Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 35 – Progress and Spectators

Taking one last look over my equipment, I tie my hair back in a bun with an elastic ribbon before continuing down the stairs, feeling a hint of moisture and hearing the slightly muffled roaring rapids.

Entering the floor, I'm greeted by the majestic sight of the 25th floor.

A paradise of water, with numerous passageways varying in elevation and diverse bodies of water littering the area.

The beginning of Water City.

Today, I would be venturing into the Lower Floors for the first time.

By myself that is.

And for this floor, I have to be very careful about Iguazu and, of course, the Amphisbaena, the monster rex of the 27th floor that can roam up to the 25th floor.

Although it's rare for that to happen.

So I just have to remain vigilant and use my enhanced spatial awareness and instincts to save me from any desperate situations.

While it had been two months since the escort quest, I hadn't been allowed to go to the 25th floor until now due to Alise and Ryuu's insistence.

It seems my beautiful wives were quite worried for me.

Nevertheless, I grinded down on the lower floors, bringing in a bunch of valis and, more importantly, a bunch of excelia to enhance my status.


Name: Sirius Lovion
Level: 3 

Strength: D542
Endurance: E481
Dexterity: D552
Agility: D548
Magic: C646
Magic Sense: F
Abnormal Resistance: G


Heroic Will
Strike of Hope
Stellar Sword Style 


Celestial Ascent
Aqua Corona


Only when I got to my current level did they allow me to start exploring the lower floors.

Though finally being able to use concurrent chanting in combat had a lot to do with it.

After all, healing magic takes away a lot of the risk in adventuring, especially when it can be used in the middle of a fight.

While my stats are that of a mid-level 3, with the combination of sword technique, healing magic, concurrent chanting, stellar magic, my limit-breaking stats...

Yeah, while most adventurers after becoming level 2 have one or two of those cards in their metaphorical deck, I have way more.

Guess I'm just built different.

So with my focus on technique and overall quality compared to blindly rushing into the next level, I can fight on par with most level 4's while easily dealing with anyone on my level.

I finally caught up with them, huh?

Well, mostly.

The big three of Alise, Ryuu, and Kaguya are still way stronger than me, being talented level 5's with no sign of their growth stopping...

Yeah, I still have a ways to go.

Walking down a side path, I spot a lone Light Quartz.

A purple crystal body shaped like a buckler shield with a yellow eye in the center.

Seeing its body start to glow red, I raise my sword while enhancing myself with stellar magic, intending to dodge the attack and use its cooldown time to finish off the monster.

The glow concentrates at its eye, it shoots a beam of light, heading straight toward my chest.


Who knew I would see a simple core this deep in the dungeon?

Since Magic Sense had levelled up to rank F a couple of weeks ago, it brought some new revelations about magic and its cores.

I was now able to precisely know the position of some cores and their 'weakness' that I'd have to hit to reflect them.

Now why only some cores?

Well, from my testing, I could only sense low levelled magic like this, along the lines of Bad Bats and Hellhounds, maybe a level 2 adventurer's magic if their magic stat isn't crazy high.

Higher level magics like everyone in my Familias I can either not sense the core, or find out that their 'weakness' is way too complex.

Hence the name 'simple cores'.

I hadn't seen a simple core since the 17th floor, so imagine my surprise that I would find one down here on the Lower Floors.

Sensing no other threats in the vicinity, I decided to get some practice in.

Flooding my sword with stellar magic, I slash upward horizontally at the incoming magic, deflecting it to the roof of the floor.

Raising my sword overhead, I focus my attention on the incorporeal 'barrier' keeping stellar magic from leaving the blade.

Concentrating, I will the stellar magic in my sword to the edge, making the magic 'sharper' to 'cut' through the barrier.

Soon, I feel the familiar 'give' of the barrier before forcing the stellar magic out while simultaneously swinging downward.

A burst of golden flame.

Speeding toward the Light Quartz, it transforms into an arc before it quickly reaches the monster.

A 'boom' resounds as the monster is cleaved in two, both halves instantly disintegrating to ash.

Interestingly, my ranged stellar magic slash... which I still need a name for.

Maybe Starfall?

That sounds cool enough.

Anyways, Starfall, while I can use it with intense concentration, it isn't yet usable in battle, except for unique circumstances like what had just occurred.

If I had to say, it's like how Stellar Sword was before levelling up, needing some time to infuse stellar magic into my sword, time that I didn't have in a fight.

I hope that by my next level up, my magic stat will have raised enough to do it easily in combat, or maybe get a skill that helps with it.

The interesting thing about Starfall is that it does not possess a magic core, the core for Celestial Ascent being located inside my body.

I wonder if another Juggernaut spawns, will it be able to block my attack?

Or is this magic core stuff something only I need to do?

Meh, food for thought.

Stepping toward the ashy remains of the Light Quartz, I see that there is nothing else left of the monster, the only evidence of the battle being the scar along the wall that is slowly mending itself.

"Shit, I destroyed the magic stone."

Guess I went a bit overboard.

Oh well.

----- Riveria POV - 3 Hours Later -----

Having received a quest from the Dian Cecht Familia early this morning to procure some herbs on the 29th floor, Finn formed a team of myself, Bete, Tiona, and Tione, with Ais joining along last second.

That girl... she has calmed down a little with her reckless pursuit of strength, especially over the last year, but she is always itching to join in on dungeon explorations.

Well... it's better than her running off on her own.

With our Familia preparing for another expedition later this month, it's important that we finish this quest with no issues.

This will also be another opportunity for the four of Bete, Ais, Tiona, and Tione to hone their teamwork.

Walking through the familiar rocky path of the 25th floor, I sense a monster leaping out of the water beside us.

Raising my staff to defend, I see that I do not need to as Tiona jumps forward, bisecting the attacking Aqua Serpent with her greatsword.

...getting drenched in its blood in the process.

Haa, these damn younglings sometimes forget how to use their brains, leaping headstrong into a fight.

Well, at least she killed the thing.

"Haa, Tiona, did any blood get into your eyes?"

The Amazonness wiping at her eyes futilely nods her head.

I walk over to her while bringing out a cloth from my pocket before wiping away the mess she had gotten herself into.

"Jeez, be more careful of your surroundings, alright?"

"Yeah, I will. Thanks, Mama~"

This little!

Clicking my tongue, I pinch her nose as punishment, enjoying her reaction as she flails her arms.

"Ouch ouch ouch! I'm sowwy!"

Relinquishing my grasp, I give her face a look over, ensuring I had gotten rid of all the blood.

"Well, let's keep going. We still have to fight the Amphisbaena before we can camp."

Continuing our journey, we encounter a few more monsters before coming across a strange sight.

A lone adventurer, and on the lower floors no less.

Clad in gold from his enhancement magic, he is currently fighting off a group of Blue Crabs and Harpies, using his sword to cut down the feather projectiles shot his way.

Seeing his battle, I can say that he's strong.

I can estimate him to be a new level 4, with remarkable skills that make him on par with Bete and the Amazonness twins.

But still... why is he alone down here?

"Hey, Riveria, shouldn't we help him?"

"No, let's see if he can handle this himself. If something goes wrong I'll be ready to render my aid."

Cutting down a few more monsters, a feather eventually gets through his defence, leaving a large gash on his arm.

As I'm about to step forward to help the young man, I sense something that should be impossible.

A second magic.

Not even mentioning his ability with concurrent chanting, he's able to chant while simultaneously controlling his enhancement magic.


From the way his summoned water attached itself to his arm before quickly healing his injury, I can assume he had chanted a healing magic.

Able to cast healing while in the midst of battle while enhancing himself with a separate magic, and with his talented swordplay to boot.


And if he can level up further, he might become one of the strongest in Orario, no, the world.

Slaying the final monster, he then casually picks up the dropped magic stone and Harpy wing before turning to our small group with a curious expression.

Feeling a slight sense of familiarity from seeing his face, I try to remember where I could have seen it before.

White hair, blue eyes, a handsome face, a black blade, and golden enhancement magic.

It can't be!

Wasn't he a new level 3?

"Ah, what's up Loki Familia? Enjoy the show?"

Noticing the confused expression the twins are showing, I return the greeting.

"Celestial Sword. If I may ask, what are you doing so deep in the dungeon alone?"

Glancing to the side, I see that Ais is interested in the man before us.

It would make sense, after all, his progress is something that she can only dream of replicating.

Celestial Sword.

The sole male member of the famous Astraea Familia and the record holder for the fastest level-up.

Interestingly, he also holds the record for the second-fastest level-up, only taking a month longer than before to reach level 3.

While that is amazing in its own right, from those that have seen him in combat, what is far more impressive is the level of his skills and technique.

I guess Ais would also be interested in his sword abilities, after all, even an amateur like me was able to appreciate the level of his swordplay.

"Oh, nothing much, just slowly conquering each floor as I go down. It took a little while for my wives to allow such a thing though."


Since when?

So many questions, but there is a more pressing matter.

"Excuse my curiosity, but are you not registered as a level 3?"

He then tilts his head in confusion, loose strands of silver hair stuck to his face from the damp moisture of the room and his sweat.

Yeah... his success with women is not something I need to question.

"Umm, but I am though?"


No no no, that was not the strength of a level 3!?

Unless his enchantment magic is that good?

And if he increases his stats to S before each level-up...

Maybe he is a level 3.

A shiver then runs through my spine.

That strong at level 3... and from his progress, he will likely level up even more.

How good will he be a few years from now?

I can't even imagine.

Thank god that the Astraea Familia is friendly with us, if Freya got a hold of him... it might tip the balance.

"I-I see, and I assume you've gained a new magic?"

Nodding his head in affirmation, fiddles with his blade before recoiling after looking at Ais.

"U-Uhh, yeah, it's a neat healing magic. Hey, umm, Sword Princess, can I ask why you're staring at me like that?"

Turning to the side, I see that Ais is staring down at Celestial Sword with an intense gaze.

Before I can ask her to stop making him uncomfortable, she speaks.

"Fight me."


Smacking the stupid girl over the head, I sigh into my hand.

I guess her stupid recklessness hasn't diminished much after all.

"Ais, no, absolutely not. Not even mentioning that he's a level below you, we still have a quest to complete."

"But Riveria-"


Silence invades the air, only to be broken by Celestial Sword's words.

"Umm, I wouldn't mind a spar, outside the dungeon of course. Just come over any morning, that's when I usually train."

Seeing Ais' eyes light up while nodding, I sign internally.

This stupid guy, he doesn't know what he's getting into. 

You see, Ais doesn't really understand the meaning of 'spar', only 'fight'.

"Celestial Sword, while I thank you for your kind offer, Ais can be a little..."

"Oh, it's fine, I can take it. And please call me Sirius. I was hoping to see the Sword Princess' famed swordsmanship at work, and I'd gladly take a beating for it."

Suddenly sensing enemies, I raise my staff while the others ready their weapons.

Seeing many red blurs rapidly approaching, I click my tongue in annoyance and worry.

Iguazu, and coming too fast for me to prep my barrier.

While I can deal with this easily with my level 6 status, the others...

Well, I have my healing magic, so as long as they protect their vitals it'll be fine.

Blocking the barrage, I look over to see how the rest are doing.

Ais is fine, with only a small scratch on her leg.

Bete has a few more injuries, since he fights hand to hand he should expect that, damn reckless Werewolf.

The Amazonness twins each have quite a large gash, but nothing other than that.

As for the one I'm most worried about... 

His entire body is covered in golden light while his sword deflects the suicide attacks with relative ease, having a few get through his defence.

Hmm, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised he's able to keep up, but hearing that he's still a level 3 instinctively made me worried for him.

Turning his head and seeing the state of the others, he then starts to chant while dealing with the final monsters.

"-grant your blessing, awaken their strength."

Emerging from the tips of his fingers, five streams of water twirl through the air heading to Ais, Tiona, Tione, Bete, and the final one going toward himself.

Enveloping their targets, the water begins to converge on their wounds where they begin to heal a moment later, the water being depleted during the process.

Muli-target healing magic, and done with fine control.


Overlooking their bodies, Ais and Tione send appreciative nods his way while Tiona voices her appreciation.

"Whoa! Thanks for that, Sirius! I can call you Sirius, right?"

"Uhh, sure, what's your name, sorry? I only know you as one of the Amazonness twins."

"I see! I'm Tiona, and that's my twin sister Tione! Hey, hey, are you actually married?"

"Umm, yeah. Two months now."

"Cool! You're so young though, I hope that I can experience-"

Letting the excitable girl do her own thing, I turn to Bete, his face down while his face is set in a scowl.

I see, he did leave a pretty bad first impression from that joint expedition, and now the person he put down so harshly is at his level of strength.

...no, with his healing magic, in certain situations he's stronger.

"Bete, is something wrong?"

"Tch, I didn't need that damned weakling's shitty healing magic. If you get hurt in a fight, own up to it."

Haa, such an irritable fellow.

"You could at least thank him for healing the other three, even if you didn't want it."

Gritting his teeth, he turns away from me before walking away.


Massaging my temples, I release my frustrations with a sigh before turning to Sirius, who was looking at the retreating figure with a cold expression.

"I'm sorry about him, he's... just like that."

Showing me a small smile, he then gives a reply.

"Don't worry, I don't care about his attitude. Just know, if he treats Alise or Ryuu like that, I'll beat him within an inch of his life, got it."

Scarlet Harnel and Gale

Why would he-


No way...

"Um, are those two your-?"

"Wives? Yeppers, quite lucky aren't I?"


How the hell did he get two members of the goddess of purity Familia!?

And an Elf and his own captain at that!

Even after my years of adventuring, it still comes as a shock.

"I-I see. W-Well, we should be on our way, I wish you a happy marriage."

Taking our leave, we follow to catch up to Bete, with Ais sending a final glance back and Tiona being physically dragged by her sister.

Yeah... let's quickly deal with the Amphisbaena.

I need some sleep.

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