Celestial Swordsman – Danmachi OC

Chapter 41 – School District and New Members

Finishing my final set of stretches, I lean over my outstretched leg, feeling a slight burn in my hips.

Ever since passing level 1, strength training has lost any effect due to my superhuman stats, but as for flexibility and balance, I could still improve with continuous exercises.

Hence my current position.

Correcting my grip on my foot, I think about the past week since the Ishtar Familia was destroyed.

We had successfully returned Petra to her sisters, so the Vesely trio had left the next day, returning to their small village.

With Freya Familia taking over the pleasure district, all of the prostitutes that were there against their will or were charmed by Ishtar were freed.

Of course, there were still more than enough girls to continue the business, with many enjoying the pleasurable way to make money and some simply liking the... activities the job entails.

So after a few days of organizational restructuring, everything was back to normal.

Wiping my slightly wet forehead, I head inside to the common room, greeted by the sight of my two lovely wives resting on the couch, Ryuu reading a book while Alise is drawing in the sketchbook I got her.

Now about 3 months into the pregnancy, a very small bump had started to form on their bellies, nothing big, but still noticeable to the keen eye.

"Hey girls, how are you two feeling?"

Looking up from their respective hobbies, the two smile at me.

"Morning Sirius!"

"How was your exercise, husband?"

A warm tingly feeling spreads to the tip of my toes at the gently worded 'husband'.

The way she says it so softly and lovingly... is this a 'mother's touch' or something?

"U-Umm it was good."

Sliding down next to the two, they both return to their activities before Alise speaks up.

"Oh yeah, what do you think you'll do with those Amphisbaena Fangs? If you don't have anything in mind, they would bring in a good amount of valis if you sell them."

"Nah, I'll think of something eventually. Besides, even as just a drop item, it's a pretty cool souvenir."

With the ensuing silence, I notice the lack of people around the house.

"Uh, where's everyone else? I know a few have patrols, and Haru's in the dungeon... did they all go shopping or something?"

"Hmm? No, the School District arrived in Melen yesterday, the guild requested any free level 4's in the city to help them in the dungeon."

School District?

Oh! That thing.

The School District is a ginormous floating boat that travels the world by hovering over the water and is essentially a giant school, teaching numerous disciplines.

Numerous gods are present on this ship, and their Familias are called 'Classes', while their captains are called 'Teachers'.

With anyone between the ages of 6 and 18 able to be a student, there is a wide range of subjects and levels of difficulty, with the main purpose of the facility being to help students find their path in life, and give them the skills needed to achieve it.

They also visit Orario by stopping in the nearby port of Melen every three years, although they skipped the last time due to the Great Feud and the general unrest around the city.

Many Familias use this opportunity to recruit some new members and many students take this time to visit the dungeon, hence why the guild requested any free level 4's to supervise them.

While that explains why most of the girls are gone, it still leaves a question unanswered.

"But... where's Mother Astraea?"

"Oh, she got a letter this morning and left with Lyra and Kaguya... though she didn't say why."

"Huh. Well, with Kaguya there there's nothing to worry about."

----- Astraea POV -----

Having received a letter from an old friend, I made my way to the School District that was docked at the Melen port first thing this morning, taking Kaguya and Lyra with me.

Strolling through the beautiful scenery, I eventually end up at my destination.

Opening the door to the small office, I am greeted by the sight of an old friend, her long black hair tied in a braid behind pristine white skin.

"Thank you for coming here, Astraea. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"Indeed it has Metis. These are my children Kaguya and Lyra."

Both give the goddess of wisdom a respectful nod, which Metis quickly waves off.

"No need, children. I'm the one who called you here after all. I do not mean to hold you here longer than necessary, so please sit."

Making ourselves comfortable on the cushioned chairs, Metis then rests her hand on the desk.

"I called you here to request something of you. I would like you to take two of my students under your wing."

I narrow my eyes slightly.

"Metis, you know that I do not accept anyone into my Familia, no matter how skilled. Their morals must be righteous and with our activities, they must have the desire to grow strong and be a protector of justice. But let's hear your reason for this request first."

"Haa, well for starters, they are both girls, so no need to worry about tainting your girls."

I smirk slightly, thinking of Sirius and the very unpure activities the three have partaken in.

It seems that even a good friend like Metis has misunderstood my reason for making an all-female Familia, mistaking my virgin status as despising the acts of sex and love.

Well, getting into an anomaly like Sirius would take too long, so let's save that for later.

"And they are pure-hearted, they despise discrimination and wish to ensure no one else goes through what they did."

Taking a breath, Metis continues.

"I do not know the exact story, but essentially their father is of royal High-Elf blood, while not being close to the succession of any throne, his status as a royal held significant value. One day, he had relations with a Human woman during his time as a disobedient youth, and left for his forest sometime after, leaving the woman pregnant with his second child and 4-year-old daughter alone as his people wouldn't take kindly to their existence."

She then went on to further explain the story of the two sisters.

Their mother, a few years after the second girl's birth, contracted a severe illness, incurable even with the best medicine.

Not having any other family, she sent the two girls to their father's forest, using the map and letter he left in case anything like that had happened.

Upon arriving at the forest, in tears over their departed mother, the two girls met further misfortune upon learning their father had passed away a year ago from a monster attack.

Now with no family, the girls were taken in by the forest as they were still technically of the royal family.

But as the days passed, the treatment of the two got worse and worse.

Whether being used as political pawns due to their High-Elf heritage or shunned due to their Human half, the two could only wallow in their despair.

Eventually, a way out of the forest came to them, a place where they could be happy.

Escaping, they were able to join the Metis class from the collection of their skills, potential, and Metis' sympathy for their plight.

Nearing their fifth year as students, Iris Sylven, the oldest sister reached level 3 just last year and is currently 16 years old while Ariel Sylven, the youngest, has recently reached level 2 and is 12.

To level up at that age without visiting the dungeon... they are truly talented.

"They can't be confided here forever, and they need a loving, familial environment, even if they do not know it, they secretly yearn for it. I could only trust you, not only to give them the warmth of family but to also not use them for their royal lineage and to protect them from the hate they may receive. So please, make them happy."

Hearing the desperate plea, I inadvertently sigh in sympathy.

It seems you really love those girls, Metis. 

To think that the logical goddess would show so much emotion on her face.

Mmm, it seems your time in Genkai has changed you, old friend.

"Well, it would be rude of me to not at least meet them first. Can they join us?"

"Yes! Absolutely! One second!"

Running out of the room, it takes no time at all for Metis to return, two girls following close behind her.

It's easy to see they are related, their matching blue eyes and shoulder-length hair with pointed Elven ears peeking through make them practically the spitting image of each other apart from their age.

I've yet to see blue hair on any Elves, is that a Half-High Elf trait?

The taller one has sharpened eyes, as if assessing the three unknown people in front of her, her body instinctively covering her sister who is glimpsing her head past the older one's arm.

The taller one has sharpened eyes, as if assessing the three unknown people in front of her, her body instinctively covering her sister who is glimpsing her head past the older one's arm

This must be Iris, I can already tell she's extremely protective of her little sister and distrusting of others, which makes sense after hearing their story.

The smaller sister, Ariel, seems much more... innocent.

Although giving off a meek aura, she still has a glint of curiosity in her eyes, with a cute button nose barely visible past her older sister's arm.

Most likely the product of the protection of her sister, she seems to have not suffered too much from her upbringing but is still shy from the lack of loving interactions

Most likely the product of the protection of her sister, she seems to have not suffered too much from her upbringing but is still shy from the lack of loving interactions.

With Iris looking like the typical cold beauty and Ariel being the extremely cute and curious type, I think we might have more problems than just their race.

Well, nothing we haven't dealt with before.

"Nice to meet you, Iris and Ariel, I am the goddess Astraea, while this is Kaguya, the vice-captain of the Familia while Lyra is essentially the manager."

Her eyes softening slightly, Iris returns my greeting.

"As you said, I'm Iris Sylven and this is my sister Ariel. Excuse my rudeness, but what exactly do you want with us?"

Ah, the sharp eyes are back.

"Oh? I would think that your goddess would have told you something at least, no?"

Seeing Metis shrink under my gaze, I have a feeling this talk will be a lot more difficult than I had initially thought.

----- Kaguya POV - 1 Hour Later -----

"I-I see. So, you truly think your Familia can protect my sister?"

"Of course. We all care for each other like family. In fact, we are family. But your sister will eventually be able to protect herself, at least, that is the hope."

Looking down, the blue-haired girl, Iris, contemplates Mother Astraea's words in silence.

From the past hour, I can say she would be a fine addition to the Familia.

...although maybe a bit overprotective of her sister.

But once she sees everyone in action, I would think she would trust us with their protection.

While I sympathize with her storied past, I'm glad that it forged such a mentality filled with determination and kindness.

Yes... definitely a fine addition.

"I... I would want to talk with Metis first before coming to a decision. Please."

"Go on. We'll be waiting here for your return."

As the two sisters closed the door behind them, Mother Astraea turned to me and Lyra.

"So... what do you two think."

"Well, we don't have to worry about making room with Sirius and Ryuu moving, but we'll only have one guest room after this. So we might need to expand soon, especially with the children coming around."

"Is that so Lyra... what about you Kaguya?"

"Hmm... Iris is good. To be expected from someone who reached level 3 outside of Orario, she's determined and strong. Ariel will need some training, she's a mage and from the way she walks, she has neglected her close combat skills. But they both need some experience."

Leaning back into the chair, Mother Astraea's smile grows.

"Good, I quite liked them myself. Depending on how their talk goes, we'll be having two new members. It'll be good for Haruhime and Lili to have another person their age around."

----- Sirius POV - 3 Hours Later -----

Done with my patrol, I'm currently resting in the common room with Ryuu and Alise held in each arm.

Sensing some visitors, I turn to the door which soon opens to reveal Mother Astraea, Kaguya, Lyra, and two blue-haired Elf girls.


Who the hell are they?

"Hey you three, welcome the new members of the Familia, Iris and Ariel Sylven. You two, the redhead there is Alise Lovell, the level 5 captain of the Familia, while the Elf is Ryuu Lion, also a level 5. The silver-haired one is the only male Familia member, the level 4 Sirius Lovion."

The older of the two girls, Iris as Lyra pointed out, then looks between us three.

Specifically at my arms around each of them and the bumps on their stomachs.

She then looks at me, with her eyes narrowed in disgust while standing in front of her sister protectively.


"W-Wait! It's mutual! We're married and everything!"

With Ryuu and Alise confirming my words, her hostility toward me diminishes.

As we all introduce ourselves, I learn that they are both Half-High Elves.

From what I know of the... sanctity and racism of Elves, especially High Elves, I could easily infer that the two did not live a simple life.

"Well, with you all acquainted, it's about time to give you the news."

Raising our eyebrows in suspicion, Lyra then goes on to explain.

"With your new level up, Sirius, you can now be counted as among the strongest in the Familia, alongside Kaguya, Ryuu, and Alise. We also have Alise and Ryuu out of commission for the next six to seven months and the two new members alongside Haruhime and Lili."

"Uhh, yeah. And?"

"Well, congratulations Sirius! You're the newest team leader!"

Showing us a paper, it shows the new team compositions.

Kaguya - Iska, Maryuu, Noin

Lyra - Neze, Asta, Ryana, Celty

Sirius - Iris, Ariel, Haruhime, Lili

"Although Kaguya is normally the main trainer, you've shown to be competent with training Haruhime and Lili. With you having healing magic, close combat skills, and ranged abilities, you're the best one to lead the newbies. At least until Iris gets a bit more experience."

Lyra then pulls out a small stack of status sheets.

"And here are the status sheets. Make sure you read them and test out the two newbies' abilities in person. You want to be able to best use their abilities after all."

Taking in all the information, I clarify what she's asking of me.

"So basically I'm their trainer slash bodyguard?"

"Yep! The city has calmed down greatly in terms of crime, and our income has never really been a problem. Besides, it's a great way to train your Daddy skills!"

Her final words set the two newcomers off.

""I'm not a kid!""

Pouting like that isn't helping your cases, you know.

"Yeah yeah. Anyways, I guess I'm your new captain. I already have an idea of where Haru and Lili are at, so once you're done getting settled we'll have a little spar, ok?"

The two girls nod before Lyra and Mother Astraea start to lead them upstairs.

"Now, we'll show you guys you're rooms. After you unpack everything, we'll go on a little shopping trip to get anything else you need."

The four leaving the common room, I look over the four status sheets.


Name: Haruhime
Level: 1

Strength: E456
Endurance: F373
Dexterity: D508
Agility: D510
Magic: C647




Uchide no Kozuchi


Name: Liliruca Arde
Level: 1

Strength: I97
Endurance: H105
Dexterity: G266
Agility: F321
Magic: E404


Artel Assist


Cinder Ella


Name: Iris Sylven
Level: 3

Strength: I97
Endurance: I84
Dexterity: H118
Agility: G208
Magic: H124
Swordsman: G
Abnormal Resistance: H


Sororis Amorem - Stats increase when fighting with Ariel Sylven, effect increases when defending Ariel Sylven.
Accelero Ruptis - Dealing damage to enemies charges skill, once activated, accelerates user with speed depending on the charge.


Hunter's Ground - Short chant wide-scale debuff magic that lowers the stats of enemies and drains their mind and stamina.


Name: Ariel Sylven
Level: 2

Strength: H138
Endurance: H103
Dexterity: G225
Agility: G237
Magic: F358
Mage: H


Sororis Amorem - Stats increase when fighting with Iris Sylven, effect increases when defending Iris Sylven.


Chain Lightning - Fires a bolt of lightning toward a target, upon contact the bolt leaps toward another target until magic runs out of mind.
Fulmen Lancea - Fires a powerful lightning bolt with homing properties toward a single enemy.


So... Haru is a swordsman, Lili is a supporter with some ranged support with her crossbow, Iris is a swordsman with support magic, and Ariel is a backline mage.

Pretty good team composition.

With Lili getting better and better at understanding the flow of battle and becoming a second Lyra, it won't be long before they won't need me anymore.

Especially since they can have a level 4 swordsman if Haru uses her magic on Iris.

Well, I also have to see the two's skills in actual battle. 

But that can wait for tomorrow.

For now, though, it's about time I read up on childcare, especially with magic probably complicating everything.

The library should be a good choice, no?

Maybe the doctor or midwife might be good too.

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