think a good combination is prettier."

And so, we learned more and more about each other.

How Ryuu has an intense fear of ants, yet for some reason is fine fighting Killer Ants in the dungeon.

How Alise had dreamed of being an artist before becoming an adventurer in her pursuit of justice.

Such trivial things that are important for a thriving and healthy relationship.

Eventually, the topic started to fall into one concerning our relationship.

"So, Ryuu, Sirius. What are we going to do for last names? I know that usually, the woman takes the man's family name, but since Sirius doesn't have one..."

Having already thought of this issue, I share the conclusion I'd found.

"I don't mind you keeping your last names, but for me, I wanted to use a combination of both of yours. So, I'd become Sirius Lovion, Lov from Lovell and ion from Lion, cool right?"

The two smile at my words, Alice leaning back into the hammock.

"'Lovion', huh? I like it. I think I'd be fine using both my last name and Lovion interchangeably. What about you, Ryuu?"

The Elf twirls a lock of hair around her finger, a small blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Mmm, I think I'd do the same. 'Lovion' would be a good last name for children too."


The fuck!?

I'd be lying if I hadn't imagined what my kids would look like with the two of them, but who knew Ryuu, that Ryuu, was so bold as to take it a step further and outright say it!

Is this just part of her innocence? 

Yeah, it must be.

I don't want to think that by forming our relationship she's somehow awakened her erotic side.

Actually... maybe that's not so bad?

"R-Ryuu! Don't say such things you-you lewd Elf!"

"Huh? What do you mean, Alise?"

"What do you mean 'what do you mean'? Talking about children like that so soon, aren't you missing a step?"

Ryuu takes a moment to interpret Alise's subtle implication before standing up with a start, sputtering denials.


Yep, there's the innocent and bashful Elf I've come to love.

Eventually calming down, we get into the discussion of our marriage.

This relationship would be going way too fast for Earth's standards.

But, well, this isn't Earth.

With the volatility of this world, paired with the fact that we are all sure of our love, have lived together for a year, and already trust each other with our lives, well, there's not really anything impeding the speed of our union.

Especially given the fact that 'dating' isn't a well-known phenomenon over here, especially not for Elves.

But it's fine.

It'll be fine.



Weddings aren't as big of a fiasco as I'm used to, big ceremonies and parties only being done for royalty and such important figures.

For adventurers like us, our engagement was essentially our marriage.

The official ceremony is observed by close family in a very informal setting.

Like a baby shower or a birthday.

Oh yeah, birthdays!

They... don't really do those over here.

Only being done for ages 2, 8, and 15. 

Corresponding to when you can rest assured that the child will survive at the age of 2, when most children start working their first jobs at 8, and when one becomes an adult at 15.

Yeah... child labour is a slight yikes in this world.

At least slavery is banned!

Although, that's not really asking a lot.

I'm getting side-tracked.

Our wedding, official marriage ceremony, whatever, would be held in a week.

Essentially a day for food, drink, and fun.

Thankfully, there's no bedding ceremony here, because I'm not sure we're ready for it.

Especially not Ryuu.

Looking over, I glance at her face which had been flaring red ever since the start of this conversation.

Yeah... definitely not ready.

Oh shit!

How the hell was the first 'bedding ceremony' gonna work!?

While I was confident in my skills under the sheets, that was only with one girl.

Know what? 

That's something for future Sirius to deal with.

For now, I'm just gonna spend the week training and getting to know more about my new... wives.

Jeez, just thinking that sends a shiver of pleasure down my spine.

I've also noticed that the Familia has been getting bored, very bored.

Ever since Evilus had been eradicated and Orario had healed from the Great Feud, the Familia has had a lot less to do in terms of protecting the city.

Which is great! 

Knowing that the city is safe is the goal after all.

But... they're still bored.

Maybe it's time I flex my otherworldly knowledge and bring some games and sports over here.

After all, the entertainment in Orario rests mostly on sex, booze, and gambling.

Not something that the girls would partake in.

Hmm, maybe soccer? 

Basketball? Field hockey?

Yeah, those three activities should keep me busy until I get my armour back and can return to the dungeon.

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