Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 36 – Orphanage and Soma

Sitting in the gazebo outside with Ryuu, Alise, and Mother Astraea, I idly pluck my lyre in a pleasing tune, one that fits very well with the wind sweeping through the surrounding garden.

A song from my old world, soothing and calm like a lullaby.

Although I have long forgotten the lyrics from the passage of time, I at least remember the melody and the notes.

As for its name... 'Don't Follow' I believe.

Finishing the song, I brush my hair out of my eyes.

Due to Alise's constant demand, I let my silver hair grow out until it reached shoulder length, though I always tie it in a bun or ponytail.

Annoying to clean, and sometimes distracting in combat, I don't know how all the girls deal with it.

Yeah, definitely not growing it any longer.

"That was very nice, Sirius."

"Thank you, Mother Astraea."

Giving me a smile of appreciation, my goddess then returns to reading her book.

With my body exhausted from the dungeon earlier today, it's nice to relax like this, even if it's sometimes boring.

"So you guys were out here."

All four of us turn toward the newcomers, seeing Maryuu, Ryana, and Haru, the ladder holding a large woven basket.

"Hey girls, what's up?"

I ask while setting my lyre to the side.

"We were about to visit the orphanage, I was wondering if you guys would like to join?"

"Sure, I got nothing better to do. What about you three?"

Sitting up from the hammock that she's essentially claimed as her own, Mother Astraea responds.

"I think that's a wonderful idea. I've been wanting to see how Maria has been doing anyway."

And so, our group made our way toward the orphanage.

I learned that the basket Haru had been holding was full of pastries that Maryuu and the little Renard had made.

Although I try not to spoil her too much, it's excessively cute how her tail wags unconsciously when she's praised.

Yeah... I have a feeling that as her older brother figure, I'll run into some problems in the future.

Rather, they'd run into me.

Soon coming across the church near the entrance of Daedalus Street where the orphanage is based, we're greeted by the sight of a group of children playing soccer in an empty patch of dirt.

As I expected, the kids took an instant liking to the sport as soon as I introduced it to them.

I mean, compared to passing a ball around with no purpose, it was a pretty big upgrade.

Noticing our presence, a couple of 6-year-olds run up to us, excitement visible on their faces.

"Sirius! Haruhime! Play with us!"

I give the kids a warm smile.

"Hey Rye, Fina, are you sure you want to play with me? Don't you remember what happened last time?"

Clenching their tiny fists, they stare back at me with determination.

"You won't beat us this time! We've been practicing!"

"Is that so? Well, maybe with Haru you have a chance, but I still don't think you'll be getting anything past me."

With Haru passing off the basket to Maryuu, we follow their lead as I crack my neck, getting prepared to show these kids how good of a goalie I can be.

...within reason of course.

"Sirius! Don't go too hard on them!"

It seems Alise has her doubts about me.

"I won't~"

----- Ryuu POV -----

"I won't~"

Sighing to myself, I shake my head as I watch Sirius run toward the group of kids.

Still, I can't help but smile seeing my husband's antics.

Ever since I started coming to the orphanage with Sirius and Alise, I've come to learn that both of my spouses are very good with children.

Whenever I witness their tender care and enthusiasm, I can't help but feel the warmth of arousal spread throughout my body, my instincts telling me to start a family with such loving people.

But the embarrassment I feel when thinking of the vulgar act that precedes it, the thoughts quickly die down.

Though thinking of how lonely I felt in my home forest with such indifferent people as parents, I feel happy knowing that my future kids will grow up in a loving environment.

The door to the church opens and we're greeted by Maria Martel, the kind older woman that runs the orphanage.

"Oh! Astraea! How wonderful of you to come! I see that you brought some of your girls too."

Leaving the others to chat amongst themselves, I look over to where the game of soccer was currently being played.

Haruhime kicked the ball over to a small human child who then turns on a dime, shooting the ball into the open net.

...at least that would've happened had Sirius not dove across the goal, punching the ball out of harm's way.

Didn't I say not to go too hard on them?

And now you're shirts all dirty.

Haa, such a troublesome husband.

----- Sirius POV - 3 Hours Later -----

After a few hours spent at the orphanage, playing with the kids.

...and some choice words from Ryuu.

I'm now walking down the streets of Orario hand in hand with Alise, looking for some meat to bring back to the Familia for tonight's dinner.

Glancing to my side, I see that Alise is looking at the surrounding peaceful, bustling crowds with an expression of happiness and pride.

It would make sense, she came into this city as it was starting its 'dark age', the streets violent with strife after the fall of the Zeus and Hera Familias, and Evilus running rampant.

A time of fear and sorrow.

But she worked hard.

They all worked hard.

To take up the mantle of Orario's protectors and lead its people back to times of peace.

I can't even imagine how nice it must be to see that your hard work paid off.


Turning my way with her head tilted in curiosity, I caress her cheek before closing in for a kiss, causing her to close her eyes in subtle bliss.

Separating, she takes a moment to notice how public our display of affection was.

"S-Sirius, jeez, what was that for?"

"Hmm? Well, you just seemed irresistible."

"Tch, save that for home, okay?"

Continuing our walk, I notice a small commotion in a side alley, and from how Alise sharpened her eyes in the same direction, she seemed to notice it too.

"Well, I guess the Familia of justice is always on patrol, huh?"

Not getting a response, Alise runs toward the alley at a speed befitting a level 5.

Enhancing myself with stellar magic, I follow close behind.

Hiding behind a set of boxes, we observe the conflict before us to try to understand what was going on.

Three men, around their late 20's, and from what I can guess all level 1, surrounding a small child.

A Pallum child, no older than 11.

Not very promising of a start.

"You think you could just run away? Huh?"

"You know you have to pay the fee to leave the Familia."

"And from the work we've heard you've been doing, you should be able to compensate us for the trouble, don't you think?"

"N-No! Just leave me alone!"

"Think you can talk back to us!? Well, I think it's time your seniors give you some punishment."

Rearing his hand back with an open palm, the girl covers her face in anticipation of the oncoming strike.

"I think we've seen quite enough!"

Standing with her face laden in anger, hands at her hips, crimson hair dancing in the wind, and eyes sharpened in fury, Alice confronts the thugs.

Seeing her like that sends a spark of arousal shooting through my spine, breaking my concentration on the conflict in front of us.


Save the little girl now, admire my smoking hot wife later!

"S-Scarlet Harnel!?"

The three men stumble back in shock and fear.

Well, at least they know that they messed up, and quite badly at that.

"Now, I'll give you one chance to explain yourselves, so do it now."

Letting her take care of that side of things, I walk over towards the girl, sitting down on the ground with confusion evident on her face.

Reaching my hand out with calm movements, I overlook her for any injuries.

Hmm, dirty, with a few scratches. 

Let's get that fixed up, luckily, since my healing magic is made of water, I can do some light cleaning during the healing.

"Hey there, I'm not totally sure what's going on, but we're gonna keep you safe, alright?"

Doubt flashing across her face, she takes my hand, raising herself to her feet.

So she's suspicious, at that age too.


"Here, I'm gonna give you some healing magic, ok?"

Chanting Aqua Corona, I let the magic flow across her face and exposed skin, removing some rashes and scratches that had accumulated across her skin.

Seeing her face of wonder as she looked over herself, I pat her head gently.

"There we go, good as new,"

While she recoils at the initial contact, she eventually becomes more comfortable with it, her face turned down while her cheeks become slightly red in embarrassment.

How innocent.

Scrappy clothes, a single cheap knife strapped to her thigh, and a small backpack.

Yeah... I doubt her story is one full of love and care.

Seeing her raise her head, I get a peek at her features.

Chestnut-coloured eyes and hair, the latter being unkempt and shoulder length, the uneven lengths showing that it was cut for convenience rather than style.

Though she still hasn't talked yet... is she that surprised?

"Anyways, could I get your name? Mine's Sirius."

Giving her a gentle smile, her constant state of anxiousness subsides.

"L-Lili, Liliruca Arde."

Feeling a familiar pain in my head, my eye unconsciously twitches.

It seems that she has some importance in the future.

Before I can think further about the discovery, Alise interrupts my thoughts.

"Excuse me!?"

Feeling the air become stagnant, I turn to Alise to see her heated expression.

From her furious aura, I think they might have pissed her off.

"'Private Familia matters' my ass!"

Yup, definitely pissed her off.

"Know what? Fine. Get out of my sight and be glad I stopped you before you committed a crime."

The three thugs scurrying down the alley, Alise breathes a deep sigh while massaging her temples.

"What was that all about, Alise?"

"Later. Hey, you're name's Lili, right?"

Receiving a nod from the girl in response, Alice continues.

"I've heard about your situation, we're gonna take you home to our place while deal with Soma. I promise by the end of all this, you'll be free, alright?"

Her eyes widened in surprise, Lili quickly brings her arms to her eyes, wiping away the tears that threatened to spill out.

"T-Thank you."

Giving her some head pats, Alise then takes her hand while taking mine in the other and leading us through the alley.

"My pleasure. How could I call myself a follower of justice if I let that slide? Anyways, you can rest at our home while we handle everything. Hey, you can even try one of our hammocks, it's a-"

I guess we'll be doing something with the, Soma Familia was it?


Though I guess we'll have to grab some meat another time.

----- 1 Hour Later -----

Now in the office with Mother Astraea, Alice enters before closing the door behind her.

"Yo Alice, how's Lili?"

"Oh, Lyra wanted to play a game of chess with her, and from what I saw before leaving, she was pretty excited about it."

Mother Astraea then interjects.

"We'll let Lyra handle her, she seemed to have taken a liking to her fellow Pallum."

"Mmm, good. Now let's talk about what we do next."

At that, Alise's carefree expression dropped into a frown, as did mine and Mother Astraea's.

Having already heard the story from Lili, it wasn't a pretty situation.

Being born to parents in the Soma Familia, she was a member from birth. 

Even worse, her parents gave her no love, only using her to earn them money, only to die a while later in the dungeon, leaving her to fend for herself.

Why were her parents so infatuated with money?

Well... that's an uncommon trait among the Soma Familia, due to their fixation on the true Soma wine.

Using the addictive properties, Soma, or rather, his captain, has completely overtaken the Familia, focusing on earning money through any means necessary, but that's not the main issue.

Lili, having spent her childhood mistreated by her Familia, decided to run away, only for the Soma Familia to find her and torment the couple that had taken her in, forcing her to leave.

This leads us to today, with the Soma Familia finding her and wanting her to either become their money slave like the rest of them or pay the fee to leave the Familia, one that was way too expensive for her to fund.

Yeah, the two women in front of me were far from pleased with the situation, especially Mother Astraea, as her fellow god had left his Familia to devolve into such a state.

"Well, let's not beat around the bush. Are we going to challenge them to a war game? We could easily force them to let Lili go, but that wouldn't change future Lili's from appearing."

Mother Astraea then clenches her fist, an expression of quiet anger, but mostly sadness, covering her face.

"Indeed, we may have to resort to that, but I'd like to see if we can give Soma a chance to change. From what I remember in Tenkai, although he was always focused on his winemaking, he would've never allowed his children to get to this point, not the Soma I knew."

Alice then stretches her arms while walking toward the door.

"Well, no time to waste then! Let's give that guy a visit!"

Making our way through the streets of Orario, we eventually make it to the guild, where we inquire about the location of the Soma Familia.

After walking a little longer, we come across the gate of the Soma Familia mansion, near the walls of Orario.

Seeing our entrance, the guards step forward.

"Halt! What business do you have here?"

Already feeling agitated by the interaction, I let the two women take the lead.

"I am the goddess Astraea, and I have come to talk to your god."

A flash of recognition appears on their faces.

As expected, the Astraea Familia is one of the most popular Familias in the city, and definitely the most loved.

...unless you're a criminal, that is.

"U-Uhm, we weren't expecting your arrival."

"Nor should you, I made no appointment after all."

The guards become uneasy before a voice comes from behind them.

"Then I'm afraid there's nothing we can do. Our god is extremely busy after all."

A disgusting smile, an off-putting facade of kindness, simply a repulsive man then steps into view.

"Nonetheless, allow me to hear your reason for coming here, Astraea Familia."

Alright, I don't know how, but this guy is already getting on my nerves.

Stepping forward, I spread stellar magic throughout my body, making my aura even more powerful than before.

"Unfortunately for you, it was not a request. We'll be seeing your god, or you can expect to see me on the battlefield of a war game."

His slitted eyes widen in shock, he stumbles back before recomposing himself.

"W-Well now, no need to be so violent, should the Familia of justice be making such threats? Bullying a weak business Familia like ours, how would the city react?"

Stepping closer, I feel my hair raise slightly as stellar magic cycles through my head.

"That was no threat, that was a promise. Take us to your god. Now."

Finally understanding the situation, Zanis grits his teeth.

"Fine, but do not expect a warm welcome from Lord Soma. This way."

Leading the way into the mansion, I walk beside Mother Astraea before Alise pulls my head down to whisper in my ear.

"My room, tonight. Got it?"

Slightly stunned at her forwardness, I absently nod my head.

Making our way through the mansion, we eventually enter a room decorated with barrels and bottles, revealing a man hunched over a pot, stirring at a constant pace.

No... not a man, A god.

"Soma, we need to talk about how you are handling your children."

Receiving no answer, Mother Astraea's eyebrows twitch in annoyance.


"I told you, Astraea Familia. Our god is too busy to meet with you at the moment, now please-"

He's interrupted by Soma's movement.

The god stopped his stirring to reach over to a bottle of wine before pouring it into a chalice.

"Children... they're so, disappointing. One sip of divine wine, and they fall under complete temptation."

Taking a sip from the chalice, he then takes another from the pot he had just been stirring as if comparing the two.

"Tsk, still not enough."

Divine wine, or Soma wine.

The perfectly crafted brew that is unavailable to regular people, it is able to intoxicate you with only a sip, and is so good you instantly become addicted to it.

It's also what led to the Soma Familia's current state of treachery and greed, the need to fuel their addiction to the divine drink, like a drug addict looking for a fix.

Not taking a single moment of hesitation, I step forward.

"So you don't see or care about the state of your Familia due to the disappointment of mortals? Well, allow me to enlighten you."

Giving me an uninterested glance, he then hands me the chalice he had poured moments before.

Well then, let's see if my immunity from mental attacks from Heroic Will helps me here.

"W-Wait, Sirius-!"

Before Alise could finish, I down the entire glass, instantly feeling the wooziness of intoxication overwhelms my senses.

And then, a pleasant feeling, no, pleasant doesn't do it justice.

The feeling of lightheadedness like you're falling from the sky while at the same time the ticklish pleasure of a loving embrace.

Wow... this truly deserves to be called a divine wine.

Maybe I could ask to buy some?

Anyways, I still have a point to prove.

Standing up straight and removing myself from Alise's hold, I momentarily close my eyes to regain my senses.

Seeing the god with a flabbergasted expression, I give him a small smirk.

"Nowwww~ do you feel enlightened yeeeeet~"

Stunned silence is all the god returns.

"As expected of me! I can even make the heavens themselves, uhh, what's the word again? Astonished! Yes, Astonished!"

Whoops! I did not mean to say that out loud!

Though their faces are pretty funny.

Hey, Mother Astraea, Alise, why are you facepalming like that?

You think it was cool too, don't you?

"Haa, anyways Soma, disregarding my child's antics, I expect you to fix the problems overrunning your Familia, or we will have to step in."

Yes! Go Mother Astraea! Tell the bad man off!

Feeling someone grab hold of my arm, I look to my side to see Alise dragging me away, her face slightly red.

"Oh~ I appreciate your enthusiasm, but I do think we should wait for Ryuu, don't you?"

"S-Shut up, idiot, don't say things like that in public! Come on, we're going home."

Dragged out of the Soma mansion by my lovely wife, with Mother Astraea following, we start making our way back home, me stumbling all the way.

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