Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 34 – Escort Quest and Kiss

Standing opposite the two Spartoi that had broken through the front line, I ready my sword while drawing out stellar magic.

Effortlessly channelling the enchantment into my sword, I leap forward.

Anticipating my attack, the Spartoi raise their spears, aiming their jabs toward my chest in a swift motion.

Warding off both thrusts, I slide my blade alongside one of the shafts, leading my sword right into its neck, decapitating the monster.

One down.

Bending backward, I dodge the follow-up thrust from the remaining Spartoi.

Using its now vulnerable position to my advantage, I slash my blade forward at intense speeds, curing directly into its unprotected leg.

Falling forward due to the loss of balance, finishing off the monster is an easy feat.

Sliding my blade into its skull, the skeleton monster bursts into ash, leading me to dust off my sword before sheathing it.

"Nice job Sirius! We're nearly at the stairs now!"

Returning to the backline, I survey my fellow Familia members that are engaged in combat, I see that Asta seems to have some pain in her shoulder while Iska's leg is riddled with cuts.

Chanting Aqua Corona, I set both girls as targets as a trail of water shoots toward them both, the one going to Iska slightly larger.

Feeling the effects of the healing magic, Iska's speed and technique noticeably improve as her pain disappears.

Decapitating the final Peluda, she turns back and gives me a thumbs up.

"Thanks, Sirius!"

"No problem, and don't look away from a battle!"

Currently, we're on the 37th floor nearing the 38th on a quest given by the guild.

Having been three weeks since my marriage, I had gotten quite a bit of experience at the hospital along with some teaching from Maryuu regarding my healing magic.

Now able to identify injuries during a battle, I also learned how to accurately regulate the amount of mind spent on each target, leading to efficient and effective healing.

Hence my position in the backline.

Healing the Familia as they fight while also being ready to intercept any monsters that slip through the cracks, protecting the backline and the miners.

As for the miners, that relates to the quest we are on.

Needing some minerals from the Crystal Caves area located on floors 33 to 36, miners were tasked with collecting them but needed protection for delving so deep into the dungeon.

I can only speculate that we were specifically chosen by Ouranos to escort them due to knowing about the Juggernaut and its activation conditions, ensuring that we'll stop the miners from doing too much damage to the dungeon.

So that leads us to now, having already met half the quota, we'll be resting on the 38th floor before coming back, and hopefully, be done with the quest by the end of tomorrow.

As for my other skills that have grown these past three weeks, with dungeon exploration, I am now on the 23rd floor alone, and my stats growing a good amount to show for it.

Unfortunately, my progress with concurrent chanting has not advanced yet to the level I want.

While I can fight while doing it now, it hampers my combat ability too much to be useable just yet, but with my constant progress, I'll eventually get there.

My combat prowess as a whole though has improved more than I initially thought with my level up.

In short, Stellar Sword Style is a very good skill.

The enhanced combat instincts and spatial awareness, while subtle, essentially make me essentially immune to ambush and surprise attacks, being able to sense an attack before it hits me.

...unless it's too fast, but positive thoughts!

It also is incredibly useful in group battles, allowing me to make my enemies dance to my tune the more chaotic the environment, at least so long as my thoughts can keep up with my awareness, but the enhanced instincts help with that.

The final monster is eventually slain, courtesy of Celty's Ignis Tempestas, her wide-range fire magic, clearing the way to the stairway.

While Udaeus had been killed last week by the Loki Familia, with it no longer occupying the throne room, other monsters rushed to take its place, leaving us to deal with what is essentially a giant monster party to get through to the next floor.

I wonder what happens to the normal monsters when Udaeus respawns though, does it kick them out? Kill them? Maybe they flee off of instinct?

Following the girls to an area near a river, I overlook the scenery of the 38th floor.

A vast green plain, dotted with the occasional hill with a large river cutting the floor in two.

Pretty boring, but it's easy to spot any ambushes and there still is the crystal ceiling that cycles between day and night.

All in all, pretty good.

Though it's fairly jarring to not feel a trace of wind in such an open area.

Quickly setting up my one-man tent, I take a glance over to my side to see Alise and Ryuu assembling their own tent.

Their hands occasionally met during the process, where they'd then take a moment before separating.


As for our relationship, it's been going good, really good.

Although our intimacy is a very slow progress, there's no need to rush things as we have our entire lives to get more comfortable.

Still, I didn't want our affection to completely stagnate, so a few weeks ago I made an advance.

That being in the form of a small peck on the cheek and forehead on Alise and Ryuu respectively.

Completely innocent.

While done with romantic intentions, it's still an almost childlike form of physical affection.

...though from how Ryuu locked up, it seems that's not the case for her.

I had messed up slightly, a kiss on the forehead being a much more advanced sign of intimacy here than on Earth, so my innocent sign of love was not so innocent to them.

After learning such, I gave Alise the same treatment in order to not be misunderstood for having different levels of love, leaving her happily flustered.

With that debacle behind me, I decided to let the girls advance the relationship on their own terms, or I'd consult Mother Astraea before taking any action.

But it seems that my accidental leap in the level of intimacy set something off within my two wives, their comfort and want for physical attention rising a little every day.

Still only at the level of hand-holding, hugging, and holding, so not anything crazy.

But still, surprising progress for a reserved and pure Elf.

Taking one last look at the scenery, and noticing the group of miners assembling their giant shelter, I head towards the center of camp for dinner and to receive the night shift schedule.

----- Ryuu POV - 4 Hours Later -----

Nearing the end of our night shift, I look over to my shift partner, and wife, Alise.

While we still need to watch over the camps in safe zones due to other adventurers and monsters from the lower floors, such instances are extremely rare and we had no complications during our shift.

To relieve our boredom, the two of us talked about several different topics, having become even closer and more open with each other since our betrothal.

Eventually, the lull of the conversation transformed into a soothing silence, and we leaned into each other, enjoying each other's comforting warmth.

Leading to where we are now.

I never could've imagined I would obtain love as I have now, growing up in such a hateful place.

To find happiness with Mother and my Familia, and two loving loving spouses.

Yeah... I really am blessed.

Noticing that Alise then turns her head, her beautiful emerald eyes meeting with mine.

The false moonlight cast an ethereal glow onto her gorgeous features.

Beautiful crimson hair, still slightly damp from the quick wash a while ago, a delicate button nose, rosy cheeks, sharp eyebrows, soft pink lips.

Getting more lost in my daze, a deep, searing heat grows from my chest, spreading through my body with each rapid beat of my heart.

Remembering how close physically the three of us had gotten since our marriage - and especially since Sirius did something so forward - I don't even notice the distance between our faces drawing closer and closer.

Our lips meet and a numbing sensation spreads from the point of contact.

Before I can overcome my momentary shock, the feeling changes into one of blissful warmth, now seeping into my skin.

Absorbed in the explosion of pleasure and affection, as we naturally part, I grasp the back of her head, pulling her lips towards mine once more, Alise mirroring the gesture.

Slowly continuing the kiss, I taste the pleasant sweetness, left over from the fruits she had eaten not long ago, complimenting her natural campfire scent that I've recently grown addicted to.

"Ryuu! Alise! We're switching in!"

"Shh! Everyone's still sleeping you stupid Amazonness!"

Separating, we scramble to disconnect from our passionate hold as I quickly look down to my feet, hands unconsciously clasping over my reddened cheeks.


Did I just do that!

Did we really just do that!

"O-Okay! We're over here!"

Looking over, I see that Alise is in a very similar state of utter embarrassment.

Although she has controlled her shame enough that she could respond to Noin and Iska.

Right... our night shift was over.

"Ah, here you two were. Anything happen while we were asleep?"

Still unable to respond, I let Alise take control of the conversation.

"N-Nope! Nothing happened at all! Absolutely nothing. All clear over here! Hehehe."

"Uhh... yeah, we get it, no monsters. Well, we can take over from here, we still have a full day of work tomorrow."

"Yep, c'mon let's get to sleep Ryuu!"

Flinching slightly as she grabs my arm, she then drags me to my feet as we make our way toward the camp with slow steps.

Feeling the familiar sensual heat still enveloping my body, I know that I still have yet to satisfy my desires.

But we can't exactly do anything with Celty right next to us.

Or maybe-

"A-Alice, c-could we maybe go to S-Sirius' tent?"

Eyes widening in surprise, her face returns to a vibrant blush before a smile spreads across her face and she gives me a quick nod.

Shame engulfs my mind as I realize what I just asked to do.

How indecent!

Uuu, I've become a lewd Elf, haven't I?

But... maybe that's ok.

----- Sirius POV -----

Waking up with a start, my lingering feelings of disorientation quickly fade away just in time to catch the reason for my very early morning.

"-still sleeping you stupid Amazonness!"

Fucking Iska!

At this point, I think she's doing it on purpose so she can always be assigned the first shift, yelling in the middle of the night like that.

Dammit, now I'm completely awake.

Leaning back down into my bundle of blankets, I close my eyes and try to return to dreamland.

...that is until I hear the sound of my tent's door being unbuttoned.

Looking up in confusion, I see a hand part the layer of fabric, revealing my two beautiful wives, both sporting intense blushes.


"Uhh, good afternoon?"

The hell kind of erotic situation is this?

I unconsciously start to get aroused by the current circumstances.

First, I like to sleep in a colder environment, thus currently I am shirtless.

Adding to this, three people occupying a one-person tent lead to us being in quite intimate proximity to each other.

And lastly, is the look on Ryuu's face and her general aura.

Somewhere between seductive and desiring, the closest word that comes to mind is...


Both stepping in while buttoning the door behind them, Alise turns toward me.

"H-Hey Sirius. Uhh, well this is awkward. We just wanted to-"

Interrupting Alise, Ryuu descends to her knees while grabbing my head, bringing my face towards hers before entering a deep kiss.


Okay, I'm officially lost.

Unconsciously leaning into her forward action, I wrap my arms tight around her torso, bringing her closer to me while I savour the sensations currently assaulting my mind.

Sweet, like honey.

Feeling that something is not quite right, I quickly notice the cause of my confusion.

The passion of an intense make-out session, yet done with innocent close-mouthed pecks one would expect from a first kiss.

...Which it is.

Do they not know what tongue is?

Well, to be honest, I should've expected this, my lovely wives are both incredibly pure and innocent maidens, after all, lacking any romantic experience.

Perhaps I should impart some wisdom?

I trust Ryuu to stop me if she's not ready for it.


Barging into my tent at night and attacking like this, they should be glad I can control my libido to this extent.

Opening my mouth slightly, I delicately lick at her lips, as if asking to allow me access.

Yielding to my demand, she opens her mouth, to which flick my tongue across her bottom lip a few times before suckling onto it. 

Giving it a gentle bite, my Elf shivers slightly in my grasp, her soft moan being muted by my mouth.

Recoiling from shock, she backs away as much as she can in this cramped environment, covering her mouth with her hand with an expression of delight and surprise.

Looking to my right, I see Alise staring at me with eyes filled with desire and excitement.

Pulling her close, I tilt her head up with my hand before giving her the same treatment I had given Ryuu a moment before.

Hmm, sweet.

But more like a rich caramel rather than the sugary sweet I had tasted before.

Separating our lips, a strand of saliva extends between us while Alise pants with intense fervour, gasping for breath.

Seeing that Ryuu's... hungry... look is back, I pull her close, the three of us now facing each other in an intimate triangle.

As if wanting to show off what they had just learned, the two stare at each other before their lips meet.

Seeing my two wives make out with such passion, only one thought can come to mind.


Not wanting to be left doing nothing, I lean my head into Ryuu's neck, peppering it with small kisses, each instance of contact causing her to squeeze the arm wrapped around my torso tighter.

Eventually, after minutes of switching partners, Ryuu and Alise eventually separate, both of their cheeks flushed in arousal with expressions of contentment.

Ryuu tucks a strand of hair behind her ear before speaking.

"W-We should get back to our tent. We still have to fight tomorrow and we should be well rested."

"That's good thinking Ryuu, I was getting lost in the moment."

My response causes both girls to slightly fidget before Alise responds.

"N-No problem, we did too. Well, t-thank you."

"No, I should be thanking you."

As their faces begin to flush, they both start to unbutton my door at a brisk pace.

Exiting the tent, they both turn back toward me.

"W-Well, goodnight Sirius."

"Goodnight, wifeys."

Not even recognizing my teasing words, they shoot off into the night.

"Haa, they didn't even close my door."

----- 5 Hours Later -----

Finished packing my tent, I lean back to stretch my shoulders, ready to face the day.

Looking back on the... stimulating night that I had, a smile unconsciously spreads across my face.

That really happened, huh?

Glancing towards Alise and Ryuu, who pointedly have been avoiding eye contact with me and each other since the morning, only further confirms my conclusion.

Though how did you two sleep in the same tent after all that, I wonder?

Anyways, the plan for today is to escort the miners as they get the rest of the minerals they need before heading to the 28th floor to rest.

The next day making our back home and possibly go out to eat in celebration of a completed quest.


And while I won't tell anyone, I secretly do want to get hit by some poisons on our way through the Dense Forest Ravine.

Both to grow my Abnormal Resistance and to test if Aqua Corona can cure illnesses.

"Alright, girls! Form into your teams, we're heading out in five!"

Well, time to get to work.

I wonder how Haru's been doing?

----- 15 Hours Later -----

As I've recently figured out, Aqua Corona cannot cure an illness, although it suppresses it quite well and cures the damage perfectly, giving me as long as my mind lasts to get an antidote.

Sensing a monster from behind the thick foliage, I step in front of the group with my sword drawn, ready to intercept.

Soon making its appearance, the large red t-rex-like dinosaur runs past the treeline with some speed.


The most common monster in the Dense Forest Ravine area, they hunt in packs using the dark cover of the forest to ambush their prey.

This pack behaviour amongst monsters on the deeper floors is why it's basically unheard of for lone adventurers to venture this deep, no matter their strength.

Though it seems this guy is a straggler.

Or maybe his pack got killed?

Doesn't matter, I don't sense any others lying in wait.

Glancing behind me and receiving a nod from Lyra, I flood my legs with stellar magic, intending to deal with this swiftly and efficiently.

Running low to the ground, I pick up a stray branch with my free left hand with a backhand grip, hiding it behind my back.

Whipping out Infinite Eclipse at a speed nearly too fast to be tracked, I aim the blade toward the monster's neck, intending to decapitate it.

My solution to my created Longsword of Light technique that's too strong to use with my body, creatively named Longsword of Sound.

While not reaching the same speeds as before, it still is fast enough to cause a small boom from breaking the sound barrier, and it also doesn't wreck my body.

So Longsword of Sound it is.

Still, the Bloodsaurus barely dodges the blow, leaving a deep gash along its neck, but not enough to kill it.

Smart fucker.

If I hadn't already seen this monster's surprising instincts and intellect beforehand, I might've been a little screwed, seeing as its jaw was nearing my seemingly defenceless body.

...But you see, I learned something quite interesting when practicing Stellar Sword Style.

Specifically, I was wondering what exactly constitutes as a sword?

As it turns out, basically anything that is shaped like a stick that you use sword-like movements with, slashing, stabbing and so on while keeping a hand on the 'handle'.

And this is very broad.

Broad enough to include a stick.

Imbuing stellar magic through my left hand to the branch.

Twisting sideways, I slash with the now glowing gold stick toward the monster's completely exposed neck, finishing the job of my sword and causing the Bloodsaurus to burst into ash before it could comprehend its predicament.

Sheathing my sword, I pick up the dropped magic stone before looking at my left hand and the disintegrating branch.

"Yeesh, thank god Infinite Eclipse is basically unbreakable."

Wiping my hand free from the dusty ash, I return to the group just as we near the staircase leading to the 28th floor.

Silently making our way up, I'm eventually greeted by the sight of a rainforest spanning the entire landscape, the distant waterfalls covering the rocky walls, while the water leads to various rivers around the floor, all leading to the large lake near the center.

The 28th floor, unceremoniously named the 'Great Rainforest'.

Looking over the scenery, I notice that Alise and Ryuu are standing by my side, sending a questioning glance toward me.

Before I can wave them off and rejoin the group, Kaguya appears from behind us.

"Alright you three, let's get set up. It's our last night so let's end it on a high note, no?"

Alise jogs up next to Kaguya as Ryuu and I bring up the rear.

"Yeah yeah, we know. Let's get this over with so we can go home and have a nice night out."

Alise says while stretching her arms across her chest, pushing up her cleavage.

Is she doing it on purpose?

"Speaking of a 'nice night out', don't stay up too late tonight, alright?"

The three of us stumble in surprise after hearing Kaguya's words, faces heating up in shame.


----- 1 Day Later -----

Opening my status sheet binder, I take one last look at the latest addition before placing it inside.


Name: Sirius Lovion
Level: 3 

Strength: H132
Endurance: H122
Dexterity: H144
Agility: H143
Magic: H164
Magic Sense: G
Abnormal Resistance: H


Heroic Will
Strike of Hope
Stellar Sword Style 


Celestial Ascent
Aqua Corona


Hearing a knock at my door, I turn to see Alise dressed in a casual outfit, a short sword strapped to her waist.

"You ready Sirius? We're about to head out to the Hostess."

Closing the folder, I get up before walking over to Alise.

"Yep, here just need to get one last thing."

Chuckling lightly at her confused head tilt, I bring her close to my chest before giving her a deep kiss.

Freeing her lips, I give a light peck on her reddened cheek before turning to grab Starlight from my bedside table.

"J-Jeez, how can you just casually do stuff like that?"

Attaching the sheathed dagger to my belt loop, I respond in a lighthearted manner.

"Hm? Because I love you, obviously."

Seeing her cheeks nearly match her hair, I catch her hushed murmur.

"I love you too."

"Mmh, I would hope so. Anyways, are you excited to see your friend again? Syr, was it?"

Her embarrassment transforms into excitement and she lightly pumps her fists with enthusiasm while responding.


"Yep! She's been gone for family reasons the past month!"

"Oh? So she doesn't know about our marriage yet? I wonder how she'll react."

Syr is an interesting character.

The waitress is an extremely sociable girl that loves gossip and romance, so she'll eat up the news of our new relationship.

Although from the subtle mental ping I get whenever I see her, I have a feeling she's someone important in the future.

Well, such an outgoing girl like her is sure to get into trouble, so I'm not that surprised.

"Yeah, I can't wait to tell her. Well c'mon, everyone's waiting."

Taking my hand, Alise then drags me out of my room towards the stairs.

I guess she's eager to tell her friend the news.

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