Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 40 – 2 Weeks and Ishtar

Having been about two weeks since my level up, between getting used to my new strength, I figured out something very important about magic with the support of my new skill Magia Imperium.

In that magic is now fun as fuck!

While I still needed a lot of practice, I could now use my magic like it was another limb, even being able to shoot out bullets of stellar magic with a finger flick.

Although... my stellar magic bullets were quite pathetic.

It seems that I need to train my new control some more to concentrate stellar magic better.

Maybe I could create swords out of stellar magic out of thin air?

Send a bunch of magic arrows?

Wow... if this skill has the potential I believe, I might just become insanely versatile.

But that's just for Celestial Ascent, for Aqua Corona, the new control lets me easily control the water magic as it makes its way toward the target, as before it would only go in a straight path, being destroyed if there were any obstacles.

I'm also able to suspend the water magic after casting, so I can always keep a little ball of the spell around me if I need some quick healing.

So yeah.

Very good skill.

Ais was also able to become level 5, meaning that our spars can continue without me being out of her league.

I'm glad, the spars have been really helpful and from what I could tell, it was helpful for her as well.

Now stretching after my morning training, I sense two members of my Familia, along with two others, enter the house.

Uhh, that's weird.

The girls never cut their patrols short.

Ensuring Starlight is attached to my hip, I make my way into the common room.

Entering, I see Noin and Asta softly reassuring a pair of women sitting on the couch.

No... one woman, and one little girl.

Both with long brown hair with bright blue eyes.

I can guess the older one is in their 20s while the younger one is barely 10 and from their similarities, I can assume they are related.

"Ah, Sirius! Do you mind grabbing Mother and Alise, Kaguya, or Lyra?"

"Uhh, sure, I think all three had a night patrol, so they're in their rooms. What exactly is going on here?"

"We'll let them explain it once everyone is here. Please."

Relenting, I grab the four people and take them downstairs and to our two visitors.

With everyone seated, Alise begins the conversation, using a soft tone to calm the two's nerves.

"Now, how about we get your names first."

The older one then speaks up, holding the younger one in her arm.

"I-I'm Lilah Vesely and this is my little sister Alina."

"Ok, Lilah. Can you tell me what the problem is? From what Noin has told me, you were kidnapped by some bandits, but I can tell that it's not so simple."

Shivering in fear, Lilah's eyes begin to water.

"P-Please! Please save our sister!"

And so, they tell us their story.

A family of three sisters of that lived in a small hunting village a week's journey from Orario.

Their father died of monsters before the youngest, Alina, was born, and their mother passed away during childbirth, Lilah, the oldest, took responsibility for her sisters and started working as a butcher's assistant, providing for the three.

One day, on a short journey to the nearest town to get some salt and spices, the carriage was attacked, with the bandits taking the three girls as part of their plunder as slaves.

Being taken across the various villages, they eventually ran into a buyer, the buyer being part of the Ishtar Familia.

Not having enough money, the Ishtar representative paid for the middle child, Petra, while having an unwritten agreement for them to buy the other two in Orario.

Making their way through the side streets, as slavery is illegal here, they were caught by Noin and Asta on their patrol, which leads us to now.

Seeing the now crying girls begging for us to save their lost sister, especially the youngest, a primal, deep anger arises from my core.

Is this a parental instinct?

No, because the other girls are emitting a similar aura of rage, even Mother Astraea.

It makes sense, now knowing that a large Familia like Ishtar's had been keeping slaves all this time, right under their noses.

Yeah, no wonder they're pissed.

Mother Astraea then bends down, taking both girls' hands into hers.

"Do not fret, little ones. Our Familia will ensure that your sister is rescued. I promise. And a promise from a goddess is not one to be taken lightly. While we figure everything out, you two can stay in one of our guest rooms, ok?"

Noin and Asta then take them to an open room while the remaining five of us sit in silence.

Deciding to start this tough conversation, I speak up.

"So... what do we do now."

Lyra then sighs and leans back on the couch.

"Well, we can't exactly charge in there with no evidence. So we have to get that, or at least gain the support of one of the big two Familias."

Narrowing my eyes, I realize another reason to tread carefully with this matter.

"They also are the sole owners of the pleasure district. If we simply got rid of them, the city would be in turmoil. Or at the very least, very mad with us. We would need to find a 'successor' to the pleasure district."

The silence returning to the room, Mother Astraea then raises from her seat.

"I have someone in mind that should fix two of those problems. Kaguya, Lyra, if you two could escort me please."

With the three leaving the room, I move over to the saddened Alise and take her into my arms.

While she looks fine on the outside, I know she's crestfallen on the inside.

It seems that I can see past her facade a little better now.

"It's alright Alise. We're gonna save Petra, and all the others that have been taken."

"B-But! Ryuu and I, the doctor said we should quit any fights after this week!"

"Then don't worry. I'm strong now. Strong enough to take on most level 5's, while we still have Kaguya in action as a first-class adventurer as well as the rest of the Familia."

Noticing my words having an effect, I continue.

"Besides, your job right now is to keep our child safe and healthy, just like you promised, right?"

Her face soon blooming into a smile, I give her a small peck before getting up.

"Are you good now? I think I need a little more training if I'm gonna be fighting against an entire large Familia like Ishtars, right?"

Yeah... while I had made great progress in discovering my abilities and improving my magic control, what I need to focus on right now is my combat skills and instincts.

I doubt someone who buys slaves illegally will fight fair and square after all, I should expect assassins or something of the sort.

"Mhmm, maybe some more training with Kaguya? She specializes in human combat."

"U-Umm, maybe not? I think I can handle it myse-"

"Yeah, that is a great idea! As expected of me. I'll ask her myself when she gets back!"

Haa, well, it would be effective.

...maybe too effective.

----- 1 Week Later -----

A week after the introduction of the sisters, we were finally ready to remove Ishtar Familia from Orario.

Everything was prepared.

The plan, permission from the guild, specifically Ouranos, and the issue of the pleasure district successor.

How did it all come out so smoothly?

Well, that was thanks to Mother Astraea's person she decided to visit a week ago.

The Freya Familia.

The power and influence to get the guild and city on our side, the strength and numbers to ensure everything went smoothly.

And who better to take over the pleasure district than a fellow goddess of love?

So currently in the meeting room, were the two goddesses, Alise, Ryuu, Kaguya, Lyra, and myself, as well as several members of the Freya Familia.

Allen Fromel, the arrogant level 6 Cat People, known for being the fastest in the city, specializing in a spear.

Hedin Selland, the calm level 6 Elf, is an exceptional magic swordsman, strategist, and rear mage.

Heith Velvet, the level 4 Human healer, whose healing magic is considered the best in the city of Orario.

Ottar, the stoic Boaz, the only level 7 in Orario, captain of the Freya Familia, and likely the strongest person in the world.

While these four are certainly difficult to work with personality-wise, their skills are to be respected.

I hope I can pick up a few things from them.

Anyway, the plan is for Kaguya, Hedin, Heith, Allen, and I to clear the pleasure district, saving any captured slaves and removing their higher-level members from the battlefield while the rest of Astraea and Freya members would surround the district, ensuring nothing escapes.

Ottar, meanwhile, would be escorting his goddess toward Ishtar, where Freya would then send her to Tenkai, as it's illegal for a mortal to kill a god.

I mean you could, you would just have every other god sending enemies your way in fear.

If a fellow god kills on the other hand, it's just viewed as part of their usual power struggle, part of the 'entertainment' of descending to Genkai in simulating mortality.

Interrupting my train of thought, the pissy Cat Person speaks up.

"Hold the fuck up. While I'm fine with Heith coming along with her healing, what the hell would a level 4 bring to the table? I don't care if he's the fastest level up or whatever."

Sharing a glance with Lyra she shrugs her shoulders while shaking her head.

"Whatever, you'll be in a team anyways, so it can't be helped. Sirius can fight against level 5 opponents despite being a level lower and has an extremely useful healing magic, able to heal multiple people at the same time."

Hedin then comments.

"Hoh? I've heard about his enchantment magic that his alias is derived from, but I haven't heard of his healing magic quite yet."

Giving a confident smirk, I clarify.

"Of course not, I'm just that good I don't need to use it often."

...Which was then met with both of my wives pinching my sides, Ryuu voicing their complaints.

"Says the one who went through a high potion two weeks ago. Stupid husband."

Freya's eyes then sparkle with interest, focusing her gaze onto my wives' stomachs.

"The three of you are married? So that's why you two aren't participating. How interesting."

"I think we've strayed from the point of this meeting. Are you all prepared?"

Sending a nod to Mother Astraea, Lyra then finalizes the meeting.

"All right, then there's no time to waste. Our Familia will take the north side, their most likely method of escape, while the Freya Familia will deal with the other sides. Let's start this operation."

----- Hedin POV - 1 Hour Later -----

"Thank you! Thank you!"

"No worries! Just stay hidden here for the time being ok? By morning everything will be settled and we can see what to do next."

The silver-haired Human, Sirius, then covers the three women with a blanket, placing them back inside the room they had been discovered in.

Looking down at the passed-out Amazoness, I think about the pair of Astraea children in front of me.

They're skilled, incredibly so.

Especially their melee skills and concurrent chanting, enough to say they are near my level, the only thing keeping me ahead being my higher status.

Even though it took all 74 years of living in constant combat, either on Hjadningavig Island, or serving my goddess, they were able to catch up in their short 20 years of life.

I can see now why Lady Freya has an interest in these children.

Even Allen has stubbornly accepted the two as strong, despite his poor attitude.

"Haa, compared to having to heal the usual bunch of idiots, this feels like a vacation."

Sirius then responds.

"From what I've heard, it seems like you have a tough job in your Familia, Heith. Even though you've only healed a few people, it really is quite an amazing ability. I hope I can replicate it with enough training."

The two level 4's exchange a small smile.

"I think you can get there eventually, you're magic control is already exceptional, you only need more healing power. It would be quite amusing for the two best healers to have fire and water element healing magic."

"Well, I think Maryuu still has me beat. Her area of effect is quite absurd."

It seems that Heith has gotten quite close to the record-breaker.

It makes sense, despite her harsh words of complaint, she is a compassionate and kind healer whose personality doesn't belong in the hostile environment of our Familia.

The Astraea vice-captain, Yamato Rindou Kaguya, then walks up to Sirius.

"We're going to have a long talk with Alise and Ryuu when we get back. Prepare yourself."

"Huh? What do you mean!?"

"Haa, whatever, let's continue."

Clearing a few more rooms, taking out many Ishtar Familia members and saving various slaves and prisoners, we eventually reach a large room, reminiscent of my throne room from my homeland.

"So you are the ones making a mess of my place. Of course, that ugly bitch Freya would attack, jealous cunt."

How dare she insult my goddess!

"And Astraea too. Well, at least a good way to get back at them has run right to me."

Why... can't I say anything.

When my eyes meet with Ishtars, a thrum of pleasure echoes through my body.

I... can't move, and my thoughts are slowing with every passing second.

"Phryne, kill them. No, capture them, that will be a good way to get back at those two. Just be sure not to break them."

"Hehehe, well, at least I get to have some fun."

I'm sorry, Lady Freya.

----- Sirius POV -----

"Sorry, I'm taken. And you're a bit too ugly for me, not really my type."

At my words, Ishtar wears an expression of pure surprise while the large, ugly woman with a frog-like face.

Phyrne, was it?

Yeah, she seems pretty pissed at me.

"What!? Does a mongrel such as you not recognize my absolute beauty!? It seems that I need to ingrain my charm into your very being."

Licking her lips, she then brings out a large war axe.

Jeez, this world needs to discover therapy pronto.

...and mirrors apparently.

"Sorry, but I can't allow that. But really? Beautiful? You? Your mom probably had to close her eyes and think of other babies during breastfeeding."

The twitching hands, the burning fury in her eyes.

Yup, definitely pissed off.

Good, unless they have a berserker skill or something, losing control of your emotions is a pretty stupid thing to do in a fight.

Enhancing myself with stellar magic, I dodge the powerful axe strike while grabbing Heith and Kaguya, moving them out of the way.

Why the fuck are they all just standing there!?

"H-How can you resist my charm!?"

Oh, that answers it.

But really?

Just a look can make them charmed?

That's overpowered, fuck.

While I can take on this frog bitch, doing so while protecting these charmed idiots isn't gonna be that fun.

Seeing the tip of an axe speeding toward me, I raise my sword, flicking the blow to pass harmlessly across my head.

With her side now open, I imbue my sword with stellar magic and shoot off a Starfall, nicking her side as she leaps back.

"You, you fiend! How dare you tarnish my beauty-!"

Not letting her recompose herself, I rush forward with my sword overhead, sending a swift slash downward that she barely dodges, sending her leg kicking outward as a counter.

Defending myself with my sword, I block the blow, leaving a deep gash on her shin while I'm sent tumbling backward.

A relatively equal exchange, except with a drawn-out fight, I have the advantage.

Chanting quickly under my breath, water appears on my fingertips before quickly surrounding my body, healing the bruising and broken rib I had suffered.

"Groaah! That's it! You're dea-"

A flash of black crosses the room, sending her head tumbling through the air.


I couldn't even sense that attack, much less see it.

"Well done Ottar. It seems that the others got caught."

Entering the room, Freya surveys the sight of the battle, her mouth widening in slight shock as her gaze lands on me.

Suppressing her surprise, her eyes then flash in interest before releasing a pulse of divinity.

"How intriguing. For a child to not be charmed in your proximity while not even being a first-class adventurer... it seems you're beauty is truly exaggerated, Ishtar."

The four that had been charmed then waken from their stupor, the three Freya Familia members immediately bowing while gritting their teeth in disappointment.

"I-I'm terribly sorry, Lady Freya. To have been rendered to such a state."

"Do not worry, Hedin, Allen, Heith. I'm proud of you all for not completely succumbing to her spell all this time, it shows your loyalty and strength of mind."

Turning her warm gaze toward the trembling Ishtar, her eyes narrow while her smile thins into a line.

"Now, I think it's time to end this farce."

----- Alise POV -----

Seeing the pillar of light rise in the distance, the sign of a god being sent back to Tenkai, I turn my gaze to the four gathered in the garden.

"It seems that the operation was a success. Don't worry, Lilah, Alina. Your sister will be safe now."

The two then hug each other in relief, tears dripping down their faces.

Must have been quite scary, especially as they had to wait an entire week until we could rescue Petra.

But it should be fine now.

The good thing about her being bought is that they would be careful not to harm her, and I can trust Sirius and the others to save her.

As the two sisters continue their embrace, Mother starts heading inside toward the kitchen.

"Well, it seems that everyone has worked hard. We should prepare them a nice snack for when they return."

Smiling at her, my eyes widen in shock as I see Ryuu follow behind her.

"R-Ryuu!? What are you doing?"

While I am hopelessly in love with my beautiful Elven wife.

...especially when we do 'that', hehehe.

Cooking is the farthest thing from her strong suit.

"I-I want to be a good mother, to give my children nice meals made with love."

Her sky-blue eyes then turn downward, averting her eyes in embarrassment as Mother places her hand gently on her back.

"And is that not an admirable goal? Besides Alise, don't think I forgot when you made that pitiful attempt at, what did Sirius call it? Ah, hamburgers. I do not think they were meant to be completely black. You should join us."

Lowering my head at the reminder of shameful memories, I hesitantly give Mother a nod of acceptance.

Ryuu's right!

Uuuu, I don't want to be a useless mom!

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