Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 33 – A Week and Marriage

Waiting in front of the door, the scent of iron wafts up my nose, accompanied by the familiar sound of metal hammering on metal.

It has been a week since I brought my armour in for maintenance and commissioned a new dagger and now they should both be ready so I can return to the dungeon.

This means it has also been a week since the start of my - very sudden - three-way relationship, and that our casual marriage ceremony will be happening tomorrow.

...So no dungeon just yet.

In the past week, the three have us have slowly worked passed the embarrassment and shock, becoming more comfortable in each other's presence.

Though for Alise and Ryuu are still having trouble going back to normal.

Their normal being Alise glomping over Ryuu whenever possible, even during their communal baths.

I guess the casual intimacy changing from being between very close friends to lovers is a tough hurdle to overcome.

Yeah, them going back to normal might take a little while.

Though we have been holding hands when possible, and sitting next to each other in our down times and meals.

Which... isn't a lot. But it's a start.

Damn, balancing a comfortable level of intimacy between two people is hard enough.


One being a pure, innocent Elf?

Yeah, even harder.

As for my training, I can now proudly run while chanting.

Seems like slow progress, but according to Ryuu it usually takes people a month at least to get to my point.

Though the motivation to make my new wife proud has surely helped my growth.

Soon, I'll be able to add fighting into the mix, which is much, much harder.

While everyone in the Astraea Familia can concurrently chant, that is only to the level of evasion, only Ryuu, Alise, Kaguya, and Neze can fight while concurrently chanting, being masters of the skill.

And I have a feeling I might be able to take it a step further, doing something unheard of in this age of Orario.

Simultaneous casting.

Though there are rare skills where one can save up a chant, releasing two magics at once, with Celestial Ascent being chantless, and me being able to naturally use it in combat, I have a feeling I can use both magic at once.

Separating the mind into the two magics, I have no idea how that will work, but I have a feeling I can do it.

Well, let's focus on being able to fight normally while chanting without adding any more complications.

I also invented the game of soccer in this world.

Building a cheap, wooden goal on the training ground, purchasing a leather ball meant for children, and dragging the Familia out to learn the game.

At first, it was rough.

Very rough.

The first time one of the girls kicked the ball, Iska's level 4 strength instantly destroyed it.

Predicting this outcome, I bought some extra balls before.

And from then on, our very unskilled, supernatural game of soccer began, with everyone lowering their strength to level 1 to not break anything.

Haru particularly enjoyed it, leading me and Maryuu to show our new activity to Maria's orphanage.

All in all, a good way to pass the time.

With all these activities, including training Haru when she wanted, my hobbies had taken a back seat.

Sorry, Mr. Lyre.

Interrupting my internal monologue, the door opens to reveal Dvalin in all of his Dwarven, sweaty glory.

"Ah, you're here kid. Finished your Stellar Spirit Liberation Armour last night."

He then reaches off to the side, bringing the familiar black armour into view.

Oh, how I've missed you.

"Yep, her frayed arm's all patched up. I even upgraded some of the platings after hearin about your level-up. Here ya go."

"Thank you Dvalin. What's the pay?"

Checking over the armour, I see that the platings over the chest and thigh have a slight green gleam to them under the light.

"Eh, the Crystal Mantis drops you gave me are enough. High-quality materials for armours, those are. Well, see ya later."

He then unceremoniously closes the door in my face.

Yup, that's Dvalin for you.

Packing the armour into my bag, I then make my way back home, breathing deeply to take in the morning air as I walk through the bustling street, detecting the scents of various stalls selling their breakfast meals and snacks.

Near perfect weather, this jovial and peaceful atmosphere, and two extremely beautiful girls to come home to.

Mmm, this is the life.

After walking back home, I enter the common room to see Asta and Noin looking over a map of the dungeon.

"What're you two doing?"

"Hm? Ah, Sirius. We're gonna head to the dungeon soon for some training, the guild wanted some herbs from the 24th floor, so we might as well make some extra valis while we're there. Don't worry, we won't be leaving until after your ceremony."

"I see. Just you two?"

"We don't wanna hear that from you, Mr. Lone Wolf. Anyway, I think the dagger from the Guibniu Familia got here, Lyra took it to the office."

"Oh sweet! Thanks, Asta."

Heading over to the office, I see Lyra writing in a binder.

Most likely going over the expenses of the Familia.

"Hey, Lyra, I heard that my dagger got here?"

Looking up from her work, she gives me a nod before pointing to the table with her pen.

"Right over there. Its name is 'Starlight' and you also owe me 1,200,000 valis."

Oof, that's quite a price.

"Be glad, that's a good dagger, probably among the best in Orario. It's second class and it has the Durandal enchantment."

Taking the dagger, I pull it out of its sheath, revealing a beautiful vibrant blue blade, glowing slightly.

Taking the dagger, I pull it out of its sheath, revealing a beautiful vibrant blue blade, glowing slightly

Scraping my fingernail, I can tell that the blade is super sharp on both sides and the tip.

The Guibniu Familia way is combining practicality and beauty in their craftsmanship, and this definitely fits the bill.

But how the hell is it a glowing blue?

"Oy, Lyra. How is a knife made from a white Goliath Tooth a vibrant blue?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know? I'm not a smith! Go out and train or something, or spend some time with your wives. Soon to be that is."

Taking my leave, I hurry to my room, hanging my armour on the armour stand I had bought a couple of days ago for cheap.

Following Ryuu's example, I tie my sheathed dagger around my leg to be ready for combat at a moment's notice.

Although we had never been attacked in the Stardust Garden, it's better to be safe than sorry.

Heading downstairs and entering the training ground, I decided to acquaint myself with my new weapon. 

Unsheathing the dagger, I inspect the mesmerizing blue blade.

'Starlight', huh?

I wonder if they named it that from my alias.

They had to have, right?

Putting such idle thoughts behind me, I start going through a multitude of movements, ensuring that they are fluid and my breathing is steady.

For daggers, the combat is identical to hand-to-hand, except it's done while holding said dagger.

Focusing on the fleetness of foot and freedom of movement, precise strikes are vital to deal damaging attacks with such a small blade.

Hmm, it's tough to train properly like this without a partner, maybe I could drag Haru out here?

Her technique and strength have been growing at a constant pace, and while I'd need to lower my strength to her level, she's better than nothing.

It'd help her train as well.

With my new strength and healing magic from becoming level 3, I'm now able to join the Familia in expeditions as an actual member. 

Meaning Haru is gonna be the only one left behind.

Understandably, she's not satisfied with her current level of strength, thus she's always itching to train and improve.

Even without accounting for her broken magic, she'll get strong.

Ah, but she's back in the dungeon today, isn't she?

She recently made a new friend belonging to the Dian Cecht Familia, who needs to level up to get a development ability to aid in their healing.

Airmid, I think her name was. 

Nice girl.

Thus, they've occasionally gone to the dungeon as a party to get stronger, trying out deeper floors to get stronger.

Arcing the blade of Starlight through the air, cutting into the neck of the imaginary opponent, my left hand begins to twitch, begging to have some action.

Hmm, maybe I could duel-wield daggers?

But it's not supposed to actually be used in combat, as pretty as the blade is.

It's only meant to be a last resort.

Ah, but Infinite Eclipse would be quite useless in tight quarters.

Maybe I should look into short swords later?

I do like the swiftness of shorter blades as an option.

Thought for later.

For now, it's time for training.

I should add in some concurrent chanting practice while I'm here too.

----- 1 Day Later -----

Buttoning up the collar of my dress shirt, I take a look in the mirror.

Black dress pants with a red belt looping around the waist holding Starlight at my side, a white dress shirt along with a red tie wrapped around my neck, and a black blazer with a white flower in the chest pocket.

This is one of the few times wearing my formal outfit, and I have to say, it looks good.

Especially as I've grown slightly more mature since arriving in this world.

My jaw more chiselled, my eyes sharper.

A face much more handsome compared to how I grew on Earth.

That's not even mentioning my charming white hair, clear skin devoid of acne, and my defined frame.

Is this the true blessing of the falna?

No wonder all the girls here are hot.

...and thank the gods Alise and Ryuu don't have mind-reading skills.

Picking up the wooden pendant of the Astraea Familia insignia, I give it a quick overview for any damages before putting it under my dress shirt.

It's taken quite a beating from the multiple battles we've gone through together, it might be time for an upgrade.

Tussling my hair, I take one last look in the mirror before making my downstairs, where the entire Familia is congregating.

A very informal wedding, the only action needed to 'officialize' the marriage being for me to kiss both of the girls' hands, Alise doing the same to me and Ryuu, returning the gesture Ryuu had done to both me and Alise when I proposed.

Yeah, very simple.

That being an Elven tradition, for humans, there isn't even an officializing action, just announcing 'Hey guys, we're married now, yay!'.

Entering the common room, I'm greeted by the tables lined with alcohol, juice, and various foods.

Placing down a plate of... is that chicken?

Well, some kind of meat, Lyra then turns toward me.

"Sirius! Finally, I was wondering when you would show up. Wow! At least you put that time to good use!"

Already feeling the warmth from wearing two layers inside, I pull on my collar before responding.

"Well, let's just say there's a reason I don't dress up much. Shit's stuffy as hell. Besides, I don't need these preppy clothes to look good."

She deadpans in response, the only hint of emotion on her face being her raised eyebrow.

Ouch! Don't look at me like that!

"Haa, whatever. How's you're training going? Used to your new level yet?"

"Yep. Just need to get better at concurrent chanting so I can use it as Ryuu does. I've also been meaning to ask Maryuu for some help with healing magic. How to know when someone needs it, how much healing they need, et cetera."

"Hmm. Well, if you want some experience, the hospital is always open to more healers. That's how Maryuu has gotten so good, she goes there at least once a week. Talk to her about it."

"Thanks, I think I will."

I spent the next few minutes mingling around with the girls of the Familia.

Not having seen Kaguya or Mother Astraea, I can only assume they're with Ryuu and Alise.

I was also able to ask Maryuu about joining her at the hospital, which she accepted ecstatically.

She's very passionate about healing, seeing as she started rambling about various conditions and injuries that she saw this week.

Eventually, I heard a loud squeal while simultaneously sensing four people enter the room.

Turning around, I bore witness to two of the most beautiful girls I had ever seen, surpassing even our resident goddess.

Sorry, Mother Astraea.

Ryuu in a green ball gown style dress, fit snugly around her upper half, accentuating her flawless figure and her unexpectedly bountiful... assets.

While below her waist, the dress transforms into a loose silhouette, capturing the essence of her natural purity and innocence.

A modest piece, but that only further showcases her natural beauty.

Sky blue gems fixed onto her fairy-like face, cheeks slightly red from her natural blush, and her golden hair set in a singular braid.


Looking to her side, I see Alise wearing a red qi pao, decorated with numerous white and gold flowers.

A single toned yet elastic thigh, peeking through the slit on her side, drawing my eyes upwards to her stunning outline until my gaze finally rests on her adorable face.

Emerald eyes flutter slightly while she twirls a strand of her crimson hair around her finger, being sure not to mess up her bun in the process.

Two beauties that surpassed any other woman's appearance by a hundredfold.

And they're both in love with me... and each other.

An emotion, stronger than anything else overcomes me.

A turbulent mix of excitement, happiness, thankfulness, lust, and many other feelings related to joy, love, and affection.

If I could describe it in one word?


"Alise, Ryuu... You two look amazing."

They both sport wide smiles, Kaguya and Mother Astraea behind them smirking with pride.

"Thank you, Sirius, you look good too."

Ryuu then steps forward, holding her hand out to me.

"Well, no need to wait any longer."

Taking her hand as well as Alise's, I give a questioning glance to Ryuu.

"Uhh, I don't know what I'm supposed to say."

Bringing her other hand to cover her mouth, she chuckles lightly before responding.

"You don't say anything. Simply accept our hands, signifying our eternal bond being formed."

Surprised at just how unceremonious this all is, I take both of their hands and bring them up to my mouth, kissing both lightly.

Right after, Alise does the same, her cheeks growing a red blush all the while.

After Alise finishes her... acceptance?

Yeah, acceptance.

Ryuu then takes both of our hands, pushing our palms together while interlacing our fingers.

"It is now official, h-husband, w-wife."

Ah, so her composure eventually cracked.

It's impressive that she held out this long.

Her ears slowly grow red while she tilts her head down as the room erupts into a collective cheer.

Lyra then brings us each a glass of alcohol on a platter.

"Congrats, I wish you all an everlasting relationship, blah blah blah. Fuck that, it's time to celebrate! And with how much this all cost, you all better enjoy it, hear me!?"

And so, a night of chaos and entertainment started, marking the true beginning of my romance.

----- 3 Hours Later -----

Now sitting on a cushion, basking under the soft moonlight, I smile as I feel the cool nighttime breeze roll across my skin.

With the pleasant chill calming my emotions, I look back on how fast everything happened.

In a week, Ryuu and I went from natural flirting to married, and Alise, a girl I had been unconsciously in love with, also joined us, forming the extremely bizarre relationship we have now.

Even back on Earth, the closest to marriage I had gotten was a two-year relationship.

Although I'm not worried about it now working out... I am slightly nervous about making mistakes.

I just hope that Kaguya and Mother Astraea will be there to save us from any blunders.

I hear the door from the common room open, breaking me out of my thoughts.

A beat later, a very obviously drunk Ryuu stumbles towards me, being supported by Alise.

Noticing the flushed cheeks on the redhead, I can guess that she's buzzed too.

"Siriuuuuus~, why'd you come out here~?"

Escaping Alise's hold, she saunters over to me before collapsing into my lap, nuzzling her head into my neck.

Despite the intimate position, my lust is overshadowed by endearment at how cute my little Elf looks.

Although the same can't be said for Alise.



Chuckling lightly at their interaction, I pat the open spot beside me.

"It's fine Alise. Here, come sit, it's really beautiful tonight."

Following my suggestion, she sits next to me, stretching her legs out while undoing her bun, letting her long red hair drape over her shoulders.

"F-hic-fine, only because it'll be funny to see how she is in the morning."

Settling into silence, I gaze up at the night sky, so very similar to my own.

Soon enough, the silence is broken by Alise, speaking in a sincere tone.

"It feels a little surreal, all of this."

Feeling her head lean onto my shoulder, I tilt my neck sideways, giving her a more comfortable position.

"Mmm, I feel the same. Though I really like it. It feels like a dream. Did you have any dreams of romance when you were little?"

Pressing her body closer to my side and bringing her legs onto the cushion, she then responds after a small laugh.

"No, not at all. When I first came to Orario, and even up until the Great Feud, I was only obsessed with finding what justice was. Only after I found the answer did I start to explore other things in life."

"Oh? Well, what was your first thought on love- oh, she fell asleep."

Noticing the even breaths, I tilt my head down, seeing Ryuu curled up on my lap, resting her head against my arm, a strand of hair caught between her grinning lips.

Brushing the loose strand aside with a smile, Alise then answers my question.

"Hmm, well I guess I was like Ryuu. I didn't know what love or anything was at first. The only thing I noticed was that around Ryuu, I felt warm, tingly. It was weird at first, but eventually, I talked to some people who had partners and learned what that feeling was."

Hesitantly wrapping my arm around her side, my heart skips a beat as she holds onto my hand, pulling my arm snugly around her waist.

"And don't even get me started on how weird it was loving a girl. Everyone I had talked to was a man and a woman, I was even a little scared."

"I'd imagine, but I guess it all worked out in the end."

A tingle goes down my spine as she nuzzles her head further into the crook of my neck.

"Mmm, it sure did."

Feeling her soft breaths skate across my skin, I feel my blood start to rush down to a very special place, currently being pressed against my lovely Elven wife.

Attempting to mask the signs of my arousal, I try to continue the conversation.

"S-So tell me, what was the Familia like at the start?"


Looking down, I see that Alise's eyes are closed and a line of drool trickling down from the corner of her mouth.

She fell asleep.

Well, I guess that's one way to disguise it.

Now... how am I supposed to escape this without waking them up?

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